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Published by 马骋宇, 2022-07-11 05:57:37

YSP-524 IMC Plan Ma Chengyu

YSP-524 IMC Plan Ma Chengyu



TITLE: Script Killing Studio Customer Loyalty:
The case of Light year Script Killing Studio

NAME: Ma Chengyu


It has been a meaningful and memorable experience for me to write, revise and
embellish this IMC plan. Many kind people have given me great help, professional
advice and encouragement. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to them.
Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Nurzali, for his invaluable guidance
and constant support and encouragement throughout the process. Throughout my year
of study, and in writing this thesis, he has always been generous in giving me useful
advice, answering my questions and discussing research issues with me. He detailed
guidance and helpful comments on my IMC project encouraged me to overcome
difficulties and to think more critically during the writing process. Secondly, I would
also like to sincerely thank my second reader, Dr. Nuratikah, for her constructive
comments on the IMC scheme. I would also like to thank the faculty members of all
subjects over the past year. It was from their particularly useful lessons that I got the
inspiration and idea to write this IMC programme. They are Dr. Izzal Asnira
Zolkepli(YSP514 and YSP516), Dr. Hasrina Mustafa(YSP517,519 and YSP523), Dr.
Nurzali Ismail(YSP515),Dr. Mahadevan Krishnan(YSP521).Dr. Shuhaida Md. Noor
(YSP518),Dr. Nur Atikah A Rahman(YSP 520).
Thirdly, I would like to thank all my deeply committed classmates and friends.
They have given me so much support and encouragement in their own way
throughout this year of study.
Finally, I would like to thank my family for their uncomplaining support and


Executive summary
Companies have customer loyalty as one of the fundamental objectives of their

operations and often refer to well-established marketing practices that focus on
effective communication with target customers through the use of multiple media in
order to increase customer client loyalty. This report examines the customer loyalty of
Light year Script Kill Studio by conducting an IMC specialist project to provide
recommendations for Light year Script Kill Studio's marketing activities. The factors
that influence customer loyalty at Light year Script Kill Studio are examined using the
case of Light year Script Kill Studio before making corresponding recommendations
to refine their IMC practices. This market research was quantitative in nature. This
was done primarily through a questionnaire. An in-depth analysis was conducted
based on a valid sample of 200 sub-samples.

The results of the study identified several aspects that influence loyalty and
based on the findings an integrated marketing communications research strategy was
developed and based on the market research, an IMC plan was developed to boost
Light year Script Kills' loyalty to the brand

The campaign was planned to run for 4 months, from 1 Sep 2022 to 31 Dec 2022.
The budget allocated for the campaign is 20,000RMB for both traditional and digital



Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................... 1
Executive summary ........................................................................................................2
Background ....................................................................................................................4

1.1 Market research question ................................................................................. 5
1.2 Rationale .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Outline ............................................................................................................. 7
2. Research issues, methods and findings ......................................................................7
2.1 Research issues ................................................................................................ 7
2.2 Methods ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Findings ......................................................................................................... 11
3.0 Strategic IMC plan .................................................................................................15
3.1 Strategic objectives ........................................................................................ 15
3.2 Market segmentation ......................................................................................16
3.3 Target customer ............................................................................................. 18
4. Tactical plan ............................................................................................................. 18
4.1 Media plan ..................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Timeline ......................................................................................................... 21
4.3 Budget ............................................................................................................22
5.Creative materials ..................................................................................................... 22
5.1 Creative strategy ............................................................................................ 23
5.2 Creative production ........................................................................................28
6.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 35
References: ...................................................................................................................37


Customer loyalty is essential if a company is to retain its current customers.

However, many debates are centred round what customer loyalty actually is, as
Majumdar (2005) states, “Customer loyalty is a complex, multidimensional concept”.
The complexity of customer loyalty is reflflected in the wide range of defifinitions
within academic fifields. Focusing on consumer attitudes, Oliver (1997) defifines
loyalty as “A deeply held commitment to rebuy or repatronize a preferred product or
service consistently in the future, despite situational inflfluences and marketing efforts
having the potential to cause switching behaviour”. Other defifinitions of customer
loyalty focus on the pattern of past purchasing activity. A wealth of data suggests that
most consumers are polygamous and are loyal to a portfolio of brands within a
product category (Uncles et al., 2003). This has led to another defifinition of customer
loyalty, “an ongoing propensity to buy the brand, usually as one of several” (Uncles et
al., 2003).

Light year Script Kill Studio was founded in May 2021 with a registered capital
of 100,000 RMB. The owner is a recent university graduate and has chosen a
location near the university. The studio covers an area of 300 square meters and has 8
different themed scenes to accommodate different scripts. There are currently over
180 scripts available and you can choose from scripts for 4 to 9+ people. The main
consumer group for this script is university students. Light year Studio is the largest
script killing studio near Sichuan Media University, but turnover has been erratic
since it opened, and at the worst times of turnover, it could not even afford the rental
of the house. According to my research there are 7-8 script killing studios in
the vicinity of the university, and each studio is trying to find ways to attract the


limited clientele, leaving "Light year Script Kill Studio" to face problems such as loss
of clientele and declining efficiency.

The report is motivated by the importance of achieving customer loyalty when
designing and implementing IMC programs in an enterprise, and suggests that certain
strategies and strategies are necessary to guide the studio's IMC practices toward
competitiveness. The use of creative materials, such as social media platforms and
creative advertising, is a proposed way to improve the IMC practices of"Light year
Script Kill Studio" on the effectiveness of IMC and the correspondence of loyal

1.1 Market research question
The market research question in recognition is: how does the marketing practice
of "Light year Script Kill Studio" improve its customer loyalty? The market research
problem is related to the situation that the studio is currently facing, such as customer
loss and turnover decline.The research question suggests the research aim and
objectives toward the improved IMC practices of the "Light year Script Kill
Studio" in the marketplace.
The purpose of this study is to find out how "Light year Script Kill Studio" can
improve its customer loyalty in marketing practice.
The research objectives are:
Identify several aspects that significantly affect the customer loyalty of"Light
year Script Kill Studio", and improve the customer loyalty by improving IMC Plan


1.2 Rationale
After studying how the marketing practice of "Light year Script Kill Studio"
improves its customer loyalty, IMC suggestions are put forward to "Light year Script
Kill Studio" . The results show that the suggestions are valuable for the marketing
practice of "Light year Script Kill Studio" and other similar studios, and valuable for
academic research. First,"Light year Script Kill Studio" can refer directly to IMC
programs and suggestions to improve marketing practices in order to increase
customer loyalty. For example, companies could directly track creative materials,
such as ads on social media platforms suggested in the report, to support operational
Secondly, similar script killing studios can learn from the advice of "Light year
Script Kill Studio" , while they also need to make adjustments to the problems they
face. The scope of this paper is a script killing studio near a university in China, while
the vast majority of script killing studios in China open near universities, which has
great research value and reference value for market research in the script kill industry.
Third. As the script killing industry is an emerging industry, there are not too
many scholars studying it yet. Although the origins of the industry come from abroad,
it has been greatly developed in China, and scholars at home and abroad can refer to
the process of studying how IMC practices relate to the operational efficiency of
"Light year Script Kill Studio" , so as to build a framework for studying the use of
creative strategies in the IMC practices of companies. Future research could make
recommendations for other studios or companies based on the research and
recommendations made for "Light year Script Kill Studio" .


1.3 Outline
The report consists of five sections focusing on the customer loyalty of"Light
year Script Kill Studio" and provides IMC recommendations for "Light year Script
Kill Studio" . Firstly, the report reviews the background information which includes
the market research questions, rationale and outline of the report. Secondly, the report
identifies the research questions, methodology and expected results. Thirdly, a
strategic IMC plan is presented based on the identified strategic objectives, market
segmentation and targeting. Fourth, a tactical plan is presented based on the identified
strategic IMC plan, including a media plan, timeline and budget. Fifth, creative
materials are provided, including a review and justification of the creative strategy
and creative product.
2. Research issues, methods and findings

2.1 Research issues faces certain challenges in its marketing
"Light year Script Kill Studio"

practices in achieving customer loyalty in its operations. Based on an audit of the

current situation that "Light year Script Kill Studio" faces in the marketplace, the

research objectives and research goals of the study raised six sub-questions. The

questions include:

1.In what range should the pricing of a script be controlled?

2.Should the quality of the script be upgraded?

3.Should the overall quality of game host be upgraded?

4.Whether the studio environment should be upgraded (decoration, atmosphere)

5.What can be done to improve the decline in clientele due to the isolated

location of the studio?

6.Should the quality of service be upgraded?


2.2 Methods
The aim of this study is to examine what influences the loyalty of Light year
Script Kill Studio customers, this study uses a quantitative approach that concentrates
on quantification and uses statistical data for evaluation. In addition, the type of
investigation that will be conducted is a correlational relationship between the
independent and dependent variables, in other words, the study is exploring and
examining whether "Light year Script Kill Studio" customer loyalty is influenced by
price, script quality, game host, environment, location and service quality, the type of
investigation is a correlational study. In addition, this study will measure the variables
and describe the relationships between them through descriptive and correlational
2.2.1 The population scope
Regarding the scope of the survey population, as the sample is a subset of the
total population, the more precisely the population is defined, the easier it is to collect
a representative sample. We therefore narrowed the population down to the group of
university students in Sichuan Media College who have been exposed to scripted
2.2.2 Sampling survey
In this survey we will use non-probability sampling, where the sample is drawn
according to certain subjective criteria, so that each individual in the population is not
selected on its own merits, but solely on the basis of the researcher's wishes.
It is a quick, easy and economical way to collect data, as it does not have the
ability to extrapolate from the sample to the total, but reflects the characteristics of a
certain group. This method can be used when the researcher has a good understanding
of the total population.


Or when the population is so large and complex that it is difficult to use
probability methods, non-probability sampling can be used to avoid the tendency for
probability sampling to draw samples that are practically unworkable or 'poor', thus
avoiding affecting the representativeness of the population.

In terms of sampling methods we use convenience sampling, which is a less
costly and time-consuming method of sampling, and it is easier for the investigator to
obtain a valid questionnaire by adopting this method. Therefore, in this study, the data
will be collected within the Sichuan Media College to facilitate the researcher's access
to the data.

2.2.3 Sample size
As for the sample size, researchers obtained the minimum sample size of 198
according to the sample calculation formula and Required sample size table.
Therefore, there will be 196 - 198 respondents for this study. However, in order
to reduce errors such as missing values, inconsistent responses or no responses, a total
of 200 questionnaires will be distributed at Sichuan University of Media and
Communication. Therefore, in this study, the target respondents are the 200 clients of
Sichuan Media Institute who have been exposed to the scripted kill game.
2.2.4 Fieldwork/data collection
In this quantitative study, the questionnaire will be used as the main research
On the cover of the questionnaire, respondents are informed that all information
and data collected from the questionnaire will be confidential. In addition, the data
will be used for this study only. Information relating to the researcher, including name,
email, school, etc. is also provided on the cover sheet. Respondents have the right to
stop taking the questionnaire at any time.


The questionnaire is divided into 7 parts, part A is demographic information
designed to collect information from the respondents, part B - G is the independent

Part B is price, Part C is script quality, Part D is game host, Part E is environment,
Part F is location and Part G is service quality. and as a dependent variable for
customer loyalty.
The questionnaires will be distributed through an online data collection platform,
Questionnaire Star. The response rate of the questionnaires will be displayed on the
software. To ensure validity and accuracy of the data, all data will first be stored in an
Excel file. Next, the data will be transferred to an SPSS file and data cleaning will be
performed. When data cleaning is carried out, all questionnaires are checked to ensure
that no entry errors have been made.

The questionnaire was coded and the data entered into SPSS software for
frequency analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, normality analysis and
multiple regression analysis. The data will be analysed to determine the relationship
between price, quality of play, game host, environment, location, and service quality
customer loyalty.

2.2.5 Data analysis
According to Norusis (2006), frequency analysis shows the number of times
respondents selected each response. Frequency analysis can be carried out through
SPSS software and the mean, median and mode are calculated. This study will
primarily use frequency analysis to analyse the demographic information of the
respondents. In addition, frequency tables will be created. In addition, a reliability
analysis will be conducted to measure the degree of consistency. According to
Nunnally (1978), if the alpha value is not less than 0.70, then the measurement can be


considered reliable and can be analysed further.
In addition, descriptive analysis will be conducted to describe the mean and

standard deviation. Further, based on the mean of each independent variable, the
client will have a positive, negative or neutral attitude towards the relationship

between each independent variable and the dependent variable. In addition, a
normality analysis will be conducted to see if the data collected is normally

Last but not least, multiple regression analysis will be conducted to investigate
the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. In this
research, there are two purposes to use multiple regression analysis. Firstly, multiple
regression analysis is used for prediction. The linear combination of a set of predictors
will be presented. The second purpose of multiple regression analysis is to test the
hypotheses. R-value, R2, Sig. F, P-value, t-value, Tolerance and VIF, unstandardized
coefficients and Beta (standardized) are the important values in multiple regression
analysis. Since this research is two-tailed, if there is a significant relationship between
each independent variable and dependent variable, the Sig. F should be less than 0.05,
P-value should be less than 0.05 and t-value should be greater than 1.96.

2.3 Findings
As the subject of this study, the customer loyalty survey of "Light year Script
Kill Studio" . According to this research study, customer loyalty has been studied in
terms of price, script quality, game host, environment, location and service quality.
In this study, customer loyalty and price, script quality, game host, environment,
geographical location and service quality were significant. Customer loyalty was
more influenced by game host and location, both of which had a significant effect.
There is a negative effect for price, with higher price explaining lower customer


loyalty. There is a positive influence on environment, service quality and script quality,
but they are not the main influencing factors.

Therefore, operators can make plans and strategies to improve customer loyalty
by adjusting the location of game hosts and studios based on the findings of the
According to Jaravaza and Chitando, (2013)The study investigated the role of store
location in influencing customers' store choice,The better the store location, the higher
the foot traffic.

aspect of the study in relation to price, script quality, game host, environment,
location, and service quality. In addition to this, this study includes several limitations
that should be considered in future research. The script killing industry is a new
industry and the business model is not set in stone and still needs a lot of social
research as well as studies.

Based on the audit of the current situation and the basic problems facing the
operation of Lightyear Studio, it is suggested that the studio should address three
suggestions when planning future IMC activities:

1. "Lightyear Script Kill Studio" should adjust its pricing strategy.
2. "Lightyear Script Kill Studio" should create a tailored marketing strategy
for game host.
3. "Lightyear Script Kill Studio" should tailor a new marketing strategy to
improve the problem of declining loyalty due to geographical location.
2.3.1 Lightyear Script Kill Studio should adjust its pricing strategy
( Ahmetoglu , el al,2010)on their research Pricing Practices: Their Effects on
Consumer Behaviour and Welfare’ found that price gives a significance influence on
customer’s purchase intention, especially the reference price which affecting the most
while customers are not readily able to comparing with other brands.


The above study concludes that there is a negative relationship between price and
customer loyalty. The higher the price the lower the customer loyalty and vice versa.

According to the data from the demographic analysis. If the price exceeds this
psychological expectation, it will affect the consumer's willingness to spend again.

The pricing of Light year Script Kill Studio is between 118-138RMB, which is a
price that is more likely to stimulate consumers, especially college students who have
no source of income, if there are more discounts or promotions.

2.3.2 Light year Script Kill Studio should create a tailored marketing
strategy for game host.

The reason that script killing is becoming a new social favourite is that it has a
certain social "compulsion" compared to traditional entertainment such as eating,
shopping and watching movies. Once you start the game, the script in your hand sets
the persona and the topic of conversation for the players. Even players who are
introverted and uncommunicative will strike up conversations with their teammates
because of the roles and tasks in the script.

In addition to choosing the script and the environment, there is also a role that
affects the game experience - the game host.

When strange players are playing together, there are those who feel that since no
one knows each other anyway, it's not awkward to speak up, even if they say the
wrong thing. Then there are the players who don't want to talk so much among
strangers, but want to play. This is when the game host have to take reasonable
direction and try to bring a comfortable playing experience to every player." As a new
industry, there are no substantial industry regulations for game host in the scripted
killing industry. However, popular game host share a number of common
traits .Yang.(2021)


First and foremost, the greatest characteristic of a game host is that he or she
needs a certain talent and desire to perform. In a scripted kill game, the game host is
like a storyteller. It is important to be able to get the players into the story when telling

The game host uses language as a medium and needs to be able to adapt during
the game.

The game host also needs to be very logical and must be aware of the plot and
every key clue in the script, otherwise the game will be interrupted.

game host can add their own interpretation to the story to make it more

But there is a big downside to the script-killing industry, just like the movie
industry, after you have seen it once you won't see it again for a short time. So to keep
players coming back for more, you have to keep buying new scripts, but this gradually
increases the cost of running the studio.

To put it another way, if you train game host who can perform, speak fluently
and think logically, you will not only keep players coming back for more, but you will
also keep attracting new customers to the studio, which will increase your turnover.
Customer loyalty will also increase, so the importance of game host cannot be

In the above research I found the regression coefficient value of the game host
is 0.298 (t=2.218, p=0.028<0.05), which means that the game host will have a
significant positive impact on customer loyalty.

So Light year Script Kill Studio should create a tailored marketing strategy for
game host.


2.3.3 Light year Script Kill Studio should tailor a new marketing strategy to
improve the problem of declining loyalty due to geographical location.

According to Jaravaza and Chitando, (2013)The study investigated the role of
store location in influencing customers' store choice,The better the store location, the
higher the foot traffic.

According to the research the regression coefficient value of geographic location
is 0.344 (t=2.215, p=0.028<0.05), which means that geographic location has a
significant positive impact on customer loyalty.

Based on the above research, it was found that the location of Light year Script
Kill Studio is a significant factor in customer loyalty. It is well known that the rent of
a venue in a high traffic area with easy access to the school is higher. Changing the
location of the studio based on the results of the survey will undoubtedly add new
costs, so it will be necessary to develop marketing strategies and tactics to compensate
for the loss of clientele and customer loyalty caused by the remote location.
3.0 Strategic IMC plan

Strategic IMC plan includes the sections related to the strategic objectives,
market segmentation, and targeting.

3.1 Strategic objectives

Strategic IMC plan aims at improving customer loyalty to direct the various
marketing tactics and implementation of the various marketing tactics (Molinillo,
Gómez-Ortiz, Pérez-Aranda, & Navarro-García, 2017).

There is a worldwide trend toward loyalty marketing. Companies in most
industries are studying, evaluating or implementing loyalty strategies and programs
aimed at cultivating strong relationships with their best customers.Duffy. (1998)


When designing and implementing the strategic IMC plan aiming at improved
customer loyalty, it is essential for the corporation to address the target customers
because the corporation has the limited resources to follow requirements of all the
customers in the marketplace (Ali, Danni, Latif, Kouser, & Baqader, 2021)

Strategic objectives are defined to achieve the goal of increasing customer
loyalty and are used to guide the various marketing tactics and implementation of
Light year Script Kill Studio.

1.Light year Script Kill Studio should adjust its pricing strategy.
2.Light year Script Kill Studio should create a tailored marketing strategy for
game host.
3.Light year Script Kill Studio should tailor a new marketing strategy to improve
the problem of declining loyalty due to geographical location.
3.2 Market segmentation
Market segmentation is a crucial marketing strategy. Its aim is to identify and
delineate market segments or “sets of buyers” which would then become targets for
the company's marketing plans. The advantage to marketing management is that this
technique divides total demand into relatively homogeneous segments which are
identified by some common characteristics. These characteristics are relevant in
explaining and in predicting the response of consumers, in a given segment, to
marketing stimuli.
The market can be subdivided by geographic, demographic, psychological,
psycho‐graphic or behavioural variables.Tynan, & Drayton, (1987)
Table 3.1 identifies market


segmentation by including the certain market segmentation variables:
demographic conditions, geographic conditions, psychological conditions, and
behavioural conditions.

Table1:Market segmentation

Market segmentation variables Target customers

Demographic conditions Young students aged between 19 and 25
Geographic conditions
Psychological conditions Student of Sichuan Media University, Chengdu,
Sichuan, China
Loves social games, values script and studio
game host expertise, and is sensitive to price.
Learn about script killing through social media

Behavioural conditions I have to play script killing every week, and the
acceptable price is about 100 yuan. I hope I can
be assigned to a better game host to guide the
game every time. Delivered through digital

Table1:Market segmentation
Source: created by the author


3.3 Target customer
As shown in Table 1, the target audience of a "Light year Script Kill Studio" can
be determined by referring to four market segmentation variables before determining
the characteristics and key preferences of the target audience.
The first market segmentation variable is the demographics of Lightyear studios,
indicating that the target audience is young people aged 19-25.
The second market segmentation variable is geographical condition. It is
suggested that the target customers should be college students of Sichuan University
of Media and Communication in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China.
The third market segment variable is psychological: Loves Social Games, Values
Script and studio game host expertise, and is sensitive to price.Learn about script
killing through social media.
The fourth market segmentation variable is behavioral conditions , indicating
that the target customers are inclined to play script killing every week, and the
acceptable price is about 100 yuan. And hopefully I'll be assigned a better game host
to coach the game every time.Delivered through digital platforms.

4. Tactical plan
Tactical plan summarizes the media plan, timeline to achieve the media plan and

budget to achieve the media plan.
4.1 Media plan
Marketing planning is also undergoing rapid development as the way of

marketing communicating has changed forever. The increasing popularity of blogging,
podcasting, and social networks enable customers to broadcast their views about a
product or service to a potential audience of millions, and the proliferation of Internet
access gives everyone who wants to the tools to address issues with products and


companies. The traditional communications paradigm, which relied on the classic
promotional mix to craft Integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategies, must
give way to an effective digital marketing planning framework which includes all
forms of social media as potential tools in designing and implementing IMC strategies.
Consequently, there needs to be a sophisticated process to develop and implement a
digital marketing plan in the social media environment.Opresnik, (2018)

The media plan uses an IMC approach that integrates traditional media and
social media platforms for the marketing objective: to increase customer loyalty.

According to the study, the target users were known to be college students aged
19-25, and this target group likes to use social media software. It is based on the
pictures, videos, and comments displayed on social media platforms that a script
killing studio is synthesized to determine whether it is good or bad in order to convert
into consumption. The preferences of the target customers imply the requirement to
use diverse media.

Media plans are divided into two categories, namely traditional media and social
media (digital media). Traditional media platforms can help attract as many customers
as possible. Traditional media include posters, flyers, etc. These can face the target
customers more intuitively, and the store information and offers will be delivered to
the target customers face-to-face at the first time. The cost of flyer advertising is low,
the coverage of flyer advertising is relatively wide, for example, it is distributed at the
entrance of universities, which can basically achieve the coverage of college students'
population, and the publicity cost of flyer advertising should be the lowest compared
to other advertising media. Although the above advantages, but also easy to make
customers boredom, publicity efficiency will be reduced.


Besides traditional media, social media is the most important form of media,
which is in line with the consumption habits of young people. In the era of social
media, social media advertising, as a new form of online media advertising, has the
advantages and commercial value of conveying information such as wide user reach,
high accuracy and relevance, deep user involvement, and rich social scenes. Social
media will become a driving force and a new delivery channel for the advertising
industry that cannot be ignored. The performance strategy of advertising is an
important tool for effective communication of advertising. Li (unknown)

The social media currently in use mainly include DouYin, Xiaohongshu and
Weibo. We have chosen multiple channels to attract as many customers as possible.
Since different target groups have different preferences for customer-perceived
information, different media channels can be selected according to customer
preferences .

According to the researcher's investigation, Light year Script Kill has a small
coverage on social media platforms, with serious fragmented information and no
systematic advertising and information coverage. In terms of traditional media, there
is likewise no systematic communication planning and communication strategy. These
factors are also indirectly responsible for the low consumer loyalty.

In summary, Light year Script Kill should use the IMC approach to combine
traditional media and social media platforms to create a synergistic effect and gain
more consumers. Corporate activities build delivery models from the consumer's
perspective to provide the necessary information to consumers in an acceptable
manner. Focus on consumer buying behavior and implement communications that can
promote good relationships with customers.


4.2 Timeline
The timeline for the media plan was 4 months from September 2022 to
December 2022. The timeline using various media is summarized in the Gantt chart
(shown in the figure), using multiple integrated media marketing strategies to achieve
message coverage to drive more consumer attention and interact with target
consumers to increase customer stickiness. To achieve the ultimate goal of enhancing
consumer loyalty.

Figure 1 : Timeline
Source: created by the author


4.3 Budget
The budget for the IMC plan is 20000RMB to address the multiple platforms in
use with the allocated budget. The budget with the identified media in use, the budget
allocated to each media in use, and justifications are summarized in table.

Media in use Budget Justification

Advertising flyers 1000RMB Amount for their ads

Creative Poster 1000RMB Amount for their ads

Weibo 3500RMB Amount for their ads

Xiao hong shu 3500RMB Amount for their ads

Douyin 10000RMB Amount for their ads

Source: created by the author

5.Creative materials
The use of creative materials includes creative strategy and creative production,

which is essential to support Light year Script Kill Studio's effective IMC practices in
the marketplace and to achieve the studio's customer loyalty. Creative strategy is used
to guide marketing campaigns through the use of external innovation, which is based
on consumer engagement, creating social content in advertising and realizing the
benefits of word-of-mouth marketing.


Creative strategy is a customer-oriented approach when marketers focus on
customer tastes and preferences when designing and catering to IMC practices (Šerić
& Vernuccio, 2020).

Creative production was developed based on the proposed creative strategy in
order to achieve a customer-oriented creative strategy in the operation of Light year
Script Kill Studio.

5.1 Creative strategy
Creative Brief
5.1.1 Overview
Light year Script Kill Studio was established in May 2021 with a registered
capital of RMB 100,000. The owner is a recent college graduate and has chosen a
location near that university. The studio covers 300 square meters and has 8 different
themed scenes to accommodate different scripts.
The main consumer group of this script killing studio is college students. As the
consumer group is mainly college students, there are nearly 10,000 new students
enrolled in September every year. In order to attract customers and develop customer
loyalty, the studio can conduct marketing activities in September or March every year
to suck more consumers.
Based on the audit of the current situation and the basic problems facing the
operation of Light year Studio, it is suggested that the studio should address three
suggestions when planning future IMC activities:
1.Light year Script Kill Studio should adjust its pricing strategy.
2.Light year Script Kill Studio should create a tailored marketing strategy for


game host.
3.Ligh tyear Script Kill Studio should tailor a new marketing strategy to improve

the problem of declining loyalty due to geographical location.
4.Through the implementation of IMC marketing activities to solve the problem

of customer loyalty decline.
5.1.2 Objectives

Business objective:
Attracting potential customers 50 % more than in previous years。

Social Media objective:
Attention increased by 30 %。

Communication objectives:
Through the interaction with consumers to establish emotional connection to

foster customer loyalty

Through the above objectives to achieve the ultimate goal of improving customer

5.1.3 Deadlines and milestones
First round of copy presented: 2022/10/1
Feedback received:
Second round of copy presented:2022/11/1
Feedback received:
Third round of copy presented:2022/12/1


5.1.4 Target Audiences

Demographics is the most common method of audience segmentation—and
usually the easiest one. Age, income level, job type, and geographic location are
all demographics you can use to sort your audience. This method is popular for a
reason: It works.Goyat, (2011).
The demographics of Light year studios, indicating that the target audience is
young people aged 19-25. The target customers is college students of Sichuan
University of Media and Communication in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China.
About psychological: Loves Social Games, Values Script and studio game host
expertise, and is sensitive to price.Learn about script killing through social media.
About behavioral conditions , the target customers are inclined to play script
killing every week, and the acceptable price is about 100 yuan. And hopefully I'll be
assigned a better game host to coach the game every time.Delivered through digital
According to the above text, the establishment of "light year script kill studio"
target crowd ID card.


Figure 2 : Demographics

5.1.5 Key Messages/USPs
Value proposition :

Spread more brand information through social media and traditional media,
expand social media publicity, and attract more target customers。
Benefits and features:

Social media has the advantage of being easy to measure and collect。
What makes you different?
Take the lead in using IMC marketing strategy to adjust the studio's marketing
5.1.6 Know. Feel. Do.

Know: Follow the studio's promotional messages through social media
Feel: Warm, respected, interactive
Do: Hopefully consumers will follow, like and comment


5.1.7 Resources
Competitive analysis and examples:
Curfew House Script Killing is Light year Script Killing Studio's number one
SWOT analysis of competitors:


1、Closer to the university 1、The environment is poor
2、More convenient transportation 2、Poor service attitude
3、Lots of good food nearby 3、Experience is poor
4、No social media strategy


It's close to the school gate, while other 1. Increasing competitors

gates are closed because of the pandemic 2. The freshness of consumers decreases

Table2:SWOT analysis of competitors:
Source: created by the author

The customer centric creative strategy in implementation is supported by the
creative production, such as the advertisements on the traditional media and the social
media for the corporation toward the improved experience of the target
customers.This will be reflected in the next section of creative production.


5.2 Creative production
5.2.1 The traditional media Advertising flyers
We will design an advertising flyers that reflects the following information: location,
price, environment, and discount information, while also being aesthetically pleasing,
creative, and eye-catching.

Figure 2 : Advertising flyers
Source: created by the author Creative Poster
Design a poster to be pasted on the wall, highlighting the characteristics of the
game hosts in the poster, the style they are good at. Let consumers understand the
characteristics of the game hosts through the poster information, choose their favorite
game hosts to play and enhance the consumption experience.


Figure 3 : Creative Poster of host

Figure 4 : Creative Poster of host
Source: created by the author

5.2.2 Social media
We will be using Weibo, Xiaohongshu and Douyin as vehicles for publicity.
These three applications are similar to Twitter, Instagram and tiktok.
However, each social media platform presents different results, in order to adapt
to the diverse preferences of the target consumers.

29 Weibo ( Microblog)
Figure 5 : Weibo advertising pictures
Figure 6 : Weibo advertising pictures


Figure 7 : Weibo advertising pictures(in the phone)
Source: created by the author

The advantages of microblog for promotional advertising are:
1. A large number of users. Microblog can focus on the target group more accurately
than ordinary advertising, and microblog advertising has a wider coverage and is
more informative.
2. Microblog are more interactive.
3. Accurate reach. By pushing some relevant content through users' interests and
viewing habits,.
4. Efficient conversion. Microblog users have a high degree of recognition, and the
degree of recognition of the platform will affect the conversion rate of users. The


platform continues to optimise the user experience, which effectively improves the
recognition of the platform by users.

In this creative design it was taken into account that the picture advertising
information posted was in line with the horror theme and that basically the discount
information and event times of the merchants could be found through the pictures and
text descriptions. Xiaohongshu

Figure 8 : Advertisement for Xiaohongshu

Figure 9: Advertisement for Xiaohongshu

(in the phone)
Source: created by the author


The Xiao hong shu is similar to the Instagram , in that customers pay more
attention to the colour and composition of the pictures when browsing, so the
composition of the shots and the post-production colour mixing are fully considered.
The aim is to attract more target customers through the promotion of Little Red Book.
Consumers can browse through the images to get a general idea of the environment
and decor of the studio with Light year Script Kill.

Through a large amount of photo content output from Xiao hong shu to enhance
consumer attention and achieve the purpose of converting consumption. Douyin
The advantage of Douyin platform lies in its large flow, strong visual impact and
high conversion rate, which just makes up for the vacancy of xiaohong and Weibo in
the way of image dissemination.
With the rapid development of short video industry, people like high-quality
video more and more. If users cannot like it within three seconds, it is difficult to
show the key information.
Therefore, this factor was taken into consideration when editing the video. At the
beginning of the video, the brand LOGO was displayed, and more information was
displayed with the performance of the characters in the video and the cutting of the
music. At the end of the video, brand information appears again, including booking
numbers, location information, etc.
The production cost of Douyin is relatively high. Only when douyin is released
regularly and more consumers can see it, can transactions and conversion be
promoted. Douyin is more than just a video tool.Douyin can still be linked to purchase
links from other platforms, which greatly improves conversion rates.


Figure 10: Douyin short video (screenshot)

Figure 11: Douyin short video (screenshot)
Source: created by the author

Video link:
5.2.3 Creative production implementation

Creative production in development and implementation should refer to previous
business and customer expectations, which shows the significance of using external
innovation models to study customer needs (marketing managers and marketers take


on the role of carrying out the planning. The social media timeline suggests 4 months
for the project as a whole. Customer loyalty is measured by repeat purchases and the
likelihood of customers recommending the Studio to others, as reported by customers
from feedback assessments. Audits are conducted every month, September, October,
November and December, as milestones for the project.

6.0 Conclusion
This report examines the customer loyalty of Light year Script Kill Studio by

conducting an IMC professional project to provide recommendations for Light year
Script Kill Studio's marketing operations. The research question was how can Light
year Script Killing Studio improve customer loyalty in its marketing practices?

The method of auditing the situation faced by the studio's market and proposing
appropriate marketing activities to promote its marketing effectiveness is a
quantitative research strategy. This was mainly done through questionnaires. An
in-depth analysis was conducted based on a valid sample of 200 sub-samples.

The results of the study identified several aspects that influence loyalty and
based on the findings, an IMC research strategy was developed to develop a media
plan, budget and timeline.

The budget for traditional and digital media was $20,000 and the IMC plan
followed to improve its marketing effectiveness.

The aim of the IMC strategic plan is to increase customer loyalty in order to
guide various marketing strategies and implement various marketing tactics.

The target customers of Light year Script Kill Studio can be identified with
reference to four market segmentation variables, followed by the identification of the
characteristics and main preferences of the target customers.

Traditional media used include flyers and posters. The main social media used


include Weibo, Xiaohongshu and Douyin The creative strategy used to support the
marketing campaign is external innovation, i.e. customer-oriented. Marketing
managers and marketers play the role of executing the plan. The social media timeline
indicates that, overall, the project has a four-month time frame. The customer loyalty
achieved was measured by repeat consumption and the likelihood that customers
would recommend the studio to others.


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