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Published by , 2015-10-28 16:14:44

MSTFCore Storyfinalreport

MSTFCore Storyfinalreport

Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q1 Are you male or female?

Answered: 161 Skipped: 2

38.51% (62)

61.49% (99)

1 / 17

Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q2 What is your age?

Answered: 161 Skipped: 2

12 or younger
0.62% (1)

0.62% (1)

1.86% (3)

7.45% (12)

65 or older 40-64
55.28% (89) 34.16% (55)

2 / 17

Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q3 Which worship service(s) do you

Answered: 160 Skipped: 3

Celebration 46.25%

Traditional 64.38%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

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Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q4 On average, how often do you attend

Answered: 159 Skipped: 4

1.89% (3)

On holidays
0.63% (1)

7.55% (12)

At least once a

25.79% (41)

Every week
64.15% (102)

4 / 17

Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q5 Other than worship, how many church
activities or groups do you participate in?

Answered: 157 Skipped: 6

More than 5 None
5.10% (8) 17.83% (28)

3 to 5
29.30% (46)

1 or 2
47.77% (75)

5 / 17

Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q6 Have you served (or are you currently
serving) as an Elder, Deacon, or Trustee?

(Select all that apply)

Answered: 121 Skipped: 42

Elder 51.24%

Deacon 59.50%

Trustee 37.19%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

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Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q7 If you selected any of the above, when
did you most recently serve? (Optional)

Answered: 113 Skipped: 50

More than 10 years Currently serving
ago 20.35% (23)

19.47% (22)

5 to 10 years ago
18.58% (21)

Less than 5 years

41.59% (47)

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Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q8 Please consider each of the worship
elements listed below and indicate how
important that element is to your worship


Answered: 152 Skipped: 11

Sermon 1.97% 98.03%

Music 50.3606% 94.04%

Liturgy 3.50% 18.88% 77.62%

The worship 7.38% 18.79% 73.83%

Traditional 6.85% 21.23% 71.92%

Creative 10.34% 31.03% 58.62%

Children's 16.44% 29.45% 54.11%

Multimedia/vide 21.48% 38.26% 40.27%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Not at all important Slightly important Moderately or Very important

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Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q9 On a scale between "very
contemporary" and "very traditional",
please indicate your preferred style of


Answered: 152 Skipped: 11



60% 32.24% 34.87%
20% 6.58% 11.18% 15.13%

0% Preference

Very contemporary Mostly contemporary Mixed Mostly traditional
Very traditional

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Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q10 How would you rate the quality of our
existing worship services?

Answered: 152 Skipped: 11

Celebration 16.52% 37.39% 33.04% 13.04%

Traditional 6.02%9.02% 57.89% 27.07%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Needs work Fair Good Excellent

Needs work Fair Good Excellent Total Weighted Average
Celebration 16.52% 37.39% 33.04% 13.04% 133 2.43
Traditional 19 43 38 15 3.06

6.02% 9.02% 57.89% 27.07%
8 12 77 36

10 / 17

Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q11 How would you rate the quality of
Central's Christian Education

curriculum/offerings for the following

Answered: 151 Skipped: 12

Preschool 41.51% 28.30% 30.19%

Elementary 28.36% 26.87% 44.78%

Middle school 46.27% 28.36% 25.37%

High school 53.85% 24.62% 21.54%

College/Young 53.23% 29.03% 17.74%

Adults 2.966.6%7% 90.37%

Intergeneration 38.55% 21.69% 39.76%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Needs work Fair Good or Excellent

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Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q12 How would you rate the number of
fellowship opportunities Central has for

each of the following groups?

Answered: 149 Skipped: 14

Women 11.97% 83.76% 4.27%

Adults 32.06% 65.65% 2.29%

All church 48.76% 50.41% 0.83%

Families 52.81% 47.19%
59.57% 40.43%
Multigeneration 67.01% 32.99%


Men 67.90% 32.10%

Children 61.43% 37.14% 1.43%

Youth 66.67% 33.33%

College/Young 72.88% 27.12%

Singles 85.25% 14.75%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Too few About right Too many

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Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q13 What is your opinion of each of the
following mission areas Central is involved


Answered: 145 Skipped: 18

How important is this ministry? 91.03%

Ministry to
members of 17.3.589%%


Ministry to 8.57% 47.86% 43.57%
local children

Support of 0.1712.%59% 43.48% 44.20%

Ministry to 01.701.6%4% 50.35% 38.30%
local families

Ministry to 1.39%19.44% 55.56% 23.61%

Ministry to 6.57% 38.69% 32.12% 22.63%

Ministry to 8.33% 25.00% 48.61% 18.06%
the local...

Ministry for 11.11% 41.48% 34.07% 13.33%
mental illness

Support of 8.70% 39.86% 40.58% 10.87%

Support of 9.29% 46.43% 34.29% 10.00%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Not at all important Slightly important Moderately important
Very important

13 / 17

Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

How well are we doing?

Ministry to 12.06% 25.53% 53.19% 9.22%
members of 38.69% 2.19%


Ministry to 21.17% 37.96%

Ministry to 19.70% 33.33% 38.64% 8.33%
the local...

Ministry to 24.63% 32.84% 38.06% 4.48%
local families

Ministry to 32.82% 33.59% 28.24% 5.34%
local children

Ministry to 67.23% 23.53% 80.4.804%%

Ministry for 35.29% 42.86% 20.17% 1.68%
mental illness

Support of 9.38% 30.47% 53.91% 6.25%

Support of 8.73% 42.06% 42.06% 7.14%

Support of 10.48% 39.52% 42.74% 7.26%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Needs work Fair Good Excellent

14 / 17

Central Presbyterian Mission Study Survey SurveyMonkey

Q14 How appropriate is it for Central's
facilities to be used for...

Answered: 145 Skipped: 18

Outside 23.45% 73.10%
groups 3.45% 69.57%
involved in...

Weddings of 21.01% 9.42%

Members 6.25% 39.58% 54.17%
parties or...

Weddings of 9.79% 38.46% 51.75%
couples not...

Outside 43.75% 47.92%
groups 8.33%
involved in...

Funerals of 24.14% 40.00% 35.86%
individuals ...

Weddings of 57.64% 29.86% 12.50%
couples who 54.86%
34.03% 11.11%
... 67.59%
26.90% 5.52%


involved in...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Never or Rarely appropriate Sometimes appropriate Often or Always appropriate

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Focus Group Summary

What does it mean to be a big tent church?

Answers to this question fall into four main categories, demographics, faith, attitudes and activities.

1. Responses that relate to ​demographics i​nclude variety in the make-up of the congregation in
terms of ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomics, life stage, and other
demographic characteristics. Example comments include:
“We accept all and do not discriminate against anyone, serving on session or not, based on
sexual orientation, race, or beliefs.”

“Everyone should be welcome in a big tent church.”

“All walks of life, different ideas.”

“A lot of variety of backgrounds, beliefs, even faiths.”

“A lot of different people – ages, ideas, political ideas.”

“Congregation represents a wide variety of socio-economic groups in the community – also a
variety of ages – nursery to elderly.”

2. Responses related to ​faith​ suggest that, while we share common core beliefs, a big tent church is
welcoming, accepting, and enhanced by people with diverse theological perspectives. Example
comments include:
“I cannot think of a single time where someone felt excluded from the church because of their
religious beliefs.”

“It’s important that we believe, not that we all believe in exactly the same way.”

“Members of the congregation have many points of view on many issues – no requirement
that everybody adopt a single point of view and that’s OK. We d​ on’t n​ eed to agree on much
besides that Jesus is our Savior.”

“Wonderful to have folks that are diverse theologically trying to understand each other and
learn from each other – great asset of Central.”

“Foundational beliefs (Jesus Christ) but diversity of worship.”

“Big tent is good. Most of us don’t like to be told what to believe.”

“Every individual can create their own relationship with God and decide how to enact that in
their own life.”


“…people representing the entire theological continuum.”

3. Responses to this question also suggest that members view a big tent church as being defined by
the ​actions or attributes​ of its members with regard to acceptance and inclusivity. Example
comments include:
“One thing that I do appreciate is that the church has never had many issues with being
“politically correct.” The acceptance of the congregation allows for all to feel equal in the eyes
of God and for every person walking through the door on Sunday to be no more and no less
than a person attending worship.”

“I think that being a big tent church means being inclusive of everyone even if their ideas and
opinions differ from our own”

“We should focus on inclusion in our messages and services.”

“Seek commonalities but don’t downplay differences – be interested in understanding the
details of every individual’s faith journey which has informed these differences.”

“Lack of judgment – people don’t feel judged.”

“People can be comfortable having different viewpoints and not being challenged – on politics,
social, and religious issues.”

“We don’t have to be told how to believe.”

“We recognize that everyone is in a different place.”

“We respect traditions but are willing to consider new things,

4. Finally, some focus group participants felt that ​activities​ are an important attribute of a big tent
church. Example comments include:
“Offer a lot of activities, lots of missions, lots of choices.”

“We have Family Promise, Habitat, several things that make us more big tent by what we do
rather than who we are. I see our activities as contributing to being a big tent.”

“Depends on how people are involved in the church. Women involved in WOW have a real
connection. Connections are important. The member engagement group is working hard to
create opportunities for connections.”

“Lots of things going on…”

“Spend time (not just money) reaching out and developing relationships with new groups of
people (students, disadvantaged community members…”


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