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Published by kapc2you, 2021-09-11 14:03:02

36 총회 절차3

36 총회 절차3

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Korean American Presbyterian Church |Proposals and Reports of the 36th General Assembly

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Minutes of the 17th Meeting of the NAP at Covenant Chapel, Manchester, CT on September 19-21, 2011

I. Opening Worship
II. Call to Order; Meeting called to order by Moderator (8:07 PM); Reading from Joel 2:1-23-27 by Moderator. Prayer

by John Lee
III. Roll Call; Present (15 in total) and Absent (22) (Names Omitted)
IV. Adoption of Docket. Update information regarding John J. Lee who transferred to a non-denominational church

(Joy Christian Fellowship). Motion by Kenneth Noh to accept the docket, 2nd by Isaac Lim. Motion moved to the
floor and passed
V. Committee Meetings. Motion by David Choe to adjourn the meeting until 9:00AM, Tuesday morning, 2nd by
Daevid Yoon. Motion moved to floor and passed. Prayer by Fred Porter at 8:21PM, Monday, September 19, 2011.
Meeting resumed at 9:37AM, Tuesday, September 20, 2011. Reading from Isaiah 2:1-5 by Moderator. Prayer by
David Choe. Eugene Noh called into roll
VI. Prayer Groups/Ministry Reports. Prayer request to be sent to Recording Secretary to be sent out by email to all
VII. Reports from members not in attendance. Stated Clerk highlighted letters by absentee member. Pray for those
who asked for prayer and generally for those who are not in attendance. Reminder to urge those who have not
responded to report their status. Prayer by Daevid Yoon for the members not present
VIII.Under Care Progress Reports. Prayer for the undercare members by Mike Kearney. Tae Cho called into roll
IX. Old Business. Report from Ad-Hoc Committee on dual membership. Proposal of the formation of a new standing
committee, the Theological Committee of the NAP to address, research and present theological issues and concerns
of the KAPC. Motion by John Lee to table the proposal by the Ad-Hoc Committee. 2nd by Kenneth Noh.
Motion moved to the floor and passed. Proposal to revise the report to be reported in the upcoming presbytery.
Motion by Isaac Lim to receive the Ad Hoc revised report. 2nd by David Choe. Motion moved to the floor and
NAP website status/maintenance: Discussion on the continuing the NAP website and its content and maintenance in
the future. Motion by Fuji Kim for the recording secretary responsible for the website and its content. 2nd by
Daevid Yoon. Amendment by Fuji Kim to the motion for the Executive Committee to have the oversight of the
website and its content and the Recording Secretary to be responsible under the direction of the Executive Committee
to maintain the website. 2nd by Daevid Yoon. Motion moved to the floor and passed.
2011 GA Presentation Preparation Committee Report: Brief description of the hour-long presentation before the GA
by the Ad Hoc Committee chaired by Steve Park. Presentations were made by James Kim, Ryan Kim, and Steve
Park. Motion by James Park to accept the Ad Hoc report for the GA Presentation. 2nd by David Choe Motion
moved to the floor and passed
X. New Business: Overture to the GA – Voice of conscience concerning ungodly conduct at the GA. Motion by David
Choe to form a Ad Hoc Committee to research what took place in the GA and prepare a overture to the GA taken
into account other presbyteries and formulate a response by next presbytery (Spring). 2nd by Michael Chang. Motion
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moved to the floor and passed. Motion by Fuji Kim to name Ryan Kim, Mike Kearney, James Kim, Anthony Kim
and Steve Park as members of the Ad Hoc Committee regarding the overture to the GA. 2nd by James Park.
Motion moved to the floor and passed
A. Request of Transfers: William Chang – Transfer of credentials to the PCA Eugene Noh – Received a call from City
Church in San Francisco (RCA denomination) and requesting a transfer. Motion by Anthony Kim to grant the
transfer of credentials to Eugene Noh to the RCA pending the letter of request by the presbytery. 2nd by Ryan Kim.
Motion moved to the floor and passed
B. Clarification of undercare status (serving in non-KAPC church). Discussion of the policy regarding the undercare
status to be serving a KAPC church in accordance to our BCO and to be unified and consistent on this issue.
Reports of the undercare serving at non-KAPC churches. Joseph Kwak – desires to transfer to the PCA and serving
a church in Georgia. David Ha – formally requested removal of undercare of NAP status as he is serving a PCUSA
church. Aaron Sunu – planning to be ordained in the PCA. David Park – serving at Cheltenham Presbyterian
Church (PCA). John J. Lee – serving at Joy Community Fellowship (non-denomination). Motion by John Lee to
remove Joseph Kwak from the undercare list and send a letter of clarification along to the overseers to the rest of the
undercare who are serving at non-KAPC to seek a KAPC in six months time or be removed from the undercare list.
2nd by David Choe. Motion moved to the floor and passed
XI. Committee Reports
A. Examination Committee. Pastoral Candidates. Lester Kim is currently serving at Cerritos Presbyterian Church
(CPC) married and with kids and is member of the pastoral staff. He has received a letter of call from CPC.
Motion by Mike Kearney to ordain Lester Kim 2nd by Kenneth Noh. Motion moved to the floor and passed.
Motion by Mike Kearney to appoint Ben Kim, James Kim and David Choe as members of the Ordination Committee.
2nd by Daevid Yoon. Motion moved to the floor and passed. (Moderator yields the gavel to the vice-moderator for
a break).Tom Chang is currently serving at Bucks County Presbyterian Church and graduated from seminary married
with two kids. Successfully completed all GA requirements and received a letter of call by Bucks County
Presbyterian Church. Motion by Kenneth Noh to ordain of Tom Chang. 2nd by Isaac Lim. Motion moved to the
floor and passed. Motion to appoint a Ordination Committee consisting of Fred Porter, Fuji Park and Francis
Chang by Daevid Yoon. 2nd by Ryan Kim. Motion moved to the floor and passed
1. Under Care Candidates: In Kim currently serving at Korean Central Presbyterian Church and graduated from
seminary and pursue and desires to be received as a undercare candidate. Motion by Michael Chang to receive In
Kim as a undercare member. 2nd by Anthony Kim. Motion moved to the floor and passed. Kenneth Noh
assigned as overseer of In Kim
2. Ruling Elder Candidates: Brian Kim , Philip Russell and Kevin Yi at Cerritos Presbyterian Church. Motion by John
Lee to table the elder candidates till the all the necessary documents to recognized and submitted to the Missions
Committee. 2nd by Isaac Lim. Motion moved to the floor and passed
3. By common consensus the Missions Committee is excused to meet and examine the documents submitted by CPC
regarding the particularization of the church.
4. Motion by Mike Kearney to receive the recommendation of the Examination Committee to ordain the above
mentioned three elder candidates at CPC. 2nd by Michal Chang. Motion moved to the floor and passed. The
three elders to be ordained at CPC in the Fall along with the ordination of Lester Kim
B. Missions Committee seeks the floor to give their report. Permission given by common consensus. Missions
Committee approves all the documents submitted for particularization. Motion by Mike Kearney to receive the
committee report. 2nd by Ryan Kim. Motion moved to the floor and passed
C. Finance Committee seeks the floor to give their report. Permission given by common consensus. Motion by
David Yoon to receive the Finance Committee report. 2nd by Anthony Kim. Motion moved to the floor and
D. Fundraising Committee seeks the floor to give their report. Permission given by common consensus.
Recommendation to raise more support . Creatively raise funds and explore more options for outside sources.
Motion by to receive the committee report by Daevid Yoon. 2nd by Kenneth Noh. Motion moved to the floor
and passed
XII. Treasurer seeks the floor to give his report. Budget Report given by Mike Kearney, Treasurer. Motion to accept
the Treasurer’s budget report by Daevid Yoon. 2nd by Tae Cho. Motion moved to the floor and passed. Motion
by Fuji Kim to refund all travel expenses and letter of apology to Don Lee. 2nd by Tae Cho. Motion moved to the
floor and passed
XIII.Discuss Next Meeting’s Date and Location. Motion by Anthony Kim to appoint the Executive Meeting to decide
the dates and location. 2nd by Isaac Lim. Motion moved to the floor and passed
XIV.Reading and Approval of Minutes. Motion by Anthony Kim to have the Executive Committee read and review the
minutes provisionally . 2nd by James Park. Motion moved to the floor and passed
XV. Adjournment. Scripture: Malachi 4:1-6 by Moderator. Prayer: James Kim. Motion by David Yoon to adjourn the

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meeting. 2nd by David Choe. Motion moved to the floor and passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:44PM, Tuesday,
September 20, 2011

15-2 18

Minutes of the 18th Meeting of the NAP at Dae Hueng Korean Presbyterian Church, Gardena, CA on March 19-20, 2012

I. Opening Worship & Call to Order. Meeting called to order by Moderator (7:20 PM)
II. Roll Call. Present (22 in total) & Absent (16) (Names Omitted)
II. Adoption of Docket. Add the Ad Hoc Committee of the Ordination Committee as 9C. Motion by Daevid
III. Yoon to accept the docket. 2nd by Jin Chong. Motion moved to the floor and passed. Nomination Committee.

Fuji Kim made a formal response refusing the position as stated clerk. Motion to nominate Benjamin Kim by
Harold Kim. 2nd by Fuji Kim. Motion moved to accept past precedent the interpretation of the BCO allowing
for pastors without a vote to be allowed to serve as excecutive officer member with the expection of the
moderator by Harold Kim. 2nd Kenneth Noh. Motion moved to the floor and passed. Nomination
Committee nomination accepted on the floor. Committee assignments confirmed. Stated Clerk called roll and
added Chris Chi.
IV. Committee Meetings. Common consensus to adjourn the meeting until 9:00AM, Tuesday morning. Prayer by
Kenneth Noh at 8:24PM, Monday, March 19, 2012. Meeting resumed at 9:21AM, Tuesday, Tuesday, March 20,
2012. Steve Park called into roll.
V. Prayer Groups/Ministry Reports. Prayer request to be sent to Recording Secretary to be sent out by email to all
VI. Reports from members not in attendance. Stated Clerk highlighted letters by absentee members. Discussed what
the procedure is for people who did not send in explanations of absence. Pray for those who asked for prayer and
generally for those who are not in attendance. Prayer by Samuel Ro for the members not present
VII. Under Care Progress Reports. Prayer for the undercare members by David Choe and Jin Chong (for the GA exam
takers). Question of Edward Choo ordination process because he is only pursuing a MA instead of an MDiv.
KAPC has a precedence for requiring MDiv (a gentleman who had a ThM and PhD from a university in Scotland or
England was not permitted ordination by the GA exam committee)
VIII.Old Business
A. Report from Ad-Hoc Committee on dual membership. Steve Park asked for more time for the dual membership
issue and reclarified the question of bilingual permission for ordination exams of pastors and ordination in the NAP.
Unclear about the reference to another ad-hoc committee for theological clarity. Moderator granted the ad-hoc
committee to rediscuss a report for the floor. By common consensus a 15 minute break was had at 10:12am.
Meeting resumed at 10:25am. Adhoc committee has asked for pardon for the delay (formal apology), to refocus to
the original mandate and for more time to report on the issue to the next presbytery. Motion by Lester Kim to
receive the Ad Hoc request for more time. 2nd by Kenneth Noh. clarification of dual membership status
permitted by the GA was discussed and was estimated that the permission will expire in May 2012. Motion moved
to the floor and passed. Motion by Steve Park for the stated clerk look into dual membership expiration and then
make a request for an extension if necessary. 2nd by James Kim. Motion moved to the floor and passed
B. Report from Ad-Hoc committee for GA overture. Request by committee for 10 minutes to elect a chairman for the
committee and present a report. common consensus to excuse the committee (Moderator yields the gavel to the
vice-moderator for the adhoc committee meeting). Ryan Kim is chair of committee. James Kim is secretary.
Report is to present a letter of concern to the GA with regards to the conduct of delegates in question at the 2011 GA.
This letter will be translated by the committee and then the stated clerk will send the letter to the GA as an effort to
put on record the NAP's concern over this issue. a description of what the conduct issue from the 2011 GA was
given by Ryan Kim to bring presybtery members up to date. Motion by Michael Chang to receive the adhoc
committee report and to send the letter of concern as proposed by the committee. 2nd by Lester Kim. Motion
moved to floor and passed
C. Report from the ad-hoc ordination committee. Report read by David Choe. Discussion that the now particularized
church will determine when to officially install the head pastor. Motion by Michael Chang to accept the report.
2nd by Ben Kim. Motion moved to the floor and passed
IX. New Business
A. Undercare candidate. grant to move to examination committee report
B. Status of Rev Paul Lee serving with MTW. Gavel returned to the Moderator. Motion by Ben Kim to have
Missions committee to review the request by Paul Lee (for secunding the overseeing of Paul Lee by our missions
committee while MTW funnels the finances for him; example forms from other organizations in the packet) and
present their findings to the floor. 2nd by Kenneth Noh. Motion moved to the floor and passed

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X. Committee Reports
A. Examination Committee: Organizational Report made of organization of David Choe as chair and Kenneth Noh.

Motion by James Park to accept. 2nd by James Kim. Moved to floor and passed. Recommendation of overseers
to meet face to face 3 times inbetween presbyteries to better the process and improve undercare progress reports .
Recommendation to take under care Daniel Kim and Seung Gyun Kim. David Choe will oversee Daniel Kim.
Lester Kim will oversee Seung Gyun Kim. Motion by James Kim to accept. 2nd by Jin Chong. Moved to floor
and passed. Prayer for adjournment for lunch at 11:49am by James Park.
B. Missions Committee. Readjourned at 1:20pm. Missions committee was dismissed from the floor to finish up the
work and the added work of discussing Rev Paul Lee's request. Organizational report made that chair is Michael
Chang and secretary Jin Chong. Motion by Daevid Yoon. 2nd by Ben Kim. Motion moved to floor and passed.
Business Report: Recommend to change Rev Paul Lee to missionary status and for the stated clerk to draft an on loan
agreement to be sent to Mission to the World. Funding to Rev Ben Kim (as a severance type funding for the church
plant closing. this will be a new precedence as policy with a case by case review for the amount and the duration of
it) and Love Community Church. Motion by James Kim to receive the committee report with the clarification of
the stated clerk's role in handling the situation with Rev Paul Lee. 2nd by Harold Kim . Motion moved to the
floor and passed (Moderator yields the gavel to the Vice Moderator to assist the new treasurer).
C. Finance Committee seeks the floor to give their report. Permission given by common consensus. Organizational
Report is Sam Ro as new chair and James Kim as secretary. Motion by Kenneth Noh to receive report. 2nd by Jin
Chong. Motion moved to floor and passed. Business Report: After review everything is in order. Motion by
Michael Chang to receive the Finance Committee report. 2nd by Lester Kim. Motion moved to the floor and
D. Fundraising Committee seeks the floor to give their report. Permission given by common consensus.
Organizational Report: The new chair is Paul Hwang and secretary and Fred Porter. Motion by David Choe to
receive both reports of the committee. 2nd Kenneth Noh by. Motion moved to the floor and passed. Gavel
returned to Moderator
XI. Treasurer seeks the floor to give his report. 2011 Treasurer's Report given by Anthony Kim, Treasurer. Motion
by James Kim to accept the Treasurer’s 2011 report. 2nd by Michael Chang. Motion moved to the floor and passé.
2012-13 Budget proposal by the treasurer. Meeting adjourned until 3:50 pm. Readjourned at 4:05 pm. David
Nam was called into roll by the stated clerk. Motion by James Kim to accept the 2012-2013 budget proposal by the
treasurer with the changes made. 2nd by Jin Chong. Motion moved to the floor and passed
XII. Discuss Next Meeting’s Date and Location. Common consensus to appoint the Executive Meeting to decide the
dates and location
XIII.Reading and Approval of Minutes. Motion by James Kim to have the Executive Committee read and review the
minutes provisionally . 2nd by Ben Kim. Motion moved to the floor and passed
XIV.Adjournment. Scripture: Psalm 73 by Moderator. Prayer: Mike Kearney. Motion by Lester Kim to adjourn.
2nd by Paul Hwang. Meeting adjourned at 4:27PM, Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rev. Mike Kearney
Rev. Benjamin Kim

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