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Published by kris.daly, 2019-05-29 22:05:34

Yuna Lee - ebook Gray Wolf

Yuna Lee - ebook Gray Wolf

The G​ ray​ Wolf
By: Yuna Lee

Contents Page:

All about Gray Wolves …..p 1
The Deciduous Forest - where the Gray Wolf lives ….. p 2
Energy transfer in the Deciduous Forest with the gray wolf .. p 3~4
Balances and Imbalances in the Deciduous Forest ….. p 5
Animal and Plant Adaptations in the Deciduous Forest ….. p 6
Glossary ….. p 7
Works Cited ….. P 8

Page 1

All About Gray Wolves

The G​ ray Wolf​ is a c​ arnivore​,​ this means they eat m​ eat​, some f​ oods​ my
animal eats include deers, foxes, coyotes, rabbits, and badgers. The G​ ray Wolf
is mostly covered with ​gray​ and ​white​ fur, ​gray wolves​ can grow up to 4.5 to 6
feet. A ​gray wolf​ is a v​ ertebrate​, that means they have a spine as we do. Some
predators​ that hunt the g​ ray wolf​ is actually n​ othing​ except for humans but
sometimes, if they are p​ ups​, bears might be lucky enough to e​ at​ them.

The ​Gray Wolf​ is w​ arm-blooded,​ ​ which means they can make heat with
their body after they ​eat​ but ​cold-blooded​ animals have to go to heat to be
warm. The G​ ray Wolf​ is born alive, like us. The ​Gray Wolf’s​ classification is a
mammal​, again, like us. The G​ ray Wolf​ is shorter than a normal car size,
they weigh less than a piano and is slower than a car. ( By the way, a w​ olf’​s
speed is 38 ​mph​ and a car’s speed is 60 ​mph​). Also, G​ ray Wolves​ can live
without f​ ood ​for a week.

Page 2

The Deciduous Forest ​ -​ where the Gray Wolf lives

The ​Deciduous forest is located in the eastern coast of the united states,
Central Europe, some areas of Asia, and Japan. Animals that live in the
deciduous forest are deer, moose, elk, rabbit, mice, fish, jackals, lions, the ​gray
wolf​, and various types of plants. The climate of the d​ eciduous forest can be
roughly around -30 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius, The c​ haracteristics
specific to the d​ eciduous forest is the variety of trees, the trees lose their leaves
every year, has got plenty of rain and normally has a moderate temperature,
the temperature barely goes up till extremely hot or extremely cold, and there
are 5 zones in the ​deciduous​ forest, depending on the height of the trees.

In the D​ eciduous Forest, Animals of this b​ iome have to be extremely adaptive
to their ecosystem to deal with the ever-changing seasons. B​ lack bears, wolves,
and coyotes are very common animals that live in the temperate d​ eciduous
forest ​biome.​ Many of the trees in the temperate d​ eciduous forest contain sap
which they use to keep their roots from freezing during the winter.

This Is An Example Of A D​ eciduous​ Forest

Page 3

Energy Transfer in the Deciduous Forest

This f​ ood​ web of the ​gray wolf i​ s an
example of an Energy Transfer, first, the sun’s energy goes to the grass and
the berries and the dandelions. Then, the rabbit and mice come to​ eat t​ he
grass, berries, and dandelions which gives them the energy to run around and
be warm in winter. Lastly, the ​gray wolf​ finds the rabbit or the mice and ​eats
them, this gives the wolf energy to hunt or be warm in the winter like the
rabbits and mice.

This F​ ood​ Pyramid is another example
of an Energy Transfer in the ecosystem, at the top pyramid is​ carnivores,​ like
bears, wolves coyotes, and a tiger. At the ​herbivore​ part, the second highest
part of the F​ ood​ Pyramid, there are deer, elk, and moose. The lowest part of
the​ Food​ Pyramid is just plants or fruit.

Page 4

This F​ ood​ Chain is also a​ nother example of
an Energy Transfer, first, the rain gives water to the plants and they get
energy. Then, a moose, elk or a deer come to e​ at​ the plant. This gives them the
energy to run away from wolves or bears, but the unlucky ones get ​eaten​ by
them and so the m​ eat​ gives the wolf or the bears energy to hunt more moose,
elk or deer.

A G​ ray Wolf​ e​ ating​ the Moose that gives it the energy to hunt more.

The Wolf pack working together to hunt down a Moose in the Lake.

Page 5

Balances and Imbalances in the Deciduous Forest

In the ​Deciduous​ Forest, there are a few ​invasive​ species, some of them
are the spotted lanternfly, The emerald ash borer, and also The harlequin
ladybug. There are no predators that ​eat​ the spotted lanternfly, the emerald
ash borer, or the harlequin ladybug. So that makes o​ verconsumption​ because
after a while because no one e​ ats​ the bugs they overpopulate. Something that
imbalances the ecosystem is global warming because water is​ evaporating​ and
seasons like summer is extremely hot (not normal temperature for the
deciduous​ forest) and in the winter it’s really really cold which is not normal
temperature for the d​ eciduous​ forest.

In the ​Deciduous​ Forest, some examples of​ interdependence​ that
balance the ecosystem is when the deers overpopulate but the wolves come to
hunt the deer, but not only the deers need help to not overpopulate but the
deer e​ ats​ too much grass that there is not much more grass.

Here Are The 3 Invasive Species Below
The Harlequin LadyBug
The Spotted LanternFly

The Emerald Ash Borer

Page 6

Plant and Animal Adaptations In the Deciduous Forest

In the D​ eciduous​ Forest, there are many plant a​ daptations​ like roses have
thorns to protect them from animals wanting to eat rose bushes, the leaves on
the lakes are on the surface so they can at least get sunlight from the sun, the
tallest trees get the most sunlight, sundews are carnivorous plants, they have
sticky goo that is yummy to some bugs and they stick on the goo, then the
sundew ​eats t​ he bug, that's how sundews hunt.
They are also many animal ​adaptations​ in the ​Deciduous​ Forest like some
animals have a type of color so they can camouflage from any of their
predators that eat the animals with a type of color. Skunks have a stinky
spray that makes predators run away because of the smell! The red eyes of a
tree frog scare the predators. The tiger has stripes to camouflage when about
to pounce a prey. The snail has a shell to protect itself from predators with the
hard shell, also. The G​ ray Wolf​ also can blend in the trees because of the dark
fur that blends the g​ ray wolf​ too.

A fly getting stuck on a Sundew

The thorns of a rose bush


Adaptation A change or the process of change by which a
plant or species becomes better suited to its
Biome ecosystem.
Characteristics A place where a number of flowers and animals
Deciduous live in
Evaporating A feature belonging typically to a person, place,
Herbivore or thing.
Interdependence (of a tree or shrub) shedding its leaves annually.
Invasive To turn a type of liquid to vapor
Overconsumption An animal that eats grass, berries, and flowers
The dependence of two or more animals or
plants on each other.
An animal or plant that spreads in ecosystems​.
Miles Per Hour
The action or fact of consuming something to

Page 8

Works Cited 
Lundgren, Julie K. A​ nimal Adaptations.​ My science lab. 

Lundgren, Julie K. ​Plant Adaptations.​ My science lab.​.​. 








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