Chipola Nominated for Aspen Prize
The Aspen Institute named Chipola College one of the 150
institutions eligible to compete for the $1 million Aspen Prize for
Community College Excellence, the nation’s signature recognition of
achievement among America’s community colleges.
This is Chipola’s seventh consecutive nomination for this honor.
Chipola stands out among more than 1,000 community colleges
nationwide as having high and improving levels of student success as
well as equitable outcomes for Black and Hispanic students and those
from lower-income backgrounds.
Chipola was one of only 14 Florida Colleges nominated for the
Award. The Florida list includes: Broward, Chipola College, College
of Central Florida, Daytona, Eastern Florida State, Florida Gateway,
Florida State College at Jacksonville, Gulf Coast, North Florida, Palm
Beach State, Saint Johns River, Seminole, South Florida and Tallahassee.
Chipola President Dr. Sarah Clemmons, says, “We are proud to be counted among the top 150 community colleges
in the U.S. Our seventh consecutive nomination for the Aspen Prize confirms that our students are performing at a high
level. This nomination also affirms that our faculty and staff are providing a strong academic program which prepares
students to succeed.”
The 150 eligible colleges have been invited to submit data and narratives as the next steps in an intensive data and
practice review process, culminating in the announcement of the Prize winner in spring 2023.
Eligible colleges must show strong and improving student outcomes in key areas such as retention, completion,
transfer, and equity. Nationwide—only 150 of the approximately 1,000 public two-year colleges nationwide assessed for
the Prize have been invited to apply—the full list can be accessed on the Prize homepage.
For a list of the top 150 eligible institutions, visit The Aspen Institute
aims to advance higher education practices, policies, and leadership that improve student outcomes.
The Aspen Institute works to improve colleges’ understanding and capacity to teach and graduate
students, especially the growing population of low-income and minority students on American
campuses. To learn more, visit
Chipola College is designated as a state college in the Florida College System. Established in
1947, Chipola offers the Bachelor of Science Degree, Associate in Arts Degree, the Associate in
Science Degree and Workforce Development programs.
For information about Chipola College, visit or phone 850-526- 2761.
Homecoming Week is Jan. 31-Feb 5.
Chipola College
will celebrate Homecoming
Saturday, Feb. 5, with the theme,
“Chipola is Kicking it Old School.”
The celebration will go on the week of
Jan. 31—Feb. 5. The Indians will host the
Tallahassee Community College Eagles on
Saturday, Feb. 5.
Candidates for the Homecoming
Court will be introduced Wednesday, Jan.
26, at 10:30 a.m. in the Cafeteria. Candidates
must be currently-enrolled and degree-seeking, be a member of an active
Chipola club, have a minimum 2.5 GPA, and be in good standing.
Voting for candidates is Jan. 26-27, in the Student Activities Office in the
Cafeteria (K-105). Students must be currently-enrolled to vote.
The 2022 Homecoming Queen and Mr. Chipola will be crowned during
halftime of the men’s basketball game on Saturday, Feb. 5.
For information, contact Nancy Johnson at [email protected] or
phone 718-2308 or 718-2314.
Millican Baseball Scholarship Established Chipola Dedicates Foundation in
The Chipola College Foundation Honor of Kay Trammell
has established the Kevin
Millican Memorial Baseball Chipola officials hosted a Dedication Ceremony for
Scholarship. Lee Anderson the Kay Sellers Trammell Foundation Building on
of Marianna established the Nov. 10. A portrait of Trammell was unveiled and will
scholarship in honor of his hang in the foyer of the Foundation house.
beloved brother-in-law to assist
Chipola baseball players who
come from out-of-state, just
as Kevin did. Donations to
the Kevin Millican Memorial
Baseball Scholarship fund may
be mailed to: Chipola College
Foundation, 3094 Indian Circle,
Marianna, FL 32446
Chipola’s Hands On A Hard Body Earns Superior Rating
The Chipola Theatre production of ‘Hands on a Hard Body’ received a Superior rating from the Florida College System
Activities Association. The show was Chipola Director Raines Carr’s first musical production at the college.
The respondent who evaluated the show presented Individual Performer and Technician Awards to: Lauren Chesnut,
Gwyneth Davis, Rafael Gell, Kayleigh Hall, James Kidd, Leah Lewis,
Anthony Severson, Lucille Sloan and Aaron Whitfield.
The respondent said, “The cast and crew are to be commended for
an exceptional production that was well received by the community.
Director Carr led a talented cast of students, alumni and guest artist
Stephen Guarino. The production elements came together to create an
extremely enjoyable evening.”
Technical aspects of the show also were applauded, “The truck served
as an effective playground for the actors and was well utilized throughout.
The forced perspective and banners in the house drew us into the action.”
In closing, the respondent said, “The Center for the Arts is beautiful
and immaculately maintained. The event was well attended and the
support from the community was evident. Dianna Floyd’s choreography
was inventive and high energy. The truck percussion was joyfully done.
Overall, a really impressive production.
Follow the “Chipola Theatre” on Facebook.
Artist Series Mutts Gone Nuts is Jan. 25 Chipola Artist Series Adds
Flowing Water to Line-Up
The Chipola Artist Series will present Mutts Gone Nutts Monday,
Jan. 25, at 7 p.m. The Chipola College Artist Series will
present Flowing Water Monday, May
The Disorderly duo, Scott and Joan Houghton and their hilarious 23, at 7 p.m. in the Center for the
pack of pooches have created a comedy dog thrill show like no other. Arts. The concert was added to
Expect the unexpected in this top-notch presentation that includes: the Artist Series line-up in place
incredible high flying frisbee dogs, tightwire dogs, dancing dogs, and of the Annie Mosses Band.
magic dogs. Flowing Water brings
cultural knowledge and
Since 1985, Mutts Gone Nutts has brought their show to audiences musical insights to the
from Las Vegas to Tokyo. Their amazing canine partners are all audience by presenting
traditional masterpieces of two
adopted from animal shelters and rescues. This Chinese musical instruments.
family-friendly performance is sure to leave Dr. Haiqiong Deng is a
audiences howling for more. Learn master of the 21-string
more at Chinese guzheng and
Tickets are available at the a veteran practitioner
Chipola Box Office. Single of the 7-string guqin
event tickets are $20 for adults, instrument.
$10 for 18 and under, and $5 Tickets are
for Chipola students and available now at the
employees. Chipola Box Office.
Call 718-2420 or
Chipola Automotive Students Earn Jackson Correctional to Host Hiring Event at Chipola
Master ASE Certifications The Jackson Correctional Institution will host a one-day hiring event for
Correctional Officers and Trainees, Thursday, Feb. 17, from 8-11 a.m. and
12-3 p.m. in the Chipola College Public Service Building.
Interested applicants must be a U.S. Citizen, be at least 18 years old, have
no felony convictions, eligible to own/possess a firearm, have a valid driver’s
license, and hold a high school diploma or equivalent GED.
Applicants should also bring the following documents: driver’s license,
social security card, birth certificate, high school diploma or equivalent, and
a military dd-214. Applicants will take the CJBAT on the same day.
New hires have the potential to earn an annual salary of $38.5k, receive
on the job paid training, earn tuition-free college (6hrs/semester) and receive
single/family health insurance coverage.
For more information or for those unable to attend, contact: Morgan
Three students in the Chipola College Daniels at 850-718-2212.
Automotive Technology program—Perry Wells,
Ethan Miller and Luke Martineau—recently
achieved Master ASE certification status. ASE
(Automotive Service Excellence) improves the
quality of vehicle repair and service by testing
and certifying automotive professionals. Master
Technician status is earned when one achieves Florida Supervisor of Elections Scholarship
certification in all Automotive testing areas. Carol A Dunaway, Jackson County Supervisor of Elections, announces
Chipola instructor John Gardner says, “This a scholarship opportunity for Florida college and university students.
is an amazing achievement to pass all eight areas Each year, the Florida Supervisors of Elections (FSE) offers a scholarship
of the ASE exams while still attending classes opportunity for eligible students. This year they will award four $1,200
in the automotive technology program. Our scholarships. Applicants must be a registered Florida voter; live in
students are second to none, proven by their Florida for at least the past two years; major in Political Science,
high passing rate of this industry certification.” Public Administration, Business Administration, or Journalism/Mass
Gardner says automotive students work together Communication; be enrolled or accepted as a full-time student in a senior
and strive to be the best. “Competitiveness college or university in Florida, have at least a “C” average for the previous
has driven all of our students to achieve ASE year; at least a junior in college. The deadline to apply is March 11, 2022.
certification to a level never seen before,” Applications are available online at
Student Perry Wells says “Chipola has been
a great experience. I would highly recommend
the program for anyone who is interested in the Spirit Night at
automotive field”
For more information about Automtoive
Technology program contact John Gardner or
Josh Ellis @850-718-2306
Chipola Future Educators Club
Join us at Beef O’Brady’s
Tuesday Jan. 18th from 5:30-7:30 PM Beef O’Brady’s will
donate a portion of food sales to Chipola FEC from all Spirit
Night Participants
Chipola Basketball Schedule
John Gardner (center) and Josh Ellis (right), Wed. Jan. 19 at Tallahassee 4:30/6:30 PM W/M
Chipola College Automotive Technology Mon. Jan. 17 at Gulf Coast 5:30/7:30 PM W/M
instructors, are returning for Season 8 of Tech Sat. Jan. 22 vs. Northwest Florida 5:30/7:30 PM W/M
Garage. The new season hits the TV screens Wed. Jan. 26 at Pensacola 5:30/7:30 PM W/M
worldwide Saturday mornings beginning Jan. 1, Wed. Feb. 2 vs. Gulf Coast 5:30/7:30 PM W/M
2022, on Discovery’s MotorTrend network. Also Sat. Feb. 5 vs. Tallahassee 5:30/7:30 PM W/M
pictured is multitalented automotive journalist, Wed. Feb. 9 at Northwest Florida 5:30/7:30 PM W/M
Dave Dobson (left). Sat. Feb. 12 vs. Pensacola 5:30/7:30 PM W/M
Wed. Feb 16 at Gulf Coast 5:30/7:30 PM W/M
Chipola College is an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Institution