MBU Sport Club
Address: Tajovského 40, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Office: Tajovského 57, 974 09 Banská Bystrica
tel.: 048 423 05 30, 048 446 51 92, 0907 843 516
The club performs its ac vi es on the level of high performance achievements and mass
recrea onal ac vi es.
Clubs associated:
• Athle c Club ŠK UMB
• Women’s basketball team
• Gymnas c Club (focusing on gymnas c sports)
• University Hockey Club
• Horoklub (focusing on outdoor ac vi es)
• Karate Club (also focuses on other mar al arts)
• Judo Club
• TRIAN (focusing on triathlon and swimming ac vi es)
• Technical Sports Club – associates a sec on of biathlon and a sec on of aircra models
• Sport Club for All – The club is designed for students and employees of MBU who have the ability to
perform the following physical ac vi es: swimming, volleyball, basketball, football, floorball, aerobics,
zumba, fitness workout (weightli ing), sport and fitness gymnas cs and other non-tradi onal sports.
TJ Slávia Ekonóm MBU
Address: Tajovského 10, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Tel.: 048 446 63 18
Fax: 048 415 27 93
The club performs its ac vi es on the level of high performance achievements and mass recrea onal
ac vi es.
Sec ons:
• Skiing – with a focus on Nordic skiing
• Orienteering sports – with a focus on winter cross country orienteering, orienteering and summer
mountain bike orienteering
The sport ac vi es at MBU Banská Bystrica are realized in the facili es administered by MBU.
• Sports hall – Faculty of Arts, Tajovského 40,
• Gymnas cs gym – Faculty of Arts, Tajovského 40,
• Mirrored gym – Faculty of Arts, Tajovského 40,
• Indoor swimming pool – Faculty of Arts, Tajovského 40,
• Movement studio (mirrored gym) – Faculty of Arts, Tajovského 57,
• Fitness Centre – Faculty of Arts, Tajovského 57,
• Athle c-football area – Faculty of Arts, Tajovského 57,
• Tennis centre (asphalt) – Faculty of Arts, Tajovského 57,
• Handball grounds (asphalt) – Faculty of Arts, Tajovského 57,
• Movement studio – Faculty of Economics, Tajovského 10,
• Fitness – Faculty of Economics, Tajovského 10,
• Large gym – Faculy of Pedagogy, Ružová 13,
• Tennis courts – Faculty of Arts, Ružová 13.
The University Choir called Mladosť is not only a choir in its own right but also an instruc ve body
for the study needs of training teachers and training youth choir conductors.
During the years of its existence, the Choir has received many awards at fes vals and compe ons
(Academic Banská Bystrica, V. Figuš-Bystrý compe ons, Fes val in Trnava, Choral Fes val in Vranov,
Na onal Compe on of Ma ca Slovenská, Horehronské Choir Fes val), and also abroad (Hungary,
Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Belgium – Neerpelt, France – Tours, Belfort, United Kingdom –
Cardiff, Sweden – Oskarshamn, Germany – Zwickau, Erfurt, Netherlands – Veldhoven, Croa a, Italy
– Sardinia, Padova, Sassari, Russia – St. Petersburg, Argen na – Tandil, Brazil, Spain – Lloret de Mar,
Barcelona, Czech Republic – Pardubice, Ús nad Labem, Olomouc, Ostrava, Hradec Králové).
The dramaturgy is focused on preparing songs from all styles and periods of musical history.
The ensemble par cipates in various projects within the framework of interna onal symposia and
Ar s c director: prof. PaedDr. Milan Pazúrik, CSc.
Ružová ulica 13, 974 11 Banská Bystrica
tel.: 048 446 45 18
fax: 048 446 44 44
mob. 0905553651
University folkloric ensemble Mladosť
The ensemble is a crea ve body of musicians that represents MBU, performing folklore from the
whole country, especially from the regions of Upper Hron (Tekov, Stredné Pohronie, Podpoľanie,
Horehronie), and also from various regions of origin of the MBU students and the ensemble members.
The ensemble involves three sec ons – dancing ensemble, folk music band and a singing sec on.
Each of the sec ons has its own independent programme pa erns and concerts. There are further
ac vi es such as teaching selected subjects of Folklore dance, Folk music, Singing (Departments of
Music Culture of the Faculty of Educa on of MBU) addressed to advanced students and to beginners.
The local level of ac vi es is represented by the interac ve project Bašável and Mladosť.
The ensemble has long term based coopera on with compatriots; a few of them have been
incorporated in the ensemble which frequently performs in the compatriot environment. In its
ac vi es, the ensemble represents MBU on na onal and interna onal scenes and it establishes
contacts with foreign universi es by means of spreading our na onal tradi ons.
The University Folkloric Ensemble Mladosť has won many compe ons: Academic Zvolen and Nitra,
it regularly gains top rankings at na onal and interna onal compe ons as well as representa on
trips abroad. The ensemble visited Borneo in 2015, Poland in 2015 and 2014, Mexico in 2014, Sicily in
2013, Serbia in 2012, the Azores in 2011, Turkey in 2010 and 1990, France in 2009, Mexico in 2009, Italy
in 2008, Finland in 2006, Sardinia in 2005, Canada in 2003, South Korea in 2001, Switzerland in 2001,
Bulgaria in 1999, Jordan in 1998, Brazil in 1996 and 1993, Portugal in 1992, the Netherlands in 1991.
A trip to Taiwan is being prepared for 2016.
Contact: Ar s c director: Mgr. art. Mar n Urban, PhD.
Komenského 20,
974 11 Banská Bystrica mar [email protected], mar [email protected]
tel.: 048 446 4272,
cell: 0908 170 128
Alma mater
Alma mater is a non-profit project designed by our students and a few graduates. It aims at
crea ng a cultured, valuable and respected pla orm to serve to all university students in the
Slovak Republic and provide them with rapid access to relevant informa on. It also acts as
a pla orm for discussion on the level corresponding to the requirements of university students.
Brotherhood Sigma Phi Kappa
Phi Kappa Sigma Brotherhood was created in response to the needs of the student associa on
whose primary objec ve is the socializa on of students through joint ac vi es. Through its
ac vi es, the brotherhood seeks to ac vely expand its ideas which are reflected in its objec ves.
The primary objec ves include: greater socializa on through enjoyable ac vi es, expanding the
membership base, increasing student collabora on and decreasing disengagement, retreat of
careerism, openness of student life.
AIESEC is the world’s largest organiza on run by students. It provides young people with
opportuni es for personal and professional development. It has been opera ng worldwide for
over 60 years and it is run by students and recent graduates of ins tu ons of higher educa on. It
allows students to work in various mul cultural environments; it brings together highly talented
people from universi es and the corporate environment both at home and abroad. AIESEC aim
consists in giving young people the space to develop their poten al and leadership skills.
DSV – Deutscher Studentenverein
DSV organiza on – Deutscher Studentenverein was established in 2010 to mobilize students
of poli cal science and interna onal rela ons. Although the organisa on informally associates
German speaking students, a broad spectrum of topics is dealt with. The membership base
consists of 15 ac ve students whose vision is to successfully con nue the set course, to organize
debates, to provide other students with informa on and posi ve examples from German-
speaking countries and thus support the development of civil society.
EAC – Euro-Atlan c Centre
EAC – Euro-Atlan c Centre is an interna onally-established independent non-governmental organiza on
ac ng in the field of interna onal rela ons and security policy. Since its establishment in 1999, it has
come a long way in the process of ins tu onaliza on from an informal student deba ng society to a
respected professional non-governmental organisa on of young academics and students. In coopera on
with its partner ministries, interna onal organisa ons, academic ins tu ons and non-governmental
organisa ons it prepares a wide range of ac vi es including the organisa on of conferences, expert
seminars, lectures and discussions. Since its establishment it has been a emp ng to contribute to the
dissemina on of ideas of Euro-Atlan c coopera on not only in Slovakia but also abroad.
EFPOLIT is a student organisa on opera ng at the Faculty of Poli cal Sciences and Interna onal
Rela ons of MBU since 1998. Its main aim consists in spreading awareness of the French language
and culture, poli cs and the posi on of France through organizing lectures and events. The members
of EFPOLIT are primarily students of the Faculty who work while studying for their professional growth
through extracurricular ac vi es and community work. They have the opportunity to gain experience
by communica ng at a high level (with embassies and councils of par cular foreign countries in
Slovakia, journalists, experts and analysts, ministries of the Slovak Republic). Due to the network of
its domes c and interna onal contacts the organisa on provides its members with opportuni es to
par cipate in events at home and abroad.
ELSA – European Law Students´ Associa on
A local branch of an interna onal organiza on of law students ELSA Interna onal. ELSA is an
independent, non-poli cal and non-profit organiza on bringing together more than 35,000 law
students and graduates in 40 countries worldwide and more than 200 local groups. ELSA was
founded in 1981 in Vienna and the Faculty of Law of MBU has operated the branch since 1996.
It is also ac ve at the Faculty of Law in Bra slava, Trnava and Košice.
ESN – Erasmus Student Network
ESN – Erasmus Student Network is a non-profit interna onal student organisa on. Its mission is
to represent foreign students and thus provide them with the possibility of cultural understanding
and personal development in line with the principle – student helping student. There are 12000
members from 350 local sec ons in 34 countries in Europe who act as volunteers. We provide
services and support to 150,000 students. | h p://
EnviroFuture is a university-wide associa on aimed at the environment protec on. Its main
objec ve is to introduce waste separa on in all schools and thus contribute to healthier life of
students and to the reduc on of waste disposal costs spent by facul es. Just we, the students, are
the future of our Earth.
Facebook – EnviroFuture | [email protected]
ICM Banská Bystrica
ICM Banská Bystrica (Youth Informa on Centre) is a civic associa on and a full member of ZIPCeM
– Associa on of Informa on and Counselling Centres in the Slovak Republic. ZIPCeM currently
brings together 21 ICM centres in Slovakia. ICM ac vity is focused on providing informa on and
counsellingservicesforyoungpeopleupto30yearsofage.Oneofthepriorityac onsofICMBanská
Bystricaconsistsincoopera onwithalltypesofschoolsinthecityandtheregionofBanskáBystrica.
The coopera on is developed on the basis of several ac vi es involving the interac on with
schools in the form of an educa onal programme focused on the preven on against socio-
pathological phenomena.
JEF SLOVAKIA is an independent, interna onal youth organiza on ac ve in Slovakia as one of the
sec ons of JEF Europe with headquarters in Brussels. Our inten on is to bring together young
people with an interest in the events in Europe and to create space for their learning and personal
growth while a network of contacts and friendly rela ons is built up. You do not have to be an
ac ve member of the JEF to profit from all the benefits! Just join us! We are wai ng for you!
Regional Consulta on Centre of the Youth in Ac on Programme (RKC), based in CVC – JUNIOR
in Banská Bystrica. It cooperates with na onal agencies in the process of the implementa on of
the EU programme Youth in Ac on in the Banská Bystrica Region.
SAC – Slovak Atlan c Commission
SAC – Slovak Atlan c Commission is a non-governmental organiza on, a member of the Atlan c
Treaty Associa on, which aims to promote a construc ve and ac ve involvement of the Slovak
Republic in interna onal rela ons with an emphasis on coopera on in the Euro-Atlan c
community and effec ve implementa on of the security and foreign policy. One of the leading
projects of the organisa on is a SAC’s magazine named Euro-Atlan c Quarterly, which is edited
by an editorial board composed mostly of students from the Faculty of Poli cal Sciences and
Interna onal Rela ons of MBU. The magazine, which is published four mes a year, focuses on the
issues of interna onal poli cs and security. | |
Centre of Na ons – Slovakia
Centre of Na ons – Slovakia is an independent non-governmental and non-poli cal organisa on.
Established in November 2006, it s ll has its seat based at the Faculty of Poli cal Sciences and
Interna onal Rela ons of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. The organisa on was created
to support and spread the ideas of the United Na ons Organisa on (UN) as well as providing
ac ve support to meet its targets and follow the given principles of the Slovak Republic at home
and abroad.
h p:/
Students´Associa on of History
Students´ associa on of history established at the Department of History of the Faculty of Arts
of MBU is a student organisa on. Its ac vi es are run by the students of history and the related
subjects at the Faculty of Arts of Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. Its main objec ve is the
organisa on of ac vi es in coopera on with various ins tu ons, organisa ons and individuals
in order to:
to complement the study of history at the Department of History through informal methods of
educa on,
to reinforce collegial rela onships among students and between students and their teachers,
to encourage students to ac ve studies, to inform them about the various possibili es of
foreign study mobility such as internships and summer schools,
to provide mentoring to first-year students and students of lower grades,
of History with a possible overlap to their professional life,
to issue a student magazine on history named ACHERON.
[email protected]