D r e a m K U WN G FoU Pr AkN DsA 2
Meet.. everyonein
DreamWorks KUNG FU PANDA 2
Po is a panda. He lives The Furious Five are Tigress,
in China. He is very Monkey, Mantis, Viper and
good at kung fu. Crane. They are good at kung
fu too. They are Po's friends.
Monkey Viper
Po's dad Mantis
Po's dad Master Shifu
is a goose.
He loves Po Master Shifu is
very much. a great kung fu
teacher. He lives at
the Ja d e Palace. He teaches
Po and the Furious Five.
The wolves Shen is a peacock. He isn't
strong but he has a big cannon.
The wolves work He wants to rule
for Shen. They are Gongmen City
good at fighting. and all of
The Kung Fu Masters Shen's cannon
Master Ox, Master Rhino and
Master Croc are famous kung
fu fighters. They are the
rulers of Gongmen City.
They live in Gongmen
Soothsayer is Before you read...
an old goat.
She can see What do you think?
the future. Who is good in the
story, and who is bad?
New W ords catch
What do these new words Catch!
mean? Ask your
teacher or
use your
box drop
Is that a drop
of rain?
What's in the box? fight
The girl was very calm. The girls are fighting.
future rule
SCHOOL He ruled England.
Children are going to fly to tail
school in the future.
That cat has a long tail.
'We did it!'
We did it!
Cats kill small animals. verbs
remember Present Past
break broke
I remember my first day at catch caught
school. fall fell
In a small house in China, there was a shout.
'Help! The wolves are taking my things!'
It was the same in the other houses. There
were wolves everywhere.
Suddenly, Po and the Furious Five were there.
'You're not going to win this time!' said Po.
He started to fight the wolves.
Suddenly, Po looked into the wolves' eyes. He
remembered something from a long time ago.
He was a baby. He saw wolves and a terrible red
eye. He shouted to his mum, but she ran away.
'Po! Quick!' shouted Tigress.
A wolf jumped at Po and Po fell. Then the
wolves ran away.
'Why did you stop fighting?' asked Tigress.
'I don't know,' said Po.
Po went to see his dad.
'Why did my mum run aw ay?' he asked.
'Po, I must tell you something. I'm not your
dad,' his dad said.
'What are you talking about?' said Po.
'I found you in a box one day. You needed a
home so you stayed with me.'
'My mum put me in a box!' said Po sadly.
'That's terrible!'
In Gongmen City, Shen the peacock walked
into Gongmen Palace. The Kung Fu Masters were
there. They were the rulers of Gongmen City.
'You can go,' said Shen. 'I am going to rule
Gongmen City now.'
Master Rhino was the best
kung fu fighter in Gongmen City.
He started to fight Shen. But
Shen had something new. He
had a cannon.
'BOOM!' went the cannon.
Po was at the Ja d e Palace with his kung fu
teacher, Master Shifu.
'Look, Po!' said Shifu. 'I can catch a drop
of water in my hand, and it doesn't break.'
'Wow! Can I learn that?' said Po.
'Of course you can,' said Shifu. 'But first
you must be calm.'
Suddenly, someone came to see them. He was
from Gongmen City. 'Shen killed Master Rhino with
a cannon,' he said. 'Now he rules Gongmen City.'
'Po, you must go to Gongmen City with the
Furious Five,' said Shifu. 'You must stop Shen.'
'But I can't fight a cannon with kung fu!' said
Po. He was frightened.
'If you are calm, you can do it,' said Shifu.
But Po wasn't calm. He was sad and angry
about his mum.
Wolves in Gongmen City
Po and the Furious Five went on the Yangtze
River. They were near Gongmen City.
In Gongmen Palace, Shen laughed. 'Soon I'm
going to rule all of China!'
The old goat, Soothsayer, was with him.
'Look into my future,' said Shen.
'I see a great black and white fighter,' she said.
'He is going to stop you.'
Now Po and the Furious Five were in Gongmen
City. There were horrible wolves everywhere. The
wolves worked for Shen.
'First, let's find Master Ox and Master Croc,'
said Po. 'They can help us.'
'Good idea!' said his friends.
Master Ox and Master Croc were sad and
'Come on!' said Po. 'Let's go and fight Shen!'
Master Ox and Master Croc didn't want to
'Shen's cannon is too dangerous,' they said.
'No one can help Gongmen City now.'
'But we have to fight!' shouted Po. 'For China
and for kung fu!'
Suddenly, there were a lot of wolves. Po and
the Furious Five started to fight. One wolf ran
away. Po ran after him. They ran and ran, but Po
was faster.
'I've got you now!' he shouted.
But then Po stopped and looked. There were
hundreds of Shen's wolves around Po.
'Come with us,' said one wolf. 'Shen is waiting.'
Po meets Shen
'It's good to meet you, Panda,' said Shen. 'And
now I'm going to kill you!'
Shen had his cannon, but Po and the Furious
Five were fast. Before Shen could stop them, they
broke the cannon.
'How are you going to fight us now?' Po
But Shen laughed too. He opened his tail. It
had red eyes on it.
Po looked at the red eyes. He remembered his
mum again ... and he remembered these terrible
red eyes. But why?
'Who ARE you?' asked Po.
But Shen was not there.
'I'm here!' shouted Shen. 'Look!'
Po and the Furious Five looked. Shen was next
to hundreds of cannons.
'Oh no!' shouted Po.
'BOOM!' went the cannons.
'Quickly! Come with me!' said Tigress.
They ran and ran. The cannons didn't stop, but
Po and the Furious Five were OK.
Tigress was angry with Po. 'We didn't catch
Shen ... because of you!'
Po talked to the Furious Five about his mum.
'You can't fight Shen when you are thinking
about your mum,' said Tigress. 'Stay here and
wait for us. We are going to break the other
But Po didn't stay there. He went to find Shen.
'Did you know my mum?' he asked him.
'Yes,' answered Shen. 'She didn't love you.
Come here. I can tell you more about her.'
Po started to walk to him. Suddenly Po saw
something next to Shen. It was a very big cannon.
'BOOM!' went the cannon, and Po went up
and up ... and up.
A drop of water
Po opened his eyes. He was in a small house, and
Soothsayer was next to him.
'Where are we?' asked Po. 'This isn't Gongmen
'This was your home when you were a baby,'
said Soothsayer. 'A lot of pandas lived here. But
then I did something terrible. I saw Shen's future.
"You aren't going to rule Gongmen City," I said.
"A panda is going to stop you." After that, Shen
killed all the pandas.'
'My mum loved me,' remembered Po. 'Shen
and the wolves killed her. She put me in the box
so I could live.'
Po was calm now. He thought of his teacher,
Master Shifu, and the drop of water.
Po went outside. He caught a drop of water
in his hand. It didn't break. 'If I can do that, I can
stop Shen,' he thought.
In Gongmen City, the Furious Five had
problems. They could not win their fight with
'This is the end of the Furious Five,' laughed the
peacock. 'And soon I'm going to rule all of China.
No one can stop me now.'
'I can stop you!' said Po.
'And we can help you!' someone said. It was
Master Shifu ... with Master Ox and Master Croc.
They all started to fight the wolves.
'It's time for the cannons!' shouted Shen.
The Kung Fu Masters and the Furious Five were
frightened. But this time Po caught the cannon
balls like drops of water. The last cannon ball
was different. It went up and up ... and then
down and down ... onto Shen.
Po and the Furious Five went home. Po was
very happy to see his dad.
'Dad!' he said. 'We did it! For China and for
kung fu!'
R e a l W o rld
liv in g
in C h in a
Po and the Furious China
Five come from
China. We talked Beijing •
to some children
about living in CHINA
China today.
Wuhan • . Nanchang
I'm Fu Yongli.
I live in
in Jiangxi
with my mother and
grandparents. They are
farmers. I help them
when I'm not at school.
My father works in
Shanghai. Shanghai is a
big city. Lots of people
live there.
I'm Sheng Jie. Sheng is my family name. We
say our family name first in China! I live in
Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. I'm at
from half past
seven to half past
two every day. At
the weekend I play
basketball with my
I'm Yao Jun. How is your country
I haven't got a different from China? How is it
brother or sister. In
China, many the same?
families only have one
child. I live in the city of
Wuhan. There are new
fast trains to Wuhan
and lots of new homes.
There are lots of shops
too. I love shopping!
What do these words mean? Find out.
grandparent farmer capital basketball train
After you read
1 Match the names with the sentences.
a) Po i) takes Po to his old home.
b) Shen ii) don't want to fight Shen.
c) Soothsayer iii) go with Po to Gongmen City.
d) The wolves iv) is sad about his mum.
e) The Furious Five v) wants to rule China.
f) Master Ox and vi) fight for Shen.
Master Croc
2 True (v ) or False (x )? Write in the box.
a) Po's mum put him in a box when he was a baby.
b) Shen's cannon killed Master Ox.
c) Soothsayer saw Shen's future.
d) Shen killed a lot of wolves.
e) Shen's cannon killed Po.
f) At the end of the story, Master Shifu helped Po.
Where's the popcorn?
Look in your book.
Can you find it?
1 Can you read the Soothsayer's message and
complete the code?
PO IS GOI NG _ 0 S _ O P S _ _ N _ ND
_ _ _ P _ _ _ P_O P __ 0_ GONG_ _ N _ I _ _ .
2 Who can you see in the drops of water?
a) ....Shen....... b )...................... c ) ......................
3 Find and circle five more verbs.
y ta c a tchjprememberdkilmsjwinod
4a Which character is this?
He's got two short legs and a big tail.
He's got a big head too.
He's white and brown.
I t 's ....................................................
b Write about your favourite character.
1 Look at each character. Viper
Can you ...
... walk like him / her?
... do kung fu like him / her?
... say 'Hello' like him / her?
... eat like him / her?
Shen Po
Tigress a Wolf
2 Work in pairs. Choose a character and an
action. Tell your partner what to do.
Walk like Po! Do kung fu like Tigress!
1 Listen and read.
The Furious Five and Po
The Furious Five and Po
They all love kung fu.
Shifu is their teacher.
He's good at kung fu too.
Shen is a peacock.
His tail is red and white.
He makes a lot of cannons
So he can win a fight.
He wants to rule China.
But Shifu says, 'No!
You must go and stop him,
The Furious Five and Po.'
They go to Gongmen City
There they fight with Shen.
'BOOM!' go the cannons,
And Shen can't fight again.
2 Say the chant.
Level 3
High Beginner
Dow nload free Teacher's Notes
for this reader at:
Adapted by: Fiona Beddall
Publisher: Jacquie Bloese
Series consultant: Annie Hughes
Series development manager: Fiona Davis
Series designer: Dawn Wilson
Popcorn logo design: Eddie Rego
Editor: Fiona Davis
Designer: Dawn Wilson
Picture research: Emma Bree
Illustrations: Judy Brown (pages 4, 5, 29 and 30)
Photo credits
Pages 26 & 27: Readfoto/Lujiu, S. Grandadam/Photolibrary; S. Fagan/Getty Images;
elwynnll30, lambada, yo-ichi, P. Chungyam/iStockphoto; Imagesource.
Kung Fu Panda 2 ™ 8 © 2011 DreamWorks Animation LLC.
Kung Fu Panda ® DreamWorks Animation LLC.
All Rights Reserved.
The publishers would like to thank the following teachers for their assistance in the
development o f the Popcorn ELT Readers series:
Simone Horlle de Campos, Colégio Metodista Americano, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Ana
Maria Zanela Monte, Yá zigi Internexus Indaiatuba, Sã o Paulo, Brazil; Dragana Jukic,
Osnovna skola Stjepana Antolovica, Croatia; Caroline André-Riveccié, Collège Elsa
Triolet, Venissieux, France; Karine Roudière-Lange, Collège Jules Ferry, Langon, France;
Dr Grit Bergner, Staatliche Grundschule, Stadtroda, Germany; Penelope Giannopoulou,
Papaeliou School-Peiraias, Athens, Greece; Shefali Kulkarni, Trivandrum, India; Maria
Silvestri, SMS N.Dizonno, Triggiano, Italy; Helen Turner, International School o f Como,
Italy; Akio Feurawaka, SEG, Tokyo, Japan; Catherine Littlehale, Notre Dame Elementary
School, Kyoto, Japan; Harumi Onimaru, Meisei Gakuin, Tokyo, Japan; Rory Rosszell, Meiji
University, Tokyo, Japan; Daniel Stewart, Kaisei Academy, Tokyo, Japan; Atsuko Takase,
Kinki University, Osaka, Japan; Jake Tobiyama, Osaka Gakuin University Senior High
School, Japan; Vitalija Meilune, National M.K. Ciurlionis School o f Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania;
Michelle Hughes, The English Institute, Setubal, Portugal; Tatyana Kuznetsova, School#20,
Khimki, Moscow Oblast, Russia; Helen Marjan, Lorna Whiston School, Singapore; Ana
Kapš, OŠ Franca Rozmana-Staneta, Slovenia; Beatriz Alonso 8 Lupita Mendoza, British
Council, Somosaguas Teaching Centre, Spain; David Enright, Spain; Marilyn Miller, Colegio
Entreolivos, Seville, Spain; Kim Ashmore 8 Nicole Taylor, University o f York, UK.
Published by Scholastic Ltd. 2011
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Printed in Singapore
Level 3 Popcorn ELT Readers
'We have to fight! For China and for kung fu!' KUNG FU PANDA 2
There is a new ruler in Gongmen City. Shen the peacock
rules with the help of his new cannons. But what does
Shen know about Po's past? And can Po fight Shen's
cannons with kung fu?
Popcorn ELT Readers are a series of low-level graded readers for students
in the early stages of learning English. Based on popular films, TV series and
classic children's literature, the range of titles is designed to motivate and
engage younger learners. Each title includes a variety of fun activities, which
cater for different learning styles, and is supported by online teacher's notes.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Early Beginner Mid-Beginner High Beginner
For students beginning For students gaining confidence For students reading
to read in English in reading in English confidently in English
200 headwords 250 headwords 300 headwords
PopcornELT www.popcorneltreaders.com
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Kung Fu Panda ® DreamWorks Animation LLC.