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2019 April Royalty Rewards Newsletter Flipbook

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Published by workplace, 2019-03-11 14:27:39

2019 April Royalty Rewards Newsletter Flipbook

2019 April Royalty Rewards Newsletter Flipbook

April 2019 Issue


North America’s Most Comprehensive & EZ Profit Report®
Professionally Delivered Marketing Program

That Automatically Delivers a Flood of
Customers To Your Door Every Day!

This publication is brought to you by Royalty Rewards® | | 1-888-353-5012 |

It’s Story Time!

Hello Everyone!

I’m Rebecca, one of the coaches at Royalty Rewards®. I’ve been with the
company for just over 2 years now. For me, the best part of my job is having the
opportunity to talk to so many people from so many different places that wear
so many different hats! In this position, I get to hear from people who are chefs,
servers, bartenders, managers (and that could all be the same person!) and
hearing their stories is such a great learning experience for me. Both learning about who they are and
where they come from, but also hearing about what is working for their business and putting that
knowledge into making them even more successful in the months and years to come.

One of the things I like to do is share my merchant success stories with other
merchants, as well as my fellow coaches, because I find it is so beneficial to
learn from each other about what others are doing, as well as what parts of the
program they enjoy the most or works the best for them. I find a lot of
merchants are not necessarily aware of everything that Royalty Rewards® has to
offer and sharing success stories is a great way to learn more about the
program and what it can do for you. All of us coaches love to share stories and
we are always happy to give ideas based on what has worked for other

The # 1 thing I recommend to all my merchants is track those campaigns! This gives you a reference
point so that you can see what works, what doesn’t, and areas where you can grow and improve. Hands
down my favorite tool to use with my merchants is the Cash Creator Calendar™. By putting in the
tracked campaign results, you can see where you’re at and then together with your coach you can plan.
Once you have a plan mapped out in your Calendar and everything is in place, you can focus on your
business while the marketing runs on autopilot in the background. Then you can put your time and
energy where it’s needed most, and your coach makes sure that everything is running smoothly.

Since I love sharing stories, I thought it would be fitting to end with one! I have
a merchant that has weekly staff meetings and at every staff meeting he pulls
out his Cash Creator Calendar™ and goes over all the upcoming promotions
with every member of his team. This way, everyone knows what’s going on.
The kitchen knows that there’s a dessert promotion coming up, so they know
what to prepare for. Servers know that people will be bringing in the
Marketing Campaign certificates, postcards and emails, so they know to ask
for it. And if they don’t have one to redeem – it’s the perfect opportunity to
sign them up for the Rewards program!
So, keep those stories coming! All of us coaches love to hear them.

Features: Page 2 Join Us on June 10/19
Page 3
Bad Online Reviews Page 4
Getting A-round Tuit
Making Your Program Accessible

How Bad Does a Bad Online Review Feel?

Pretty bad right? Because, either they are wrong about your business, drag down
your ratings and make you angry and defensive… and make you want to write
them back and give them the “what for” (not advised!). Alternatively, they are right
and strike a chord, show you a weak link in your system, or highlight a situation
that needs remedying. Either way, they are unpleasant and inevitable. Don’t let a
few negative people have a significant impact on your outlook and on the success
of your business.

If you ignore the impact of online review sites, it gives control of your business to a few negative people who are not
a representative sample of your customers.

What if the review sites were spilling over with positive, excited, and happy reviews about your business?
They would:

• Increase your ratings on the sites you want to be at the top of.
• Rank you in the top listings when an Internet searcher looks for your type of business in your community.
• Make the occasional (inevitable) bad review inconsequential as one or two bad reviews in a sea of great

ones is easily discredited by a reader.
• Increase the number of new customers that find your business.

What if there were only four simple steps to increasing your ranking on review sites? It is THE way that customers
check out which businesses they want to do business with and is a great source of new customers when you rank
near the top.

First, you must provide an excellent product and service. At Royalty Rewards® we assume all of our Merchants
are top quality businesses that need our help to grow their customer loyalty, increase sales and find new customers.

Secondly; to be more successful, you need to activate your Royalty Rewards® Online Review Accelerator (if
you haven’t already). It’s FREE and you only need to contact your Coach. It sends out automatic surveys to your
customers based on the criteria you set. You can award points to your customers to thank them for their comments. If
they answer the final survey question that they are “likely to recommend you to family and friends” they’re
encouraged to post their comments on the review sites. Once posted, you can award extra points to those

Third, you need to sign people up to your rewards program and capture their transactions. Without a large
pool of active customers to survey, your numbers are too small to impact the growth of your business and your
online reviews.

As so many of the members surveyed participate, we've seen rankings skyrocket for many of our merchants
who have the surveys turned on.

Remember it is completely free to activate and set up the Membership Survey Campaign — you only need to
email or call your Royalty Rewards® Coach at 1-888-353-5012, Mon—Fri, 9:30 am to 6:30 pm EST to get started.

Fourth, you’ll need to update and maintain your review site listings. You MUST claim your listings on sites like
Google+. Sites automatically surf the web and search for information about your business. Often information found
is inaccurate, so you will need to claim your listings and ensure your contact info, hours and location are all
represented accurately. Plus, you’ll want to add in photos where you can. Your Coach has suggestions for ways to do
this, and they are just a phone call or email away.

Page 2 Join Us In Vancouver, BC!

“I’ll do it when I get
A-round Tuit.”

At one of last year’s meetings, Platinum Elite Members were challenged to “get a-round tuit” for their meeting
contest. We’ve all got them, those projects or plans we will tackle when we have the time to get around to it. Often,
these projects are ones that can impact our business the most, but the day to day busy-ness of business gets in the
way of getting it completed.

Shawn, of Blue Ridge Café, wanted to increase his Royalty Reward® signups. They had been languishing, despite his
team understanding the process, and being trained on what they needed to do. To start, they knew they needed to
get their sta more excited about the program and challenged them with the goal of adding more members to
replace the ones that had gone lost and inactive.

They set up a contest to track each sta members’ signups for a month, with a prize for the highest number of new
member signups. Since Blue Ridge Café has some sta that do not come in direct contact with the customers,
Shawn paired a front of the house member with a back of the house member. The team with the most sign ups
would receive movie tickets. Then he set an overall goal to keep everyone motivated, if they got a total of 3400
Rewards Members by the end of the month, everyone would get a Pizza and Beer Party.

As with every challenge, Shawn faced a few obstacles. Prior to the contest, he had never tracked his overall sales
compared to Royalty Rewards® sales. There is a huge impact on the sales when you have more Royalty Rewards®
Members overall and Active. This was good information to gather and review, giving him factual evidence that the
program was working.

We all have extensive to do lists, and Shawn had to remind himself that he is the Marketing Director in his company,
and it is the most valuable use of his time. It meant not letting other things get in the way, not being distracted by
day to day issues, and learning to delegate and trust others.

Finally, he admitted that he hadn’t believed that the sta would get motivated by a little incentive, even though he
had seen it work e ectively for other Platinum Elite members. He had to overcome his own uncertainty and give it a
try to see the results.

At the end of the same month the year before, the results were:
• New Members 14
• RR Sales were 18.7% of total sales

The contest month results were: Page 3
• New Members 144
• RR Sales were 34.4% of total sales
Overall sales saw a $10,000 increase, with all of it coming from increased
Royalty Rewards® sales. This resulted in more e ective marketing, more
repeat customers and a snowball e ect in the coming months.

Join Us In Vancouver, BC!

Event Make Your Rewards Program Accessible
To Members On Their Smartphone!
(And eliminate data entry, cards and enrollment forms!)
Summer 2019

Up and Coming ®
Events: ®

June 2019

Where: Vancouver, BC

Quantum Leap Live Event
June 10, 2019

Platinum Elite Meeting
June 11-12, 2019

Contact Address: 1124 Fir Ave, ®
#161, Blaine, WA 98230
Page 4
Phone: 1-888-353-5012
Monday – Friday 9:30 am-6:30
pm Eastern or leave a message
24 hours a day 7 days a week
and your call will be returned.

Fax: 1-800-253-1633

[email protected]

North America’s Most Comprehensive
& Professionally Delivered Marketing
Program That Automatically Delivers a
Flood of Customers To Your Door

Every Day...

Continued from Page 1

You could also find a local spa with a good reputation and give them an opportunity to promote their services to your customers. In turn let
them supply some great value services like " Spa for a Day" or other high perceived value services to your winning Moms. I would have
multiple winners as many services as the spa will give away. No cost to you and a great prize.
We offer a variety of special Mother’s Day Sales Boost Marketing Campaigns to help your customers show some Love for Mom in May.


On average merchants saw the following as a result of

sending out this promotion:

- Restaurant: $17,246.82 in sales and $40 to $1 ROI

- Retail: $17,011.25 in sales and $34 to $1 ROI

- Automotive: $34,481.08 in sales and $69 to $1 ROI

For those who want to do something a little
different we have a specific campaign all around
pearls as a gift for Mom. Merchants who
participated in this campaign saw a ROI as high
as $58 to $1.

Page 2 Continued on Page 3

Join Us In Vancouver, BC!

Continued from Page 2

Memorial Day

As we approach the Memorial Day holiday, May 27th, it’s good to remember what the holiday is truly about. Yes, you should celebrate life,
enjoy barbecues, get out on the lake, give customers great deals or specials for the occasion, etc.

As Americans, we get to enjoy these fun days only because of those who have fought for our right to do so. Memorial Day is to remember
those who have given their lives for our great country.

- Restaurant: $18,295.12 in sales
- Automotive: $59,552.72 in sales

Results: $21,143.85 in sales and $42 to $1 ROI
- Restaurant: $16,210.68 in sales and $69 to $1 ROI
- Automotive:

Sometimes the simplest campaigns are the most effective. Memorial Day is the perfect time to honor a veteran, active military member, or their
family with an exclusive offer. Creating an offer especially for them and their family goes a long way to making them feel appreciated.

We offer a special seasonal marketing campaign to help honor those who have served their country on our behalf. And maybe you could also
host a Cookout for Vets and their families at your business. Join with a charitable organization that supports Veterans to help promote it.
Donate a portion of the proceeds to that charity. Lots of great ideas and a done for you campaign to honor the Vets in your town.

Cinco de Mayo

Although Cinco de Mayo has its roots in a Mexican military victory, the
holiday is primarily celebrated in the U.S. as a way to honor
Mexican-American culture. Consider telling the story with a link to an
article on your Facebook page as a post or video that tells the true
history of Cinco de Mayo and the Battle of Puebla.

You could, in addition, give your business a “south of the border” flare
as well for the first week of the month with some bright-colored
decorations. Maybe put your staff in some sombreros and feature
some Mexican snacks as well. This is applicable for all businesses.
Remember to make it fun for your customers and they will come out!

Royalty Rewards® has a Cinco de Mayo marketing campaign already
done for you to help celebrate for your customers at your business.
And who doesn’t love a dog in a sombrero?

Restaurant Merchants who celebrated with a Cinco de Mayo Sales
Boost Marketing Campaign saw average returns upwards of
$18,127.83 in total sales and an ROI of $36 to $1. And retail on
average saw a $10 to $1 ROI.

Join Us In Vancouver, BC! CCoonntitninuueeddoonnPPaaggee44

Page 3

Continued from Page 3

Hamburger Month

May 28th celebrates a fun holiday, National Hamburger
Day May 28th. Everybody loves a good burger, right?
Sometimes it brings a little fun and excitement to your
business to celebrate some different National holidays
that your customers might not be aware of. Events
during the month that are just plain fun for them and
your staff.
Now I know what you are thinking… if you’re not a
restaurant how do I participate in something like this?
Well let me give you a couple ideas...
If you don’t own a restaurant you could have a big cookout featuring Hamburgers and Hotdogs at your business if you have the room. Or have
a recipe contest for the most creative hamburger recipe and then put the winning recipe in your newsletter, post online and hand out at your
The prize could be FREE Hamburgers for a year. You could reach out to a local Hamburger restaurant and work with them. Or just get a bunch
of FREE Hamburger certificates from a local burger joint and give them away. This helps drive more business for the restaurant and gives your
customers a benefit also. Even if you own an auto repair shop or a retail business this works.
Royalty Rewards® has marketing campaign to help get the word out to your customers about these fun events for May.
Merchants who participated in celebrating National Hamburger Month saw on average an $18 to $1 ROI.

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day Results: On average merchants saw the following results.

Get your glass of milk ready because Wednesday, - Restaurant: $14,734.06 in sales and $34 to $1 ROI
May 15 is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! - Retail: $45,454.64 in sales and $58 to $1 ROI
Like other national holidays relating to food, - Automotive: $49,662.60 in sales and $48 to $1 ROI
businesses that sell the chocolate-gooey
concoctions are also offering up free products
and great deals in honor of the sweet treat’s big
If you don’t sell Chocolate Chip Cookies you can
get in on the action all month long. Check out
this mouthwatering campaign to send your
customers to entice them to come in and get
their sweet cookie at your business in May. Give
your customers a reason to have some fun and
celebrate at your business with Free Cookies!
And who doesn’t love a free cookie?

May is the perfect time of year to do something fun with your customers. Take advantage of one of these done-for-you campaigns to
increase your sales. Fill out the enclosed form or simply call your coach. That’s what they are there for - to help you make more sales and
increase your business.

Call your coach at 1-888-353-5012 to get started!

Page 4

Join Us In Vancouver, BC!

April 2019 Issue

Featured Articles

This publication is brought to you by Royalty Rewards® | | 1-888-353-5012 |
By Bent Hansen, Platinum Elite Member

My Secret Sales Multiplier

I was giving a presentation the other day about my restaurant’s database in Royalty Rewards® and I had an amazing
realization;“I have a powerful tool that I’m not using to its fullest.”
As a restaurant owner, I nd myself drawn to what I nd to be new and exciting: imagining and starting new projects, dreaming up or copying successful
new promotions and nding new and exciting ways to do the things. The problem with this? I tend to ignore tried and true principles that have a proven
track record and devote my time to the new, unproven and“more exciting”ideas.
I think there are 2 reasons I do this. 1) I am easily distracted – SQUIRREL!! – diverting my attention to bright, shiny
objects that cross my path that seem to o er promise and potential. And 2) I have an artistic need that needs to be
ful lled by creating new things. For me, this is an important need to ful ll but when it starts to overtake clear
thinking, simplicity and tried and true methods, it can become dangerous because I forget the proven, pro table
principles that got me to where I am; owning a restaurant that supports the lifestyle I want.

The information in my database is so rich and can help me grow sales in so many ways that it’s almost overwhelming. I’m not sure where to start.
(That’s kind of a lie – I know where I’m going to start, but it took me a minute to decide the most pro table.)
The crazy thing is this – no matter what I do with the customers in my database, I can’t lose. You see, in preparing for my presentation I was reminded that
my loyalty members spend $7.44 MORE per transaction than my non-loyalty members. Yes! $7.44 more per transaction!
My POS system gives me the ability to track and compare loyalty transactions versus non-loyalty transactions. Non-loyalty members have a transaction
average of $38.12 while member transactions come in at $45.56 per transaction. This is an apples-to-apples comparison – factoring all the possible
discounts/promotions. (This was taken from a large sample – 6838 total transactions for a month and 2872 loyalty transactions (42%) for that month.)
What does this mean?
It is fascinating to see these results – results from my POS system – because they are an independent veri cation of my loyalty program. The implications
are powerful: 1) Loyalty programs work. 2) Loyalty programs in uence members to spend more money.
If you have ever wondered what the bene t of a loyalty program is in terms of DIRECT sales look at your member vs. non-member check average. The
di erence for me is an additional $21,367.68 monthly. (this is calculated: 7.44 (higher member transaction average) multiplied by 2872 (member

Keep signing up members!! If I can entice new customers and non-member customers to join my rewards program, the statistics
show they will spend more money when they come in. If I were to extrapolate this data – not signing up my customers cost me
$29,707.04 that month. (3992 (non-member customer transactions) multiplied by 7.44 (higher member transaction average))

Page 1 of 2

What You Fear Most
Might Be What You Need Most

By: Gary Leech, Platinum Elite Member

When I think about this quote, I mean REALLY think about it, one thing comes
to my mind. CHANGE.
But... change is hard. It is frustrating. It is feather rustling. It is character
challenging. It is… Well we all know how di cult it can be.
One of my focuses as I go through this time of awareness would be looking at, examining and
possibly changing my culture.
Culture is so important. I believe that it is how a business gets things done and a good culture is
unparalleled. Anyone can copy a company’s product or strategy, but nobody can copy their culture.

Culture is made up of many things that include communication practices,
attitudes and assumptions. These behaviors a ect the social and
psychological aspects of the company’s work environment. And when
those behaviors are broken, it a ects the employee, which a ects the
business’s product, which a ects the customer.
Changing may be as easy as more or better training, really communicating expectations, having
those very hard and uncomfortable conversations or letting an employee go.
I heard once that changing culture is like changing the course of a large ship – rst it takes time to
maneuver – and while the engines are pushing one way the tides and winds are pushing in
another direction.
Over the past few years I’ve have been faced with making some hard changes in my restaurant
and some I haven’t even attempted yet. Why? Fear. Fear of hurting someone’s feelings, fear of not
knowing the outcome of the change I avoided for so long.
Change is a big thing and can be overwhelming for employees and managers.
Your business culture is the only thing that sets you apart from other businesses, so it is so
important to make sure it’s done right.
Change is important. Change is essential. Change is good.
Until next time…

Page 2 of 2

Make a Date For

This publication is brought to you by Royalty Rewards® | | 1-888-353-5012 |

The Quantum Leap Live Bootcamp is FREE for Quantum Leap Club Members!

(If you’re not already a Member, upgrade today and you’ll automatically be able to attend for FREE
including 2 Nights Hotel Accommodation)! These meetings are a great chance for every Royalty
Rewards® Merchant to get away from their business in an exciting location to relax a little, play a

little, and come home armed with the solutions to dramatically grow your sales and pro ts!

In Vancouver BC - June 2019!

We admit it, we’re a little biased, but June in Vancouver, BC, is spectacular. The weather is balmy
(averaging 52-66 degrees Fahrenheit), the skies are blue, people are at the beach, biking the
seawall and sitting at sidewalk cafes soaking it up. The meeting itself is right downtown in the

heart of the city, with so much to see and do (and eat) within walking distance of the hotel. Our
Coaches will be in attendance, including YOURS! This is a great opportunity to meet them in

person, site down for a face to face discussion, ask questions, and get immediate action! All while
you are surrounded by one of the best cities to visit - beautiful scenery, amazing outdoor activities,

fantastic restaurants and award-winning attractions in a thriving vibrant city. Come and see us!

Reserve Your FREE Seat(s) online at
to avoid disappointment or call 1-888-353-5012

Page 1 of 2

Make a Date For

Here's a recent photo of downtown when there was a blood moon this past January.
It’s taken from Stanley Park across Vancouver Harbor. That’s Canada Place Convention
Center with the colorful sails, and your hotel is one of those tall buildings!

Vancouver BC - June 2019!

Reserve Your FREE Seat(s) online at
to avoid disappointment or call 1-888-353-5012

Page 2 of 2

May 2019 Marketing

Where noted, Postcards come in two versions. Ask your Royalty Rewards® Coach for complete details.

Make May extra special for all your customers with a bright Sales Boost Marketing Campaign!

127 Moms Flowers 128 Moms Heart

198 Memorial Day 529 Memorial Flag

129 Moms Shopping 131 Cinco Celebration Ole 527 Hamburger Month

522 Family Summer 1157 Summer Travel 130 Cinco Dog

To view ALL Sales Boost Marketing Campaign Designs visit

ORDER DEADLINE: Tuesday, Apr 9, 2019 Page 1 of 2

To place your order call 1-888-353-5012 or FAX 1-800-253-1633

315 Necklace 142 Summertime Fun 525 Cookie Month

1153 Ntl Car Care (CDN) 437 National Car Month (CDN)

Scratch & Premium Marketing Campaigns

The following are available any month to drive your customers back into your business...

306— No Peeking 307—Winner 502—Balloon Girl 735 Road Ready

539— BBQ Grill Set 570—Steak Knives 1164—Safety Flashlight 1163—Wiper Blades

Monthly Campaign Postcards

All campaigns can be viewed at

If you’re interested in updating your selection call your Royalty Rewards® Coach at 1-888-353-5012.

ORDER DEADLINE: Tuesday, Apr 9, 2019

To place your order call 1-888-353-5012 or FAX 1-800-253-1633 Page 2 of 2

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