Baseball Field Named In
Honor Of Coach Jeff Johnson
Chipola officials named the school’s baseball field—the Jeff Johnson
Field—on Jan. 25.
Coach Johnson is beginning his 23rd season at Chipola. The coach credits
his father, the late Jerry Johnson, for teaching him much of what he knows
about sports and coaching. “Daddy taught me so much about how to treat
players and people in order to be successful. He was my greatest mentor and
a great example as a leader and a coach.”
Johnson began coaching at Chipola in 1997, and has served as Athletic
Director and Baseball Coach since 2015. Coach Johnson has built Chipola
into one of the top JUCO programs in the country compiling an overall record
of 866-396-2. The Indians are the reigning three-time State champions. They
won back-to-back National Titles in 2017 and 2018, and also in 2007.
Johnson has 13 Panhandle Conference titles and six runner-up finishes.
winning the last 3. More than 225 of his players have advanced to univeHrsiistiteesaomrstohtahvee pprloafyeesdsioinnatlhreanSktast.eFiCvheaomf hpiisonplsahyieprs9woefrethoenlmastaj1o2r lyeeaagruse,
rosters in 2019, including Nationals pitcher Patrick Corbin, the winning pitcher in the World Series. Also in the MLB last year, were: Russell Martin,
Toronto Blue Jays; Andrew Toles, Los Angeles Dodgers; and Tyler Flowers and Adam Duvall, Atlanta Braves.
Coach Johnson also coached former Blue Jays outfielder, Jose Bautista, a six-time All-Star who was MLB Homerun champion in 2010 and 2011.
The Indians are the reigning three-time FCSAA Florida State Champions and are ranked first in the NJCAA National Pre-season poll.
Chipola Education Program Earns An ‘A’ For Reading Instruction
Dr. Gina McAllister, Dean of the Chipola School of Education, recently announced that the Teacher Education
program was recognized by the National Council on Teacher Quality for earning a grade of “A” for strong preparation in
Reading Instruction in the B.S in Elementary Education program.
A letter from Kate Walsh, President of the National Council on Teacher Quality, states, “We are happy to recognize
the strong preparation in reading instruction that your undergraduate program provides to your elementary teacher
The Chipola program was part of a small group - only about a quarter of programs nationwide - to qualify for
an ‘A’ by providing a combination of explicit instruction on each of the five components of reading instruction; support
for instruction with high-quality textbooks that accurately detail established principles of scientifically-based reading
practices; and, evidence that teacher candidates must demonstrate mastery through in-class assignments, tests, and fieldwork.
Chipola’s Teacher Education program will be evaluated on additional elementary standards (elementary math, building knowledge, selection
criteria, diverse recruitment, classroom management, and clinical practice) during the Spring 2020 semester.
To see how Florida teacher preparation programs performed in the interactive Teacher Prep Review database, visit:
standardDetails/Early-Reading. More information about NCTQ can be found at
ChiAploulma tnoi-HPorostduSccreedeFniilnmg of Chipola will host a screening of the film, You Gave Me a Song, produced by Chipola alumnus Ashley
Melzer, Thursday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m., in the Center for the Arts.
You Gave Me A Song offers an intimate portrait of music pioneer Alice Gerrard and her remarkable
journey creating and preserving traditional music. The film follows 84 year-old Gerrard over several years,
weaving together footage of living room rehearsals, recording sessions, songwriting, and performances with
photos and rare field recordings. Much of the film is told in Alice’s voice and with musical collaborators and
family members who share the story of Alice and others chasing that high lonesome sound.
Producer Ashley Melzer, originally from Sneads, is a producer, writer and media-maker living in Durham,
NC. She received her Bachelors in Cinematic Arts from the University of Southern California and a Masters
in Folklore from UNC-Chapel Hill. Her work has been featured in Indy Week, Wondering Sound, Paste
Magazine, eMusic, The Carrboro Citizen, and the Southern Foodways Alliance. She’s worked with Hopscotch,
Moogfest, the NC Comedy Arts Festival, Thornapple Films, The Southern Oral History Program. She currently
works on Multimedia Production and Special Projects for the Southern Cultures Journal. She is the founder of
Ashley Melzer Mettlesome, a creative, project based collective, for which she performs, directs, writes and teaches comedy.
Learn more about the film at
Townsend Building Supply marked their 75TH
Anniversary by giving $7,500 to Washington
County Take Stock in Children. Pictured from
left, are: Susan Saunders, Director of Curriculum
and Instruction, Washington County Schools;
Dr. Matthew Hughes, Dean of Assessment, Registration for Spring Term ‘C’ classes at
Compliance, and Grants, Chipola; Turner Chipola College is Feb. 24-28. Classes meet
Townsend, Vice President and Owner, Townsend March 2 through May 5. For information
Building Supply; Debra Perdue, Coordinator about enrolling, call the Admission and
Chipola Take Stock in Children and Joseph Taylor, Records office at 850-718-2311, or visit www.
Washington County Superintendent.
Chipola’s Fine Arts Department announces a special production of The Spinning Tales of Peter Pan
and Cinderella on Ice!, Feb. 17-18 at 7 p.m.
Tickets—$10 for adults and $6 for ages 18 and under—are on sale now. ACT Fund membership
tickets may be used for this event. The show is scheduled in place of Disney’s Mary Poppins”
originally scheduled for Feb. 20-22 which has been cancelled.
Call the Center for the Arts Box Office at 850-718-2420 or visit
The Chipola College Student Scientists Association is hosting Georgia Ackerman,Apalachicola Riverkeeper,for a free informational forum for
students and the community,Thursday,Feb.27,at 6:30 p.m. The event will be held in the Chipola Cultural Center on the corner of College Street
and Indian Circle.
Ackerman will provide an update on oil and gas drilling in the Apalachicola River basin and summary of legal issues in the on-going“water
wars”of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) Rivers basin.
Ackerman believes outside play and wild places are fundamental to both the health of humans and the planet.She said,“People will protect
what they love.Also, people depend on this river system for their livelihoods.I’m constantly reminded by people’s actions that so many people
deeply care about the Apalachicola River–and the Bay that it nourishes.It deserves our long term protection and restoration efforts.”
The Apalachicola is Florida’s largest river in volume of flow stretching more than 100 miles from the Woodruff Dam in Chattahoochee
southward to the Apalachicola.The river’s freshwater supports the health and productivity of the Apalachicola Bay and the eastern Gulf of Mexico.
With numerous ecological designations,such as Outstanding FloridaWaterway,the Apalachicola Riverkeeper has advocated for the protection of
the Apalachicola River since 1998 when the independent,non-profit group was founded.
Legal disputes over water use in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint Basin (ACF Basin) shared by Alabama, Florida and Georgia, have
lingered for three decades.Dams and reservoirs on the Chattahoochee,controlled by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,altered the once free-flowing river system.
Ackerman joined the Apalachicola Riverkeeper team in 2017.She has been involved with the group for over a decade as a business sponsor,volunteer and board member.She is an
avid kayaker and outdoor enthusiast.She ran a north Florida ecotourism company for nearly a decade where she spent time learning about the Apalachicola River.
The Tallahassee Democrat recently awarded Ackerman an Honorable Mention as Person of the Year, saying,“Ackerman has fought tirelessly for the protection of the river and the
interests of the people whose livelihoods depend on it.She is a leading voice to restore the oyster industry in Apalachicola.”
The event is free and open to the public.For information,contact Dr.David Hilton at 850-718-2382 or email [email protected]
A Celebration of
History Month
In honor of Black History Month, the Jackson County Public Library, Chipola Corrections Grads—
the Chipola College Social and Behavioral Sciences Department
and the Black Student Union are presenting a Black History Month Fifteen candidates recently completed the Basic
Film Series. Corrections Academy at Chipola College. Graduates
The film “Harriet” will be shown Wednesday, Feb. 12, from 9 a.m. to are, from left: (front) Wallace B. Barber, Jamel D.
11 a.m. in the Cultural Center. “Africa’s Great Civilization” will be Batchelor, Jackson C. Chandler, Antenequa L.
shown Wednesday, Feb. 26, from 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The showings Doughty, Shamyera M. Goldsmith, Domonique J.
are open to the public. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged Graham, Chelsea S. Hall, Shequita S. Hill, Kaitlin
to attend. D. Pate (back) Makayla S. Smith, Sarah E. Smith,
Chipola’s Annual Black History Month Celebration is Friday, Feb. 21, Shania M. Smith, Ronald K. Sorrelle, Thomas A.
at 6:30 p.m. in the Cultural Center. Guest speaker is Elder Emeritus Ne’Terrica and Kyle D. Vogel.
William McCray. The Jackson County Health Department will be
present to promote Tobacco Cessation and Diabetes Prevention.
BSU students will be selling raffle tickets for a $100 gift card and a
Dutch oven. Proceeds will be allocated to the BSU students’ Spring
FAASA Convention fees. Admission is free and dinner will be provided.
For information, contact BSU adviser Dr. Willie Spires at 850-718-2232.
Chipola students graduating in the Spring or Summer of 2020 who plan to march in the May 7 Commencement Ceremony, must
apply for graduation by March 2. Students should visit the Admissions Office to complete the application.
Chipola Homecoming Winners February
Aisley Patterson-Rhodes 7 CC Baseball vs. Walters State Community College 12:00 PM
was crowned Chipola 8 CC Baseball vs. Walters State Community College 10:00 AM
Homecoming Queen and
Tamarique Jones was 8 CCBaseballvs. SanJacintoCollege-North4:00PM
crowned Mr. Chipola on 8 ACT Exam
Jan 25. Members of the 9 CC Baseball vs. Florida Southwestern State College 11:00 AM
2020 Chipola College 12 CCBasketballvs.NorthwestFlorida 5:30/7:30PM
Homecoming Court are,
from left: 2019 Mr. Chipola 13 SpringB:LastDaytoWithdrawfromaClass
Mikel Engram, 2020 Mr. 14 Literature/LanguageFestival,BuildingZ
Chipola Tamarique Jones, 14-18 Spring A: Last Day for Vertical Transfer
15 CCBaseballvs.St.PetersburgCollege2:00PM
Chipola President Dr. Sarah Clemmons, 2020 Queen Aisley 16 CCBaseballvs.St.PetersburgCollege11:00AM
Patterson-Rhodes, 2019 Queen Tazjhani Baker.
Chipola Music Students Attend Music Symposium 16 CCSoftballvs. USCSalkehatchie1:00PM
Chipola College music 16 CCSoftballvs. USCSalkehatchie3:00PM
students recently attended 17 TheatreProductionPeterPanandCinderellaonIce,CFA7PM
the Florida College System 18 NightStudentSocial,7PM,Cafe
Activities Association Winter 19 CCBasketballvs.GulfCoastState-5:30/7:30PM.
Music Symposium hosted by
Florida Southern University’s 19 SGACampusBloodDrive
Department of Music in 20 CCBaseballvs.GordonStateCollege5:00PM
Lakeland. Pictured from left, 20 SpringB:LastDaytoResignfromAllClasses
are: Caroline King; Evelyn
Ward, Director of Fine Arts; 21 CCBaseballvs.WabashValleyCollege10:00AM
Zachary Chorn; Maggie 21 CCBaseballvs.WabashValleyCollege2:00PM
Ham; Julie Barfield; Will
Adcock; Sarah Lynn White; Michael Brown; Ally Williams; Katie Brown; Lina 21 BlackHistoryCelebration,6:30PM,CulturalCenter
Daniel; Anna Gillis; and Dr. Josh Martin, music instructor. Also attending was 22 CCBaseballvs.ColumbiaStateCommunityCollege4:00PM
Angie White, music instructor. 23 CCBaseballvs.DyersburgStateCommunityCollege11:00AM
Book Signing Surviving Hurricane Michael: A Community’s 24 SpringC:New&ReturningStudentRegistration,8AM–4PM
25 CCBaseballvs.LurleenB.WallaceCommunityCollege2:00PM
Story of Devastation, Survival and Hope during Recovery 25 CCSoftballvs. SantaFeCollege4:00PM
written by Chipola College alumnus, Kay Dennis. Monday,
March 9, from 2 – 5pm in the Chipola College library. 25 CCSoftballvs. SantaFeCollege6:00PM
This is an uplifting story with personal accounts intended to 28 SpringB:LastAcademicClassDay
help the community heal. All money 29 CCBaseballvs.GrandRapidsCommunityCollege1:00PM
earned from book sales goes to the City
of Marianna for hurricane recovery.
Cost is $28. Purchases are cash only. 29 CCBaseballvs.GrandRapidsCommunityCollege3:30PM
Chipola And SMDC to Offer Help to Small Businesses Teacher Workshop Set at Chipola
Chipola College and the Small Business The Chipola College Future Educators Club
Development Center are working to provide will host its 12th Annual Teacher Workshop, Saturday,
small business resources for those in the Mar. 7, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Teachers and students
community looking to start or advance a small interested in a career in education are invited to attend.
business. Chipola Teacher Education students with the
Opportunities are available every assistance of the education faculty, staff, and education
Wednesday on the Chipola campus. On Feb. graduates will present the free workshop. The day
19, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., assistance will be will include sessions for elementary, middle, and high
provided for developing a company name, school teachers in Math, Science, Reading, English, ESOL
selecting an operational focus, and an overall mission statement for a small business. and ESE. Students will present hands-on activities that
Anyone is welcome to stop by Building Z (Rm. Z-230), 3094 Indian Circle, Marianna, FL can be used in the classroom along with samples for
32446, to meet with Dr. David Bouvin and local SBDC partners. teachers to use in their own classrooms. There will also
Business owners also are welcome to email or call Dr. Bouvin at (850) 718-2380 or be drawings for door prizes.
[email protected].
Each week, a small business activity will be available to anyone working on a To ensure that sufficient materials are available,
small business. Information on the local SBDC is available at: please RSVP to FEC Sponsor Casey Dowgul at dowgulc@
For information about academic programs of study available at Chipola College, visit or phone 850-718-2449.