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Published by potti sriramulu, 2019-06-18 00:26:38



Volume 2
MAY 2018

This is a bi-annual newsletter, prepared and published by INDEX Pg. No.
Computer Science & Engineering Department.
Department Technical Association 1
EDITORIAL BOARD About Department 2
Infrastructure 4
Chief Patron: Corner Stone of the Department 8
Sri. Chalavadi Mallikarjuna Rao ICCET 2017 9
Founder & President Faculty Accomplishments & Participation 11
Department Consultancy Services 16
Patrons : Achievers of the Department 17
Students’ Achievement 18
Sri Ananda Rama Sudhakar Students opted for higher Studies 22
Vice President Internships 23
Training and Placement 26
Sri G. Malliah Events 28
General Secretary Students Corner 30
SKPVV Hindu High Schools Committee

Sri Sriram Radha Krishna Murthy
Secretary and Correspondent

Sri G. Pavan Kumar
Joint Secretary

Sri K.Venkateswara Rao The Newsletter is published by publishing division of CSE
Treasurer Department on behalf of Principal and Management of
Sri Dutta Subba Rao
Chief Mentor

President : Dr. K. Nageswara Rao Publishing Team:
Principal Dr. A. Pathanjali Sastri, Dr. Shaik Akbar

Editors : Dr. A. Pathanjali Sastri Faculty In-Charges (Publishing):
B. Srikanth Reddy, S. Babu Rajendra Prasad,
Professor & HOD B. Sarth Chandra, I. Murali Krishna, S. Krishna
Dr. Shaik Akbar Kishore, Mrs.P.S. Bhavani, A. Chandra Mouli,
Professor M. Udaya Tejaswini, Ms. D.S. Lakshmi

Faculty Coordinators: 2017-18

Mrs. G.Padmaja Associate Professor Student Coordinators: 2017-18
Mr. K.Sudhakar Associate Professor
Mr. B.H.Rao Assistant Professor 1.Mr. A Vamsi IV B.Tech CSE
Mrs. V.NAVYA SREE Assistant Professor 2.Ms. M.Spandana IV B.Tech CSE
Mr. K.Venu Gopal Assistant Professor 3.Ms. K. Meghana III B.Tech CSE
Mr. T.Anand Associate Professor 4.Ms.K.Priyanka III B.Tech CSE
Mr. V.S.R.K Prasad Assistant Professor 5.Mr Omkar Avinash II B.Tech CSE
6.Ms D.Vishnu Priya II B.Tech CSE
Please send your suggestions for improvement of the
publication to [email protected] Graphic Designer: Mr. Martin Sandeep Dundi

Date : 05.12.2017


I send my best wishes and greetings to the Potti
Sriramulu Chalavadi Mallikarjuna Rao College of Engineering
and Technology, Vijayawada for taking such a wonderful
initiation of publishing a Department newsletter “eyelight”.

I am confident that scholarly deliberations will take
place in this newsletter which will surely open up new vistas of
learning and scope of further research for the welfare of the

I congratulate the Editors and the Head of the
Department of Computer science and Engineering for
introducing this News letter.


President’s Message

“Eyelight” resembles the in house media echoing departmental
activities in the form of bi annual newsletter. It reflects upon
commendable contribution made by the students and faculty in
their fields of expertise as well as for the overall growth of the

Vice President’s Message

CSE departmental newsletter “Eyelight” facilitates our students and
faculty members to publish their achievements and efforts. It
provides a motivation to the students and also gives a reason to be
proud of their classmates, seniors and faculty members. I am
confident that the department will continue to shape the future of
the young minds and transform their potential into successful

General Secretary’s Message

Our college has always been dedicated in its effort in bringing dynamism
into lives of every student. The college is committed to foster in its
students the pursuit of individual excellence and participation in the full
range of academic, spiritual, cultural, social and physical activities to
make them evolve as all- rounder. At the outset, I congratulate the CSE
Department and Specially the Newsletter Committee Members for
their efforts in bringing out the News letter. Newsletter is an
amalgamation of all the events held in the department and it plays an
instrumental role in providing a greater exposure of the achievements
accomplished by the students and the faculty. We wish all the very best
in your endeavours.

Sri G. Mallaiah
General Secretary
SKPVV Hindu High Schools Committee

Secretary & Correspondent’s Message

A number of events were organized by the department in last six months.
Our committed faculty forms the backbone for every endeavour we enter
into. A clutch of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that were
organized ensure that each student gets more opportunities to display his or
her varied skill sets and latent talents. I congratulate the faculty and
students for their efforts to achieve excellence and wish them all the best
for the future.

Sri Sriram Radha Krishna Murthy
Secretary and Correspondent

Treasurer’s Message

It is important that one gets thorough grounding in academics as well as
moral strength to manage one’s life. Learning should be based on doing
things and not merely knowing things. The knowledge that you gain, the
fine qualities that you imbibe and the technical skills that you learn to
apply will be your major contribution to your parents, to the society and
to the nation I hope EYE-LIGHT will uncover the mile stones of our
college in its fruitful journey towards

Sri K. Venkateswra Rao

Chief Mentor’s Message

It gives me immense satisfaction that next issue of “Eyelight” is ready for
the readers. It is great to find a considerable number of winners and
participants in co-curricular and extracurricular activities which certainly
prove that our staff and students are adequately equipped and possess
necessary skill-sets to bring such laurels to the department and also
institution. I congratulate the editorial team for bringing out present issue
of newsletter. Wish you good luck!

Sri R.V. Subba Rao (Datta) B.E.,M.Tech(IIT-Kharagpur).,
Chief Mentor, Committee Member

Principal’s Message

I am delighted to know that the CSE department’s second edition of the
newsletter carrying the various activities and the achievements of our
faculty and students who earn credits for the department. The
exemplary achievements in doing innovative projects and grabbing the
prizes in various events in other colleges are the ample evidence of our
continuous success. On this gracious occasion I wish all the best to the
editors who are responsible for bringing out this letter.

Dr. K. Nageswara Rao

B.E., M.Tech., PhD., MIEEE., MACM.,


Editor’s Message

Greetings to Dear students and Faculty of CSE Department.
"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."--Henry Ford
It is a matter of pride as well as pleasure to present before our readers second issue of
department newsletter. As you read through the pages you will realize, that the department
had a particularly successful semester. I would like to thank all my colleagues for their
tireless efforts to help the department progress at a very steady pace. We do hope that we
will come up to the expectations of our readers. Your constructive suggestions are always

Dr. A. Pathanjali Sastri Dr. Shaik Akbar
Professor & HOD Professor

Editor, Dept. News Letter Editor, Dept. News Letter



The Department of Computer Science & M1: To practice the students with essential
Engineering was established in the academic concepts, logical ability, problem solving and
year 2008 with an annual intake of 60. The programming skills.
intake was increased to 120 from the academic
year 2010. Five batches of students have M2: To promote teaching and learning process
graduated so far. that yields advancements in computer science
and engineering leading to innovations and
Computer Science Department exposes research.
students to a broad range of subjects involving
advanced computer engineering and its M3: Practicing the organizational and leadership
application in industry. skills to the students with the multidisciplinary
knowledge through projects, industry training,
The Department imparts world class training leading to a sustainable competitive edge in
and platform for research to the students. The research and development to serve the society
Department provides state of the art computing needs.
facilities to the students enabling them to stay a
step ahead. It also promotes active industry- PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL
institute collaboration by identifying key areas of OBJECTIVES (PEOs)
interest to the industry and taking part in
sponsored research projects and consultancy PEO1
To acquire the essential knowledge of basic
The Department also plays host to a number of sciences and fundamentals in engineering and
workshops, seminars, guest lectures, analyze technical solutions to computational
conferences, faculty development programs, problems by developing the algorithms.
industrial tours and visits etc.,
The four-year course that lead to a degree in
Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech), adopt a To apply knowledge in the identification, design,
University-mandated semester system of 8 development, production, configuration and
semesters. Each semester is of 16 weeks maintenance of computing systems for real life
duration. problems.


To become center of excellence in computer To develop managerial skills, meeting societal
science and engineering by enriching the needs, leadership, entrepreneurial skills,
problem solving skills and teaching environment sustainable competitive edge in R&D and
that adapts swiftly to the challenges of the adhering professional and ethical skills.
society and producing professionals who shall
be the leaders in technology innovation,
research, entrepreneurship and management.


PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POs) PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and
commit to professional ethics and
A student will be able to responsibilities and norms of the engineering
PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply the
knowledge of mathematics, science, PO9: Individual and Team Work:
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering
specialization to the solution of complex Function effectively as an individual, and as a
engineering problems. member or leader in diverse teams, and in
multidisciplinary settings.
PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate,
review research literature, and analyze complex PO10: Communication: Communicate
engineering problems reaching substantiated
conclusions using first principles of effectively on complex engineering activities
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering
sciences. with the engineering community and with

PO3: Design/Development of solutions: society at large, such as, being able to

Design solutions for complex engineering comprehend and write effective reports and
problems and design system components or
processes that meet the specified needs with design documentation, make effective
appropriate consideration for the public health
and safety, and the cultural, societal, and presentations, and give and receive clear
environmental considerations.

PO11: Project Management and

Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and

understanding of the engineering and

management principles and apply these to

one’s own work, as a member and leader in a

PO4: Conduct Investigations of team, to manage projects and in

Complex problems: Use research-based multidisciplinary environments.

knowledge and research methods including PO12: Life-Long Learning: Recognize the need
for, and have the preparation and ability to
design of experiments, analysis and engage in independent and life-long learning in
the broadest context of technological change.
interpretation of data, and synthesis of the

information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and PROGRAM SPECIFIC OUTCOMES
apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including (PSOs)
prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the PSO1: Practices of mathematical ideas:
By using mathematical techniques

to solve problems using appropriate

PO6: The Engineer and Society: mathematical study, data structure and

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual algorithms.
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety,
legal and cultural issues and the consequent PSO2: Practices Of Computing:
responsibilities relevant to the professional The students obtain the knowledge of hardware
engineering practice.
and software by the capability of attaining

essential concepts from computing systems.

PO7: Environment and PSO3: Practices of Software Development: By
possessing the computing skills and
Sustainability: Understand the impact of the knowledge

professional engineering solutions in societal of software development life cycle, the
and environmental contexts, and demonstrate gain the practical capability and plat form
independent skills.
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable




#018 Lab In Charge: Mrs.V.Navya Sree

1. APSSDC Training Mechanical / CIVIL

2. CAD Programming Lab
3. Ansys Simulation Lab
4. IT Workshop Lab - Diploma MEC / CIVIL
5. Software Testing Lab – CSE

Total Number of Systems : 61

Common Configuration:

Operating System : Windows 7 / Ubuntu 14 Processor : Intel I3
RAM : 4GB Processor Speed : 3GHz
HDD : 500 Keyboard : Dell
Lan Speed : 100Mbps Mouse : Dell

#105 Lab In Charge: Mr.K.Sudhakar

1. UML & DP Lab : IV CSE
2. WEB Technologies Lab : III CSE
3. Electronic Circuit Analysis : ECE
5. A.P Skill Development : IV CSE

Total Number of Systems : 38

Common Configuration:

Model : Optiplex 755 -27 Lan Speed : 100Mbps
: Optiplex 760 -5 Processor : Intel Core2Duo
Operating System : Optiplex 230 -1 Processor Speed : 3GHz
RAM : Intex -2 Monitor : Dell LCD
HDD : Windows 7 / XUBUNTU Keyboard : Dell
: 4GB Mouse : Dell
: 500 GB


#106 Lab In Charge: Mrs.G.Padmaja

1. Data Structure in C Programming Lab : II CSE

2. R Programming Lab : II CSE

3. Operating Systems / Unix Lab : III CSE

4. A.P Skill Development : IV CSE

Total Number of Systems : 71

Common Configuration:

Model : Vostro 430,460,260 Processor : Corei3
: Intex -2 Processor Speed : 3GHz
Operating System : Windows 7 / XUBUNTU Keyboard : Dell
RAM : 2GB Mouse : Dell
HDD : 500 GB
Lan Speed : 100Mbps

#204 Lab In Charge: Mrs.CH.B.V.Durga

1. Python Programming Lab : II CSE
3. P Spice Lab : IV EEE
4. MPM Lab : IV EEE
5. IT Lab : I MBA

Total Number of Systems : 71

Common Configuration:

Operating System : Windows 7 / Processor Speed : 3GHz
UBUNTU14 Keyboard : Dell
RAM : 2GB Mouse : Dell
HDD : 500 GB
Lan Speed : 100Mbps
Processor : Intel Core2Duo


#205 Lab In Charge: Mr.K.Venu Gopal

2. CAD Lab Pro : IV CIVIL
3. Mobile Application
Development : All Years
4. Project Lab

Total Number of Systems : 36

Common Configuration:

Operating System : Windows 7 / Keyboard : Dell
XUBUNTU Mouse : Dell
HDD : 500 GB
Lan Speed : 100Mbps
Processor : Intel I5
Processor Speed : 3GHz

#305A Lab In Charge: Mr. B. Rajesh Kumar

1. English Communication Lab : I. B.Tech

Total Number of Systems : 60

Common Configuration:

Operating System : Windows XP / UBUNTU
HDD : 80 GB
Lan Speed : 100Mbps
Processor : Intel Pentium IV
Processor Speed : 1.8GHz
Keyboard : Dell
Mouse : Dell


#305B Lab In Charge: Mr. I. Murali Krishna

1. Computer Programming Lab : I. B.Tech
2. IT Workshop Lab : I ECE
3. Hadoop and Big Data Lab : IV CSE

Total Number of Systems : 66

Common Configuration:

Operating System : Windows XP / 7 Processor Speed : 3 GHz
UBUNTU 14 Keyboard : Dell
RAM : 4GB Mouse : Dell
HDD : 160 GB
Lan Speed : 100Mbps
Processor : Core 2Duo





ICCET 2017

The First ever International Conference from PSCMR College of Engineering & Technology, Vijayawada-
1 was held from 31st March 2017 to 1st April 2017. The research papers from all the engineering
streams and also diversified areas of technology has been invited and we had tremendous response
from more than 300 people. At the outset 130 people have attended and 100 papers has been
presented in various branches of engineering. The highlights are as listed below.

 38 Papers has been presented in CSE
 The department of CSE has achieved two best papers
 Dignitaries from various Technology, R&D was decorated the event by delivering the high end

technical talks.
 The event was organized in four sessions, two per day
 The department of CSE has published 18 papers in this conference at its highest for this event.


The faculty of CSE has presented the following list of papers in the ICCET 2017 International Conference

1 A.PATHANJALI SASTRI Assessment in the Project Life Cycle MARCH Best Paper
3 G.PADMAJA Big Data Cyber Security Threats for VJA
4 V.NAVYA SREE Mutual Detection Best Paper
6 A.CHANDRA MOULI A Hybrid Steganography and VJA
7 B.SARATH CHANDRA Cryptography with Analysis and
Dynamic Resource Allocation Using
Cloud Computing Environment. ICCET, PSCMRCET, MARCH Best Paper
VJA MARCH Award Received
Dynamic Resource Allocation Using MARCH
Cloud Computing Environment. ICCET, PSCMRCET, MARCH
Security Enhanced Distributed Dynamic
Routing Algorithms ICCET, PSCMRCET,
Security Enhanced Distributed Dynamic
Routing Algorithms ICCET, PSCMRCET,
Big Data Cyber Security Threats for
Mutual Detection ICCET, PSCMRCET,
Morophological Background Detection
and Enhancement of Image from poor ICCET, PSCMRCET, MARCH
Lighting VJA

10 K.SUDHAKAR The Impact of Connected Things with ICCET, PSCMRCET, MARCH
Intelligent Management Platform- An VJA
11 V.S.R.K.PRASAD IoT Solution MARCH
13 P.S.BHAVANI Smart Farming System Using IOT VJA MARCH
Smart Farming System Using IOT ICCET, PSCMRCET,
An Android Application For Canteen
Automation System ICCET, PSCMRCET,
IOT via TCP/IP Network
The Impact of Connected Things with VJA
Intelligent Management Platform- An

16 K.SUDHAKAR Morophological Background Detection ICCET, PSCMRCET, MARCH
17 CH.B.V.DURGA and Enhancement of Image from poor VJA
18 M.U.TEJASWINI Lighting
Keyword Search in Multi-Dimensional VJA MARCH
Keyword Search in Multi-Dimensional VJA



PAPER PUBLICATIONS Dr. A. Pathanjali Sastri, Professor & HOD

Dr.K.Nageswara Rao, Professor & Principal 1. Awarded Ph.D in Computer Science
and Engineeing from Rayalaseema
1. Dr. K. Nageswara Rao, “Consistent Use of the Risk University in the month of December,
Assessment in the Project Life Cycle”, Journal of 2017, guided by Dr.K.Nageswara Rao,
Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Principal, PSCMR College of
SCOPUS Indexed Journal, ISSN 1943-023X, pp. 213- Engineering and Technology,
217, 2017. Vijayawada.

2. Dr. K. NageswaraRao, “Big Data Cyber Security Paper Publications
Threats for Mutual Detection”, International Journal of
Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM), ISSN:1311- 1. “Consistent Use of the Risk Assessment in the
8080 (printed); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line), Volume Project Life Cycle”, A. Pathanjali Sastri and K.
114, No. 11, pp. 19-26, September, 2017. SCOPUS Nageswara Rao, Journal of Advanced Research in
Indexed Journal. Dynamical and Control Systems, SCOPUS Indexed
Journal, ISSN 1943-023X, pp. 213-217, 2017.
Conference Publications

1. Dr. K.Nageswara Rao, “Big Data Cyber Security Conference Publications
Threats for Mutual Detections”, attended an
International Conference on Contemporary Engineering 1. Presented conference
and Technology 2017, (ICCET 2017), Potti Sri Ramulu paper on “Assessment in
Chalavadhi Mallikarjuna Rao College of Engineering the Project Life Cycle "
and Technology, Vijayawada, India, March 31 to April at the International
1, 2017 presented and selected best paper award. Conference on
Contemporary Engineering and Technology (ICCET-
Book Publications 2017) held at PSCMRCET, Vijayawada during 30th
March and 1st April 2017, Selected best paper award.
1. Published “Python
Project / Seminar Proposals
Programming” Text
1. Applied UGC- National level Seminar Proposal on
book (JNTUK “IoT(Internet of Things) – Future Research
Challenges”, September,2017.
Syllabus) by SCITECH


CHENNAI as a Second

Author, September,

2017. ISBN (Print): 978-93-859834-5-0.

2. Accepted to publish “Problem solving and Python 2. Applied UGC-Minor Project Proposal on “Municipal
Programming” Text book (Anna University Syllabus) Waste Management System”, September, 2017.
Being an External Judge / Chair / Member
Project Proposals
1.Keynote Address on “Why be concerned about IoT?”
1. Applied UGC-Minor Project Proposal on ”Municipal on 11/07/2017 during a two-day workshop on “Routing
Waste Management System”, September, 2017. and Switching” organized by the computer sciences
department of KBN College.


2. Involved as a Jury member in district level Fest 2. Dr.Shaik Akbar, “Big data Methodologies based on
POLY TECHFEST-2017 during 8-9-2017 to 9-9-2017 Data Analysis”, International Journal of Trend in
at PSCMRCET. Research and Development (IJTRD) (2394-9333)
Volume.4.Issue.4, pp.11-16, July-August 2017. UGC
3. Acted as a Conference Chair person for the Approved Journal List No:47983.
International Conference on Contemporary Engineering
and Technology 2017, (ICCET 2017), held at Conference Publications
PSCMRCET, Vijayawada during 30th March and 1st
April 2017. 1. Dr. Shaik Akbar, “Big Data
Cyber Security Threats for
Dr.B.D.C.N.PRASAD, Professor Mutual Detections”, attended
an International Conference
1. One Student awarded Ph.D Degree (August 2017) on Contemporary Engineering
from Rayalaseema University and three students are and Technology 2017,
pursuing Ph.D under the guidance of (ICCET 2017), Potti Sri Ramulu Chalavadhi
Dr.B.D.C.N.Prasad. Mallikarjuna Rao College of Engineering and
Technology, Vijayawada, India, March 31 to April 1,
2. Published a paper entitled “A Heart Disease 2017 presented and selected best paper award.
Predection Model using Quality Management and SVM
with Logistic Regression" in International Journal for Book Publications
modern trends in Science and technology IJMTST
ISSN 2455-3778 Volume 3 , Issue 8 August 2017. 1. Published “Python Programming” Text book
3. Published a paper entitled “A study on effective Data CHENNAI as a Second Author, September, 2017,
quality management in health sector" International ISBN (Print): 978-93-859834-5-0.
Journal of Research in Computer Science &
Engineering IJRCSE ISSN 2321 – 5585 Volume 7 , 2. Accepted to publish “Problem Solving and Python
Issue 2 APRIL 2017. Programming” Text book (Anna University Syllabus)
4. Published a paper entitled “A Novel approach for
data quality analysis on hospital data" International Project / Seminar Proposals
Journal of Research in Computer Science &
Engineering IJRCSE ISSN 2321 – 5585 Volume 7 , 1. Completion of the Pilot Project “An IoT Technology
Issue 2 APRIL 2017. for D-2-D Authentic Data Collection for Municipal
Solid Waste Management System” at Srisailam Temple
5. As a Reviewer for the International Journal of Town and report submitted to PM & HRM Consultant,
Security and Networks published by Inder science Directorate of MA&UD, GoAP, Guntur.

Dr.Shaik Akbar, Professor 2. Applied UGC- National level Seminar Proposal on
Paper Publications “IoT(Internet of Things) – Future Research
Challenges”, September,2017.

1. Dr.Shaik Akbar, “Big Data Cyber Security Threats 3. Applied UGC-Minor Project Proposal on”Municipal
for Mutual Detection”, International Journal of Pure Waste Management System”, September, 2017.
and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM), ISSN:1311-8080
(printed); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line), Volume 114, No.
11, pp. 19-26, September, 2017. SCOPUS Indexed


Being an External Judge 2. Presented the conference paper entitled “Automatic
Brain Tumor Detection using Fast Fuzzy CMeans
1. Chaired a Technical Session in International Algorithm” in SPRINGER collaborated 5th
Conference on Contemporary Engineering and International Conference on Innovations in Computer
Technology 2017(ICCET 2017), PSCMR College of Science & Engineering (ICICSE-2017) held at
Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada, March 31 to Gurunanak Institutions, Hyderabad. On 18th and 19th
April 1, 2017. August 2017.

2. Chaired a Technical Session International 3. Presented the conference paper entitled
Conference on Recent Research Approaches in “Performance preview on Image Super Resolution
Engineering, Management and Multidisciplinary Using Wavelets Transform Based on Samples” in
Studies (ICRRAEMMS -2017), Hotel Ilapuram, SPRINGER Collaborated International conference on
Vijayawada, India, April 29th 2017. Computational intelligence and Data Engineering
(ICCIDE-2017) held at Laki reddy Bali Reddy College
Certificate of Appreciation Of Engineering in Vijayawada on 14th and 15th July
1. Certificate of Appreciation as most active reviewer
of the International Arab Journal of Information 4. Presented the conference paper entitled “Adaptive
Technology (IAJIT) for the year 2016. ROI Search for 3D Visualization of MRI Medical
Images” in IEEE Sponsored International Conference
Completed Advanced Courses on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft
Computing (ICECDS)-2017 held at SKR Engineering
1. Certificate for Completion of C++ training, offered College, Chennai, during 1st -2nd August 2017.
by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by
National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Completed Advanced Courses
Govt., of India,11th April 2017.

Mrs. Padmaja Grandhe, Associative Professor 1. Completed online certification course on "C” from
Paper Publications Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by
National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD,
1. Published a paper entitled “Mitigation of Data from Govt., of India on April 8th 2017.
MS-Access to Oracle” , in UGC Approved
International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in 2. Completed online certification course on "CPP” from
Computer Science IJIACS ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by
6 , Issue 8 August 2017. National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD,
Govt., of India on April 11th 2017.

2. Paper entitled " An Extensive Study of Visual Search Coordinator for National/International Events
Models on Medical Databases", accepted to publish in
lecture notes in networks and systems Springer 1. Acted as coordinator for 1 day Motivational Talk on
publication, Volume 7, chapter 23, ISBN:978-981-10- “Women Empowerment” by Smt.Lakshmi Surapaneni
3811-2. on 7/8/2017 in PSCMRCET.

Conference Publications Mrs. V.Navya Sree, Assistant Professor
Conference Publications
1. Presented a conference paper on “Mitigation of Data
from MS-Access to Oracle”, at the 3rd International 1. Presented the conference paper entitled “Automatic
conference on Advances in Engineering, Applied Brain Tumor Detection using Fast Fuzzy C Means
Science & Management (ICAEASM-2017) held at C- Algorithm” Mrs. V.Navya sree in SPRINGER
DAC Mumbai on 20th August 2017.


collaborated 5th International Conference on Mr. B. Sarath Chandra, Assistant Professor
Innovations in Computer Science & Engineering
(ICICSE-2017) held at Gurunanak Institutions, 1. Participated 1 day Faculty Development Programme
Hyderabad. On 18th and 19th august 2017. (FDP) on Block Chain Technologies” on 15-07-2017
under CSI chapter.
Completed Advanced Courses

1. Completed online certification course on “NOSQL Mr. I.Murali Krishna, Assistant Professor
and DBAS 101” from Big data university on 17th June

2017. Coordinator for National/International Events

Coordinator for National/International Events 1. Conducted a 12 Days Internal Workshop on "Web
Designing through PHP” during April-May 2017 for III
1. Acted as coordinator for 1 day Motivational Talk on B.Tech CSE Students(2015-2019 Batch)
“Women Empowerment” by Smt.Lakshmi Surapaneni
on 7/8/2017 in PSCMRCET. 2. Acted as Coordinator for One day National Level
Workshop on “Block Chain Technologies” on 15-07-
Mr. B. Srikanth Reddy, Assistant Professor 2017 under CSI chapter.

Being an External Judge Book Publications

1. Acted as a judge in district level jana vignana mele 1. Accepted by SciTech Publisher to publish the book

conducted at sri vijnana vihara English Medium School on “Problem solving and Python Programming” for

on 20/9/2017. Anna University 2017.

Completed Advanced Courses Mr. V.S.R.K.Prasad. G, Assistant Professor

1. Completed the ONLINE Certification course, C 1. Participated 1 day Faculty Development Programme
exam under the IIT BOMBAY,8-04-2017. (FDP) on Block Chain Technologies” on 15-07-2017
under CSI chapter.
2. Completed the ONLINE Certification course, CPP
exam under the IIT BOMBAY,11-04-2017. Completed Advanced Courses

3. Completed the ONLINE Certification course, Java 1. Completed online certification course on
exam under the IIT BOMBAY,12-04-2017. “Introduction to Data Science in Python” from Data
Camp on 1st September 2017.
4. Acted as a coordinator for engineer's day celebrations
at PSCMRCET on 15th october 2017. 2. Completed online certification course on “Python
Mega course” from udemy on 1st august 2017
Mrs. Ch.B.V. Durga, Assistant Professor
Ms. Lakshmi.D.S, Assistant Professor
Completed Advanced Courses
1. Participated 1 day Faculty Development Programme
1. Completed online certification course on "C" from (FDP) on Block Chain Technologies” on 15-07-2017
Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by under CSI chapter.
National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD,
Govt., of India on September 1st 2017. Being an External Judge / Jury Member
1. Involved as a jury member in district level Fest
POLY TECHFEST-2017 during 8-9-2017 to 9-9-2017


Mr. SBR Prasad, Assistant Professor Mr. K.Sudhakar, Associate Professor

Being an External Judge 1. Attended a workshop on “Workshop on Empowering
Teaching Excellence through E-Learning Platforms”
1. Acted as a judge in district level jana vignana mele on 8th July 2017 at JNTU-Kakinada.
conducted at sri vijnana vihara English Medium School
on 20/9/2017. 2. Attended one day CSI Collaborated Workshop on
Mrs. K.Sirisha, Programmer at PSCMR College of Engineering & Technology,
Vijayawada-1, India.
1. Completed online certification course on
“Introduction to R Programming” from Data Camp on 3. Attended One Day Workshop on “i2E-
21st July 2017. Entrpreneurship Educators” program on 08th August
2017, Vijayawada, India.
2. Completed online certification course on
“Introduction to Python” from Data Camp on 1st august 4. Attended National Instruments Workshop for
2017. Academic & Researchers at Vijayawada on 26th
September 2017.
3. Completed the ONLINE Certification course, C
exam under the IIT BOMBAY, 3-04-2017. Mr. I.Murali Krishna, Assistant Professor

4. Completed the ONLINE Certification course, CPP 1. Attended a workshop on “Workshop on “BLOCK
exam under the IIT BOMBAY, 10-04-2017. CHAIN TECHNOLOGY” on 15th July 2017 at
PSCMRCET, under CSI chapter.
Conferences/Workshops/Seminars / FDP’s Attended
Mr. B. Hanumantha Rao, Assistant Professor
Prof. A. Pathanjali Sastri, Professor & HOD
1. Attended One Day Workshop on “Block Chain
1. Attended One Day Workshop on “Block Chain Technology”, 15th July 2017, PSCMR College of
Technology”, 15th July 2017, PSCMR College of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada under CSI
Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada under CSI chapter.
2. Attended Two day instructional workshop on python
Dr.Shaik Akbar, Professor programming by JNTU, VIZANAGARAM on july-
1st,2nd 2017.
1. Two Day National Symposium on “Smart Cities
Challenges & Opportunities”, Organized by ITAAP, Mr. B. Srikanth Reddy, Assistant Professor
5th & 6th May 2017, Fortune Murali Park, Vijayawada.
1. Attended a workshop on “Workshop on Empowering
2. Attended One Day Workshop on “Block Chain Teaching Excellence through E-Learning Platforms” on
Technology”, 15th July 2017, PSCMR College of 8th July 2017 at JNTU-Kakinada.
Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada under CSI
chapter. 2. Attended a workshop on “Workshop on “BLOCK
CHAIN TECHNOLOGY” on 15th July 2017 at
3. Three Day Residential Training Programme on PSCMRCET, under CSI chapter.
“Municipal Waste Management System”, 6th – 8th
April, 2017, Andhra Pradesh Human Resource Mrs. V.Navya Sree, Assistant Professor
Development Institute (APHRDI), Government of
Andhra Pradesh, Bapatla. 1. Completed 60 hours of professional development


course on “Java Fundamentals and Programming” by Mr. SBR Prasad, Assistant Professor
ORACLE Academy organized in VVIT, Guntur by
department of CSE from 7/8/2017 to 11/08/2017. 1. Attended One Day Workshop on “Block Chain
Technology”, 15th July 2017, PSCMR College of
2. Attended one day National Level Workshop on Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada under CSI
“Block Chain Technologies” on 15-07-2017 under CSI chapter.

Department Consultancy Services

1. Under the supervision of Mr.B.Sarath Chandra, Mrs.CH.B.V.Durga
Assistant Professors of CSE IV CSE Students Mr.B.Sriharsha, P.Arun
Pradeep, A.Saikumar Reddy and J.V.Ramana Babu have developed and
Android Application PVPSQURAREMALL” and available for download from
Google Play Store now; under and was launched on the occasion of the
anniversary of PVP Square Mall in August 2017.

2. Implementation of Samarata Seva Foundation Web site and APP Under the supervision of Mr. I.
Murali Krishna, Mr.B.Sarath Chandra, Mr. B. Srikanth Reddy, Assistant Professors of CSE and IV CSE







83% (2013-2017)



1. Ms.B.Niharika, IV CSE has presented a paper on “Mitigation
of Data from MS-Access to Oracle” at the 3rd International
conference on Advances in Engineering, Applied Science &
Management (ICAEASM-2017) held at C-DAC Mumbai on
20th August 2017; Under the guidance of Mrs.G.Padamaja,
Associate Professor of CSE.

2. Ms.B.Niharika, IV CSE has published a paper entitled
“Mitigation of Data from MS-Access to Oracle” in
International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in
Computer Science IJIACS ISSN 2347 – 8616 Volume 6 ,
Issue 8 August 2017.

3. Ms.B.Niharika, IV CSE has achieved cash award of 10,000/-
as an extraordinary performing student in academics during
2014-17 on 15.09.2017.

Appidi Sai Kumar Reddy Achievements at Glance
Mr. A. Sai Kumar Reddy, IV CSE has involved in Troubleshooting Vulnerabilities in various websites from
the major corporate giants like Google, INTEL, MICROSOFT, PMLOGOS, BIGBASKET etc., He has not
only received appreciation certificates, T-Shirts, Bit Coins and also cash prizes. We are proud to have
him here in our department.

 Mr. A. Sai Kumar Reddy, IV CSE got $13337 (Rs.8,70,239.25/-) amount as a bounty from
Google for suggesting the Vulnerabilities in Google Websites.


 Acknowledgement and appreciation from ESET Security Company
 Certificate of Appreciation from CALL AMBULANCE also received Rs.30000/-

as appreciation for troubleshooting.
 Certificate of Appreciation & JOB Offer from MYPOWER.IN
 Certificate Acknowledged Vulnerabilities acceptance from ORACLE
 Certificate of Appreciation from INTEL CORPORATION
 Certificate of Appreciation from PMLOGOS
 Certificate of Appreciation from FILESTACK
 of Appreciation from JUMPER.IN
 Certificate of Appreciation from BASICS LIFE
 Certificate of Appreciation from PMLOGOS
 Certificate of Appreciation from BIGBASKET
 Certificate of Appreciation from COINBASE

4. IV CSE Students Mr.B.Sriharsha, P.Arun Pradeep, A.Saikumar Reddy and J.V.Ramana Babu
have developed and Android Application “PVPSQURAREMALL” and available for download from
Google Play Store now; under the supervision of Mr.B.Sarath Chandra, Mrs.CH.B.V.Durga
Assistant Professors of CSE and was launched on the occasion of the anniversary of PVP
Square Mall in August 2017.

5. Mr.B.Jagadeesh gupta of IV CSE has developed Android Applications as a paid intern through
INTERNSHALA.COM for the SMART SERIES Company which is an E-Learning Portal located in
Bangalore and also websites during June 2017 to August 2017

6. A Project in the area of Robotics done by a team of Mr.P.Jagadeeshwara Vara
Prasad(16KT1A0576), Ms. P.Lakshmi Saroja(16KT1A0588), Mr.N.Pavan Kumar(16KT1A0558),
Ms U. Sri Teja (16KT1A05B1) and Mr. M. Likith(17KT5A0516) II year CSE lead by Mr. VSRK
Prasad.G, Assistant Professor, Faculty of CSE has been selected in e-yantra of IIT-Bombay –
National Mission on Education through ICT(NEICT). This is the only team from Andhra Pradesh
to get selected. Course Completion Certificate from IIT Bombay, e-Yantra , 31-Aug-2016.


Project Proposals Submitted by Students

1. Ch. Bhavani, A.Deepthi, M.Sri Vidhya, Santhoshi, IV B.Tech CSE –A , Sent Proposal to ECI-
CHHATRA VISWHAKARMA AWARDS 2017 to AICTE, New Delhi on 24th August 2017 for the Project
entitled “An Intelligent Waste Level Management System using IoT for Smart Cities”, under the
Guidance of Dr.Shaik Akbar, Professor.

2. Jhansi Rani, Divya, Pravallika, Sravya, IV B.Tech CSE –B Sent Proposal to ECI-CHHATRA
VISWHAKARMA AWARDS 2017 to AICTE, New Delhi on 24th August 2017 for the Project entitled
“Automatic Safety and Security System for Face Recognition using IoT”, under the Guidance of
Dr.Shaik Akbar, Professor.

CREDITCARD FRAUD DETECTION” to 2nd National Level Hackathon for Women ACM-W
India, Chitkara ACM Student Chapter, Oracle Academy and Chitkara University, Punjab in the
month of August2017, Under the guidance of Mrs. Padmaja Grandhe, Associate Professor.

4. Sent Project proposal on “AADHAAR ENABLED VOTING SYSTEM”, to 2nd National Level
Hackathon For Women ACM-W India, Chitkara ACM Student Chapter, Oracle Academy and
Chitkara University, Punjab in the month of August2017, Under the guidance of Mrs. Padmaja

Grandhe, Associate Professor.

5. Sent Proposal for ISTE Student Vishwakarma Awards 2017 to ISTE, New Delhi; for the student
Mr.A.Sai Kumar Reddy of IV B.Tech CSE –A for his achievement in ETHICAL HACKING during 2017.
The award sponser is Kerala Government Engineering Design Awards for Engineering Students, under
the Guidance of Mr. K.Sudhakar, Associate Professor.

6. Sent Proposal for ISTE Student Vishwakarma Awards 2017 to ISTE, New Delhi; for the student
Mr.A.Sai Kumar Reddy of IV B.Tech CSE –A for his achievement in ETHICAL HACKING during 2017.
The award sponser is Punjab Technical University Award for Young Engineer Innovations for the best
B.Tech Project, under the Guidance of Mr. K.Sudhakar, Associate Professor.
7. Sent Proposal to ECI-CHHATRA VISWHAKARMA AWARDS 2017 to AICTE, New Delhi on 25th
August 2017 for the Project entitled “Accident / Incident Reporting to save lives using IoT [AIRD With
IoT], under the Guidance of Mr. K.Sudhakar, Associate Professor.

8. P.V.R.Vasavi, T.Likitha, N.Tejasri sent a project proposal on “SUPERVISION OF A ROBOT WITH
HUMAN ARTICULATION” to 2nd National Level Hackathon For Women ACM-W India, Chitkara ACM
Student Chapter, Oracle Academy and Chitkara University, Punjab in the month of August2017, Under
the guidance of Mrs. V.Navya Sree, Assistant Professor.




From the successful encouragement of previous track records of our students from Department
of CSE, The internships are now in rocket speed. This year the Department of CSE has in industry
connected for Internships through INTERNSHALA.COM our students got skills and upgraded their latest
technologies through various online learning courses from IIT SPOKEN TUTORIAL, BIG DATA
UNIVERSITY, DATACAMP and obtained the Internships in the hot and demanding areas of IT, Social
Media Marketing, Animation, Websites Design, Android Application Development etc., And the success
is still in the speed of rocket to reach their best PAID INTERNSHIPS.

We are proud to say that 90% of our students got paid Internships with a minimum salary of
Rs.5, 000/- and a maximum of Rs.30, 000. We sincerely thank the students and their dedication in
pursuing the knowledge to catch the trendy blend of technology flavor. In this aspect the Department
Internship Coordinators Mr.K.Sudhakar, Mr.A.Chandramouli and Mrs.G.Padmaja inculcated the
motivation and support in accordance with the requirements of INTERNSHALA and other internship
offering companies.


The following are the list of candidates selected for various IT Companies





The department of CSE has achieved its hall mark in this year of 2017 Placements for the successive 5th Batch.
The gradual increase of the placements and the dedication of students towards industry technologies is getting
better and best. Many of our students pursue the interest of their career and the department is always in support
of providing the necessary help and always stands by the student requirement. We thank the Placement Officer,
Principal and the Management of our College for their matchless support in all the endeavor of the student
The following are the list of candidates selected for various IT Companies



Teachers Day Celebrations

On the occasion of this day, students expressed their views on education and their bonding with
teachers. Some expressed it in their everyone has their own ways to express their feelings
towards their experiences.
All had fun in the celebrations which included cake cutting..Some snacks... cool drinks....
Snaps.. and lot more memories...!


Engineers Day Celebrations

 He has given the Introduction of drone
technology and 3D printing to motivate the
final year students of CSE to participate in the

Mr. V. Madan mohan BSNL employee act as a resource
person in the eve of engineer’s day on 15th September


Workshop on Blockchain

As per engineers day we have conducted the Poetry,  Mr. V.Srinivasa Raju Director,Alykas
Selfie contest, Poster Presentation and Quiz Innovations,Vizag employee act as a resource
competition programmes for all the students of II,III,IV person In technical collaboration with

One day Seminar on Drone and 3D Printing  He have explained the various technologies
and coin based in the software technology

One Day Seminar on Young India

III CSE students attended seminar on YOUNG INDIA by
Mr. Shri.Satish valiveti CEO, Advanced minds
professional speaker and psychologist.

 All IV CSE students attended seminar on

DRONE AND 3D PRINTING by the resource
person Ambula Gopi raja, on 3rd August 2017.




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