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Published by sindhuchan2002, 2022-09-05 08:23:43

Task 1 Graphic organiser

Task 1 Graphic organiser

EDUP 3043

Name Sindhu A/P Chandran

Class P12F
Ic Number 020607-14-1108

Index Number 2021252340226

Semester code & Name of EDUP 3043
course Behaviour and classroom


Task number & Title Task 1
Name of lecturer Graphic organiser
Date of submission
Pn Kamala A/P

05 September 2022


Benefits: Signs of positive relationships include:
Focused on their work respect and trust
Students are more likely to learn, retain the companionship and shared activities
content, and grow. open communication
Helps build physical and mental wellbeing and self-
esteem. Benefits:
Increase a student’s sense of belonging.
How? More likely to show resilience.
Vary the activities Provide a sense of camaraderie.
Allow flexibility to encourage creativity
Encourage students’ voices How?
Model positive relationships
Engagement Teachers should foster characters in students so that eagerness
to become “responsible, caring, and contributing” citizens is high
Foster students into behaving to embrace other's culture to
enhance the relationship and integrate citizenship


-One way teachers can help build Positive Psychosocial Strenghts of positive
skills emotions conditions psychology:
- Benefits:

Classroom inspiration
broadened ideas or activities management resilience
improved performance-related gratitude
outcomes Physical
- How? arrangements

Identify positive emotions
Take notice

- Crowded and cluttered Benefits:
classrooms can set the stage for Enhances Student
problem behavior Engagement And
- Allows a fluid traffic pattern Performance
- Maximize teacher-student Proper ventilation and
collaboration while minimizing temperature control in
distractions. classrooms improve
students’ academics
temperature and

lighting of the

Clearly define traffic

- should allow
movement without
disrupting others

Label all Seating
materials and arrangements in
organize them

Type of seating

Benefits: Benefits:
Saves space in improve communication between the
classroom teacher and students
Easily students would be encouraged for
accessible the involvement in learning process
improving their confidence level to
succeed more in academics

Start class with ice Activities Classroom Teaching Being enthusiastic and
breaking sessions management proactive

-Able to motivate
Can cut down on students
disciplinary issues. Begin

with a review game of
-Pupils will feel safe and
Jeopardy put trust in teachers
who show confidence
and perseverance.

Inclusive teaching A Teacher who is Friendly & Strives to get
Conduct a class debate on a specific Recognize each person has different to Know His Students
way of learning
topic -Pupils feel important and known

How? by the teacher.
observe and get to know the learner

-Provide students the opportunity to work meaningful gestures such as using the
in a collaborative setting. student’s name when talking -Indirectly establish a relationship

praising and rewarding positive between teachers & students.
models of behavior (positive

- Help students learn through friendly reinforcement) For example: When a teacher
competition calls a student by name.

Example: debate on controversial topics builds self-confidence in students

establishes student-teacher positive
relationship Teachers who are Sensitive to the
-Teachers conduct such activities to Differences in Learning Ways & Needs of
enhance students' critical thinking
Their Students

Modify the way teacher


Conduct public speaking activity in Mainstream teaching
classrooms Practice of placing students with Teacher's role as a catalyst

special education needs in a general for creativity to manage a
education classroom
-Confidence levels will grow as you go from conducive learning
speaking to small groups of people up to How? environment.
large audiences. Connect with the student

Example: students present a speech on Give the student clear and simple
something they’re passionate about. directions. • Students will be motivated

to participate in learning
-Thus, this activity encourages students' Benefits: activities WHEN their
communication skills Feel more comfortable in your needs are addressed.
Train students’ divergent Encourage communication in
thinking by doing activities that classrooms
make them “think outside the

Example: conducting activities

that benefits students

Helps in enhancing students'

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