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Published by , 2018-12-19 06:52:51

PMR Training Booklet for online

PMR Training Booklet for online

Specialising in Land Based Training and Assessments

About PMR Training

PMR training is an approved Training
Lantra Awards training Lantra Awards training is delivered to small groups of
provider and an approved trainees so that you receive plenty of individual attention,
City & Guilds NPTC and the courses are supplemented with high-quality course
assessment centre, materials that have been written by industry specialists.
specialising in agricultural The courses are quality assured and are delivered exclusively
and land based courses, by approved instructors, so you can be sure that you will be
certi cates of competence trained by people who are experienced and properly
and licences to practice. quali ed. Lantra Awards works closely with the Health and
Safety Executive (HSE) to ensure that the materials re ect
current safe working practices.Training can be carried out
at your place of work or at a venue designated by us.

City & Guilds NPTC has been at the forefront of developments
for statutory and code of practice quali cations for the safe
use of pesticides, sheep dipping, chainsaw operation and
transport of livestock, required by the Pesticide Safety
Directorate, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate, DEFRA, the
HSE and other government agencies and national bodies.
City & Guilds NPTC assessments are quality assured and
managed to the highest standards. They are carried out by
approved independent assessors and are either in practical or
theory format. Assessments can be carried out at your place
of work or at a venue designated by us.


Contact us: Contents

01437 761321 4. Chainsaws
[email protected] 5. Utility Arboriculture
PMR Training Woodchippers
12 Goat Street 6. Pesticides
Haverfordwest 7. Pest Control
Pembrokeshire 8. 4X4
SA61 1PX
9. Brushcutters

10. Telehandlers
11. Lift Trucks and Plant

Abrasive Wheels
12. Tractor Driving
13. Health & Safety and First Aid
14. Livestock:

Herdsman Footriming
Veternary Medicines
15. Livestock:
Transporting Animals
Sheep Dipping



PMR training can o er a comprehensive LANTRA training Courses available –
range of chainsaw training and • LANTRA Awards ITA in Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross Cutting
quali cations. We can o er basic LANTRA • LANTRA Awards Chainsaw Maintenance, Cross Cutting, Felling
Awards ITA (Integrated training and and Processing Trees up to 380mm
assessment) courses to Level 3 City & • LANTRA Awards Felling and Processing Trees over 380mm
Guilds NPTC quali cations. LANTRA • LANTRA Awards Access a Tree Using a Rope and Harness
Awards training only courses are • LANTRA Awards Aerial Tree Rescue
designed to prepare candidates for • LANTRA Awards Aerial Cutting of Trees with a Chainsaw Using
City & GuildsNPTC certi cate of Free Fall Techniques
competence. These City & Guilds • LANTRA Awards Tree Pruning
certi cates are recognised as being the • LANTRA Awards Sever Uprooted or Windblown Trees
appropriate quali cation for professional
Chainsaw operators.The forestry and City & Guilds NPTC Quali cations available –
arboriculture industries recognise that • City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in Chainsaw Maintenance and
good health and safety practice is vital for Cross Cutting (201 & 202)
operators and business. Gaining industry • City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in Felling and Processing
recognised quali cations ensures that
operators have reached agreed Trees up to 380mm (203)
standards of competence. • City & Guilds NPTC Level 3 Award in Felling and Processing

4 Trees over 380mm (301)
• City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in Accessing a Tree using a

Rope and Harness (206)
• City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in Aerial Tree Rescue
Operations (306)
• City & Guilds NPTC Level 3 Award in Aerial Cutting of Trees with
a Chainsaw using Free-fall Techniques
• City & Guilds NPTC Level 3 Award in Tree Pruning
• City & Guilds NPTC Level 3 Award in Severing Uprooted or

Windblown Trees using a chainsaw
*This is by no means a complete list. Please contact PMR training
to discuss any courses or quali cations that are not shown here.

Utility Arboriculture

City and Guilds NPTC Level 3 Certi cate of These quali cations are suitable specialist
Competence in Utility Arboriculture workers maintaining trees close to
Units available - overhead powerlines. Basic units cover
UA1 – Basic Electrical Knowledge essential electrical awareness for anyone
UA2.1 – Prune Trees (Ground/Aerial) Tree Species Recognition, coming on site during a tree work
operation. Further units are available to
Growth Characteristics and Associated Hazards cover specialist quali cations.
UA2.2 – Prune Trees (Ground/Aerial) Prune and Fell Trees (Ground)
UA2.3 – Prune Trees (Ground/Aerial) Prune Trees (Aerial)
UA5.1 – Utility Arboriculture Surveyor – Practices
UA5.2 – Utility Arboriculture Surveyor – Principles

1 Day LANTRA Awards ITA in Woodchippers Woodchippers

This course is aimed at any person
employed in arboriculture, forestry,
horticulture, landscaping and grounds
maintenance who operated wood
chippers as part of their work.
Woodchippers are powerful pieces of
equipment and if they are not used
correctly they have the potential to cause
injury, this makes maintaining skills and
safety awareness essential. This course
will reinforce the techniques and safety
guidelines to ensure that you continue to
be con dent and safe when using the
wood chipper.



Pesticides are very widely available and These Lantra Awards training only courses in pesticides are designed to
successfully used in land-based industries, prepare candidates for assessment in City & Guilds NPTC Certi cate of
but they can be potentially harmful Competence in the PA units.
substances, therefore it is essential that • Safe Use of Pesticides (Mandatory) - 1 day course
they are handled, applied and stored
correctly. This course is aimed at anyone - Leading to City & Guilds NPTC assessment in unit PA1
working within the agriculture or • Pesticides Hand Held Applicators - 1 day course
horticulture industry, and for people
responsible for the handling and - Leading to City & Guilds NPTC assessment in unit PA6
application of pesticides. Our Safe Use of • Pesticides – Boom Sprayer - 1 day course
Pesticides course will guide you through
the key elements of using pesticides - Leading to City & Guilds NPTC assessment in unit PA2
safely and with con dence. • Pesticides – Granular Applicators - 1 day course

- Leading to City & Guilds NPTC assessment in unit PA4g / PA4s

These quali cations are legally required by the control of Pesticide
Regulations for anyone applying pesticides on a commercial basis.
PA1 Foundation Module (Mandatory) – Safe Use of Pesticides (theory)
PA2 Ground Crop Sprayer- mounted or trailed
PA4(s) Pesticide granular (slug pellets) application- mounted or trailed
PA6 Handheld applicators

6 *The full range of NPTC units PA2- PA13 speci c to type of applicator are available from PMR training

Courses include – Pest Control
• LANTRA Awards Responsible and E ective Control of
Keeping pests under control is vital to
Commensal Rodents public health and to business. Dealing
• LANTRA Awards Rodent Control on Farms with them e ectively requires detailed
• LANTRA Awards Rabbit and Mole Control knowledge and skills due to the use of
• City & Guilds NPTC Safe Use of Aluminium Phosphide potentially harmful substances. In some
Without the appropriate training, individuals can only purchase control methods, there is a legal
limited amounts of rodenticide. As our rodent course is approved by requirement for those handling such
the Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU), our training substances to have the appropriate
course will ensure that you are compliant with this ruling. quali cations to prove they can handle,
apply and store these substances safely.
Our suite of pest management courses
are continually developed to meet
legislative requirements, ensuring you
are learning the very latest in best
practice.Widely applicable, our courses
are suitable for those working within
agriculture, horticulture, game
management, facilities management
and public health.



4 x 4s play a crucial role in the farming and There are 2 certi cate options for the 4 x 4 course
land-based sector and operating them safely depending on requirement -
is critical. Our LANTRA Awards training is ideal • Prinicpals of O Road Vehicle Operating
for anyone operating a 4 x 4 vehicle in an o – designed for users who will only tackle basic o road obstacles.
road environment. Did you know that under • Operating Vehicles in O Road Adverse Conditions
the Health and Safety at Work Act (2003) and
The Provision and Use of Work Equipment – designed for users who may seek to tackle some more adverse
Regulations (PUWER), every business requiring obstacles and sometimes poor weather conditions.
an employee to use 4x4 vehicles has a duty to
provide adequate training. Well trained
employees are safer for themselves, others,
the equipment they are using and the
impression given of your business and brand.


ATVs are very versatile vehicles making them • LANTRA Awards All-Terrain Vehicle – Sit in Conventional Steered
an e ective and exible business tool. • LANTRA Awards All-Terrain Vehicle – Sit in Skid Steer
However, even the most experienced ATV
riders can nd themselves in a potentially (Tracked or Wheeled)
dangerous situation, and without the correct • LANTRA Awards All-Terrain Vehicle – Sit-Astride
training serious accidents can occur. These Course Duration – 1 Day (additional days can be arranged for
ATV courses are designed for anyone who
uses or will be using an ATV for work. Our ATV candidates with less experience)
courses are delivered by experienced
instructors who will guide you through the
training to make sure that you are able to use
the ATV safely and with con dence, and that
the key fundamentals of driving, loading and
Health and Safety are covered.

8 *City & Guilds NPTC Quali cations also available

• LANTRA Awards Brushcutters Brushcutters
Course Duration – 1 Day (additional days
can be arranged for candidates with Our brushcutter/trimmer training is suitable for anyone
less experience) employed in the agriculture, horticulture, landscaping and
grounds maintenance industry that currently operates, or will be
required to operate a brushcutter/trimmer. This course will
prepare you to use the trimmer safely and with con dence, and
that you understand the relevant regulations and safety
requirements. Brushcutters/trimmers are capable of good work
rates in awkward terrain/situations, but they also have the
potential of being one of the most dangerous machines.

• LANTRA Awards Ride-On Mowers Mowers
• LANTRA Awards Pedestrian Mowers
Course Duration - 1 Day (for each mower) There are a wide range of mowers in use today, and if they are
(Additional days can be arranged used correctly and maintained properly then they should pose
for candidates with less experience) very little risk to you or to anyone that is near to the machine.
Sometimes accidents can happen, normally for very simple
reasons, and that is why training is always important. Our
training course will suit you if you are currently using a Pedestrian
or Ride-On mower as part of your work. It is suitable for both
the novice and experienced user who would like their skills to be
veri ed with certi cation. The course covers the di erent types
of cutting mechanisms used, and learners can be certi cated for
each type they are assessed using.

*City & Guilds NPTC Quali cations also available 9


Telescopic material handlers are widely LANTRA AWARDS Rough Terrain Telescopic Material Handler
used for moving materials and goods. (Pallet and Bulk (With or Without Stabilisers)
Without the correct training they can be Course Duration – 1 Day (additional days can be arranged
particularly dangerous in the workplace. for candidates with less experience)
The Health and Safety Commission has
published an Approved Code of Practice
(ACOP) and guidance called Rider-operated
lift trucks: Operator training, that set out the
legal minimum standard of basic training
which people should receive before they are
allowed to operate certain types of lift truck.
The course is for anyone who uses or will be
using a telescopic material handler in either
the land-based or construction industry.
Telescopic materials handlers provide
greater ground clearance than a standard
lift truck and are used on uneven ground,
commonly within the land-based and
construction industry, it has a similar
appearance and function to a forklift truck,
but due to its upwards and forwards reach
abilities it is much more versatile. These
training courses meet the HSE standards
and provide learners with the necessary
knowledge and skills to safely operate the


Lift Trucks and Plant

LANTRA AWARDS Lift Trucks and Plant Operations Lift trucks and plant machines are widely used for
• Dump Trucks and Forward Tipping Dumpers moving materials and goods and are the workhorses
• Excavators and Loading Shovels of many land-based and construction industries.
• Fork Lift Trucks and Material Handlers The di erent types of machines and attachments
• Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPS) now available make them extremely versatile and
• Ride-on Rollers e ective work site tools, but without the correct
Course Durations – 1 Day (additional days can be training they can be particularly dangerous in the
arranged for candidates with less experience) workplace.

LANTRA Awards Abrasive Wheel Machines Abrasive Wheels

This course is aimed at providing operators with the
skills and knowledge required to safely operate a
machine which uses abrasive wheels for cutting and/or
grinding operations. This is an assessed course which
will enable the learner to understand the principles of
abrasive wheels, understand the possible hazards and
manage health and safety. The learner will be able to
select the appropriate wheel for the job and safely
operate and maintain an abrasive wheel machine. This
course is for anybody who is or will be required to
operate a machine which uses abrasive wheels for
cutting and/or grinding operations. This may include,
but is not exclusive to, those involved in industries such
as agriculture; arboriculture/forestry, construction/
fencing, environmental, conservation, facilities
management, highways, horticulture/landscaping,
local authority and utilities.


Tractor Driving

Tractors are versatile pieces of machinery • LANTRA Awards Tractor Driving
due to the ever expanding types of • LANTRA Awards Tractor Driving 13-15 years old
attachments available for them, making • LANTRA Awards Tractor Driving on Slopes
them valuable tools within many di erent • LANTRA Awards Arm Mounted Cutting Equipment
sectors. It is important to use the tractor Course Duration – 1 Day (additional days can be
correctly to ensure that accidents do not arranged for candidates with less experience)
happen, so gaining relevant training, and
even updating your knowledge and skills
if you are a more experienced driver, is
invaluable. Our tractor driving course is
suitable for all tractor drivers including
novices and experienced drivers in
agriculture, amenity, forestry, industrial
and horticulture industries. Our course
will allow you to develop and expand
where necessary on the skills and
knowledge required in order to operate
the tractor safely and competently.

Course Duration – 1 Day (additional days can be
arranged for candidates with less experience)

12 *City & Guilds NPTC Quali cations also available

Health & Safety and First Aid

• Emergency First Aid at Work (1 Day) Health and safety and First Aid are
• First Aid at Work (3 Days) important no matter which industry you
• LANTRA Awards Manual Handling Awareness work in, but they are critical for those
• LANTRA Awards Safe Lifting Techniques (with problem solving) working in agriculture, horticulture,
• LANTRA Awards Health & Safety – Agriculture and Horticulture fencing and plant operations. Accidents
can and do happen, but with proper
training you can drastically reduce the
chance of something going wrong and
demonstrate to authorities that you are a
responsible individual or employer, and
have taken all steps to minimise the
possibility of injury or death. Not only is
having a fully quali ed rst aider in the
workplace a legal requirement,
completing a rst aid course is one of the
most worthwhile things you can do.



We provide a range of courses that teach DIY AI
technical skills and provide certi cation to The Do It Yourself Arti cial Insemination Course enables
comply with legislation to ensure best practice farmers to improve their herd genetics and fertility without
is applied with in the livestock industry. the need for a technician. Our DIY AI Courses are delivered
over three days and are tailored to give you maximum
3 day Herdsman Foot Trimming Course hands-on tuition. This allows plenty of time for the dexterity
Lameness issues have a huge impact on the required for a successful insemination to be mastered. The
dairy industry not only from a welfare course is taught in small numbers on-farm giving a relaxed
perspective but also nancially. Loss training atmosphere. All aspects of AI are covered,
accumulates not only from the cost of including: anatomy and physiology, legislation, safe
corrective treatment but also in production handling of Liquid Nitrogen and semen straws, thawing
losses. Our Herdsman Foot Trimming course is procedures and the practical AI technique. Practising the
designed to equip you with the skills you need skill is on live cows, on farm.
to reduce instances of lameness on your farm.
This course is delivered in small groups for Veterinary Medicines
individual tuitions and is a practical ‘hands on’ City & Guilds Level 2 Certi cate of Competence in the Safe and
course. This 3 day Herdsman foot trimming Responsible Use of Veterinary Medicines
course will equip you with the trimming skills This Level 2 CoC in the Safe and Responsible Use of
necessary to return to your farm and use the Veterinary Medicines aims to provide candidates with the
5 step Dutch method. Disease and lameness skills and knowledge to use veterinary medicines safely,
conditions with be covered during the course. responsibly and in accordance with current legislation.
This quali cation is endorsed to the animal group that the
candidate is trained and assessed in.



Transporting Animals (Short Journeys) Sheep Dipping
NPTC Level 2 Award in the Transport of Animals by NPTC Level 2 Award in the Safe
Road (Short Journeys) Use of Sheep Dip
If you are involved in the transportation of animals by road on short If you need to buy or use sheep dip
journeys (over 65km and up to 8 hours duration) this quali cation will products, then under the Medicines
ensure you meet the requirement for a Certi cate of Competence outlined (Exemptions for Merchants in
in the Council Regulation (EC) No1/2005 on the Protection of Animals Veterinary Drugs) Order 1998 you will
During Transport and the Welfare of Animals (Transport) Order 2006. The need to hold this quali cation. This
quali cation is species speci c (e.g. cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, quali cation covers preparing to dip
horses, game birds). It covers the legal requirements, journey planning, sheep by demonstrating understanding
vehicle suitability, tness to travel, causes and signs of stress in animals, and knowledge of legislative, welfare
space allowances, stocking densities, handling and animal welfare in transit and environmental requirements,
and post journey requirements. What you need to do: Take a multiple protective clothing, record keeping,
choice computer based test (e-volve). control of external parasites, sheep
diseases and dip disposal. An optional
Transporting Animals (Long Journeys) unit on practical dipping will put this
NPTC Level 2 Award in the Long Distance Transport of Animals knowledge in to practice. What you
by Road - Driver need to do: Undertake an initial
This is a mandatory quali cation for those transporting animals by road practical assessment prior to sheep
on long journeys (over 8 hours duration) This quali cation meets the being dipped (unit 1, part 1) and also
requirements for a Certi cate of Competence outlined in the Council take a computer based test (unit 1, part
Regulation (EC) No1/2005 on the Protection of Animals During Transport 2 (e-volve)). There is an optional
and the Welfare of Animals (Transport) Order 2006. Candidates can choose practical test which covers the practical
to be assessed on animals or birds. The quali cation covers legal sheep dipping operation (unit 2).
requirements, journey planning, vehicle suitability, tness to travel, causes
and signs of stress in animals, space allowances, stocking densities, handling
and animal welfare in transit and post journey requirements. It also covers
the loading of stock and driving a vehicle loaded with stock. What you need
to do: Take a multiple choice computer based test (e-volve) and a practical
test covering loading and driving a vehicle.


01437 761321
[email protected]
PMR Training
12 Goat Street
SA61 1PX

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