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Jacob Diaz - Bad Day FINAL REVISION and EDIT

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Published by Jacob Diaz, 2019-05-20 13:15:27

Jacob Diaz - Bad Day FINAL REVISION and EDIT

Jacob Diaz - Bad Day FINAL REVISION and EDIT


W​ ritten By Jacob Gabriel, Diaz

Jobe Blue was a light skin man with long hair but not that
long. He had a big mustache. He was a short man, and he
was strong.

Early that morning at 6:30 in the morning, he was
watching tv. He had forgot it was Friday, so he took a nap
and woke up at 8:30 in the morning and got dressed and
brushed his teeth.

He made breakfast for his 2-7 year old kids. their
names are Brian Blue and Christin Blue.

Jobe Blue woke his 2 kids up and told them to get
ready for school.

They got dressed and came to the table and their dad
Jobe Blue
Made toast with peanut butter and jelly and cereal for

After they finished eating, they put them in the sink
and got their backpack. Will their dad get the 2018
Corvette out so all the kids got in the car so their dad
dropped them off at school.

So it was 9:00 o'clock he was still good he had a lot of
money, so he went to Mcdonalds and got 2 Mcmuffins for

So Jobe went to a street called Jefferson St. It was a
short cut. He was driving while there were lots of bumps,
so he was going 50 miles per hour, and the speed limit
was 40 miles an hour. There was a curve and Jobe did not
see the big bump, and the car flipped over and hit the tree
,and Jobe was stranded for 3 hours.

The car was really bad when it hit the big fat tree. The
front part of the car bent in. Then he got knocked out. It
was 9:10.

He woke back up at 11:30. He was 2 hours late for
work his boss called him 20 times. He started to get really
worried. then Jobe found his phone. He saw all the missed
calls, so Jobe called him back and told him that he got in
an accident. I can't go to work, ¨he said in pain. He hung
up and called called the ambulance and told them where
He was he screamed on the phone in pain, and they said
that they will be there in 5 minutes. He said, ok, hurry up

5 minutes after they came, they took him to the
hospital he stayed there for 5 days because he had a
short concussion,serious bruises,and a broken ankle, so
he stayed healing for a week and feel better, but he still
had to rest at home for at least two weeks when he got

His job surprised him with balloons and flowers
they all prayed for him and hoped he would be better
soon because his job needs him so bad.

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