SysAdmin’s Diary : How To Do Reverse DNS Lookup for Streamyx
SysAdmin’s Diary
{ 2007 07 23 }
How To Do Reverse D S Lookup for Streamyx
My company made a firm decision to terminate EB and changed to Streamyx Corporate package. So, we
were given a fix IP address, and it is my job to ensure that IP can be reversed to the particular hostname.
While it is not mandatory, reverse DNS lookup is very useful in some situations such as to prevent
I believe there is a lot of SysAdmins out there whose company are also using Streamyx Corprate package,
but do not know how to do the Reverse DNS Lookup. Basically, you have 2 options; either give TM Net a
call or go to its web-based Integrated Complaint Management System (iCoMS).
If you asked me, I will suggest you to use the iCoMS. Here is the URL,
Just fill in the form and make sure you have put all the necessary information. In my case, I’ve sent my
application on last Friday; and my reverse DNS lookup is worked by this morning. Yay!
Posted by irwan on Monday, July 23, 2007, at 11:56 pm. Filed
under Tips/Trick/Howto. Follow any responses to this post with
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{ 3 } Comments
1. dolphin | July 24, 2007 at 11:16 am | Permalink
well done
(Using Debian IceWeasel on Debian G U/Linux)
2. ded1 | July 26, 2007 at 9:24 pm | Permalink
we had several streamyx enterprise in few of our office. All with reverse IP since we request TMnet
dns admin to it for us on our ccTLD.
You just need to email to [email protected] or [email protected], ask them to do PTR on
all your IP, first u need to have A record on your ip.
(Using Internet Explorer 6.0 on Windows XP)
1 of 2 20/04/09 11:44
SysAdmin’s Diary : How To Do Reverse DNS Lookup for Streamyx
3. Irwan Schweinsteiger | July 27, 2007 at 9:03 am | Permalink
Nice, good info ded1 :)
(Using Mozilla Firefox on RedHat Linux)
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1. The Malaysian Blogosphere » Blog Archive » MohdIrwan: How To Do Reverse DNS Lookup for
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