“if you don’t drive your business, you
Will be driven out of business..”
-B.C Forbes
Slide 1……………………………………………………………Cover page
Slide 2…………………………………………………………...Table of contents
Slide 3…………………………………………………………… 1-5
Slide 4……………………………………………………………6-10
Slide 5……………………………………………………………11-15
Slide 6………………………………………………………......16-20
Slide 7……………………………………………………………21-25
Slide 8…………………………………………………………..back page
#1 #4
question: Why do you think you will do well at this job?
Question: how would you describe yourself? http://christianpf.com/common-job-interview-questions-
http://christianpf.com/common-job-interview-questions-asked/ Answer: I have many qualities to offer to the company to
increase the profit and income of company assets and
Answer: well-rounded ,outgoing and serious about what I have to care of. liabilities.
(responsibilities) #5
Question: What kind of contribution will you make to our
#2 company?
Question: What would you say your strongest point is? asked/
Answer: I will obey and go beyond what is supposed to happen
http://christianpf.com/common-job-interview-questions-asked/ and make the work environment serious, clean and
comfortable at the same time.
Answer: communication and problem solving
Question: What qualities do you look for in a boss?
Answer: I look for and understandable boos that also has traits of
problem solving and has a passion to keep the company open as it was
#6 #9
Question: Have you learned from any mistakes at you previous job? If so Question: What position are you applying for?
what are they? http://christianpf.com/common-job-interview-questions-asked/
http://christianpf.com/common-job-interview-questions-asked/ Answer: sale retail associate
Answer:Yes, to properly prepare most for the season and usual times #10
that the sales are extravagant and booming. Question: What are the challenges that you seek in this position?
#7 http://christianpf.com/common-job-interview-questions-asked/
Question: what would you say is your weakness? Answer: unhappy costumers, difficult busy hours, overtime hours.
Answer: at times I find it difficult to over coming a problem caused in the
process of problem solving
Question: what interest you most about this job?
Answer: it is my passion to (insert career here) and a title of your
company would be a fresh start of my career.
QUESTION # 11-15
#11 #14
Question: how did you hear about us? Question: explain a time where you practiced leadership.
http://list25.com/25-common-job-interview-questions-answer/ http://list25.com/25-common-job-interview-questions-answer/
Answer:Your website and offers online met with my interest in Answer: I once took on a business camp at a college university
career. where I had to be the owner of my company and employees. Also
#12 my experience with my previous careers had.
Question: Where do you see yourself in five years? #15
http://list25.com/25-common-job-interview-questions-answer/ Question: was there a gap in your employment status? If so what
Answer: Successful was the reason?
#13 http://list25.com/25-common-job-interview-questions-answer/
Question: Are you interviewing with anyone else? If so who are you Answer:Yes. Seasonal jobs.
Answer: no. not at the moment
#16 #19
Question: would you work on the holidays? Question: What would you do outside of work?
https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-answer-the-31-most- https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-answer-the-31-most-
common-interview-questions common-interview-questions
Answers: yes I may. Answers: relax and spend time with family and friends.
#17 #20
Question: What would your first 30,60,90 days look like in this role? Question: Do you have any questions for us or the company?
https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-answer-the-31-most- https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-answer-the-31-most-
common-interview-questions common-interview-questions
Answers: innovative, encouraging and serious . Answers: yes *be sure to include questions from research
Question: What are your salary requirements?
Answers: 9.50 or higher.
QUESTION # 21-25
#21 #24
Question: If you feel like you could change the company for better in any way in the future, What Question: What do you know about our company so far?
would be your ideas? http://money.usnews.com/money/careers/slideshows/the-10-most-common-interview-
http://money.usnews.com/money/careers/slideshows/the-10-most-common-interview- questions/9
questions/9 Answers: Include research. Say positive things including. Your company is innovative and
Answer: to impact the sales and retail I will attract costumers will new different ideas and change. engaging and interesting tot your career field.
http://money.usnews.com/money/careers/slideshows/the-10-most-common-interview- #25
questions/9 Question: When will you be able to start if you were hired?
#22 http://money.usnews.com/money/careers/slideshows/the-10-most-common-interview-
Question: how do you handle criticism? questions/9
Answers: I take criticism as a learned lesson and see where and what needs to be changed. Answer: as soon as possible
Question: “Tell me a time when”
Answers: Be prepared to answer any random questions. Whatever your answer is, it will need to
be confident and impressive.
TOP 25
“most commonly asked interview questions and correct answers”