Dominican University Audra
Performing Arts Center & McDonald
St. Catherine of Siena Center
4.25.20 9.14.19
Mariachi Herencia de Mexico 10.13.19
Winner of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize
and Tony Award for Best Play.
4.17–19.20 1.29.20
NMiochva.e1l 5Er–ic17 Naomi Shihab Nye
Dyson, PhD
ROCKAPELLA1.11.20Steep Canyon Rangers
2.11.20 12.6.19
Dominican University Performing Arts Center
& St. Catherine of Siena Center 2019 | 2020 Calendar
Jan2020 Mar2020 Apr2020
11 Saturday 1 Sunday 2 Thursday
21 Tuesday Bill McKibben
3 Tuesday
Simon Balto One Earth Film Festival
2020 Spring Fashion Show
29 Wednesday 4 Wednesday
5 Sunday
Various Artists: Slowly, With Care Bryan Collier 2020 Spring Fashion Show
29 Wednesday 5 Thursday 17 Friday
Naomi Shihab Nye Women in Mathematics
18 Saturday
Feb2020 14 Saturday
Michael Eric Dyson, PhD Audra McDonald 19 Sunday
What Truth Sounds Like
15 Saturday Proof
We Shall Overcome: A Celebration AND DINNER 20 Monday
of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Donald Goergen, OP, PhD
Featuring Damien Sneed Telling the Dominican Story Again FOLLETT LECTURE
as if for the First Time Bernie Reilly
19 Wednesday Money, Technology, Politics and the
27 Friday Future of Memory Institutions
Various Artists: The Murmur of DU Starlettes Dance Team 23 Thursday
28 Friday Mary Catherine Hilkert, OP, PhD
DU Starlettes Dance Team Women of the Church
Chamber Music Also in March: 24 Friday
29 Saturday GLOBAL SPEAKER SERIES Chicago Latino Film Festival
Kim Lefko Screening
THEATRE ARTS LAB SERIES visit for details
Chamber Music 25 Saturday
Ranky Tanky
Also in April:
15th Annual Edward E. Brennan
Forum on Corporate Governance
visit for details
Dominican University Performing Arts Center is partially funded by the Oak Park Area Arts Council, in partnership
with the Villages of Oak Park, Forest Park and River Forest, and the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.
40th ANNUAL 2020
Robin and
Audra McDonald Steve
Saturday, March 14, 2020, 5:00 p.m. Solomon
Tickets starting at $48
Audra McDonald is unparalleled in the breadth and versatility of her
artistry as both a singer and an actress. The recipient of a record-
breaking six Tony Awards, two Grammy Awards, an Emmy Award,
and a 2015 National Medal of Arts bestowed on her by President
Barack Obama; Audra McDonald has distinguished herself as the
most decorated performer in American Theater. Blessed with a
luminous soprano and an incomparable gift for dramatic truth-telling,
she is as much at home on Broadway and Opera stages as she is
in roles on film and television. In addition to her theatrical work, she
maintains a major career as a concert and recording artist, regularly
appearing on the great stages of the world.
Dominican University’s Annual Trustee Benefit Concert and Gala
raises much-needed support for scholarships, celebrates world-class
artists, and honors those who champion the performing arts in the
Chicago metropolitan area. For information regarding sponsorship or
Gala tickets, call (708) 524-6284, or visit
“She is a one-of-a-kind musical super-talent…
As a singer she is an irreplaceable resource.”
—New York Times
4 1
DUPAC CONCERT SERIES 1.11.20 Steep Canyon Rangers
Saturday, January 11, 2020, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 25, 2020, 7:30 p.m.
Steep Canyon Rangers Ranky Tanky
Tickets starting at $33 Tickets starting at $27
This Grammy Award-winning sextet has spent “Ranky Tanky” translates loosely as “Work
nearly two decades blending the bluegrass it!” or “Get funky!” In this spirit, the South
aesthetic with elements of pop, country, and Carolina-based quintet brings to life the
folk rock to create something original. Since soulful songs of the Gullah culture – a bone-
coming together in 2000, Steep Canyon deep mix of spirituals and gutbucket blues
Rangers have developed a remarkable that mark the low country mainland and Sea
catalog of original music that links them to the Islands. With a repertoire of playful game
past while also demonstrating their ambitious songs, heartbreaking spirituals and delicate
intent to bring string-based music into lullabies, Ranky Tanky’s accomplished
contemporary relevance. artists celebrate a unique musical style,
Saturday, February 15, 2020, 7:30 p.m. “Unfamiliar enough to be
surprising, and yet familiar
We Shall Overcome: enough to provoke swinging
A Celebration of hips and nodding heads…
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It’s the best of both worlds.”
featuring Damien Sneed —Paste Magazine
Tickets starting at $30 Ranky Tanky 4.25.20
Inspired by the words and action of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., “We Shall Overcome”
is a joyful celebration of music from
across the African American music
traditions that electrified generations
of civil rights activists and defenders,
with interwoven spoken word from
Dr. King’s recorded speeches. From
Aretha Franklin, to Wynton
Marsalis; Duke Ellington to
Stevie Wonder; Nina Simone
to music from “The Wiz”,
the production ties together
a living lineage of music
and culture that includes
traditional gospel, modern
gospel, classical, jazz,
Broadway and spirituals.
Winner of the 2001 Pulitzer Prize
and Tony Award for Best Play.
February 28–March 1, 2020 April 17–19, 2020
Friday & Saturday 7:30 p.m. Friday & Saturday 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, 3:00 p.m. Sunday, 3:00 p.m.
Tickets: $18, Students $5 Tickets: $18, Students $5
Chamber Music Proof
By Arthur Kopit By David Auburn
In this absurdist dark comedy, a group Following the death of her father, a famously
from the women’s ward in an asylum call a brilliant but unstable mathematician,
meeting to plan a pre-emptive attack on the Catherine sorts through his life’s work with
men’s ward. Each believes herself to be a his former student and her estranged sister.
fierce historical figure—Joan of Arc, Queen While Catherine navigates relationships both
Isabel of Spain, Gertrude Stein, Amelia new and old, and confronts the possibility
Earhart and others. Things get out of hand that she may have inherited her father’s
when the plan transforms into the unsettling genius—or madness—the discovery of a
demise of one of their own. notebook of unknown origin threatens to
unravel everything.
“Kopit’s absurd logic is delightful and disturbing.”
—The Chicago Reader
The Stories We Live By
Our lives are stories. In many ways, science, philosophy, theology, art and all other disciplines
are the human attempt to reflect upon and to make sense of the stories of our lives. In our
contemporary context, truth is under attack from many sources. Perhaps a way to reconnect
with the truths of our existence is simply to get back in touch with our stories. By engaging
imagination through storytelling, we can rescue reality from the clutches of ideologies that
distort and deceive. We can rediscover an authentic faith in the possibility of a more just,
humane and truthful world.
SEVENTH ANNUAL CAESAR AND the history of pioneer women. Among her
PATRICIA TABET POETRY READING numerous awards are the Lavan Award, the
Paterson Poetry Prize, the Carity Randall
Naomi Shihab Nye Prize and the Isabella Gardner Poetry
Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
Lund Auditorium, $10 A book signing will follow the poetry
reading, and books will be available for
Since 2013, the Caesar and Patricia Tabet purchase in the lobby.
Poetry Reading has presented luminary
artists such as Li-Young Lee, Luis Alberto
Urrea, Stuart Dybek and Julia Alvarez. On
January 29, 2020, we welcome Naomi
Shihab Nye, a poet known for writing that
lends a fresh perspective to ordinary events,
people and objects. Nye has said that,
for her, “the primary source of poetry has
always been local life, random characters
met on the streets, our own ancestry sifting
down to us through small essential daily
tasks.” As one of the leading female poets
of the American Southwest, Nye “brings
attention to the female as a humorous, wry
creature with brisk, hard intelligence and a
sense of personal freedom unheard of” in
This reading is made possible through the generous support of Dominican University alumna
Patricia Tabet ’52. Co-presented by the St Catherine of Siena Center and the English Department
of Dominican University’s Rosary College of Arts and Sciences.
4 2019–2020 Season
What Truth Sounds Like
Michael Eric Dyson, PhD
Tuesday, February 11, 2020 7:00 p.m. “Everybody who speaks
Lund Auditorium, $10 after Michael Eric Dyson
New York Times bestselling author, Michael pales in comparison.”
Eric Dyson, will speak on the topic of his
recent book, What Truth Sounds Like: —Former President Barack Obama
RFK, James Baldwin, and Our Unfinished
Conversation About Race in America.
Dr. Dyson prophetically addresses the
dynamics that inform the narrative of
race in our country. The book explores an
important meeting and conversation about
race between Robert F. Kennedy and
James Baldwin in 1963 that continues to
impact us all today. Dr. Dyson argues that
we have “the power to fix what ails us,”
and that we must seize this challenge and
reminds us that we are
in “dire need of more
talk, more insight, more
wisdom, and yes, more
productive conflict, if we
are to learn from our past
in order to move forward
into the present.” Dr.
Michael Eric Dyson is a
Georgetown University
sociology professor,
a New York Times
contributing opinion
writer, and a contributing
editor of The New
Republic, and of ESPN’s
The Undefeated website.
Co-presented with Old St. Patrick’s Church
Save the Date:
Marilynne Robinson
Thursday, September 17, 2020
New York Times bestselling author of
Gilead and Lila. Author of numerous
essays and novels and recipient of the
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
The St. Catherine of Siena Center of Dominican University examines critical issues of
church and society in light of faith and scholarship. The Center calls together a wide community
of faith committed to deepening insight into the role of the Christian in today’s world.
Telling the Dominican Story Again as
if for the First Time
Donald Goergen, OP, PhD
Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 5:00 p.m.
Shaffer Silveri Atrium, Parmer Hall
Main Campus, $30
St. Dominic often signed his letters, “the
humble servant of the preaching,” and the
Order he befriended was first known as “the
Preaching.” There was a freshness to his
story just as there needs to be a freshness
to our preaching today. The story of that
itinerant contemplative preacher bore fruit
through the centuries and promises to do
so today if we can regain its passion for
Women of the Church: the Apostolic Roles of
Mary Magdalene and Catherine of Siena
Mary Catherine Hilkert, OP, PhD
Thursday, April 23, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
Priory Auditorium, $10
How can we imagine and work toward
“a more incisive role for women in the
Church” (The Joy of the Gospel #103)? One
important resource is the memory of the
incisive roles which women have played
at other significant moments in the history
of the Church. This lecture will retrieve
the stories of two of those women—Mary
Magdalene, “apostle to the apostles” in
the first century and Catherine of Siena
who embraced the role of an apostle in the
fourteenth century. What light can the lives
and ministries of these two women shed on
the question of what incisive leadership in
our day requires?
The Siena Center is named for St. Catherine of Siena, a 14th century laywoman who worked untiringly for
the reform of the church and for social justice in the world. Her passionate devotion to the central issues of
church and society inspires the work of the center and informs its schedule. Please join us in our exploration
of current topics—social and spiritual.
Visit or call Rachel Hart Winter at (708) 524-6607
This season is made possible by generous support from the Helen Brach Foundation.
6 2019–2020 Season
Responses to the Climate Crisis
from Science and Religion
Earth Day 50th Anniversary Celebration
Bill McKibben via Skype along with Local
Sustainability Experts
Thursday, April 2, 2020, 3:00–7:00 p.m.
Social Hall, Free
Join us for a special afternoon to honor and Forest Sustainability Commission, A Coalition
to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. of Climate and Environmental Justice Groups,
Bill McKibben writes in his recent book, Falter, Natural Paths for Lymphatic Wellness and
that human lives are “the most curious of all...
because we can destroy, but also because others, will share their work and invite
we can decide not to destroy.” Together, we us all into active participation in
will spend a day connecting the beauty of our caring for our Earth.
Earth with the need to care for it, and we will
imagine new ways of living interdependently
with the Earth and with one another.
A New York Times bestselling author, Bill
McKibben is the founder of the environmental
organization and was among the
first writers to warn of the danger of global
warming. He will join us via Skype at
6 pm. Throughout the afternoon,
community sustainability
experts, including River 7
Simon Balto
The Life and Legacy of Fred Hampton
Tuesday, January 21, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
Performing Arts Center, Free
History professor and author Simon Balto joins us to discuss the life and labor of Fred
Hampton—the twenty-one-year-old leader of the Illinois Black Panther Party who was
assassinated by the Chicago Police Department, in coordination with the Cook County
State’s Attorney and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in December of 1969. A product
of Maywood, at the time of his murder Hampton was arguably the most important political
organizer in Chicagoland, simultaneously striving toward Black liberation while also helping
to construct a “Rainbow Coalition” of Black, Latinx, and poor white Chicagoans that would
together work to challenge the racial and economic status quo in the city.
Thursdays, February 13 – April 16*, 2020,11:30 a.m.
Shaffer Silveri Atrium, Parmer Hall
$10 per person; Reservations Required
A tradition at Dominican University for over five decades, the café is managed by Nutrition
and Dietetics students who design the menu, procure the food, produce, and serve a
3-course meal. Reserve your seats today at [email protected] or 708-524-6690.
or follow @recipeboxcafe_dominican on Instagram
for weekly menu.
*no service March 12 and April 9
8 2019–2020 Season
Bryan Collier Marion Weedermann
Wednesday, March 4, 2020, 6:00 p.m. Women in Mathematics:
Martin Recital Hall, Free Contributions with
Registration Required Long-Lasting Impact
The Butler Children’s Literature Center
welcomes award-winning children’s book
illustrator, Bryan Collier for the Eighth
Annual Butler Lecture. Collier is a beloved
illustrator known for his unique style
combining watercolor and detailed collage.
He is a four-time Caldecott Honor recipient
for Trombone Shorty, Dave the Potter,
Martin’s Big Words, and Rosa. His books
have won many other awards as well, Thursday, March 5, 2020, 2:30 p.m.
including six Coretta Scott King Illustrator Martin Recital Hall, Free
Awards. His recent books include By and
By, Thurgood, The Five O’Clock Band, and Throughout history, women were
Between the Lines. considered inferior to men in their inability
to think abstractly and logically. Despite
A reception and book signing will follow the that, some women broke barriers and
lecture. made significant contributions to the
advancement of mathematics. Today,
more and more women are entering the
field of mathematics. This talk will give
a brief overview of women in history
who contributed to the development of
mathematics and focus on current female
mathematicians who have developed ideas
that influence our lives today.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020 7:00 p.m.
Martin Recital Hall, $7 DU Faculty, Staff and Students, Free
One Earth Film Festival is the Midwest’s premier environmental film festival, creating opportunities
for understanding climate change, sustainability and the power of human involvement. Now in
its 9th year, the festival showcases top-issue, thought-provoking environmental films and lead
audiences in interactive post-film discussions focused on solutions.
Film selection to be announced closer to the screening date. Please check for more information 99
10 2019–2020 Season
Friday, March 27 and 2020 Chicago Latino
Saturday, March 28, 2020, 7:00 p.m. Film Festival Screening
Lund Auditorium
Tickets $7, DU Students $5 Campus Screening, April 24, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
Festival Dates, April 16-30, 2020
Annual spring recital hosted by and starring Martin Recital Hall, Free
the Dominican University Dance Team.
Dominican University is a Venue Partner of
the Chicago Latino Film Festival presenting
films of cultural and social significance. Film
selection to be determined. Please check
the Arts & Minds website for details.
Bernie Reilly
Money, Technology, Politics and
the Future of Memory Institutions
Monday, April 20, 2020, 6:00 p.m.
Martin Recital Hall, Free
Reception to follow.
The profound transformation of the
information landscape brought about by
the digital revolution is challenging the
viability of libraries, archives and museums
as stewards of the public record. The
growing privatization of knowledge and the
growing influence of authoritarian regimes
pose twin threats to longstanding norms
for information access. The 2020 Follett
lecture will explore these developments
and propose a fundamental rethinking of
institutional and curatorial strategies.
2020 Spring
Fashion Show
Saturday, April 4, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 5, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
Lund Auditorium
Tickets $15, Students $10
Dominican University’s annual runway
show presenting creations by students in
the school’s fashion design program and
organized in collaboration with students
in the fashion merchandising program.
The event showcases styles ranging from
ready-to-wear pieces and evening wear to
experimental fashion and jewelry designs.
15th Annual Edward A.
Brennan Forum on
Corporate Governance
April 2020, Date TBD, 7:30 a.m.
University Club of Chicago, 76 E. Monroe St.
Free; Registration Required
The annual Forum on Corporate Governance
gathers business leaders and industry
experts to discuss trends and issues
affecting corporate governance, their
implications, and possible responses.
For more information, please visit
brennan. 11
O’Connor Art Gallery Jeffly Gabriela Molina, Fragments of an Imaginary Home, No. 10
Lewis Hall, 4th Floor, All exhibitions and 2018, oil and graphite on linen, 22 x 22 in. (framed); 18 x 18 in. (unframed)
related events are free and open to the public.
Spring Exhibition Schedule
Slowly, With Care
Participating Artists: Joanne Aono, Sherri Denault, Holly Holmes, Kate Ingold,
Jeffly Gabriela Molina, Gwendolyn Zabicki
January 29 – March 6, 2020
Reception: Wednesday, January 29, 4:00-7:00 p.m., with a talk at 4:30 p.m.
Curated by Karen Azarnia
An exhibition centered on notions of slowness, labor, caregiving, and meditation.
Special Event
The Murmur of Democracy
Organized by Matthew Girson
Wednesday, February 19, 2020, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
The Murmur of Democracy is an opportunity to read to and for each other. Our texts will be
poems, speeches, and testimonies of people who have survived various forms of oppression.
Designed as reflective, teaching opportunities each Murmur aims to build community around
themes that are central to the democratic promises written into our nation’s founding documents.
ANNUAL Juried Student Art Exhibition
March 25 – April 1, 2020
Reception: Wednesday, March 25, 4:00- 6:00 p.m.
Guest Juror: Michelle Ruiz
The ANNUAL is a juried student art exhibition that is open to all currently enrolled Dominican
University students. A guest juror is invited, with several awards given to works of art at the top
of their disciplines.
Join us for these culminating exhibitions celebrating DU’s graduating seniors in the visual arts.
Senior Thesis I Senior Thesis II
April 14 – 20, 2020 April 28 – May 4, 2020
Reception: Sunday, April 19 , 2:00–4:00 p.m. Reception: Sunday, May 3, 2:00–4:00 p.m.
For additional information about upcoming O’Connor Art Gallery exhibitions,
please contact Gallery Director, Karen Azarnia, at [email protected]
12 2019–2020 Season
Dominican University 2019–2020 BOX OFFICE INFORMATION
Performing Arts Center &
St. Catherine of Siena Center
Box Office Hours
Tuesday through Friday, noon to 6:00 p.m.
How to Order
Online: Choose your
Phone: (708) 488-5000 seats when
ordering online!
In Person: 7900 West Division Street—Performing Arts Center Box Office
Advance registration for Siena Center mini-courses is required.
Register at, or by phone at (708) 488-5000.
Savings Opportunities
SERIES PACKAGES SAVE 20% with a mix and match subscription.
GROUP TICKETS Special discounts available for groups of 10 or more.
SENIORS & STUDENTS Senior, children and student discounts upon request.
STUDENT RUSH On the day of performance students with ID may purchase concert tickets for
$10 or theatre tickets for $5 at the box office if available.
PAY WHAT YOU CAN a limited number of tickets are available for many DUPAC
events on a “pay what you can” basis. Call the box office for information or to
reserve PWYC seats.
Visit our website at for information about occasional special offers.
Plan Your Visit
Performing Arts Center (Lund Auditorium and Martin Recital Hall)
7900 West Division Street, 8 blocks west of Harlem Avenue
Free parking in the West parking lot—adjacent to the Performing Arts Center
The Priory Auditorium is located on the Priory Campus
7200 West Division Street, at the corner of Division Street and Harlem Avenue.
Free parking in the lot circling the Priory Campus
Call (708) 488-5000 or email [email protected]
Discounts valid at time of purchase only. Offers cannot be combined. Dates and artists subject to change. All sales are
final. Please inspect your tickets when you receive them. The box office cannot issue refunds or accept cancellations.
Dominican University is a tobacco-free campus.
Performing Arts Center & Non-Profit
St. Catherine of Siena Center Organization
US Postage
7900 West Division Street, River Forest, IL 60305 PAID
Permit No. 242
Where Learning Demands More. Oak Brook, IL
In 1997, Rosary College became Dominican University. Established in 1901, 2019/2020
the university now serves more than 2,990 undergraduate and graduate students.
2018 | 2019