Hello There! Your first year at King’s will be
an amazing experience! You
will meet so many incredible
people and make lifelong
connections. King’s has so
many opportunities for you
to enhance your university
experience by immersing
yourself in the community
and getting involved. All you
have to do is take that first
step and take advantage of
those opportunities. All the
staff and faculty are here to
support you and truly wish to
see you succeed in your
endeavors. Never be afraid
to take advantage of the
resources that are available
to you and make sure that
your university experience is
both successful and
enjoyable. We truly hope
that your first year here is
one you will never forget! If
you have any questions
throughout this experience
please feel free to get in
touch! All the best!
Your Orientation Team
Top Five Tips to HANDY HINTS &
Surviving Your First
Few Weeks: Go to webmail.kingsu.ca. Enter your
Student ID & your password (date of birth +
1. Activate your King’s email, Moodle, last 4 digits of your home phone number:
and connect on Facebook, so that you yymmddnnnn).
don’t miss out on important things. Socializing at King’s is easy and you only
2. Get connected. Join a club, attend need to get to know 2 or 3 people until you
an event, or go for a coffee with know you belong at King’s.
someone you met in class. Your syllabus outlines the expectations your
3. Read your syllabus and develop professors have and when you need to hand
good study routines. This will help you in assignments.
get things done and thrive. For every King’s student, the best way to get
4. Eat, drink, and be ... well. Know your cofee fix is the Level Coffeehouse:
where and how to get good meals, King’s student-run social hub. Page 7.
quick food, and drinks at King’s. We’re a small community, yet it may seem
5. Know who to talk to when you have overwhelming to know who to talk to for
a question. Everyone who works at help. Let page 11-12 help.
King’s is eager to help you out.
Go to moodle.kingsu.ca. Moodle is an Join Residence or Commuter Facebook
online learning platform for your courses. Groups to stay in the loop. Regularly check
Use the same user-name and password as your King’s e-mail first (or set it to forward),
for your webmail. but FB is a good second!
Another way to get involved is by Go to the next four pages to check out how
volunteering or working at King’s, and to get involved in co-curricular activities at
there’s plenty of options for that too. King’s.
We have an Academic Success mini-course How do I get academic or financial help?
and a dedicated staff member, all to help Where are my classes? How do I change
you succeed in your classes. them? Check out pages 5-6.
Cafeteria Services in the Dining Hall are Choices is a ‘from-scratch’ caterer aimed at
provided by Choices Catering, the owner serving you good food and plenty of
Michel, and his staff of chefs. choices. Check out page 8-10.
How do I get a locker, park my car, get a What are the opening hours for King’s, the
plug-in parking spot, park my bike, get a bus Level, the Library, Computer Labs, the
pass? Check out page 6. Workout Centre? See page 12.
GETTING INVOLVED Work / Volunteering Students’ Association
The SA represents all students + it
Employment on Campus organizes a lot of social events + it
Can I get a job on Campus? Yes. King’s financially supports clubs + it runs the
offers part-time jobs September to April LEVEL Coffeehouse (the place to be). Its
for full-time students. executive has 5 positions, as well as 6
These job opportunities may include: other positions, and the Level hires
custodial, maintenance, security, athletics, baristas. Occasionally, the SA will need
bookstore, library, and other positions. volunteers for events or may hire you if
Most jobs for this year may already be you freelance in something specific.
filled. Find out about current availability As a first-year student, you can run for the
and application deadlines by contacting elected position of First Year
[email protected]. Representative. All positions in the SA
include a honorarium. If you’re not
Ambassador Program running, of course you should still vote.
King’s boasts a thriving Ambassador Connect with the SA through their new
Program. Joining the Ambassadors is an website: www.tkusa.ca.
awesome opportunity to meet
prospective King’s students at King’s The Chronicle
events and help promote the school! This on-campus newspaper is often
There are many awesome perks to this looking for staff writers, contributors, and
program, including a pretty kick-butt free photographers. Small stipends are
t-shirt! For more information watch the rewarded, and more importantly perhaps,
board outside of the Admissions office for you get publicity of your craft and/or
applications, or by contacting ideas!
[email protected].
Student Life This is the King’s creative art journal,
In January/February, Student Life will hire published in March/April. Submissions of
next year’s student leaders. Look out for poetry, short stories, paintings, and/or
that and consider applying. photos may win you a prize.
Chapel King’s usually boasts 20–30 clubs, from
Chapel is held every Wednesday at 11:00 pool to knitting, social justice to coffee
in the Atrium. It is led by our Campus connoisseuring, and for age 17 to mature
Minister and worship assistants. It has students. Clubs Fair will be held on
sermons by faculty, staff, students, and September 23, 2016.
guest speakers.
Worship 857 Sexuality, Pride, Equality, Alliance at King’s
857 is a student-led worship night every provides a safe space for queer and
Wednesday evening at (you guessed it!) questioning students, fostering
8:57 PM. It’s great for connecting with community and learing within the space.
others at a faith-level and spend quality
time worshiping. The Commuter Program
Athletics Monday Musings
12:00-1:00PM. Get together with other
King’s Athletics has lots of events going on commuter students in 6:01 Lounge and
throughout the year. It is lots of fun to ponder the big questions in life!
watch a game and cheer them on! You
can get your cheer gear at the Bookstore. Wednesday Chill
Home game dates are part of the 5:00-7:00PM. Prepare and eat dinner with
orientation materials you received, or go lots of other hungry commuter students
to kingsu.ca/athletics. in 6:01 Lounge!
Campus Rec Last Day Lounge
If you have a hankering for staying active 12:00-1:00PM. Every Friday start your
but are not terribly competitive, Campus weekend right in 6:01 Lounge with snacks
Rec intramurals are activities for you! and great company.
New and Casual sports competitions keep
you fit and healthy while being casual and Meet and Greet
fun! Hope to see you there! On the first Wednesday of every month
come have FREE breakfast from 7:30-9:30.
Student Life
Student Life is dedicated to help you in your academic struggles, and get you from good to
great. For general info, go to A125 Student Life Reception Office.
Student Success Coordinators Counseling Services
Kristin Lemke and Kristin Janzen Where do I go if I feel depressed /
specialize in diagnosed learning disabilities overwhelmed / need someone to talk to?
and provide tools and means to meet Professional counseling services are
these special needs. Their office is A126, available, confidential and free of charge.
along the Student Life corridor towards To make an appointment, visit the Student
the Level. Visit them or connect with Life Office (A125).
GETTING SUPPORT them through [email protected]
and [email protected]. Restorative Justice
Student Life offers a restorative justice
Academic Success (UNIV150) process to facilitate mediation and
Witty Sandle facilitates the Academic resolution of conflicts between parties,
Success course in the Fall and Winter especially between students. Go to the
semester. The mini-course hosts various Student Life Office (A125) for help.
professors who speak on topics ranging
from researching, writing essays, good For residence issues, go to the Residence
study habits, etc. Register for the class Life Coordinator, Alison Exner, in A128.
UNIV150. Safe Spaces
Writing Support Services A blue elephant in someone‘s office
Struggling with transitioning to indicates it is a safe space to talk about
university-level writing? With this tutoring mental health issues. A rainbow triangle is
service, you can apply what you learn a safe space for gender and sexual
directly to your homework. Visit the orientation conversations.
Student Life Office (A125) to sign up. The SA’s Kingjiji
Student Support Services Want cheaper textbooks, find off-campus
For a fuller overview of all student housing, sell to King’s students, or check
support services, check out: out job postings? Go to tkusa.ca and at
5 kingsu.ca/student-support-services the top right corner, click on Kingjiji.
Academics Finances GETTING SUPPORT
Where are my classes? Money questions
Your Course/Fee Sheet you received at For tuition and fees, log in to your Online
confirmation lists all your courses, times, Services at registry.kingsu.ca or visit the
locations, and professors. You can also log Registration and Student Finance Office.
into your Online Services at For student loans, scholarships, and
registry.kingsu.ca to view this. In addition, awards, visit Meredith Holmes in the
class lists are listed on the notice board Office of the Registrar or contact her at
outside the Office of Enrollment [email protected] .
Management and Registrar Services. Visit kingsu.ca/financial-aid for full details
Need a map to see where your classroom about all financial services, financial
is? Pick one up outside the Student Life workshops, and how to spend wisely.
How do I change my program / find
my exam schedule / calculate my I heard parking is free?
GPA? Yes. Student parking is the east part of the
For these and many other ‘how-to’ back parking lot. A plug-in parking pass is
questions, go to the Registry’s “Q&A” $87.00/semester, bought at the Registry.
section at registry.kingsu.ca/how-do-i
Which bus takes me to King’s
Am I in the right courses? Routes near King’s: 80, 84, 85, 86, 306.
If you’re worried about King’s program You can buy bus passes at the Bookstore.
requirements, visit the Registration and
Student Finance Office. Where can I leave my bike?
If you’re worried about your academic Bike racks are near the front entrances. If
future direction and taking the classes you live in residence, there is a bike cage
that best fit your situation, connect with on the south side and you can get a key to
your Academic Advisor. See your Advisor it from Facilities (Room A136).
Report in Registry Online Services to see
who that is. How do I register a locker?
Pick one without a lock, scan the QR code
to check availability, and register it. 6
Taking Co ee to a New Level
Ethos Talk is Cheap
We operate under the firm belief that fair Free coffee? It is an opportunity, and
trade, direct trade and environmentally caffeinated incentive, for faculty/staff and
friendly business practices are key to students to develop relationships that
supporting a bright future for our world. would not normally occur in the classroom
We live on the only life-supporting planet or work setting. When you and your prof
found to date, and we need to treat it, and come for a coffee at the Level, it is on the
the people on it, right. Students’ Association’s tab.
Espresso Dark Mocha Chai Latte Italian Soda
Americano White Mocha Kashmiri Chai Latte Iced Latte
Latte Hot Chocolate Green Tea Latte Iced Mocha
Cappuccino White Hot Chocolate London Fog Iced Chai
7 Tea Steamer Cider
Eating at King’s is provided by Michel Lamontagne. He owns Choices Catering, which CAFETERIA
provides the Cafeteria Services in the Dining Hall at King’s. Michel works hard, is
dedicated to his craft, willing to listen and cater to individual dietary requirements, and
above all, easy to talk to and fun to joke around with.
Cafeteria Hours Saturday & Holidays Sunday
Monday–Friday Servery Open
Hot Kitchen Open
Servery Open 11:00 AM Servery Open 11:00 AM HOTLINE 1:30 PM
Hot Kitchen Open
Hot Kitchen Open 9:30 AM
8:00 AM 3:00 PM SUPPER 5:00 PM SUPPER 5:00 PM
7:00 PM
4:30 PM
6:30 PM 6:30 PM 8
All Day Menu
Boasting 60 menu items available anytime when the Hot Kitchen is open. This includes
meals and snacks made to order.
Breakfast, Lunch and Supper Specials
There are specials at every meal. The specials are often offered in "smaller" and
"larger" portion’s, and come with your choice of sides (as many as you want) to
accommodate your appetite that day. Typically, there are 12 to 15 choices of sides, all
priced the same. So suppose that you want to switch the default side-dish on a Meal
Special, you can: for example, if you want your spaghetti sauce on an apple instead of
pasta, that is available - lol. In other words, it allows you to make choices that work for
Grab and Go Snacks
In the servery you will find a huge variety of "grab & go" items available all day. Some
to eat cold & some to reheat.
How it Works
Ways to Pay
Pay with: (1) cash, (2) debit, or (3) your Student ID card if you have a meal plan or have
loaded money on your ID card (which can be done at the Registry).
Meal Plans
Tower Residence students have one automatically. You pay for your plan in two parts:
once in each semester. As you budget your meal expenses, note that your Fall balance
transfers to the Winter semester, but is non-refundable and expires at the end of April.
To-Go Containers
We encourage using real dishes, but we know you’re busy sometimes and offer "to-go"
containers for a nominal fee. Paper plates are free, however, with your food purchase.
We are a "from scratch" caterer, which means that we serve very few products that
are not made in our kitchen. We support organic and local food: our organic beef is
raised by a small-scale Edmonton rancher and King’s Alum, our chicken is local, and so
are some of the root vegetables.
We prepare the meals you want. Unlike most other universities, we do not use a
so-called "rotating menu". The Chefs will get to know all of you well, your likes and
dislikes, and they decide what dishes they will prepare for you each day. We focus on
providing many choices (hence our name), so that you won’t get bored.
We want you to eat well because a healthy meal is important. We offer many choices
so you can eat food that agrees with your body. It's very easy to eat well!
We Are Here to Serve You
Pre-Ordering Food
If you cannot make it to Choices at a given meal hour (you have a class, you are
working, you’re playing sports, etc.) you can pre-order your meal, we will then make it
& put it in a fridge where you get it later & microwave it if needed. It must be ordered
before 5:00 PM and then you can pick it up after 6:00PM when the cafeteria is closed
for everyone else.
Dietary Requests
We have highly trained chefs that take pride in their craft. One of our chefs has a
diploma in nutrition which means that he can safely accommodate people with special
diets. To get a special diet meal plan, that chef will meet and discuss with you in order
to develop a plan to feed you safely. If you want to have a special diet, email Michel at
[email protected] to start the process. It takes about a week of "back-and-forth"
documents to get the menu planned. Residence students receive a form to fill out
from Alison Exner, the Residence Life Coordinator.
CONTACT Some of the People at King’s Departments Heads
Executive Director of Information Technology Services (ITS):
President: Will Ryks [email protected]
Melanie Humphreys [email protected] Director of Facilities and Sustainability:
VP Academic: Rob Van Weerden [email protected]
Hank Bestman [email protected] Director of Enrollment Management and Registrar:
VP Administration and Finance: Craig Weston [email protected]
Ellen Vlieg-Paquette ellen.vlieg-paquette@... Director of Admissions:
VP Institutional Advancement: Hilda Buisman [email protected]
Dan VanKeeken [email protected] Director of Library Services:
VP Student Life and Dean of Students: Tim Janewski [email protected]
Michael Ferber [email protected] Director of Athletics:
Deans Grace Scott [email protected]
Faculty of Arts: Director of Micah Centre and Interdisciplinary Studies:
Arlette Zinck [email protected] Roy Berkenbosch [email protected]
On sebbatical: Dough Harink is Interim Dean Director of Financial Services:
Faculty of Education:
Irene Vanderkloet [email protected]
Lloyd Den Boer [email protected]
Director of Human Resources:
LEDER School of Business:
Trina Wilson Orieux trina.wilsonorieux@...
Elden Wiebe [email protected]
Director of Development:
Faculty of Natural Sciences:
Shannon Tuininga [email protected]
John Wood [email protected]
Campus Event Services Manager:
Faculty of Social Sciences:
Marie-Michele Loyer Marie-Michele.Loyer@...
OChn rsiesbbPaetiectal:[email protected] is Interim Dean
Looking for Someone?
Go to www.kingsu.ca and search the
directory at the bottom of the page. If you
need extra assistance, call the front desk
@ 780-465-3500.
Your Go-To Help Desks: Building Hours
Facilities: Work Week General Access: 7AM-11PM
[email protected] | A136 Weekend General Access: 8AM-11PM
Facilities will help you with any Residence Students can access the
building-related issues, such as in Tower Residence after hours with their
residence (leaky taps or toilet) or in the ID card via the Residence Entrance at the
university (building maintenance). south-east rear of the school.
IT Services Library
[email protected] | A139 Monday - Thursday: 7:45AM-9:00PM
IT helps you when you have difficulty
accessing one of the university’s services. Friday: 7:45AM-6:00PM HELP-DESK / HOURS
Is your computer broken? IT will take a
look at it for you and fix your problem if Saturday: noon-6:00PM
they’re able. They are really very helpful.
Do you want to print something? You Sunday: closed
can do this from the computers in the
library and computer labs. You can also The book-drop is directly outside the
print from your own laptop. To do this, library at which you can deposit your
click on “Student Print Services” in the books at anytime when the school is
quick-links at the top of kingsu.ca. open.
More Questions Computer Labs and Front Desk
Open during building hours.
Was your question not answered? It is
probably in one of the resources below. Assignments can be handed in at the
front desk at any time during the regular
The Student Handbook school hours, and the date and time is
Find it at: kingsu.ca/student-support- stamped on it by the receptionist or
services/student-handbook security person.
The Academic Calender 2016-17 Workout Centre
Available at: registry.kingsu.ca/calendar Open during building hours.
The Kings Workout Centre is only
accessible by using your ID card or fob.
Can I use the Gym for sports? A: only
when it is available. Check w. Athletics.