YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly
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a time for us to chores and duties
unplug and bond
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weekend we
have with our
come and relax
taught me to accept
myself and our family
for who we are
YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly was founded on principles of interpersonal relationships, open
dialogue, connectedness and respect. We believe these ideals are just as relevant today as
they were a hundred years ago, and there has never been a better time for these values to
be reinforced. For the 33,000 youth, adults and families served each year, the Blue Ridge
experience is focused on fostering growth and character development. We continue
to build on the foundational Christian principles that nourish the spirit, mind and body,
allowing our history to inform our future.
For the many young people who come here, the impact of YMCA Blue Ridge is deeply transformational.
Our programs and youth conferences are dedicated to nurturing youth into becoming the leaders of
tomorrow. And we realize that to continue this purpose, our roots need to dig down even deeper to
remain powerful and true to our vision.
At Blue Ridge, we believe the foundation of healthy, well-developed and values-driven young people
is family. The Family Cabin Initiative will be the avenue we use to provide families the safe,
comfortable and updated amenities which will allow them to enjoy quality time together. Our
proposed lodges and cabins will suit the varying needs of all families, from those looking for a weekend
away in the mountains to those gathering generations together for a time of fellowship and laughter.
These new and improved lodging spaces will also be used for our guests in groups or with conferences,
looking for facilities that provide the relaxed, informal setting they need.
This initiative further advances YMCA Blue Ridge as a place where children, youth, families and more can
retreat to create experiences that enrich and strengthen their lives. We believe in preserving our history
while upgrading the beauty and quality of our facilities to make the most positive impact we can for
families. We look forward to elevating our capacity to serve through this project.
“Work cannot be measured in terms of so many dollars for so many hours of labor. Real work
can only be measured in terms of what it does to and for people. We dare not spend our
energy in doing anything less than making better human beings.” – Dr. W. D. Weatherford, Sr.
The Family Cabin Initiative is about serving families. It meets
the needs of families in exponentially powerful ways, opening a
new chapter in the Blue Ridge story of impact. This initiative will
provide a place for hosting our Family Camp, where the uplifting
and communal nature of Blue Ridge is expressed in its most vital
By providing families a place to
come – to instill values, to bond
and rest, and to grow alongside
other strong, mission-minded
families – we will maximize our impact over time (and with
greater depth) in the areas of youth development and healthy
living. We want to give families a pinnacle experience!
We know that when family ties get stronger, youth are
confident and have a sense of belonging. YMCA Blue
Ridge’s ability to deeply invest in and serve both are essential
to our vision.
CAPACITY BREAKDOWN Four existing cabins on the
East side of campus will
MINI LODGES (2) MEDIUM LODGE (1) be razed and replaced with
three family lodges. This
• 3,600 square feet • 6,400 square feet will increase our capacity
• 10 bedrooms • 16 bedrooms from 40 people to 116
• 8 bathrooms • 14 bathrooms people.
• 21 beds / sleeps 31 • 40 beds / sleeps 54 The lodges feature an open
floor plan with kitchen,
living and dining areas
flowing together.
The lower level of each
lodge has a gathering space
which may be used as a
meeting place, breakout
space, or as needed.
Total investment:
Three existing cabins on Three existing cabins on the
the East side of campus will West poolside of campus will be
be rebuilt with increased revitalized, and one will be rebuilt
functionality. completely.
Total investment: Total investment:
$2,150,000 $1,175,000
We have engaged a number of architects and Byrd Larberg, Cabinet Chair
construction personnel in assessing the costs of James Anderson, Board Chair
these projects. We recognize that construction Cal Johnson, Advancement Chair
projects on the Mountain involve circumstances Clark Baker
that result in costs that are higher than those Paul Breazeale
of flat-terrain projects. Based on our discovery Andy Calhoun
information, we estimate the cost for all of these Deek DeBlieux
projects to be $7,625,00. Curt Hazelbaker
Evan Levy
PHASE 1 $4,300,000 Gretchen Purser
PHASE 2 $2,150,000 David Snow
PHASE 3 $1,175,000 Todd Tibbits
Bill Watts
Total $7,625,000 Stuart Weidie
Patricia West
Shane Williamson
Christine Young
Melissa Bailey Logan, President/CEO
We commit to developing the spirit, mind and body of each person served.
PLATFORM for servant leadership
We are a partner in mission delivery.
CAPACITY for the future
Facilities are energizing and accommodating to our guests.
STEWARDSHIP for sustainable success
We create relationships and inspire the larger version of Blue Ridge.