nevada’s first visual and performing arts magazine
winter issue 2018/2019
Performed by
Photo Credit: Alicia Lee Photography
The Butterfly
18x24 / Watercolor, Pastel.
Pencil, Ink
Puppies and Hearts
11x14/ Watercolor, Pastel,
Watching the Storm Pencil, Ink
24x36 / Acrylic on Canvas Wild Turkeys / 16x20 / Watercolor, Pastel,
Pencil, Ink
upcoming events
December 2018
* Holiday Shop (Nov 24 - Dec 31) - Two and three dimensional creations — ideal of gift-giving,
along with jewelry, ceramics, holiday cards and more.
* Santa/Family Portrait Photo Op (Dec 2)
* Members Best show (Dec 1 - 31) — Members display their chosen best work of the year for
the month at the Gallery.
* Holiday Reception (Dec 15) — City Lights membership choose winners for Members Best display.
* New Henderson City Hall Artwork Exhibit (Dec 2018 - May 2019)
January 2019
* Entirely New Artwork in Gallery at City Lights (Jan - Feb)
* Feature Exhibit, Continued Creativity with artwork by City Lights Art Class students (Jan 2 - 31)
Meet and Greet Reception (Jan 13)
February 2019
* Feature Artist, Arthur Houston (Feb 1 - 28) with Meet and Greet Reception
* Sweet Saturday Sale featuring Valentine gift items / cards.
March 2019
* Spring Juried Show (Mar 5 - 31) featuring artwork from talented local artists across the
Las Vegas Valley and beyond.
* Arts & Eats (Mar 9) — Juried Show winners announced as City Lights serves up a delicious BBQ.
First-time visitors to City Lights Art Gallery invited to enjoy and explore!
2 • Artisan Magazine Winter Issue 2018
City Lights Art Gallery
Promo�ng local art and art educa�on
3 East Army Street | Henderson, NV 89009
Phone: 702.498.3055
Winter Issue 2018 Artisan Magazine • 3
From The Desk of
Pat Wall
I n s i d e
I n s i d e
Pages 8-9-10 Pages 11-12-13 Pages 16-17
Cover Barbara Yoerg 19
The Nutcracker Amazing and Sharon Menary
Beautiful Ballet by the Peaceful Paintings Art Enhances
Nevada Ballet Theatre 11-12-13 Everything
2-3 The Historic Plaza Theatre 20-21
City Lights Art Gallery Waiting to be Eric Courtney
Featuring three artists plus restored to its original beauty ‘Tis The Season to Share
Upcoming Events 14 22-23
4 Anne Furno Portraits
Pat Wall Beautiful expressions of art in Photos of past events
From the Desk of the watercolors and Juried Show
Publisher 15 24-25
5 Xpress Graphics Southwest Diner
What’s Inside All types of printing Homemade is
Table of Contents 16-17 our Specialty
6-7 Christie’s of New York 26-27
In the Spotlight Fernando Botero Artistic Iron
Beautiful photos of Latin American Art Creative masterpieces
the Nutcracker Ballet 18 from iron
Nevada Ballet Theatre Karen Getney Back Cover
Her Life Behind Bars
Publisher Pat Wall, Tsunami Produc�ons
ARTISAN Crea�ve Director Shari Penny
Senior Editor SDP Design
Photographer Eric Courtney
MAGAZINE For Adver�sing 702.308.3467
info@tsunamiproduc� | www.tsunamiproduc�
The Artisan Copyright 2018/2019. All rights reserved. Reproductions of any kind is prohibited without the Publisher’s written permission.
The Artisan is Published quarterly by Tsunami Productions. The afore-mentioned Publisher is not responsible for any advertising claims herein.
Winter Issue 2018 Artisan Magazine • 5
nevada ballet theatre
The Nutcracker
Music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky/Choreographed by James Canfield
Saturday, December 8 - Monday, December 24, 2018 Roy Kaiser
Full Orchestra on Select Performances Artistic Director
The Smith Center for the Performing Arts
Now in its 47th season, Nevada Ballet
theatre is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization based in Las Vegas and
the largest professional ballet
company and Dance Academy in the
state. Committed to the highest
artistic standards, this
classically-based company is at home
in an eclectic repertory, moving easily
from the classics to the high-energy
contemporary ballets.
The mission of Nevada Ballet Theatre
is to educate and inspire statewide,
regional and national audiences and
vitally impact community life through
professional company productions,
dance training, education and
Nevada Ballet Theatre is the Resident
Ballet Company of The Smith Center
for the Performing Arts.
For more information, visit NBT on the web:
Like NBT on Facebook - • Tweet @NVBallet
For tickets call The Smith Center for the Performing Arts Box Office at 702.749.2000
Photo Credits: Alicia Lee Photography and Virginia Trudeau
Mixed Repertory Program
Music by Igor Stravinsky • Choreography by Yuri Possokhov
RAYMONDA VARIATIONS Music by Alexander Glazounov
Choreography by George Balanchine
Plus: A World Premiere by Nicolo Fonte
Saturday, February 16, 2019 • 7:30 PM and Sunday, February 17, 2019 • 2:00 PM
The Smith Center for the Performing Arts with full Orchestra
" "
8 • Artisan Magazine Winter Issue 2018
" "
" "
Photos by Eric Courtney
" "
Winter Issue 2018 Artisan Magazine • 9
By Amy Blaisdell & Renee Brown
The Sleeping Lady on
Palm Canyon Drive
Winter Issue 2018 Artisan Magazine • 11
42215 Washington St., Ste A | Palm Desert, CA 92211
760.345.2741 | www.xpginc | design@xpginc
Roland & Canon Wide Format
Day Large
Service Flatbed
Canon Imagepress Series
Flora Hi-Resolution 2512UV Flatbed Printer
Magnetic Spiral
Signs Binding
• 15
C h r i s t i e ‘ s
20 Rockefeller Plaza | New York, NY | 212.636.2680
Latin American Art | November 20 - 21, 2018
An introduction to perhaps South America’s best-known artist, whose paintings and sculptures address
subjects ranging from the Old Masters to bullfighting and domestic life — illustrated with works in our
upcoming sale.
1. Artist Fernando Botero had a tough start to life.
Botero was born in 1932 in Medellin, Columbia. Located in a
valley of the Andes mountain range, Medellin was at that time a
relatively small and isolated city. His father, David, was a traveling
salesman who died suddenly at the age of 40, leaving a
four-year-old Bolero, his two brothers and his mother, who worked
as a seamstress, destitute.
2. Bolero was enrolled to train as a bullfighter
Botero began drawing and painting watercolors as a young child.
In 1944 an uncle, who had taken on an important role in family life
following the death of his father, enrolled him in a training school
for bullfighters, only to recognize that his nephew was more
interested in drawing and painting bulls than in fighting them.
Botero’s first works — watercolors of bulls and matadors — were Fernando Botero (B.1932)
sold by a man who traded tickets to bullfights. In 1948, when he Seated Woman
was just 16, he had his first illustrations published in one of the Bronze
most important newspapers in Medellin. Three years later, he had Edition four of six
his first one-man show in Bogotá. (15x8½x11 in.)
3. Studying the Old Masters was revelatory for Botero’s art
At the ago of 20, after winning second prize in Bogotá’s Salón Nacional de Artistas, Botero booked his passage
on a boat to Europe, traveling with a group of fellow artists. During a year in Madrid he passed his days copying
the Prado’s Old Masters. He then moved to Paris and on to Florence to study the Masters of the Italian
Renaissance. This was a revelatory period for the artist, who had previously only seen European art through
reproduction. While Botero was enrolled in art schools for periods during these early years, he considers himself
to be primarily self-taught.
16 • Artisan Magazine Winter Issue 2018
4. Botero’s 'eureka’ moment came with
a mandolin.
Botero’s early artistic inspiration came from both Latin
America and Europe. The Mexican muralists, as well as
the Spanish master Pablo Picasso and Juan Gris were
among those who first sparked Botero’s creative
imagination. Not unlike Picasso, whose Cubist
breakthrough came after experimenting with the
construction of a guitar. Botero had his artistic ‘eureka’
moment with a mandolin. In 1956 while he was living
in Mexico City, Botero painted a mandolin with an
unusually tiny sound hole, allowing the instrument to
suddenly take on exaggerated proportions. Thus began
the artist’s lifelong exploration of volume.
Fernando Botero (B.1932)
Trumpet Player
Oil on Canvas
(17x15 in.)
Fernando Botero (B. 1932)
La modella
Graphite, colored pencil & sanguine on paper
(12 ¼x11¾ in.) Fernando Botero (B. 1932)
The Maid
Oil on canvas
5. Botero doesn’t paint ‘fat’ people — he paints volume. (15¾x11¾ in.)
Botero is recognized throughout the world for his singular style incorporating rotund, whimsical figures and
objects which are often suffused with a subtle brand of satire. By manipulating space and perspective, he
draws attention to the monumentality of his figures, showing them in spaces that seem too small to contain
them. He has remained adamant that he does not ‘paint fat people’; what he paints, he insists, is ‘volume’,
and the ‘sensuality of form’. He has explored volume and sensuality of form in subjects as diverse as the
circus, reinterpretations of Old Masters, nudes, Latin American street scenes, domestic life, bordellos and
portraits of political figures.
The images on these two pages are credited to CHRISTIE’S IMAGES LTD 2018
and may not be copied without the express permission of Christie’s.
Winter Issue 2018 Artisan Magazine • 17
( )
18 • Artisan Magazine Winter Issue 2018
Sharon Menary
Sharon Menary
Earth Gems 2
Size 22x30 / Acrylic
Mountain Stream
Size 11x15 / Watercolor
Lotus Flower We will ship
Size 15x20 / Watercolor
Juried Show
Photos by Eric Courtney
City Lights Art Gallery
Promo�ng local art and art educa�on
City Lights Art Gallery | 3 E. Army Street | Henderson, NV | 702.260.0300
[email protected] | | @CityLights_Gal
| Email: [email protected] | @edc856 |
Winter Issue 2018 Artisan Magazine • 23
“The menu was
eclectic and the
portions were
hearty. Their
“homemade” style
is a rare �ind. It’s a
must stop if you’re
hungry and near
Boulder City”
“Great food
and service. The Patio
was beautiful. Side sauce for
fries was delicious! I de�initely want
to come back and try the pie!”
“Terra Cotta coffee cups and mason jars;
a trip to Boulder is like driving back in
time and Southwest Diner is always
my �irst stop!”
Winter Issue 2018 Artisan Magazine • 25
A Sketch and a Dream
Photos by Eric Courtney
26 • Artisan Magazine Winter Issue 2018
Photos by Eric Courtney
# | | |
Winter Issue 2018 Artisan Magazine • 27
The Fantastic Art of
Barbara Yoerg
Photos by Eric Courtney