Dr. Michael Ortiz,
Chairman of the Board
Miguel A. Santana,
President & CEO
I ended my tenure as interim President & CEO of Fairplex in mid-January, when
Miguel Santana took over the reins, and returned to my duties as Chairman of the
Board of Fairplex. That brief stint in the CEO’s chair gave me a greater appreciation
for the position and helped me conclude that Miguel was the perfect person for the job.
It was a pleasure to watch Fairplex return to its days of glory – from restoring the
LA County Fair’s traditions to expanding events with the likes of En Memoria.
I am always amazed at the talent of the Fairplex staff and their resiliency. It was a
good year and a tough one; but we came out stronger and ready to face the future.
My first year at Fairplex was a whirlwind of learning, leading and leaning in. I had been to the LA
County Fair as a child and I brought my own children. But being on staff is different than being a
guest. Even before I took the CEO helm in January, I did my research, visited the 2016 LA County
Fair incognito (easy to do, since no one knew me at that point) and saw what the customers saw.
Once I started, at the Board’s direction we began an extensive strategic plan process that included
ten well-attended community hearings on our past, present and future. As we prepared for the
2017 Fair, my first as President & CEO, I took what I learned from the previous Fair and shifted our
direction: We went back to our roots. We embraced tradition and nostalgia, leaned in to who we are
and what we are about – agriculture, blue ribbons, entertainment, education and community fun.
Embracing our rich diversity, we added new programming to bring in new audiences, including our
first Day of the Dead celebration, En Memoria. We are planning even more culturally and socially
relevant programming in the future.
Close to the end of the year, we had to restructure our budget to strengthen our fiscal footing.
Rightsizing can be challenging, especially when changes have to be made in a CEO’s first year. Staff
reductions and budget cuts across the board were implemented. Fairplex emerged with a strong
budget, and for the first time, established a reserve and a fund for new programming.
Now, we are planning for the future. The Strategic Plan, prepared with input from the community,
Fairplex Association, business partners, elected officials and neighbors, will direct our path for the
next three to five years and lay a foundation for the next 100 years. Our Centennial is right around
the corner – there is no time to waste.
About us
VisionToatohfnfadebtreuisnraugbpcaeponnomatretmgrartuiancnidunitlmtcyuo-erbmenatpsw, eleeidtdmh,uiedncniatnettiirnoongunar,tairconeodncmarrelemadttuaeiionsl tinoti,nypi-anpbtnoiuoorinltvdu,ainntiigotines
Mission StatementWecdoeumbcpaultielidomnseatnrlotanonguderfrsuicngonemaxtmpuerurenieietnvieceesnstth,thtrhoaeutgsLhuApeCpnooterutrntataynindFinagir,.
Core ValuesFoDLauiifvirreepolorlrsengixtgaybn,LuiCezsoaaintrmineomisnnsguaeln.scitaoynreSdeveramvliucpeelso,:yGIenuenesosavt raEetxiocponem,rIienmncilctuteseiadonntdoand
Who We AreFoaoCcLfa*rnpuooegiVdrnemauaipsrrnrntialmnoeeotitnzicyxiun,oSaeMngFitnoisviiiatssouCeaisi.entriesoUhpsAnntnenrhatsiSordevansntraaeotgdstCtrceoi,,esmaittpv,ahhlneernitefrooniroooontvtdnrun&mingid-g,rGpioeeewahurvnc.oeieoedttdfiirueoinsnturxgunec5ibbPsdao0rstutifi1nbsitd(octoiycnihinpe)eebt,l(sehs5uesLfse)inorole,edtcrsssfeloedseraAucttlanfratnn-iodli2gftynnu0yeTmg1nbl7hoede.ueersrisnnsitngtaaetnsesd,
In 2017 Fairplex…
Served 3 million guests:
Held over 500 events throughout the year:
Educated 160,000 children & adults:
Gave $9.5 million in cash & in-kind donations:
Legend: 100 10,000 500,000
Events Children & Adults Cash & In-Kind
100,000 Donations
Fairplex Presents…
Blue ribbons. Corn dogs. Fireworks. Day of the Dead. Schnitzel. Fairplex embraced nostalgia and
tradition in 2017, returning our flagship event to its heyday of on-the-spot bubble-gum blowing
contests and kickin’ it old-school style at the LA County Fair while embracing new programming
like En Memoria, a Day of the Dead and low-rider car culture experience.
LA County Fair, Old-School Style
The 2017 LA County Fair was all about checking boxes
– 10 of them, in fact. The theme, Dare to Fair Old-School ••••Lt•Tehs•Paa•Rtekr•luaEainp•ecdtfExy•BhfoaOetatpTeaooruhbtWeadtbntyephlurMkmkaolpiieaoenbGeanedfraibtcnbidunTaDatihktoakzilwncira-eneaooselb&denta-eagtnSrfs-gleheClryatudwcfznuiliriac-emreocgemchWRlonkoaraiiwahecfatdihmkbobdheiisielrltberoeeoprhwnlotto,owgiicwrnTaioaiatoitftrhndhiu—thnolDugraiamsaeIFcesYtgoniSotmnoaentraedettytrerisyirtnthlethee
Style, bore a built-in challenge to Fairguests: take the Top
10 Old-School Fair Dares. And they did, checking off each
activity as completed:
3,000 Cotton Candy Sandwiches
8,000 Peanut Butter Meatballs
2,000 Krispy Kreme Chicken Ice Cream
25,000 Oreo cookies
1 field of sweet corn for roasted corn on the cob
used on
1rotarusctekdlocaodrnoofnFltahemcino’b,HpoitzCzaheaetnods corn in
the cup
2 orchards of apples for Caramel and
Candy Apples
3,000 pounds of Popcorn seed
2C,a0n0d0yliPteorpscoofrnLiquid Nitrogen for Nitro
48,000 pounds of Turkey Legs
MssThihnooecnwes3t1iietnstsratTihnnrencueucInpaklltamiFonoanddu, ErantmnehdspsoiwfreeaJn.ustTelvyhrotesatpeHineduecmodtanagccnuueelCaasargtnswanioanofsnaaabsllastalehlg,lelMeobsuo.ett,sotacsfrioriteswshaoasnrkdbseen
Upland Lemon Festival
The Learning Centers at Fairplex.
Los Angeles International CompetitionsMwOeITnneelEhtixtrveenreierciteLnrorOsoeai,ecstiaSliseon:AoaidnvnuneadtgjhdlueDCdKlfeaogroosimerrmysIepnafctesreoaoutrimncmtnidhoapatncteirhsootoi,enutucianUoneltndklrWesirebtahwisirnneaeaeetrsge.CeldAooerbimqtgesuep.a7neSl7ttlpyiitntihrisaoiuta,nsncB,,cnutBeihlvegseeesarffrrsul,iaaaEl.g,rxGysCthrlhioanipiblVe2ao,0ilrfJg1ea7tinhpnwteariinLet,hAs
392 1,460 600 289
En MemoriaFciMaenoavutilNeiroemnorrRtftevouowetlasmoildtoahbrwnaeedmnm-rrd.luieoCdstmweehicrle-beracebiidnnarrrfdealisortefivdlncodeuagodfrrdiitlncohlteugneodlettMtushwhreevoeixtir,ihainocEacutanhuongegMlhotulraeryarlfmatduealloinrtEasrijoonilatanyaMnortodsefhffmiaepsDnreoehidpardoipaedlfievdeaeremavelnoyedi.slnmitethosere
Year-round Events
scFeearnivrtpieclree.ixnPrr2eo0mm1a7o,intoeefrdf-eparrinoregdleuqvcuaeandlitteyyvepeanrrot-sgrorinaucmnldumdeienndgte: artnadinemxceenltleanntdcbusutsoinmeesrs
• M1MTt4Aheho0socediuauae6nmstr5hanAtlnAhePmdatueesnecnsntrttoiifucoaraaotinthlnmsslL,oEcow3noxs0,hlpoAaiocnrnp,hfaugirtnbleieocr-iloteOnussusllty2gBucm4horoattmphalsyitfpceeeSercashitotorioinuvmawgastp,lFairenneattdifirtiuvpicorelnaenissxnwpu,gaoditltrrhotecswamFraotcierroenplsllteehocxaftnors
Community Partner
For nearly 100 years, Fairplex has been committed to public benefit, which we demonstrated in
2017 through support for local students, employing a diverse workforce, job creation, promoting
commerce, showcasing agriculture and helping build strong partnerships in neighboring
Fairplex is dedicated to building stronger communities through responsible and relevant
programs that create a positive influence in our community. As an organization, we are an
important component to the social and physical environment of our community. It is our
responsibility to be an active and conscientious member.
2017 Community Support:
8L5F9A2a,,i14Cr1,83ow5ucinsathtcnyhdsoFoooalnfiasfruotiFpoopodnolsitdeogsoDtdihnroeigvnLeatootTsehldoAucrntahsgldreosalcueyhgssoh.oRlSescgahioonnodal tSlhuFepoIpondllyaBnWdaendEknmedpsudirraienyUgs naittetdheWay.
• BbCDRteheleatonawdortndeeeCre,$tdnroH5orpsi0Guvsa,nei0rrvtste0iennrl0:eiegersttwfsuhonlafAetuismHnFnrgadoeasriipirifnscoieaatraadnsrl.kre,ReeccCdeeodhnrgidtlCudhre4roues,s9tnrssr5’,sia2cCHanepoddnisneapptrisasata-norflSdtniLbneelAaoraosiar,dttnhoPdaqodnumCdoainotkpynaelataoevftVietcHaloteloiltmtpeshyecse.oMAlMleemdcoteriecerdaiclan
• Hosted holiday parties for 800 local neighbors to
• 4sIb5es7y,av2eiFo0arfa0afhiel’rlsrpooiRnclreaggoxaclakencnmhi–zielpadFxltporiaoeyoinnrehspeaalsaetlnvxlCodfahlourswrisnsiittttshemhteeedrFaaeasdgt.ihertepnhclneeyioxrnteot-ivmpheroneout,fssittetahcdleoeommnntsameatluenvdnedistt.tyoryeosarsgtuoarnbeeizwgaiittvhioenn
• $9.5 million in total cash and in-kind giving
The Learning Centers
Education has been a commitment of Fairplex since its inception in 1922. Programs have evolved and
thrived, resulting in an impressive and enduring educational legacy for surrounding communities.
The Learning Centers at Fairplex, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, is uniquely positioned to
provide a wide variety of educational programs. By complementing existing businesses and
activities on the 487-acre Fairplex campus, TLC’s unique programs offer participants a number
of relevant opportunities, from early childhood education to adult learning, and fulfills unmet
educational needs in the community.
Education begins at Birth
The Child Development Center at Fairplex,
also a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, in
partnership with the University of La Verne,
is a valuable community resource serving
families with children from 12 weeks to 6
years old. Its staff of highly trained experts
has designed an environment of learning
that encourages its young students to
solve problems while developing empathy,
and providing parents with education on
parenting – to engage the family as a whole.
220serFveadmiinlie2s017 50inUiLnVtersntushdiepnst/soebnsegravgaetdion 71KPirngedrseacrhdgouaoalretteersnde&rs
CtoatrheeerFSutteupreping Stones
The Career & Technical Education
Center at Fairplex (CTEC) prepares
nearly 300 students each year for
careers in the fields of arts, media,
fabric design, water technology,
culinary, automotive, energy, hospitality
and agriculture. The goal is to grow the
program annually.
24 286$30,000 to CTECCFoirnsnt-eltliOmCFflofeaeusrdnsedoednsaotri,onth,ecoMnitcrhibEaSuenttulredodJl.elendts
Junior Fair Board
Preparing the leaders of tomorrow –
that’s the purpose of the Junior Fair
Board. Through the positive experiences
of specially designed projects, teens
develop skills that will enable them to
seek out community needs and lead
community service initiatives.
JFB Schools and Students Served: 33 studentsfroEmdPgAoeywmaoloaon,daB,,oFSnraietnamD, oCimnhtianAso,cUHadpilellsam,nCdyl,aaGrneadmneVosinlhltaa,g,DeGiaaAmrceoayd,nGdemleBnyadrH,oDigraiha,mPSacolhnoodmoRalsra.ensc,h,
$30,000 in scholarships awarded
Ambassador Volunteer Program
The key to the success of The Learning Centers at
Fairplex is community involvement. The Ambassador
Volunteer Program consists of dedicated volunteers,
called Ambassadors, willing to share their time, talents
and commitment to serving others through various
Fairplex activities.
320A(rmegbaisstesareddo)rs 1,204vFoaluirnptleeexrsantodtaTlLfCor 8,753totalhvooulrusnteer 11,001Fairhvooulrusnteer
Millard Sheets Art Center 1,650 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS
Millard Sheets Art Center was privileged to participate ART EXHIBITION
in Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA, a far-reaching and
ambitious exploration of Latin American and Latino 250 GRADUATE STUDENTS
art in dialogue with Los Angeles. Initiated through MPAFRATJIUCIRPIAETDEEDXIHNIBTIHTEIOSNOCAL
grants from the Getty Foundation, PST: LA/LA took
place from September 2017 through January 2018 at 87,000 VISITORS TO THE
more than 70 cultural institutions across Southern LA COUNTY FAIR
California, from Los Angeles to Palm Springs and EXHIBIT PST: LA/LA
from San Diego to Santa Barbara. MSAC’s exhibition,
Judithe Hernandez and Patssi Valdez: One Path Two
Journeys, brought together two women who were
part of Los Four and Asco, ground-breaking Los
Angeles artist collectives speaking out for Mexican-
American civil rights in the 1970s and early ‘80s.
Their work validated ethnic and cultural practices
and campaigned against discrimination, racism and
exploitation. Their unique public art and bi-cultural
style brought Chicano art to the attention of the
mainstream art world. One Path Two Journeys
presented a visual dialogue of their established and
new works. Whether through the brilliant colors and
patterns of movement in the work of Valdez or the
richly representative pastels of Hernández, visitors
experienced the powerful, personal, defiant and
intimate in the aesthetic evolution of these two artists.
FairKids Field Trip Program Fair
156,799 sthturoduegnthst&heteFaacirhKeirdssvFisiietleddTtrhipe Program
$118,662 dthoenaBtiegdYbeylloFwaiBrpulsexPrtoogram
$83,314 rtaoisseudppinorptasrctnheoroslhtirpanwsipthortthaeticoonmcmosutnsity
From Nostalgia to NewlThbaTcICtPhnLa1sIuhah6toevrtAgmer2o0teuoaysW0agCen,u0skl1alrtoigote7taef0yrroe,uarhemso0lttFnrodnlhiaeneatmsul’gedsyeiaitlntrareduirLvbFeeSrn.rdoagdaeltoweeoriiieancurgune.daectcepttrAnhyshsohesd.e,stutentoT1trorvsC5fenWnhuoog6albaalCrlbrl,coeun7tseaouhirns9keualltefrdist9tmwtforepoe’tstsoeserorrhotomraLdne–usfgntai,mad®ebsefdrrrietgefyne,nooacnaetne.mfrhhhtdsfTrtsaaatooeyhaTnpr,uuCndetedLtessolydaedaCa.rdyaosTldnv’tesocsnhdhtoiasrhonAeeeslocrueasynmoloocnretosvmilafataboeenemnasraan®rentd.nfsrespuriWnds,edlsdrueaeselsctedshdwtdaosuhnaoodototdattarfrhymsnpiesdptVassnfetheistroodirttensoosslhttuemtooLnaahanxnmArettteptetsthsewyiecalesoeewhrntidlrrlsoldyehoo.o?ls
The Farm at Fairplex
The Farm at Fairplex continues to be an innovative, model agricultural business and educational
resource that serves our diverse communities. Through sustainable and locally focused programs,
The Farm builds awareness of healthy food possibilities and educates in multiple areas of farm-
related culinary and agriculture disciplines, with the goal of preparing students for careers in
Nearly 1y,6e0ar0-rsotuunddenfitesldvistritipeds during
46 r1a0bbdiutsc,k4s0a0ndqu8atiul,r2ke7y0scbhoicrknens,
Voted the number one attraction at the
LA County Fair
2,400 visitors to Fall in the Farm and
Spring in the Farm
The Harvest :G1r01e3PeddinocozktzeolePenmdhnicceagkqhatlrouiteecadiskenialenpdlenseetgaoxpegsemgpssfgeaoprstrsoepvreeaswrriewoeueksekwSiRBnainwAeektwehdeeelaiilrbnnwvltvaeeiaincsrinsnirhboelneieedcgafawlgbeevnsrasEirasihognprgnoebryeueiaaelgrcadsarsnggebp2rbrgoderwaaaloreeayrdrtrudinldenertasabrfehatd.gboigfslreojsteareseadahrdrdrp2inerkn3kepfdyfyisololbymeseehreroasacea24ru,shrsrorobyisybirneaneaioanslann,rtrgseaseass
Sauerkraut Extra Virgin Olive Oil
VaVrjaieorliluoiesushs, ojcattiomtpsmrrauseua,sKst-cceioeomorsnvprc,seaghcessrihrtavielpeiserps-abasantsedesdand
Being a Better NeighborNwoscotnctoroerioeatwncwhtmftfeothaaixpmwemnctlFaa,Ftme2ailaatd0nkeihsireet1rnpos7pwdtt,ldaltesaeFdihxlosxaasorf.boeiaowrAmcuonpreogultpedebmthomxlesoormiddertyauoeioseiutcl.ilo.ednal2CeArtiu0idceantaa1Nlod7lolrte.eediudpdoiaiteghnsltlaothihtuwvnbiesmreeaoibmrNseranmhepwnudoilacmgueeoeghrldblssinbnyr/eeleogCsirtkctroseweehemvmtoianvoeosmoenfnddimotusesreRnaaigtniendotohesyderbpirgpteraoorehgavarngbgasifssifoieseiwtlacertwesSi.brtrFyhlatceeosasodatitrmesalolpopmdptlncedeh,lalaaxeyetlkihldn1e6ts
Economic Engine
Business Units
Sheraton Fairplex Hotel & Conference Center
Finish Line Sports Bar & Grill
scFerinoviwesrhdaslLeifnoveer nmretsam,joianricnsleupddoirontnignegUoFefCvtehnneitgsrheatgnsi.odni’nstfearvtroarcitkewspaogretrsinbga.rI,tdhroawstiendg
TppRhaaVertkiPeaacnwrotkasnrctrdeion-cnwueteiiinvnsniunitiengsdgpt,rprweaaaictrtthkmicwceeonaomtsfapfpitllelretothdivoeiwdnCiineitthxgypgpoeurfcieotHserotditspyiyenae. c2aRc0re-o1nr8moo.uvmnaodtid.oTanthiteoontshteo
Barretts Sales
Rey fire relief fund.
to their a
to enjoy
RV & Boat Storage
Osecccuurpea, cnocnyvreenmieaninteadndatanffeoarrdlyab10le0o%p,taiosnthfoersatoreraagreesfiadceilnittys.offers a
2017 Financials
Tfnirnhootitemsrtreaesskaptelreeeisxnspteaoennntdcssosetnehssr.eivdi2ce0era1s7tpiooenprfenororamnti-neogdp,einlrecasotsimntgheergeeevxnepenerunaetsseedasnittdhtreooxoupkgehtnoFspeasirropsduleucxcheaacastniivdnivtsieeessltl.mthTeehnmits .iinsTcrhoeimvseednouoeers
$42,841,919 $42,638,409 $203,510
CENTER $20,509,441
RELATED ENTERPRISES $17,691,310 $2,818,131
TOTAL $69,521,375 $4,013,663 $2,156,352
$64,343,382 $5,177,993
2017 Strategic Planning Session 18
2017 Officers Linda Bosserman-Piatt, MD
Clinical Assistant Professor &
J. Michael Ortiz, Ph.D Medical Oncologist
Chairman of the Board City of Hope Medical Group Inc.
Ciriaco “Cid” Pinedo, Ed.D
Vice Chairman of the Board William Fox
Chrstina Loza Real Estate Developer
Secretary of the Board
Miguel A. Santana Heidi Hanson
President & CEO Finance & Administrative Manager
Cielo Castro Rain Bird Corporation
Chief of Staff
Dale Coleman John Landherr
Vice President – Sales & Chief President
Revenue Officer A-Z Bus Sales Inc.
Karen Furlow
Interim Vice President – Finance Christina Loza
& Chief Financial Officer Attorney, Managing Partner
Holly Reynolds, Ed.D Loza & Loza, LLP
Executive Director, The Learning
Centers Richard Martinez
Dwight Richards Superintendent
Vice President – Operations Pomona Unified School District
Lucas Rivera
Senior Vice President Stephen Morgan, Ph.D
Kathleene Yeram President
Assistant Secretary to the Board University of the West
2017 Directors John Solomon
Owner & President
J. Michael Ortiz, Ph.D Liquorama Fine Wine
Chairman of the Board
Retired President, California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona
Ciriaco “Cid” Pinedo, Ed.D
Vice Chairman of the Board
President & CEO Children’s Fund
Ronald Bolding
President & CEO Inter Valley
Health Plan
2017 Directors Emeriti Janet Paulson
Bernie Bernstein Vice President of Nursing
C.P.A. Services
Bernstein & Rathman, Inc. Pomona Valley Hospital
Medical Center
Robert Burwell James Piatt
Retired President Retired
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Superior Court Judge
Center Larry Rinehart
Retired President & CEO
Richard Crean PFF Bank & Trust
Partner Jil Stark
California Financial Planners Retired
College Educator
Robert Dukes Jack Todd
Judge Chairman of the Board
Pomona Superior Court Todd Memorial Chapel
Ronald Vera
Juan Gamboa Attorney at Law
Realtor Vera & Barbosa
Coldwell Banker Reginald Webb
Susan Hyland Indian Hill Management Co.
The Claremont Club 2017 Association Members
Molly Johnson *Elizabeth Bingham
Retired Senior Minister
Group Work Administrator Pilgrim Congregational Church
James Blancarte
Linda Keagle Court Commissioner
Owner & Vice President Los Angeles Superior Court
C & C Organization *Jon Blickenstaff
Hugh La Bounty, Ph.D Educator
President Emeritus Laura Bollinger
California State Polytechnic Community Volunteer
University, Pomona *Bob Bush
Retired Senior Vice President
Arthur Ludwick Western Newspaper Group
Retired Donrey Media Group
Chief Financial Officer and Senior
Vice President 20
Rain Bird Corporation
Thomas Nuss
Superior Court Judge
*Charles Cable Thomas Hsieh
Retired CEO
President and CEO, Hillcrest Splinter Rock, Inc.
Peter Clifford Gilbert Ivey
President Retired Assistant General Manager &
National Hot Rod Association Chief Administrative Officer
Metropolitan Water District of
Soraya Coley, Ph.D. Southern California
California State Polytechnic Don Kendrick
University, Pomona Owner
Don Kendrick Real Estate
Scott Dilley
President Chris Kersting
Sanders Towing & Lock & Key, Inc. President
Michael Driebe
President Patrick Leier
Methodist Hospital Foundation Retired Superintendent
Pomona and Lynwood Unified School
*Robert Eggert Districts
District Manager Devorah Lieberman, Ph.D
East Valley Division President
Southern California Gas Company University of La Verne
Jimmy Espinoza Felice Loverso, Ph.D
Managing Member President and CEO
Inland Investment Partners, LLC Casa Colina, Inc.
Jeffrey Fairley Kevin Lyman
Owner Owner
Doctor of Physical Therapy 4-Fini
The Body Center
Daniel Manning
William Fujioka Group Vice President
WT Fujioka Consulting Coca-Cola USA
Don Galleano Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana, Ph.D
President State Administrator,
Galleano Winery Office of the State Administrator
Inglewood Unified School District
Heidi Gallegos
President & CEO Robert Mendez
Brea Chamber of Commerce Attorney & Adjunct Professor
Whittier College
Jimmy Gutierrez
Retired *Karen Miller
City Attorney, City of Chino Retired Athletic Director
California State Polytechnic
Roger Hanawalt University, Pomona
*April Morris Mark Warren
Retired President & CEO Owner
Associated Engineers Mark Warren Realty &
Iris Patronite Kiana Webb
Senior Consultant Chief Operations Officer
The Organizational Network Webb Family Enterprises
Richard Yochum
Rodri Rodriguez President & CEO
President & CEO Pomona Valley Hospital Medical
Rodri Entertainment Group Center
*Association Life Member
*Mike Smith
Retired 22
Attorney at Law
Jeff Stark
Fukagawa-Stark & Associates
*Royce Stutzman
Vicenti, Lloyd & Stutzman
Ben Su
Prosperity Wealth Management Group
Emmett Terrell
Retired Deputy Superintendent of
Personnel Services
Pomona Unified School District
Edward Tessier
Arteco Management & Arteco Partners
*Gary Thomas
Facility Director HCC Industries
John Todd
Todd Memorial Chapel
Ron Vander Molen
Vander Molen Fine Art