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AKA North Atlantic State of the Region - March 2023

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AKA North Atlantic State of the Region - March 2023

AKA North Atlantic State of the Region - March 2023


Sisterly Serving You F.I.R.S.T. FROM THE DESK OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR North Atlantic Regional Director Elicia Pegues Spearman, Esq. NAR APPOINTMENTS Graduate Members appointed to NAR Committees Cluster I: 144 Cluster II: 78 Cluster II: 88 Cluster IV: 66 Cluster V: 97 473 By the Numbers Undergraduate Members appointed to NAR Committees 60 Undergraduate Chapters in the region represented 35 General Members from all Clusters represented March 2023 Dear Sorors, It is my great honor and distinct pleasure to serve as the Director of the NOTABLE NORTH ATLANTIC REGION—our sorority’s FIRST region and the birthplace of the finest sisterhood the world has ever known. What a whirlwind nine months it has been, as our more than 16,000 members –hailing from the frothy shores of Maine down through the stately halls of our nation’s capital—have joined me in our prime directive to demonstrate unsurpassed sisterhood and execute exemplary service that continues to leave an indelible mark on the sorority we love and the communities we serve. We hit the ground running once this Administration kicked off in July 2022, and it’s been a “can’t stop, won’t stop” mission to remain FIRST-in-Class ever since. Together, we have worked, played, and SOARED hard, in true North Atlantic style, inspired to Fellowship, Innovate, Respect, Serve, and Thrive, always with passion and with purpose. As proud members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s FIRST region, we have the distinction and the responsibility of serving as the cradle of the seed that has spawned the harvest of the great works so nobly begun by our Founders, in our own backyard some 115 years ago. I remain humbled and galvanized by their enduring legacy, by the mission set by our Supreme Basileus Danette Anthony Reed, and by the shining examples set by this region’s Living Legends, on whose strong, yet nurturing shoulders I now stand. We have done much at the start of this Administration, and there remains still much yet to do, as we continue our never-ending quest to find new and groundbreaking ways to bond and to serve as one united and driven region. Sorors, it is with great humility and immeasurable pride that I take this faith walk with you. You remain the fuel in my tank and the beat of my heart as we enhance and expand the notable work of our sisterhood and our region —together. Sisterly, Soror Elicia 1

IN FELLOWSHIP FALL MEETINGS Soon after, our robust Fall 2022 meeting season launched with the final Undergraduate Roundup, held virtually with 446 dynamic undergrads in attendance. On its heels came Cluster Meetings, where the excitement level was off the charts, because, Sorors were finally again able to attend the meetings in person. Registration for these meetings surpassed expectations, service projects exceeded targets, and funds were raised to assist undergraduates in attending Leadership Seminar in July. Attendees were hosted by: Omega Gamma Omega Chapter 1 Soror Alicia Tibbs-Tolson Soror Kimberly Ellington 1744 CLUSTERS Host Chapter . Chairmen . Attendance Sigma Zeta Omega Chapter 2 Soror Karen Knight 514 Psi Lambda Omega Chapter 3 Soror Jennaydra D. Jordon Soror Stephanie Bettis Soror Marsha Y. Jackson 453 Rho Gamma Omega Chapter 4 Soror Lesley-Ann Adams Soror Vonda K. Johnson 474 Omicron Upsilon Omega Chapter 5 Soror Cassandra James 281; Virtual: 1422 In the North Atlantic Region (NAR), the bonds of sisterhood took center stage from the very start. Our first order of was to gather together at this administration’s inaugural celebration at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut, where sorors set it off at the ultimate meet-andgreet, served up FIRST Family style! FELLOWSHIP 2

VIRTUAL CONNECTIONS When we weren’t physically together, we enjoyed robust engagement online. Our social media platforms continue to stay electrically charged with your frenetic viewership of regional events showcased via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, and updates provided regularly on our website and through emailed eblasts. SOROR/FAMILY 2023 FUN DAY CLUSTER ACTIVITIES CLUS TERS 1 Dave & Buster's Hanover, MD Saturday, July 22 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM 2 Hershey Park Hershey, PA Saturday, June 10 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM 3 4 5 AKA Day with the Yankees Yankee Stadium Bronx, NY Saturday, September 9 Pre-game begins 12:30 PM Game begins 2:05 PM AKA Fun Day Out Liberty Lakes Bordentown, NJ Saturday, September 23 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Spirit of Boston Boston, MA Saturday, May 27 Boarding at 11:00 AM Sailing 12:00 PM -2:00 PM The NAR weekly “feel good” social media posts--Monday Motivation, Wellness Wednesday, and 1st Thoughts Friday—continue to provide a source of inspiration for sorors as they progress through their weekly activities. Our Praise Him F.I.R.S.T. weekly prayer meeting, hosted by the regional prayer team, is a source of spiritual connection for North Atlantic Region members. The prayer sessions commenced on November 12, 2022 with 271 attendees, and to date, has grown to host nearly 3,000 members and has responded to over 40 prayer requests. 3

IN INNOVATION It’s been said that necessity is the mother of invention, and sometimes, there’s the impetus to invent, reimagine, or reboot just for the fun of it. In the North Atlantic Region, we’ve been inspired to for a mixture of both reasons. While staying true to our traditions, we’ve also sought new ways to streamline processes, update resources, and present options to engage and contribute in ways that are different and cutting-edge. IVY CONNECTIONS The Ivy Connections program is designed as an opportunity for NAR sorors to make and expand their professional connections and networks. The FIRST Ivy Connections meeting, “Networking on the Vine,” was held on February 2, 2023 with nearly 500 sorors in attendance. Eleven professional areas have been identified for participation in the programs introductory phase and include: NEXTGEN The NextGen committee focuses on engaging sorors from 20-35 years of age—those years between college graduation and full entrenchment in one’s career. The committee helps sorors navigate through this transitional period in their sorority lifecycle with the goal of encouraging them to remain active. Whether sorors are relocating to other areas within or outside of the region, or they’re in search of a local graduate chapter home, the committee exists to provide support. And they are available to assist sorors in navigating the nuances of sorority membership that more seasoned sorors might find to be more intuitive. The initial NextGen Chat & Chew was held on February 26, 2023. Networking On the Vine Legacy Mothers webinar Formal Leadership training for Undergraduates through a specialized institute (EHL) Family Fun Days NAR Boutique Chief Medical Officer Special Initiatives Committee NAR Praise Team NAR Step & Stroll Team Communications Education Entrepreneurship Finance/Banking Healthcare Human Resources Legal Marketing & Advertising Real Estate Social Work Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) INNOVATE 4

HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS? Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Our NAR newsletter, The F.I.R.S.T. Edition, is the region’s first fully-immersive, digitally rendered news vehicle, designed to bring the region’s newsworthy content to them not only by sight, but also through sound. First launched on December 31, 2022, this is a newsletter that is lovingly compiled for and about YOU sorors, allowing you to keep abreast via sneak peeks and sound bites to which you might not have been privy otherwise. Keep your eyes peeled for subsequent editions! LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Leadership Development continues to be pivotal in a soror’s commitment to lifelong learning within our great sisterhood. In response, the Ethel Hedgemon Lyle Undergraduate Leadership Academy was launched, designed for their educational and professional development. It provides a framework for sorors to be successful in leadership positions at the undergraduate level and to prepare for leadership positions as they transition into graduate membership and the pursuit of their careers. The program will commence at the 92 North Atlantic Regional Conference with 43 participants. nd LEGACY MOTHERS' WEBINAR The Regional Director along with the 29h Regional Director C. Edith Booker, convened a group of current and former graduate advisors, the FIRST-of-its-kind session to provide an opportunity for moms to understand the legacy process. They explained that Soror mothers must be financially active for 24 consecutive months, and that certain colleges, especially HBCUs may have a maximum cap on the number of candidates allowed, including a cap on the number of legacies per initiation. th 5

IN RESPECT At the heart of the longevity and perseverance that ensure the staying power of our illustrious sisterhood is the emphasis that our members place on remaining true to its basic guiding principles. In turn, these have their roots in the cultural and spiritual values that motivated our Founders and which have been passed down to us as the keepers of the eternal flame that fuels Alpha Kappa Alpha. Among these values is a strong sense of deference. Of reverence. Of - for our proud history, our revered traditions, the communities we serve, and for ourselves as women and as representatives of our fierce and feisty region. This respect has been shown through the intentional attention given to the inclusion and consideration of ALL NAR SORORS, regardless of age, location, membership status, or chapter size. Sorors across all generations have been appointed to leadership positions within the FIRST Administration and have seen affinity groups formed that are dedicated to their interests, cares, and concerns. We continue to honor our “gems” and “metallics”—those sorors who have achieved the milestones of having more than 75, 65, 50 or 25 years of membership in our sisterhood. We remain committed to working against the perpetuation of mindsets and actions identified as hazing that pose as threats to our reputation and our very existence. We will seize every opportunity to pay homage to our Founders and our organization’s torchbearers, such as paying our respects at their local gravesites and former residences and ensuring the perpetuation of their notable legacies through advocacy and legislation, whenever possible. And we will strive to capture the notable achievements of NAR Soror Sheroes through social media shoutouts, eblast advisories, and inclusion in The F.I.R.S.T. Edition newsletter! RESPECT HIGHLIGHTS "Gem" and "Metallic" soror recognitions General Member representation and inclusion NextGen Committee meetings and webinars "Break the Cycle of Hazing" workshops Ethel Hedgemon Lyle wreathlaying ceremony at her Philadelphia gravesite Ethel Hedgemon Lyle street naming in Philadelphia Region-wide highlighting of notable soror achievements RESPECT 6


TO SERVE To be a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha is to SERVEE, and the sorors of the North Atlantic Region continue to solidify their proven track record in this arena. From Day One of the launch of the SOARING Administration, chapters throughout the North Atlantic have plunged right in to embrace the program initiatives that will collectively be our service guides through 2026. As a body, sorors been charged to Soar to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood by Strengthening Our Sisterhood, Empowering Our Families, Building Our Economic Wealth, Enhancing Our Environment, Advocating for Social Justice, and Uplifting Our Local Communities. Sorors, as seen when I’ve visited your chapters, reviewed your reports, worked alongside you at service projects, and applauded your programming achievements, it’s evident that you’ve clearly understood the assignment! The countless volunteer hours that NAR sorors have dedicated to planning and executing programs and initiatives that benefit the needs of those in your local communities could never be adequately compensated, but they are so very appreciated and impactful. Even as a crippling pandemic never stopped the flow of service our region continued to render, so shall our stellar tradition of providing exemplary service to all mankind remain unstemmed and unthwarted. 39 Chapters with Childhood Hunger Initiative Power Pack (CHIPP™) 4967 CHIPPS distributed 64 Chapters with Youth Leadership Institute (YLI) programs 1908 Club: For Members Only Federal Credit Union contribution Regional donation for AKA Monument at Howard University SERVE 8


TO THRIVE We know from experience that where there is no justice, there can be no peace. With this in mind, the Our Voice Matters F.I.R.S.T. EAF scholarship was launched and spearheaded by Soror Tanya Crossley, NAR EAF Committee—and endowed within a record 5 DAYS! This fund is dedicated to expanding advocacy for social justice issues that impact our communities. It is only through social and legislative action that people of color have been able to survive, and then thrive within our sometimes-tenuous democracy. Sorors in the North Atlantic, often FIRST on the frontlines of efforts to effect political change, will be encouraged to ramp up our civic engagement region-wide, from the halls of our legislative institutions to the streets in our underserved neighborhoods. Now, more than ever, our voices—and our votes—are truly a serious matter. But within our region, we thrive most, and best, when we are together, sharing hugs, smiles, laughter, tears, and, for those up for the challenge, a good stroll! From Chapter to chapter, and across clusters, NAR Sorors allow the bonds of sisterhood to inspire each of us to bring the best of ourselves to every situation to which we are called, pretty in pink, and gorgeous in green. Lifelong learning is one of the keys to THRVIVING in an ever-changing world, so it’s a good thing that the sorors in our region have this down on lock. The attendance at seminars, webinars, and other opportunities for the expansion of knowledge and enhancement of skills that have been offered within the North Atlantic have been robust and impressive. Regional training, regular calls with chapter basilei and graduate advisors, and advisement to sorors via regional eblasts as to trainings and other forms of development has been routinely shared and promoted. The 29 Supreme Basileus Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson Zoomed in to provide training to chapter leadership. The establishment of our leadership trainings, the Ruth C. Easley Graduate Leadership Institute and the Ethel Hedgemon Lyle Undergraduate Leadership Academy (the FIRST dedicated solely to undergraduate sorors!), are two successful examples of proven training grounds aimed at priming sorors for leadership within our sorority—and beyond. THRIVING th Realizing that lifelong learning can pose a financial hardship for our undergraduate sorors in particular, an Undergraduate Scholarship Fund was established and donations received at each Cluster meeting. 10

A r b o r D a y r e g i o n a l o b s e rv a n c e s c h e d u l e d fo r S u n d a y , A p r i l 2 3 F I R S T P r o m i s e C o m m i t m e n t D a y – s c h e d u l e d fo r A p r i l 2 0 2 3 Yo r k P e a r l s I n t e r e s t g r o u p c h a r t e r i n g s c h e d u l e d fo r M a y 6 , 2 0 2 3 V . I . P . P e a r l s o f O r a n g e C o u n ty , N Y I n t e r e s t G r o u p a p p r o v e d i n F e b r u a ry 2 0 2 3 N O TA B L E R E G I O N A L F I RS T S 1 1

Sisterly Serving You F.I.R.S.T. REGIONAL DIRECTOR'S ENGAGEMENTS 2022-23 North Atlantic Regional Director Elicia Pegues Spearman, Esq. Attended 70 Boule in Orlando, FL Installed as 35 North Atlantic Regional Director Launched the F.I.R.S.T. Administration Launched North Atlantic Region F.I.R.S.T. Branded Social Media Sites Attended July 2022 Directorate Meeting in Orlando, FL Hosted NARC Steering Committee Meeting and Site Visit in Philadelphia, PA Hosted NAR Executive Leadership Team Retreat in New Haven, CT Hosted Inauguration Celebration at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT Endowed the “Elicia Pegues Spearman, Esq. Our Voice Matters F.I.R.S.T.” social justice advocacy fund in just 5 days Launched Basilei and Graduate Advisors Quarterly Meeting Attended NARD Congratulatory Celebration in Martha’s Vineyard, MA Attended Directorate Orientation in Dallas, TX Attended Supreme Basileus Danette Anthony Reed’s Inauguration Celebration in Dallas, TX Hosted First NAR F.I.R.S.T. Executive Team Meeting Launched numerous technology initiatives: calendly, engagement request, eVoucher system Attended Town Hall meeting and provided greetings at Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Eastern Regional Conference in National Harbor, MD Attended NARC Steering Committee Meeting in Philadelphia, PA Launched weekly NAR F.I.R.S.T. Executive Team Meetings Attended Harlem Parade and rode AKA float Attended Power Rising Conference in Atlanta, GA Provided video greetings for Zeta Omega Chapter Centennial Celebration Extended surprise virtual greetings to Xi Omega Chapter during kickoff to Centennial Countdown Soared with North Atlantic Undergraduates F.I.R.S.T. Round-Up Attended Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s 51 Annual Legislative Conference themed “Advancing Our Purpose. Elevating Our Power” in Washington, DC Attended First Supreme Anti-Basileus Charletta Wilson Jacks’ Inauguration Celebration in Atlanta, GA Attended International Founders’ Day Orientation, Gaylord Conference Center, National Harbor, MD JULY 2022 AUGUST 2022 SEPTEMBER 2022 OCTOBER 2022 th th st 12

Attended Nu Chapter's Centennial Celebration, West Virginia University, where the “FIRST Momma” was initiated; Served as keynote speaker on behalf of the Great Lakes Regional Director Served as keynote speaker for the 45 Anniversary Celebration of Lambda Upsilon Chapter, where MRD was initiated Spring 1984 Provided written greetings for Iota Lambda Omega’s 50 Anniversary Celebration Brought greetings during the Alpha Beta Pi Omega’s Inaugural Recognition Celebration Recorded video testimonial for breast cancer awareness campaign on NAR social media Hosted NARC Steering Committee Meeting Presided over Cluster IV Meeting in East Hanover, NJ hosted by Rho Gamma Omega Chapter Presided over Cluster III Meeting in Brooklyn, NY hosted by Psi Lambda Omega Chapter Attended rally for local Congresswoman Jahana Hayes to encourage voting in support of “SOAR to the Polls” initiative Attended the Directorate Meeting in Chicago, IL Presided over Cluster I Meeting in Baltimore, MD hosted by Omicron Gamma Omega Chapter Held NARC Steering Committee Meeting in Philadelphia, PA SOARed to the Polls and voted; made calls to get out the vote Presided over Cluster II Meeting in Wilmington, DE hosted by Sigma Zeta Omega Chapter Debuted NAR Boutique during Cluster II meeting Presided over Cluster V In-Person & Virtual Meeting in Stamford, CT hosted by Omicron Upsilon Omega Chapter Launched Praise Him F.I.R.S.T. Weekly Prayer Call Attended the Ivy Beyond the Wall Ceremony and Funeral Service of 18 Supreme Basileus Soror Mattelia B. Grays in Houston, TX Served as keynote speaker for Upsilon Tau Omega’s 25 Anniversary Gala in Oxon Hill, MD Brought greetings at Pi Iota Omega’s Holiday Extravaganza in New Rochelle, NY Installed new officers for her home chapter of Theta Epsilon Omega in New Haven, CT Served as keynote speaker at Tau Xi Omega’s 30 Anniversary celebration themed “30 Years - A Celebration of Our Cultured Pearls” Opened Registration for the 92ndNorth Atlantic Regional Conference (NARC) Provided video greeting wishes for Christmas and Kwanzaa Launched the inaugural issue of the North Atlantic Region's newsletter, Attended and brought on behalf of the North Atlantic Region at the 115 International Founders' Day Celebration at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center in National Harbor, MD Launched NAR Webinars and Trainings Presided over Legacy Mothers Webinar: educating Sorors about legacy sponsorship requirements and informing them about legacy caps at HBCUs (Howard, Spelman, FAMU and Hampton) Hosted Leadership Development Academies Informational Webinar Hosted Leadership Training - "Leadership F.I.R.S.T. So You Can Soar!" (Required attendees: Basilei, 1 Anti-Basilei, 2 Anti-Basilei & Graduate Advisors) Served as keynote speaker at Epsilon Omicron Omega Chapter’s Founders’ Day themed, “Recapturing a Vision Fair” in Hartford, CT NOVEMBER 2022 DECEMBER 2022 JANUARY 2023 th th th th th The F.I.R.S.T. Edition! Welcome Greetings th st nd nd "Leadership F.I.R.S.T. So You Can Soar!" 13

Launched the “Ivy Connections” Committee with the purpose of providing Sorors with professional growth and networking opportunities in their chosen career field Launched inaugural Networking on the Vine virtual event Brought virtual greetings at Alpha Alpha Tau Omega Chapter’s Founders’ Day Celebration in Delaware Attended the Directorate Meeting in Chicago, IL Established the V.I.P. Pearls of Orange County, NY Interest Group, the FIRST interest group of the F.I.R.S.T. Administration Received approval to charter the York Pearls of PA Interest Group Attended the South Eastern Regional Conference in Hunstville, AL Presided over the 92 North Atlantic Regional Conference in Philadelphia, PA, the First Regional Conference for the F.I.R.S.T. Administration! Supported the Conversation and Book Signing event hosted by the Waterbury Chapter of The Links, Incorporated featuring Link member and Honorary AKA Michelle Miller, author of “Belonging” Attended the 70 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Raleigh, NC Launched the Ivy Connections inaugural Power Hour Series titled “Pivot on Purpose” featuring actress Kim Coles Attended taping of “The View” at ABC Studios in New York with Tau Omega Chapter in support of Soror Sunny Hostin Attended public meeting and provided greetings at Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Northeastern Province in Delaware FEBRUARY 2023 MARCH 2023 th nd 14


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