Snow yOwls
B y: Anna Chiou
Contents Page:
…..p 1
….. p 2
….. p 3
….. p 4
….. p 5
All about Snowy Owls ….. p 6
….. P 7
The Arctic Tundra
Energy Transfer
Balances and Imbalances
Adaptations (something from Quad 4)
Works Cited
Page 1
Snowy owls are beautiful cr eatur e s. They are also kind of rare. Snowy owls are
omnivores, which means they eat meat and veggies. Also Snowy owls lives in Arctic
Tundra (I will explain that later). That means that it has to live in the cold where it can hunt
for food and find food.
DID YOU NOW….Snowy owls feet are covered with feathers, like fluffy
preyslippers? They swallow small whole? females remain with the young, m ales bring the
owletsfood and then females feed it to the ? females are larger and has more black strip
thenmales? Snowy owls are going extinct?
Page 2
Arctic Tundra is a place where there is a lot ofice. You can say Arctic Tundra is Snowy owls
and other arctic animals home. It is really, really,cold in winter cold and in summer. In
the tundra are icebergs, cold water, arctic a nimals and arctic p lants live there. ( most
of them I wrote live there ) Snowy Owl
Arctic Tundra
Arctic Fox
Arctic Hare
Page 3
Energy Transfer
There arefood web,food chain and food pyramid. They all show what the animal
eats and the other animal eats. For example the sun gives energy to thep lants and
then the arctic hares eat the plants and then the snowy owls eats the arctic hares.
food web food pyramid.
food chain
Page 4
Balances and Imbalances
Poor poor arctic animals. We’ve ruined their homes by global warming. If we keep on using
plastic and straws, then soon they will all be extinct. All of them will get excited. Arctic
Tundra might not have any animals or ice left if we keep on using plastic. And when polar
bear’s iceberg breaks they have nowhere else to go, so they’re kind of trapped. Did you know
Page 5
The Snowy owls serrated tip of the owl’s wings help it to suppress the noise during flight, and
prey without alerting the target. And polar bears has small ears and tail, this adaptation
minimizes heat loss. Polar bears don't have bubbler. They do have a thick layer of fat under
their thick warm fur.
Animals or a living thing that can move
creatures A thing that is hard to find
A living thing that other animals eat
rare A girl
A boy
prey A thing that was once there but now are none
Because of it you can run
female A plastic that is malted and warmed the earth
A big chunk of ice
males A thing that is really cold but in nature
global warming
Page 7
Works Cited