Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Animal Behavior
Study Guide A
Answer Key 9. Territorial cost
10. Foraging cost
SECTION 1. ADAPTIVE VALUE OF 11. Foraging benefit
BEHAVIOR 12. Territorial benefit
13. most; least
1. stimulus; behavior 14. survive
2. Internal; body 15. defends
3. External; surroundings 16. Drawings will vary. Share some with
4. b, c, a
5. constant; stimuli the class.
6. increase; particular
7. internal; external SECTION 4. SOCIAL BEHAVIOR
8. hormones 1. Benefits: b, e, f
9. physiological 2. Costs: a, c, d
10. 24 3. chemical
11. Hibernation 4. sound
12. Migration 5. touch
13. 24 hours (or day) 6. visual
7. male; females
LEARNING 9. protect
10. reciprocity
1. a, d 11. inclusive fitness
2. newborns 12. cooperation
3. genetics; environment 13. kin selection
4. imprinting 14. altruism
5. imitation 15. i, large, many; ii, non-reproductive;
6. habituation iii, female, queen
7. a 16. males; females
8. c 17. pheromone
9. d 18. altruistic
10. b
12. a 1. a, c, e
13. signal 2. facts
14. ignore 3. trial and error
15. recognize 4. cause and effect
16. observing 5. large; social
6. learning
BEHAVIOR 8. cognition
9. Drawings will vary. Share some with the
1. a, d class.
2. cannot
3. expose, to i Animal Behavior
4. ATP
5. 4
6. 2
7. 3
8. Territoriality (or Territorial behavior)
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Section 1: Adaptive Value of Behavior
Study Guide A
Behavior lets organisms respond rapidly and adaptively to their environment.
VOCABULARY taxis biological clock
stimulus circadian rhythm
MAIN IDEA: Behavioral responses to stimuli may be adaptive.
Choose terms from the word box below to complete the sentence.
behavior external stimulus
body internal surroundings
1. A __________________ is a type of information that can make an organism
change its __________________.
2. __________________ stimuli tell an animal what is occurring in its own
3. __________________ stimuli give an animal information about its
4. Put the following statements into the correct order to complete the Cause-and-
Effect Diagram explaining how a stimulus results in a behavior.
a. Behavior occurs.
b. Sensory cells detect change.
c. Other systems are activated in response to the stimulus.
Stimulus Information
sent to
nervous No
system Response
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 1 Animal Behavior
Section 1: Adaptive Value of Behavior
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
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Study Guide A continued
Circle the word that best completes the statement.
5. Homeostasis refers to the maintenance of constant / variable internal
conditions. An animal’s behavior can help to maintain homeostasis,
because many behaviors are responses to associations / stimuli that affect
an animal’s well-being. For example, if an animal gets too hot, it might
move to a shady location.
6. Kinesis is an increase / decrease in random movement, and taxis is a
movement in a random / particular direction.
MAIN IDEA: Internal and external stimuli usually interact to trigger
specific behaviors.
Choose a word or words from the box below to complete the sentence.
external internal hormones physiological
7. Some behaviors can be triggered by a single stimulus, but most behaviors
occur in response to a variety of ______________ and ______________
8. An external stimulus, such as a change in day length, might cause an animal to
secrete specific _____________________.
9. These hormones act as internal signals that cause other __________________
changes. These changes, in turn, cause the animal to be more likely to respond
to another external stimulus.
MAIN IDEA: Some behaviors occur in cycles.
Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
10. A circadian rhythm is a daily cycle of activity that occurs over a
___________-hour period of time.
11. _________________ is a behavior in which an animal avoids extreme
temperatures by entering into a dormant state.
12. _________________ is a behavior in which an animal moves from one
location to another (often a long distance) to avoid harsh climate conditions.
Vocabulary Check
13. The word circadian comes from a Latin word that means “circle.” A circadian
rhythm is a circular pattern of activity, because it repeats every ___________.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 2 Animal Behavior
Section 1: Adaptive Value of Behavior
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Section 2: Instinct and Learning
Study Guide A
Both genes and environment affect an animal’s behavior.
VOCABULARY habituation classical conditioning
instinct imprinting operant conditioning
innate imitation
MAIN IDEA: Innate behaviors are triggered by specific internal and
external stimuli.
1. Which two of the following characteristics are true of instinctive behaviors?
a. innate
b. learned
c. relatively flexible
d. relatively inflexible
Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
2. Innate behaviors are important for ________________, because they have
little time to learn certain behaviors necessary for their survival.
3. Consider the “nature versus nurture” debate. The two factors that influence
innate behaviors are ______________________ and
MAIN IDEA: Many behaviors have both innate and learned components.
Choose the term from the box below that best fits the description.
habituation imprinting imitation
__________________ 4. rapid and irreversible learning process that only occurs
during a short time in an animal’s life
__________________ 5. a type of learning in which animals learn by observing
the behavior of other animals
__________________ 6. a type of learning in which an animal learns to ignore a
repeated stimulus
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 3 Animal Behavior
Section 2: Instinct and Learning
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
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Study Guide A continued
MAIN IDEA: Learning is adaptive.
Choose the letter for the word that best completes the sentence.
7. In associative learning, an animal learns to associate an action with its
a. consequences
b. purpose
c. stimuli
d. goals
Use the words and phrases listed below to complete the following Concept Map
about classical and operant conditioning.
a. behavior
b. classical conditioning
c. operant conditioning
d. positive or negative reinforcement
e. previously neutral stimulus
Two types
of conditioning
8. 10.
associate associate
behavior 11.
with with
9. 12.
triggered by
different stimulus
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 4 Animal Behavior
Section 2: Instinct and Learning
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Study Guide A continued
Vocabulary Check
Circle the word that best completes the statement.
13. A releaser is a(n) imitation / signal that causes an animal to run
through a behavior.
14. Habituation occurs when an animal learns to ignore / notice a repeated
stimulus, even when it would normally trigger an innate response.
15. Imprinting is a type of learning where an animal learns to imitate / recognize
another animal, such as its parents, siblings, or offspring.
16. Imitation occurs when an animal learns by observing / ignoring the behaviors
of other animals.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5 Animal Behavior
Section 2: Instinct and Learning
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
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Section 3: Evolution of Behavior
Study Guide A
Every beneficial behavior has costs and benefits.
VOCABULARY optimal foraging
MAIN IDEA: Even beneficial behaviors have associated costs.
Circle the letter(s) for the best choices.
1. What are the two most important benefits of behavior?
a. a better chance of survival
b. a greater chance of finding food
c. decreased isolation
d. increased rates of reproduction
e. more control of habitat
Circle the word that best completes the following sentences, which describe the
behavioral costs in the table. Place the number for the sentences into the
appropriate box in the table.
2. Every behavior takes time, and this time can / cannot be used on a
different behavior.
3. Many behaviors expose / protect an animal to / from injury or death.
4. Every behavior uses up ADP / ATP, and this energy is therefore not available
for other behaviors.
Cost of Behavior Description
Energy costs 5. _______
Opportunity costs 6. _______
Risk costs 7. _______
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 6 Animal Behavior
Section 3: Evolution of Behavior
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Study Guide A continued
MAIN IDEA: Animals perform behaviors that outweigh their costs.
Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
8. ______________________ is the control of a specific area, or territory, by one
or more individuals of a species.
Place a check mark in the appropriate box to indicate whether each statement is a
cost or a benefit of territorial behavior or of foraging.
Territorial Foraging
Behavior Behavior
Cost Benefit Cost Benefit
9. Energy and time that could have
been used for behaviors unrelated to
10. Energy used to search for, catch and
eat food, as well as the risk of being
captured by a predator
11. Amount of energy gained (calories)
12. Ability to control the resources within
an animal’s territory
Circle the word that best completes the statement.
13. Optimal foraging is the theory that natural selection should favor foraging
behaviors that get animals the least / most calories for the least / most cost.
Vocabulary Check
Circle the word that best completes the statement.
14. Survivorship is the number of individuals that reproduce / survive from one
year to the next.
15. Territoriality refers to behavior in which an individual or group attacks /
defends its territory.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 7 Animal Behavior
Section 3: Evolution of Behavior
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Study Guide A continued
Be Creative
16. In the box below, draw a cartoon that illustrates the costs and benefits of either
territoriality or optimal foraging.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 8 Animal Behavior
Section 3: Evolution of Behavior
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Section 4: Social Behavior
Study Guide A
Social behaviors enhance the benefits of living in a group.
VOCABULARY inclusive fitness eusocial
pheromone kin selection
MAIN IDEA: Living in groups also has benefits and costs.
Use the letters for the following phrases to complete the table about the costs and
benefits of living in a group.
a. higher chance of contracting diseases
b. improved foraging
c. increased visibility
d. more competition
e. reduced chance of predation
f. reproductive assistance
1. Benefits 2. Costs
MAIN IDEA: Social behaviors are interactions between members of the same or
different species.
Identify the four main types of communication signals.
Communication Signal Description
3. releasing chemicals such as pheromones
4. calling, vocalizing, or making other noises
5. using physical contact
6. making gestures or postures
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 9 Animal Behavior
Section 4: Social Behavior
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Study Guide A continued
Circle the word that best completes the statement.
7. Courtship displays are behaviors most often used by male / female members of
a species to attract males / females. For example, jumping spiders dance and
bowerbirds build bowers.
8. Scientists think that courtship displays might have an evolutionary function. A
female might use the courtship display to judge the condition of her potential
mate or the quality of his ideas / genes.
9. Defensive behaviors are aggressive behaviors used to advertise / protect the
individual and/or the group. Two examples are mobbing and keeping watch.
MAIN IDEA: Some behaviors benefit other group members at a cost to the
individual performing them.
Choose the correct term from the box below that best fits the description.
altruism inclusive fitness reciprocity
cooperation kin selection
_________________ 10. behavior in which individuals help other group
members so they will be helped in return
_________________ 11. the total number of genes an animal and its relatives
contribute to the next generation
_________________ 12. behavior that helps both individuals
_________________ 13. type of natural selection acting on alleles that favor the
survival of close relatives
_________________ 14. type of behavior in which an animal risks its life to
help other group members
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 10 Animal Behavior
Section 4: Social Behavior
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Study Guide A continued
MAIN IDEA: Eusocial behavior is an example of extreme altruism.
Circle the word that best completes the statement.
15. Eusocial species have the following characteristics:
i. They live in small / large groups made up of many / few individuals.
ii. Most individuals in the group are members of reproductive / non-
reproductive castes, such as workers or soldiers.
iii. All of the young are offspring of one male / female called the king / queen
of the colony.
16. The term haplodiploid means that an individual’s sex is determined by its
number of chromosome sets. Males / females are haploid and males / females
are diploid.
Vocabulary Check
Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
17. A _________________ is a chemical released by an animal that affects the
behavior of other individuals of the same species.
18. A(n) _______________ behavior is one that benefits the other members of a
group but does not directly benefit the individual performing the behavior. An
example of this type of behavior in humans is entering a burning building to
save someone.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 11 Animal Behavior
Section 4: Social Behavior
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Section 5: Animal Cognition
Study Guide A
Some animals other than humans exhibit behaviors requiring complex
cognitive abilities.
VOCABULARY cultural behavior
MAIN IDEA: Animal intelligence is difficult to define.
1. Circle all of the following that are characteristics of cognitive behavior.
a. awareness
b. ability to speak
c. use of reasoning
d. use of altruistic behavior
e. ability to perceive and judge
Circle the word or phrase that best completes the statement.
2. Scientists measure an animal’s cognitive abilities rather than its level of
intelligence, because cognitive abilities can be measured and can be described
objectively, which means that they can be described based on facts / opinions.
MAIN IDEA: Some animals can solve problems.
Circle the word or phrase that best completes the statement.
3. Insight is the ability to solve a problem mentally without repeated
cause and effect / trial and error.
4. The use of tools suggests that an animal can understand cause and effect /
trial and error and can make predictions about its own behavior.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 12 Animal Behavior
Section 5: Animal Cognition
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A
Name ______________________________ Class___________________Date__________________
Study Guide A continued
MAIN IDEA: Cognitive ability may provide an adaptive advantage for living in
social groups.
Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
5. Animals considered to be most “intelligent” have relatively __________
brains for their body size and they live in complex _____________ groups.
6. Cultural behavior spreads through a population by ________________ rather
than by selection.
Vocabulary Check
Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
7. The mental process of knowing through perception or reasoning is called
8. Solving a problem mentally without using trial and error is called
_______________. The opposite would be learning to do something using trial
and error or using imitation.
Be Creative
9. Draw a four-panel cartoon that illustrates how an animal might use a tool to
solve a problem.
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 13 Animal Behavior
Section 5: Animal Cognition
Holt McDougal Biology
Study Guide A