Issue 2016
4 Manufacturer
with Siberian character
6 Expansion of geography.
Impulse expansion
8 How can pile heads be
rapidly and correctly cut?
Impulse pile breaker
10 Repair Your Cart
in December!
12 New Generation
Hydraulic Breakers
18 It is clean
22 Operation in the
winter period. Part 1.
Bucket or blade?
Operation in the
24 winter period.
Part 2. Snowblower
right to choice.
26 Import Substitution
What is the Benefit?
One day at the factory
30 or to see the process
Dear readers, colleagues and
We call your attention to the first designated
magazine about attachments.
Up to now, this matter was not highlighted too
much. Our company produces attachments for
the decades. For these years we accumulated
huge experience of development and design-
ing, production and operation processes. We
would like to share this experience with you.
By the nature of the business, our staff spent
a lot of time among customers and manufac-
turers all over the world. In our sight idols were
born and corporation empires crumbled to
dust. Being witnesses of market transformation,
we have seen processes of evolution and de-
generation inside, we learnt lessons from world
The first issue of articles is devoted to the most
popular types of attachments and story of our
factory. We reveal some secrets of the industry.
For the specialists it can be just statement of
facts, but new young engineers come to replace
the old professionals. They don’t have enough
and deep experience to take the only one cor-
rect decision.
Our target is to give them knowledge and un-
derstanding of the processes, ways of operation
of the equipment and secure against faults of
new users.
Bauma Moscow, Welcome to world’s fifth largest construction
machinery trade fair.
Manufacturer Authored by:
with Siberian character. Karina Kraft
Welcome, old-new maker of the industry to the carrier conveyors.
We don’t put special attention to lot of Asian
history, manufacturer with Siberian character – copies, which stayed at the level of 80th years.
“Impulse”! In conditions of fierce internal competition and
Development of the industry always follows specificity of technologies development there
technological development, and that’s fair were more important things for them to think
statement. But it looks, that doesn’t work for the about, besides technologies development.
industry of hydraulic breakers anymore. Judge Should we judge them for this? No, they just
for yourself, there’s no new concept designs make copies.
in the industry for more than 10 years. But the We look hopefully to those, who leaded all the
progress of technologies never stopped. manufacturers of the industry. The impression is
All so-called “new models” of the former that potential of creative design was sacrificed
leaders are just modifications of old products in favour of wish to survive and save the market
issued a lot of years ago. Traditional favorites share. It’s a trend for most types of hydraulic
in the industry haven’t been suggesting any attachments.
new concepts for many years. May be we should accept an idea that it’s dif-
What is it? Stop? Or may be start of industry ficult and useless to invent something better
degradation? than broom. But how’s about to increase pro-
“Degradation” is a pertinent word in the pres- ductivity, make maintenance easier, extend
ent context. Maestros come back to simplified life-time and decrease the price? Should we
and cheaper old designs instead of progressive reject all of these and decide that we reached
models, which can open new horizons and op- our limitations? It’s a sad fact.
portunities. 30-years old conceptual decisions For those who knows history of the hydraulic
are entering the market under famous brands. breakers development it will not be a secret
Low-budget and retro-style crafts are supplied
that there were FOUR world centers of breakers Serial hydraulic breakers under brand “Impulse –
engineering design, not three, like some readers Quality Made!” were presented at Bauma Mu-
can think. nich 2013. Impulse carves his way to the world’s
The fourth developer was in a shadow for the market for the last three years. Now it’s already
decades. But all these years the “mysterious supplied to Australia, Africa, Europe, China etc.
developer” worked at the other side of the “Iron Current global economic situation makes Im-
Curtain”. Very few information was available pulse most beneficial high-technology attach-
about this manufacturer, now there’s opportuni- ment in the world’s market. Who can compete
ty to learn more about him. with prices of Chinese products? And who can
The fourth leader by share and industrial de- supply goods to China? Impulse wins this com-
sign was Soviet and, later, Russian engineering petition by price and quality.
schools. Life-time of Russian breakers is highly competi-
Breaker’s market of the USSR was rather big tive with Swedish ones, and unpretentiousness
- more than 3000 breakers per year. It was of models developed for tough Siberian appli-
cheap & mass product, simplified, but very cations distances the nearest competitors. We
enduring. don’t put very special attention to this fact, but
They can be seen working up to now. Impulse prepared special surprise.
Conditions of communistic system didn’t allow Hydraulic breakers Impulse “Evolution” series
putting new revolutionary products into full are the newest, state-of-the-art, third type of
production. But the Soviets always were charac- breakers design. You know two main designs:
terized by scale: thousands of factories, hun- piston-type (made by Atlas Copco) and mem-
dreds of institutes, millions of people worked for brane-type (Sandvik and Montabert). It was
idea. their top. The appearance of the third type of
The same principle was for breakers develop- breakers will change the vision of hydraulic
ment and production. Scale of resources in- breakers.
vestments was great. Six institutes and twelve New parameters of productivity will change
factories all over the country, from western industry best practices, setting new standard
borders to Siberia. Huge experimental facilities for the leaders. About technical solutions, heart
and opportunity to perform researches at whole of the new Russian breakers, we’ll narrate in the
Russian territory. That means different types of next articles.
soil, weather conditions and wide range of carri-
ers were at hands of the engineers. 5
After fall down of the Soviet Union and start of
dark times, most of factories were closed forev-
er and left the map. But the ideas were saved
in the mind of the single-hearted people. They
were united and taken under wing of one com-
The end of last century project “Impulse”
started, being successor of the Soviet achieve-
ments hydraulic breakers design. Finalizing
unique idea Impulse entered the Russian and
world market with modern technological
Expansion of geography. Authored by:
Impulse expansion Karina Kraft
The attachments of every particular As applies to those calculating prices by cubic
meters, rating cost of every forced outage min-
color-coding scheme to be sold under the ute, Impulse hydraulic breakers may be consid-
Impulse - Quality Made brand name are daily ered as reliable and trouble-free unit.
operated at all countries and continents demon- While featured with advantages design charac-
strating its high performance in various climatic teristics and simple structure, our attachments
conditions. may be successfully applied on a wide range of
Impulse hydraulic breaker units are effectively machines operated all over the world.
used in the road-building sector of France and Competitive advantages of our products are
Italy, at South Africa and Great Britain dis- minimum maintenance requirements, easy-to-
mantling sites; they are successfully applied replace consumables, and low cost of changea-
for crushing rocks at the Australia fields and, ble elements.
certainly, they are in demand in the CIS and We do our best using the latest solutions, em-
former Soviet countries. ploying our special alloy grades; bringing the
Our products are used for completing machines original product design to perfection we are
manufactured by the leading world manufac- about to pass to another new level.
turers and featured with unquestionable com- We create a new development line; we establish
petitive advantages. own rules and advance further efficiency levels.
Should the strength, power or reliability be We put on the world market the fundamentally
requested, Impulse hydraulic breakers can solve new hydraulic breaker energy production con-
the most complex problems and will allow to
implement the most bold plan with dignity.
cept providing the revolutionary potential for
the branch.
One of the best world pilot equipment models
that can make a real progress when using on
any excavator or loader has been now devel-
oping at our unique company represented by
Technopark «Impulse».
No doubt that we are successors of the domes-
tic research school that was brought forth more
than half a century ago.
With the engineering research complex es-
tablished at the turn of the century, we have
found ourselves in the first ranks of the world
attachment industry.
A wide range of our products are featured with
high-quality and budget-friendly advantages
that sort out our attachments among other
world brands.
Did you hear about us? We were close to you
when building this world.
How can pile heads be rapidly and Authored by:
correctly cut? Impulse pile breaker Olga Markova
Today, when buildings grow up like mush- The last solutions are continuously advanced
and manual labor is forced out by machines and
rooms it is preferable to use the foundations attachment in the increasing frequency. Hardly
made of reinforced concrete square section anybody can imagine the today’s building site
piles. without high-capacity excavators and combined
Using this process it is possible to accelerate attachment. One of the building attachments
zero cycle construction works, save building is represented by an Impulse pile cutter. Let us
time and, consequently, developing funds. But discuss it in details.
the matter is that hardly anybody knows how to
save funds producing high-quality foundation
while reducing time and labor costs. We are
going to talk about this matter in this paper.
Everybody has ever encounter the problem of
making the foundation of reinforced concrete
piles - i.e. how to bind all perimeter-driven piles
to form a foundation grill that directly con-
tributes to the foundation quality. This is a real
painstaking work that requires labor and mate-
rial costs.
As a matter of fact, any pile head cutting works
have been carried out up to date manually. A
work gang used pick breakers manually cutting
pile heads at construction sites.
This method has very poor efficiency - in the A pile cutter is a hydraulic implement in-
average 10-15 heads a shift. Moreover, a human tended for cutting/breaking pile heads at a
factor shall not excluded - i.e. a pile may be cut reference mark. The main advantage of a pile
off beyond a marked line and the whole founda- cutter is its high performance - it cuts maxi-
tion will be damaged. mum 200 drilled pile heads a shift. And there
The horizontal cut plane is a critical element is a number of other benefits.
subject to consideration when preparing pile The Impulse pile breaker is driven from the base
heads for making panel or plate foundation grill machine hydraulic system and does not require
that is frequently used in construction works any additional power sources. Such benefits as
nowadays. low noise level, low cost ownership, high speed
and perfect cut quality contribute to usability of
8 the Impulse pile cutter by interested developers.
Such Impulse pile cutter can also maintain
integrity of reinforcement to be subsequently
used for making foundation grill.
The Impulse pile cutter is intended for breaking
reinforced concrete square-section piles with
the width of 250 to 450 mm specified by the
model of applicable Impulse pile cutter.
Now, we discuss the pile cutter in details. If to calculate all PROS and CONS, it may be
As stated above, an excavator or other machines surely stated that the Impulse pile cutter may
may be used for attaching an Impulse pile be nowadays referred to as the most efficient
cutter, provided that the machine concerned is unit for cutting piles along a designed marking
equipped with the hydraulic system that meets line. For the comparative data of “Manual labor”
specific pile cutter characteristics; all other versus “SV400 Impulse Pile Cutter”, see the table
components delivered as standard equipment. that is shown below.
A pile cutter may be easily controlled by any op- As the above table shows, purchasing Impulse
erator who has thorough knowledge and who SV400 pile cutter you can raise your shift output
is skilled enough in operating a base machine. 5 times. Consequently, you can save time five-
Furthermore, an operator may need assistance fold and, as a result, reduce expenses.
for positioning the pile cutter and cutting along Purchasing the SV400 Impulse pile cutter you
the marking line. But in case of broad experi- can appreciate the benefits of high-perfor-
enced and skills an operator may position the mance and efficiency.
pile cutter without any assistance.
On putting and fixing the Impulse pile cutter, an
operator actuates the base machine hydraulic
system feeding hydraulic fluid to Impulse cutter
hydraulic cylinders. The hydraulic cylinder pro-
duces static force that makes effect on a pile for
breaking it along the designed marking line.
It takes maximum 5 minute to break one pile
heading with the Impulse pile cutter.
Then, an operator removes the pile cutter and
handles a broken head taking it to a place in-
tended for stacking cuttings. No additional ma-
chines or implements are required for handling
of cuttings other than the pile cutter. Thereafter,
reinforcement, where available, is cut off by us-
ing a suitable and effective method. I would like
to notice that reinforcement is subject to cut-
ting when either a pick breaker or the Impulse
pile cutter is used.
Parameter Impulse SV400 pile cutter Manual labor
One pile cutting labor costs, man-minute 12 11
One worker output per a shift, pcs 80
3 persons
Total output per a shift, pcs 160
Team 2 persons (operator + assistant)
Repair Your Cart Authored by:
in December! Igor Ibragimov
This wise old saying makes its appeal blades.
They say: “This is just a piece of a steel curved
to change of any equipment over the off season plate attached to a pair of square pipes!” It will
and there is much sense in such popular quote. take a couple of hours and this plate may be
But who follows this wisdom? used as a blade.
We customarily start searching for a heater in Our engineers will answer as follows: “Try”. And
snowy weather and for an air conditioner in hot indeed, just to try to understand that any de-
summer. sign and manufacturing process, for example,
Actually, any summer season is quite suita- for producing a snow-cleaning blade is a sci-
ble for selecting the winter attachments for ence-based procedure.
its discount rating and availability at storage It is necessary to calculate not only compati-
facilities. bility with a base machine, but such specific
Perhaps, having regard to the above, some gen- factor as snow behavior, its density, its distri-
tle readers have made a guess about the prod- bution over the blade structure, moving snow
ucts discussed in this paper — i.e. snow-clean- resistance force, in which places the framework
ing angled blades, rotary snow ploughs, sand rigidity is required and where there’s a need in
spreaders, sweeper brooms. light-weight components. For retaining re-
Tradicia-K Company is ready to offer the full quired elasticity, a rubber snow-cleaning bar is
range of winter attachments for skid steer load- used edging the blade bottom; it has specific
ers and backhoe loaders even in summer time! wear-resistant and frost-proof design charac-
This manufacturer have been producing and teristics; which are capable of easy change and
supplying various types of original snow-clean- many other useful qualities.
ing units for several years. Every product needs An angled snow-cleaning blade is designed so
specific approach. Let us, for example, look at that it may be mounted on any skid steer loader.
Such blades can be equipped alternatively with On investigating some offers, we have made out
a power drive or hydraulic drive angle adjust- choice for Fronius welders and ESAB consuma-
ment device. bles.
Blades differ by mounting method as well as by
functional design. The mechanically -driven unit However, excess or offset welding seams may
is very simple in mounting: a blade is attached not only slow down the process flow but signif-
to a loader plate, aligned with a special angle icantly affect blade quality. Therefore, with the
adjustment bar, and the attached implement is assistance of our foreign partners, our personnel
ready for operation - to save municipal streets take regular proficiency maintenance training
from snowdrifts. Hydraulically operated blades courses. Products are properly tested at every
can be used in the events when blade angle significant production phase by the staff of the
periodically readjusted to meet snow-cleaning quality control department.
requirements. This unit is designed so that an We use efficient NDT testing methods includ-
operator does not need to leave a cab for re- ing ultrasonic and magnetic detectors.
adjustment, thus saving time. In this case, no Consequently, we have gained invariably
hydraulic reversing line is required for mounting high-quality of snow-cleaning blade products.
on the base machine. It is sufficient to attach an And the last, our products are shot blasted and
adapting plate and to join hydraulic fluid hoses coated with paint. Blade structures are prop-
for operation. There is a control joystick to be erly protected against adverse environmental
used by an operator for turning a blade. effects thanks to close adherence to priming,
Hydraulic components are subject to testing wear-proof paint coating and dry-up process
for operation in icing and low-temperature requirements.
environments. It should be noted that our products are on
Now, we will provide some details to describe demand in the foreign markets for they meet
design methods and materials’ handling. Our specific world quality standards.
production engineers calculate 3D model by We value our corporate reputation and offer the
using special simulation software for producing modern, long-lived, and high-quality products
light-weight, strength and high-tech structures. to our clients.
With specific loads simulated at a design And another advice from our staff: use the pop-
phase, it is possible to achieve great quality in ular wisdom and you will never be late.
the product avoiding any errors.
Besides, integrating parameters of some state- 11
of-the-art materials in the blade prototype the
engineers keep out of excess loads while gain-
ing rather rigid and wear-resistant product.
Our engineers can use a wide range of materi-
als - the company maintains close relations with
leading steel making companies in the world.
Particularly, there is the Swedish 1sSSAB
corporation that supply us HARDOX, DOMEX,
WELDOX and other steel grades.
We have established good relations with key
domestic suppliers, as well. We use the best
welding processes.
Impulse — New Generation Authored by:
Karina Kraft
Hydraulic Breakers
Impulse attachments’ sales Impulse’s secrets. No need to assure that such
secrets can be employed in excess by a number
on the local market as well as abroad reach of manufacturers.
higher heights, rigging spread over a number
of countries and even continents. First batches With high-quality raw materials properly sorted
of Impulse products exported at far 2012 have out at an initial phase, it is possible to avoid any
been operating till now without any shutdown uncertainty factor in the final product. Proper
even for scheduled repair. Such hydraulic break- survival capacity of the product is ensured even
ers have been operating less any troubles for in extreme operating conditions. The first and
three years’ period already. one of the main benefits is firm consumer’s be-
lief in the quality of the raw materials a hydrau-
Our hydraulic breaker products are successful- lic breaker is made of.
ly used for more than two years in Australia, Impulse hydraulic breakers are made of the
South Africa, China, Italy, and France. Custom- unique customized grade of steel that has
ers request for wear parts only. Our hydraulic been developed by one of the well-known
breakers can be operated in various climatic domestic research centers engaged in such
zones and allow undertaking enormous loads project throughout the last decades.
as well as outlast the worst working mistakes As a result, our products have the performance
of the less trained operators. that does not actually differ from any European
Need to say that this is just the statement of an equivalents and, in some respects, exceeds in
accomplished fact. But how did we succeed in quality.
entering the overseas markets and what is the
rationale for our customers in making there There is another high-performance factor – i.e.
preference to our brand only? There are some accuracy in components manufacturing proce-
nuances. dure. The present-day machinery of almost all
The success of our Impulse hydraulic breakers is the producers is not actually different. The accu-
based on their high performance and reliability, racy manufacturing processes should meet ISO
high-load resistance and serviceability. What the 9001 standard requirements. Impulse hydraulic
life cycle, survival capability and serviceability breaker products have been manufacturing
of a hydraulic breaker is formed from? There is for a number of years with the above standard
a majority of various factors but, hereunder, we regulations applied throughout all the phases
are going to disclose just several Technopark of the production processes. But we have ad-
vanced in this respect.
12 There is a group of machines operated at our
factory that are unique and are not used by
European or Asian manufacturers.
These precision machines are creating a fin-
ishing of a workpiece, by compacting an outer
layer to produce high-accuracy surfacing, thus
extending breaker’s guaranteed period up to
eight thousand operating hours.
Now, let us consider the thermochemical treat-
ment process, that is to say in particular not
quenching or tempering process but the ther-
mochemical one. Load-resistance and abnor-
mal environment survival capacity parameters,
depending on the work flow a part passes
through to achieve the characteristics of the
final product. Load impact and wear resistance ditions. Some special lubricants and chemical
characteristics including antirust properties fixing solutions are widely used, as well.
can be obtained by using a common hardening With high-speed friction resistant seals and
process. cups used in Impulse hydraulic breakers, it is
But the matter is that a manufacturer has to possible to bring movable element dynamic
select the necessary hardening and successive features to specific peak values with no effects
tempering regimes. It is possible to create an caused to hydraulic breaker service life.
incredibly hard steel grade but it will fail to resist These seals can not only operate in gas and
to low temperatures or impact stresses and, in hydraulic fluid pressure applications but also
addition to, it will gain specific fragile proper- resist to enormous friction and abrasive effects.
ties. Or another abnormality: a part will exhibit Such special seals are successfully used in the
its high performance in any critical conditions mechanical engineering sector. Unfortunately,
but it will obtain very extent wear rate capacity the above products are not produced in Russia
and other abnormal characteristics. Therefore, and we have to purchase majority of such seals
the process selected should be properly bal- in Japan. We are currently producing some
anced. If a thermal process is intended for shap- types of seals at our factory including particular
ing a particular internal base metal structure, polymers.
such operation will introduce a new element,
thus significantly improving the vital capacity. On passing the whole manufacturing process
The next phase is represented by an assembly flow, finished products are to be sent to the
procedure to be carried out by a manufacturer testing line. The product test procedure involves
in the dust-free environment. Special ventilation two cycles - i.e. no-load test and full-load test
and dust-suction system is required for provid- phases. The first phase is used for testing hy-
ing practically sterile assembly process con- draulic breakers for their assembly and no-load
performance characteristics.
Impulse — New Generation Authored by:
Karina Kraft
Hydraulic Breakers
The second phase is used for testing the prod- breakers.
uct at an impact load bench. All the minimum Such design features give rise to a number of
and peak hydraulic fluid pressure records are consecutive problems. The negative aspect is
logged in test sheet. Then, hydraulic breaker is that the bolts stretched out fail to bear load
sent to a packaging line and is completed for force, thus breaking off or changing geometry
shipment. of applied impact load as produced inside the
On terminating all the processes, a hydraulic hydraulic breaker. As a result, the bolts rapidly
breaker is ready for operation. But whatever a wear off and contribute to failure of the whole
process, design or engineering solutions are structure. With this concept modified, the fol-
applied, the very original source is an idea to be lowing side effect is produced: the more heavy
the matter the hydraulic breaker operation life is bolt is produced by a manufacturer, the more
based on. force has to be required for fitting and, respec-
Each of the Impulse product groups is dif- tively, for dismantling when servicing hydraulic
ferent from the others since it has individual breaker.
design features but the basic concept is to Impulse hydraulic breakers have the mon-
eradicate some common hydraulic breaker olith concept design. No through bolts are
problems. used in the structure. That is one of the basic
The vector of the innovative development of sector-based problems has been actually
the state-of-the-art industrial sector is aimed at resolved.
creating multi-purpose models to be designed This design is additionally featured with differ-
for operation on a wide range of base machines ent bushing replacement procedure.
with no effects caused to either excavator or
hydraulic breaker. While developing this sector,
we give our next preference to serviceability
and minimization of equipment maintenance
expenditures, high-priced rigging and service
equipment costs. And reliability is the most im-
portant thing. For example, if hydraulic breaker
is made of the best raw materials and designed
by using state-of-the-art equipment, but it has
some structural drawbacks, it will fail to live a
long life. All the above problems and troubles
have been successfully solved throughout the
phase of designing and manufacturing innova-
tive Russian Impulse hydraulic breakers.
Actually, all hydraulic breakers manufactured
in the world have modular design consisting
of three parts. These parts are joined with long
through bolts. The first trouble can be caused
by those bolts. Such through bolts ordinary
fail to resist to stretch-out forces during opera-
tion, especially when exposed to impact, break
and other mechanical loads not exceeding the
breaking impact energy. And no efforts made
by reputed manufacturers can overcome the
very problem to be typical for the majority of
In the first place, we used one bushing instead If we stop pointing out the advantages of
of the two ones as applied on a majority of sim- Impulse breakers at these features it is already
ilar products. In the second place, such bush- enough to make a choice of Impulse hydraulic
ing can be replaced without using any special breakers among similar products produced by
service tools. Our Impulse hydraulic breakers are world manufacturers.
easy-to-maintenance units and no supplement
appliances are required. An operator can solely
carry out preventive maintenance saving both
time and money.
Another significant and unchallengeable bene-
fit of the product to be typical for highly priced
and innovative models is the low hydraulic
breaker weight while no impact energy is re-
duced but increased. Beginning from the small-
weight models and ending by large-weight
ones, our hydraulic breakers are approximately
fifteen per cent lighter than equivalent models
produced by our competitors.
There is the today’s tendency to improving
performance of any similar-weight product with
duration of its service life saved. No need to
use heavy-duty excavators, spend money on its
service or maintenance.
Special breakers’ bodies and damping sys-
tems; monolith concept design and breaker
unit sleeve-type design; special highly resist-
ant seals; improved impact unit speed and,
as a result, improved impact energy perfor-
Model Weight of base Tool Weight, Frequency, Working Oil flow,
machine, t diam., mm kg bpm pressure, bar l/min
260 30 – 50
Impulse 100S 1–5 68 285 800 – 1’600 90 – 130 30 – 50
325 40 – 80
Impulse 120S 4–9 68 705 500 – 1’000 90 – 130
80 – 110
Impulse 150S 5 – 11 75 1’100 500 – 1’000 130 – 150 90 – 160
1’580 130 – 150
Impulse 300S 10 – 20 105 2’180 450 – 950 150 – 170 190 – 250
3’195 190 – 250
Impulse 400S 12 – 21 120 400 – 900 150 – 180
Impulse 450S 18 – 26 135 400 – 800 160 – 180
Impulse 500S 27 – 40 150 350 – 700 160 – 180
Impulse 600S 33 – 50 160 300 – 600 160 – 180
Brutal force & good cause,
demolition and creation,
clash of opposites…
We don’t follow old technologies and fundamental industrial
dogma. We don’t modernize and just renew old products. We
develop and create new engineering solutions.
Twenty years of engineering researches, samples and trial
tests, unite of huge experience and modern machinery result-
ed into conceptual new design of hydraulic breakers.
“Impulse”breakers have been operated in absolutely different
climatic zones and allow undertaking enormous loads as well
as outlast the worst working mistakes of the less trained op-
erators. “Impulse” products success is based on the easy oper-
ation, reliability and resistance to overloads.
Change your vision of hydraulic breakers together with
Hydraulic breakers “Impulse” today – combination
of wild energy and precise control over it. Powerful
demolition equipment for creation of the future.
It is clean Authored by:
Ilia Medvedev
This phrase is quite popular in the space areas; vast areas of warm and open lots
has been built; public utilities have gained some
vocabulary used by the old machine shop per- experience in calculating machinery operation
sonnel. and service expenditures.
Its origin is vague and its meaning varies. I would like to speak about one of the municipal
Some persons believe that it applies to work- cleaning attachments – angle brooms.
piece rough finish process and other ones speak Such brooms sold under the Impulse brand are
about the fine finish process. intended for year-round operation in all climate
As for me, I use this phrase when describing any regions of our country.
characteristic of a cleaning attachments. These brooms may by used for removing dust
Lately, small-weight municipal machines were and rubbish from highways in summer, for
not in demand. Pavements and courtyard removing dead leaves in autumn, for sweep-
areas were cleaned manually; hypermarkets ing snow in winter, and for cleaning streets in
were absent since they had not come to the spring when ice and snow start thawing.
Russian market yet; and parking lots had ever Such brooms may be named as indispensable
been properly filled since our population could and multi-purpose municipal service units Our
not purchase cars. But the above situation has engineers have designed the brooms using the
fundamentally changed for the last generation: abundant experience to obtain rather sim-
people have raised their municipal street clean- ple and reliable product. Now, let us consider
ing standards; there are many new public green-
broom unit design in details. bility with any base machine.
Robust and mountable adapters can be at- What kind of the product mounting options can
tached to brooms by various methods and their be actually used?
design allows mounting on all widely operated
versions of backhoe-loaders and skid-steers. 1. Manual broom turning angle adjustment. This
If you have an uncommon or obsolete machine, is the most simple mounting option since an
there is no reason for fear: it is not a problem for operator is to leave the machine cab for adjust-
us to take measurements and make an adapter ing turning angle of the broom and for moni-
in the shortest possible time. It should be noted toring condition of inlet hydraulic lines. The unit
that these adapters are manufactured for long- is controlled (starting and reversing rotation of
term operation and their replacement frequen- the broom hydraulic motor) with a handle or an
cy is reduced to minimum. additional line pedal.
The adapter is mounted on the casing through 2. Hydraulic broom turning angle adjustment.
a rotary lube-point joint. The product may be Using this mounting option, an operator can
driven by power - i.e. a broom turns manually carry out steplessly variable adjustment of the
and its turning angle is set up by a special gra- broom turning angle from the seat; this design
dient marking on the frame and locked with a is suitable when operating in abnormal envi-
holder. The turning gear is structurally designed ronmental conditions. The system is equipped
so that an operator can rapidly switch the unit both with hydraulic and electric components.
over to the hydraulic drive and reverse. It should be noted that moisture- and frost-re-
The broom body is designed as a strong gird- sistant electric wiring may be used on all types
er-type beam for obtaining specific hardness, of the machines. On actuating the electric
strength and light-weight capacities. The struc- circuit, hydraulic fluid flow is redirected from the
ture is guarded by sheet metal shields and
casing that protect the machine from flying dirt. 19
Besides, the broom is structurally fitted with
suitable sliding rests to be used for keeping a
unit above ground level and protecting collect-
ing disk broom.
There are other metal broom components that
allow to extend the product service life.
• The finite element method is used in new
product design for refining its shape;
• Critical components are made of wear-resisting
and high-strength Sweden steels;
• All other components are coated by wear-
proof modern painting materials;
• Ergonomic broom body designed with opera-
tor entry-exit systems .
An additional line only is required for connect-
ing the Impulse broom to the base machine.
The hydraulic system is designed so that it may
be optionally mounted providing the compati-
It is clean Authored by:
Ilia Medvedev
broom hydraulic motor drive to the turning gear Avoiding from using unnecessary parts, our
hydraulic cylinder. engineers could obtain the design to be
3. Optional adjustment system. If the optional more reliable and long-living than that of
rigging hydraulic drive system is not equipped chain-driven products.
with a separate adjustment valve or if the at- Standard broom disks are mounted on a hol-
tachment is often changed on the machine and, low axle secured inside the broom frame. Our
as a result, frequently readjusted, the Impulse designers gave their particular attention for
brooms may be fitted with a double-flow safety improving user-friendly replaceability of disk
valve. broom.
4. Water spraying system. Some broom options
may be equipped with an advanced pumped
water spraying system. Such optional design is
very effective for operation in dry weather con-
ditions since it allows to efficiently reduce level
of dustiness of any site subject to cleaning and
to improve performance.
All hydraulic and electric system elements are
fully closed with a metal broom casing and thor-
oughly protected from any effects to be pro-
duced in abnormal and extreme environment.
The hydraulic motor is mounted on the broom
disk axle for increasing reliability of the product.
It should be noted that there is another factor and other components (inside framework clear-
that significantly increase survivability of the ance limits);
equipment in our severe conditions: • Broom safety system (actuated in case of oper-
every component subject to implementation ator misuse);
is totally tested for quality in real field condi- • Uniform wear of broom;
tions. • Light-weight design;
And, as a result, there is no claims from our • Application of state-of-the-art materials;
customers. • A hydraulic motor is brought to the broom axle
So, our product has the advantages as follows: (less chain drive);
• Easy-to-connect design and user-friendly oper- • Broom disk replaceability;
ation; • Standard rests for keeping the product above
• Large broom coverage; bearing surface;
• Simple and reliable hydraulic system; • Widely used and standard broom disk dimen-
• Moisture- and frost-resistant wiring; sions.
• Optional broom hydraulic-driven or pow- In conclusion I would like to add that we contin-
er-driven design; ue modifying and improving customized char-
• Optional safety valve design; acteristics. Keep up the last news and follow “It’s
• Structural protection of high pressure hoses clean” saying.
Operation in the winter period. Authored by:
Part 1. Bucket or blade? Igor Ibragimov
In winter, you can occasionally see the • The second problem: a skid-steer bucket
holding plate, handle cylinders, mechanical lock
following scene at any municipal street: a skid- clamps or hydraulic lock studs are exposed to
steer taking its position on hind wheels carefully excess chattering and oscillation effects that
scrapes asphalt surface or pavement slab with slowly but definitely wreck the gearing.
an edge of its bucket removing and piling up • It should be noted that a bucket can affect and
snow. On the one hand, such operator skills can damage road surface and you may encounter
evoke delight only but, on the other hand, the with additional expenses to be incurred for re-
idea that “Cheapest is the dearest” comes into pairing in spring. Besides, there are other excess
mind. fuel and lubricant expenses since a loader has
A skid-steer is designed so that it may be to pass the same area several times for achiev-
equipped with various attachments. ing the required clearing quality; and when you
It should be noted that a common bucket and use a rubber-edged blade the above quality is
operator qualification never can substitute for a achieved from the first attempt.
wide range of attachments products. • And, probably, there is the most important
Should a bucket be used in abnormal condi- factor - i.e. operator life and health safety. Being
tions, a number of significant problems occur: unexpectedly struck by a bucket, an obstacle
• When a bucket is used for any purpose other transmits the impact force to an operator cab
than it is intended, it is deformed - i.e. spalling but a blade is capable to absorb such force.
and burring occur on the bucket edge. And, as We hope that these arguments convince you of
a result, such bucket or its edge is subject to the be0nefits of using a snow-cleaning blade.
The blade is additionally fitted with stiffening
ribs protecting from deformation and other
The blade is edged with reinforced rubber pro-
tecting from rigid-contact forces. High-quality
weld seams insure long service life.
For estimating quality-to-price ratio, see option-
al equipment:
• For removing snow at vast areas, it is better to
use a hydraulic-driven snow cleaning angled
blade. An operator can adjust blade position
against particular site profile and perimeter.
• Should a snow cleaning blade be used for
removing snow at road surface, it should be
equipped with retroreflectors.
• It is recommended that the cylinders are
equipped with anti-shock valves for releasing
pressure from the cylinder in the event of any
bumps against obstacles (e.g. a projecting man-
hole, curb etc.); thus the cylinder functions as an
additional shock absorber.
Operation in the winter period. Authored by:
Part 2. Snowblower – right to choice. Igor Ibragimov
Snow cleaning is a subject-matter that When a user has the requirement for removing
snow so that it is thrown off to a specific dis-
logically predominates over other ones in the tance, it is necessary to think whether a truck
Russian municipal attachments market. has to run parallel to the equipment or whether
This paper is devoted to another type of the a snowblower has to operate separately eject-
winter attachments – a snowblower, same as ing snow out of the site under cleaning.
a snow cleaner, same as a blow-type snow As a matter of fact, our municipal companies
plough, same as a snow miller, and same as a prefer using tractors equipped with screw-type
screw-type snowblower. snowblowers manufactured domestically or
Such variety of names wholly and fully reflects delivered from Belarus. Such machines may be
quantity of makes, types, modifications and often seen in the streets after any snowfall.
manufacturers operating in the Russian snow While removing snow from ground surface, the
cleaning attachments market. blower simultaneously loads it on a truck, thus
What way shall we go to make a right choice out compensating both driving speed and snow re-
of various options, to make a good bargain and moval speed. The attachment class completely
payment? meets its carrier – i.e. the attachment is subject
We recommend that you follow up two basic to retightening, adjustment, service, and main-
principles – site and scope of expected works, tenance. The equipment has very simple and
and a carrier the snowblower is to be mounted user-friendly design.
on. Ideally, this attachment looks like the Russian
It should be noted that a screw-type snowblow- automobile-sector products manufactured in
er is not intended for operating in restricted the ninetieth of the previous century. Need to
space since it is designed for throwing off snow say that its operating time is rated to the repair
to minimum 5 m distance. That is why, when time at the ratio of 50/50, provided that initially
you are in any restricted areas it is better to use invested funds are duly minimized.
a snow blade or angled road-cleaning broom.
Are you ready to spend your time on equipment In this case, the equipment is used occasionally
repair in any hot season or do you desire to gain and, when necessary, it has to be removed as
full profit from snow removal? All depends on fast as possible and substituted for any standard
your personal choice. equipment.
Screw-type snowblowers exported from the Let us assume that you operate a skid-steer or
East European countries have higher price but backhoe-loader at a warehouse, particularly
they are featured with improved reliability. As wheel loader or telescopic handler. All these
compared with the domestic equivalents, 20- types of machines may be equipped with a
25% of price difference is proved by employing screw-type equipment capable to remove snow
such units as rather strong rotor design, mul- from the area at minimum load. You can work
tiple-turn screw that can efficiently break any as follows: morning to evening – snow removal,
compacted snow and sleet, reliable and hydrau- afternoon time – standard works.
lic drive that can operate faultlessly throughout Impulse screw-type snowblowers are domestic
the season. products assembled from Russian components
For understanding the benefits from purchas- and from components imported from European
ing any high-priced attachments, it should be countries. This product has user-friendly and
noted that the leased tractor equipped with reliable design. It can operate faultlessly on a
a snow remover can be bought out in two routine basis and it is intended for removing
seasons. snow at local roads, pavements, and territories.
Therefore, you have to made the decision as Various models are designed so that they are
follows – whether to replace a worn-out snow- suitable for mounting on skid-steers, mini-trac-
blower by another one or to continue using tors, lightweight front-lift loaders.
European equivalent in one or two years upon This product has improved strength design
maintenance. ensuring long life service and allowing re-
Another situation: small areas to be out of busi- moval of maximum 60 cm height snow at 3-4
ness interests or profits. km/h!
We speak about those snowblowers that are We hope that this paper will help you focusing
used for personal purposes only – i.e. clearing on a personal choice of a wide range of snow
parking lots, storage facilities, commercial areas, handling equipment and our company will do
and building sites without any services provided its best to make it available, to deliver and to
by third parties. provide after-sale service.
Import Substitution - Authored by:
What is the Benefit? Andrey Myod
Last years, there is the new tendency Unfortunately, many of our nationals lost their
confidence to domestically manufactured prod-
- everybody discuss the matter of import sub- ucts and, need to add that they a priori consider
stitution. If to say about Yandex, there is almost “Russian products” as low-quality ones. This is
55 thousand monthly search requests and the strange thing as our nationals are strongly
660 thousand yearly search requests of word- convinced of the Russian space and military sec-
ing “import substitution”! People make their tor leadership. We believe that Russia is a leader
search requests to the above matter more often in manufacturing the world’s best submachine
than those regarding “Vladimir Zhirinovsky”, guns or spaceships but it fails manufacturing
half more often than those regarding “Putin’s any high-quality hydraulic breaker or vibratory
friends”, and three times more often than those pile driver. The undeniable fact is the Russians’
regarding “hydraulic breaker”!. But at the same believe that any products manufactured domes-
time most people are quite skeptical about tically may be referred to those of the low-qual-
import substitution. This is partially explained ity nature.
by the fact that the process concerned fails Hardly anybody has noticed the fact that Leno-
to achieve its effect for some difficulties and vo to be one of the key transnational comput-
barriers put by the Government of the Russian er-making corporations will start in 2016 buying
Federation. Now, I suggest distracting our atten- the processors completely developed and man-
tion from political factors and have a look at the ufactured in Russia. As for Apple, it has been
import substitution matter by our neutral view. manufacturing its iWatch products outfitted
So, import substitution means the process of with sapphire glass produced at the Stavropol
imported product substitution for those man- factory which covers 30% of the world sapphire
ufactured domestically. glass market (and need to say that this is the
Actually, this means that we give our preference very complicated process)! And this is the histo-
to domestic manufacturers other than foreign ry of the success gained in a particular sector.
Procurement of any products assembled in 3. Constantly growing volumes of the export
Russia from imported complete units - another output is proved by compliance with the high-
part of the import substitution process. We have est European quality standards.
no doubt about quality of Hyundai Solaris vehi- 4. The efficient quality of hydraulic breaker
cle since it is equipped with our “home-made” products is assured by the 24-months warran-
engine and gearbox, and an Komatsu excavator ty!
that have been assembling in Russia for ages There is no precedent for this in the Russian
may be actually considered a reliable machine market (Atlas Corpo even is not ready to provide
since it is equipped with an imported engine, the similar long-term warranty).
injectors and hydraulic system but with the 5. The Impulse attachments are completed
Russian framework. with imported hydraulic components, e.g. axial
Besides, any products made in the Russian piston hydraulic motors, valves, hydraulically
metal-based manufacturing sector are of great driven rotary support units etc.
demand both in Russia and abroad.
I remember one incident from my life: when Development and technologies
I visited one of Komatsu factories in Japan A skilled personnel structure is required for
(crawler-mounted excavator frame manufac- taking a great step from localization to the full
turing factory) I was amazed that Japan tech- import substitution process. We are proud of
nologists used Soviet (!) manuals including the progress a team of engineers have achieved
metal welding process guide books. And it introducing the Impulse manufacturing tech-
should be acknowledged that our technolo- nologies in our factory. It is not possible just to
gists are very experienced in qualitative metal copy a thermochemical process where steel is
treatment and welding processes.
As a matter of fact, any equipment or product 27
is selected on the basis of its value to be the
main factor requested by a customer - i.e. with
a price rated in comparison to those benefits to
be expected by a customer from any product
purchased. The efficient value may be derived
from low cost of ownership, long service life and
even personal attitude to any brand or country
of origin.
Now, it is time to detail the value of the Impulse
product regarding the import substitution
The Impulse product quality may be described
briefly and essentially as follows:
1. The factory that manufactures Impusle
attachments is duly authorized by American
John Deer Corporation.
2. Impulse products have been operating in
Great Britain, Australia, South Africa, Italy and
Scandinavia for several years.
Import Substitution - Authored by:
What is the Benefit? Andrey Myod
treated in the oxide-free medium or to simulate er representative; need to say that it is a regular
any complex hydraulic breaker design. It took situation since similar equipment is quite often
us almost 20 years to design own hydraulic supplied by those companies that cannot pro-
attachments to be maximally adapted to rather vide own service facilities and, chiefly, they have
heavy and extreme operating environment in no field experience to maintain previously de-
Russia. The Impulse products have very simple livered hydraulic breakers, vibratory pile drivers,
design with improved “tolerance” of all types of earth drills or manipulator because the facilities
the attachments; such features as serviceability, required are greatly different from those used
maximum rated operation life and repairability for servicing, for example, buckets that may be
even in the field conditions have been taken repaired even in any garage...
for the basic ones when designing the Impulse There is one easy example from life: when
goods. General Motors left the Russian market, of-
Service ficial dealers run selling Opel and Chevrolet
When we speak about after-sales service the cars at very low prices (sometimes the pricing
pilot product quality is often pushed to the dropped down the level even below of that
sidelines. The F100 Furukawa hydraulic break- fixed in 2014). Today, in 2016, some portion of
er after-sales service may be considered as an those cars are currently on sale yet - who has
example. This hydraulic breaker is intended for any desire to purchase a vehicle to be followed
maximum 100 ton excavators; its weight ex- by problematic service and to wait delivery of
ceeds 6500 kg and its working tool’s diameter is spare parts for several months (especially, in far
210 mm. Our after-sales service department is away regions)? Do you really want to purchase a
the only one (!) that made the decision to carry similar car?
out full repair of the hydraulic breaker (3 units Purchasing the Impulse products, our partners
only of such heavy-weight Furukawa models are make not only eligible investment but they
operated in Russia). gain access to the life aftersale service of all
the original products. Regardless of a year of
Nobody have any doubt about quality of the production we can provide respective Impulse
Japan Furukawa hydraulic breaker since this is parts subject to warranty and post-warranty
an actually high-capacity and long-life unit; but repair.
it is no easy matter to maintain these breakers Pricing
and even official imported machinery distribu- Now, it is time to go to the matter of pricing. It is
tors fail to provide their services as they have no sufficiently to look at some figures:
respective service and repair facilities. There are • The Impulse 300ECO hydraulic breaker has the
a number of cases when end users of imported price that is 42% cheaper than the equivalent
equipment fail to find any required manufactur- Korean product represented by Delta and below
50% cheaper than the rest competing equiva-
28 lents.
• The Impulse VP350R vibratory pile driver has
the price that is 26% cheaper than the equiva-
lent Korean product represented by Daedong
and Impulse VP300 is 36% cheaper than its com-
plete equivalent English product - Delta VM300.
While the real exchange rate is jumping up in
2016, the competing price difference will have
an increasing trend. Moreover, we do not turn 4. Direct channels of distribution: All Impulse
away from our efforts in maintaining the rele- products are purchased directly at the manu-
vant cost price and, as a result, we can keep not facturing factories and it is possible to sell an
only the stable pricing but sometimes reduce it amount of our product at a substantial discount
for particular products. and on beneficial delivery terms.
What is the cause of the variation in prices? The What next?
first thing is that we have optimized the follow- Do we are to purchase domestic or imported
ing expenses to be lower in Russia than those in products? — this is personal choice.
Europe or South Korea: We are proud of our products but we shall keep
1. Skilled labor expenses: for example, a weld- out of any self-admiration and shall do our best
er operating in South Korea earns at least 2 to make progress in own development. We are
thousand dollars and that operating in Russia going to expand a range of vibratory pile driver
- 1 thousand dollars, provided that they both units in 2016 (including domestic heavy-power
have equal qualification (look at the data of the hydraulic crane-based vibratory pile drivers); we
international competition of the welders repre- will launch serial production of newly designed
senting Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - they are vibrating soil compactors featured with dou-
regularly top winners). bled ramming force and other elements. But the
2. Technologies: with new technologies applied turbulence in the market for import substitution
on a long-term basis, it is possible not only to processes make us set our mind on reaching
improve quality but also to gradually reduce the particular goals. The Russian commercial pro-
cost price of a final product. duction sector only may grow up to secure the
3. Batch manufacturing: more than 3000 hy- construction business for long years.
draulic breaker units, more than 5000 adapter We suggest our partners joining us for imple-
plates for various types of hydraulic attach- mentation of the program of import substi-
ments, more than 100 vibrating soil compactors, tution for high-quality and reliable Impulse
more than 2000 augers and other products are attachments.
manufactured per year.
One day at the factory or to Authored by:
see the process firsthand Visitor of factory
The unsightly entrance marked as composition. On performing a number of ex-
periments, the engineers could achieve success
Technopark “Impulse” hides the hydraulic break- in formulating high strength properties of parts
er manufacturing factory to be rather unique and specific chemical treatment processes
for our country. The hydraulic breaker product allowed to gain maximum life-service perfor-
manufacturing process is very complex and mance.
highly expensive; it requires enormous experi- The material is formulated and produced.
ence and skills as combined with the powerful What next?
processing base. Next - machining, shaping and finishing.
At first sight the process is simple enough:
Technopark “Impulse” has been developing receiving raw material, cutting, machining and
hydraulic breaker manufacturing process in sending to the following phase of the manu-
Russia for almost twenty years. facturing process. But any apparent simplicity
Well, it is time to go to the excursion. Today, we hides totally adjusted system intended for mon-
will trace the final product - i.e. Impulse 120 hy- itoring all production strings. On integrating
draulic breaker flagship model - manufacturing design documentation, financial figures, control
process. parameters, reject and completing data, and
What a hydraulic breaker is start from? many other data, the special application is used
Raw material is the primary stuff used for manu- for tracing raw material, workpiece, and final
facturing any product. Quality of a final product part process paths.
depends on primary stuff and the properties. Base terminals are installed at every work area.
As a matter of fact, special requirements are Need to say that every part is fitted with a route
imposed on the metal from which hydraulic card - i.e. somewhat of a “birth certificate”. On
breakers are made of. screening this card by a terminal, respective
We say several words about the material used component and process path data are dis-
by us. played: where it is delivered from; what data
Our material engineers, in cooperation with are received at an input controller; lot ID; what
the personnel of a reputed research center, machines are used for machining; who tested a
have launched the project in development of component and what time it is tested at; what
special material resistant to high impact loads, parameters are changed. It takes just several
temperature peaks, permanent wear etc. seconds to display all component life history
Besides, specific thermal treatment procedure that is stored and kept at the factory servers.
has been developed for the designed material Thermal treatment
On machining and shaping, the part is supplied
30 to the thermal treatment section we are going
to describe hereunder. It is interesting to know
as follows: a hydraulic breaker is assembled
from about 50 various components! A head
(or a piston) with the weight of at least 20 kg
and with 0.5 to 1.5 m length (depending on a
model) is a central component of the hydraulic
breaker unit. This hydraulic breaker component
maximally loaded is able to accelerate up to 11
m/s speed. It moves backwards and forwards,
like a shuttle, at 2000 bpm, thus cyclically
producing the impact force of thousand joules the company solves its problems using high-
that is transmitted to a rig. Both accuracy and grade hardness materials. The Swedish steel is
strength should meet respective standards! taken for standard.
The hydraulic breaker operates cyclically like an The hydraulic breaker has the minimum internal
engine - i.e. compression, power stroke, slow- clearance design and its cleanness is the main
down and return. The third phase is the most product assembly requirement.
complex one. The loads metal is exposed to are Quality control
similar to those applied inside in an artillery We go further to a test bench. This is a large-
weapon. But there is one difference: the 20 kg weight fascinating structure. In addition to its
piston is to be caught at the cylinder end and dimension there are perfect characteristics.
returned to the original position. It takes some The test bench is equipped with a hydraulic
milliseconds to perform a dozen of processes set that is capable to test hydraulic breakers
inside a unit, thus making it heated up to high of maximum 7 ton weight producing impact
temperatures. loads of maximum 12,000 J. This is a real great
There were some cases when metal was melt- power!
ed at maximum test-bench loads. For avoiding
destruction and deformation effects it is not The hydraulic breaker assembled and finally
sufficient to use any special stuff but the raw tested is sent to painting. Need to say that the
material needs specific properties. product painting requirements do not differ
Another step to final assembly from those specified for road machines.
So, the stuffing is prepared, dimensions are The product is held inside salt fog for 300 hours
followed, and properties are provided. The rest - this is an adequate quality control procedure.
thing is to produce a housing subject to the No wander that all foreign customers demand-
next-phase assembly! ing Impulse products in other countries includ-
Subsequent excursion point is a box-type ing those from Great Britain, Italy, France, Africa,
product welding shop Australia, Central and South America have really
This process is also featured with specific ele- estimated hydraulic breaker characteristics. In
ments. The hydraulic breaker comes in direct addition to performance, they made their com-
contact to crushing material and there are cases pliments to the product appearance.
when its housing occurs under crumbled soil or Now, the above excursion is finalized. We hole
concrete lumps. that you have find it interesting. And it is re-
Our engineers continuously keep up their eye freshing to know that not only some previous
on wear-resistant and impact load-resistant achievements still exist but modern manufac-
properties of the product casing: turing processes are developed. Actually, all
those who talk are balanced with those who
really do things!
Address: 142062, Moscow region, Domodedovo,
v. Rastunovo, Industrial area “Impulse”
+7 495 926-35-41
E-mail: [email protected]