• Original standard in the market • Improved shade tolerance
• Dark green color • Wider blade
• Its rapid growth makes it one of • Forms a dense lush green lawn
the most durable hybrids with a finer texture and darker
green color than Tifway
• Resistant to weeds/disease
• Used in lawns, shaded golf
• Used in lawns, golf course course tees, recreational sites,
fairways and tees parks, etc.
• Tolerant of traffic and wear, and
recovers quickly with proper
• Fine-blade “barefoot grass” that • Medium-blade grass that is easy
is great for both sun and shade to maintain and manage
• Disease and insect resistant • Requires less water and less
fertilizer than other grasses
• Bright green color with soft leaf
texture • Attractive blue-green color
• Will establish well in many • Most drought tolerant Zoysia
types of soil available
• Can be installed as dormant sod • Can be installed as dormant sod
during the winter months during the winter months
• Can recover quickly from • Quick recovery from damage or
drought wear
• Wide-blade green
• Drought tolerant and
offers fast recovery from
lack of water
• Requires less fertilizer
• Can be installed as a
dormant sod during the
winter months
• Lower maintenance
requirements (less
• Medium-blade dark
green turfgrass
• Superior heat and
drought tolerance
• Moderate shade and
traffic recovery
• Green year round
• Can only be installed
between October and
• Which sod is best for areas with a lot of sun?
- Tifway419; it needs about 8 hours of day
• Which sod is best for areas with shade?
- Zeon Zoysia; needs a minimum of 4 hours of sun a day
• When is the best time to lay sod?
- All sods can be installed year round except Fescue,
which should be installed October-March
• What soil is best to lay underneath sod?
- Screened topsoil OR
- Sod Mix (which is a mixture of screened topsoil and
blackened topsoil) has more nutrients for the sod
- Plant mix is best for Fescue
Type Sun Shade Drought Color Blade Mowing
Needed Tolerance Tolerance Width Heights
Bermuda Dark Green Fine ½” – 1 ½”
8+ hrs No Yes Darker Average ½” – 1 ½”
Tifway419 Min. 5 Good Yes Green
hrs Medium 2”- 3”
Tifgrand Good Yes Dark Green
3-5 hrs Fine ½” – 1 ½”
Fescue Superior Yes Bright Medium ½” – 1 ½”
Rebel Min. 5 Green
Supreme hrs Good Yes Blue-Green
Zoysia 6-7 hrs
Tifblair 8+ hrs No Yes Green Wide 1”- 2”