RRP PRICE GUIDE Price bracket based on 2,000 pieces with 1 colour print. Approximate price bracket for guidance only.
Under 15p Kite Ballpen ...................................... 193 DuoTwist Ballpen.............................. 138 Contour Wrap Ballpen (FC Wrap) .... 170 Contour Metal Ballpen ....................... 64 Scorpio Ballpen (Engraved) ............... 66 Moda Ballpen ..................................... 52
Panther Frost Ballpen....................7/112 FSC Carpenter Pencil....................... 151 Contrast Ballpen................................. 71 Contour-i Metal Plus Ballpen (Wrap) ...64 Soft ow 101 Fountain Pen................. 89 Pierre Cardin Beaumont Roller .......... 40
Challenger-1 Ballpen........................ 137 Panther Plus Ballpen.....................7/112 Garland Ballpen.............................11/89 Cromore Ballpen................................. 69 Corona Ballpen................................... 53 Sonata Ballpen ................................... 57 Pierre Cardin Clarence Ballpen.......... 40
Fluorescent Pencil ............................ 161 Pier Colour Ballpen........................... 128 Golf Pro Pencil.................................. 162 Dry Wipe Marker Pro........................ 139 Electra Classic Soft Ballpen (FC ) ...... 76 Symphony Ballpen ............................. 59 Pierre Cardin LaFleur Ballpen ............ 41
Mini NE Pencil................................... 160 Pier Extra Ballpen ............................. 128 Handy-i Ballpen.................................. 99 Duo Highlighter..........................143/198 Electra Classic Soft Touch Ballpen (FC) ...77 Symphony-i Aluminium Ballpen......... 59 Pierre Cardin Versailles Ballpen ......... 38
Mini WE Pencil.................................. 160 Rainbow Eraser ................................ 165 Harrier Nouveau Pencil .................... 154 Electra Ballpen...............................17/73 Electra Oro Ballpen ............................ 74 Techno Enterprise Ballpen ................. 88 Scimitar Ballpen.................................. 44
Standard NE Pencil .......................... 159 Recycled Paper Pencil ..................... 152 Iris Grip Enterprise Ballpen ................ 87 Electra Classic Ballpen..................17/73 Eros Ballpen........................................ 62 Techno Metal Pencil ........................... 63 Scimitar Rollerball............................... 44
Supersaver WE Pencil...................... 159 Triside Pencil..............................150/194 Janus Ballpen & Highlighter............. 142 Electra Classic Satin Ballpen ........18/74 Futura Digital Ballpen ...................... 188 Top Hat Ballpen ................................ 149 Techno Metal Rollerball...................... 63
Key Touch Ballpen.............................. 99 Electra Grip Ballpen............... 18/75/169 Giotto Ballpen..................................... 86 Torpedo Ballpen ................................. 56 Tornado Ballpen.................................. 50
Under 20p Under 35p Magnet Pen ...............................137/193 Electra Inkredible Roller...............78/100 Helios Highlighter ......................145/199 Tri Spinner Ballpen.............................. 95 Touch Light Ballpen............................ 94
Malta Ballpen.................................... 125 Electra Mechanical Pencil...........72/153 Hi-Cap Ballpen .................... 96/141/192 Vogue Biofree Ballpen...................... 146 Tradesman Ballpen (Engraved) .......... 91
Argente Pencil................................... 157 Alaska Deluxe Ballpen.................14/113 Metro Metallic Ballpen...................... 123 Electra Noir Ballpen ........................... 79 Iris Grip Metal Ballpen........................ 87 Vogue Carbon Ballpen ....................... 88 Vogue Metal Rollerball........................ 63
Oro Pencil ......................................... 157 Albany Frost Ballpen ........................ 113 Mira Colour Ballpen.......................... 129 Electra Satin Grip Ballpen .............23/75 Nostra Ballpen.................................... 62 Wordsworth Ballpen........................... 48
Rainbow Pencil................................. 161 Albion Touch Ballpen.....................9/116 Mira Extra Ballpen .....................129/173 Electra Touch Ballpen....................18/78 Orion Ballpen...................................... 62 Under £2.00
Recycled Paper Pen......................... 150 Alpine Chrome Ballpen ...............25/120 Oslo Extra Ballpen ........................... 125 Electra-i Classic Ballpen ...............17/78 Oslo Metal Ballpen ............................. 60 Over £5.00
Shadow NE Pencil............................ 158 Alpine Gold Ballpen.....................26/120 Popper Crayon ................................. 162 Endeavour Ballpen ............................ 61 Pierre Cardin Fashion Ballpen ........... 42 Bullet Ballpen.......................................... 53
Standard WE Pencil ......................... 157 Biosense Ballpen.............................. 150 Quartet Pencil................................... 160 Ergo Ballpen ....................................... 70 Quad-i Ballpen.............................98/192 Castile Ballpen........................................ 86 Ambassador Rollerball ....................... 46
Supersaver Click Ballpen................. 133 Biostick Duo Ballpen........................ 150 Recycled Pencil Sharpener.......166/202 Flip Ballpen ................................136/196 Remus Ballpen ................................... 61 Centurion Ballpen................................... 54 Atomic USB Ballpen........................... 92
Supersaver Colour Ballpen .........24/135 Contour Eco Ballpen ........................ 147 Rodeo Frost Ballpen......................... 119 Foyle Ballpen .................................68/90 Remus Mechanical Pencil...........61/155 Consul Ballpen........................................ 56 Buckingham Ballpen .......................... 47
Supersaver Extra Ballpen............24/132 Contour Standard Mix and Match... 106 Setanta Frost Ballpen....................... 118 Futura Ballpen .................................. 124 Sentinel Ballpen.................................. 68 Consul Rollerball .................................... 56 Carlton Ballpen................................... 45
Supersaver Twist Frost Ballpen ....... 134 Contour-i Noir Ballpen ................20/105 Signature Ballpen ............................. 124 Hauser 4-in-1 Inkredible Roller ........ 100 Sharp Set .......................................... 162 Contour Light Ballpen............................ 93 Carlton Rollerball ................................ 45
Topstick Ballpen ............................... 126 Electra Enterprise Ballpen ............14/89 Sparta Argent Ballpen ...................... 127 Hauser Glow Highlighter .................. 143 Sierra Argent Ballpen.......................... 81 Contour Metal Soft Ballpen (Engraved)....65 Carnaby Ballpen................................. 45
Value Twist Ballpen........................... 136 Espace Frost Ballpen ....................... 118 Sparta Ballpen .................................. 127 Hi-5 Highlighter .........................145/199 Sierra Oro Ballpen .............................. 81 Cyclone Ballpen...................................... 50 Chequers Ballpen............................... 45
Hauser Tango Mechanical Pencil .... 156 Spectrum Ballpen................ 12/110/190 Hi-Touch Ballpen .........................97/141 Spectrum Hi-Max Ballpen... 97/141/191 Envoy Ballpen......................................... 55 Chequers Rollerball ............................ 45
Under 25p Metro Colour Ballpen ....................... 123 Spectrum Max Ballpen........ 12/111/190 Jumbostick Ballpen.......................... 149 Starlight Highlighter...................144/198 Evolution Ballpen.................................... 85 Cross Calais Ballpoint Pen................. 31
Metro Extra Ballpen.......................... 123 Spectrum Max Touch Ballpen..13/110/191 Oxford Ballpen.................................... 66 Stealth UV marker ............................ 142 Evolution Rollerball................................. 85 Cross Stratford Ballpoint Pen ............ 31
Absolute Argent Ballpen................8/108 Moville Extra Ballpen........................ 122 Sprite Colour Ballpen ....................... 130 Pegasus Ballpen............................... 136 Stratus Ballpen ................................... 68 Gatsby Ballpen ....................................... 84 Cross Tech 2 Ballpoint Pen................ 31
Absolute Colour Ballpen ...............9/109 Moville Metallic Ballpen.................... 122 Sprite Extra Ballpen.......................... 130 Pendant Ballpen ........................137/197 Symphony Aluminium Ballpen........... 59 Hussar Ballpen ....................................... 53 Da Vinci Lucerne Fountain Pen ......... 29
Absolute Extra Ballpen..................8/109 Panther Eco Ballpen......................... 148 Sprite Ring Ballpen........................... 130 Permanent Marker Pro..................... 139 System 053 Ballpen ........................... 67 Kashel Ballpen........................................ 54 Da Vinci Lucerne Mechanical Pencil ...29
Absolute Frost Ballpen..................8/108 Pencil Sharpener .......................166/202 Stealth Inkredible Roller ................... 101 Prima Gel Highlighter ....................... 142 System 054 Ballpen ........................... 67 Lumi Pen ................................................. 94 Da Vinci Lucerne Rollerball ................ 29
Alaska Frost Ballpen....................14/114 Pier Diamond Ballpen....................... 128 Supersaver Pastel Ballpen..........25/135 Quad Ballpen...............................98/192 System 055 Ballpen ........................... 67 Medipen (Engraved)............................. 146 Da Vinci MBR01 Rollerball ................. 32
Albion Ballpen...................... 10/114/197 Recycled Mechanical Pencil............ 152 Supersaver Foto Ballpen (FC)....134/170 Smart-i Ballpen................................... 96 System 061 Ballpen ......................... 179 Midas-i Glow Ballpen (Engraved) ...... 93 Eiffel Ballpen ....................................... 49
Albion Diamond Ballpen................... 116 Supersaver Fine Roller ..............101/133 System 010 Ballpen ......................... 174 Snap Erasers ..................... 165/200/201 Vogue Enterprise Ballpen................... 87 Monaco Ballpen ................................. 54 Galileo Space Pen.............................. 46
Albion Frost Ballpen ....................10/115 Supersaver-i Ballpen ........................ 133 System 011 Ballpen ......................... 174 Spirit Biofree Ballpen........................ 146 Monaco Mechanical Pencil.............. 155 Grafton Ballpen................................... 44
Albion Grip Ballpen................ 9/116/187 Swan Ballpen.................................... 127 System 015 Ballpen ......................... 175 System 012 Ballpen ......................... 174 Under £1.50 Nature Ballpen.................................. 149 Grosvenor Ballpen.............................. 47
Black Knight NE Pencil .................... 158 System 030 Ballpen ......................... 176 System 016 Ballpen ......................... 176 System 013 Ballpen ......................... 175 Othello Ballpen ................................... 51 Grosvenor Fountain Pen .................... 47
Colourful Eraser.........................166/200 System 031 Ballpen ......................... 176 System 032 Ballpen ......................... 177 System 014 Ballpen ......................... 175 Alto Ballpen......................................... 68 Pierre Cardin Avant-Garde Roller ...... 42 Knightsbridge Rollerball ..................... 43
Contour Argent Ballpen...............21/103 Viper Frost Ballpen ........................... 121 System 033 Ballpen ......................... 177 System 060 Ballpen ......................... 178 Aquarel Felt Tip Pen Set................... 167 Techno Metal Ballpen......................... 63 Modulus Rollerball.............................. 44
Contour Colour Ballpen ..............20/107 Viper Satin Ballpen ........................... 122 System 034 Ballpen ......................... 177 System 070 Ballpen ......................... 179 Axis Spinner Ballpen .......................... 95 Toggle Screen Pen ............................. 91 Pierre Cardin Academie Rollerball ..... 34
Contour Extra Ballpen.................19/102 System 035 Ballpen ......................... 178 System 071 Ballpen ......................... 179 Blenheim Ballpen................................ 88 Topper Set ........................................ 162 Pierre Cardin Avignon Ballpen ........... 34
Contour Frost Ballpen .................20/103 Under 50p System 036 Balllpen......................... 178 System 072 Ballpen ......................... 180 Camelot Pen Set .............................. 196 Vogue Metal Ballpen .......................... 63 Pierre Cardin Bayeux Ballpen ............ 39
Contour Night Ballpen...................... 104 System 080 Ballpen ......................... 181 System 073 Ballpen ......................... 180 Caprice Metal Ballpen........................ 85 Vogue Metal Mechanical Pencil....... 153 Pierre Cardin Belfort Ballpen.............. 34
Contour Standard Ballpen ..........19/102 Albion Colour Ballpen.......... 11/115/173 System 081 Ballpen ......................... 182 System 074 Ballpen ........................ 180 Cheviot Oro Ballpen ........................... 82 Wessex Ballpen .................................. 49 Pierre Cardin Biarritz Ballpen ............. 39
Corporate Cap Ballpen ....... 26/126/188 Allstar Argent Ballpen..................24/126 System 085 Ballpen ......................... 183 System 075 Ballpen ......................... 181 Cirrus Ballpen (Engraved)................... 66 Pierre Cardin Chamonix Ballpen........ 37
FSC Wooden Pencil ......................... 151 Alpine Argent ...............................25/121 Triangular Highlighter........... 15/145/199 System 076 Ballpen ......................... 181 Concerto No.1 Ballpen....................... 58 Under £5.00 Pierre Cardin Classic Script Ballpen....40
Hibernia Pencil.................................. 159 Alpine-i Ballpen................................. 120 Vienna Ballpen (FC Print).................. 169 System 082 Ballpen ......................... 182 Concerto No.2 Ballpen....................... 58 Pierre Cardin Clermont Ballpen ......... 36
Otus Ballpen ..................................... 119 Apollo Ballpen................................... 124 System 083 Ballpen ......................... 182 Contour Wood Ballpen..................... 147 Armada Ballpen.................................. 54 Pierre Cardin Fontaine Ballpen .......... 37
Otus Diamond Ballpen ..................... 119 Auto Tip Pencil ..........................156/195 Under 75p System 084 Ballpen ......................... 183 Contour-i Glow Ballpen (Engraved) .....93 Aurora Ballpen .................................... 48 Pierre Cardin Fontaine Pencil............. 37
Panther Extra Ballpen....................7/112 Capri Ballpen .................................... 125 System 086 Ballpen ......................... 183 Contour-i Metal Ballpen ..................... 64 Autograph Counter Pen (Dome)... 138/197 Pierre Cardin Lustrous Ballpen .......... 33
Pearlescent Pencil............................ 161 Carpenter Pencil............................... 161 Abacus Ballpen................................. 189 Trident Highlighter .....................144/198 Echo Ballpen....................................... 60 Baccus Ballpen................................... 53 Pierre Cardin Lustrous Pencil............. 33
Shadow WE Pencil........................... 158 Colouring Pencils Half Size x 6........ 164 Abacus Grip Ballpen ........................ 188 Viper Colour Ballpen......................... 121 Electra Fountain Pen .......................... 72 Balfour Ballpen (Engraved)................. 55 Pierre Cardin Lustrous Rollerball ....... 33
Supersaver Extra Pencil............132/156 Contour Argent Pencil .................21/103 Amazon Ballpen ................................. 84 Woodstick ......................................... 149 Electra Rollerball ................................ 72 Beau Compact Rollerball ................... 57 Pierre Cardin Montfort Ballpen .......... 36
Contour Digital Ballpen (FC)............. 171 Atlantis Ballpen................................... 81 Ergo Soft Ballpen (Engraved)............. 70 Chorus Ballpen................................... 51 Pierre Cardin Montfort Fountain Pen...36
Under 30p Contour Digital Eco Ballpen (FC) .. 147/171 Banner Ballpen ................................. 194 Under £1.00 Ergo Soft Mechanical Pencil (Engraved)..155 Churchill Ballpen................................. 51 Pierre Cardin Moulin Ballpen ............. 35
Contour Digital Touch Ballpen (FC)....... 172 Bella Ballpen .................................22/79 Excelsior Ballpen ................................ 90 Cobra Braid Ballpen........................... 46 Pierre Cardin Moulin Pencil................ 35
Alaska Diamond Ballpen.............13/113 Contour Max Ballpen ....................... 140 Bella Grip Ballpen..........................23/80 Artemis Roller .............................59/101 Giotto Metal Ballpen........................... 86 Da Vinci GSB01 Ballpen ................... 32 Pierre Cardin Moulin Rollerball........... 35
Alaska Eco Ballpen......................13/148 Contour Night Oro Ballpen............... 104 Bella Touch Ballpen.......................22/80 Atlas Ballpen....................................... 66 Giotto Metal Pencil........................... 153 Da Vinci GSF01 Fountain Pen ........... 32 Pierre Cardin Opera Ballpen .............. 39
Athena Ballpen ................................. 131 Contour Touch Ballpen..................... 104 Belmont Ballpen ................................. 71 Calypso Ballpen.................................. 60 Harrier Metal Ballpen.......................... 85 Da Vinci GSR01 Rollerball ................. 32 Pierre Cardin Tournier Ballpen ........... 38
Athena Colour Ballpen ..................... 131 Contour Tricolour Ballpen .................. 98 Bingo Daubers.................................. 143 Cheviot Argent Ballpen ...................... 82 Harrier Metal Pencil ............................ 85 Da Vinci MBB01 Ballpen.................... 32 Pierre Cardin Tournier Fountain Pen....38
Athena Extra Ballpen........................ 131 Contour-i Argent Ballpen.................. 105 Cheviot Fashion Ballpen .................... 83 Cheviot Steel Ballpen ........................ 82 Hi-Spin Highlighter ............................. 95 Envoy Rollerball ................................. 55 Pierre Cardin Tournier Rollerball ........ 38
Black Knight Gem Pencil ................. 158 Contour-i Extra Ballpen.................... 104 Cheviot-i Noir Ballpen ........................ 83 Cheviot-i Ballpen ................................ 83 Light Pen............................................. 94 Europa Rollerball (Engraved).............. 50 Sheaffer 100 Ballpoint Pen ................ 30
Black Knight WE Pencil.................... 158 Contour-i Frost Ballpen .................... 105 Colouring Pencils Full Size x 6......... 164 Clifton Ballpen .................................... 69 LPC 016 Ballpen................................. 52 Evolution Argent Rollerball ................. 85 Sheaffer Sentinel Ballpoint Pen ......... 30
Book Shape Eraser ...................165/200 Cosmopolitan Touch Pad................... 91 Colouring Pencils Half Size x 12...... 164 Clio Ballpen......................................... 84 Match Ballpen (Engraved).................. 71 Genoa Rollerball ................................. 52 Sterling Classic Fountain Pen............ 28
Contour Pastel Ballpen ...............21/107 Crayons - 12 Piece........................... 163 Contour Digital Argent Ballpen (FC)...172 Contour Deco Argent Ballpen............ 65 Melody Ballpen................................... 57 Henley Rollerball................................. 43 Sterling Classic Rollerball................... 28
Guest Mechanical Pencil ................. 154 Crayons - 6 Piece............................. 163 Contour Max Touch Ballpen .......97/140 Contour Deco Oro Ballpen................. 65 Oval Metal Rollerball....................49/193 Knightsbridge Ballpen........................ 43 USB-i Metal Ballpen (Engraved) ........ 92
Harrier Nouveau Ballpen .............15/117 Digi-i Ballpen................................99/196 Lexus Ballpen ..................................... 48
Harrier Nouveau Frost Ballpen....15/117 Dry Wipe Slimline ............................. 139 Linea Pro Stylus Ballpen (Engraved).. 59
Hauser Billi Inkredible Roller ............ 100
Jolie Ballpen ..................................... 111
PUSH-BUTTON BALLPEN Electra Touch Ballpen............... 18/78 System 030 Ballpen .....................176 Contour Max Ballpen....................140 PEN WITH GRIP Torpedo Ballpen .............................56 Bella Touch Ballpen.................. 22/80 Tri Spinner Ballpen .........................95
Abacus Ballpen ............................189 Electra-i Classic Ballpen........... 17/78 System 031 Ballpen .....................176 Contour Max Touch Ballpen... 97/140 Abacus Grip Ballpen.....................188 Tradesman Ballpen.........................91 Cheviot-i Ballpen ............................83 STICK PEN
Abacus Grip Ballpen.....................188 Endeavour Ballpen .........................61 System 032 Ballpen .....................177 Contour-i Argent Ballpen..............105 Albion Grip Ballpen............ 9/116/187 Vienna Ballpen..............................169 Cheviot-i Noir Ballpen ....................83 Magnet Ballpen .................... 137/193
Abacus Logo Ballpen ...................189 Ergo Ballpen ...................................70 System 033 Ballpen .....................177 Contour-i Extra Ballpen ................104 Apollo Ballpen ..............................124 Viper Colour Ballpen.....................121 Classic Multi-Function Pen ............96 Kite Ballpen ..................................193
Absolute Argent Ballpen........... 8/108 Ergo Soft Ballpen ...........................70 System 034 Ballpen .....................177 Contour-i Frost Ballpen ................104 Athena Ballpen .............................131 Viper Frost Ballpen .......................121 Contour Digital Touch Ballpen......172 Jumbostick Ballpen......................149
Absolute Colour Ballpen........... 9/109 Eros Ballpen ...................................62 System 035 Ballpen .....................178 Contour-i Glow Ballpen ..................93 Athena Colour Ballpen .................131 Viper Satin Ballpen .......................122 Contour Max Touch Ballpen... 97/140 Woodstick Ballpen ....................149
Absolute Extra Ballpen ............. 8/109 Fashion Ballpen..............................42 System 036 Ballpen .....................178 Contour-i Metal Ballpen..................64 Athena Extra Ballpen....................131 ROLLERBALL Contour Touch Ballpen.................104 HIGHLIGHTER/MARKER
Absolute Frost Ballpen ............. 8/108 Foyle Ballpen............................ 68/90 System 053 Ballpen .......................67 Contour-i Metal Plus Ballpen .........64 Bella Grip Ballpen..................... 23/80 Academie Rollerball .......................34 Contour Tricolour Ballpen...............98 Bingo Dauber ...............................143
Albany Frost Ballpen ....................113 Futura Digital Ballpen ...................188 System 054 Ballpen .......................67 Contour-i Noir Ballpen............ 20/105 Capri Ballpen................................125 Ambassador Rollerball ...................46 Contour-i Argent Ballpen..............105 Contour Max Ballpen....................140
Albion Ballpen ................10/114//187 Futura Ballpen ..............................124 System 055 Ballpen .......................67 Corona Ballpen...............................53 Castile Ballpen................................86 Beau Compact Rollerball ...............57 Contour-i Extra Ballpen ................104 Contour Max Touch Ballpen.........104
Albion Colour Ballpen...... 11/115/173 Garland Ballpen........................ 11/89 System 060 Ballpen .....................178 Cross Calais Ballpoint Pen.............31 Clio Ballpen ....................................84 Carlton Rollerball............................45 Contour-i Frost Ballpen ................105 Dry Wipe Marker...........................139
Albion Diamond Ballpen...............116 Gatsby Ballpen ...............................84 System 061 Ballpen .....................179 Cross Stratford Ballpen ..................31 Concerto No.1 Ballpen...................58 Chequers Rollerball ........................45 Contour-i Glow Ballpen ..................93 Dry Wipe Marker Pro ....................139
Albion Frost Ballpen ............... 10/115 Giotto Ballpen.................................86 System 070 Ballpen .....................179 Cross Tech 2...................................31 Concerto No.2 Ballpen...................58 Consul Rollerball ............................56 Contour-i Metal Ballpen..................64 Duo Highlighter..................... 143/198
Albion Grip Ballpen............ 9/116/187 Giotto Metal Ballpen.......................86 System 071 Ballpen .....................179 DuoTwist Ballpen..........................138 Contour Argent Ballpen.......... 21/103 Electra Rollerball.............................72 Contour-i Metal Plus Ballpen..........64 Hauser Glow Highlighter ..............143
Albion Touch Ballpen................ 9/116 Harrier Metal Ballpen......................85 System 072 Ballpen .....................180 Eiffel Ballpen...................................49 Contour Ballpen ..................... 19/102 Envoy Rollerball..............................55 Contour-i Noir Ballpen............ 20/105 Helios Highlighter ................. 145/199
Allstar Argent Ballpen............. 24/126 Harrier Nouveau Ballpen ........ 15/117 System 073 Ballpen .....................180 Envoy Ballpen.................................55 Contour Colour Ballpen.......... 20/107 Europa Rollerball ............................50 Cosmopolitan Touch Pad Ballpen...91 Hi-5 Highlighter .................... 145/199
Alpine-i Ballpen ............................120 Harrier Nouveau Frost Ballpen ...15/117 System 074 Ballpen .....................180 Espace Frost Ballpen ...................118 Contour Deco Argent Ballpen ........65 Evolution Argent Rollerball .............85 Cross Tech 2...................................31 Hi-Cap Ballpen ................ 96/141/192
Alpine Argent Ballpen............. 25/121 Iris Grip Enterprise Ballpen.............87 System 075 Ballpen .....................181 Excelsior Ballpen............................90 Contour Deco Oro Ballpen .............65 Evolution Rollerball.........................85 Digi-i Ballpen .......................... 99/196 Hi-Spin Highlighter .........................95
Alpine Chrome Ballpen........... 25/120 Iris Grip Metal Ballpen ....................87 System 076 Ballpen .....................181 Fontaine Ballpen.............................37 Contour Digital Argent Ballpen.....172 Genoa Rollerball .............................52 Electra Classic DK Soft Touch Ballpen...77 Janus Ballpen...............................142
Alpine Gold Ballpen................ 26/120 Kashel Ballpen................................54 System 080 Ballpen .....................181 Galileo Space Pen ..........................46 Contour Digital Eco Ballpen... 147/171 GS Range .......................................32 Electra Classic DK Soft Touch Ballpen...77 Permanent Marker Pro .................139
Alto Ballpen ....................................68 LaFleur Ballpen...............................41 System 081 Ballpen .....................182 Gatsby Ballpen ...............................84 Contour Digital Touch Ballpen......172 Henley Rollerball.............................43 Electra Touch Ballpen............... 18/78 Prima Gel Highlighter ...................142
Amazon Ballpen .............................84 Lexus Ballpen.................................48 System 082 Ballpen .....................182 Grafton Ballpen ..............................44 Contour Eco Ballpen ....................147 Knightsbridge Rollerball .................43 Electra-i Classic Ballpen........... 17/78 Spectrum Hi-Max Ballpen... 97/141/191
Apollo Ballpen ..............................124 Light Pen ........................................94 System 083 Ballpen .....................182 Grosvenor Ballpen..........................47 Contour Extra Ballpen ............ 19/102 Lucerne Rollerball...........................29 Handy-i Ballpen..............................99 Starlight Highlighter.............. 144/198
Athena Ballpen .............................131 Malta Ballpen................................125 System 084 Ballpen .....................183 Hussar Ballpen ...............................53 Contour Frost Ballpen ............ 20/103 MBR01 Rollerball............................32 Hi-Cap Ballpen ................ 96/141/192 Stealth UV Marker ........................142
Athena Colour Ballpen .................131 Match Ballpen ................................71 System 085 Ballpen .....................183 Knightsbridge Ballpen ....................43 Contour Light Ballpen ....................93 Modulus Rollerball..........................44 Key Touch.......................................99 Triangular Highlighter....... 15/145/199
Athena Extra Ballpen....................131 Metro Colour Ballpen ...................123 System 086 Ballpen .....................183 Linea Pro Stylus Ballpen ................59 Contour Metal Ballpen....................64 Moulin Rollerball.............................35 Linea Pro Stylus..............................59 Trident Highlighter ................ 144/198
Atlantis Ballpen...............................81 Metro Extra Ballpen......................123 Techno Enterprise Ballpen..............88 LPC016 Ballpen..............................52 Contour Metal Soft Ballpen............65 Oval Metal Rollerball .............. 49/193 Midas Touch Ballpen ......................93 MECHANICAL PENCIL
Atlas Ballpen...................................66 Metro Metallic Ballpen..................123 Techno Metal Ballpen .....................63 Lustrous Ballpen.............................33 Contour Night Oro Ballpen...........104 Scimitar Rollerball ..........................44 Oslo Metal Ballpen .........................60 Auto Tip Pencil .............................156
Banner Pen...................................194 Mira Colour Ballpen......................129 Top Hat Ballpen ...........................149 MBB01 Ballpen ..............................32 Contour Pastel Ballpen........... 21/107 Sterling Classic Rollerball...............28 Oxford Ballpen................................66 Contour Argent Pencil ..................154
Bella Ballpen............................. 22/79 Mira Extra Ballpen ................ 129/173 Torpedo Ballpen .............................56 Medipen........................................146 Contour Touch Ballpen.................104 Techno Metal Rollerball ..................63 Pendant Ballpen ................... 137/197 Electra Mechanical Pencil ...... 72/153
Bella Grip Ballpen..................... 23/80 Monaco Ballpen .............................54 Versailles Ballpen............................38 Melody Ballpen...............................57 Contour Wood Ballpen .................147 Tournier Rollerball...........................38 Quad-i Ballpen........................ 98/192 Ergo Soft Mechanical Pencil ........155
Bella Touch Ballpen.................. 22/80 Moville Extra Ballpen....................122 Vienna Ballpen..............................169 Metal Wrap Ballpen ........................49 Contour Wrap Ballpen..................170 Vogue Metal Rollerball....................63 Smart-i Ballpen....................... 98/192 Fontaine Mechanical Pencil ...........37
Belmont Ballpen .............................71 Moville Metallic Ballpen................122 Viper Colour Ballpen.....................121 Moda Ballpen .................................52 Contour-i Argent Ballpen..............105 FOUNTAIN PEN Spectrum Max Touch Ballpen. 13/110/191 Giotto Metal Pencil.......................153
Biosense Ballpen..........................150 Nostra Ballpen................................62 Viper Frost Ballpen .......................121 Montfort Ballpen.............................36 Contour-i Extra Ballpen ................104 Electra Fountain Pen ......................72 Supersaver-i Ballpen ....................133 Golf Pro Pencil..............................162
Calypso Ballpen .............................60 Orion Ballpen..................................62 Viper Satin Ballpen .......................122 Moulin Ballpen................................35 Contour-i Frost Ballpen ................105 Grosvenor Fountain Pen.................47 Symphony-i Aluminium Ballpen .....59 Guest Mechanical Pencil..............154
Capri Ballpen................................125 Oslo Extra Ballpen........................125 Vogue Biofree Ballpen ..................146 Nature Ballpen..............................149 Contour-i Glow Ballpen ..................93 GS Range .......................................32 System 061 Ballpen .....................179 Harrier Nouveau Pencil.................154
Caprice Metal Ballpen ....................85 Oslo Metal Ballpen .........................60 Vogue Carbon Ballpen....................88 Opera Ballpen.................................39 Contour-i Metal Ballpen..................64 Lucerne Fountain Pen ....................29 System 070 Ballpen .....................179 Hauser Tango Mechanical Pencil ...156
Cirrus Ballpen.................................66 Panther Eco Colour Ballpen .........148 Vogue Enterprise Ballpen ...............87 Othello Ballpen ...............................51 Contour-i Metal Plus Ballpen..........64 Montfort Fountain Pen....................36 System 071 Ballpen .....................179 Lucerne Mechanical Pencil .... 29/153
Classic Script Ballpen ....................40 Panther Eco Extra Ballpen ...........148 Vogue Metal Ballpen.......................63 Otus Ballpen.................................119 Contrast Ballpen.............................71 Soft ow 101 Fountain Pen .............89 System 072 Ballpen .....................180 Lustrous Mechanical Pencil ...........33
Clifton Ballpen ................................69 Panther Extra Ballpen............... 7/112 TWIST-ACTION BALLPEN Otus Diamond Ballpen .................119 Electra Grip Ballpen........... 18/75/169 Sterling Classic Fountain Pen ........28 System 073 Ballpen .....................180 Monaco Pencil..............................155
Clio Ballpen ....................................84 Panther Frost Ballpen............... 7/112 Alaska Deluxe Ballpen............ 14/113 Oxford Ballpen................................66 Electra Satin Grip Ballpen ........ 23/75 Tournier Fountain Pen ....................38 System 074 Ballpen .....................180 Moulin Mechanical Pencil...............35
Contour Argent Ballpen.......... 21/103 Panther Plus Ballpen ................ 7/112 Alaska Diamond Ballpen ...... 116/187 Scimitar Ballpen .............................44 Foyle Ballpen............................ 68/90 HEALTHY LIVING System 075 Ballpen .....................181 Recycled Mechanical Pencil ........152
Contour Ballpen ..................... 19/102 Pegasus Ballpen...........................136 Alaska Eco Ballpen................. 13/148 Signature Ballpen .........................124 Iris Grip Enterprise Ballpen.............87 Medipen........................................146 System 076 Ballpen .....................181 Remus Mechanical Pencil ...... 61/155
Contour Colour Ballpen.......... 20/107 Pier Colour Ballpen.......................128 Alaska Frost Ballpen............... 14/114 Sonata Ballpen ...............................57 Iris Grip Metal Ballpen ....................87 Spirit Biofree Ballpen....................146 System 080 Ballpen .....................181 Supersaver Extra Pencil ....... 132/156
Contour Digital Argent Ballpen.....172 Pier Diamond Ballpen...................128 Atomic USB Argent Ballpen ...........92 Sheaffer 100 Ballpoint Pen.............30 Malta Ballpen................................125 Vogue Biofree Ballpen ..................146 System 081 Ballpen .....................182 Techno Metal Pencil .......................63
Contour Digital Ballpen ................171 Pier Extra Ballpen.........................128 Atomic USB Ballpen.......................92 Sheaffer Sentinel Chrome ..............30 Melody Ballpen...............................57 MULTI-FUNCTION System 082 Ballpen .....................182 Vogue Mechanical Pencil .............153
Contour Digital Eco Ballpen... 147/171 Quad Ballpen.......................... 98/192 Aurora Ballpen................................48 Sheaffer Sentinel Colours...............30 Mira Colour Ballpen......................129 Atomic USB Ballpen.......................92 System 083 Ballpen .....................182 WOODEN PENCIL
Contour Digital Touch Ballpen......172 Quad-i Ballpen........................ 98/192 Avignon Ballpen..............................34 Sparta Argent Ballpen ..................127 Mira Extra Ballpen ................ 129/173 Atomic USB Argent Ballpen ...........92 System 084 Ballpen .....................183 Argente Pencil ..............................157
Contour Eco Ballpen ....................147 Remus Ballpen ...............................61 Baccus Ballpen ..............................53 Sparta Ballpen..............................127 Moville Extra Ballpen....................122 Classic Multi-Function Pen ............96 System 085 Ballpen .....................183 Black Knight WE Pencil................158
Contour Extra Ballpen ............ 19/102 Rodeo Frost Ballpen.....................119 Balfour Ballpen ...............................55 Supersaver-i Ballpen ....................133 Moville Metallic Ballpen................122 Contour Light Ballpen ....................93 System 086 Ballpen .....................183 Black Knight Gem Pencil..............158
Contour Deco Argent Ballpen ........65 Scorpio Ballpen ..............................66 Bayeux Ballpen...............................39 Supersaver Twist Frost Ballpen....134 Orion Ballpen..................................62 Contour-i Glow Ballpen ..................93 Toggle Screen Ballpen....................91 Black Knight NE ...........................158
Contour Deco Oro Ballpen .............65 Sentinel Ballpen..............................68 Belfort Ballpen................................34 Supersaver Twist Argent Ballpen..132 Oslo Extra Ballpen........................125 Contour Tricolour Ballpen...............98 Tradesman Ballpen.........................91 Carpenter Pencil...........................161
Contour Frost Ballpen ............ 20/103 Setanta Frost Ballpen...................118 Biarritz Ballpen ...............................39 Swan Ballpen................................127 Oslo Metal Ballpen .........................60 Cosmopolitan Touch Pad Ballpen ..91 USB-i Ballpen.................................92 Carpenter Pencil - FSC ...............151
Contour Light Ballpen ....................93 Sierra Argent Ballpen......................81 Blenheim Ballpen............................88 Symphony-i Aluminium Ballpen .....59 Remus Ballpen ...............................61 Digi-i Ballpen .......................... 99/196 INKREDIBLE™ REFILL Fluorescent Pencil ........................161
Contour Metal Ballpen....................64 Sierra Oro Ballpen ..........................81 Buckingham Ballpen ......................47 Symphony Aluminium Ballpen .......59 Setanta Frost Ballpen...................118 Handy-i Ballpen..............................99 Artemis Roller ......................... 59/101 Hibernia Pencil .............................159
Contour Metal Soft Ballpen............65 Spectrum Ballpen............ 12/110/190 Bullet Ballpen .................................53 Symphony Ballpen .........................58 Sierra Argent Ballpen......................81 Key Touch.......................................99 Avant-Garde Roller.........................42 Mini NE Pencil ..............................160
Contour Night Oro Ballpen...........104 Spectrum Max Ballpen.... 12/111/190 Carlton Ballpen...............................45 Toggle Screen Ballpen....................91 Sierra Oro Ballpen ..........................81 Light Pen ........................................94 Beaumont Roller.............................40 Mini WE Pencil..............................160
Contour Pastel Ballpen........... 21/107 Spectrum Max Touch Ballpen.13/110/191 Carnaby Ballpen.............................45 Tornado Ballpen .............................50 Sonata Ballpen ...............................57 Lumi Ballpen...................................94 Electra Inkredible Roller.......... 78/100 Oro Pencil.....................................157
Contour Touch Ballpen.................104 Spirit Biofree Ballpen....................146 Castile Ballpen................................86 Tournier Ballpen..............................38 Spectrum Ballpen............ 12/110/190 Midas-i Glow Ballpen .....................93 Hauser Billi Inkredible Roller.........100 Pearlescent Pencil........................161
Contour Tricolour Ballpen...............98 Sprite Colour Ballpen ...................130 Centurion Ballpen...........................54 Tradesman Ballpen.........................91 Spectrum Max Ballpen.... 12/111/190 Quad Ballpen.......................... 98/192 Hauser 4-in-1 Inkredible Roller.....100 Quartet Pencil...............................160
Contour Wood Ballpen .................147 Sprite Extra Ballpen......................130 Chamonix Ballpen ..........................37 USB-i Metal Ballpen .......................92 Spectrum Max Touch Ballpen...13/110/191 Quad-i Ballpen........................ 98/192 Stealth Inkredible Roller ...............101 Rainbow Pencil.............................161
Contour Wrap Ballpen..................170 Sprite Ring Ballpen.......................130 Chequers Ballpen...........................45 Value Twist Ballpen.......................136 Symphony Aluminium Ballpen .......59 Smart-i Ballpen...............................96 Supersaver Fine Roller ......... 101/133 Shadow WE Pencil .......................158
Contrast Ballpen.............................71 Stratus Ballpen ...............................68 Cheviot Argent Ballpen...................82 Wordsworth Ballpen .......................48 Symphony-i Aluminium Ballpen .....59 Touch Light Ballpen........................94 SPECIALIST Shadow NE Pencil........................158
Cosmopolitan Touch Pad Ballpen ..91 Supersaver Click Ballpen .............133 Cheviot Fashion Ballpen.................83 CAPPED BALLPEN Symphony Ballpen .........................58 Toggle Screen Pen .........................91 Autograph Counter Pen........ 138/197 Standard NE Pencil .............. 159/195
Cromore Ballpen.............................69 Supersaver Colour Ballpen..... 24/135 Cheviot Oro Ballpen .......................82 Armada Ballpen..............................54 System 070 Ballpen .....................179 Tradesman Ballpen.........................91 Axis Spinner Ballpen ......................95 Standard WE Pencil.............. 157/195
Cyclone Ballpen .............................50 Supersaver Extra Ballpen....... 24/132 Cheviot Steel Ballpen .....................82 Biostick Duo Ballpen ....................150 System 071 Ballpen .....................179 USB-i Metal Ballpen .......................92 Banner Ballpen .............................194 Triside Pencil ........................ 160/194
Echo Ballpen ..................................60 Supersaver Foto Ballpen...... 134/170 Cheviot-i Ballpen ............................83 Corporate Cap Ballpen.... 26/126/188 System 072 Ballpen .....................180 STYLUS PENS Challenger-1 Ballpen ....................137 OTHER PENCIL
Electra Ballpen ......................... 17/73 Supersaver Pastel Ballpen ..... 25/135 Cheviot-i Noir Ballpen ....................83 Digi-i Ballpen .......................... 99/196 System 073 Ballpen .....................180 Albion Touch Ballpen................ 9/116 DuoTwist Ballpen..........................138 Auto Tip Pencil ..................... 156/195
Electra Classic Ballpen............. 17/73 Symphony Ballpen .........................58 Chorus Ballpen...............................51 Evolution Ballpen............................85 System 074 Ballpen .....................180 Alpine-i Ballpen ............................120 Flip Ballpen........................... 136/196 Carnival Colouring Pencils ...........164
Electra Classic DK Soft Ballpen .....76 Symphony Aluminium Ballpen .......59 Churchill Ballpen ............................51 Flip Ballpen........................... 136/196 System 075 Ballpen .....................181 Armada Ballpen..............................54 Galileo Space Pen ..........................46 Recycled Paper Pencil .................152
Electra Classic DK Soft Touch Ballpen..77 Symphony-i Aluminium Ballpen .....59 Classic Multi-Function Pen ............96 Janus Ballpen...............................142 System 076 Ballpen .....................181 Artemis Roller ......................... 59/101 Kite Ballpen ..................................193 Sharp Set......................................162
Electra Classic LT Soft Ballpen ......76 System 010 Ballpen .....................174 Clarence Stainless Steel Ballpen.....40 Handy-i Ballpen..............................99 System 080 Ballpen .....................181 Atomic USB Argent Ballpen ...........92 Magnet Ballpen .................... 137/193 Supersaver WE Pencil ..... 26/152/159
Electra Classic LT Soft Touch Ballpen...77 System 011 Ballpen .....................174 Clermont Ballpen............................36 Hi-Cap Ballpen ................ 96/141/192 System 081 Ballpen .....................182 Atomic USB Ballpen.......................92 Pendant Ballpen ................... 137/197 Topper Set ....................................162
Electra Enterprise Ballpen ........ 14/89 System 012 Ballpen .....................174 Cobra Braid Ballpen .......................46 Linea Pro Stylus..............................59 System 082 Ballpen .....................182 Stealth UV Marker ........................142
Electra Grip Ballpen........... 18/75/169 System 013 Ballpen .....................175 Concerto No.1 Ballpen...................58 Lumi Ballpen...................................94 System 083 Ballpen .....................182 Toggle Screen Ballpen....................91
Electra Noir Ballpen........................79 System 014 Ballpen .....................175 Concerto No.2 Ballpen...................58 Smart-i Ballpen...............................96 System 084 Ballpen .....................183 Tradesman Ballpen.........................91
Electra Oro Ballpen ........................74 System 015 Ballpen .....................175 Consul Ballpen ...............................56 Topstick Ballpen ...........................126 System 085 Ballpen .....................183
Electra Satin Grip Ballpen ........ 23/75 System 016 Ballpen .....................176 Touch Light Ballpen........................94 System 086 Ballpen .....................183
Wessex Ballpen ..............................49
A Chorus Ballpen......................................... 51 Ergo Ballpen ............................................. 70 Melody Ballpen......................................... 57 R System 072 Ballpen ............................... 180
Churchill Ballpen ...................................... 51 Ergo Soft Ballpen ..................................... 70 Metal Wrap Ballpen .................................. 49 System 072MM Ballpen ......................... 186
Abacus Ballpen ...................................... 189 Cirrus Ballpen........................................... 66 Ergo Soft Mechanical Pencil .................. 155 Metro Colour Ballpen ............................. 123 Recycled Mechanical Pencil .................. 152 System 073 Ballpen ............................... 180
Abacus Grip Ballpen............................... 188 Classic Multi-Function Pen ...................... 96 Eros Ballpen ............................................. 62 Metro Extra Ballpen................................ 123 Recycled Paper Ballpen ......................... 150 System 073MM Ballpen ......................... 186
Abacus Logo Ballpen ............................. 189 Clifton Ballpen .......................................... 69 Espace Frost Ballpen ............................. 118 Metro Metallic Ballpen............................ 123 Recycled Paper Pencil ........................... 152 System 074 Ballpen ............................... 180
Abacus Themed Ballpen .................216-217 Clio Ballpen .............................................. 84 Europa Rollerball ...................................... 50 Midas-i Glow Ballpen ............................... 93 Recycled Pencil Sharpener ............. 166/202 System 075 Ballpen ............................... 181
Absolute Argent Ballpen...................... 8/108 Cobra Braid Ballpen ................................. 46 Evolution Argent Rollerball ....................... 85 Mira Colour Ballpen................................ 129 Remus Ballpen ......................................... 61 System 076 Ballpen ............................... 181
Absolute Colour Ballpen...................... 9/109 Concerto No.1 Ballpen............................. 58 Evolution Ballpen/Rollerball...................... 85 Mira Extra Ballpen ........................... 129/173 Remus Mechanical Pencil ................. 61/155 System 076MM Ballpen ......................... 186
Absolute Extra Ballpen ........................ 8/109 Concerto No.2 Ballpen............................. 58 Excelsior Ballpen ...................................... 90 Moda Ballpen ........................................... 52 Rodeo Frost Ballpen............................... 119 System 080 Ballpen ............................... 181
Absolute Frost Ballpen ........................ 8/108 Consul Ballpen/Rollerball ......................... 56 Modulus Rollerball.................................... 44 System 081 Ballpen ............................... 182
Alaska Deluxe Ballpen....................... 14/113 Contour Argent Ballpen..................... 21/103 F Monaco Ballpen ....................................... 54 S System 082 Ballpen ............................... 182
Alaska Diamond Ballpen ................... 13/113 Contour Argent Pencil ............................ 154 Monaco Mechanical Pencil .................... 155 System 083 Ballpen ............................... 182
Alaska Eco Ballpen............................ 13/148 Contour Ballpen ................................ 19/102 Flip Ballpen...................................... 136/196 Moville Extra Ballpen.............................. 122 Scimitar Ballpen/Rollerball ....................... 44 System 084 Ballpen ............................... 183
Alaska Frost Ballpen.......................... 14/114 Contour Colour Ballpen..................... 20/107 Foyle Ballpen....................................... 68/90 Moville Metallic Ballpen.......................... 122 Scorpio Ballpen ........................................ 66 System 085 Ballpen ............................... 183
Albany Frost Ballpen .............................. 113 Contour Deco Argent Ballpen .................. 65 Futura Digital Ballpen ............................. 188 Sentinel Ballpen........................................ 68 System 086 Ballpen ............................... 183
Albion Ballpen ............................10/114/187 Contour Deco Oro Ballpen ....................... 65 Futura Ballpen ........................................ 124 N Setanta Frost Ballpen............................. 118 System LogoClips ...........................218-219
Albion Colour Ballpen.................11/115/173 Contour Digital Argent Ballpen............... 172 Sharp Set................................................ 162
Albion Diamond Ballpen......................... 116 Contour Digital Ballpen .......................... 171 G Nature Ballpen........................................ 149 Sheaffer Range......................................... 30 T
Albion Frost Ballpen .......................... 10/115 Contour Digital Eco Ballpen ............ 147/171 Nostra Ballpen.......................................... 62 Sierra Argent Ballpen................................ 81
Albion Grip Ballpen.......................9/116/187 Contour Digital Touch Ballpen................ 172 Galileo Space Pen .................................... 46 Notebook Gift Sets..........................228-229 Sierra Oro Ballpen .................................... 81 Techno Enterprise Ballpen........................ 88
Albion Touch Ballpen........................... 9/116 Contour Eco Ballpen .............................. 147 Garland Ballpen................................... 11/89 Signature Ballpen ................................... 124 Techno Metal Ballpen/Pencil .................... 63
Allstar Argent Ballpen ........................ 24/126 Contour Extra Ballpen ....................... 19/102 Gatsby Ballpen ......................................... 84 O Smart-i Ballpen......................................... 96 Techno Metal Rollerball ............................ 63
Alpine-i Ballpen ...................................... 120 Contour Frost Ballpen ....................... 20/103 Genoa Rollerball ....................................... 52 Soft ow 101 Fountain Pen ....................... 89 Toggle Screen Ballpen.............................. 91
Alpine Argent Ballpen ........................ 25/121 Contour Light Ballpen .............................. 93 Gift Sets in Boxes ...........................230-231 Orion Ballpen............................................ 62 Sonata Ballpen ......................................... 57 Top Hat Ballpen ...................................... 149
Alpine Chrome Ballpen...................... 25/120 Contour Max Ballpen.............................. 140 Giotto Ballpen .......................................... 86 Oslo Extra Ballpen.................................. 125 Sparta Argent Ballpen ............................ 127 Topper Set .............................................. 162
Alpine Gold Ballpen........................... 26/120 Contour Max Touch Ballpen.............. 97/140 Giotto Metal Ballpen................................. 86 Oslo Metal Ballpen ................................... 60 Sparta Ballpen........................................ 127 Topstick Ballpen ..................................... 126
Alto Ballpen .............................................. 68 Contour Metal Ballpen.............................. 64 Giotto Metal Pencil................................. 153 Othello Ballpen ......................................... 51 Spectrum Ballpen.......................12/110/190 Tornado Ballpen ....................................... 50
Amazon Ballpen ....................................... 84 Contour Metal Soft Ballpen ...................... 65 Golf Pro Pencil........................................ 162 Otus Ballpen........................................... 119 Spectrum Hi-Max Ballpen ..........97/141/191 Torpedo Ballpen ....................................... 56
Ambassador Rollerball ............................. 46 Contour Mix and Match.......................... 106 Grafton Ballpen ........................................ 44 Otus Diamond Ballpen .......................... 119 Spectrum Max Ballpen...............12/111/190 Touch Light Ballpen.................................. 94
Apollo Ballpen ........................................ 124 Contour Night Oro Ballpen ..................... 104 Grosvenor Ballpen/Fountain Pen ............. 47 Oval Metal Rollerball ......................... 49/193 Spectrum Max Touch Ballpen ....13/110/191 Tradesman Ballpen................................... 91
Aquarel Felt Tip Pen Set......................... 167 Contour Pastel Ballpen...................... 21/107 GS Range ................................................. 32 Oxford Ballpen ......................................... 66 Spirit Biofree Ballpen.............................. 146 Tri Spinner Ballpen ................................... 95
Armada Ballpen........................................ 54 Contour Touch Ballpen........................... 104 Guest Mechanical Pencil........................ 154 Sprite Colour Ballpen ............................. 130 Triangular Highlighter..................15/145/199
Artemis Roller .................................... 59/101 Contour Tricolour Ballpen......................... 98 P Sprite Extra Ballpen................................ 130 Trident Highlighter ........................... 144/198
Athena Ballpen ....................................... 131 Contour Wood Ballpen ........................... 147 H Sprite Ring Ballpen................................. 130
Athena Colour Ballpen ........................... 131 Contour Wrap Ballpen............................ 170 Panther Eco Colour Ballpen ................... 148 Starlight Highlighter......................... 144/198 U
Athena Extra Ballpen.............................. 131 Contour-i Argent Ballpen........................ 105 Handy-i Ballpen........................................ 99 Panther Eco Extra Ballpen ..................... 148 Stealth Inkredible Roller ........................ 101
Atlantis Ballpen......................................... 81 Contour-i Extra Ballpen .......................... 104 Harrier Metal Ballpen/Pencil..................... 85 Panther Extra Ballpen.......................... 7/112 Stealth UV Marker .................................. 142 USB-i Ballpen........................................... 92
Atlas Ballpen ............................................ 66 Contour-i Frost Ballpen .......................... 105 Harrier Nouveau Ballpen ................... 15/117 Panther Frost Ballpen.......................... 7/112 Sterling Classic Fountain Pen .................. 28
Atomic USB Argent Ballpen ..................... 92 Contour-i Glow Ballpen ............................ 93 Harrier Nouveau Frost Ballpen .......... 15/117 Panther Plus Ballpen ........................... 7/112 Sterling Classic Rollerball......................... 28 V
Atomic USB Ballpen................................. 92 Contour-i Metal Ballpen............................ 64 Harrier Nouveau Pencil........................... 154 Pegasus Ballpen..................................... 136 Stratus Ballpen ......................................... 68
Aurora Ballpen.......................................... 48 Contour-i Metal Plus Ballpen.................... 64 Hauser 4-in-1 Inkredible Roller............... 100 Pencil Sharpener ............................. 166/202 Supersaver Click Ballpen ....................... 133 Value Twist Ballpen................................. 136
Autograph Counter Ballpen............. 138/197 Contour-i Noir Ballpen....................... 20/105 Hauser Billi Inkredible Roller................... 100 Pendant Ballpen .............................. 137/197 Supersaver Colour Ballpen................ 24/135 Vienna Ballpen........................................ 169
Auto Tip Pencil ................................ 156/195 Contrast Ballpen....................................... 71 Hauser Glow Highlighter ........................ 143 Pen Sets ..........................................224-227 Supersaver Extra Ballpen .................. 24/132 Viper Colour Ballpen .............................. 121
Axis Spinner Ballpen ................................ 95 Corona Ballpen......................................... 53 Hauser Tango Mechanical Pencil ........... 156 Pen+ Promo Sets ............................203-213 Supersaver Extra Pencil .................. 132/156 Viper Frost Ballpen ................................. 121
Corporate Cap Ballpen...............26/126/188 Helios Highlighter ............................ 145/199 Permanent Marker Pro ........................... 139 Supersaver Fine Roller .................... 101/133 Viper Satin Ballpen ................................. 122
B Cosmopolitan Touch Pad Ballpen ............ 91 Henley Rollerball....................................... 43 Pier Colour Ballpen................................. 128 Supersaver Foto Ballpen ................. 134/170 Vogue Biofree Ballpen ............................ 146
Cromore Ballpen....................................... 69 Hi-5 Highlighter ............................... 145/199 Pier Diamond Ballpen............................. 128 Supersaver Pastel Ballpen ................ 25/135 Vogue Carbon Ballpen.............................. 88
Baccus Ballpen ........................................ 53 Cross Ballpen Range................................ 31 Hi-Cap Ballpen ...........................96/141/192 Pier Extra Ballpen ................................... 128 Supersaver Twist Argent Ballpen............ 132 Vogue Enterprise Ballpen ......................... 87
Balfour Ballpen ......................................... 55 Cyclone Ballpen ....................................... 50 Hi-Spin Highlighter ................................... 95 Pierre Cardin Academie Rollerball............ 34 Supersaver Twist Frost Ballpen .............. 134 Vogue Mechanical Pencil ....................... 153
Banner Pen............................................. 194 Hi-Touch Ballpen ............................... 97/141 Pierre Cardin Avant-Garde Roller ............. 42 Supersaver WE Pencil ................26/152/159 Vogue Metal Ballpen/Rollerball ................ 63
Beau Compact Rollerball ......................... 57 D Hussar Ballpen ......................................... 53 Pierre Cardin Avignon Ballpen.................. 34 Supersaver-i Ballpen .............................. 133
Bella Ballpen........................................ 22/79 Pierre Cardin Bayeux Ballpen................... 39 Swan Ballpen.......................................... 127 W
Bella Grip Ballpen................................ 23/80 Digi-i Ballpen ..................................... 99/196 I Pierre Cardin Belfort Ballpen .................... 34 Symphony Ballpen ................................... 58
Bella Touch Ballpen............................. 22/80 Dry Wipe Marker..................................... 139 Pierre Cardin Beaumont Roller ................ 40 Symphony Aluminium Ballpen ................. 59 Wessex Ballpen ........................................ 49
Belmont Ballpen ....................................... 71 Dry Wipe Marker Pro .............................. 139 Iris Grip Enterprise Ballpen....................... 87 Pierre Cardin Biarritz Ballpen ................... 39 Symphony-i Aluminium Ballpen ............... 59 Wheelie Bin Pen Pot............................... 167
Bingo Dauber ......................................... 143 Duo Highlighter................................ 143/198 Iris Grip Metal Ballpen .............................. 87 Pierre Cardin Chamonix Ballpen .............. 37 System 010 Ballpen ............................... 174 Wooden Pencils......... 151/157-161/194-195
Biosense Ballpen.................................... 150 DuoTwist Ballpen.................................... 138 Pierre Cardin Clarence Ballpen ................ 40 System 010MM Ballpen ......................... 184 Wooden Pencils (Express) ........................ 27
Biostick Duo Ballpen .............................. 150 J Pierre Cardin Classic Script Ballpen ........ 40 System 011 Ballpen ............................... 174 Wooden Pencil - FSC® Certi ed............. 151
Blenheim Ballpen...................................... 88 E Pierre Cardin Clermont Ballpen................ 36 System 011MM Ballpen ......................... 184 Woodstick Ballpen.................................. 149
Buckingham Ballpen ................................ 47 Janus Ballpen and Highlighter ............... 142 Pierre Cardin Fashion Ballpen .................. 42 System 012 Ballpen ............................... 174 Wordsworth Ballpen ................................. 48
Bullet Ballpen ........................................... 53 Echo Ballpen ............................................ 60 Jolie Ballpen ........................................... 111 Pierre Cardin Fontaine Ballpen................. 37 System 012MM Ballpen ......................... 184
Eiffel Ballpen............................................. 49 Jumbostick Ballpen................................ 149 Pierre Cardin Fontaine Mechanical Pencil....37 System 013 Ballpen ............................... 175 SECTIONS
C Electra Ballpen .................................... 17/73 Pierre Cardin LaFleur Ballpen................... 41 System 013MM Ballpen ......................... 185
Electra Classic Ballpen........................ 17/73 K Pierre Cardin Lustrous Ballpen................. 33 System 014 Ballpen ............................... 175 ACCESSORIES................................ 165-168
Calypso Ballpen ....................................... 60 Electra Classic DK Soft Ballpen ............... 76 Pierre Cardin Lustrous Mechanical Pencil....33 System 015 Ballpen ............................... 175 BUSINESS CARDS ...........................................5
Camelot Set............................................ 196 Electra Classic DK Soft Touch Ballpen .... 77 Kashel Ballpen.......................................... 54 Pierre Cardin Lustrous Rollerball.............. 33 System 016 Ballpen ............................... 176 COLOURING PENCILS/CRAYONS...162-164
Capri Ballpen.......................................... 125 Electra Classic LT Soft Ballpen ................ 76 Key Touch Ballpen.................................... 99 Pierre Cardin Montfort Ballpen................. 36 System 016MM Ballpen ......................... 185 CUSTOM PACKAGING.....................................6
Caprice Metal Ballpen .............................. 85 Electra Classic LT Soft Touch Ballpen...... 77 Kite Ballpen ............................................ 193 Pierre Cardin Montfort Fountain Pen........ 36 System 030 Ballpen ............................... 176 ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS ..........147-152
Carlton Ballpen/Rollerball......................... 45 Electra Classic Satin Ballpen............... 18/74 Knightsbridge Ballpen/Rollerball .............. 43 Pierre Cardin Moulin Ballpen.................... 35 System 031 Ballpen ............................... 176 EXECUTIVE PENS ...............................43-89
Carnaby Ballpen....................................... 45 Electra Enterprise Ballpen ................... 14/89 Pierre Cardin Moulin Mechanical Pencil... 35 System 032 Ballpen ............................... 177 EXPRESS PRODUCTS..........................7-27
Carnival Colouring Pencils ..................... 164 Electra Fountain Pen ................................ 72 L Pierre Cardin Moulin Rollerball ................. 35 System 033 Ballpen ............................... 177 FULL COLOUR PRINTING ..............169-219
Carnival Crayons .................................... 163 Electra Grip Ballpen .....................18/75/169 Pierre Cardin Opera Ballpen..................... 39 System 034 Ballpen ............................... 177 GIFT SETS.......................................230-231
Carpenter Pencil..................................... 161 Electra Inkredible Roller..................... 78/100 Lexus Ballpen........................................... 48 Pierre Cardin Tournier Ballpen.................. 38 System 035 Ballpen ............................... 178 HEALTHY LIVING ................................... 146
Carpenter Pencil - FSC® Certi ed .......... 151 Electra Mechanical Pencil ................. 72/153 Light Pen .................................................. 94 Pierre Cardin Tournier Fountain Pen ........ 38 System 036 Ballpen ............................... 178 INKREDIBLE™ RANGE ..................100-101
Castile Ballpen.......................................... 86 Electra Noir Ballpen.................................. 79 Linea Pro Stylus Ballpen .......................... 59 Pierre Cardin Tournier Rollerball............... 38 System 053 Ballpen ................................. 67 MARKERS & HIGHLIGHTERS.........139-145
Centurion Ballpen..................................... 54 Electra Oro Ballpen .................................. 74 LPC 016 Ballpen....................................... 52 Pierre Cardin Versailles Ballpen................ 38 System 054 Ballpen ................................. 67 MECHANICAL PENCILS .................153-156
Challenger-1 Ballpen .............................. 137 Electra Rollerball ...................................... 72 Lucerne Fountain Pen .............................. 29 Popper Crayon ....................................... 162 System 055 Ballpen ................................. 67 MULTI-FUNCTION PENS ....................91-99
Chequers Ballpen/Rollerball..................... 45 Electra Satin Grip Ballpen ................... 23/75 Lucerne Mechanical Pencil ............... 29/153 Presentation Pouches/Boxes ..........220-223 System 060 Ballpen ............................... 178 PEN+ NOTEBOOK SETS ................228-229
Cheviot Argent Ballpen............................. 82 Electra Touch Ballpen ......................... 18/78 Lucerne Rollerball..................................... 29 Prima Gel Highlighter ............................. 142 System 061 Ballpen ............................... 179 PEN+ PROMO SETS .......................203-213
Cheviot Fashion Ballpen........................... 83 Electra-i Classic Ballpen ..................... 17/78 Lumi Ballpen............................................. 94 System 070 Ballpen ............................... 179 PEN SETS........................................224-227
Cheviot Oro Ballpen ................................. 82 Endeavour Ballpen ................................... 61 Q System 070MM Ballpen ......................... 185 PIERRE CARDIN..................................33-42
Cheviot Steel Ballpen ............................... 82 Envoy Ballpen/Rollerball .......................... 55 M System 071 Ballpen ............................... 179 PLASTIC PENS................................102-138
Cheviot-i Ballpen ...................................... 83 Erasers ............................. 165-166/200-201 Quad Ballpen..................................... 98/192 System 071MM Ballpen ......................... 186 RECYCLED PENCILS............................. 152
Cheviot-i Noir Ballpen .............................. 83 Magnet Ballpen ............................... 137/193 Quad-i Ballpen................................... 98/192 STAINLESS STEEL ................................... 90
Malta Ballpen ......................................... 125 SUPERSAVER RANGE ....................132-135
Match Ballpen .......................................... 71 TOP BRANDS......................................28-32
MBB01 Ballpen ........................................ 32 WOODEN PENCILS ........................157-161
MBR01 Rollerball...................................... 32
Medipen ................................................. 146
NEW PRODUCTS NEW PRODUCTS Corona Ballpen - see page 53
High-quality slimline metal ballpen with a smart classic design
2 and decorative dome.
Cheviot Fashion Ballpen - see page 83
Slender aluminium ballpen in a wide range of on-trend gloss
colours and chrome trim.
Cheviot-i Noir Ballpen - see page 83
Slim aluminium ballpen in a range of bold gloss colours with
black trim and stylus.
Contour™ Metal Soft Ballpen - see page 65
Impressive metal ballpen with soft-touch rubberised coating
and Chromark™ engraving.
Midas-i Glow Ballpen - see page 93
Bring a touch of illuminated magic to any promotion with this
metal ballpen’s stunning light-up engraving.
Mira Colour Ballpen - see page 129 NEW PRODUCTS
Striking plastic ballpen in a range of vivid colours, with black
trim for a bold contemporary look.
Mira Extra Ballpen - see pages 129 and 173
Versatile plastic ballpen with a large print area and unique grip
design in a wide range of colours.
Contour™ Pastel Ballpen - see pages 21 and 107
The best-selling Contour™ Ballpen has been given a mellow
makeover in a range of beautiful pastel colours.
Supersaver™ Pastel Ballpen - see pages 25 and 135
Budget-friendly plastic ballpen in a range of mellow pastel
colours and with a large print area.
Albion Colour Ballpen - see pages 11, 115 and 173
High-quality plastic ballpen made from durable ABS in a range
of statement colours.
NEW PRODUCTS NEW PRODUCTS Solid Colours Metallic Colours Viper Colour Ballpen - see page 121
Slim plastic ballpen with an eye-catching metal clip design and
4 solid coloured nish.
Contour™ Wood Ballpen - see page 147
Made from sustainable bamboo, this eco-friendly ballpen is a
great alternative to plastic.
Garland Ballpen - see pages 11 and 89
Plastic ballpen made from composite material to give the
appearance of a metal pen, but at a much lower price point.
Spectrum™ Hi-Max Ballpen - see pages 97, 141 and 191
Handy plastic ballpen and yellow highlighter in one. A registered
design with a large branding area.
Aquarel Felt Tip Pen Set - see page 167
Felt tip set in a plastic case containing 12 water-based felt tip
Pen and Business Card Bundles
Your choice of writing instrument paired with digitally printed Eco-Friendly Bundles
business cards, available in value-for-money bundles.
Contour™ Wood Ballpen
Min Order Quantity: 100
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days Full Colour Bundles
Executive Bundles Contour™ Eco Ballpen BUSINESS STARTER KITS
Corona Ballpen Electra Ballpen Contour™ Digital Ballpen
Albion Grip Ballpen All of our Business Cards are made
(print area matches business from FSC®-certi ed paper, guaranteed
card dimensions) to be from sustainable sources.
Standalone Business Cards 5
We also offer printed business cards on their own. Choose from a variety
of standard templates or ask us to print your own custom design.
Min Order Quantity: 250
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
See pages 220-223 for
Each of our pens are available with a range of custom packaging options. Whether it’s a custom printed pen box
or a branded pen sleeve with a business card, there’s something to suit any promotional campaign. more presentation options.
For the ultimate impact, this fantastic set Fully customisable pen sleeve that
comprises a digitally printed pen sleeve can be full colour printed to both
and business card. Both are attached sides. Ideal for promotions both large
to a cardboard backing that’s also
full colour printed, for branding that’s and small.
impossible to miss.
Smart pen holder suitable for a single pen,
digitally printed to both sides for great
marketing impact. A circular cut-out holds
the clip to keep the pen in place.
Robust cardboard box that will protect
the pen while making a great impression
with a digitally printed design.
SAME-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a Same-Day Express Printing Service.
Panther™ Plus Ballpen
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue PS
Box Quantity: 2000
Min Order Quantity: 250*
PAPB0118 PAPB0168 Retractable ballpen with white body, translucent trim SHIP SAME-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE
PAPB0128 PAPB0158 and a large print area on the barrel. The clip can also be
PAPB0148 PAPB0112 printed. The Panther™ range is a registered design and PremierShipSD
PAPB0138 PAPB0188 trademark.
enables you to enjoy our Same-Day
Panther™ Extra Ballpen PRINT AREA Clip 20mm x 4mm express printing service. To qualify for
this service, strict adherence to the
Barrel following conditions is necessary and
40mm x 20mm without exception.
1) PremierShipSD is de ned as the time
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2 between receiving your correct order
and artwork to the time we despatch
Watch the video at Type: Push-Button Ballpen your order to your chosen destination.
Watch the video at Re ll Colour: Black 2) We must receive your completed
Box Quantity: 2000 purchase order in writing together with
Min Order Quantity: 250* the correct artwork before 10am on your
required (working day) despatch date.
PEXB0102 PEXB0160 The Panther™ Extra Ballpen has a contemporary look 3) Your purchase order must contain
PEXB0110 PEXB0150 with a white barrel that can be printed to a large area. The all relevant information to enable us
PEXB0180 PEXB0101 Panther™ range is a registered design and trademark. to produce your order correctly and
PEXB0130 Watch the video at despatch it to your chosen address.
4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
Panther™ Frost Ballpen PRINT AREA Clip 20mm x 4mm Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
all fonts converted to outlines.
Barrel 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
40mm x 20mm with the same imprint.
6) Single colour printing only.
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2 7) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
not available on this service level.
Type: Push-Button Ballpen 8) We reserve the right to offer an
Re ll Colour: Black alternative product of a similar price if
Box Quantity: 2000 there is a stock shortage.
Min Order Quantity: 250 9) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
PFRB1095 PFRB8095 Incredible value for money frosted ballpen with coloured signed off by you and returned to us by
PFRB3095 PFRB0195 email or fax within 1 hour.
PFRB5095 PFRB6095 barrel and large print area. The Panther™ range is a 10) Your order will be despatched by
registered design and trademark. Watch the video at us on your behalf using a third-party overnight service. We cannot be held
responsible for late deliveries due to
PRINT AREA Clip 20mm x 4mm third party carriers once the goods
have left our premises.
Barrel 11)Overnight delivery service is possible
40mm x 20mm only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 24-Hour Express Printing Service.
Absolute™ Extra Ballpen
Watch the video at Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Watch the video at Re ll Colour: Black or Blue PS
Box Quantity: 1000
Min Order Quantity: 250* 24-HOUR
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE ATEB0101 ATEB0113 With its two-piece construction and uncluttered PREMIER
ATEB0102 ATEB0110 elegance, the Absolute™ Extra Ballpen is hugely SHIP
ATEB0160 ATEB0120 popular for general promotions. With a generous
ATEB0150 ATEB0130 print area on the barrel the Absolute™ range can be PremierShip1
ATEB0180 ATEB0134 printed with up to six colours. Watch the video at
enables you to enjoy our 24-hour
Absolute™ Frost Ballpen ATFB1010 Registered design no. express printing service. To qualify for
ATFB1313 this service, strict adherence to the
ATFB0101 ATFB2020 4013835. following conditions is necessary and
ATFB6060 ATFB3030 without exception.
ATFB5050 PRINT AREA Clip 30mm x 6mm 1) PremierShip1 is de ned as the time
ATFB8080 ATAB9512 between receiving your correct order
ATAB9588 Barrel and artwork to the time we despatch
Absolute™ Argent Ballpen ATAB9558 50mm x 20mm your order to your chosen destination.
ATAB9568 2) We must receive your completed
ATAB9595 ATAB9548 *From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2 purchase order in writing together with
ATAB9502 the correct artwork before 12pm on
ATAB9538 Type: Push-Button Ballpen the working day prior to your required
ATAB9528 Re ll Colour: Black or Blue despatch date.
ATAB9518 Box Quantity: 1000 3) Your purchase order must contain
Min Order Quantity: 250 all relevant information to enable us
8 to produce your order correctly and
Frosted version of the Absolute™ range for an despatch it to your chosen address.
appealing contemporary look. Features a polished clip 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
and large print area. Watch the video at Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with Registered design no. all fonts converted to outlines.
4013835. 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
with the same imprint.
PRINT AREA Clip 30mm x 6mm 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
not available on this service level.
Barrel SCALE 1:2 7) We reserve the right to offer an
50mm x 20mm alternative product of a similar price if
there is a stock shortage.
Type: Push-Button Ballpen 8) A paper proof will be provided either
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue by fax or e-mail and this must be
Box Quantity: 1000 signed off by you and returned to us by
Min Order Quantity: 250 email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
The Absolute™ Argent ballpen has a satin silver barrel, your behalf using a third-party overnight
polished translucent clip and a large print area. service. We cannot be held responsible
Please note: the black clip has a solid black nish. for late deliveries due to third party carriers
Registered design no. 4013835. once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
PRINT AREA Clip 30mm x 6mm only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Barrel SCALE 1:2 UK.
50mm x 20mm
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 24-Hour Express Printing Service.
Absolute™ Colour Ballpen
Watch the video at Type: Push-Button Ballpen
ATCB1002 Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 1000 PS
Min Order Quantity: 250 24-HOUR
ATCB2002 ATCB3402 Solid coloured version of the Absolute™ range with PREMIER 24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE
ATCB8002 ATCB1302 a highly-polished barrel and clip, both suitable for SHIP
ATCB6002 ATCB5002 printing to generous print areas. Watch the video at
ATCB3002 ATCB0202 PremierShip1 Registered design no.
enables you to enjoy our 24-hour
4013835. express printing service. To qualify for
this service, strict adherence to the
PRINT AREA following conditions is necessary and
without exception.
Clip 30mm x 6mm 1) PremierShip1 is de ned as the time
between receiving your correct order
Barrel and artwork to the time we despatch
50mm x 20mm your order to your chosen destination.
2) We must receive your completed
SCALE 1:2 purchase order in writing together with
the correct artwork before 12pm on
Albion Grip Ballpen Childsafe BS7272 Not for sale outside UK and Ireland Type: Push-Button Ballpen the working day prior to your required
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue despatch date.
Box Quantity: 1000 3) Your purchase order must contain
Min Order Quantity: 250* all relevant information to enable us
to produce your order correctly and
AGNL0102 AGNL0160 The Albion Grip Ballpen features a coloured clip and despatch it to your chosen address.
AGNL0110 AGNL0150 matching grip. Manufactured from high quality ABS 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
AGNL0120 AGNL0180 plastic with a rubberised grip styled for comfort. Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
AGNL0130 AGNL0101 all fonts converted to outlines.
Registered design no. 002330787-0003. 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
Albion Touch Ballpen Not for sale outside UK and Ireland with the same imprint.
PRINT AREA Clip 30mm x 6mm 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
AITB0120 AITB0150 not available on this service level.
AITB0180 Barrel 7) We reserve the right to offer an
AITB0102 AITB0101 35mm x 20mm alternative product of a similar price if
AITB0110 there is a stock shortage.
AITB0130 SCALE 1:2 8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
Type: Push-Button Ballpen 9) Your order will be despatched by us on
Re ll Colour: Black your behalf using a third-party overnight
Box Quantity: 1000 service. We cannot be held responsible
Min Order Quantity: 250* for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
High-quality push-button ballpen made from durable 10) Overnight delivery service is possible
ABS plastic. Includes a capacitive stylus that matches only in the UK mainland and does not
the colour of the clip. Can be printed with up to 6 spot include the highlands or islands of the
colours to the large print area. UK.
PRINT AREA Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
Clip 30mm x 6mm
All images are subject to copyright.
50mm x 25mm
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2 9
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 24-Hour Express Printing Service.
Albion Ballpen Childsafe BS7272 Not for sale outside UK and Ireland
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Blue or Black PS
Box Quantity: 1000
Min Order Quantity: 250* 24-HOUR
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE AISB0102 AISB0160 High-quality push-button ballpen, the Albion offers a PREMIER
AISB0110 AISB0180 large print area that can be personalised with up to SHIP
AISB0120 AISB0150 6 spot colours or a 360° full colour image around the
AISB0130 AISB0101 barrel. 24-hour express service is available on a single PremierShip1
colour print.
Albion Frost Ballpen ALFB2020 enables you to enjoy our 24-hour
ALFB3030 PRINT AREA express printing service. To qualify for
ALFB1212 ALFB9292 this service, strict adherence to the
ALFB5050 Clip 30mm x 6mm following conditions is necessary and
ALFB0101 ALFB0202 without exception.
ALFB1010 Barrel 1) PremierShip1 is de ned as the time
ALFB8080 50mm x 20mm between receiving your correct order
ALFB4040 and artwork to the time we despatch
ALFB6060 SCALE 1:2 your order to your chosen destination.
2) We must receive your completed
10 *From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. purchase order in writing together with
the correct artwork before 12pm on
Type: Push-Button Ballpen the working day prior to your required
Re ll Colour: Black despatch date.
Box Quantity: 1000 3) Your purchase order must contain
Min Order Quantity: 250 all relevant information to enable us
to produce your order correctly and
Push-button plastic ballpen made from high-quality ABS. despatch it to your chosen address.
Available in a wide range of colours with frosted barrel 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
and solid coloured clip. The huge print area can be spot Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
colour printed and the clip is also available for printing. all fonts converted to outlines.
5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
PRINT AREA with the same imprint.
6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
Barrel Clip 30mm x 6mm not available on this service level.
50mm x 20mm 7) We reserve the right to offer an
SCALE 1:2 alternative product of a similar price if
there is a stock shortage.
8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 24-Hour Express Printing Service.
Albion Colour Ballpen Not for sale outside UK and Ireland
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black PS
Box Quantity: 1000
Min Order Quantity: 250 24-HOUR
AICB0404 AICB6060 High-quality plastic ballpen made from durable ABS PREMIER 24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE
AICB1313 AICB8383 and available in a range of statement colours. The sleek SHIP
AICB0202 AICB0303 design allows for a large branding area suitable for spot
AICB5050 AICB1111 colour and full colour printing. Even the clip can be PremierShip1
AICB3030 AICB4040 printed for extra customisation.
AICB2020 AICB8080 enables you to enjoy our 24-hour
AICB1414 AICB3434 PRINT AREA express printing service. To qualify for
this service, strict adherence to the
Garland Ballpen Barrel Clip 30mm x 6mm following conditions is necessary and
50mm x 20mm without exception.
0195 SCALE 1:2 1) PremierShip1 is de ned as the time
between receiving your correct order
Type: Push-Button Ballpen and artwork to the time we despatch
Re ll Colour: Black your order to your chosen destination.
Box Quantity: 1000 2) We must receive your completed
Min Order Quantity: 250 purchase order in writing together with
the correct artwork before 12pm on
GARMB8995 GARSB8095 Plastic push-button ballpen made from composite the working day prior to your required
GARMB3995 GARSB3095 material to give the appearance of a metal pen, but at a despatch date.
GARMB2995 GARSB2095 much lower price point. The Garland Ballpen features a 3) Your purchase order must contain
GARMB1995 GARSB1095 large print area and wide colour range, making it a great all relevant information to enable us
GARMB0995 GARSB0295 choice for any campaign on a budget. Available in your to produce your order correctly and
GARMB9595 GARSB0695 choice of metallic or solid coloured nishes. despatch it to your chosen address.
4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
PRINT AREA Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
all fonts converted to outlines.
Barrel 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
50mm x 20mm with the same imprint.
6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
SCALE 1:2 not available on this service level.
7) We reserve the right to offer an
Metallic Colours Solid Colours alternative product of a similar price if
there is a stock shortage.
8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 24-Hour Express Printing Service.
Spectrum™ Max Ballpen
Watch the video at Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Watch the video at Re ll Colour: Black or Blue PS
Box Quantity: 1000
Min Order Quantity: 250* 24-HOUR
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE SCMB0120 SCMB0160 The pro le on the Spectrum™ Max Ballpen offers a PREMIER
SCMB0110 SCMB0180 25% larger print area than the standard Spectrum™ SHIP
SCMB0130 SCMB0102 whilst maintaining the quality and style of the original
SCMB0150 SCMB0101 Spectrum™ ballpen. Can be printed in single colour or PremierShip1
full colour to match your requirements. Watch the
Spectrum™ Ballpen video at enables you to enjoy our 24-hour
express printing service. To qualify for
PRINT AREA this service, strict adherence to the
following conditions is necessary and
Barrel 45mm x 10mm without exception.
1) PremierShip1 is de ned as the time
SCALE 1:2 between receiving your correct order
and artwork to the time we despatch
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. your order to your chosen destination.
2) We must receive your completed
Type: Push-Button Ballpen purchase order in writing together with
Re ll Colour: Black the correct artwork before 12pm on
Box Quantity: 1000 the working day prior to your required
Min Order Quantity: 250* despatch date.
3) Your purchase order must contain
SCSB0120 SCSB0160 Popular push-button retractable ballpen with chrome all relevant information to enable us
SCSB0110 SCSB0180 trim and a comfortable rubberised grip. Available in a to produce your order correctly and
SCSB0130 SCSB0102 wide range of grip colours with a white barrel perfect despatch it to your chosen address.
SCSB0150 SCSB0101 for spot colour designs. Please note: the white grip is 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
plastic, not rubberised. Watch the video at Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
12 all fonts converted to outlines.
5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
PRINT AREA with the same imprint.
6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
Barrel 45mm x 8mm not available on this service level.
7) We reserve the right to offer an
SCALE 1:2 alternative product of a similar price if
there is a stock shortage.
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. 8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 24-Hour Express Printing Service.
Spectrum™ Max Touch Ballpen
Type: Push-Button Ballpen PS
SMTB0130 Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 1000 24-HOUR
Min Order Quantity: 250* PREMIER
SMTB0110 SMTB0160 Stylish retractable ballpen with rectangular barrel 24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE
SMTB0120 SMTB0180 designed to maximise print area. Includes a capacitive PremierShip1
SMTB0150 SMTB0102 stylus, comfortable rubberised grip and attractive
chrome trim. Ideal for both spot colour and full colour enables you to enjoy our 24-hour
Alaska™ Diamond Ballpen AKCB6868 printing. express printing service. To qualify for
AKCB5858 this service, strict adherence to the
AKCB1818 AKCB8888 PRINT AREA following conditions is necessary and
AKCB0000 without exception.
AKCB2828 Barrel 45mm x 10mm 1) PremierShip1 is de ned as the time
AKCB1616 between receiving your correct order
AKCB4848 SCALE 1:2 and artwork to the time we despatch
AKCB3838 your order to your chosen destination.
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. 2) We must receive your completed
Alaska™ Eco Ballpen purchase order in writing together with
Watch the video at Type: Twist-Action Ballpen the correct artwork before 12pm on
AKEB8080 Re ll Colour: Black the working day prior to your required
Box Quantity: 2000 despatch date.
3) Your purchase order must contain
Min Order Quantity: 250 all relevant information to enable us
to produce your order correctly and
Twist-action ballpen with translucent nish available in despatch it to your chosen address.
a wide range of colours. Both the barrel and clip can be 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
printed. Registered design no. 4020257. Watch the video all fonts converted to outlines.
at 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
with the same imprint.
PRINT AREA 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
not available on this service level.
Clip 22mm x 6mm 7) We reserve the right to offer an
alternative product of a similar price if
Barrel there is a stock shortage.
45mm x 20mm 8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
SCALE 1:2 signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
Type: Twist-Action Ballpen 9) Your order will be despatched by us on
Re ll Colour: Black your behalf using a third-party overnight
Box Quantity: 2000 service. We cannot be held responsible
Min Order Quantity: 250 for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
AKEB3030 AKEB1010 Eco-friendly twist-action ballpen made from recycled plastic. 10) Overnight delivery service is possible
AKEB0202 AKEB0101 The barrel has a large print area and the clip is also suitable only in the UK mainland and does not
for printing. Registered design no. 4020257. al include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
Barrel Clip 22mm x 6mm actual product. Please always order a sample.
45mm x 20mm
SCALE 1:2 All images are subject to copyright.
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 24-Hour Express Printing Service.
Alaska Frost™ Ballpen
Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue PS
Box Quantity: 2000
Min Order Quantity: 250 24-HOUR
AKSB0295 AKFB4095 Twist-action ballpen in a frosted nish with silver trim. The PREMIER
AKFB8095 barrel has a large print area, with the clip also available for SHIP
SOLID FROSTED FINISH AKFB6095 printing. Registered design no. 4020257. Watch the video
AKFB5095 at PremierShip1
AKFB0195 Watch the video at enables you to enjoy our 24-hour
AKFB1095 express printing service. To qualify for
TRANSLUCENT FROSTED FINISH this service, strict adherence to the
AKFB2095 following conditions is necessary and
AKDB1095 without exception.
AKDB0195 PRINT AREA 1) PremierShip1 is de ned as the time
between receiving your correct order
AKSB0195 ELEB0295 Barrel Clip 22mm x 6mm and artwork to the time we despatch
ELEB0195 45mm x 20mm your order to your chosen destination.
SOLID FROSTED FINISH ELEB2095 SCALE 1:2 2) We must receive your completed
purchase order in writing together with
AKFB3095 the correct artwork before 12pm on
the working day prior to your required
Alaska™ Deluxe Ballpen Watch the video at Type: Twist-Action Ballpen despatch date.
Re ll Colour: Black 3) Your purchase order must contain
AKDB0295 Box Quantity: 2000 all relevant information to enable us
Min Order Quantity: 250 to produce your order correctly and
despatch it to your chosen address.
AKDB3095 Attractive twist-action ballpen with satin silver trim and 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
AKSB9595 Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
generous print area. Registered design no. 4020257. all fonts converted to outlines.
Electra Enterprise Ballpen Watch the video at 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
with the same imprint.
ELEB1495 PRINT AREA Clip 22mm x 6mm 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
not available on this service level.
ELEB9595 Barrel SCALE 1:2 7) We reserve the right to offer an
ELEB8095 45mm x 20mm alternative product of a similar price if
ELEB3095 there is a stock shortage.
Type: Push-Button Ballpen 8) A paper proof will be provided either
14 Re ll Colour: Black by fax or e-mail and this must be
Box Quantity: 1000 signed off by you and returned to us by
Min Order Quantity: 250 email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
Complementing the best-selling Electra range, this your behalf using a third-party overnight
attractive ballpen is made from composite material to service. We cannot be held responsible
give the feel and appearance of a metal pen. The Electra for late deliveries due to third party carriers
Enterprise Ballpen is even more budget-friendly than the once the goods have left our premises.
aluminium Electra. 10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
PRINT AREA include the highlands or islands of the
40mm x 20mm Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 24-Hour Express Printing Service.
Harrier™ Nouveau Frost Ballpen
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black PS
Box Quantity: 1000
Min Order Quantity: 250 24-HOUR
HNFB1010 HNFB6060 Retractable frosted ballpen with a large print area. PREMIER 24-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE
HNFB5050 HNFB2020 Printing is also available on the clip. Registered design SHIP
HNFB0101 HNFB4040 no. 002622399-0001.
HNFB3030 HNFB1212 PremierShip1
enables you to enjoy our 24-hour
Harrier™ Nouveau Ballpen Barrel express printing service. To qualify for
45mm x 20mm this service, strict adherence to the
following conditions is necessary and
SCALE 1:2 without exception.
1) PremierShip1 is de ned as the time
Type: Push-Button Ballpen between receiving your correct order
Re ll Colour: Black and artwork to the time we despatch
Box Quantity: 1000 your order to your chosen destination.
Min Order Quantity: 250 2) We must receive your completed
purchase order in writing together with
HNSB0102 HNSB0130 Push-button ballpen with a uniquely designed clip. The the correct artwork before 12pm on
HNSB0160 HNSB0150 Harrier™ Nouveau is also be available in a frosted nish. the working day prior to your required
HNSB0180 HNSB0140 Registered design no. 002622399-0001. despatch date.
HNSB0112 HNSB0101 3) Your purchase order must contain
HNSB0110 HNSB0120 PRINT AREA all relevant information to enable us
to produce your order correctly and
Triangular Barrel despatch it to your chosen address.
Highlighter 45mm x 20mm 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
THSH0196 SCALE 1:2 all fonts converted to outlines.
5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
PRINT AREA Type: Highlighter with the same imprint.
Re ll Colour: Green, Yellow and Pink 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
SCALE 1:2 Box Quantity: 500 not available on this service level.
Min Order Quantity: 100* 7) We reserve the right to offer an
alternative product of a similar price if
50mm x 44mm Popular 3-nib highlighter with green, yellow and pink there is a stock shortage.
Max Width & Height ink colours. The Triangular Highlighter has a generous 8) A paper proof will be provided either
print area suitable for spot colour and full colour print. by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
Get our 24-Hour Express Service on all aluminium pens with laser engraving. Here are just some of the products PS
available with this express despatch. Other branding options are also available on all aluminium pens.
Symphony Aluminium Ballpen - see page 59
Endeavour Ballpen - see page 61
Contour™ Deco Argent Ballpen - see page 65
Electra Ballpen - see page 73
Bella Touch Ballpen - see page 80
Sierra Argent Ballpen - see page 81
Contrast Ballpen - see page 71
Electra Classic Ballpen - see page 73
enables you to enjoy our 24-hour
express printing service. To qualify for
this service, strict adherence to the
following conditions is necessary and
without exception.
1) PremierShip1 is de ned as the time
between receiving your correct order
and artwork to the time we despatch
your order to your chosen destination.
2) We must receive your completed
purchase order in writing together with
the correct artwork before 12pm on
the working day prior to your required
despatch date.
3) Your purchase order must contain
all relevant information to enable us
to produce your order correctly and
despatch it to your chosen address.
4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
all fonts converted to outlines.
5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
with the same imprint.
6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
not available on this service level.
7) We reserve the right to offer an
alternative product of a similar price if
there is a stock shortage.
8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
48-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 48-Hour Express Printing Service.
Electra Ballpen ALSO AVAILABLE AS A PENCIL - see 215 for the set. Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 800 PS
Min Order Quantity: 100*
ELMB0195 ELMB9395 Attractive aluminium ballpen with anodised nish and 48-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE
ELMB9595 ELMB2095 chrome trim. The unique positioning of the chrome PREMIER
ELMB1495 ELMB4095 rings give this pen a much larger print area than SHIP
ELMB6095 ELMB9095 standard.
ELMB1095 ELMB3095 PremierShip2
enables you to enjoy our 48 hour
Electra Classic Ballpen Barrel express printing service. To qualify for
40mm x 20mm this service, strict adherence to the
following conditions is necessary and
SCALE 1:2 without exception.
1) PremierShip2 is de ned as the time
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. between receiving your correct order
and artwork to the time we despatch
Type: Push-Button Ballpen your order to your chosen destination.
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue 2) We must receive your completed
Box Quantity: 800 purchase order in writing together with
Min Order Quantity: 100* the correct artwork before 12pm on
the working day prior to your required
ELCB9395 ELCB0295 Popular aluminium ballpen available in a range of despatch date.
ELCB0195 ELCB2095 beautiful anodised colours complemented by smart 3) Your purchase order must contain
ELCB9595 ELCB4095 chrome trim. The Electra Classic Ballpen is ideal for all relevant information to enable us
ELCB1495 ELCB9095 laser engraving or spot colour printing. to produce your order correctly and
ELCB6095 ELCB3095 despatch it to your chosen address.
ELCB1095 ELCB8095 PRINT AREA 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
Electra- Classic Ballpen ELIB0295 50mm x 7.2mm all fonts converted to outlines.
ELIB3095 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
ELIB1495 SCALE 1:2 with the same imprint.
6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
ELIB9595 *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. not available on this service level.
7) We reserve the right to offer an
ELIB9395 Type: Push-Button Ballpen alternative product of a similar price if
Re ll Colour: Black there is a stock shortage.
Box Quantity: 500 8) A paper proof will be provided either
Min Order Quantity: 100* by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
Attractive aluminium ballpen with beautiful anodised email or fax within 1 hour.
nish. The stylus is compatible with both resistive and 9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
capacitive touchscreen phones and tablets. Engraving service. We cannot be held responsible
is available beside the clip. for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
PRINT AREA 10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
50mm x 7.2mm SCALE 1:2 include the highlands or islands of the
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. UK.
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
48-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 48-Hour Express Printing Service.
Electra Touch Ballpen
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black PS
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 100 48-HOUR
48-HOUR EXPRESS SERVICE ELTB0195 ELTB2095 Stylish aluminium ballpen with a touch nib, available in PREMIER
ELTB9595 ELTB9095 a range of anodised colours. When the re ll is retracted, SHIP
ELTB1495 ELTB3095 the tip of the pen can be used as a stylus on both
ELTB1095 ELTB8095 capacitive and resistive touchscreen phones and tablets. PremierShip2
ELTB0295 ELTB9395 Registered design no. 002330787-0005.
enables you to enjoy our 48 hour
Electra Classic Satin Ballpen PRINT AREA express printing service. To qualify for
this service, strict adherence to the
Barrel following conditions is necessary and
40mm x 20mm without exception.
1) PremierShip2 is de ned as the time
SCALE 1:2 between receiving your correct order
and artwork to the time we despatch
Type: Push-Button Ballpen your order to your chosen destination.
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue 2) We must receive your completed
Box Quantity: 500 purchase order in writing together with
Min Order Quantity: 100* the correct artwork before 12pm on
the working day prior to your required
ESCB0195 ESCB6095 Attractive aluminium ballpen available in a wide range despatch date.
ESCB4095 ESCB1095 of beautiful colours with an appealing satin nish. The 3) Your purchase order must contain
ESCB8095 ESCB0295 Electra Classic Satin Ballpen has a high perceived all relevant information to enable us
ESCB1495 ESCB9395 value while being ideal for budget-mindful campaigns. to produce your order correctly and
ESCB2095 ESCB9195 despatch it to your chosen address.
ESCB3495 ESCB4995 PRINT AREA 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
Electra Grip Ballpen ELSG0180 50mm x 7.2mm all fonts converted to outlines.
ELSG0120 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
ELSG0110 SCALE 1:2 with the same imprint.
6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
ELSG0102 *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. not available on this service level.
ELSG0130 7) We reserve the right to offer an
Type: Push-Button Ballpen alternative product of a similar price if
18 Re ll Colour: Black there is a stock shortage.
Box Quantity: 800 8) A paper proof will be provided either
Min Order Quantity: 100 by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
Versatile aluminium push-button ballpen ideal for any email or fax within 1 hour.
promotional use. The white barrel is the perfect canvas 9) Your order will be despatched by us on
for a digitally printed or laser engraved design, offset your behalf using a third-party overnight
by the rubberised grip in a range of colours. The smart service. We cannot be held responsible
chrome trim adds to the perceived value. for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
PRINT AREA 10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
40mm x 6mm include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 3-Day Express Printing Service.
Contour™ Ballpen Childsafe BS7272
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue PS
Box Quantity: 1000
Min Order Quantity: 250 3-DAY
COSB8383 COSB6868 Attractive push-button retractable ballpen with PREMIER 3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE
COSB3434 COSB8888 translucent body, chrome trim and a comfortable SHIP
COSB1818 COSB0000 rubberised grip. Available in a range popular colours.
COSB2828 COSB0808 The Contour™ Ballpen is a registered trademark. PremierShip3
COSB3838 COSB1313 Watch the video at
COSB6868 COSB4848 enables you to enjoy our 3-day
Watch the video at express printing service. To qualify for
this service, strict adherence to the
PRINT AREA following conditions is necessary and
without exception.
30mm x 7mm 30mm x 8mm 1) PremierShip3 is de ned as the time
SCALE 1:2 between receiving your correct order
and artwork to the time we despatch
Contour™ Extra Ballpen Childsafe BS7272 Type: Push-Button Ballpen your order to your chosen destination.
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue 2) We must receive your completed
Box Quantity: 1000 purchase order in writing together with
Min Order Quantity: 250* the correct artwork before 12pm on
the working day prior to your required
Attractive push-button retractable ballpen with white despatch date.
body, chrome trim and a comfortable rubberised grip. 3) Your purchase order must contain
Available in a range of popular colours. The Contour™ all relevant information to enable us
Extra Ballpen is a registered trademark. Watch the to produce your order correctly and
video at despatch it to your chosen address.
4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
COER0118 COER0168 Watch the video at Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
COER0128 COER0188 all fonts converted to outlines.
COER0138 COER0108 PRINT AREA 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
COER0158 COEB0100 with the same imprint.
COER0113 COER0148 30mm x 7mm 30mm x 8mm 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
SCALE 1:2 not available on this service level.
7) We reserve the right to offer an
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. alternative product of a similar price if
there is a stock shortage.
8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 3-Day Express Printing Service.
Contour™- Noir Ballpen Type: Twist-Action Ballpen PS
Re ll Colour: Black
CONI3002 Box Quantity: 1000 3-DAY
Min Order Quantity: 250
Twist-action ballpen with a coloured barrel and SHIP
matching coloured grip. The generous print area makes
CONI0102 CONI0202 this an ideal promotional pen. The Contour™-i Noir PremierShip3
CONI1002 CONI5002 Ballpen is a registered trademark.
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE enables you to enjoy our 3-day
express printing service. To qualify for
30mm x 7mm 30mm x 8mm this service, strict adherence to the
following conditions is necessary and
SCALE 1:2 without exception.
Contour™ Colour Ballpen Childsafe BS7272 Type: Push-Button Ballpen 1) PremierShip3 is de ned as the time
Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 1000 between receiving your correct order
Min Order Quantity: 250
and artwork to the time we despatch
your order to your chosen destination.
2) We must receive your completed
purchase order in writing together with
Retractable ballpen in a range of solid coloured barrels the correct artwork before 12pm on
and black rubberised grip, ideal for any promotion.
COCB0602 COCB3002 With attractive chrome trim and a large print area. the working day prior to your required
COCB8102 COCB6002
COCB1202 COCB8002 despatch date.
COCB1002 COCB8302
COCB2002 COCB5002 3) Your purchase order must contain
COCB4002 CONB0202
Contour Night all relevant information to enable us
Contour™ Frost Ballpen
Childsafe BS7272 to produce your order correctly and
PRINT AREA despatch it to your chosen address.
4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
30mm x 7mm 30mm x 8mm Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
all fonts converted to outlines.
5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
with the same imprint.
6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
not available on this service level.
7) We reserve the right to offer an
Type: Push-Button Ballpen alternative product of a similar price if
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 1000 there is a stock shortage.
Min Order Quantity: 250
8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
Part of the best-selling Contour™ range, the Contour™ 9) Your order will be despatched by us on
Frost Ballpen has a frosted barrel in a wide range of
COFB0202 COFB2020 colours with matching rubberised grip. A large print your behalf using a third-party overnight
COFB0101 COFB4040 area makes this a popular promotional pen.
COFB1010 COFB6060 service. We cannot be held responsible
COFB1212 COFB5050
COFB3030 COFB8080 for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
PRINT AREA only in the UhiKghmlaanidn. slanodr and does not
include the islands of the
30mm x 7mm 30mm x 8mm Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 3-Day Express Printing Service.
Contour™ Pastel Ballpen Childsafe BS7272
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black PS
Box Quantity: 1000
Min Order Quantity: 250 3-DAY
The best-selling Contour™ Ballpen has been given a PREMIER 3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE
mellow makeover in a range of beautiful pastel colours. SHIP
With a large branding area and smart chrome trim,
the Contour™ Pastel Ballpen is sure to make a great PremierShip3
enables you to enjoy our 3-day
COPB4040 COPB8080 PRINT AREA express printing service. To qualify for
COPB2020 COPB5050 this service, strict adherence to the
COPB1313 COPB1010 30mm x 7mm 30mm x 8mm following conditions is necessary and
without exception.
SCALE 1:2 1) PremierShip3 is de ned as the time
between receiving your correct order
Contour™ Argent Ballpen Childsafe BS7272 Type: Push-Button Ballpen and artwork to the time we despatch
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue your order to your chosen destination.
COSB9510 Box Quantity: 1000 2) We must receive your completed
Min Order Quantity: 250 purchase order in writing together with
the correct artwork before 12pm on
COAB9595 COSB9530 Retractable ballpen with sleek design, satin silver the working day prior to your required
COAB9540 COSB9560 nish, chrome trim and a comfortable rubberised grip despatch date.
COAB9513 COSB9550 3) Your purchase order must contain
COSB9510 COSB9580 in a choice of colours. The Contour™ Argent Ballpen all relevant information to enable us
COSB9520 COSB9535 is a registered trademark. Watch the video at to produce your order correctly and despatch it to your chosen address.
4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
Watch the video at Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
all fonts converted to outlines.
PRINT AREA 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
with the same imprint.
30mm x 7mm 30mm x 8mm 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
not available on this service level.
SCALE 1:2 7) We reserve the right to offer an
alternative product of a similar price if
there is a stock shortage.
8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 3-Day Express Printing Service.
Bella Ballpen
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue PS
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 100* 3-DAY
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE BEGB1295 BEGB6495 Beautiful aluminium push-button ballpen with PREMIER
BEGB2095 BEGB3495 appealing contemporary design. Choose from a wide SHIP
BEGB1095 BEGB9395 range of stunning anodised colours complemented by
BEGB4095 BEGB0295 smart chrome trim. PremierShip3
BEGB9195 BEGB9595
BEGB8095 BEGB0195 PRINT AREA enables you to enjoy our 3-day
express printing service. To qualify for
Bella Touch Ballpen BETB1295 Barrel 40mm x 6mm this service, strict adherence to the
BETB2095 following conditions is necessary and
BETB6495 BETB1095 SCALE 1:2 without exception.
BETB3495 BETB9195 1) PremierShip3 is de ned as the time
BETB9395 BETB4095 *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. between receiving your correct order
BETB0295 BETB8095 and artwork to the time we despatch
BETB9595 Type: Push-Button Ballpen your order to your chosen destination.
BETB0195 Re ll Colour: Black 2) We must receive your completed
Box Quantity: 500 purchase order in writing together with
22 Min Order Quantity: 100* the correct artwork before 12pm on
the working day prior to your required
Beautiful aluminium push-button ballpen with despatch date.
touchscreen stylus. Available in a wide range of 3) Your purchase order must contain
stunning anodised colours complemented by smart all relevant information to enable us
chrome trim. to produce your order correctly and
despatch it to your chosen address.
PRINT AREA 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
Barrel 40mm x 6mm all fonts converted to outlines.
5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
SCALE 1:2 with the same imprint.
6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. not available on this service level.
7) We reserve the right to offer an
alternative product of a similar price if
there is a stock shortage.
8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 3-Day Express Printing Service.
Bella Grip Ballpen
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black PS
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 100* 3-DAY
Appealing aluminium push-button ballpen with a PREMIER 3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE
stunning anodised nish in a wide range of beautiful SHIP
colours. The modern styling is completed by chrome
trim and soft-feel rubberised grip. PremierShip3
BELG1295 BELG6495 PRINT AREA enables you to enjoy our 3-day
BELG2095 BELG3495 express printing service. To qualify for
BELG1095 BELG9395 40mm x 6mm this service, strict adherence to the
BELG4095 BELG0295 following conditions is necessary and
BELG9195 BELG9595 SCALE 1:2 without exception.
BELG8095 BELG0195 1) PremierShip3 is de ned as the time
between receiving your correct order
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. and artwork to the time we despatch
your order to your chosen destination.
Electra Satin Grip Ballpen Type: Push-Button Ballpen 2) We must receive your completed
Re ll Colour: Black purchase order in writing together with
Box Quantity: 800 the correct artwork before 12pm on
Min Order Quantity: 100 the working day prior to your required
despatch date.
Appealing push-button metal ballpen with a beautiful 3) Your purchase order must contain
satin nish. The sophisticated styling extends to the all relevant information to enable us
black rubberised grip and chrome trim. The aluminium to produce your order correctly and
base metal is revealed when laser engraved. despatch it to your chosen address.
4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
ELGB9595 ELGB1495 PRINT AREA Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
ELGB0195 ELGB0295 all fonts converted to outlines.
ELGB3095 ELGB9395 40mm x 6mm 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
with the same imprint.
SCALE 1:2 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
not available on this service level.
7) We reserve the right to offer an
alternative product of a similar price if
there is a stock shortage.
8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 3-Day Express Printing Service.
Allstar™ Argent Ballpen
Type: Push-Button Ballpen PS
ASAB9595 Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 1000 3-DAY
Min Order Quantity: 250
Satin silver barrel and clip made from heavyweight SHIP
plastic with attractive chrome trim. Suitable for printing
on the barrel and clip. The Allstar™ Argent Ballpen is a PremierShip3
registered design.
enables you to enjoy our 3-day
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE PRINT AREA Clip 25mm x 6mm express printing service. To qualify for
this service, strict adherence to the
Barrel SCALE 1:2 following conditions is necessary and
50mm x 20mm without exception.
1) PremierShip3 is de ned as the time
Supersaver™ Colour Ballpen Type: Push-Button Ballpen between receiving your correct order
Re ll Colour: Black and artwork to the time we despatch
Box Quantity: 1000 your order to your chosen destination.
Min Order Quantity: 250 2) We must receive your completed
purchase order in writing together with
SUCB0302 SUCB3002 Incredible value ballpen in a wide range of bold the correct artwork before 12pm on
SUCB4002 SUCB6002 colours. The barrel has a large area for spot colour the working day prior to your required
SUCB5002 SUCB8002 printing, making this the ideal promotional pen when despatch date.
SUCB3402 SUCB1002 mindful of budget. 3) Your purchase order must contain
SUCB2002 SUCB0202 all relevant information to enable us
PRINT AREA to produce your order correctly and
Supersaver™ Extra Ballpen despatch it to your chosen address.
Barrel 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
45mm x 20mm Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
all fonts converted to outlines.
SCALE 1:2 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
with the same imprint.
Type: Push-Button Ballpen 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue not available on this service level.
Box Quantity: 1000 7) We reserve the right to offer an
Min Order Quantity: 250* alternative product of a similar price if
there is a stock shortage.
SSSB0102 SSSB0120 Retractable ballpen with a large print area at a budget- 8) A paper proof will be provided either
SSSB0101 SSSB0134 friendly price. The white barrel is ideal for spot colour by fax or e-mail and this must be
SSSB0130 SSSB0150 prints, complemented by a range of clip colours. The signed off by you and returned to us by
SSSB0110 SSSB0140 Supersaver™ is a registered design and trademark. email or fax within 1 hour.
SSSB0180 SSSB0160 9) Your order will be despatched by us on
PRINT AREA your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
Barrel for late deliveries due to third party carriers
45mm x 20mm once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
SCALE 1:2 only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. UK.
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 3-Day Express Printing Service.
Supersaver™ Pastel Ballpen
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black PS
Box Quantity: 1000
Min Order Quantity: 250 3-DAY
SUPB8080 SUPB4040 Budget-friendly plastic ballpen in a range of mellow PREMIER 3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE
SUPB5050 SUPB2020 pastel colours. With its uncluttered design and large SHIP
SUPB1010 SUPB1313 print area, the Supersaver™ Pastel Ballpen is a cost-
effective way to get a brand noticed. PremierShip3
Alpine Argent Ballpen
PRINT AREA enables you to enjoy our 3-day
ALTB9595 express printing service. To qualify for
Barrel this service, strict adherence to the
45mm x 20mm following conditions is necessary and
without exception.
SCALE 1:2 1) PremierShip3 is de ned as the time
between receiving your correct order
Watch the video at Type: Cap-Action Ballpen and artwork to the time we despatch
Watch the video at Re ll Colour: Black your order to your chosen destination.
Box Quantity: 1000 2) We must receive your completed
Min Order Quantity: 250 purchase order in writing together with
the correct artwork before 12pm on
Satin silver ballpen with chrome metal clip and large the working day prior to your required
print area. Includes a jumbo re ll to last longer. despatch date.
Watch the video at 3) Your purchase order must contain
all relevant information to enable us
PRINT AREA to produce your order correctly and
despatch it to your chosen address.
Barrel 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
37mm x 20mm Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
all fonts converted to outlines.
SCALE 1:2 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
with the same imprint.
Alpine Chrome Ballpen Type: Cap-Action Ballpen 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
Re ll Colour: Black not available on this service level.
ALNB1095 Box Quantity: 1000 7) We reserve the right to offer an
ALNB0295 Min Order Quantity: 250 alternative product of a similar price if
ALNB8095 there is a stock shortage.
ALNB3095 Traditional cap-action ballpen available in a range of 8) A paper proof will be provided either
ALNB0195 classic colours, complemented by chrome trim. Includes by fax or e-mail and this must be
a jumbo re ll to last for longer. Watch the video at signed off by you and returned to us by email or fax within 1 hour.
9) Your order will be despatched by us on
PRINT AREA your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
Barrel for late deliveries due to third party carriers
40mm x 20mm once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
SCALE 1:2 only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 3-Day Express Printing Service.
Alpine Gold Ballpen
Watch the video at Type: Cap-Action Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 1000 PS
Min Order Quantity: 250
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE ALNB1090 ALNB3090 Traditional cap-action ballpen with gilt trim. Available in
ALNB0290 ALNB0190 a range of classic colours. A jumbo re ll is included as PREMIER
ALNB8090 standard for longer writing. Watch the video at SHIP
enables you to enjoy our 3-day
Barrel express printing service. To qualify for
40mm x 20mm this service, strict adherence to the
following conditions is necessary and
SCALE 1:2 without exception.
1) PremierShip3 is de ned as the time
Corporate Cap Ballpen Childsafe BS7272 Type: Capped Ballpen between receiving your correct order
Re ll Colour: Black and artwork to the time we despatch
CPCB0110 Box Quantity: 2000 your order to your chosen destination.
Min Order Quantity: 250* 2) We must receive your completed
purchase order in writing together with
CPCB0102 CPCB0180 The Corporate Cap Ballpen is a stylish capped ballpen the correct artwork before 12pm on
CPCB0130 with a generous print area. Suitable for multi-colour the working day prior to your required
CPCB0101 and full colour printing to the white barrel. Blue ink is despatch date.
available for the all-white version. 3) Your purchase order must contain
*From as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. all relevant information to enable us
PRINT AREA to produce your order correctly and
Supersaver™ WE Pencil despatch it to your chosen address.
Barrel 4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
50mm x 20mm Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
all fonts converted to outlines.
SCALE 1:2 5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
with the same imprint.
Type: Plastic Pencil 6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
Box Quantity: 2000 not available on this service level.
Min Order Quantity: 250 7) We reserve the right to offer an
alternative product of a similar price if
SUWE2095 SUWE1095 Low-cost plastic pencil with eraser, perfect for large- there is a stock shortage.
SUWE8095 SUWE3095 scale campaigns on a budget. Printed one-colour 8) A paper proof will be provided either
SUWE0295 SUWE0195 for fast turnaround. Available in a wide range of popular by fax or e-mail and this must be
SUWE9595 SUWE5095 colours. signed off by you and returned to us by
email or fax within 1 hour.
26 PRINT AREA 9) Your order will be despatched by us on
your behalf using a third-party overnight
Barrel service. We cannot be held responsible
60mm x 16mm for late deliveries due to third party carriers
once the goods have left our premises.
SCALE 1:3 10) Overnight delivery service is possible
only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
3-DAY EXPRESS SERVICE All models shown below are available on a 3-Day Express Printing Service.
Standard WE Pencil
Type: Pencil with Eraser
Box Quantity: 2000 PS
Min Order Quantity: 250*
WPCP0195 WPCP3495 Wooden pencil with silver ferrule and pink eraser. Can
WPCP0295 WPCP1095 be printed with up to three colours in close registration. PREMIER
WPCP8095 WPCP1195 Pencils printed with more than one colour will be supplied SHIP
WPCP5095 WPCP9595 unsharpened. A sharpening service is available at extra cost.
WPCP6095 WPCP9095 PremierShip3
enables you to enjoy our 3-day
Standard NE Pencil Barrel express printing service. To qualify for
60mm x 16mm this service, strict adherence to the
following conditions is necessary and
SCALE 1:3 without exception.
1) PremierShip3 is de ned as the time
*White from as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. between receiving your correct order
and artwork to the time we despatch
Type: Pencil without Eraser your order to your chosen destination.
Box Quantity: 2000 2) We must receive your completed
Min Order Quantity: 250* purchase order in writing together with
the correct artwork before 12pm on
WPCP1010NE WPCP0101NE Gloss barrel wooden pencil without an eraser. White the working day prior to your required
WPCP1111NE WPCP0202NE and natural can be printed with up to three colours and despatch date.
WPCP3030NE WPCP9595NE will be supplied unsharpened. Other colours are supplied 3) Your purchase order must contain
WPCP5050NE WPCP9090NE sharpened and printed single colour. all relevant information to enable us
WPCP8080NE WPCP7272NE to produce your order correctly and
WPCP3434NE PRINT AREA despatch it to your chosen address.
4) Artwork must be created in Adobe
Argente Pencil Barrel Illustrator and saved as an EPS le with
60mm x 16mm all fonts converted to outlines.
5) Maximum order size is 5,000 pieces
SCALE 1:3 with the same imprint.
6) Barrel printing only. Clip printing is
*White from as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. not available on this service level.
7) We reserve the right to offer an
Type: Pencil with Eraser alternative product of a similar price if
Box Quantity: 2000 there is a stock shortage.
Min Order Quantity: 250* 8) A paper proof will be provided either
by fax or e-mail and this must be
WPCP1095W WPCP9595W Round wooden pencil in high-quality paint nish. signed off by you and returned to us by
WPCP0195W WPCP7295W Suitable for single colour printing only. email or fax within 1 hour.
WPCP0295W WPCP3495W 9) Your order will be despatched by us on
PRINT AREA your behalf using a third-party overnight
service. We cannot be held responsible
Barrel for late deliveries due to third party carriers
60mm x 16mm once the goods have left our premises.
10) Overnight delivery service is possible
SCALE 1:3 only in the UK mainland and does not
include the highlands or islands of the
*White from as little as 1pc in Full Colour, please ask for details. UK.
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
TOP BRANDS Sterling Classic Sterling Classic Set can be
supplied in an executive
STFP9590 presentation case
Type: Capped Rollerball & Fountain Pen
Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 50
Min Order Quantity: 50*
Using the latest technology and highest-quality materials,
combined with Old World Craftsmanship, the Sterling Classic
is an exquisite promotional gift. The Sterling Classic is a
Hallmarked solid silver pen with 22 Carat gold-plated trim.
Available as a Capped Rollerball or a Capped Fountain Pen.
STERLING CLASSIC ROLLERBALL 30mm x 6.5mm *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
TOP BRANDS TM Type: Capped Rollerball
Lucerne Rollerball Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 500
LUSR9590 Min Order Quantity: 25
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Lucerne Mechanical Pencil
Premium executive rollerball in chrome and gold plating Lucerne Rollerball can be
LUSP9590 for a beautiful gift. Laser engraving will reveal the brass supplied with luxury gift box.
base metal.
Lucerne Fountain Pen LUCERNE RANGE
30mm x 7mm
TM Type: Mechanical Pencil TOP BRANDS
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 25
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Create an incredible impression with the Lucerne
Mechanical Pencil, resplendent in chrome with gold
30mm x 7mm
SCALE 1:2 Lucerne Rollerball and Pencil
available as a set with luxury
gift box. See page 225.
TM Type: Capped Fountain Pen
Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 25
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
For a beautiful gift, the Lucerne Fountain Pen is sure to Lucerne Fountain Pen
impress with its premium workmanship, chrome nish available with a
and stunning gold plating. luxury gift box.
ENGRAVING AREA Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
30mm x 7mm
All images are subject to copyright.
TOP BRANDS Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Sheaffer Sentinel Colours Re ll Colour: Black
Min Order Quantity: 5*
CSHB1095 Average Lead Time: 1-5 Working Days
CSHB0195 Classically styled, best-selling ballpen in a range of The Sheaffer Sentinel Colour
corporate colours complemented by brushed chrome Ballpen comes with the WW21
Supplied with a Luxury Gift Box trim. Luxury Sheaffer gift box included. 24-hour express
option available. Sheaffer Gift Box.
Sheaffer Sentinel Chrome
CSHB0295 The Sheaffer Sentinel Chrome
CSTB9595 Ballpen comes with the WW21
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
Sheaffer Gift Box.
TOP BRANDS Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black The Sheaffer 100 Ballpen
Min Order Quantity: 5* is presented in the Sheaffer
Average Lead Time: 1-5 Working Days
Luxury Gift Box.
Best-selling ballpen in brushed chrome with nickel trim
for the ultimate in understated luxury. Sheaffer gift box Colours may not be a true re ection of the
Included. 24-hour express option available. actual product. Please always order a sample.
Supplied with a Luxury Gift Box *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. All images are subject to copyright.
Sheaffer 100 Ballpoint Pen Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black
Min Order Quantity: 5*
Average Lead Time: 1-5 Working Days
CSTB9595 CSTB9595 Twist-action ballpoint pen in a range of high gloss
CSTB9595 CSTB9595 colour options with brushed chrome upper and nickel
trim. Sheaffer luxury gift box included. One-year limited
warranty. 24-hour express option available.
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
Supplied with a Luxury Gift Box
TOP BRANDS Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Stratford Ballpoint Pen Re ll Colour: Black
Min Order Quantity: 5*
CSTB9595 Average Lead Time: 1-5 Working Days
For gifting with unmistakable classic Cross styling,
the Stratford Ballpoint Pen features a wide centre
band with polished chrome accents. Premium gift box
included. 24-hour express option available.
Supplied with a Premium Gift Box *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. The Stratford Ballpoint Pen
comes with the Cross
Cross Tech 2 Ballpoint Pen Type: Twist-Action Ballpen Premium Gift Box. TOP BRANDS
Re ll Colour: Black
CSTB9595 Min Order Quantity: 5* The Tech 2 comes with the
Average Lead Time: 1-5 Working Days Cross Premium Gift Box.
Smooth-glide stylus and ballpoint pen in one. The Calais Ballpoint Pen
Contemporary design in lustrous chrome nish. comes with the Cross
Presented in a Cross premium gift box. 24-hour Premium Gift Box.
express option available.
Supplied with a Premium Gift Box *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
Calais Ballpoint Pen Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black
CSTB9595 Min Order Quantity: 5*
Average Lead Time: 1-5 Working Days
Twist-action ballpoint delivering executive quality at
Supplied with a Premium Gift Box exceptional value. Available in three striking colour
nishes. Premium gift box included. 24-hour express
option available.
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
TOP BRANDS TM Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
MBB01 Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 500
MBB01/02 Min Order Quantity: 25
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Supplied with a Presentation Box
Executive twist-action ballpen in black with chrome trim.
MBR01 Rollerball
PRINT AREA MBB01 Ballpen supplied
MBR01/02 with luxury gift box.
20mm x 20mm
TOP BRANDS TM Type: Capped Rollerball MBB01 AND MBR01
Re ll Colour: Black CAN ALSO BE ENGRAVED
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 25 (BRASS BASE METAL)
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Executive capped rollerball in black with chrome trim.
35mm x 20mm
Supplied with a Presentation Box SCALE 1:2
GSF01, GSR01 and GSB01 MBR01 Rollerball supplied
with luxury gift box.
GSR01/95 TM Type: Capped Writing Instruments
GSB01/95 Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 25
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Executive capped fountain pen, rollerball or ballpen in silver
with black trim. Ink cartridge supplied with the fountain pen.
GS Range supplied
with luxury gift box.
30mm x 20mm
Supplied with a Presentation Box Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
PIERRE CARDIN Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Pierre Cardin Lustrous Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 200
Min Order Quantity: 25*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
LUBS9090 LUBS9595 The agship product in the Pierre Cardin range. Add the
Polished brass and triple-plated with 22 carat gold or PB17 Presentation Case
chromium. Features hand-tooled guilloché nish and
hand-adjusted cap for the perfect t. for an impressive
promotional gift.
Pierre Cardin Lustrous
30mm x 6mm Ballpen, Rollerball and
Mechanical Pencil feature
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. Type: SCALE 1:2 hand-etched detailing. PIERRE CARDIN
Re ll Colour:
Pierre Cardin Lustrous Rollerball Box Quantity: Capped Rollerball
Min Order Quantity: Black or Blue
Average Lead Time: 200
5 Working Days
LURS9090 LURS9595 A truly stunning rollerball fashioned from polished brass
and triple-plated with 22 carat gold or chromium. The
beautiful guilloché nish is hand-machined and the cap
30mm x 6mm
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. Type: SCALE 1:2
Box Quantity:
Pierre Cardin Lustrous Mechanical Pencil Min Order Quantity: Mechanical Pencil
Average Lead Time: 200
5 Working Days
LUMP9090 LUMP9595 Exceptional mechanical pencil made from polished Add the PB17 Presentation
brass and triple-plated in your choice of chromium or Case for an impressive
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. 22 carat gold. The attention to detail extends to the promotional gift.
hand-etched guilloché pattern and high-quality pencil
30mm x 6mm Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
PIERRE CARDIN Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Belfort Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 200
BESB9502 Min Order Quantity: 50*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
BESB9393 BESB9595 This twist-action ballpen’s weight and balance exudes
quality and craftsmanship. Features hand-machined The Pierre Cardin Writing
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. guilloché nish and a clip machined from a single ingot Collection has been
of brass. Created for the most discerning of client.
Avignon Ballpen developed using the nest
ENGRAVING AREA materials and the latest
manufacturing technology.
30mm x 5mm
Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 200
Min Order Quantity: 25*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Etched and hand- lled with black enamel, this twist- Add a chemical black nish
action ballpen represents ne craftsmanship without to your engraved message
compromise. Made from heavy gauge brass and nished to make it really stand out.
in highly-polished chromium. Includes high-quality
Dokumental™ re ll. We recommend pairing the
Academie Rollerball with the
luxurious PB17 Gift Box.
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. 30mm x 5mm
Academie Rollerball SCALE 1:2
Type: Capped Rollerball
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 100*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
ACSR0295 ACSR9390 This heavyweight rollerball with its classic lines and
ACSR0290 hand-machined guilloché nish is the perfect prestige
gift. Manufactured from brass with accents in triple-plated
gold or chromium. Features Dokumental™ ink and a
ceramic tip for a superb writing experience. Chromark™
engraving gives a vivid mirror nish.
30mm x 6mm Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
34 *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
PIERRE CARDIN Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Moulin Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 200
MUBS9595 Min Order Quantity: 100*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
A slimline twist-action ballpen manufactured from heavy- The Moulin Ballpen,
Moulin Rollerball gauge brass and triple-plated in chromium. The outer Rollerball and Mechanical
casing features a hand-worked guilloché nish and nely
MURS9595 hand engraved cross hatching pattern to the top. Each Pencil feature exquisite
cap is individually adjusted for the perfect t. hand-worked detailing.
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
ENGRAVING AREA The Moulin Rollerball
Moulin Mechanical Pencil includes Dokumental™
35mm x 5mm PIERRE CARDIN
MUMP9595 archival-quality re ll.
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
Type: Capped Rollerball
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 200
Min Order Quantity: 100*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
A slimline capped rollerball manufactured from heavy-
gauge brass and triple-plated in chromium. The outer
casing features a hand-worked guilloché nish and
nely hand engraved cross hatching pattern to the top.
Each cap is individually adjusted for the perfect t.
35mm x 5mm
Type: Mechanical Pencil
Box Quantity: 200
Min Order Quantity: 100*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Impressive mechanical pencil with a slimline design Laser engraving the
and hand-etched guilloché detailing. Made from brass Moulin Range reveals
and triple-plated with chromium, it’s the ideal prestige the brass base metal.
gift when paired with the matching Moulin Ballpen or
Rollerball. Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
35mm x 5mm
PIERRE CARDIN Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Montfort Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 200
Min Order Quantity: 50*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
MOBS9595 MOBS0295 A classical masterpiece, the Montfort Ballpen is the
ideal gift for discerning clients. It’s designed for a
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. lifetime of enjoyable writing, with its precious enamel Add the PB15 Presentation
Case to a Monfort Ballpen.
Montfort Fountain Pen nish and triple chrome plated trim, while the German
Dokumental™ re ll will write for over 4,000 linear
30mm x 5.5mm
Type: Capped Fountain Pen
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 200
Min Order Quantity: 50*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
MOFS0295 MOFS9595 With its classical design, the Montfort Fountain Pen is Laser engraving the Montfort
the ideal gift for the discerning recipient. Manufactured Fountain Pen reveals the
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. from brass and nished in precious enamel, the brass base metal.
Montfort is designed to last for a lifetime of enjoyable
Clermont Ballpen writing.
Type: 30mm x 5.5mm
Re ll Colour:
Box Quantity: SCALE 1:2
Min Order Quantity:
Average Lead Time: Twist-Action Ballpen
Black or Blue
5 Working Days
CEBS1095 CEBS5095 With its awless coating of precious enamel and triple- Ask about our full range
CEBS8095 CEBS3095 plated chromium accents, this twist-action ballpen of presentation options
CEBS0295 CEBS0195 is a timeless classic that offers a lifetime of writing to add prestige to your
pleasure. It features a brass casing and longcase re ll.
Pierre Cardin gift.
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
25mm x 5.5mm actual product. Please always order a sample.
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2 All images are subject to copyright.
PIERRE CARDIN Type: Twist-Action Ballpen The Chamonix Ballpen
Chamonix Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black or Blue features a high-quality
Box Quantity: 500 Dokumental™ re ll that can
Min Order Quantity: 25* write for 4,000 metres.
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
CHBS0290 CHBS0295 A classically-styled twist-action ballpen meticulously
crafted from brass with a choice of gold or chromium
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. plating. The lower casing is coated in a durable high gloss
black enamel. Includes Dokumental™ ink and tungsten
Fontaine Ballpen carbide tip for faultless writing performance.
25mm x 5mm PIERRE CARDIN
Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 200
Min Order Quantity: 50*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
FOBS9595 FOBS0295 Manufactured to Pierre Cardin’s uncompromising
standards, this twist-action ballpen is made from hand-
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. polished brass with double electroplated chromium
or lustrous resin. Features hand-adjusted cap for the
Fontaine Mechanical Pencil perfect t and high-quality Dokumental™ re ll.
30mm xSCALE 1:2 5mm
Type: Mechanical Pencil
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 50*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Premium mechanical pencil made from hand-polished Ask about our range of
brass and nished in electroplated chromium or presentation options.
lustrous resin for a beautiful nish. The Pierre Cardin
FOMP3095 FOMP9595 branding is your guarantee of quality.
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. ENGRAVING AREA
30mm xSCALE 1:2 5mm Colours may not be a true re ection of the
SCALE 1:2 actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
PIERRE CARDIN Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Tournier Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 500
TOBS9595 Min Order Quantity: 50*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
The Tournier Ballpen is characterised by hand- Create a prestigous
engraved grid lines to the barrel and plain upper gift with the luxury PB17
parts for unrestricted branding or personalisation: a
delicate balance of design ingenuity and practicality. Presentation Case.
Manufactured from brass and triple chromium plated
for superior protection. The Tournier Range features
hand-engraved detailing.
The Tournier
PIERRE CARDIN *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. 30mm x 5.5mm Fountain Pen
is tted with
Tournier Rollerball SCALE 1:2 a re llable
converter unit
TORS9595 Type: Capped Rollerball
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 50*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Marrying brass with chromium plating, the Tournier
Rollerball will provide many years of writing pleasure.
The hand-engraved grid lines on the barrel give a
striking aesthetic. Includes long-lasting Dokumental™
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. ENGRAVING AREA 30mm x 5.5mm
Tournier Fountain Pen Type: SCALE 1:2
Box Quantity:
TOFS9595 Min Order Quantity: Capped Fountain Pen
Average Lead Time: 500
5 Working Days
The Tournier Fountain Pen is characterised by hand-
engraved grid lines to the barrel with a plain upper
area for laser engraving. Made from brass with triple
chromium plating for a lifetime of writing pleasure.
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. 30mm x 5.5mm Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
PIERRE CARDIN Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Opera Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 500
CABS4395 Min Order Quantity: 100*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
CABS3495 Slim and elegant brass pen nished in a range of Laser engraving the Opera
CABS2395 CABS0195 sumptuous pearlescent enamel nishes with hand- Ballpen reveals the
plated chromium accents of the clip and central brass base metal.
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. ring. The elegantly curved clip features Pierre Cardin
branding while the pen’s twist-action mechanism
Biarritz Ballpen extends a metal re ll with tungsten carbide tip and
Dokumental™ ink.
30mm x 5mm PIERRE CARDIN
Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black or Blue
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 50*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
GABS9595 GABS9593 Twist-action ballpen manufactured from highly-polished The Biarritz Ballpen has a
brass and chromium plated on all external parts. The hand-machined guilloche
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. distinctive feature of this pen is its precision-machined
diagonal guilloché pattern on the barrel prior to pattern on the barrel.
Bayeux Ballpen electroplating. Includes high-quality Dokumental™
re ll.
30mm x 6mm
Type: SCALE 1:2
Re ll Colour:
Box Quantity: Twist-Action Ballpen
Min Order Quantity: Black
Average Lead Time: 500
5 Working Days
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. With its uted barrel and satin black enamel nish, the Laser engraving the Bayeux
Bayeux Ballpen is a timeless writing instrument that suits Ballpen reveals the
every gifting occasion. The outer casing is hand-drawn chrome base metal.
from a heavy gauge brass tube which is augmented by
chromium plated details on the clip, central ring and Colours may not be a true re ection of the
nosecone. Includes German Dokumental™ re ll. actual product. Please always order a sample.
ENGRAVING AREA All images are subject to copyright.
30mm x 6mm
PIERRE CARDIN Type: Push-Button Ballpen The PB07 Box is designed
Classic Script Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black or Blue speci cally for the
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 100* Classic Script Ballpen.
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
The Classic Script Ballpen
CSBS0195 CSBS3095 An all-metal push-button writing instrument with features a high-quality
CSBS0295 CSBS1095 anodised aluminium barrel and nely brushed stainless
steel upper body. Choose from a range of popular Dokumental™ re ll that can
colours. The longcase re ll contains German archival- write for 4,000 metres.
quality Dokumental™ ink and writes for over 4,000
linear metres. Inkredible™ is our smooth- ow
re ll technology for a premium
writing experience.
PIERRE CARDIN *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. 30mm x 5mm
SCALE 1:2 Colours may not be a true re ection of the
Clarence Stainless Steel Ballpen actual product. Please always order a sample.
Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
CHSB9595 Re ll Colour: Black or Blue All images are subject to copyright.
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 100*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Twist-action ballpen made from stainless steel, with
added nickel for greater resistance to hand creams,
oils and perspiration, unique to Pierre Cardin pens.
Each pen is manually hand-brushed to provide a ne
horizontal grain texture, complemented by the polished
trim. Features tungsten carbide tip for extended life.
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. Type: 30mm x 5mm
Re ll Colour:
Beaumont Roller Box Quantity: SCALE 1:2
Min Order Quantity:
BEIR0195 Average Lead Time: Capped Roller
Black or Blue
5 Working Days
BEIR3095 BEIR1095 The timeless classic style of the Beaumont Roller
BEIR0295 BEIR9595 makes it ideal for those who value traditional design
coupled with smooth writing. The Inkredible™ re ll
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. features smooth- ow ink for a premium writing
experience. The Beaumont is manufactured from
40 polished aluminium, anodised and dyed to provide
both protection and an au courant aesthetic.
30mm x 6mm
PIERRE CARDIN Type: Cap-Action Ballpen
Versailles Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 500
POSB3095 Min Order Quantity: 250*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
POSB1095 POSB0295 Manufactured from the highest purity aluminium, this The Versailles Ballpen can
POSB9395 POSB9595 pen undergoes an electrolytic passivation process be engraved around 360°
and then dyed in a range of colours. The result is a
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. vibrant and durable nish that is also an ideal surface of the barrel.
for bonding to printing inks and for laser engraving.
LaFleur Ballpen Includes Dokumental™ re ll for superior writing length. WRITING COLLECTION
The Pierre Cardin Writing
Collection has been
30mm x 5mm developed using the nest PIERRE CARDIN
SCALE 1:2 materials and the latest
manufacturing technology.
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black Laser engraving the
Box Quantity: 500 LaFleur Ballpen reveals
Min Order Quantity: 250* the aluminium base metal.
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
LFSB0195 LFSB6095 Designed by Pierre Cardin to represent understated
LFSB0295 LFSB3095 elegance, the LaFleur Ballpen is ideal for corporate
LFSB0495 LFSB4095 branding with its dazzling array of popular colours
LFSB8095 LFSB2095 and large uninterrupted print area. Manufactured
LFSB1495 LFSB9495 from aluminium and coated in specially formulated
LFSB1095 LFSB9095 enamels, this pen is suitable for both printing and laser
40mm x 5.5mm
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
PIERRE CARDIN Type: Capless Roller
Avant-Garde Roller Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 500
AGMR6095 Min Order Quantity: 250
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
AGMR8095 AGMR3095 The Avant-Garde Roller has an appealing contemporary The Avant-Garde Roller features
AGMR9595 AGMR1095 design in a wide range of metallic colours. It is our smooth- ow re ll technology.
AGMR0295 AGMR0195 manufactured from high-impact Terpolymer and coated
with a metallised UV lacquer – the industry’s most
Fashion Ballpen recent development in decorative nishing. Includes
the ground-breaking Inkredible™ re ll that enables the
FAFB9494 pen to glide effortlessly as you write.
PIERRE CARDIN 45mm x 20mm
Type: Push-Button Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 500
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
FAFB1010 FAFB8080 Moulding using seamless injection tools and the latest
FAFB0202 FAFB9191 lean manufacturing processes allows Pierre Cardin
FAFB0101 FAFB2020 to offer a top brand at competitive prices for the
FAFB9595 FAFB3030 promotions market without compromising on quality.
FAFB4040 FAFB1313 Manufactured from high-grade Terpolymer and coated
in paint pigmented with metallic particles. Includes
42 long-lasting Dokumental™ ink re ll.
45mm x 20mm
SCALE 1:2 Ask about our full range of
presentation options.
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
EXECUTIVE PENS Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Knightsbridge Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 250
KGSB0295 Min Order Quantity: 25*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Knightsbridge Rollerball
Executive twist-action metal ballpen with leatherette Knightsbridge Set with matching
KGRB0295 barrel and lacquered nish for a premium look. PB80 presentation box
Henley Rollerball PRINT AREA
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. EXECUTIVE PENS
Type: Capped Rollerball (BRASS BASE METAL - CAN BE
Box Quantity: 250
Min Order Quantity: 25* Knightsbridge Rollerball
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days with cap on
Executive capped metal rollerball with leatherette barrel
and lacquered nish that’s sure to make a great impression.
25mm x 7mm SCALE 1:2
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
Henley Rollerball with matching
Type: Capped Rollerball PB85 presentation box
Re ll Colour: Black
Min Order Quantity: 25* CAN ALSO BE ENGRAVED
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
High-quality capped metal rollerball with detailed PRE-PRODUCTION SAMPLE WILL BE
leatherette barrel, satin silver and chrome nish. SUPPLIED. PLEASE ASK FOR DETAILS.)
PRINT AREA SCALE 1:2 Henley Rollerball
30mm x 6mm with cap on
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
All images are subject to copyright.
Scimitar Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black CAN ALSO BE ENGRAVED
Box Quantity: 250
SMSB1095 Min Order Quantity: 25*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Stylish twist-action metal ballpen with chrome trim. (ENGRAVED FINISH MAY VARY, A
25mm x 25mm
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2
EXECUTIVE PENS Scimitar Rollerball Type: Capped Rollerball
Re ll Colour: Black
SMRB1095 Box Quantity: 550
Min Order Quantity: 25*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Stylish capped metal rollerball with chrome trim.
25mm x 25mm
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2 Grafton Ballpen also available in
a notebook set. See page 228.
Grafton Ballpen Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black GRAFTON BALLPEN
GASB7002 Box Quantity: 250 CAN ALSO BE ENGRAVED
Min Order Quantity: 25*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Executive twist-action metal ballpen with leatherette barrel (ENGRAVED FINISH MAY VARY, A
and black and chrome trim. PRE-PRODUCTION SAMPLE WILL BE
Modulus Rollerball supplied
25mm x 7mm with presentation box
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2 Colours may not be a true re ection of the
actual product. Please always order a sample.
Modulus Rollerball Type: Capped Rollerball
Re ll Colour: Black All images are subject to copyright.
MOSR8095 Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 25
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
High-quality capped rollerball precision machined from
solid carbon bre. Supplied in a presentation box.
Supplied with a Presentation Box Barrel
35mm x 25mm
EXECUTIVE PENS Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Chequers Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 250
CQSB0195 Min Order Quantity: 25*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Chequers Rollerball
High-quality twist-action metal ballpen with attractive Chequers Ballpen and Rollerball
CQRB0195 chequered barrel. can be supplied as a set with
PB50 presentation box
Carlton Ballpen PRINT AREA
CALB0295 25mm x 7mm ALSO BE ENGRAVED
Carlton Rollerball *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2 (ENGRAVED FINISH MAY VARY, A
Re ll Colour: Black
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. Box Quantity: 250 Alternative print area
Min Order Quantity: 25* for Carlton Ballpen and
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days Rollerball - 25mm x 7mm
High-quality capped metal rollerball with distinctive
chequered barrel.
25mm x 7mm
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2
Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 250
Min Order Quantity: 25*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Executive twist-action metal ballpen with chrome trim.
35mm x 25mm
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2
Type: Capped Rollerball CARLTON RANGE CAN
Re ll Colour: Black ALSO BE ENGRAVED
Box Quantity: 250
Min Order Quantity: 25* (ENGRAVED FINISH MAY VARY, A
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days PRE-PRODUCTION SAMPLE WILL BE
Executive capped metal rollerball with chrome trim.
Colours may not be a true re ection of the
PRINT AREA actual product. Please always order a sample.
Barrel All images are subject to copyright.
35mm x 25mm
EXECUTIVE PENS Type: Capped Rollerball
Ambassador Rollerball Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 25*
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
AMSR1095 AMSR3495 Superior-quality metal rollerball featuring ringed rubber Ambassador Rollerball supplied
AMSR8095 AMSR9595 grip and precision German re ll. Supplied with gift box. with presentation box
Supplied with a Presentation Box PRINT AREA AMBASSADOR ROLLERBALL
Cobra Braid Ballpen Barrel
30mm x 25mm (BRASS BASE METAL - CAN BE
EXECUTIVE PENS *From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details.
Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 25
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Beautifully designed, high-quality twist-action metal
ballpen with a barrel made from plated woven wire.
PRINT AREA Beside Clip 25mm x 7mm
Galileo Space Pen Type: Specialist Ballpen Cobra Braid Ballpen
Re ll Colour: Black with PB30 presentation box
GLSB9595 Box Quantity: 500
Min Order Quantity: 50 Galileo Space Pen includes
Supplied with an Aluminium Presentation Tube Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days aluminium presentation tube
46 The Galileo Space Pen has been developed to work Colours may not be a true re ection of the
in zero gravity and hostile weather conditions. Its actual product. Please always order a sample.
precision engineered mechanism coupled with its
positively pressurised re ll makes this pen a very All images are subject to copyright.
prestigious business gift.
35mm x 7mm 35mm x 7mm
EXECUTIVE PENS Type: Twist-Action Ballpen
Buckingham Ballpen Re ll Colour: Black
Box Quantity: 600
BKSB0295 Min Order Quantity: 25
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Grosvenor Ballpen
High-quality twist-action metal ballpen with a smart black Buckingham Ballpen with
GOSB0295 barrel and unique clip mechanism. PB80 presentation pox
Grosvenor Fountain Pen PRINT AREA 25mm x 7mm
GOFB0295 Barrel Alternative Print Area
35mm x 25mm for Buckingham Ballpen
Carnaby Ballpen
Type: SCALE 1:2 - 25mm x 7mm EXECUTIVE PENS
CATB0290 Re ll Colour:
Box Quantity: Twist-Action Ballpen Grosvenor Set with
Min Order Quantity: Black PB200 presentation box
Average Lead Time: 600
25* 25mm x 6mm
5 Working Days
Alternative Print Area
Executive twist-action metal ballpen with chrome trim. for Grosvenor range
PRINT AREA - 25mm x 6mm
*From as little as 1pc Engraved, please ask for details. SCALE 1:2 ROLLERBALL CAN ALSO BE
Type: Capped Fountain Pen
Re ll Colour: Black (BRASS BASE METAL)
Box Quantity: 600
Min Order Quantity: 25 25mm x 7mm
Average Lead Time: 5 Working Days
Alternative print area
Executive metal fountain pen. Ink cartridge supplied. for Carnaby Ballpen
PRINT AREA Barrel Colours may not be a true re ection of the
35mm x 20mm actual product. Please always order a sample.
Re ll Colour: SCALE 1:2 All images are subject to copyright.
Box Quantity:
Min Order Quantity: Twist-Action Ballpen
Average Lead Time: Black
5 Working Days
Executive twist-action metal ballpen with gilt trim and a
unique clip mechanism.
30mm x 25mm