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Published by Saurabh Kamble, 2019-08-05 16:57:54

Emailing MoralsandEthics

Emailing MoralsandEthics

Ethics & Values


Engineering Profession

Engineers make the nation, Great Engineers make Great nation


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315


1. Ethics, Morals, Values
2. Components/ Traits of Ethical Behaviour
3. Profession, Professionalism, Professional Code of Conduct
4. Ethical Theories / Principles
5. Ethical Dilemma & Conflict
6. Whistle Blowing & Corruption
7. Indian & Western Ethical Philosophies
8. Professional Responsibilities

Chapter 1 Ethics, Morals, Values


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315


These three terms appear to be same are actually related but are different in



It is the perception or belief of society or ecosystem about particular issue by
which it describes it right or wrong. It is theoretical concept & is most generic of
all among values & ethics. Moral principles hence are NOT very objective but
depend upon the cultural & social factors. Something right in one culture may be
wrong in another. Hence moral principles are society based.


These are the personal standards of what is valuable & important to someone
among various principles & guiding codes of behaviour. It is subjective opinion
of individual about particular matter. Individuals have their own value system by
which they give more importance to one factor than other. These are in built
mechanism of the individual due to which he makes perception of what is good
& bad which further leads to his behaviour. He displays his behaviour as per his
value system.


These are the practical aspect of the moral principles. These are generally
accepted set of moral principles which are further written in the form of well
defined codes of ethical behaviour. Every organisation has its own set of ethical
codes defining its moral philosophy into practical expectations. Every employee
is expected to follow these codes for
disciplined behaviour. These are
more objective than the moral

Hence ethical codes are formed on

the basis of moral principles or

philosophy of an organisation.

Individual giving importance to such

principles make them part of his


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

value system.


Morals Perspective based on traditions & customs, societal or organisational,
has larger perspective

Values Inbuilt mechanism of individual
differentiating right from wrong based
upon the perceived value or importance,
narrower perspective than moral

Ethics Study of morals, accepted set
of rules, codes of conduct, legal
obligations and conduct part of

Ethics Ethical behaviour

Codes of moral standards of Good or bad are interpreted in
conduct what is good & bad context of moral codes & value

system of individual


We learn in school that bribe is NOT good. It is the moral principle or
philosophy. Individual gets a job where he bribes someone without which he


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

can’t get job. Now he develops his concept about bribe to be one means to attain
something & hence put it in his value system. Once join the job he comes across
code of ethical conduct NOT to indulge in bribe. But his value system is
different from code of conduct.

Legality vs Morality

In some countries Gay marriages are accepted. Societal moral perception is that
gays should also have their rights to have their partners for the emotional support
and equal treatment in the society. They can’t be blamed for their biological
differences or urges and they are also human being. Hence legal marriages are
also permitted in such countries.

In India on the other hand social perception is against the gay marriages. People
don’t accept is as good. There is unequal treatment for such categories. Hence
gay marriages are against the moral principles of the society. But some
individuals who are themselves NOT gay, stared raising their voice for such
people. Individual value system of such individuals was against the morality
prevailing in the society. The case went to the courts. Supreme Court rejected the
idea of gay marriages. So No legal rights were provided to such individuals.
Hence legality & morality are related as both operate in the same eco system.
Morality has societal force behind it whereas legality has force of law behind it.

In some countries women can’t drive so there are rules or laws made to prevent
them from driving. In India women can do job. They have legal permission for
that. But in some societies it is not accepted as good which is morality. A person
in such society believes that women must do job which is his own value system.

Morality Legality
Gay Marriage is NOT good, It is It is legal in some countries

immoral in nature It is illegal
Gay Marriage is good, it is NOT
It is illegal
immoral It is legal
Child marriage is NOT good, it is

Women can drive it is NOT immoral

• Something immoral may NOT be illegal


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

• Something legal may NOT be moral
• Both legal & moral
• Both illegal & immoral

Physics vs Nature, Ethics vs Morality

Physics is field of knowledge that studies natural phenomenon & expresses them
in form of formulas or theories. So Physics is the study of subject matter Nature.
Similarly Ethics is the study of the subject matter morality. Nature is broader
than Physics & Morality is broader than ethics. So after detailed understanding of
morality principles, codes of ethics can be framed.

Every profession has certain codes or ethics based upon various moral principles.
These principles are on the basis of various traditions or customs prevailing in
the society.

Physics Nature
Ethics Morality
Practical part Theoretical part
Objective Broad

If in certain society abortion is NOT accepted norm due to any social or religious
belief then it becomes against morality to pursue with it. Once it is against moral
principles, hospitals have their ethical codes NOT to go for it. When someone
approaches hospital for abortion, they are simply going to tell about their
professional ethics against it and are NOT going o debate whether it is good or

Problems may arise where individuals allow their personal values to interfere
with their actions, thereby potentially bringing their actions into conflict with
stated/coded ethical standards.


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Corruption in the Society (Case study)

Society considers the corruption as bad since it is
against the general belief or value system of the
religious society. Individual in the society has his
own understanding of this practice. He has seen
corruption as a means to get things done in various
offices. He bribed someone to get the job. Now he
assumes the office and does NOT hesitate in
accepting the bribe. So acceptance of the corruption or bribe is his own value
system. The office in which he works has well coded professional ethics
mentioning corruption as punishable conduct. So professional ethics are against
his doing corruption but his own value system is different. Social moral
principles are also against his doing corruption.

• Corruption is NOT good Morality of society or individual
• Penalty for bribe/corruption Ethical code of conduct
• Lets accept it, it’s a means Value system

Types of Ethics

Social ethics should be most important in decision making as these are broader &
have larger impact. Professional & personal ethics must flow from them & must
be in accordance with social ethics.


Q: 1 Which of the following is/are correct?

1. Moral principles are cultural driven

2. Ethical code of conduct are important guidelines for behaviour

3. Values are based upon the ethical codes

a) 1 only b) 1 & 2 only c) 2 & 3 only d) 1,2 & 3

Q:2 When will individual’s value system have maximum dissonance or


a) Immoral & illegal b) Immoral & legal

c) Moral & illegal d) Moral & legal


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Q:3 Person indulging in corrupt activities is largely due to
a) Low moral principles of the society
b) Poor ethical codes of behaviour
c) Low individual value systems
d) Lesser punishments

Q:4 When corruption is NOT good for the nation & society & everyone
believes it, then why people go for it?
a) Since there are NO well defined code of conduct against it
b) There is NO moral principle in society against it
c) Individual’s value system is against the moral principle
d) No contradiction between ethical codes & moral principles

a. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and
Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I)

b. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but
Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I)

c. Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
d. Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true

Q: 5
Ø Statement I Value systems of individual are important factor in his
decision making & ethical behaviour
Ø Statement II Values are objective interpretations of the moral principles
learnt by individual
a) Both statements are correct & statement II is right explanation of statement
b) Both statements are correct & statement II is NOT the right
explanation of statement I
c) Statement II is incorrect
d) Statement I is incorrect


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Q: 6
Ø Statement (I) Ethical behaviour of individual is questionable due to
faulty ethical codes
Ø Statement (II) Faulty Ethical codes will have impact on organisational
behaviour of individual
Ans d) statement (I) is wrong as ethical behaviour of the individual does
not only depend upon ethical codes but individual’s value system also

Q: 7
Ø Statement (I) Ethical behaviour is practical implementation of morality
principles learnt by the individual in society
Ø Statement (II) Morality is broader & theoretical aspect of ethics
Ans a) Both are correct statements & related to each other

Q: 8
Ø Statement (I) Ethical behaviour of individual is questionable due to
faulty ethical codes
Ø Statement (II) Faulty Ethical codes will have impact on organisational
behaviour of individual
Ans d) statement (I) is wrong as ethical behaviour of the individual does
not only depend upon ethical codes but individual’s value system also


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Chapter 2

Components/ Traits of Ethical Behaviour

To conform to model code of conduct or ethical norms of the organisation or
society, one must possess certain personality & behavioural traits as mentioned
below. Without such traits, he may NOT stick to moral or ethical codes. All these
traits improve the behaviour of individual & his relationship in the organisation.
He can better adjust & adapt to the organisational codes & contribute in the
attainment of objective of the organisation.

Traits of Ethical Behaviour in Individual

• Righteousness • Truthfulness • Fairness
• Justness • Humility • Responsibility
• Empathy • Trust • Kindness
• Honesty • Forgiveness • Good Behaviour
• Hope • Perseverance • Gratitude
• Compassion • Courage • Calmness
• Attention • Self confidence • Assertiveness
• Punctuality • Modesty • Self esteem
• Good manners • Concentration • Good relations

What are NOT traits of ethical behaviour?

• Code of conduct • Self interest • Egoistic
• Organisational • Selfish • Intelligent

environment • Qualifications • Expertise

• Good academic


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Ethical Judgement

Ethical judgment can be defined as "an individual's decision as to whether
something is ethical or unethical, right or wrong. It is also defined as the
generalized perceptions of good and bad individual behaviour. An ethical
judgment is how one determines which action to be taken in any scenario and it
is linked with the action itself. Broadly, ethical judgement can be defined so as to
include the decision process as well as the action itself. So both the means as
well as the ends are included in the ethical judgement.

There are moral & legal rights to make ethical judgement by the individual.
There are moral principles which individual must resort to along with ethical
codes of conduct which might help him in making right interpretation or
judgement of particular situation.

Ethical judgment is reasoning about the possible actions in the situation and
judging which action is most ethical. A person making an ethical judgment uses
reason to decide what the best solution or decision is to a problem. Ethical
judgment is a critical piece in the decision-making process.


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315


Q: 1 ESE 2017 The Ethical skills are:
(a) Care of possessions, modesty, posture, self reliance, tidy appearance
(b) Good behaviour, good manners, good relationships, good environment
(c) Attention, calmness, concentration, self confidence, self-esteem
(d) Code of conduct, responsibility, efficiency, perseverance, punctuality

Ans c) Care of possessions, good environment & code of conduct are NOT
the ethical skills needed. Such questions are better answered through

a. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and
Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I)

b. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but
Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I)

c. Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
d. Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true

Q: 2
Ø Statement (I) Every individual displays similar ethical behaviour if moral
principles taught are same
Ø Statement (II) There are traits or components of ethical behaviour in each

individual as per which he displays the ethical behaviour
Ans d) first statement is wrong. Even if individual is exposed to similar
moral principles, he may display different ethical behaviour as the traits are
different in each individual

Q: 3
Ø Statement (I) Ethical behaviour depends upon ethical judgement
Ø Statement (II) Ethical behaviour is based upon the value system of

individual & his perception about what is right & wrong

Ans a) Ethical behaviour is action part of ethical judgement which is

thinking part & is based upon his value system.


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Q: 4 Which of the following is NOT the trait of ethical behaviour in the


a) Empathy b) Trust c) Qualification d) Responsibility

Ans c)

Q: 5 Which of the following is the trait of ethical behaviour in the individual?
a) Intelligence b) Expertise c) Qualification d) Self concept
Ans d)

Q: 6 Why are the traits of ethical behaviour important in the individual?
a) It makes him better employee
b) It helps him to display ethical behaviour
c) It makes him good person
d) It helps him to conform to ethical code of conduct of organisation
Ans d) though all the choices are right to some extent but the best answer is

Q: 7 ESE 2017 Consider the following factors in making ethical judgement:
1. The motive from which the action springs
2. The nature of the act itself, including the means adopted
3. The resulting consequences
Which of the above factors are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 3 only
Ans c) In ethical judgement both means as well as ends is focussed. Motive

behind the action or decision should also be seen.

Q: 8 Consider the following statements
1. Ethical judgement is based upon ethical codes of conduct
2. Ethical judgement is based upon moral principles
3. Ethical judgement springs from individual value system
Which of these are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2 and 3 only
Ans d) Ethical codes are provided by the organisations or professional
bodies & may not be individual’s perceptions. Value system on the other
hand is based upon individual’s perception of right & wrong. Value system
further depends upon the moral principles.


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Chapter 3

Profession, Professionalism, Professional Code of Conduct

Profession is the occupation with
unique & special requirements.
Occupation is broad term & is
more generic such as business,
teaching etc are occupations but
Medicine, law, Engineering are
professions & are more precise in
approach. So every profession is
occupation but not vice versa.

Profession is a work or job or occupation requiring

• Creativity & not the routine job
• Should have societal perspective, must do good to society & contribute in

terms of product or service
• Use sophisticated skills & tools & techniques
• Formal education must be there, NOT only experience, apprenticeship,

practical training
• There must be use of judgement & personal discretion
• There must be professional bodies for profession
• There must be some codes of conduct to regulate ethical behaviour &

• Uniqueness compared to other occupations

Professionalism is

• To make proper balance between technological benefits & risks associated

with such technologies

• Use of personal judgement of the professionals to attain benefits of


• Risks & uncertainties associated with technology should NOT overshadow

the benefits to be attained by use of it


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Engineering as Profession

Engineering can be very well called a profession & Engineers as professionals.
Unlike law or medicine, no licence is needed to practice it but still all other
requirements of a profession are met. It has skilled educational requirement &
professional bodies. It serves the overall social purpose.

Professional Codes of Conduct
Codes are the written &
documented guidelines provided
to the individuals by the
organisations or professional

These help them display responsible professional behaviour & make ethical
judgement & decision making. These are detailed & prescriptive values & norms
that guide individual’s behaviour & inculcate discipline.

Organisations mention certain codes of conduct for its employees for the
following reasons:

1. To increase the moral awareness among employees as per their value


2. To increase the responsibility & accountability of employees


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

3. To inculcate the discipline in the employees
4. To help employees in ethical decision making & moral judgement
5. To enhance the image of the organisation as professional body

Ethical codes of conduct are provided by the organisations as well as the
professional bodies. The purpose of both is same to great extent with slight
difference as mentioned above.

Organisational codes are provided by the organisation in which professional
works. The main purpose of such codes is to inculcate certain behaviour among
employees so that it satisfies the purpose of organisation. It is disciplinary in
nature. If someone does NOT follow them, there can be disciplinary action
against him.


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Professional bodies for Engineers

Professional codes are provided by the professional bodies such as American
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), National Society of Professional Engineers
(NSPE), ASME, IEEE etc. These codes are more generic & advisory in nature.
Irrespective of which organisation a professional works he is member of certain
profession such as Engineering. These codes help the profession to inculcate
certain behavioural traits to make him good professional. No one is going to
force him to follow these codes. Hence these are largely self regulating codes.

Depending upon the objectives of ethical codes of conduct, they can be
categorised into following types:

1. Aspirational codes of conduct present the moral values of a profession &
reflect the aspiration or philosophy of particular profession.

2. Advisory codes of conduct are provided by professional bodies & are the
general guidelines issued to help individual in his profession

3. Disciplinary codes of conduct are provided by the organisation in which
individual works. These are the instructions provided to the employees to
help them behave in disciplined manner

All these codes have their own significance. Most of the ethical codes in
engineering profession are advisory in nature which is the demand of the
profession. For military profession, codes will be more disciplinary in nature.
Codes of conduct provided by organisations or departments also have advisory
nature along with disciplinary.


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Preventive & Aspirational Ethics of Engineers

Professional ethics of Engineers can also be categorised into preventive &
aspirational ethics.
Majority of the codes of ethics mentioned in the professional rule books are
preventive in nature & put a limitation on the Engineers to do something. They
are in the form of what must NOT be done.
Aspirational ethics are those codes which provide more positive dimension to the
engineering profession. Engineers must be motivated to do creative things for the
betterment of society. Normally these ethics are not mentioned much in the
ethical codes. Hence aspirational codes must be personal ethics of the individual.

Individual Traits for Ethical code of Conduct
Individual employee must have certain traits to follow the ethical codes as
mentioned below

1. Trustworthiness 6. Punctuality
2. Discipline 7. Honesty
3. Confidentiality 8. Impartiality
4. Competence 9. Integrity
5. Commitment 10.Faithfulness

Limitations of code of conduct
Following are the limitations of codes of conduct:

1. These are NOT very precisely mentioned & are normally quite vague in
objective & interpretations

2. They are generic in nature about the behavioural traits & NOT very
objectively mentioned


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

3. There are different professional bodies such as ASCE, IEEE, NSPE etc,
each having certain differences in their codes for same situation which
further confuse the professionals

4. Sometimes there are contradictions in codes leading to situation of
ethical dilemma

Are codes of ethics binding?

Organisational codes of ethics are binding to some extent since they tend to
inculcate the discipline in employees. Majority other codes are not legally
binding but are morally binding on individuals since they are professionals and
being from particular profession have certain responsibilities & obligations as
mentioned in codes of ethics.

NSPE code of conduct for Engineers

National Society of Professional Engineers
(NSPE) has mentioned following codes for

1. Must be committed for public welfare & safety
2. Must perform service in his domain of expertise
3. Must issue public statements in objective & truthful manner
4. Must be committed & trustworthy for his employer & client
5. Avoid false claims related to his qualification
6. NOT to accept any gift etc which affect his decision making
7. Must conduct himself in responsible & ethical way

Why Ethics in Engineering?

Study of morality, values & ethics is very important for professionals such
as Engineers due to following reasons

1. Whatever an engineer does has social aspect, hence to serve the society

better he should not only be expert in technology & machines but also have

certain value system & knowledge of ethical codes for better judgement.


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

2. He might come across any complex & new situation in which he must
make his own judgement as per his ethical & moral value system.

3. Knowledge of ethics & moral principle help to make him better & happier

4. Good value system & knowledge of ethical codes & responsibilities will
make him good engineer & will be good for society & organisation he

5. In certain situations he is to make judgement & decision which is not
mentioned in rule book so knowledge of ethics help him.

6. He must learn to give priority to professional ethics compared to personal


a. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and
Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I)

b. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but
Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I)

c. Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
d. Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true

Q:1 ESE 2017

Ø Statement (I): Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and
welfare of the public while performing their professional duties.

Ø Statement (II): Engineers shall continue their professional development
throughout their careers.
Ans b) Both statements are correct but NOT related


Ø Statement (I): Most professional codes for Engineering are advisory in

Ø Statement (II): Advisory codes of conduct are more important than
disciplinary codes of conduct
Ans c) Statement (I) is correct but second is wrong.




CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315


Ø Statement (I): Every department or organisation must have ethical codes

of conduct for its employees
Ø Statement (II): Such codes provide the employees guidelines at the time

of displaying behaviour, decision making & making the judgement

Ans a) Both are correct & related statements.


Ø Statement (I): Most of the ethical codes of conduct are not binding on
the individuals

Ø Statement (II): Though these codes are NOT legally binding but morally
are binding on professionals
Ans b) both statements are correct through second statement is not the
explanation for first.


Ø Statement (I): Most of the ethical codes of conduct are NOT very
precisely & objectively mentioned

Ø Statement (II): Majority of these codes are NOT binding on individuals
Ans b) both statements are correct through second statement is not the
explanation for first.


Ø Statement (I) Majority of the professional ethical codes mentioned in the
organisations motivate engineers to be creative & positive in their approach

Ø Statement (II) Positive & creative technocrat can serve the society &
humanity better & lead to the growth of his profession
Ans d) Statement (I) is wrong as majority codes are preventive or negative
in nature.

Q: 7 Which of the following can’t be called a profession?

1. Law 2. Medicine 3. Engineering

4. Business 5. Politics 6. Management

a) 5 only b) 4 & 5 c) 1, 5, 6 d) 4, 5, 6

Ans d) All these are occupations & more generic than professions & do
not require any specialised knowledge or skills


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Q: 8 Which of the following may NOT be the purpose of professional code
of conduct?

a) To increase the moral behaviour of the employees
b) To inculcate responsibility & accountability in team
c) To improve image of the organisation
d) To improve the efficiency & productivity of employees
Ans d) The purpose of the codes of conduct is NOT to enhance the
productivity or efficiency of people or employees as it is more related to
the training part.

Q: 9 Which of the following in NOT an important trait needed for employee
to following ethical codes of organisational conduct?
a) Discipline b) Honesty c) Integrity d) Expertise
Ans d) Expertise is related to his knowledge whereas codes of conduct are
related to behaviour.

Chapter 4 Ethical Theories / Principles

Philosophy as a subject has expertise in ethics & morality. It studies the moral
principles & rule of ethical conduct behind what is right & wrong. There are
three main theories provided for the ethical decision making & judgement.


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PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

1. Utilitarianism (Consequential Theory)
As per this theory, the benefit & interest of larger group is most important.
Maximise the welfare of maximum people instead of individual. E.g. if
hydel dam is to be constructed focus is on the benefit it can bring to lakhs
of people rather than couple of thousands of people displaced. Hence this
theory is based upon practical & collectivistic approach.
Consequence or result is important & decision is taken on the basis of
expected result. Risk & Cost benefit analysis is done before the decision is
taken. Hence decision is
taken on the basis of certain
calculation which might
bring benefit to max people.
But the limitation of this
theory is that it is based upon
the guess work. Cost/ Risk
benefit tools are used as
statistical tools for analysis.

Utilitarianism theory can
further be divided into two
1. Rule Utilitarianism, in


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

which the rule itself become important
2. Act Utilitarianism, in which rule can be changed as per consequence
& action become important
2. Duty/Right Ethics
Duty ethics & rights ethics are the two sides of the same coin & provide
similar interpretations. These are based upon the individual’s knowledge of
duties & rights while making decision. Individual can take ethically right
decision if he is aware about others rights & his duties.
e.g it is our duty to keep the environment clean also it is the fundamental
right of people to have clean environment (Art 21 of Indian constitution). If
individual knows his duty then he will make ethical decision in this regard.
But there is limitation of this theory that sometime there is conflict between
duties & rights. Some one’s right may clash with rights of others.

3. Virtue Ethics
These are based upon personal values, virtue, character & morality. Virtue
is the moral uprightness & goodness. A virtuous person displays good
behaviour & qualities. In this theory, a decision or action is considered right
if it justifies good characteristic trait & vice versa. Various virtuous traits in
individual are responsibility, honesty, competence, loyalty, trustworthiness
etc. This theory believes that decision taken by virtuous person will be
Hence if a person has virtuous behaviour in personal life he will have
virtuous behaviour in professional life also.
Criticism of this theory is that everyone has different value system.
Someone’s virtue may be other’s vice. What is considered virtuous in one
culture & society may be considered vice in another. Hence there may not
be uniform virtues. Engineering being universal profession should have
universally scientific theories to have decision making.


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PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Which theory is best to use?

Depending upon the situation
either or all the theories can
be used. It may be possible
that none is used. Hence
ethical decision making is not
dependent upon use of these

These theories help individual to visualise a situation from different
perspectives & don’t bound him to make any decision.

Macro & Micro Ethics

Macro as the name shows represent those ethics related to society &
collectivism. Engineering as a profession has social responsibility. For example
sustainable development is term related to healthy balance between technology &


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Micro on the other hand is related to personal or individual decisions. Related to
the career or life of individual professional. These are more about behavioural
part or value system of individual which further affect his decision making.


a. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and
Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I)

b. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but
Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I)

c. Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
d. Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true

Q: 1

Ø Statement (I): Utilitarianism is the Ethical theory based upon collectivism

& use statistical tool of risk benefit analysis
Ø Statement (II): Risk benefit & Cost benefit are important statistical tools

to analyse a situation based upon the consequence of an action
Ans a) both statements are correct & second statement provides the reason
for first. Utilitarianism is also called consequential theory since it is based
upon the consequence of an action
Q: 2

Ø Statement (I): Micro ethical decision of Engineer takes into

consideration the protection of environment & sustainable development
Ø Statement (II): Professional ethics help the individual to make right

decisions in the welfare of society

Ans d) First statement is incorrect since micro ethics is NOT related to

societal decisions such as sustainable decisions.

Q: 3 In engineering profession, Ethical theories must be
Ø Statement (I):

followed to reach ethical decision making
Ø Statement (II): Ethical theories help individual to have different

perspective of a problem.

Ans d) First statement is incorrect since individual is NOT bound by any

theory to reach ethically right decision.


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Q: 4 ESE 2017

Ethical issues that can affect an Engineer’s professional and personal

life are termed as

(a) Macro-ethics (b) Micro-ethics

(c) Morals (d) Rights

Ans b) Micro ethics deals with Engineer’s professional & personal life.

Chapter 5 Ethical Dilemma & Value Conflict



CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Quality or the characteristics which are desired or expected in personality of
individual are called values. Such qualities are acquired by individual from his
society, family, culture or profession.

But every individual has a value system in which he provides ranks or relative
importance to such values & makes decisions as per their ranking. Sometime
while making particular decision there is clash among these values called conflict
or dissonance.

Value Conflict/Ethical Dilemma


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

It occurs when a person has contradictory views about an issue compared to
organisation or societal belief.

For example person (employee) serving in army
(organisation) gets an order to go on border & fight
for nation (Society). Now he is under dilemma
whether to fight for nation & die in the process or to
survive to take care of his family. He takes the
decision as per the priority he gives to the value he

Case Study of Conflict

An Engineer is working in an organisation. Now he follows the ethical codes of
organisation as per which he is NOT to disclose any secrets of organisation. But
organisation is doing something which can harm the environment which is
against societal interest. Now the engineer is under the professional ethics of not
harming environment. Hence he is under ethical dilemma due to conflict arising
between societal & organisational requirements. He takes decision as per his
value system & rank he gives to these values.

Value Conflict
Contradiction in the values of
person, organisation or society

Ethical Dilemma
Contradictions along with wrong

doing on part of some player

Reasons of Value Conflict

1. Lack of proper information to the person (organisation, society) involved in
conflict (stakeholder) related to particular trait


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

2. Difference in the importance or weight provided to various traits or values
by different stakeholders

3. Failure on the part of different stake holders to consider all the alternates
4. Excessive rigidity of the stake holders
5. Lack of adaptability on the part of stake holders

How to resolve the conflict

1. Increase the level of knowledge & information of sake holders involved in

2. Increase flexibility & adaptability
3. Change the priority or order of importance of various values

Causes of Ethical Dilemma

In ethical dilemma the person even indulge in wrong doing along with value
conflict which is restricted only up to thinking.

1. If there is undue pressure from certain side to perform unethically
2. Due to certain unethical trait or value system of individual such as pleasure,

self gain, greed etc
3. Individual’s tendency to rationalise wrong doing & prevent guilt such as

“let us do it” since “everybody does it”

Conflict of Interest

Sometimes there is conflict in the welfare of the stakeholders involved due to
which the professional does not act in unbiased manner & gives priority to his
self interest rather than professional interest. Such conflict of interest can be
actual or potential.


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Chapter 6

Confidentiality & Whistle Blowing


Certain information about the client, employer & work must be kept secret by the
Engineer & not revealed as per their code of ethics. The confidentiality clause is
mentioned in almost every code of ethics by the organisations. During the job,
engineer often acquires intimate knowledge of many aspects of their employer’s
trade & business secrets. Why is there a need to keep the information secret?
The information related to the work may be important trade secret of the
It may affect the competitive edge of the organisation & kelp competitors
It may affect the trust between the client & organisation
It may affect the regular procedures followed by the company
It is against the professional ethics & ethical codes of conduct
Morally the engineer should not reveal it
Confidentiality clause applies both to the professionals working in private as well
as Government system. In certain Govt. jobs the confidentiality clause is very
stringent such as in defence & research organisation where revealing information
may be very damaging.
There are certain ambiguities related to the type of information & its extent
which must not be revealed. Also when engineer changes job or organisation, in
such situations how confidentiality must be maintained? Legally even if job is
changed or left, this clause must be respected but is difficult to implement.
While confidentiality is a vital aspect in professions such as engineering, there
are times when it ultimately must be breached. The Ontario Professional
Engineers’ Act requires that engineers safeguard life, health, property, economic
interests, public welfare and the environment. At times, a professional who is
bound by a guarantee of confidentiality may be forced to breach that
confidentially to expose unethical practices or intentions.
Such situation is not very easy for engineers as they are to breach the ethical
codes. Determining whether or not it is absolutely necessary to breach
confidentiality requires the application of Mill’s concept of utilitarianism. The
most ethical decision would be that which produces the greatest benefit for the


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

largest number of people. Maintaining confidentiality will benefit both the
engineer and their client; however, if that confidentiality may compromise public
safety or have a severe negative impact on the environment, it would be most
ethical to breach the confidentiality and do the right thing.
It is in a professional’s best interest to avoid incidents where they may not be
able to maintain confidentiality. There are two critical situations that
professionals should avoid: agreements that threaten public safety and the
environment, as well as working for former clients’ competitors who may expect
disclosure of the former client’s affairs. Circumventing these types of issues is
not only the ethical thing to do; it will also help to avoid disciplinary actions
brought on by either maintaining or breaching confidentiality.


a. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and
Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I)

b. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but
Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I)

c. Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
d. Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true

Q: 1

Ø Statement (I) Confidentiality must be respected in engineering
Ø Statement (II) Confidentiality clause is mentioned in ethical codes of

Ans b) Confidentiality must be maintained for many different reasons &
not only since it is mentioned in codes

Q: 2

Ø Statement (I) Breaching the confidentiality brings disciplinary action
against the employee

Ø Statement (II) There are legal provisions against the breach of
confidentiality clauses by the employees


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Ans d) Statement (I) is NOT always true, in many situations it is only
morally binding on the engineers not to breach confidentiality & not legally

Q: 3 Which of the following is true?

1. Confidentiality is vital part of engineering profession

2. Confidentiality is part of ethical codes of conduct

3. Confidentiality must never be breached by engineer

4. Breach of confidentiality is sometimes accepted as per utilitarianism


a) 1, 2 b) 1,2,3 c) 1,2,3,4 d) 1,2,4

Ans d) As per utilitarianism concept benefit of maximum people should be

priority & not of certain individuals. If breach of confidentiality is in favour

of people safety & environment it must be done.

Q:4 Which of the following may NOT be the reason for maintaining
confidentiality in the engineering profession?

a) Not to damage the commercial interests of employer
b) Not to breach the ethical codes of conduct
c) Not to break the laws
d) It is morally not upright
Ans c) Confidentiality clause is not always mentioned through law

Whistle Blowing
It simply means to reveal the wrong doing being done in the organisation. Person
who does it is called whistle blower. Whistle blower does the revealing against
the approved channels of organisation & hence makes him vulnerable for
disciplinary act. Why then he does it? Is it ethical for him to do it? It can be
answered on the basis of following:

1. The harm which not revealing can do o society is significant & serious such
as huge environmental degradation

2. Not motivated by self interest or grudge but selfless motive of social


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

3. If there is strong evidence that whistle blowing will serve holistic purpose
for welfare of society.

4. If all the channels of complain & discussion have been exhausted
5. If the whistle blower is satisfied that the organisational philosophy is

against social interest

Whistle blowing can be internal as well as external

Internal whistle blowing in which the person reveals information only within the
organisation bypassing the immediate boss & hierarchy. If the information of
organisation is released outside such as in media then it is external whistle


e. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and
Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I)

f. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but
Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I)

g. Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
h. Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true

Q: 1

Ø Statement (I) Whistle blowing always helps the organisation
Ø Statement (II) Whistle blowing may be serving important societal purpose.


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Ans d) Statement (I) is wrong as whistle blowing sometimes can be
damaging for the organisation especially when organisation is doing some
social harm

Q: 2 Which of the following is NOT correct for internal & external whistle

a) Internal whistle blowing is to bypass hierarchy within the organisation
while revealing information

b) Internal whistle blowing means revolt inside the organisation
c) External whistle blowing is to reveal information to external agency such

as media
d) External whistle blowing can be more dangerous
Ans b) Internal whistle blowing involves information reveal to someone
bypassing immediate boss

Q: 3 When should individual resort to whistle blowing?

If he is not satisfied with state of affairs in organisation

If his boss does not listen to him

On concept of utilitarianism

If it is morally wrong on part of organisation to do something

a) 1, 2 b) 1,2,3 c) 3,4 d) 4 only

Ans c) concept of utilitarianism means to see the benefit of max people &

not some individuals only, it must serve the purpose of more people

especially society

Chapter 7 Indian vs Western ethical Philosophies


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Engineering profession though is global in nature but its practice in certain
society is very much dependent upon the ethical philosophies prevalent in these
societies. Indian philosophies are both ancient as well as modern in their outlook.
These are rooted in the diverse & enriched culture & civilisations.

Ancient texts such as Vedas, Upanishads, Gita etc have their impact on the
professional ethics also. Budhism & Jainism too has its impact. Later scholars
Gandhi, Nehru & Tagore had profound impact on Indian philosophy.

Indian philosophy focuses more on the practical & spiritual aspects rather than
intellectual & theoretical aspects. There is more emphasis on becoming better
human being & attainment of life of perfection. Indian philosophies approach the
virtue ethics type where a decision is believed to be right if it is based upon good
or virtuous traits. To emphasise on the virtues & prevent practices based upon
vices is reflected in most of the ethical codes of the organisations.

Sustainable development & protection of the environment is deep rooted in the
Buddhist philosophy.

Gandhian philosophy that not only end is important but also the means used to
attain the ends has deep rooted impact on Engineering codes of ethics. Nehruvian
philosophy to create the temples of modern India in the form of technical
institute & engineer as nation builder has great effect on the profession. Dams &
canals were built o serve the larger societal purpose. It also focuses on

Western philosophies focus more on the theoretical & intellectual part of the
philosophies. Ethical codes of conduct used in the organisations are on the basis
of philosophies followed in societies. Hence there are certain differences in such


a. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and
Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I)

b. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but
Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I)


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

c. Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
d. Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true

Q: 1

Ø Statement (I) Engineering codes of conduct being practiced are almost
same in all the countries

Ø Statement (II) Engineering is global profession and based on same tools &
techniques everywhere.
Ans d) Statement (I) is wrong as depending upon the philosophies being
practiced in various nations, codes of conduct are also different.

Q: 2
Ø Statement (I) Indian ethical philosophies are more utilitarian in nature than

virtuous ethics based
Ø Statement (II) Virtues Ethics theories categorise any decision as right &

wrong on the basis of the virtue or value behind such decision making

Ans d) Statement (I) is wrong as Indian philosophy is more virtue ethics

based rather than utilitarianism based.

Q: 3 Which of the following is correct statement?
1. Engineering profession has ethical codes based upon the organisational
needs, products & services produces
2. Society & culture has little role to play in the professional codes
3. MNC has similar ethical codes whether operating in India or abroad
4. Professional codes reflect the social philosophies
a) 1 only b) 1,2 only c) 3 only d) 4 only

Ans d) Social norms & philosophies are important parameter to decide the
ethical codes of particular profession including engineering

Q: 4 Which of the following is NOT correct?

a) Gandhi, Nehru & Tagore were social reformer & NOT technocrat hence
there philosophies have little impact on the professional ethics of
Engineering in India


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

b) Buddhism has provided sustainable development approach to
Engineering codes of ethics

c) Indian philosophies have provided spiritual impact to the engineering
codes of ethics

d) Western Philosophies are more virtue or individual vale based

Ans a) Gandhi, Nehru & Tagore philosophies have impact on the ethical
codes of Engineering

Q: 5 Which of the following are NOT the correct virtues taken from Indian
philosophies in the Engineering professional codes?

a) Path of righteousness & freedom from greed taken from Bhagwad Gita
b) Environmental protection taken from Buddhism
c) Focus on means as well as ends from Gandhian philosophy
d) Utilitarianism taken from Upanishads
Ans d) Utilitarianism in Not much focussed in Indian philosophy.

Chapter 8 Professional Responsibility


CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

Every profession has certain responsibilities which include social obligations
also. The professional has to play certain roles of responsibility for his
organisation as well as society. These roles are also mentioned in the codes of
ethics. No everything can be mentioned in the codes hence in many situations the
individual value system of the Engineer helps him to behave in responsible
manner. There are personal & professional responsibilities for Engineer.

Responsibility simply means to accept the consequences of your decisions &
behave in mature way for your actions. You are to be blamed if anything goes
wrong. You are accountable for your decisions. Responsibility has both positive
as well as negative aspects in implementation. Positive means to behave in such a
way that nothing wrong happens. Be extra cautious. Keep social interest above
organisational & personal interest. If any decision may bring risk to the society it
must be properly executed.

Negative aspect of responsibility means if something wrong has happened then
take the blame & try to mitigate the effect. You should be accountable for all
your judgements & decisions.

There are personal responsibilities as well as professional responsibilities.
Priority must be given to professional. Sometimes there is conflict in these
responsibilities. It further leads to conflict of interest & ethical dilemma situation.

An engineer may be required to take extra responsibility to execute something
which can put his life in danger. If he takes professional responsibility he
confronts his personal responsibility for his family. In such situations his value
system & the importance he gives to various things help him take appropriate

Responsibility can be both active & passive in nature. Active responsibility
comes before the decision is taken & deals with all the steps taken before some
decision. Passive responsibility comes into picture after the consequences of
decision are faced. Person is held accountable for his decisions. If someone is
actively responsible he need not to be passive responsible later on.



CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

a. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true and
Statement (II) is the correct explanation of Statement (I)

b. Both Statement (I) and Statement (II) are individually true but
Statement (II) is not the correct explanation of Statement (I)

c. Statement (I) is true but Statement (II) is false
d. Statement (I) is false but Statement (II) is true

Q: 1

Ø Statement (I) Responsibilities are important for any profession as these
help to hold someone accountable for his action

Ø Statement (II) Responsibilities are mentioned in the ethical codes of
Ans c) Statement (II) is wrong as responsibilities are not mentioned in the
codes of conduct

Q: 2

Ø Statement (I) Professional is responsible for his own decisions & NOT
those under him

Ø Statement (II) Who so ever is working, at any position is responsible for
his decisions
Ans d) Statement (I) is wrong as person is responsible not only for his
decision but also the entire team he is heading as they take decisions under
his leadership


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CHANDIGARH : SCO-94,95,GROUND FLOOR SE(C)34-A,9815411737, 0172-4061483
PATIALA : SCB- 7 TOP FLOOR,CHOTTI BARADARI, 9855273076,0175-5070315

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