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Published by john, 2019-05-13 05:28:58

SCA Strategy 2019-21





The Scottish Council on Archives
is an advocacy and development
body for the archives and records
management sector, providing
leadership and building capacity.

2 The Scottish Council on Archives | Strategy 2019 – 21


We are an independent and trustworthy
organisation which responds to the needs
of our members. By working in partnership
with a wide range of stakeholders we strive
to inspire the highest standards in collection
management and service delivery.


Scotland’s documented past is valued,
understood and shared.


Leading Scotland’s archives, records
management and conservation sector
to inspire and inform the nation.




Build capacity in the archives, Realise the educational and
records management and outreach potential of archives
conservation sector to encourage to inform and inspire teachers,
best practice, improve skills and students and local communities.
raise standards.
We will continue to deliver the innovative
The Scottish Council on Archives will and exciting Education Plan – Many More
support the work of professionals involved Stories 2018-21. We will provide training
in the custody, use and care of archives and resources to help archivists realise
and records by delivering a programme the potential of their collections to engage
of sector-focused events and projects with teachers and young people. We will
This will include areas of work such as also work directly with schools to deliver
copyright, digital preservation, collections creative archival education projects.
policy, conservation, fundraising,
legislative compliance and advocacy. We will support the work of volunteers
that maintain or are considering
We will work with partners to develop a community archive by providing
and promote tools such as the Archives mentoring and training opportunities in
Accreditation Standard, the Archive and areas such as cataloguing, standards
Records Management Services Quality and digital preservation.
Improvement Framework (ARMS) and
the Scottish Council on Archives Record We will engage with a wide range of
Retentions Schedules (SCARRS). organisations both within and outwith the
archives and records management sector
We will strive to inform best practice to promote the practical application of
and support the needs of our members archival material in many different fields
working with archive collections through of work including governance, wellbeing,
our Preservation Committee and culture and community engagement.
Collecting Policy Working Group.

4 The Scottish Council on Archives | Strategy 2019 – 21


Promote the widest possible Advocate the benefits and positive
access to physical and digital impact that wider engagement with
archives and records. and use of archives can deliver.

We will deliver a new portal for improving We will advocate the importance and
online access to Scotland’s archive impact of archives in areas such as
collections, opening Scotland’s records governance and accountability; health
to many more people, both at home and and wellbeing; academia; tourism;
abroad. We will maximise the potential and heritage and culture.
of the new portal to encourage people of
all ages and backgrounds to engage with We will advocate the importance
Scotland’s archive collections. We will of good records management both
strive to improve both physical and online in terms of compliance with the Public
access to archives. Records (Scotland) Act 2011 and as
evidence of good governance and
We will communicate news and updates business management.
about Scotland archives and records to
a wide audience through our website, We will consult with members and
e-bulletins and social media accounts. colleagues to prioritise key areas for
We will promote the work and activity our advocacy work. We will establish
of our member organisations and an advocacy working group to lead on
stakeholders. the delivery of a programme of activity
promoting the importance and relevance
of Scotland’s archives and records to
almost every aspect of society.

We will work with colleagues to collate
evidence which strengthens the case for
using and supporting archive services.



Foster a collaborative relationship Ensure that the Scottish Council
with a wide range of partners on Archives is effectively managed
both within and outwith the with a robust and sustainable
archives, records management business model.
and conservation sector to meet
shared objectives. We will work together as trustees and
staff to ensure that we remain a viable
We will continue to develop partnerships organisation focussed on meeting our
with colleagues across the archives, strategic objectives and representing
records management and cultural our members’ interests.
heritage sector as well as professionals
from other sectors including the historic We will continue to monitor risks to the
environment, education, arts and health. organisations, identifying early-warning
signs and mitigating solutions. We
We will work closely with key partners, will ensure that our running costs are
including National Records of Scotland, monitored and managed effectively and
Archives and Records Association, that a realistic reserves policy is in place.
National Library of Scotland, Museums
and Galleries Scotland, Historic We will explore opportunities to diversify
Environment Scotland and Digital our income streams.
Preservation Coalition.
We will improve our offering to members
We will work collaboratively with our by providing more networking and
institutional members by identifying areas learning opportunities.
of shared interest. We will continue to
participate in consultations to support
the needs of archives and records
management professionals. We will
improve our offering to members by giving
new focus to our membership scheme
and opportunities to engage with the SCA.

6 The Scottish Council on Archives | Strategy 2019 – 21


If you work in archives or records
management, are a regular user of
archives services or would like to learn
about Scottish’s incredible collections
of archival material then why not become
a member? It is free to join the SCA and
we offer a range of benefits.

We welcome applications from individuals
and organisations.

Find out more at


The Scottish Council on Archives is
grateful for the support of the Scottish
Government and the National Records
of Scotland.

We work with a wide range of partners
across Scotland and the UK.



Scottish Council on Archives
Room 18, HM General Register House
2 Princes Street, Edinburgh EH1 3YY
E: [email protected]
T: +44 (0)131 535 1362

A Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SC044553)

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