A Big Day for Jane
“Hurry, Jane!” Papa called to me from the bottom of
the steps. I smiled at my handsome father wearing his
black top hat. We were all dressed up that morning.
Mama had even sewed special pearl buttons on our silk
dresses. Papa had scrubbed our buggy until it was a
shiny as a penny!
I ran down the steps toward papa and Mama. It
would have been terrible for me to make us late. It was
not every day that we would get to see the new president
of the United States.
President Abraham Lincoln had invited everyone in
Springfield, Illinois to come to the train station to see him
off. My family and I wanted to be there. We wanted to
wish him well as he traveled to the White House in
Washington, D.C. He was going to lead our country. We
were all so proud of him.
As we neared the depot, it seemed that even Blaze,
our horse, felt the excitement. The streets were filled with
people smiling and talking. Papa, Mama, and I joined the
crowd that pushed to get even closer to the train. Then
our mayor stepped up and raised his arms high to quiet
the crowd.
“Citizens of Springfield,” the mayor announced. “I
present to you, President Abraham Lincoln!” The door
opened, and I saw our tall president step out onto the train
platform. I cheered until I was certain I would be hoarse
the next day.