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Published by Viva Concepts, 2019-04-26 06:16:21

Cancellation and Lost Patients Checksheet


The Masters of Marketing Administration is an educational advancement for training of business owners and their administrative and support staff on the Viva System—a system that puts in place the
ideal residual business model for consumer
acquisition, loyalty and retention.
Copyright © 2016 by Gregory Hughes, Viva Concepts, LLC. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Printed in the United States of America. First Printing, 2016

Student Name Date Name of Practice Cancellation & Reducing Leakage Course
PURPOSE: To train the student on the the key elements of how patients are lost and how to reduce the loss of patients from the hygiene department.
Instructor: The instructor is the person who oversees this training course. He or she is the one who assists the student with questions he or she may have so one can progress on the checklist.

Instructions: Do each step of your training sheet in order. Where indicated, have another student or instructor, sign off on your training sheet.
1. Overview Video: Watch the video on patient loss.
2. Read: Read the section entitled “Handling Hygiene Cancellations.”
3. Essay: Write an essay on how patients are lost in the practice. Use a real example of your own office on the average number of cancellations occurring each day in the hygiene schedule.
4. Diagram: Draw a diagram, using the average cancellations from your own office, and show the math on how many cancellations occur for the week and muliply that number by 4.3 weeks in a month. This will show an close approximation on how many patients are lost per month.
5. Read: Read the section entitled, “Stopping the Leakage.”
6. Diagram: Draw a diagram that shows how many new patients come into the
practice (on an average) and how many are lost from cancellations. Make you diagram like the one in your booklet in the section “Stopping the Leakage.”
7. Read Read the section entitled, “The Cancellation Recovery System.”
8. Drill: Drill going over the 5 Steps to handle cancellations. Go over the steps, over
and over, until you know them by memory and can easily say them to another person. 9. Read: Read the section entitled, “Dialogue for Cancellation Recovery.”
10. Essay: In your own words, write down what you would say on Step 1, Call #1. Use the dialogue in the book as a guideline to formulate what YOU would say.
11. Essay: Write down what YOU would say in Step #2, Text #1 when texting a patient that has cancelled.
12. Essay: In your own words, write down what you would say on Step 3, Call #2. Use the dialogue in the book as a guideline to formulate what YOU would say.
13. Essay: In your own words, write down what YOU text on Step 4, Text #2. Use the dialogue in the book as a guideline to formulate what YOU would say.

14. Read: Read the section entitled, “STEP 5: Content of the Letter from Hygienist.” 15. Essay: Write down who does each of the 5-Step cancellation procedure and
explain why the hygienist cannot be held responsible for this administrative function. 16. Read: Read the section entitled, “Measuring and Controlling Patient Loss.”
17. Essay: Write an essay on the average cancellation rate within the dental industry, giving the percent average that occurs every day. In your essay, write down how many cancellations does the hygienist have each day (give an average). Use the average number of cancellations per day and multiply this time the number of days the hygienist works in a month (for example, if the hygienist works 4 days per week, there are 4.3 weeks in a month, so she averages about 17 days of hygiene per month).
18. Read: Read the section entitled, “The Recovery Statistic.”
19. Essay: Explain why an administrative system must be performed to track the lost patients. In your essay, draw a sample of how a “tracking grid” or spreadsheet can be used to follow up and track the cancelled patients so they can be recovered.
20. Essay & Diagram: Write an essay explaining how the statistic for recovered cancellations can be used to monitor and improve the lost patients occuring in the practice.
21. Final Review & Essay: Review your materials and go over them again to refresh what you have learned. Then, in your own words, write an essay on what you achieved from this course. Include the overall theory of lost patients as well as the percent of cancellations that occur each day...refer back to your materials as needed. When you are complete, turn your final essay into the instructor.
Final Completion & Attest
Attest: I attest that I have done all the steps of this Workbook Checklist and completed this course.
Student Signature Date

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