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The Department of Chemistry Brochure

Chemistry Brochure



Our Department brings together a group of talented and ambitious
teachers, researchers, students and support staff all focused on the
teaching, learning and creation of chemical knowledge and
communicating the role of Chemistry, the Central Science, in the

INTERESTEDmodern world. The present academic staff have studied and worked

in many of the leading Universities and Research Institutes in the

IN PHYSICSregion and internationally and as such bring an international focus

to their work in the Department.

We engage in active programmes of research in Biotechnology
(specifically biosensors for environmental, clinical and forensic
sciences), petroleum and asphalt chemistry, natural products and
organic synthesis, inorganic and organometallic chemistry and
environmental and analytical chemistry.

In doing so we create a stimulating environment for young scientists
to develop the intellectual and technical skills to prepare them for
careers in industry, education, academia or industrial research. The

ChemINiTstRryODDeUpCaTrtImONent has up-to-date facilities and has one of the

strongest research profiles on the St. Augustine Campus.

Many of our graduates go on to careers in industry and in
recognition of this, we continue to work to enhance our links with the
Petrochemical and other chemical industries in Trinidad and
Tobago. As such, reviewing and restructuring of our offerings are
done on an ongoing basis to provide our students with the
appropriate knowledge, problem-solving and other skills that will
enable them to contribute to the development of a modern
industrial chemical sector in Trinidad and Tobago.

A student engaged in study and/or research in Chemistry at UWI St.
Augustine will receive an internationally accepted degree and will
therefore have a good platform on which to build a rewarding
lifetime career in Chemistry.

Majors, Minors &
Special Options

Chemistry Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry Analytical Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry
Chemical Biology

BSc Chemistry ( not be offered in 2021/2022 cycle)
BSc Chemistry and Management



The Department of Chemistry offers research programmes
leading to the M.Phil and PhD degree, but after one or two years
it is possible to upgrade registration to a PhD. Students may
register on a part-time or full-time basis, but the Department
has found the former to be a difficult route to a higher degree in
Chemistry. Scholarships are available for students of the highest
academic standing. Some funding is usually available for
registered postgraduate students not on scholarship in the form
of demonstratorships.

The Department is well equipped with laboratory space,
computer facilities, and instrumentation to support research
programmes. Instruments include Gas, Liquid and Droplet
Countercurrent Chromatographs;, Setaram Modular
TGA/DSC/DTA/TMA (up to 1700oC); Setaram microDSC III
microcalorimeter (with batch and continuous flow cells, heat
capacity and flow mix cells); Two (2) Gamry high sensitivity
modular electrochemical workstations for electrochemical and
corrosion measurements; Taylor-Aris equipment for diffusion
measurements; Inert Atmosphere Glove Box; 400 MHz Bruker
Avance DRX NMR Spectrometer; FTIR, Diode-Array, and UV-VIS
Spectrometers; Nuclear Quadrupole Double Resonance
Spectrometer; GC- and LC-Mass Spectrometers; Rapid Stopped-
flow Kinetic Spectrometer.

So you have a chemistry
degree …what now?

Research in Chemistry leading to the M.Phil and PhD.
Research and Development Chemist
Consultant: Lab Accreditation, Laboratory Services,
Waste Disposal and Management
Standards Officer
Forensic Scientist
Environmental Chemist
Laboratory Technologist
Chemist– Government, Industry
Quality Control/Quality Assurance Manager
Sales Person for Pharmaceutical/ Industrial/Agricultural
Chemicals, Instruments
Teacher— at Secondary, Technical School, Community
College, University Lecturer

Many chemistry graduates branch off into other fields and
there are outstanding examples of our graduates who have
built successful careers in fields such as medicine,
engineering, banking, accounting and law.

For more information

The Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science and Technology
The University of the West Indies
St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago,

West Indies
Tel: (868) 662 -2002, ext. 83570, 83785

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