Joey-Dib ‘Angel’ Skaff
6892 Leader St Houston, Texas 77036
[email protected]
Work Experience
San Jacinto College North (Jan-May 2019)- 320 hours achieved for state licensing
and NovaLash certification. Students partook in educational training, hands-on
application, and vigorous state testing. Course requirements ensured proper and
thorough knowledgeability and expertise on eyelash extensions, eye health, and
general health and safety in cosmetology.
Commendable Acheivements
TDLR Cosmetology Licensed (2019)- Cosmetology Licensee permitted to practice
within the state of texas
NovaLash Certified (2019)- Licensed through the world-wide leading company for
extensionist training. NovaLash is known for their award winning technique,
highest quality products, and thorough training. Being certified through NL
ensures extensionist will be detailistic, timely, professional, and be able to
purchase and use the highest quality products for extensions.
Special Skills
Timely and Organised
Friendly and Sociable- Good Communication Skills and customer service
Clean and Tidy
Knowledgeable and Detailistic
Empathy and Listening skills
Jessica Moubayed, close friend & lash client
Angel has been one of my greatest friends for years to where he’s basically a big
brother now. I grew up with him as we met through our church’s youth group and
took off from there. My favorite thing about him has to be the fact that I can talk
to him about anything and he knows how to listen and give back great advice. He
has a great understanding of various categories and his knowledge exceeds the
limits. His curiosity is what carries him to further understand the topic and drives
him to learn more. I can trust him with anything and trust that he will pull
through and always be there for me. His loyalty has outshined over the years and
he will always be the first person I go to for almost anything.
Not only can I count on him for life advice and help, but I always can count
on him for a good time. Angel constantly fills the atmosphere we’re in with
positive and fun vibes. Whether I bring him around my family, friends, or co-
workers, everyone always has good things to say about him. He represents
himself very well, always dressed to impress and knows how to compose himself
around a diverse crowd. His networking skills are beyond what anyone else can
do, as he knows how to talk to and impress almost anybody. I know he’s going to
do great things in his lifetime and create a legacy and be an inspiration for all.
Jasmeet Assi, Close long-time friend, workout partner
To Whom it May Concern:
I have had the pleasure of knowing Angel Dib for eight years. During the years of
our acquaintance, I have known Angel in many capacities. Angel is my Gym
Partner, and he has been working out with me since his near fatal accident. Since
that time, he has become a regular at the gym and has been going and showing
his dedication daily. In the few years, I’ve known him, Angel has demonstrated
great maturity and creativity.
Angel is mature beyond his years. After Is near fatal car accident (many years ago)
he was very dedicated. He was very injured and broke many bones, he was told
he would never walk again, but because of his perseverance he has overcome
that hurdle and now is stronger than ever.
Outside of the gym, I have seen his interactions with other strangers and from
what I’ve seen from the situations he has been put in he demonstrates an
impressive professionalism.
Angel is also extremely creative. He has been doing my eyebrows and lashes for a
number of years. Over the years, he has designed multiple techniques styles of
eyebrows and lashes for men and women. One time, in particular, he showed me
a book of drawings of different eyebrow and lash styles he would do on certain
people. He showed me before and after photos and how much better they
looked. There are not many people of his caliber that have this kind of creativity
and take this kind of initiative.
Angel is an intelligent, capable, dedicated, and personable young man. He is
always quick on his feet, with sensible reactions in all the circumstances I've seen
him in. I feel confident in saying that he is capable of handling any situation with
thoughtfulness and maturity.
Lee Garner, Lash Client
Being Lashed by Angel is always a pleasant experience. He is by far my
favorite lash tech and after searching far and wide for the perfect fit—He is it!
There are so many things that differentiate him as a business owner from each
experience with him from beginning to end! To start off is his work space—he is
clean, tidy, and well organized. You can tell so through the atmosphere and the
fact he has everything put together really well. He knows where each implement
is and has no problem finding things, setting up and cleaning. This makes his
service quick and effiecient, and more comforting to the client to know that their
lash technician has it all together and organized & saves time in the application
process. On the note of time, he is always punctual and on time to everything; he
expects people to respect his time, so he respects all others. What commendable
traits he possesses… and that’s only the beginning.
Angel is truly an angel. His entire aura and spirit is just wonderful. He wants
every single customer to feel welcomed as if they were family to him. By doing
this, he eliminates the business factor between clients and himself, and allows to
feel comfortable, as if we are I our own home. He calls us his angels and gives us
little treats from time to time. He has a great personality, so bubbly and
charismatic, and his humor and wittiness are unmatched. He has the ability to
create multiple return clients, like myself, with only his character.. amazing!
I would definitely and whole-heartedly recommend The Lash Angel to the
next person because it’s rare to come across such an amazing business, soul, and
experience all-in-one! TLA is a great value for such great services, and definitely
worth every cent. If you want all smiles from start to finish, The Lash Angel is the
way to go!
Rebecca Al-Msann, former boss, current client, known for years
Everyone who knows Angel knows what type of work ethic he has, and
what type of person he is. When he came to me and told me he was going to
open up The Lash Angel, I was ecstatic. This boy has an absolutle brilliant and
persistent mind, with a go-getter attitude that never stops until he gets what he is
going for! He is a team player, and cares about the people around him, so that
explains why he cares so deeply for his current clients.
I hired Angel for an event in 2015, 2016, and 2017 to host, set up, and
conduct from beginning to end. Not having known him prior, i took a chance and
hired him, which to this day was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Angel
was an absolute team player, great at multitasking and handling many things at
once, and an overall leader with an influnetial voice. He did as told, but also had
direction of his own & working with him was a pleasure.
The Lash Angel’s customer service is absolutely unmatched. He has so many
positive attributes, it is hard to point out one. From his charisma to his
punctuality, he makes every experience a pleasant reality. He has everything it
takes to run a successful business and I can’t wait to see where he goes. From
former employer to current client, I can confidentally say that Angel has a bright
future ahead of him and The Lash Angel is going to be booming!
Deposit- A $25 deposit is required during booking to reserve your time slot for an
Late Arrivals- You can arrive up to 15 minutes late.
If you arrive more than (between) 15-30 minutes late, your appointment
will be cancelled. Anything before 20 min, you can opt to reschedule or use
the rest of the remaining time. *** fullness of extensions may be affected
Another booking deposit of $10 will need to be collected
Cancellations- Please be sure to cancel within 24 hours of your appointment time.
Failure to do so will result in a $25 cancellation fee.
Make-Up Removal- Please come without any makeup on. No strips or mascara
should be worn a full 48 hours before application. If you come in with makeup on
or any adhesove debris is found, you will be charged a $15 makeup cleansing fee.
Fills- Fills happen every 3-4 weeks.
If you go londer than 4 weeks (28 days) or have less than 50% of your
lashes left on, you will be charged $30 (partial charge) extra full a new fulls
set. (anything over 5 weeks will be charged FULL price on a new set)
Cell Phones- All cellular devices must be set to silent or vibrate during your
session. Please do not talk on the phone or take a phone call whilst being lashed,
as it makes application difficult for extensionist.
Guests/Kids- Here at The Lash Angel, we value your comfort and serenity.
Unfortunately, we do not allow extra guests or children on the premises as they
may cause external noise/distraction and discomfort to our guests.
I, the client, am informing my extensionist of the following conditions:
(Check the following that apply)
__ I have had extensions before` __ I have allergies or sensitivities
__ Contact Lens (may require removal) __ oils/moisturizers around eyes
__ Allergic to latex based adhesives __ History of eye infections
Any other conditions which may affect placement/retention of extensions
Please be sure to take a second to acknowledge these few aftercare requirements
NO waterproof mascara
Brush lashes daily
NO tinting or perming extensions
NO pulling or plucking out extensions (this will leave bald spots)
Limit oil-based products around the eyes
Use CleanLash pads nightly to remove excess makeup, dirt, oil
Lint free wipes for cleansing
I, ______________________, consent to all policies and procedures at The Lash
Angel. (initial below to give consent to the following procedures)
____ glueing of extensions to my eyes
____ use of latex based adhesive
____ understand the longevity of my lashes may vary based on aftercare
____ agree to use only products recommended by my stylist
____ get a touch up before 50% of my lashes are left from this application
____ will not pull or rub on my extensions
____ will not wear waterproof mascara
____ understand the possible risks of eye damage or harm to my vision
____ volutarily consent to be lashed at my own risk and waive all rights to any
form of legal retaliation against my stylist or The Lash Angel
Please sign and date below to affirm all initials and give consent to all above and
on this page
Printed Name and Date
Earth Angel
(classic set) $111
Soul sister
(hybrid set) $175
I’ve DIeD & gone to heaven
(volume) $222
Jesus take the wheel
(Mega volume) $245
Indefinitely, with proper care and maintanence. They shed when your
natural lashes shed.
The length of your lashes depends on various factors such as eye & face
shape, but put more simply, the longer and stronger your lashes are, the
longer you can get them.
No, they will not. If applied properly they will not cause damage or fallout
to eyes.
No, they will not. If applied properly they will not cause damage or fallout
to eyes.
You will need a fill at around % of extension retention. This will be around
3-4 weeks after initial application.
Yes, there is a ‘sensitive’ adhesive for people with adhesive allergies.
However, more severe reactors are not considerable candidates for lashes.
The Lash Angel is not accountable for any hazardous reactions to
adhesives—application is at the client’s consent and discretion.
There are two aftercare products that are highly recommended—a
retractable lash wand and CleanLash pds, both by NovaLash. Proper care
includes daily brushing and wiping off make-up with the moisturizing
CleanLash pads, nightly.
NON-waterproof mascara only. Waterproof mascara will break the
adhesive bond and cause premature fallout.