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Published by nurulazyantie03, 2022-05-22 20:34:20

Community Partnership Elevates School Performance


Keywords: Community Partnership Elevates Community Partnership Elevates School Performance

Community Partnership

Elevates School

Emily Arrianna binti Mohd Razif
Khairunnisaa’ binti Razman Shah
Nur Izzah Afifa binti Mohd Asri

Nurul A’qilah binti Rosmezi
Nurul Azyantie binti Mohamad Ridzwan


In order to have the most positive impact on the academic and wellness
outcomes of students, it is imperative that schools and communities work
together through a collaborative and comprehensive approach. Community
partnership can help schools prepare students for college, career, and citizenship
by offering additional opportunities, supports, and enrichment for the students.
Strong school–community partnerships are essential for a world-class, 21st
century education, and more communities across the place/country can create

such partnerships.

Table of contents

1 Concept of school and 4 Activities that the
community partnerships school can carry out
with other schools

2 Models of School, Parents 5 Activities that the
and Community school can carry out
Partnerships: Collaboration with other

3 Activities that the school 6 Activities that the
can carry out with the school can carry out
parents with the community

Table of contents

7 The importance of school
and community partnerships
for the development of the

8 The importance of school
and community partnerships
in other aspects

9 References

1 Concept of School and
Community Partnerships
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A connection between schools and members of
the community created “to directly or
indirectly promote students’ social, emotional,
physical and intellectual development”
(Sanders, 2006, p.2).


● According to the Oxford English Dictionary, community is a

group of people living together in one place. Moreover,
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines partnership as ‘ usually
involving close cooperation between parties having
specified and joint rights and responsibilities’.

● A community partnership is a working relationship a worker

forms with another service provider or informal support
person that may be helpful for the families we work with.

● It's a formal agreement between two agencies who share

the same clients so the agencies work together


Create an Form a caring Promote shared
inclusive learning community learning goals and

community When parents, teachers, collaboration
students, and others view one
A learning environment where Sharing learning goals and
all members are connected another as partners in providing opportunities to
education, a caring community
means the diverse knowledge collaborate enhances
and skills of all community forms around students and accountability across the whole
members will be valued and begins its work.
even those who may not be school community.
readily present will also be
included in a collaborative


Encourage shared Support strengthen,
responsibility personalised support, and
student learning
All school community members transform
have a role to play in learning, journeys individual
solving problems and partners
contributing to the learning No student learns the same way
goals of pupils. By being or at the same pace. With a Partnerships can serve to
connected, there is shared strengthen, support, and even
responsibility and an overall connected learning network, it transform individual partners,
increase in the learning will become possible to resulting in improved program
opportunities for students. quality, more efficient use of
increase engagement and resources, and better alignment
create personalised learning of goals and curricula (Harvard
journeys for each and every Family Research Project, 2010).


2 Models of School, Parents and
Community Partnerships:

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“This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can

make the reader get inspired.”

—Someone Famous

3 Activities That The School can
Carry Out with The Parents
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Activities Example

Reading journal or homework log
(Party Involved: students, parents, teachers and school


Literacy Night
(Party Involved: students, parents, teachers and school

- Families can learn how to help their child at their

current reading level.

Activities Example

Classroom Website Page
(Party Involved: parents, teachers, school


- Provide curriculum tips, knowledge,

announcements, and more.

(Party Involved: parents, teachers, school


- Ask parents on a questionnaire how they can

volunteer and when they can attend classroom
parties, functions, and field trips

4 Activities That The School can
Carry Out with Other School
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Activities Example

Sports Competition
(Party Involved: students, teachers, school

administrators, the other school party)

- A friendly sports match with another


Collaborative School play
(Party Involved: students, teachers, school

administrators, the other school party)

- Collaborative school play where two schools
create a creative play. Increase teamwork.

5 Activities That The School can
Carry Out
with Other Organisation

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Activities Example


- Workshop to enhance public speaking skills

School fair
- School fair to promote university options

Activities Example

Theatre play
- Theatre play to promote artistic self-expression

6 Activities That The School can
carry out
with The Community

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Activities Example

Community service (cleaning)
Cleaning at the school’s nearest residential area.

Caring for the elderly in an elderly home.

7 The Importance of School and
Community Partnerships For The
Development of The Students

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The importance of school and community partnerships for students’

Importance of school

Academic importance:
● In school, teachers are the one who will respond to give the students knowledge that can’t obtain from
● Learning from various sources can widen one’s knowledge.

Mental development:
● Brings out students’ social skills and soft skills.
● Teach the students to be independent.
● Teach the students to be open-minded and accept others’ opinions when interacting with peers.

● Students will think before act as they will be in a multi diversity environment, as they have to mind and
respect other people’s cultures.
● Social interactions in school can bring out students’ confidence in talking and doing something.

The importance of school and community partnerships for students’

Importance of community partnership

● Students will feel supported and appreciated.
● Strengthen the family bonds and relationships.
● Creating a harmonious family environment.

Outside party:
● The donation obtained can be used to improve the infrastructure in the school.
● Giving the students a better learning environment and learning materials.
● With a better environment and materials, students can learn effectively.

8 The Importance of School and
Community Partnerships in Other

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The importance of school and community partnerships in other aspects

Parents :
● Sharing best ways for students to improve their learning and performances with school

Schools :
● Widening the curriculum activities with classes that have not been held/created before
● Gaining access for outside materials, mentors and staff to support the learning inside of school
and improving PDP (Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran) session

Community partners :
● Improving the quality of programs and activities
● Getting better in making the best plans to meet the needs of nation’s standards in learning

9 References

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Eubanks, K. (2017). The Relationship of school-community partnerships with ACT benchmark scores in rural Tennessee schools
(Doctoral dissertation, East Tennessee State University).


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