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Published by William OConnor, 2022-10-08 21:50:27

Kult_Lost Divinity Core Book

Kult_Lost Divinity Core Book

Keywords: Kult Divinity


Choose your Academic’s occupation from the list below, or invent one Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for
of your choosing: your character. Some suggestions:

Professor, Student, Ph.D. candidate, Teacher, Public servant, Advi- Clothes: Tweed, carefree, ill-fitting, mottled, proper, suit,

sor, Politician, Author, Television show host, Aristocrat, Researcher, casual, nerdy, or old-fashioned clothes.

Psychologist, Archaeologist, Dilettante, Antiquarian. Face: Childish, round, ravaged, tired, pale, square, dis-

DARK SECRETS proportionate, narrow, beaky, ugly, handsome, aged, or
bearded face.

Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: Eyes: Skeptical, arrogant, analytical, disinterested, curious,
shy, intelligent, distracted, authoritarian, glasses-framed, or
◊◊ Forbidden Knowledge tired eyes.
◊◊ Guardian
◊◊ Occult Experience Body: Thin, chubby, tall, wispy, bent, weak, athletic, out
◊◊ Returned from the Other Side of shape, slow, angular, rigid, impaired, large bellied, fat,
◊◊ Strange Disappearance short, compact, or hairy body.


DISADVANTAGES Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in

Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: which the campaign is set.

◊◊ Nightmares RELATIONS
◊◊ Obsession
◊◊ Phobia Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
◊◊ R epressed Memories personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player
◊◊ Rationalist characters’ names. Go around the table again to establish
◊◊ Stalker your Relations.

If you know any of the other player characters from before,
choose one of these options to establish the relationship

ADVANTAGES between the two of you. 2

Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. ◊◊ One of the characters studied at the same cam-
pus as you, and you became good friends.
◊◊ Academic Network (Charisma) Take +1 Relation with each other.
◊◊ Authority (Charisma)
◊◊ Elite Education (Charisma) ◊◊ One of the characters is your relative.
◊◊ Collector (Reason) ◊◊ One of the characters met you at a
◊◊ Data Retrieval (Reason)
◊◊ Expert (Reason) seminar.
◊◊ Occult Studies (Reason)
◊◊ Elite Sport (–) ◊◊ Y ou hired one of the characters as an
assistant for a research project.

◊◊ O ne of the characters is your
lover. Take Relation +1 or +2
with them.

AT T R I B U TE S Decide the nature of three addi-
tional Relations: One neutral
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attri- (0), one meaningful (+1), and
butes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. one vital (+2).

Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the seven
active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Perception,
Reason, Soul, and Violence.

Choosing Archetypes 47

The Agent

The Agent does whatever is necessary to protect and serve her employer’s best interests. People are
simply resources to be used, abused, and expended. Anyone standing in the way must be removed.
She gathers and analyzes information at an almost impossible speed. Threats demand rapid
responses, and sometimes there are no good choices. The Agent’s job means accepting great costs,
usually in the form of dangers, but also an ever-growing debt to those sacrificed for the greater good.
When this burden finally becomes too heavy, The Agent’s exits have likely already closed, and ‘good’
and ‘evil’ have lost all meaning.

48 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Agents’s occupation from the list below, or invent one Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your

of your choosing. character.

Open-source officer, Case officer, Counterterrorism analyst, Clothes: Suit, everyday wear, military uniform, camo, trench-

Analytic methodologist, Special agent, Security professional, coat, streetwear, or practical clothes.

Operations officer, Collection management officer, Handler, Face: Scarred, inconspicuous, innocent, grim, one-eyed, expres-
Infiltrator, Spy, Sleeper agent. sionless, tense, wrinkled, stern, smiling, chomping, square-

DARK SECRETS jawed, or handsome face.

Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: Eyes: Penetrating, kind, hardened, avoidant, piercing, suspicious,
curious, indifferent, intelligent, guilt-laden, or empty eyes.
◊◊ Forbidden Knowledge
◊◊ Guardian Body: In shape, chubby, large, emaciated, flexible, hard,
◊◊ Occult Experience sinewy, average, right, short, quick, feline, curled, mutilated,
◊◊ Strange Disappearance scarred, or trembling body.
◊◊ Victim of Medical Experiments

Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in

DISADVANTAGES which the campaign is set.

Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: RELATIONS 2

◊◊ Lost Identity Everyone introduces their character by name, looks,
◊◊ Nightmares and personality. Take your turn. Write down the
◊◊ Obsession other player characters’ names. Go around the table
◊◊ Rival again to establish your Relations.
◊◊ Stalker
◊◊ Wanted If you know any of the other player characters
from before, choose one of these options to
ADVANTAGES establish the relationship between the two of
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below.
◊◊ One of the characters has been your
◊◊ Moles (Charisma) informant for several years. They take +1
◊◊ Burglar (Coolness) Relation with you.
◊◊ Analyst (Reason)
◊◊ Explosives Expert (Reason) ◊◊ You possess compromising informa-
◊◊ Tracer (Reason) tion about one of the characters’ past.
◊◊ Quick Thinker (Reason)
◊◊ Field Agent (Violence) ◊◊ One of the characters is an old
◊◊ Endure Trauma (–) friend of yours. Take +1 Relation
with each other.

◊◊ One of the characters is your
lover. They take +2 Relation
with you. Choose what Rela-
tion you have with them.

◊◊ One of the characters is your
AT T R I B U TE S colleague. Take +1 Relation
with them.
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three pas-
sive attributes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. Decide the nature of three addi-
tional Relations: one neutral
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to (0), one meaningful (+1),
the seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intu- and one vital (+2).
ition, Perception, Reason, Soul, and Violence.

Choosing Archetypes 49

The Artist

The Artist exists only to create, to give themselves, body and soul, over to the arts. They express this desire through
many mediums. A hypnotic painting, music trapping the audience in pure ecstasy, books spellbinding their
readers, or a model’s sculpted flesh are all the purview of The Artist. Artists have the ability to speak to the souls
of others by inviting them into their own, but this ability always comes at a price. The price is paid by The Artist
themselves, be it their sanity or strength.

50 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Artist’s occupation from the list below, or invent one Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
of your choosing. character.

Author, Dancer, Actor, Painter, Videographer, Photo­grapher, Clothes: New Age, Gothic, Metal, peacockish, designer, bohe-

Designer, Model, Musician, Singer, Personal trainer, Cosmetol- mian, worn, or normcore clothes.

ogist, Television Host, Director, Reporter, Blogger. Face: Haggard, cute, pretty, captivating, beautiful, ascetic,

DARK SECRETS tired, or expressive face.

Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: Eyes: Easy, cheerful, crystal clear, magnetic, profound,
burned out, hypnotizing, or passionate eyes.
◊◊ Curse
◊◊ Heir Body: Cute, agile, robust, emaciated, sexy, lanky, sensual,
◊◊ Mental Illness warped, graceful, or voluptuous body.
◊◊ Pact with Dark Forces
◊◊ Victim of Crime NAME

Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale
in which the campaign is set.


Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: Everyone introduces their character by name,
looks, and personality. Take your turn. Write
◊◊ Cursed down the other player characters’ names.
◊◊ Depression Go around the table again to establish your
◊◊ Drug Addict Relations.
◊◊ Nightmares
◊◊ Schizophrenia If you know any of the other player char-
◊◊ Victim of Passion acters from before, choose one of these
options to establish the relationship
ADVANTAGES between the two of you.

Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. ◊◊ One of the characters is involved
in your art. Take +1 Relation with
◊◊ Artistic Talent (Charisma) them.
◊◊ Fascination (Charisma)
◊◊ Notorious (Charisma) ◊◊ One of the characters is your
◊◊ Observant (Intuition) lover. Take +1 Relation with
◊◊ Body Awareness (Perception) them.
◊◊ Enhanced Awareness (Soul)
◊◊ Forbidden Inspiration (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters hurt you.
◊◊ Snake Charmer (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters is infat-

AT T R I B U TE S uated with you. They take
+2 Relation with you.
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three pas-
sive attributes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. ◊◊ One of the characters
commissioned a work of
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 art from you. They take
to the seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, +1 Relation with you.
Intuition, Perception, Reason, Soul, and Violence.
Decide the nature of three
additional Relations: One
neutral (0), one mean-
ingful (+1), and one
vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 51

The Avenger

The Avenger has been robbed of something dear to them, be it their loved one, job, family,
humanity, honor, memories, or life goals. Regardless of what was taken from them, its loss can
only be paid for in blood. The only thing remaining is revenge, and The Avenger isn’t about to let
anything or anyone get in their way, regardless of consequences.

52 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Avenger’s occupation from the list below, or invent Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
one of your choosing. character.

Homemaker, Police Officer, Panhandler, Unemployed, Stu- Clothes: Leather, survival, filthy, mismatched, coat-covered,
dent, Criminal, Conspiracy theorist, Refugee, Prison escapee, casual, or worn clothes.
Prize fighter, Widow(er), Washed-up celebrity, Failed busi-
nessperson, Science experiment on the run. Face: Haggard, sharp, neotenic, scarred, bony, thin, mutilated, or
dour face.
Eyes: Ruthless, frosty, indifferent, desolate, sorrow-filled, tired,
Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: mad, or dark eyes.

◊◊ Guardian Body: Robust, deformed, plump, mutilated, slender, animal-
◊◊ Returned from the Other Side istic, bony, emaciated, willowy, massive, strong, or youthful
◊◊ Strange Disappearance body.
◊◊ Victim of Crime
◊◊ Victim of Medical Experiments NAME

Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which
the campaign is set.


You automatically receive the Disadvantage: Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player
◊◊ Oath of Revenge characters’ names. Go around the table again to establish
your Relations.
Choose 1 additional Disadvantage. Suggestions:
If you know any of the other player characters from
◊◊ Mental Compulsion before, choose one of these options to establish the
◊◊ Nightmares relationship between the two of you.
◊◊ Schizophrenia
◊◊ Stalker ◊◊ You have entrusted one of the characters with a
◊◊ Wanted secret, which could put you away in prison if
◊◊ One of the characters tried to get you to
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. forget your oath of revenge. Give them
+1 Relation with you.
◊◊ Animal Speaker (Intuition)
◊◊ Instinct (Perception) ◊◊ One of the characters tried to help
◊◊ Enhanced Awareness (Soul) you fulfill your oath of revenge.
◊◊ Intimidating (Violence) Take +1 Relation with them.
◊◊ Survival Instinct (Violence)
◊◊ Code of Honor (–) ◊◊ One of the characters has ties
◊◊ Eye for an Eye (–) to the target of your revenge.
◊◊ Rage (–)
◊◊ One of the characters is
AT T R I B U TE S connected to your past
life somehow.
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive
attributes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. Decide the nature of three
additional Relations: One
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the neutral (0), one mean-
seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, ingful (+1), and one
Perception, Reason, Soul, and Violence. vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 53

The Broken

The Broken has gazed into the Abyss and escaped with their mind in tatters. They could be a homeless
person who subconsciously performs rituals to forgotten gods, the mental patient who became a test
subject for experimental medications, or the sinner who was physically dragged down into hell, yet
somehow managed to escape back to the land of the living. The Broken views things and sees through
the Illusion in ways others do not. In exchange for their irreparable trauma, they’ve been granted unique
insights about the Truth. The question is, how far can they trust their own senses?

54 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Broken’s occupation from the list below, or invent Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
one of your choosing. character.

Homeless, Escaped mental patient, Street peddler, Street per- Clothes: Hobo, streetwear , ripped suit, strange, ragged and
former, Fence, Thief, Police, Drug dealer, Addict, Street artist, worn, alternative, casual, kinky, formal, amulets and fetishes, or
Freelance journalist, Tattoo artist, Abuse survivor, Normal dirty clothes.
person in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Face: Haggard, tattooed, bony, wild beard and long hair, gri-
DARK SECRETS macing, cheerful, sorrowful, dirty, scarred, or apprehensive face.

Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: Eyes: Obscured, staring, desolate, deranged, frightened, anx-
ious, furious, unfocused, fearless, darting, intense, or carefree
◊◊ Forbidden Knowledge eyes.
◊◊ Mental Illness
◊◊ Occult Experience Body: Jerky, crouching, feral, skinny, large, tattooed, scarred,
◊◊ Returned from the Other Side hairy, misshapen, obese, tall and gangly, dirty, or unsteady body.
◊◊ Victim of Medical Experiments
Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which
You automatically receive the Disadvantage: the campaign is set.


Choose 1 additional Disadvantage. Suggestions: Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player
◊◊ Drug Addict characters’ names. Go around the table again to establish
◊◊ Involuntary Medium your Relations.
◊◊ Obsessive Compulsion
◊◊ Schizophrenia If you know any of the other player characters from
◊◊ Stalker before, choose one of these options to establish the
relationship between the two of you.
◊◊ One of the characters is trying to get you
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. back on your feet again. Take +1 Relation
with each other.
◊◊ Street Contacts (Charisma)
◊◊ Intuitive (Intuition) ◊◊ One of the characters was with you when
◊◊ Daredevil (Perception) you were broken. Take +1 Relation
◊◊ Contagious Insanity (Soul) with them.
◊◊ Enhanced Awareness (Soul)
◊◊ Magical Intuition (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters is your clos-
◊◊ Sixth Sense (Soul) est friend. Take +2 Relation with
◊◊ Wayfinder (Soul) them.

AT T R I B U TE S ◊◊ One of the characters was the
reason you were broken. Take
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attri- +1 Relation with them.
butes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower.
◊◊ You are angry with one of
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the seven the characters. Take +1
active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Perception, Relation with them.
Reason, Soul, and Violence.
Decide the nature of three
additional Relations: One
neutral (0), one mean-
ingful (+1), and one
vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 55

The Careerist

The Careerist is the consummate brown-nosing backstabber. Most remain stuck in a cubicle farm, performing
the same mundane tasks day after day, while the ruthless few climb upwards in the corporate hierarchy.
Potentially, The Careerist could also run their own company, fighting for survival against corporate giants.
In a world where nothing is off limits when it comes to advancing one’s career, success necessitates
being willing to do whatever it takes.

56 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Careerist’s occupation from the list below, or invent one
of your choosing.

Lawyer, Businessman, Office worker, Director, CEO, Consultant,
Bureaucrat, Politician, Jet setter, Yuppie, Salesman, Trainee,


Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: Select or come up
with your own dis-
◊◊ Curse tinguishing features for
◊◊ Guilty of Crime your character.
◊◊ Occult Experience
◊◊ Pact with Dark Powers Clothes: Cheap suit, tai-
◊◊ Responsible for Medical Experiments lored suit, chinos and shirt,
latest fashion, casual, polo and
DISADVANTAGES khakis, or expensive clothes.

Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: Face: Pretty, sharp, round and
sweaty, dominant, chiseled, ruthless,
◊◊ Cursed beautiful, boring, or flat face.
◊◊ Greedy
◊◊ Haunted Eyes: Attentive, penetrating, ruthless,
◊◊ Liar weary, cunning, sharp, warm, or authoritar-
◊◊ Rationalist ian eyes.
◊◊ Rival
Body: Slim, sexy, lanky, chubby, big, small, in
ADVANTAGES shape, thin, or voluptuous body.

Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. NAME

◊◊ Awe-inspiring (Charisma) Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in
◊◊ Influential Friends (Charisma) which the campaign is set.
◊◊ Network of Contacts (Charisma)
◊◊ Notorious (Charisma) RELATIONS
◊◊ Daredevil (Perception)
◊◊ Puppeteer (Reason) Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and per-
◊◊ At Any Cost (–) sonality. Take your turn. Write down the other player characters’
◊◊ Opportunist (–) names. Go around the table again to establish your Relations.

AT T R I B U TE S If you know any of the other player characters from before, choose
one of these options to establish the relationship between the two
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive of you.
attributes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower.
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to ◊◊ One of the characters assisted you with removing a company
the seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intu- rival. Take +1 Relation with them.
ition, Perception, Reason, Soul, and Violence.
◊◊ One of the characters opposes your business ventures.
◊◊ One of the characters knows your Dark Secret.
◊◊ One of the characters also works for your boss.
◊◊ You are in love with one of the characters. Take +2 Relation

with them.

Decide the nature of three additional Relations: One neutral (0), one
meaningful (+1), and one vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 57

The Criminal

Mobsters, gang members, thieves, drug dealers, and hitmen are all driven by two things:
their quest for money and all the shit they’ve endured during their lives. For a precious
few, their criminality grants them the life of luxury. But for most, they only catch a fleeting
glimpse of wealth before someone bigger and meaner takes it all away from them. It’s a

dog-eat-dog world.

58 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Criminal’s occupation from the list below, or invent Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
one of your choosing. character.

Thief, Robber, Dealer, Gang member, Homeless, Prize fighter, Clothes: Streetwear, suit, biker, gangsta, casual, tracksuit, exclu-
Corrupt cop, Enforcer, Club owner, Extortionist, Hitman, Face sively-cut, or worn clothes.
of the operation, Getaway driver, Con artist, Mobster, Dealer,
Muscle for hire. Face: Hard, handsome, scarred, battered, dishonest, or cruel

DARK SECRETS Eyes: Grim, calculating, ruthless, cold, mad, piggish, dark, or 2
suspicious eyes.
Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions:
Body: Muscular, lanky, enormous, top-heavy, graceful, trun-
◊◊ Family Secret cated, maimed, broken, plump, stocky, or wiry body.
◊◊ Forbidden Knowledge
◊◊ Guilty of Crime NAME
◊◊ Occult Experience
◊◊ Victim of Crime Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which
the campaign is set.
Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions:
Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
◊◊ Bad Reputation personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player char-
◊◊ Drug Addict acters’ names. Go around the table again to establish your
◊◊ Harassed Relations.
◊◊ Nemesis
◊◊ Sexual Neurosis If you know any of the other player characters from before,
◊◊ Wanted choose one of these options to establish the relationship
between the two of you.
◊◊ One of the characters hid you from the police or others
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. who were after you. Take +1 Relation with them.

◊◊ Streetwise (Charisma) ◊◊ One of the characters knows you’ve committed a
◊◊ Burglar (Coolness) terrible crime.
◊◊ Escape Artist (Coolness)
◊◊ Sixth Sense (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters is indebted to you.
◊◊ Deadly Stare (Violence) ◊◊ One of the characters is connected to
◊◊ Enforcer (Violence)
◊◊ Gang Leader (Violence) one of your rivals.
◊◊ Streetfighter (Violence)
◊◊ One of the characters knew you
AT T R I B U TE S from before your criminal deal-
ings. Take +1 Relation with

Decide the nature of three
additional Relations: one
neutral (0), one mean-
ingful (+1), and one
vital (+2).

Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive
attributes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower.

Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the
seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition,
Perception, Reason, Soul, and Violence.

Choosing Archetypes 59

The Cursed

The Cursed is living on borrowed time. They might be the unfortunate victim of a deadly
disease or the target of a higher power’s rage. Usually, however, The Cursed has sealed
their own fate by selling their soul for fortune and fame. Now their time is almost up, and
The Cursed has realized life itself is the most worthwhile thing they possess. No price is too
high to pay for The Cursed to thwart their destiny, even if it means sacrificing others.

60 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Cursed’s occupation from the list below, or invent one Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
of your choosing. character.

Occultist, Cult escapee, Police officer, CEO, Detective, Military Clothes: Brand name, unique, tailored suit, unconcerned,
Officer, Gangster, Politician, Disability collector, Amateur trenchcoat and suit, heavy metal, designer, tattered and stained,
magician, Celebrity, Jailbird, Businessman, Playboy, Refugee, uniform, all black, foreign, business casual, or blood-soaked
Researcher, Internet celebrity. clothes.

DARK SECRETS Face: Haggard, emaciated, sharp, model, tanned, smiling,
scarred, branded, fleshy, pale, flushed, masculine, sorrowful, or
Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: sickly face.

◊◊ Chosen Eyes: Desperate, devious, hard, surrendered, fearless, burned,
◊◊ Curse intimidated, beautiful, shades, dark, tired, stubborn, or hopeful
◊◊ Occult Experience eyes.
◊◊ Pact with Dark Powers
◊◊ Returned from the Other Side Body: Sickly, well-trained, tanned, taut, shaky, trembling, weak,
attractive, muscular, slender, corpulent, curvy, crippled, cower-
ing, towering, straight-backed, or dejected body.


You automatically receive the Disadvantage: Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which the
campaign is set.
◊◊ Condemned
Choose 1 additional Disadvantage. Suggestions:
Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and per-
◊◊ Drug Addict sonality. Take your turn. Write down the other player characters’
◊◊ Greedy names. Go around the table again to establish your Relations.
◊◊ Haunted
◊◊ Nightmares If you know any of the other player characters from before,
◊◊ Stalker choose one of these options to establish the relationship
between the two of you.
◊◊ One of the characters knows the fate awaiting you.
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. Take +1 Relation with them.

◊◊ Occult Studies (Reason) ◊◊ One of the characters inadvertently caused your
◊◊ Bound (Soul) fate to befall you. They take +1 Relation with
◊◊ Magical Intuition (Soul) you.
◊◊ Death Drive (Violence)
◊◊ Ruthless (Violence) ◊◊ You utilized your prior success to help one of
◊◊ Desperate (–) the other characters. They take +1 Relation
◊◊ Sealed fate (–) with you.
◊◊ To the Last Breath (–)
◊◊ One of the characters is assisting you in
AT T R I B U TE S avoiding your fate. Take +2 Relation
with each other.
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive
attributes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. ◊◊ One of the characters is standing
in your way, preventing you
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the from avoiding your fate. Deter-
seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, mine how together.
Perception, Reason, Soul, and Violence.
Decide the nature of three addi-
tional Relations: One neutral
(0), one meaningful (+1),
and one vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 61

The Deceiver

You were in love. You finally met Mr. Right. Your future was certain, the wedding was planned, and everyone felt
you were perfect for each other. Then one day, your beloved disappeared along with your bank account and all your
jewelry. You were another target of the Deceiver.
Deceivers are manipulative people who fool others into trusting them to deprive them of money or services. They
are masters of masking their true intentions and feelings, and can become exactly the person their victims want.
Deceivers leave a trail of bitter enemies in their wake. When their past catches up to them, it often ends in tragedy.

62 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Deceiver’s occupation from the list below, or invent Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
one of your choosing. character.

Model, Between jobs, Catfisher, Lover, Escort, Heir(ess), Jetsetter, Clothes: Tight-fitting, designer, sexy, revealing, bohemian,
Party animal, Secretary, Party planner, Marriage swindler, Con stylish, trendy, proper, peacockish, exclusively-cut, distressed,
artist, Gigolo, Scammer, Thief, Snitch, Pornstar. or attention-grabbing clothes.

DARK SECRETS Face: Elfin, handsome, neotenic, youthful, chiseled, defined, 2
soft, round, gorgeous, innocent, dignified, or cheerful face.
Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions:
Eyes: Mischievous, twinkling, intense, vulnerable, innocent,
◊◊ Heir pretty, understanding, friendly, large, penetrating, or warm
◊◊ Mental Illness eyes.
◊◊ Occult Experience
◊◊ Pact with Dark Powers Body: Slim, sexy, masculine, curvy, towering, sensual, volup-
◊◊ Victim of Crime tuous, petite, toned, youthful, hearty, tall, short, thin, or wiry
Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions:
Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which
◊◊ Cursed the campaign is set.
◊◊ Greedy
◊◊ Nemesis
◊◊ Sexual Neurosis Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
◊◊ Wanted personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player
characters’ names. Go around the table again to establish
ADVANTAGES your Relations.

Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. If you know any of the other player characters from before,
choose one of these options to establish the relationship
◊◊ Erotic (Charisma) between the two of you.
◊◊ Impostor (Charisma)
◊◊ Seducer (Charisma) ◊◊ One of the characters helped you kill one of your
◊◊ Backstab (Coolness) many enemies. Take +1 Relation with them.
◊◊ Eye for Detail (Perception)
◊◊ Intuitive (Intuition) ◊◊ One of the characters knows one of your
◊◊ Grudge (–) victims.
◊◊ Manipulative (–)
◊◊ One of the characters met you during a rare
moment when you were your true self.

◊◊ One of the characters is your current
victim. They take +2 Relation with you.

◊◊ One of the characters is attracted to
you. They take +1 Relation with

AT T R I B U TE S Decide the nature of three additional
Relations: One neutral (0), one
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attributes: meaningful (+1), and one vital
Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. (+2).

Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the seven
active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Perception, Rea-
son, Soul, and Violence.

Choosing Archetypes 63

The Descendant

Blood, soul and heritage weigh heavy on The Descendant’s shoulders. She is an offspring
of some mythic ancestor, a now dead family, a lost god, chosen by a dark cult or maybe
the heir of some unknown power. It is the past that haunts The Descendant – the Sins of
the Fathers. It may be dark pacts, servitude to demons, or a still lingering upbringing filled
with abuse and violence. No matter where The Descendant goes or hides, her past will
eventually catch up to her.

64 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Descendant’s occupation from the list below, or invent Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
one of your choosing. character.

Antiquarian, Aristocrat, Author, Homeless, Tattoo artist, Occult- Clothes: Old fashioned clothes, casual, ragged and worn, tai-
ist, Sect escapee, Preacher, Heir, Unemployed, Office worker, lored suit, layer upon layer, odd, or black clothes.
Craftsman, Forester.
Face: Childish, sharp, sorrowful, scarred, dishonest, sickly,
DARK SECRETS pretty, pronounced, tense, or round face.

Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: Eyes: Tired, indifferent, anxious, intense, suspicious, fearless,
innocent, restless, cunning, or sad eyes.
◊◊ Chosen
◊◊ Family Secret Body: Weak, strong, bony, small, sickly, slender, athletic, big,
◊◊ Heir spindly, hunched, stiff, or lean body,
◊◊ Occult Experience
◊◊ Pact with Dark Powers NAME

Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which
the campaign is set.


Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player char-
◊◊ Cursed acters’ names. Go around the table again to work out your
◊◊ Haunted Relations.
◊◊ Nightmares
◊◊ Phobia If you know any of the other player characters from before,
◊◊ Repressed Memories choose one of these options to establish the relationship
◊◊ Stalker between the two of you.

ADVANTAGES ◊◊ One of the characters grew up alongside you.
Take +2 Relation to one another.
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below.
◊◊ One of the characters has seen what is hunt-
◊◊ Influential Friends (Charisma) ing you. Take +1 Relation to them.
◊◊ Intuitive (Intuition)
◊◊ Occult Library (Reason) ◊◊ You are secretly in love with one of the
◊◊ Artifact (Soul) characters. Take +2 Relation to them.
◊◊ Bound (Soul)
◊◊ Enhanced Awareness (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters is your contact
◊◊ Inner Power (Soul) person.
◊◊ Watchers (–)
◊◊ One of the characters is inter-
AT T R I B U TE S twined with your dark secrets.
Take +1 Relation with them.

Decide the nature of three addi-
tional Relations: one neutral
(0), one meaningful (+1),
and one vital (+2).

Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attri-
butes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower.

Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the other
seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Percep-
tion, Reason, Soul, and Violence.

Choosing Archetypes 65

The Detective

Be they the disillusioned private eye in their office shrouded in clouds of cigarette
smoke or the hardened investigator on the homicide unit, The Detective is motivated
by their desperate need to find answers. Meanwhile, their families disintegrate,
friends abandon them, and they fall into a spiral of darkness and addiction. Their
‘noble’ search leads them down lonely and dangerous paths best left untrodden.

66 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Detective’s occupation from the list below, or invent Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
one of your choosing. character.
Beat cop, Private eye, Lawyer, Investigator, Security guard,
Investigative journalist, Intelligence officer, Detective, Medium, Clothes: Suit, tweed, trendy, casual, severe, business, or shabby
Hacker, Cryptologist, Conspiracy theorist. clothes.

DARK SECRETS Face: Friendly, sharp, round, sweaty, innocent, determined, or
tired face.
Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions:
Eyes: Empathic, indifferent, squinty, sharp, suspicious, warm, or
◊◊ Forbidden Knowledge concerned eyes.
◊◊ Guilty of Crime
◊◊ Occult Experience Body: Spindly, fat, wiry, stout, stocky, or muscled body.
◊◊ Returned from the Other Side
◊◊ Strange Disappearance NAME

DISADVANTAGES Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which
the campaign is set.
Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions:
◊◊ Drug Addict
◊◊ Infirm Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
◊◊ Nightmares personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player char-
◊◊ Repressed Memories acters’ names. Go around the table again to establish your
◊◊ Stalker Relations.

ADVANTAGES If you know any of the other player characters from
before, choose one of these options to establish the
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. relationship between the two of you.

◊◊ Fast Talk (Coolness) ◊◊ One of the characters saved you from a danger-
◊◊ Interrogator (Intuition) ous situation. Take +1 Relation with them.
◊◊ Instinct (Perception)
◊◊ Read a Crowd (Perception) ◊◊ One of the characters tricked you into pro-
◊◊ Shadow (Perception) tecting someone you were investigating.
◊◊ Crime Scene Investigator (Reason)
◊◊ Dreamer (Soul) ◊◊ You helped one of the characters solve
◊◊ Enhanced Awareness (Soul) a mystery. They take +1 Relation with
◊◊ One of the characters is your
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attri- coworker. Take +1 Relation with
butes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. them and they take +1 Relation
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the seven with you.
active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Perception,
Reason, Soul, and Violence. ◊◊ One of the characters is
your informant. Take +1
Relation with them.

Decide the nature of three
additional Relations: One
neutral (0), one mean-
ingful (+1), and one
vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 67

The Doll

In the shadows, The Doll stands ready. The Doll strives to break free, to be human again, and
assume control of her own life while others strive to possess her. She has lived a life in submis-
sion, as an outcast, a prisoner, a freak, or a trophy. Feelings of emptiness and tragedy reside
within her, as well as dreams of hope, love, and happiness – dreams which are shattered over
and over again.

68 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Doll’s occupation from the list below, or invent one of Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
your choosing. character.

Child beauty contestant, Model, Stripper, Trophy wife, Gigolo, Clothes: Revealing, frilly and fluffy , sexy, strange, trendy,
Actor, Escaped experiment, High school prom queen, Vlogger, impractical, spectacular, gothic, ornate, bohemian, bright,
Reality TV celebrity, Pornstar, Escort, Abuse survivor, Imprisoned innocent, ripped, or sharp clothing.
innocent, Trafficking victim.
Face: Pretty, smiling, sad, childish, black and blue, chiseled,
DARK SECRETS reassuring, made-up, androgynous, or happy face.

Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: Eyes: Innocent, beautiful, spellbinding, multicolored,
frightened, purple, pale, sapphire blue, emerald green, yel-
◊◊ Chosen low-gold, hungry, dispassionate, large, veiled, devastated,
◊◊ Guilty of Crime or flirtatious eyes.
◊◊ Occult Experience
◊◊ Victim of Crime Body: Frail, attractive, small, graceful, petite, curvaceous,
◊◊ Victim of Medical Experiments athletic, dignified, lean and fit, slender, willowy, androgy-
nous, or tall body.
You automatically receive the Disadvantage:
Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in
◊◊ Object of Desire which the campaign is set.

Choose 1 additional disadvantage. Suggestions: RELATIONS

◊◊ Harassed Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
◊◊ Owned personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player
◊◊ Phobia characters’ names. Go around the table again to establish
◊◊ Sexual Neurosis your Relations.
◊◊ Stalker
If you know any of the other player characters from
ADVANTAGES before, choose one of these options to establish the rela-
tionship between the two of you.
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below.
◊◊ One of the characters is in love with you. They take
◊◊ Perpetual Victim (Charisma) +2 Relation with you.
◊◊ Backstab (Coolness)
◊◊ Ice cold (Coolness) ◊◊ One of the characters has taken care of you. Take
◊◊ Sneak (Coolness) +1 Relation with each other.
◊◊ Divine (Soul)
◊◊ Magnetic Attraction (Soul) ◊◊ You are secretly in love with one of the char-
◊◊ Endure Trauma (–) acters. Take +2 Relation with them.
◊◊ Gritted Teeth (–)
◊◊ One of the characters liberated you.
AT T R I B U TE S Take +1 Relation with each other.

Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attri- ◊◊ One of the characters is jealous
butes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. of you.

Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the seven Decide the nature of three
active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Perception, additional Relations: One
Reason, Soul, and Violence. neutral (0), one mean-
ingful (+1), and one
vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 69

The Drifter

The Drifter never stays in one place long enough to feel at home. The road is their home. It could be an uncontrollable urge to never put
down roots, or a reaction to pursuers always on their heels. The Drifter has learned to live with whatever fits in their backpack or the
back of their car. What is important to others lacks meaning to The Drifter, who never gets attached to anything. Other vagabonds and
outcasts are their friends and allies. They seek refuge in rundown motels, boxcars, abandoned homes, and other makeshift shelters. The
eternal question for those who meet them is: what are you running from?

70 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Drifter’s occupation from the list below, or invent one Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
of your choosing. character.

Homeless, Vagabond, Runaway, In witness protection, Draft Clothes: Worn, odd, biker, ripped, practical, street, wilderness
dodger, Small-time crook, Backpacker, Refugee, Prison escapee, survival, layer upon layer, wrong season, cheap suit, or hobo
Traveling salesman, Courier, Day laborer, Outsider. clothing.

DARK SECRETS Face: Ravaged, innocent, weathered, pronounced, filthy, friendly,
tough, tattooed, scarred, or memorable face.
Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions:
Eyes: Cloudy, tired, restless, blind, one-eyed, bloodshot, tense,
◊◊ Curse suspicious, fearful, cheerful, sarcastic, or intelligent eyes.
◊◊ Family Secret
◊◊ Mental Illness Body: Wiry, bony, hobbled, fast, dirty, scarred, big, small, slim,
◊◊ Returned from the Other Side androgynous, tall, disproportionate, laid back, tense, mal-
◊◊ Rootless formed, twisted, tattooed, or animalistic body.


DISADVANTAGES Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which
the campaign is set.

Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: RELATIONS 2

◊◊ Cursed Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
◊◊ Harassed personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player
◊◊ Haunted characters’ names. Go around the table again to establish your
◊◊ Schizophrenia Relations.
◊◊ Stalker
◊◊ Wanted If you know any of the other player characters from before,
choose one of these options to establish the relationship
ADVANTAGES between the two of you.

Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. ◊◊ One of the characters lets you stay with them
sometimes. Take +1 Relation with them.
◊◊ Street Contacts (Charisma)
◊◊ Driver (Coolness) ◊◊ One of the characters got you out of a bind.
◊◊ Improviser (Coolness) Take +1 Relation with them.
◊◊ Character Actor (Intuition)
◊◊ Vigilant (Intuition) ◊◊ One of the characters is an old friend.
◊◊ Wanderer (Perception) Take +2 Relation with them.
◊◊ Artifact (Soul)
◊◊ Enhanced Awareness (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters is someone
you know in the underworld.
◊◊ One of the characters gives
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attributes: you occasional jobs.
Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower.
Decide the nature of three
additional Relations: One
neutral (0), one mean-
ingful (+1), and one
vital (+2).

Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the seven active
attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Perception, Reason,
Soul, and Violence.

Choosing Archetypes 71

The Fixer

The Fixer has all the contacts, and uses them to make quick cash. Drugs, weapons, illegal prize-
fights, antiques, cars, apartments – The Fixer can set you up with whatever you need. But every-
thing she sells comes with a catch. Once The Fixer gets their hooks in you she’ll never let you go.
As long as there’s money involved The Fixer doesn’t care about the stakes, and the more suc-
cessful she is, the more enemies she makes along the way. In the underworld, there are always
people hungrily watching you, waiting for the right moment, and willing to step over your

body to take your place.

72 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Fixer’s occupation from the list below, or invent one of Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
your choosing. character.

Mafia boss, Business person, Real estate agent, Dealer, Restau- Clothes: Suit, street, leather, casual, bizarre, luxury, or sports-
rateur, Club owner, Fence, Loan shark, Bookie, Advisor, Extor- wear clothing.
tionist, Criminal, Consigliere.
Face: Pleasant, good-looking, attractive, bony, smashed, inno-
DARK SECRETS cent, meaty, or open face.

Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: Eyes: Cheerful, calculating, cold, servile, cunning, tough, con-
fused, or evaluating eyes.
◊◊ Forbidden Knowledge
◊◊ Guilty of Crime Body: Broad, athletic, skinny, sensual, skipped leg day, tall and
◊◊ Heir wiry, or stocky body.
◊◊ Pact with Dark Powers
◊◊ Victim of Crime NAME

Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which
the campaign is set.


Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player
◊◊ Competitor characters’ names. Go around the table again to establish
◊◊ Cursed your Relations.
◊◊ Greedy
◊◊ Jealousy If you know any of the other player characters from
◊◊ Liar before, choose one of these options to establish the
◊◊ Stalker relationship between the two of you.

ADVANTAGES ◊◊ One of the characters endured a beating to
get you out of a bind. Take +1 Relation
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. with them.

◊◊ Forked Tongue (Charisma) ◊◊ One of the characters caused a prob-
◊◊ Streetwise (Charisma) lem for which they let you take the
◊◊ Ace Up the Sleeve (Coolness) blame.
◊◊ Backstab (Coolness)
◊◊ Boss (Coolness) ◊◊ One of the characters is
◊◊ Extortionist (Intuition) indebted to you.
◊◊ Sixth Sense (Soul)
◊◊ Worldly (–) ◊◊ One of the characters works
for you.
◊◊ One of the characters is
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attri- a business contact.
butes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower.
Decide the nature of three
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the additional Relations:
seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, One neutral (0), one
Perception, Reason, Soul, and Violence. meaningful (+1),
and one vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 73

The Occultist

The Occultist seeks the answers to life’s mysteries through occult theories. Ancient tomes, mad
sect leaders, and obscure internet forums speak of different dimensions, magical rituals, other-
worldly creatures, and powers that can turn men into gods. The Occultist has discovered enough
information to begin experimenting with these forces, but not nearly enough to give them any
degree of control. Magic always comes at a high price, and The Occultist’s account is coming due.

74 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Occultist’s occupation from the list below, or invent LOOKS
one of your choosing.
Select or come up
Antiquarian, Medium, Exorcist, Linguist, Unemployed, Theolo- with your own distin-
gian, Professor, Morgue employee, Teenager, Student, Bureau- guishing features for your
crat, Disability collector, Librarian, Recent convert, Thelemic. character.

DARK SECRETS Clothes: All black, suit and
trenchcoat, hippie, occult sym-
Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: bolism, casual, spiritual, flashy,
shimmery, tattered, new age, pecu-
◊◊ Forbidden Knowledge liar, discreet, or spectacular clothes.
◊◊ Guardian
◊◊ Occult Experience Face: Big bushy beard, long black hair
◊◊ Pact with Dark Powers and pale skin, bony, disfigured, worn, pretty,
◊◊ Visitations tense, pallid, indifferent, scornful, bored, wrin-
kled or aged face.

DISADVANTAGES Eyes: Hollow, lucid, mad, piercing, arresting, inter-
rogating, distant, tired, defeated, power-hungry, or sad
Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: eyes.

◊◊ Guilt Body: Emaciated, scarred, broken, towering, trembling,
◊◊ Haunted tattooed, burned, wispy, hunched, lanky, obese, stiff, or inviting
◊◊ Involuntary Medium body.
◊◊ Nightmares
◊◊ Repressed Memories NAME
◊◊ Stalker
Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which
the campaign is set.


Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and per-
sonality. Take your turn. Write down the other player characters’
◊◊ Crafty (Intuition) names. Go around the table again to establish your Relations.
◊◊ Occult Library (Reason)
◊◊ Dabbler in the Occult (Soul) If you know any of the other player characters from before,
◊◊ Dreamer (Soul) choose one of these options to establish the relationship
◊◊ Enhanced Awareness (Soul) between the two of you.
◊◊ Exorcist (Soul)
◊◊ Magical Intuition (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters participated in one of your rituals.
◊◊ Thirst for Knowledge (–) ◊◊ One of the characters is related to someone you lost. Take

AT T R I B U TE S +1 Relation with them.

Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attri- ◊◊ One of the characters is your friend. Take +1 Relation with
butes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. them.

Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the ◊◊ One of the characters assists you with acquiring books,
seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Per- information, and artifacts. Take +1 Relation with them.
ception, Reason, Soul, and Violence.
◊◊ One of the characters hates you for doing something to
them, despite your love for them. Take +2 Relation with

Decide the nature of three additional Relations: One neutral (0),
one meaningful (+1), and one vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 75

The Prophet

Faith and religion bestow power, whether you’re a priest, pastor, imam, rabbi, or
other sect leader. The Prophet may have chosen to serve their god, but it could also be
a path they’ve been forced to walk by their family or congregation from an early age.
Being on the inside of a religious association provides access to community and a sense
of higher purpose. However, the shadows cast by the Divine’s light often hide abuse of
power, occultism, perverted doctrine, forced marriages, and the worship of false gods.

76 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Prophet’s occupation from the list below, or invent one Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
of your choosing. character.
Priest, Pastor, Imam, Rabbi, Sect leader, Sect member, Sect
escapee, Prophet, Medium, Witch, Preacher, Healer, Missionary, Clothes: Suit, clerical robes, orthodox, organic materials,
Seer, Cultist, Idolater, Iconoclast, Elder, Oracle, Guru. bohemian, casual, coat and hat, street, strange, or worn
Face: Handsome, smooth, attractive, childlike, dominant,
Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: narrow, aristocratic, open, or ascetic face.

◊◊ Chosen Eyes: Cheerful, deep, mad, wise, forgiving, mesmerizing,
◊◊ Forbidden Knowledge piercing, or passionate eyes.
◊◊ Guardian
◊◊ Occult Experience Body: Large, slender, thin, small, spindly, sickly, plump, firm,
◊◊ Visitations energetic, or voluptuous body.


Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in
which the campaign is set.
◊◊ Cursed
◊◊ Fanatic RELATIONS
◊◊ Harassed
◊◊ Involuntary Medium Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
◊◊ Sexual Neurosis personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player
◊◊ Stalker characters’ names. Go around the table again to estab-
lish your Relations.
If you know any of the other player characters from
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. before, choose one of these options to establish
the relationship between the two of you.
◊◊ Charismatic Aura (Soul)
◊◊ Cult Leader (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters shares your faith.
◊◊ Enhanced Awareness (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters saved you. Take
◊◊ Exorcist (Soul)
◊◊ Lay on Hands (Soul) +1 Relation with them.
◊◊ Voice of Insanity (Soul)
◊◊ Divine Champion (–) ◊◊ One of the characters denied your
◊◊ Good Samaritan (–) god.

AT T R I B U TE S ◊◊ You saved one of the other char-
acter’s immortal soul. They take
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive +1 Relation with you.
attributes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower.
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the ◊◊ One of the characters is
seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, your lover. Take +1 Rela-
Perception, Reason, Soul, and Violence. tion with them.

Decide the nature of three
additional Relations: One
neutral (0), one mean-
ingful (+1), and one
vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 77

The Ronin

The Ronin always teeters at the edge of a bottomless pit. When you’ve run out of options, you
hire The Ronin to solve the problem. They perform any task where compassion and morality are
liabilities, and where mistakes mean prison, death, or worse. The Ronin can never trust anyone.

Yesterday’s employers are tomorrow’s potential targets. Once The Ronin’s hunt has begun, there
is no escape for their prey.

78 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Ronin’s occupation from the list below, or invent one Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
of your choosing. character.
Contract killer, Hitman, Special agent, Special ops, Military
experiment, Sniper, Spree killer. Clothes: Suit, discreet, black, worn, concealing, extravagant,
fashionable, or practical clothes.
Face: Emaciated, expressionless, mundane, friendly, scarred,
Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: tough, pretty, or smooth face.

◊◊ Curse Eyes: Grim, appraising, cool, obscured, melancholy, merciless,
◊◊ Guardian or challenging eyes.
◊◊ Occult Experience
◊◊ Victim of Medical Experiments Body: Graceful, athletic, small, scarred, strong, massive, wiry,
◊◊ Visitations emaciated, toned, or battered body.


Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in
which the campaign is set.
◊◊ Cursed
◊◊ Haunted RELATIONS
◊◊ Marked
◊◊ Nemesis Everyone introduces their character by name, looks,
◊◊ Nightmares and personality. Take your turn. Write down the
◊◊ Wanted other player characters’ names. Go around the
table again to establish your Relations.
If you know any of the other player characters
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. from before, choose one of these options to
establish the relationship between the two of
◊◊ Weapon Master (Coolness) you.
◊◊ Chameleon (Intuition)
◊◊ Exit Strategy (Perception) ◊◊ One of the characters knows who
◊◊ Manhunter (Reason) you really are. Take +1 Relation with
◊◊ Sixth Sense (Soul) each other.
◊◊ Lightning Fast (Violence)
◊◊ Sniper (Violence) ◊◊ One of the characters knows you
◊◊ Jaded (–) under one of your aliases.

AT T R I B U TE S ◊◊ One of the characters knows
your deepest fear.
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attri-
butes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. ◊◊ One of the characters owes
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the seven their life to you. They take
active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Perception, +1 Relation with you.
Reason, Soul, and Violence.
◊◊ You harbor a secret
passion for one of the
character’s partner.
Take +2 Relation
with that partner.

Decide the nature of
three additional Rela-
tions: One neutral
(0), one meaning-
ful (+1), and one
vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 79

The Scientist

The Scientist explores the unknown in the hope of finding answers to the questions of life and the universe. Her
research often leads to dangerous experiments, where the fabric between our dimension and others is temporar-
ily blown aside. In psychology, medicine, physics, chemistry, and various parasciences, these experiments often
lead to terrible consequences. They might call her mad, but she knows this is because they refuse to see the Truth.

80 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Scientist’s occupation from the list below, or invent Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
one of your choosing. character.

Doctor, Psychologist, Surgeon, Inventor, Engineer, Technician, Clothes: Suit, worn and dirty, casual, practical, coat and hat,

Therapist, Physicist. peculiar, lab coat, stained, neat, or durable clothes.

DARK SECRETS Face: Worn, square, scarred, bony, round and sweaty, 2
pronounced, exhausted, ravaged, or serious face.
Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions:
Eyes: Calculating, dead, squinting, burning, mad, con-
◊◊ Forbidden Knowledge fused, or commanding eyes.
◊◊ Mental Illness
◊◊ Responsible for Medical Experiments Body: Frail, angular, stocky, overweight, emaciated,
◊◊ Returned from the Other Side skinny, slender, tall, hunched, or strange body.
◊◊ Victim of Medical Experiments
Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale
Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: in which the campaign is set.

◊◊ Bad Reputation RELATIONS
◊◊ Experiment Gone Wrong
◊◊ Fanatic Everyone introduces their character by name, looks,
◊◊ Mental Compulsion and personality. Take your turn. Write down the
◊◊ Repressed Memories other player characters’ names. Go around the
◊◊ Wanted table again to establish your Relations.

ADVANTAGES If you know any of the other player characters
from before, choose one of these options to
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below. establish the relationship between the two of
◊◊ Battlefield Medicine (Reason)
◊◊ Inventor (Reason) ◊◊ One of the characters received help from
◊◊ Scientist (Reason) you. They take +1 Relation with you.
◊◊ Enhanced Awareness (Soul)
◊◊ Genius (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters assisted you with
◊◊ Implanted Messages (Soul) an experiment, which went terribly
◊◊ Arcane Researcher (–) wrong.
◊◊ Workaholic (–)
◊◊ One of the characters knows details of
AT T R I B U TE S your dreams.

Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive ◊◊ One of the characters volunteered
attributes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. for one of your experiments. Take +1
Relation with them.

◊◊ One of the characters is involved in
your research.

Decide the nature of three additional Rela-
tions: One neutral (0), one meaningful
(+1), and one vital (+2).

Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the
seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition,
Perception, Reason, Soul, and Violence.

Choosing Archetypes 81

The Seeker

Seekers are explorers of modern, ancient, and forgotten urban myths. They are bloggers, hackers, and storytellers of the Modern Age.
On the Internet, faceless voices whisper of lies and conspiracies. In abandoned subway stations, someone leaves messages in seem-
ingly meaningless graffiti. If you dig deep enough you’ll find the Truth, but most of us cannot see through the thick fog of misinfor-
mation, and we become hopelessly lost in the tempest of propaganda, pornography, and mindless entertainment. The Seeker knows

how to use the Internet to uncover secrets under stones best left unturned. For the Seeker, no price is too great to find the Truth and
expose it for public consumption.

82 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Seeker’s occupation from the list below, or invent one of Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your
your choosing. character.

Student, Unemployed, Blogger, Hacker, Activist, Academic, Clothes: Nerdy, second-hand, leather, alternative, casual, dura-
Researcher, Parapsychologist, Author, Journalist, Thief, Medium, ble, smelly, comfortable, stained or ripped clothes.
Conspiracy Theorist.
Face: Wrinkled, lively, cute, neotenic, pale, grim, smashed, or
DARK SECRETS innocent face.

Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: Eyes: Clear, hard, tired, bloodshot, doubtful, curious, avoidant,
suspicious, or evaluating eyes.
◊◊ Family Secret
◊◊ Forbidden Knowledge Body: Lanky, sinewy, robust, fragile, hefty, deformed, wispy,
◊◊ Guardian chubby, bent, short, or youthful body.
◊◊ Occult Experience
◊◊ Strange Disappearance NAME

Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which
the campaign is set.


Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and
personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player
◊◊ Cursed characters’ names. Go around the table again to establish your
◊◊ Haunted Relations.
◊◊ Nightmares
◊◊ Repressed Memories If you know any of the other player characters from before,
◊◊ Stalker choose one of these options to establish the relationship
◊◊ Wanted between the two of you.

ADVANTAGES ◊◊ You entrusted one of the characters with a secret, which
could put you away in prison.
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below.
◊◊ One of the characters helped you with your investi-
◊◊ Parkour (Coolness) gations. Take +1 Relation with them.
◊◊ Access the Dark Net (Perception)
◊◊ Keen-eyed (Perception) ◊◊ You look up to one of the characters. Take +1
◊◊ Hacker (Reason) Relation with them.
◊◊ Prepared (Reason)
◊◊ Enhanced Awareness (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters saved your life. Take
◊◊ Stubborn (Soul) +1 Relation with them.
◊◊ Endure Trauma (–)
◊◊ You have discovered one of the charac-
AT T R I B U TE S ters in the act of something criminal,
obscene, or extremely shameful.
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attri-
butes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. ◊◊ You befriended one of the charac-
ters in the process of assisting
Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the seven them with some supernatural
active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Perception, trouble. Give her +1 Relation
Reason, Soul, and Violence. with you.

Decide the nature of three addi-
tional Relations: One neutral
(0), one meaningful (+1),
and one vital (+2).

Choosing Archetypes 83

The Veteran

The Veteran has seen death up close. She has spent a major part of her life in combat,
weapon in hand, and adrenaline coursing through her veins. She might be an infantry
soldier crouching in an Afghanistan foxhole, a SWAT officer carrying out frequent missions
against heavily armed criminals, or a civilian from a country devastated by war, now a
refugee but still tortured by memories of the conflict.

84 Chapter 2 – Archetypes


Choose your Veteran’s occupation from the list below, or invent one
of your choosing.

Special agent, Military soldier, Street soldier, Mercenary, MMA LOOKS
fighter, Military officer, Security guard, Body guard, Hitman,

War refugee, Military police, Retiree, Homeless vet. Select or come up

DARK SECRETS with your own distin-
guishing features for your

Choose 1 or more Dark Secrets. Suggestions: character.

◊◊ Guilty of Crime Clothes: Street, athletic wear,
◊◊ Returned from the Other Side blood-stained, casual, camo,
◊◊ Victim of Crime uniform, or practical clothes.
◊◊ Victim of Medical Experiments
◊◊ Visitations Face: Hard, coarse, scarred, weathered,
fragile, harsh, or disfigured face.

Eyes: Hardened, dead, desolate, burning,

DISADVANTAGES sorrowful, angry, or commanding eyes.
Body: Compact, hardy, scarred, huge, hefty, limber,
Choose 2 Disadvantages. Suggestions: tall, muscular, sinewy, strong, or brutalized body.

◊◊ Drug Addict NAME
◊◊ Haunted
◊◊ Nightmares Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale
◊◊ Phobia in which the campaign is set.
◊◊ Repressed Memories
◊◊ Stalker RELATIONS

Everyone introduces their character by name, looks,
and personality. Take your turn. Write down the

ADVANTAGES other player characters’ names. Go around the 2
table again to establish your Relations.
Choose 3 Advantages from the list below.
If you know any of the other player characters
◊◊ Hunter (Perception) from before, choose one of these options to estab-
◊◊ Instinct (Perception) lish the relationship between the two of you.
◊◊ Survivalist (Perception)
◊◊ Voice of Pain (Soul) ◊◊ One of the characters assisted you when you
◊◊ Martial Arts Expert (Violence) were in need. Take +1 Relation with them.
◊◊ Officer (Violence)
◊◊ Dead shot (–) ◊◊ One of the characters abandoned you when
◊◊ Hardened (–) you needed them most.

◊◊ One of the characters followed you into
battle. Take +1 Relation with each other.

◊◊ One of the characters listened to your
war stories.
◊◊ One of the characters has seen you lose
Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive control.

attributes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower. Decide the nature of three additional Relations:

Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the One neutral (0), one meaningful (+1), and

seven active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, one vital (+2).

Perception, Reason, Soul, and Violence.

Choosing Archetypes 85


Choose your Sleeper’s occupation. It could be anything you wish.

Your past is obscured by flawed memories, and you try not to think DARK SECRETS

about the future. You focus on the here and now, living through Choose any 1 Dark Secret. You get to pick the Dark Secret, but for as
your TV’s infinite offerings, Internet forums, and the apps on your long as they’re asleep the PC will not remember anything about it.

phone. Your life and job are fine, but you make sure to only share DISADVANTAGES
the best snippets, where everything seems amazing. Everyone else

has nice homes and great jobs, and you wouldn’t want people to Choose 2 Disadvantages from any Archetype.
think you’re worse off than them. After work, you usually watch

TV until it’s time to go to bed. You work out in the morning, during ADVANTAGES
lunch, or on the way home. Everyone else seems so perfect, so
you’ll motivate yourself to push through your routine on the tread- You start with no Advantages.

mill while listening to the latest podcast, drinking low-fat shakes, AT T R I B U TE S
and eating pre-packaged foods. People feel best when they don’t
focus on negative thoughts. One of the blogs you read told you Assign the modifiers +2, +1, and +0 to the three passive attri-
butes: Fortitude, Reflexes, and Willpower.
that. Above your bed hangs a pretty piece of calligraphy, which

reads, “I am in charge of how I feel, and today I am choosing Assign the modifiers +3, +2, +1, +1, +0, −1, and −2 to the seven
happiness.” That’s nice to think about. You live your life in a active attributes: Charisma, Coolness, Intuition, Perception,
bubble, filtering out all shadows and shades of grey in the Reason, Soul, and Violence.
world. You are one of the Sleepers.

Playing Sleepers LOOKS

Select or come up with your own distinguishing features for your

Sleeping PCs are weaker than Aware character.

PCs. They lack Advantages and have Clothes: Mainstream, hipster, proper, athletic wear, jeans, suit,

repressed their Dark Secrets. When trendy, bohemian, gangsta, anonymous, all black, nerdy, chic,
Sleepers use Experience to advance, handsome, provocative, flattering, normcore, or alternative

they start to recall their Dark Secrets. clothes.
Upon their sixth advance, they wake
up and switch Archetypes. Face: Cute, tired, forced smile, rosy, hard, doughy, swollen, ema-
ciated, pale, non-expressive, pretty, masculine, soft, grim, long,
If the GM wishes to include sleeping round, square, bearded, or tanned face.
PCs, the game works best if all
the player characters Eyes: Avoidant, large, contemptuous, flirtatious, cheerful,
begin as Sleepers and innocent, intense, drowsy, dominant, demanding, dark, bright,
develop into Aware confused, or bored eyes.
Archetypes together.
Body: Thin, muscular, chubby, skinny, tall, short, big, heavy-set,
lean, strong, hearty, bent over, straight-backed, bouncy, serene,

expressive, frantic, jittery, or gray body.


Choose a name for your character, suitable to the locale in which the
campaign is set.


There is something you use to distract yourself from the world
around you, enabling you to remain asleep.

Choose 1 or several: ◊◊ Reality television.
◊◊ Shopping.
◊◊ Dating services. ◊◊ Social media/apps, e.g.
◊◊ Discussion forums.
◊◊ Exercise and fitness. Instagram, Facebook,
◊◊ Fashion. or similar.
◊◊ Interior decorating.
◊◊ Online games. ◊◊ TV-series.
◊◊ Pornography. ◊◊ Distraction of your own


When you engage in your Distraction for several hours, you recover
+1 Stability.

86 Chapter 2 – Archetypes

When you are unable to engage in your distraction for a few Creating
days, you must make a Keep it Together Move to not give in

to it – even to your detriment. a New Archetype
When you have been forced to interrupt your distraction, you

take −1 to your next roll. Creating a new Archetype for KULT: Divinity Lost requires devel-

RELATIONS oping a broad and interesting theme for the Archetype and the

Everyone introduces their character by name, looks, and construction of balanced Advantages. You can extrapolate from
personality. Take your turn. Write down the other player the established Archetypes and proceed as follows:
characters’ names. Go around the table again to establish
◊◊ Write a short description of the Archetype, explaining its
your Relations. core themes.
If you know any of the other player characters from before,
◊◊ Write some suggested occupations for characters of
choose one of these options to establish the relationship this Archetype.
between the two of you.
◊◊ Suggest five Dark Secrets. You can choose from
◊◊ One of the characters is an associate from work. existing ones or develop new ones.
◊◊ One of the characters is a lover or a friend. Take +1
◊◊ Suggest six Disadvantages. You can also create
Relation with each other. one or more unique Disadvantages to suit the
◊◊ One of the characters is connected to your Dark Secret.
◊◊ You secretly follow the character on Instagram, their ◊◊ Give the Archetype eight Advantages the player
can choose from at the start. You can use
blog, or similar social media. Take +1 Relation with existing Advantages or develop new ones
them. unique to the Archetype. Some Soul-based
Advantages, such as Enhanced Awareness,
◊◊ One of the characters has something you’re jealous of.

Decide the nature of three additional Relations: One neutral Magical Intuition, and/or Sixth Sense,
(0), one meaningful (+1), and one vital (+2). recur in several of the twenty Aware
Archetypes in KULT: Divinity Lost.

Sleepers •• Note: if this is your first session of 2
and Advancement KULT: Divinity Lost, do not create
your own Advantages or Disad-
A sleeping PC advances in the following steps:
vantages. Play a few sessions first,

[1] They remember something about their Dark Secret. in order to give you some idea
[2] They remember something about their Dark Secret. of how Moves work and what
effects are suitable to apply

[3] They remember something about their Dark Secret. when PCs roll a success (15+),

[4] They remember something about their Dark Secret. success with complications
(10–14), and failure (–9).
[5] They remember something about their Dark Secret.
◊◊ Assign suggested looks in the
[6] They awaken. The player chooses an Aware Arche- categories of clothes, face,
type. The PC keeps their Dark Secret and their Disad- eyes, and body.
vantages, but the player picks three Advantages from
their new Archetype. ◊◊ Write down five alter-
natives for established
Depending on how the group wants to play it out, the starting Relations
Sleeper’s memories of their Dark Secret can: with other player
characters. Some of
◊◊ Be prepared and delivered by the GM (suitable for the alternatives can
prepared scenarios) establish a Relation
value of +1 or even
◊◊ Be authored by the player +2, either for the
◊◊ Be authored collaboratively by the group character or the
◊◊ Be authored by the other players, but not the per- PC the character
has a relation-
son affected ship with.

In those cases where the players author the details,
they should limit their contributions to vague memory

fragments the GM can expand and build on later. Each

advancement should not reveal the Dark Secret’s true

nature, but should work more like clues the PC can


Creating a New Archetype 87

Chapter 3

E very player character (PC) has a past, which has shaped the
person they are today. Traumatic events, buried secrets, and encounters

with the supernatural have awakened doubts that things may not be

as they seem. Through pain, fear, guilt, and madness, these events have

forged the PC’s personality and provided her with both strengths

and weaknesses. Dark Secrets, Disadvantages, and Advan-

tages are representations of these experiences and

personality traits. Each character begins Dark Secrets
the game with one or more Dark are windows
Secrets, two Disadvan- into traumatic, mystical,
or guilt-laden episodes in the
tages, and three
character’s past. Each Dark Secret has

Advantages. a theme, which the player and gamemaster
(GM) take into consideration when developing the

Secret’s specifics. However, any Dark Secret can provide

the framework for a great variety of events, serving as inspiration

for developing a character’s concept and backstory, as well as acting as a

storytelling aid for the GM and player. The PCs’ various Dark Secrets provide the

GM with concrete themes for the overall story, such as guilt, revenge, escape, sorrow,

passion, and redemption. They also serve as anchor points for locations, objects, and entities to

be included when preparing a story.

88 Chapter 3 – Character Traits

Disadvantages can be the character’s personal failings, neg- rolled by the players, but unlike the basic player Moves, they
ative personality traits, adverse conditions, or external threats provide the GM with opportunities to affect the PCs later in the
in the form of individuals, institutions, creatures, and/or story. Examples might include the character’s schizophrenia
supernatural powers. The character might suffer from schizo- distorting her perception of reality, or the character’s pursuers
phrenia, harbor a rampant urge to take revenge on someone, finally catching up with her.
or be pursued by faceless enemies. Disadvantages are Moves

List of Disadvantages

Disadvantage Description Page 3
Bad Reputation You are hated by the public for something you are accused of. 96
Broken Your Stability can never increase beyond Distressed. 96
Competitor You have a competitor in the criminal underworld. 96
Condemned Your fate is sealed and your Time is ticking down. 97
Cursed You are afflicted by a curse. 97
Depression You are struggling with depression. 97
Drug Addict You are addicted to hard drugs. 97
Experiment Gone Wrong You carried out an experiment that went terribly wrong. 97
Fanatic You are a fervent adherent of an ideology. 97
Greedy You are driven by an unquenchable desire for money and wealth. 98
Guilt You carry heavy guilt for your past sins. 98
Harassed You are part of a harassed minority group. 98
Haunted You are haunted by supernatural forces. 98
Infirm You suffer from a dangerous physical disease or condition. 98
Involuntary Medium You are an open vessel for spirits and demonic entities. 98
Jealousy You want someone else’s life for yourself. 98
Liar You are a compulsive liar. 99
Lost Identity You have a repressed true identity that resurfaces sometimes. 99
Marked You are marked by darkness. 99
Mental Compulsion You have a mental compulsion. 99
Nemesis You have made an enemy who does everything in their power to take revenge on you. 99
Nightmares You suffer from recurring nightmares. 99
Oath of Revenge You are obsessed of taking revenge on someone or an organization.
Object of Desire You ignite unhealthy desires in others. 100
Obsession You are obsessed by a conspiracy or supernatural phenomenon. 100
Owned You have fled from someone who kept you as his private property. 100
Phobia You harbour an overpowering fear of something. 100
Rationalist Your mind refuses to acknowledge anything except things confirmed by modern science. 100
Repressed Memories You have repressed an unpleasant event. 100
Rival You have an ambitious rival, who will do anything to be in your shoes. 100
Schizophrenia You struggle with psychosis and hallucinations. 101
Sexual Neurosis Your sexuality is a destructive, controlling force in your life. 101
Stalker You are hunted by a faceless enemy. 101
Victim of Passion You have an overwhelming passion for someone or something. 101
Wanted You are wanted by the authorities. 101

For more information on how Dark Secrets, Disadvantages, and Advantages 89
work together to create stories, read Chapter 6 – Setting Up a story

List of Disadvantages

Advantages are strengths, rare abilities, supernatural powers, be the leader of a gang of underlings. Advantages are Moves
and valuable resources the character can use in the story to which either provide the character permanent bonuses on
gain Edges and accomplish things others can’t. The character rolls of a specific nature, extend the scope of a basic Move, or
might be tough and doesn’t get hurt easily, have special training provide the player with the opportunity to take special actions
in crime scene investigations, possess influential friends, or nobody else can.

List of Advantages

Advantage Attribute Description Page
Academic Network 102
Access the Dark Net Charisma You have contacts at universities around the world. 108
Ace up the Sleeve 105
Analyst Perception You know how to access and search the Dark Net abyss. 110
Animal Speaker 107
Arcane Researcher Coolness You are good in a tight spot. 119

Artifact Reason You are good at making connections when you Investigate. 113
Artistic Talent 102
At any Cost Intuition You can control animals. 119
Authority 102
Awe-Inspiring – You know things about alternate planes of existance and creatures from 102
Backstab other dimensions. 105
Battlefield Medicine 110
Body Awareness Soul You have an artifact with mystical powers. 108
Boss 105
Bound Charisma Your work of art have a great effect on audiences. 113
Burglar 105
Chameleon – You can get +2 to a roll by decreasing Stability (−2). 107
Character Actor 107
Charismatic Aura Charisma You can use your academic authority to influence others. 113
Code of Honor 119
Collector Charisma You can inspire awe and obedience in others. 110
Contagious Insanity 113
Crafty Coolness You are dangerous when you attack unprepared victims. 107
Crime Scene Investigator 110
Cult Leader Reason You are trained in stabilising wounds. 113
Dabbler in the Occult 114
Daredevil Perception You have exceptional control over your body. 108
Data Retrieval 110
Dead Shot Coolness You have a gang of criminal henchmen. 119
Deadly Stare 117
Death Drive Soul You can draw powers from an extradimensional entity. 117
Desperate 119
Divine Coolness You are an expert in breaking and entering. 114
Divine Champion 119
Intuition You are great at concealing your appearance and imitate others.
Dreamer 114
Driver Intuition You are a master at blending in. 106
Elite Education 102
Soul You can force people to trust you and seek your company.

– Gain Stability when you take risks or make sacrifices for your code of honor.

Reason You know how to find unusual or rare items.

Soul You can infect others with temporary insanity.

Intuition You can make others trust you.

Reason You are skilled at finding clues at crime scenes.

Soul You can perform rituals with your followers.

Soul You can perform rituals from written instructions.

Perception You get Edges when you enter dangerous situations.

Reason You are a skilled researcher.

– Any Harm with a firearm is considered +1 Harm.

Violence You can freeze an NPC with your stare.

Violence You get Edges when you fight with no regard for personal safety.

– You have +1 on all rolls when trying to make it through overwhelming odds.

Soul You can make monsters obey you temporarily.

– You get stronger when you fight against your deity’s enemies or protect a
sacred object.

Soul You can use dreams to meet people or experience past events.

Coolness You are a trained professional at operating motor vehicles.

Charisma You have contacts in the world’s social elite.

90 Chapter 3 – Character Traits

Advantage Attribute Description Page
Elite Sport 119
Endure Trauma – You have competed professionally in a sport. 119
Enforcer 117
Enhanced Awareness – Whenever you reduce Stability, you always lose 1 fewer level than normal. 114

Erotic Violence You can threat people to do what you want. 103
Escape Artist 106
Exit Strategy Soul You can open yourself to visions and communicate with entities from other 108
Exorcist dimensions. 114
Expert 110
Charisma You can use your attractivness to influence others.
Explosives Expert 110
Extortionist Coolness You are a master at slipping away when the shit hits the fan. 107
Eye for an Eye 119
Eye for Detail Perception You are an expert in hiding the tracks of your kills. 109
Fascination 103
Fast Talk Soul You can perform rituals to banish spirits or demons. 106
Field Agent 117
Forbidden Inspiration Reason You get to ask an additonal question about whatever you want when you 114
Forked Tongue Investigate things in your fields of knowledge. 103
Gang Leader 117
Genius Reason You can build and disarm bombs. 115
Good Samaritan 119
Gritted Teeth Intuition You can Read others weaknesses. 119
Grudge 120
Hacker – You get +2 ongoing to all rolls against any one who wounds you. 110
Hardened 120
Hunter Perception You are good at noticing details on people. 109
Ice Cold 106
Implanted Messages Charisma You can use your art to seduce an NPC. 115
Impostor 103
Improviser Coolness You are good at distracting NPCs with small talk. 106
Influental Friends 103
Inner Power Violence You get Edges when you enter combat. 115
Instinct 109
Interrogator Soul You can use your art to experience visions and lure creatures to you. 108
Intimidating 117
Intuitive Charisma You can manipulate others into trusting you. 108
Inventor 110
Jaded Violence You have a gang of criminals. 120 3
Keen-Eyed 109
Lay on Hands Soul You get Edges in life-threatening situations. 115
Lightning Fast 118
Magical Intuition – Gain Stability when you help others at your own expense. 115
Magnetic Attraction 115
– You suffer no penalties to rolls from wounds.

– You take +1 ongoing to revenge when someone ruin your plans.

Reason You are an expert on penetrating networks.

– You take +1 ongoing to Endure Injury.

Perception You are a skilled hunter.

Coolness You can use your calm and cool in the midst of violence and chaos.

Soul You can get power over humans by experimenting on them.

Charisma You have several romantic relationships to use for resources.

Coolness You are good at winging it out of dangerous situations.

Charisma You have friends with power and influence.

Soul You harbour an uncontrollable, dangerous power.

Perception You get +2 on your questions when you Observe a Situation.

Intuition You are an expert in Reading when others are lying.

Violence You can scare others to submit.

Intuition You get to ask an additional question when you succed in Reading someone.

Reason You can create and repair things.

– You can suppress the effects of a (10–14) on Keep it Together.

Perception You are skilled at determing enemies’ strengths and weaknesses.

Soul You can heal someone by sacrificing yourself or a victim.

Violence You get Edges when you move fast in combat.

Soul You can perceive Kirlian auras and sense the presence of magic.

Soul You can draw people to you.

List of Advantages 91

Advantage Attribute Description Page
Manhunter 110
Manipulative Reason You are good at getting information about people. 120
Martial Arts Expert 118
Moles – You can use given favors and learned secrets against people. 104
Network of Contacts 104
Notorius Violence You get Edges when you fight in close quarters. 104
Observant 108
Occult Library Charisma You have a number of moles to use when needed. 110
Occult Studies 111
Officer Charisma You can get information about people. 118
Opportunist 120
Parkour Charisma You can use your fame to influence others. 106
Perpetual Victim 104
Prepared Intuition You are good at judging someone’s character. 111
Puppeteer 111
Quick Thinker Reason You have a library about supernatural things. 111
Rage 120
Read a Crowd Reason You know things about the occult. 109
Ruthless 118
Scientist Violence You get Edges when you fight with allies on your side. 111
Sealed Fate 120
Seducer – Gain Stability when you sacrifice someone to further your own goals. 104
Shadow 109
Sixth Sense Coolness You are deft at running, climbing and jumping. 116
Snake Charmer 116
Sneak Charisma You can appear defenseless and make others take care of you. 107
Sniper 118
Street Contacts Reason You are good at researching places. 104
Streetfighter 119
Streetwise Reason You are good at executing plans with other people as pawns. 105
Stubborn 116
Survival Instinct Reason You are good at thinking your way out of danger. 119
Survivalist 109
Thirst for Knowledge – Go into a rage to gain Edges in combat. 120

To the Last Breath Perception You are a master at overhearing information in crowds. 120
Tracer 111
Vigilant Violence You get Edges when you sacrifice others to save yourself. 108
Voice of Insanity 116
Voice of Pain Reason You are good at Investigating objects or entities. 116
Wanderer 110
Watchers – You may mark Time to stabilize wounds. 120
Wayfinder 116
Weapon Master Charisma You can make people fall in love with you. 107
Workaholic 120
Worldly Perception You are skilled in shadowing and shaking of any stalkers. 120

Soul You can sense danger and the right path in front of you.

Soul You can charm intelligent, monstrous creatures with your art.

Coolness You can avoid detection when hiding or sneaking.

Violence You are a master at firing at distant targets.

Charisma You have contacts among the social outsiders and outcasts.

Violence You get Edges when you fight in close combat.

Charisma You have contacts in the criminal underworld.

Soul You can push yourself to overcome threaths and gain Edges.

Violence You get more viscious when you are wounded.

Perception You are trained in surviving in the wild.

– You gain Stability when you learn about other dimensions and supernatural

– You mark Time to reroll the dice.

Reason You have intelligence networks to trace things or people with.

Intuition You can Read when others hide things from you.

Soul You can manipulate crowds.

Soul You learn to fight enemies better when they wound you.

Perception You know things about places.

– You are watched over and protected by a group of mysterious people.

Soul You can let your madness lead you through shortcuts in the city.

Coolness You are a master in armed combat or gunplay.

– Gain Stability when you create things or carry out experiments.

– Establish facts and relations when you arrive to new locations in the story.

92 Chapter 3 – Character Traits

Dark Secrets Forbidden Knowledge

Dark Secrets are events from the PCs’ pasts, which haunt and You have uncovered some horrid truth, which brings
threaten them throughout your story. Each character must have reality’s very nature into question. It might be unlocking
one or more Dark Secrets. When the player chooses a Dark Secret, some way to move between dimensions, exposing the
they should, in collaboration with the GM, decide to what degree mayor’s true demonic visage, finding proof that history
she’s aware of the Dark Secret, as well as choose a personal drive has been rewritten, or discovering that the world as we
that has emerged from it. know it is actually an illusion. The Illusion’s keepers are
now after you and it is only a matter of time before they
find you.

Chosen One Suggested personal drives:

You have been chosen by a god to become its advocate or sacrifi- ◊◊ Reveal the Truth to the world.
cial lamb. The god’s disciples watch over you, waiting for the day ◊◊ Acquire power or knowledge.
of your ascension. You may have grown up in their cult, or were ◊◊ Explore the forbidden truth.
discovered by them well into your adulthood. Whichever the case, ◊◊ Fight the enemy.
you’re sure the cult has terrible plans for you. You’ve tried escaping ◊◊ Escape your pursuers.
from these disciples, but they always end up finding you again.

Suggested personal drives:
◊◊ Avoid your pursuers.
◊◊ Fight the cult and/or their god. Guardian
◊◊ Fulfill your god’s desire.
◊◊ Expand the cult’s membership. You have been chosen to protect an important
◊◊ Find out the truth about your destiny. object, place, or person. This sacred duty could
have been inherited, assigned to you specifi-
cally, or granted to you at your own request.
What you are protecting may be intended
for accomplishing some great task in the

Curse future, or you may be safeguarding it to
ensure it doesn’t fall into the wrong

You are afflicted by a curse, knowingly or not. The curse has hands. 3

started influencing your life and you must find a way to get rid of Suggested personal drives: 93
it. The curse may have been inherited or brought upon yourself
through your own actions. Its effects are starting to make you ◊◊ Keep what you are guarding

lose your grasp on reality and threaten to harm those closest to safe.
◊◊ Find out more about the
previous guardians and
Suggested personal drives: what you are protecting.

◊◊ Find out what the curse is. ◊◊ Pass the guardianship
◊◊ Discover how to break the curse. over to a worthy
◊◊ Transfer the curse to someone else. individual.
◊◊ Find some way to accept your fate.
◊◊ Take revenge on the person responsible for the curse. ◊◊ Fulfill your

Family Secret

Your family has a well-kept secret, which has haunted you for
your entire life. They may have been members of an obscure sect
or exposed to some dreadful horror. You may have been initiated
into this secret as a child, or only recently found out the truth as
an adult. This secret keeps you on edge and threatens to destroy
your life. You likely have to take action to save yourself and your

Suggested personal drives:

◊◊ Keep the secret.
◊◊ Avoid your family.
◊◊ Confront your family.
◊◊ Help your family.
◊◊ Find out the entire truth.

Dark Secrets

Guilty of Crime rituals, exposed cults serving disturbing entities, or seen
things revealing that the world is not what it seems. Your
You feel constant remorse for a crime you have com- experiences make it difficult for you to accept the Illusion that
mitted. Regardless if you committed the crime on your most others live in.
own initiative or because you were coerced by others,
you feel you are solely to blame. The victim, their rela- Suggested personal drives:
tives, and/or the police are probably looking for you.
◊◊ Uncover more of the Truth.
Suggested personal drives: ◊◊ Seek atonement for your actions.
◊◊ Help others realize the Truth.
◊◊ Avoid justice. ◊◊ Seek out more occult knowledge and power.
◊◊ Confront the victim or their relatives. ◊◊ Fight the demons.
◊◊ Punish yourself.
◊◊ Help other people. Pact with Dark Forces
◊◊ B ring the other perpetrators to justice – be it of the
You have sealed a pact with a powerful entity. You may have
legal or personal variety. made the pact willingly or been tricked into it. Regardless,
you are now under the being’s spell. You may have benefited
◊◊ T ake revenge on those who made you commit the greatly from this pact, but the cost could be your literal soul.
crime. Deep inside you understand you must find a way to trick the
being into breaking the pact. The question is how?
Suggested personal drives:
You have been granted a unique inheritance from rela-
tives or friends. It could be a small object or something ◊◊ Find a way to break the pact.
more substantial, such as a house. The inheritance has ◊◊ Cheat death.
instilled an unnatural obsession within you. You know ◊◊ Slay the being.
it hides secrets and perhaps unknown forces. Might it ◊◊ Achieve further power or success.
reveal what happened to its previous owner? Others ◊◊ Take revenge on whoever tricked you into the pact.
want to possess your inheritance also, and you suspect
they will stop at nothing to acquire it. Responsible for Medical Experiments

Suggested personal drives: You were responsible for or assisted in shady medical exper-
iments, which ended in horrifying results. Regardless of
◊◊ Discover the truth about your inheritance. whether the subjects were willing or not, the experiments
◊◊ Protect your inheritance. destroyed their lives and they are now dead, missing, or
◊◊ Investigate what happened to its previous owner. transformed into something inhuman. In addition to your
◊◊ Confront those who seek to acquire your pangs of guilt, you may be pursued by your former test sub-
jects, their relatives, the law, former colleagues, employers, or
inheritance. nameless forces trying to silence you.

Mental Illness Suggested personal drives:

You or one of your close relations suffer from mental ◊◊ Avoid taking responsibility for the experiments.
illness. There’s a good chance you have seen with your ◊◊ Seek forgiveness from subjects and/or their relatives.
own eyes (or heard from your relative) that reality is ◊◊ Gather evidence to expose your former employer.
simply an illusion. But who would believe a crazy per- ◊◊ Conclude interrupted or failed experiments.
son? Psychiatric institutions hold many secrets and many ◊◊ Continue researching your findings.
doctors have hidden motives. For the insane who end up ◊◊ Restore the test subjects to their former selves.
on the streets, disturbed mentors gladly take newcomers
under their wing to initiate them in the Truth. Returned from the Other Side

Suggested personal drives: You experienced an event where the Illusion shattered
completely, and you were the only one who returned. Your
◊◊ Explore the Illusion. apartment block may have slipped into another dimension,
◊◊ Expose the conspiracy. its existence wiped from history. An airplane may have disap-
◊◊ Take revenge on your doctors and other caregivers. peared and you were found twenty years later, without mem-
◊◊ Find out the truth about your relative. ories and having not aged a day. A company of soldiers in
◊◊ Find your missing mentally ill relative. Afghanistan may have literally walked into hell and only you
returned, covered in your comrades’ blood. Deep down you
Occult Experience

You have witnessed occult proceedings, which changed
your view of reality. You may have participated in arcane

94 Chapter 3 – Character Traits

feel you were not meant to have survived, and that something is of helplessness torment you, and in order to survive this

coming for you to restore balance and order. trauma, you must find a way to heal your wounds.

◊◊ Discover the truth about the event. Suggested personal drives:
◊◊ Expose what happened to you to the world.
◊◊ Elude your fate. ◊◊ Get revenge on the perpetrator.
◊◊ Return to the scene. ◊◊ Re-experience the crime again (as victim or as
◊◊ Find lost relatives or friends.
◊◊ Find out why it happened to you.
Your family always moved around. Your parents never told you ◊◊ Stop similar crimes.
◊◊ Confront and forgive the perpetrator.

why, but the haunted look in their eyes and hushed conver- Victim of Medical Experiments 3
sations hinted that you were running away from something
terrifying. They would rouse you in the middle of night, leaving You were subjected to medical experiments with unexpected 95
behind everything you owned, simply to escape. Even- outcomes, with or without your consent and knowledge.
tually, they even abandoned you. Maybe they’re still The experiments have had enduring mental and/or
on the run, or maybe whatever they feared finally physical side effects. They may have shown you
caught up with them. The feeling of being windows into alternate dimensions – resulting in
followed never truly lets go, and wher- madness. The side effects still torment
ever you end up it’s not long before you, and ridding yourself of them
you’re on the road again. You don’t requires you to find the respon-
know exactly what would happen sible parties. It’s also possible
if you stopped, but you feel it’s your parents were the test
something terrible. subjects and you inherited the
experimental effects, as a result.
Suggested personal
drives: Suggested personal
◊◊ Find out what is pursuing
you. ◊◊ Track down those
◊◊ Find a place where you can
stop and breathe. ◊◊ Restore yourself to the
state you were in before.
◊◊ Escape what is pursuing you.
◊◊ Find your parents. ◊◊ G et revenge on the per-
◊◊ Figure out why this is son(s) responsible.

happening. ◊◊ Find a way to accept the
person you are now.
Strange Disappearance
◊◊ Explore other dimensions.
Someone close to you disappeared after getting ◊◊ Expose the truth to the world.

too close to the truth while investigating some- Visitations
thing. You have no idea what happened, but some-

one recently sent you cryptic information, urging You have a history of encounters with

you to finish what your colleague started. Since your beings from the other side. They could be

associate disappeared, you’ve become the victim of family members or friends tracking you down

unknown stalkers. post-mortem, entities discovered at haunted

Suggested personal drives: locations, or inhuman forces taking an interest in you.
Regardless of what you do, you can’t seem to escape
◊◊ Figure out whatever became of the missing person. them. Every time you think it’s finally over, they reap-
◊◊ Finish the investigation they started. pear in your life – you are never truly free.
◊◊ Escape your pursuers.
◊◊ Bring the guilty to justice. Suggested personal drives:
◊◊ Reveal the truth to the public.
◊◊ Figure out why you are haunted in this way.
Victim of Crime ◊◊ Help spirits find peace after death.
◊◊ Fight evil beings.
You have endured a terrible crime. Your whole life is marred ◊◊ Help people communicate with the dead.
by this event and you cannot mentally suppress the violation, ◊◊ Escape the entity pursuing you.

no matter how hard you try. Fear, shame, anger, and a sense

Dark Secrets

Disadvantages of the chief of police. In situations where
the GM determines the Disadvantage’s activation
Disadvantages are Moves representing destructive charac- wouldn’t make the scene more exciting or interesting, it’s
ter traits, psychological damage, or external threats to the better to trust the player to play out their character’s Disad-
character. vantage rather than rolling for it.

Acquiring Whenever a player rolls a (10–14) or (–9) result on a Disad-
Disadvantages vantage Move, there is either an immediate effect or the GM
acquires Hold to spend later during the course of the story.
Every character starts play with two Disadvantages, but PCs The GM doesn’t have to worry about spending these immedi-
can also receive additional Disadvantages from the GM during ately, and can wait for an opportune moment. For example,
the course of the game, if and when: if she has been given Hold on a PC through the Disadvantage
Stalker, she can let the PC’s stalker wait until a calm moment
◊◊ The PC’s Stability decreases all the way to Broken. in the story before making their Move, allowing the PC to
◊◊ The PC’s actions create new, external threats; e.g., if they relax and have a false sense of security.

act in a way to make them Wanted by the police, or they ••Bad Reputation
leave an enemy wounded but still alive, allowing them
to return later as a Nemesis. It is up to the GM to decide For some reason, you have attracted the public’s disapproval
the circumstances under which the PC acquires a new – even animosity. Perhaps you’ve been spotlighted in the
Disadvantage. tabloids as a pedophile or murderer, falsely or otherwise.
In the first game session and whenever you attract the public’s
Overcoming attention, roll +0:
(15+) You blend in. Nobody is out to get you.
If a PC manages to overcome one of her two starting Disad-
vantages during the story, she removes the old Disadvantage (10–14) You have been recognized. The GM takes 1 Hold.
and chooses another one appropriate to the situation or
(–9) Several people have recognized you. Anger and fear
character. For example, if a PC kills their Nemesis, they may control their actions. The GM takes 3 Hold.
become Wanted for the murder, start having Nightmares
about the event, or attract the attention of other entities The GM can spend Hold to make a Move representing how
your bad reputation sticks to you. For example, people might
who become their Stalker. An exception may be made for react with fear and suspicion towards you, a lynch mob forms
additional Disadvantages the PC earns through the story to bring you to justice, your property is vandalized, your allies
(like becoming Wanted for a crime committed during turn against you, and you can lose your job, agreements, and

Rules ••Broken

Like other Moves, every Disadvantage has a trigger con- Some experience in your past has broken your psyche so
dition, which explains when it activates. The GM always badly you’ve been unable to recuperate from it. As a result,
has the last word on when this condition is fulfilled. your Stability can never increase beyond Distressed (6).

Some Disadvantages only activate in particular situa- ••Competitor
tions, subject to the GM’s judgement. As a guideline,
the GM should not activate a Disadvantage if: You have a competitor in the criminal underworld, whose
business niche is similar to yours. Whenever you neglect to
◊◊ The GM already has one or more Hold for that protect your interests or are distracted elsewhere, roll +0 to see
Disadvantage. if your competitor managed to damage your business:
◊◊ A ctivating the Disadvantage in this situation
wouldn’t make the situation more interesting or (15+) You are safe from your competitor, for the moment.
(10–14) You have been careless. Your competitor may strike
For example, the Disadvantage Mental Compul- against you. The GM takes 1 Hold.
sion has the trigger, “in situations where you could
be distracted by your compulsion.” A good guide- (–9) You hand your competitor a golden opportunity, and they
move against your interests. The GM takes 3 Hold.
line here is to consider the trigger in the context
of the compulsion’s exact nature, as chosen The GM can spend Hold to make Moves for your competitor.
and described by the player. If the character For example, your competitor may take control of some of
your business dealings, learn one of your secrets, sabotages
is a hypochondriac, their compulsion might one of your assets, or harms or buys off someone you care
be triggered in environments featuring sick for and trust.
people, such as a hospital. If they are a klep-

tomaniac, the compulsion might be triggered
when a risky situation would arise from
stealing something, such as in the office

96 Chapter 3 – Character Traits

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