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Fantasy Flight Games - Star Wars_ Edge of The Empire - Core Rulebook-Fantasy Flight Games (2013)

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Published by Sirpoddis, 2020-12-09 00:00:09

Star Wars Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook

Fantasy Flight Games - Star Wars_ Edge of The Empire - Core Rulebook-Fantasy Flight Games (2013)

Keywords: Star wars,Edge of the Empire,Core Rulebook


To hear those from the Core talk, you’d think that the Mid Rim is nothing more than a few slightly interesting
systems scattered amongst the vast unsettled territory. While a lot of Mid Rim residents might share that
assessment, they're quick to point out the region's biggest threat: pirates.

Even with centuries of exploration and colonization, there just hasn't been enough time or people to fully develop
the entire expanse. I would guess a significant portion of the unexplored area of the known galaxy is in the Mid and
Outer Rims. That leaves a lot of room for pirates to operate with little interference, and a lot of places to hide out.

Now, if you're experienced combatants, mercenaries, or private security, I can line you up with a few settle­
ments in need of a little extra firepower. Some of these are just temporary assignments, but a few of them I
bet you could turn into a long-term contract. Remember, though, although some of their problems are local
riffraff, you may end up trading blaster bolts with well-armed raiders.

If you have a decently armed starship, there is no shortage of convoy duties for shipping companies or individual
merchants. It helps if you have a decent reputation. By that I mean a resume they can check up on. Too many of
these ships have been raided by their own escorts over the years.

If you're looking to make some trades or maybe a bit of gambling, I'd recommend heading out to the Wheel
space station. It has the distinction of being devoid of Imperials, though I'd bet ISB keeps more than a few
undercover agents around.

Ithor: Ithor is the homeworld of the Ithorian species. world and features one of Palpatine’s private retreats.
They live in herd cities, floating above the surface of their However, enemies of the Empire continue their secret
world, which they consider sacred. Ithor is a center for resistance activities.
botanical and biological based trade, which is extended
through the use of their spacefaring herdships. Ord Mantell: Ord Mantell sought to remain apart
from Imperial interests. It lies at the juncture of two
Kashyyyk: Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wook- lesser hyperroutes. See page 361 for information.
iees, is a world of extremely dense forests, with trees
thousands of meters tall. The Wookiees live mainly Roche: Roche is the home system of the insec-
in the treetops, as Kashyyyk’s ecology tends to be­ toid Verpine species, which lives in a massive as­
come more lethal the closer one gets to the forest teroid field. The Empire has virtually enslaved the
floor. Kashyyyk was a battleground during the Clone Verpine for their expert engineering skills, which
Wars. After the war, the Empire officially occupied the fuel the Imperial military industrial machine. Im­
planet, enslaving the Wookiees and shipping them perials are stationed within the Roche asteroid
off-world for manual labor and construction projects. field to make sure the Verpine remain in line.

Malastare: Malastare is a world on the Hydian Way Ruusan: Ruusan is an ordinary world of the Min­
shared by several sentient species, including Gran and ing Guild with a major role in Jedi history. A mil­
Dugs. The Gran live in urban areas, while the Dugs live lennium ago, the Sith were essentially destroyed
among the trees and wilder lands. The Gran regard and as a major force in the galaxy for hundreds of
use the Dugs as a labor force. years. The Brotherhood of Darkness was con­
sumed by a thought-bomb at the last battle of
Naboo: Naboo is the homeworld of the Gungans, but Ruusan during the Light and Darkness War. The
largely ruled by a human government. It is the origin location is now known as the Valley of the Jedi.
world of Emperor Palpatine, Queen Amidala, and oth­
ers who played significant roles in the Clone Wars
and the rise of the Empire. Naboo is a subjugated

Ubrikkia: Ubrikkia is the manufacturing center for Trade Route, known for its casinos and gladiatorial
the famous Ubrikkian Industries and its subsidiaries. arenas. Ships of most any size may dock with the sta­
Repulsorlift vehicles, military craft, droids, and more tion. At this time, the Wheel enjoys a special kind of
come from various Ubrikkian factories. immunity, and Imperial ships are not allowed to ap­
proach. The station pays taxes to the Empire to main­
The Wheel: The Wheel is an aptly named, enormous tain its current status.
wheel-shaped space station located on the Perlemian


The Outer Rim Territories are the outermost official OUTER REACHES
regions in Known Space. They are by far the most
expansive and least explored areas, a wide swath Chancellor Palpatine used the Outer Rim as a great
of space, tracing the rim three-quarters of the way game board in his bid to take total control of the Re­
around the galaxy. The area’s extreme distance from public. Using the politics of Outer Rim trade conflicts
Coruscant and the Core Worlds has always been both to propel himself into becoming Chancellor, Palpatine
a great asset and major hindrance to its prosperity, then orchestrated the Clone Wars through the cre­
political fortunes, economic development, and securi­ ation of the Separatist movement. This enabled him
ty. As with the Republic before it, Imperial control and to oversee the creation of a powerful central govern­
influence varies greatly from system to system, and ment and military, to counter the growing Separatist
sector to sector. The region’s reputation for lawless­ threat in the Outer Rim.
ness and danger is well deserved, but is often simply
not the case in highly developed systems and sectors. The Clone Wars greatly disrupted political control in
the Outer Rim. The Hutts took advantage of the situ­
Despite its remoteness, the Outer Rim has played ation to extend Hutt Space to cover more than three
a significant role in galactic politics, economics, and quarters of the Outer Rim portion of the Slice. The Sep­
warfare since ancient times well before the origins of aratists controlled most of the rest, plus about half of
the Republic. The expanding Hutts clashed with the the northern reaches. They also held a large continuous
Tion Hegemony and Xim the Despot before the Perle­ region along the Hydian Way and Rimma Trade Route.
mian Trade Route connected Coruscant to the region.
Since that time, exploration and colonization of the After the war, the Empire used its ever-growing mili­
territories has been irregular and haphazard. tary might to reestablish control over significant areas
in the Outer Rim. The Hutts were pushed back to their
The rate of Outer Rim exploration was closely tied traditional holdings, more or less. Outer Rim citizens of­
with the extension of the major hyperlanes into the ten welcomed the return of civilized trade and transport.
furthest reaches of the galaxy. The earliest develop­ However, some systems and sectors benefited more than
ment expanded from the Perlemian Trade Route in others. Some felt the oppressive actions all too common
the northeastern quadrant, around the Jedi world within the Empire. Over time, Imperial political realities,
of Ossus and the Tion Hegemony. The presence of interference, and military interventions started to wear
Hutt Space slowed and deterred colonization of the thin on the independent-minded Outer Rim residents.
Slice, driving colonists to seek worlds away from Hutt
influence and interference. Similarly, difficulties with Rebel sympathy generally runs greatest in the
various Sith and Mandalorian attacks and invasions Outer Rim. However, given the hugely diverse civiliza­
disrupted development of the northern area. Explora­ tions, species, and geography, there is no consensus.
tion picked up in the southern reaches with the exten­ Worlds that fare extremely well under the Empire en­
sion of the Rimma Trade Route, the Corellian Trade thusiastically support Imperial Center, For the most
Spine, and the Hydian Way. remote fringe worlds, little has changed with the rise
of the Empire. They must rely on themselves for their
Republic control over the Outer Rim varied greatly own security and destiny.
over the ages, and each system was often responsible
for its own security. Power struggles between regional NOTABLE LOCATIONS
factions, isolationist systems, and militant species all
contributed to the difficulties of maintaining order in The following are areas of interest within the Outer
the Outer Rim. Beyond that, significant criminal en­ Rim, at or before the rise of the Empire.
terprises found a great haven in the Outer Rim, some­
times officially sanctioned by corrupt and disreputa­ Bakura: Bakura is a self-sufficient, remote world es­
ble governments and corporations. tablished by the Bakura Corporation. It was temporar-

THE MAW Gamorr: Gamorr is the homeworld of the Gamorrean
species. The planet is often in a state of war due to the
Near the planet of Kessel lies a mysterious ever-present squabbling between Gamorrean clans. In
cluster of black holes known as the Maw ancient days, it was also the site of a lesser Sith train­
or the Maw Cluster. Nearly un-navigable, this ing facility.
region is somewhat unstable and has created
the conditions that make the Kessel Run so Gand: Gand is the homeworld of the species of the same
dangerous. However, it is theorized by many name. It is ruled by a totalitarian monarchy. Gand settle­
scholars of galactic history that one of the ma­ ments are small colonies separated by dense mists.
jor Pre-Hyperspace Era races must have been The environmental conditions led to the creation of the
involved with the creation of the Maw, for the Gand Findsmen, who hunted fugitives through the mists.
placement of the black holes—and the fact See page 47 for more information on the Gand.
that they have not merged together—strongly
suggests that it is not a natural formation. The Geonosis: Geonosis, homeworld of the insectoid
remote nature of the Maw and its nearly inac­ Geonosian species, is a ringed world, located ex­
cessible nature has made it attractive to the tremely close to the Tatooine system It served as an
Empire, and many secret facilities have been early base of operations for the Separatists, and was
the site of the first battle of the Clone Wars It houses
placed there at the Emperor’s command. countless factories beneath its barren surface.

ily used as a Separatist headquarters during the Clone Kessel: Kessel is the legendary location of the Kessel
Wars, and recently came under Imperial control. Run, a treacherous hyperspace route bounded by a
cluster of black holes and used by smugglers to avoid
Barab (Barab I): Barab I is the homeworld of the Imperial patrols around the planet itself. The planet is
reptilian Barabel species. It is currently under Impe­ an irregularly shaped rock, only known for glitterstim,
rial control. which was originally researched for medical uses. Kes­
sel is Imperial controlled, but the illicit trade of glit­
Bespin: Bespin is a gas giant and home to the Tibanna terstim spice still survives. See page 359.
gas mining colony of Cloud City. The city fell under Sep­
aratist control during the Clone Wars, but now operates Mon Calamari (Mon Cala, Dae): Mon Calamari is
independently. It has popular resorts and casinos. the homeworld of both the Mon Calamari and the
Quarren species. This water-covered world is currently
Christophsis: Christophsis is a crystalline planet that enslaved by the Empire, but is on the verge of freeing
is still recovering from its role as a major Clone Wars itself. The Mon Calamari live on or near the surface in
battleground. giant floating cities, while the Quarren come from the
ocean’s depths.
Colu (Clak’dor VII): Clak’dor VII is the homeworld of
the Bith species. The planet was ecologically destroyed THE EXPANDING STAR WARSUNIVERSE
by civil war, forcing the Bith to live within sealed, domed
cities. Clak’dor VII was a Separatist world. The Galaxy chapter covers the broad basics
of the galaxy as a whole, at the time of the
Dantooine: A world active in the ancient Republic, Empire and from a scoundrel’s point of view.
with the ruins of an ancient Jedi Academy and train­ It is meant to introduce new players to the
ing center. More recently, it housed a secret base of vast, expansive universe from the movies and
the Rebel Alliance, but was evacuated after the dis­ stories well beyond. It also serves to remind
covery of an Imperial tracking device in a shipment. longtime fans where recognizable worlds and
regions can be found in the galaxy.
Elrood: Elrood is a major Outer Rim commerce and
manufacturing center. At over 30 years old and counting, Star Wars
stories new and old continue to be popular.
Eriadu: Eriadu is the capital world of the Seswenna With new novels, graphic novels, fictional ref­
Sector. It is Grand Moff Tarkin’s homeworld, and his erence books, TV shows, and games releasing
influential family’s traditional power base. Eriadu was every year, no single source can keep up. Fu­
loyal to the Republic during the Clone Wars, and an ture Star Wars roleplaying game products will,
important center of Imperial power in the Outer Rim. of course, continue to provide more material
about many areas. Hopefully, this chapter will
Endor: Endor is a virtually unknown, remote system. inspire game masters and players alike to seek
The Forest (Sanctuary) Moon of the gas giant Endor out more information about locations that stir
has been completely isolated by the Empire. their interest. It’s a big universe.

Felucia: Felucia is a wild, untamed world filled with
dangerous animals and exotic, fungal plants. Felucia
was a major battleground during the Clone Wars.

Mandalore: Mandalore is the homeworld of the Tatooine: Tatooine is the homeworld of the Jawas
Mandalorians, an ancient, warrior-based culture. The and Sand People (Tusken Raider) species. Tatooine is
Mandalorians once ruled large swaths of the galaxy, a desert world that was home to numerous influential
but currently hold little significant power or influence, figures in the galaxy. It remains under Imperial con­
aside from their own system and sector. trol after being wrested from the Hutts after the Clone
Wars. Despite this, Jabba the Hutt and his criminal en­
Mustafar: Mustafar is an obscure, volcanic world terprise remains a dominant force in planetary affairs.
long mined by the Techno Union. The planet was the
final resting place for the Separatist Council after they Teth: Located at the current Rimward edge of Hutt
were killed by Darth Vader. The planet also saw the Space, Teth was taken from Hutt direct control dur­
epic battle between Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi. After ing the Clone Wars. The Republic pushed long estab­
the war, the Techno Union was nationalized and Mus­ lished criminal activity out of the system, and the Em­
tafar came under Imperial control. pire made Teth the capital of the Baxel Sector and,
nominally, Hutt Space. The Hutts reestablished their
Polis Massa: This system holds the home asteroid influence via other measures, and the Imperial Moff is
field of the Polis Massans. The asteroids were mined regarded as corrupt.
via attached habitats and stations. Luke Skywalker
and Leia Organa were born there to Queen Amidala, Telos: Virtually destroyed thousands of years ago by
after Obi-Wan Kenobi rescued her from Anakin Sky- a Sith fleet, Telos was rebuilt via an extensive Repub­
walker who had become Darth Vader. lic environmental restoration effort. The system was
part of Separatist space during the Clone Wars, and
Rodia: Rodia is the homeworld of the Rodian species, became a victim of subsequent Imperial atrocities
in the Tyrius system. It is a jungle-covered planet, with against the civilian population.
huge environmental shields protecting the major cities
from their surroundings. Clan politics dominate Rodian Utapau: Utapau is the homeworld of two intelligent
life, explosively intermingled with their violent culture. species, the Pau’ans and the Utai. An isolated world
of deep sinkholes interconnected with caves and cav­
Ryloth: Ryloth is the homeworld of the Twi’lek spe­ erns, Utapau once housed the Separatist Council,
cies. The planet is subject to unusual weather and ro­ until they were forced out by the Republic and Jedi
tational patterns, producing heat storms that warm Master Obi-Wan Kenobi killed General Grievous. The
the world. Most Twi’leks live underground. world remains under Imperial control.

Socorro: This desert world was originally colonized Yavin: Yavin is the gas giant for which the moon Yavin
by Corellian settlers. It is a shadowport with no orga­ 4 is named and orbits. Yavin was the location of the
nized government, though it has millions of inhabitants. Rebel's secret main base, until it was discovered by
Smugglers and other outlaws thrive on Socorro. It is the Death Star.
known for its substantial ship customization services.
Ziost: A central world for the ancient Sith, Ziost was the
Sluis Van: Sluis Van is the homeworld of the Sluissi, a site of numerous battles and power struggles. Knowl­
species famous for their technical and starship skills. edge of the planet faded over the centuries. However,
Sluis Van is a major Imperial shipyard, guarded by a after the Clone Wars, Imperial navigation charts and
series of battle stations. other references to the system were purged.

Sullust: Sullust is the difficult homeworld of the Sul-
lustan species. The lethal fumes produced by Sullust's
volcanos force the Sullustans to live in large, elaborate
underground cave cities and systems. The planet is
dominated by the SoroSuub Corporation, which re­
cently seized control over the system and declared
allegiance to the Empire. Not all Sullustans agree, and
some are turning to the Rebel Alliance or their own
resistance groups.

Taris: Taris is a city-planet important to the ancient
Jedi, Sith, and Mandalorian wars. The planet’s influ­
ence and stature has not kept pace through the cen
turies. It is now under Imperial control.


The Outer Rim is a smuggler's paradise. The sheer number and variety of worlds and species means that
somebody somewhere needs something all the time. There is always somewhere you can acquire manufac­
tured goods, and always a place in desperate need of them. To top it off, government and officials are often
ineffective, corrupt, or just plain lazy. A lot of places barely even have a government to deal with.

Of course, that means you’ll have to rely on yourself and your friends a lot more. You have to be able to
repair your ship, fend off pirates, and talk your way out of tight jams with criminals, constables, paramilitary
defenders or whatever law might be around. You have to make do with what you have, and know how to
scrape together enough credits to get you to the next starport.

You just won't believe the number of species you’ll see out in the Outer Rim. I’ll bet that at any given star-
port, you’ll only be able to name a quarter of the aliens you see. You'll have to raise your diplomacy and
bargaining skills several notches, just to be able to deal with the unusual clientele you’ll run across. You're
bound to make cultural mistakes along the way. You'll accidentally insult somebody, or inadvertently cross
someone else. It just happens. You’ll have to learn how to talk your way out of it, and when to give up and run.

Now, don’t think that just because you’re in the Outer Rim, that the Empire doesn’t exist. It might seem
that way sometimes, and it may as well be true in some systems. However, every major system has some
kind of Imperial presence, and there are worlds more dedicated to the New Order than you’ll find closer to
Coruscant. Sorry, Imperial Center. Old habits die hard.

Another tip. You never know when an Imperial ship will show up and ruin your day. You're just as likely to run
across a Star Destroyer as a customs vessel out here. Don’t be stupid. Most of the time you are not going
to outrun or outgun them. If you’re lucky, you might outsmart them occasionally. Just remember though, you
might get away once, but if they get you on file, your chances plummet the next time around. You're going
to be boarded in-flight or on the ground, so you better learn how to deal with it. Better to play the part of a
good citizen than end up in detention with your ship impounded.

Remember, also, the Imperials take their anti-piracy operations very seriously. In fact, pirates are the only
thing that gets their attention even more than the Rebels. Don't give them any reason to believe you're
either one. I like having you as a client. I need to get these jobs out to someone. Okay, enough rambling
advice, let’s see if any of these interest you.

The Hutts? Jumping right to the top, huh? Let’s talk about Hutt Space in a few minutes. Outside of there,
you could always try to get work out of the infamous Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine. He doesn't like failure,
and tends to send trigger-happy bounty hunters after those who disappoint him. You're welcome to try, of
course, but I would wait until you have a bit more experience and a lot more of a reputation first.

Tatooine isn’t a bad choice though; there is always some scum up to something out there. If nothing else,
it’s a good starting point to something bigger and always somewhere better. It might not have the greatest
paying gigs or the best clients, but it is busy.

Now, Rodia is a decent place to get some experience. The Rodian clans are always looking to gain an ad­
vantage over their enemies and neighbors. The lesser clans smuggle goods into their lands, usually to keep
from tipping off the powerhouses that they're up to something. They're used to this sort of operation, so
it’s usually very organized. Good secret landing zones, speedy offloading, and even relatively good pay. Of
course, once you throw in with one clan, it’s awfully hard to work for any of their enemies without suddenly
making a lot of Rodians mad at you on all sides. Think of them as good training for dealing with Hutts,
except they're likely to hunt you down themselves if things go wrong.


W ild Space and the Unknown Regions represent that the Empire’s military and bureaucratic control
the vast interstellar unknown reaches of galactic over the galaxy has stabilized, it organizes official ex­
ploration missions deep into Wild Space.
space. They are the true frontier. However, just be­
cause they are largely unexplored, that doesn’t mean THE UNKNOWN REGIONS
they are uninhabited. Based on the number of spe­
cies and other civilizations already known through­ Historically, Unknown Regions is the term for unex­
out the galaxy, it is a good bet that there are likely plored space beyond the known worlds. As such, this
millions more. The Unknown Regions alone could be area continually shrunk in size as civilization, and the
hiding expansive interstellar empires of its own. The Republic in particular, expanded through the ages.
term Unknown Regions most often applies to the un­
explored western side of the galaxy, naturally barred The Unknown Regions remain the source of outra­
from normal hyperspace travel. Wild Space refers to geous tales and sinister threats. Galactic civilization
areas that have been at least nominally explored, views the area as a combination of romantic frontier
though it may have been centuries in the past. These and a source of unexpected horror. It is a place that
areas are usually scattered around the edges of the has produced new threats and reinvigorated old en­
Outer Rim, but there are also pockets within what is emies for millennia. Before the establishment of the
normally regarded as Known Space. Republic, in the earliest days of Coruscant, the Raka-
ta Infinite Empire ruled important worlds across the
W ILD SPACE galaxy, from their home world deep in the modern
day Unknown Regions. During the time of the Old
Wild Space has long been the term for minimally ex­ Republic, Sith and Mandalorian foes long thought
plored areas at the fringes of Known Space. Due to destroyed would periodically reemerge and wreak
continuous efforts to explore and colonize system af­ havoc on the galaxy.
ter system, Wild Space is the ever-changing edge of
the map. Wild Space represents great opportunities The modern day boundaries of the Unknown Re­
to independent, corporate, and government scouts. gions were established with the discovery of a great
Discovering a new civilization to trade with, or a new tangle of hyperspace anomalies, forming a barrier
world rich in precious metals and ore, can make the that splits the galaxy virtually in two. The tangle
discoverer famous. While the scouts might get a sub­ makes hyperspace travel extremely difficult or im­
stantial bonus for a great find, the real credits are to possible. Though its origins are debatable, it has
be made by the traders and developers to follow. been a natural obstacle to galactic exploration and
development for millennia. Survey missions and
Wild Space is dangerous. Just getting into Wild other efforts to find reliable routes are at best slow
Space can be tricky due to nonexistent or outdated and dangerous.
astrogation data. Initial contact with a new species
rarely goes smoothly, and most scouts aren’t fully However, passage is not completely impossible. The
equipped diplomatically or officially to deal with the Republic sent a well-supported, long-term expedition
situation. Plenty of these worlds may be registered as in the form of the Outbound Flight project. Like the
uninhabited or unknown, but scouts never know when majority of such efforts, it ended in disappearance
a lost colony, smuggler’s den, or underworld base and disaster. Travelers also occasionally arrive from
might suddenly appear. Such settlements are rarely the other side, though their appearance is often vio­
happy to be discovered. lent and aggressive.

During the Clone Wars, Wild Space made for conve­ During the Clone Wars, official exploration efforts
nient hiding places and staging areas for the Separatists. largely ceased, with Republic scouts distracted by
With their ties to megacorporations and the various in­ the war. Government-sponsored exploration began
dustrial and mining guilds, they had a wealth of propri­ anew with the Empire, in an effort to expand Imperial
etary scouting information unavailable to the Republic. space, exploit new resources or worlds, and search
Both during the war and in the dark times afterwards, for any sign of rebel activity. Rebel efforts to use the
desperate refugees sometimes fled into Wild Space. Unknown Regions as a base of operations are mini­
mal, due to the resources and time needed to find
Initially, the Empire pursued the Separatist refugees suitable locations.
and performed reconnaissance in force to eliminate
some of the larger hideouts and settlements. Now

NOTABLE LOCATIONS Kamino: The homeworld of the Kaminoans, this was
the source of the Republic's Clone armies during the
The following are areas of interest within the Un­ Clone Wars. The water-covered world is still under
known Regions and Wild Space, at or before the rise strict Imperial control. Kamino is an extra-galactic
of the Empire. system. It is located in an area of Wild Space beyond
the Outer Rim, in a dwarf satellite galaxy near the
Hum: Located in the Unknown Regions in the north­ Rishi Maze.
west quadrant of the galaxy, Hum is a world origi­
nally held secret by the Jedi. Under the mountains Unknown World (Rakata Prime, Lehon): This home-
of this icy world lie caves holding Hum crystals. Jedi world of the Rakata species was the center of the an­
used these crystals in their lightsabers, usually giving cient Infinite Empire, which once spanned the galaxy.
them a blue or green color. The world is now moni­ Now, however, the planet is long abandoned, save for
tored by Imperial droids, who keep a watchful eye the relics and ruins that dot the beaches and oceans
for any surviving Jedi or other Force users returning of its surface.
for the crystals.


A mong the oldest civilizations in the galaxy are the wards from their homeworld of Varl, their colonies
thrived thanks to their own cunning, determination,
Hutts. Controlling a large region of space along the and the enslavement of species they discovered in
Mid Rim and Outer Rim border in the Slice, the Hutts their path. Their first encounters with humans were in
have been a fixture of galactic politics, criminality, and the ancient Tion Cluster, and their first suitable rival
gamesmanship for thousands of years. The borders of was Xim the Despot.
Hutt Space fluctuated greatly over the centuries, ex­
panding and contracting in accordance with the bal­ The Hutts soon had their own problems, in the
ance of power between the Hutts and the surrounding form of a civil war. Their homeworld and many colo­
governments. After a brief expansion of territory before nies were utterly destroyed. The survivors moved
and during the Clone Wars, the Hutts lost control of to Evocar, renamed it Nal Hutta, and established
many Coreward sectors and systems in the Mid Rim, as the Council of Elders to lim it future conflicts. A f­
well as some trailing sectors in the Outer Rim. The ma­ terwards, the Hutts sought power and influence
jority of official Hutt Space currently rests in the Outer through means other than strictly military mea­
Rim within the Slice, though their influence extends to sures. Through the centuries, the Hutts would in­
sectors, systems, and governments far beyond. fluence corporations, governments, and criminal
empires throughout the Republic.
The Hutts were among the earliest interstellar ex­
plorers and colonists in the galaxy. Expanding out­


Now, you must be crazy if you’re talking to me about Wild Space and the Unknown Regions. You know
the difference, right? Wild Space refers to known but lightly explored regions within the galaxy proper,
especially at the edges of the spiral arms. The Unknown Regions are just a blank space. People mix them
all the time, but they're not the same.

Sections of Wild Space can be found most anywhere in the galaxy, but most of the time, people mean
those areas at the periphery of the Outer Rim and elsewhere. Every so often, someone, maybe a govern­
ment or large corporation, will send an expedition into one of those zones. Once in a while it’s a group of

dedicated colonists.
The Unknown Regions is a different animal entirely. There’s a reason galactic civilization has developed on
one side of the galaxy for millennia. It’s called the hyperspace tangle. You see, while everyone’s looked for
centuries for a usable hyperlane like the Hydian Way, it just doesnt seem to exist on the western side
of the disk. The main reason is that hyperspace seems to be tied in knots, forming a nearly impassible
barrier between Known Space and the Unknown Regions. Even when someone finds a route through the
tangle, it doesn’t stay stable for long.

If you're going to the Unknown Regions, you'll need the best astrogator and the best astrogation equip­
ment you can buy. Are you a trained scout? If not, you better hire someone. Everything I said about fending
for yourself in the Outer Rim goes triple in the Unknown Regions. If you can find your way in, there s little

telling what you’ll discover.
As to what you’ll find beyond the barrier, that’s anyone’s guess. You heard the legends and stories as
much as I have. Ancient Sith strongholds? Maybe. Force-using pirates? Sure, why not. Planet sized fac­
tories spewing ready-made starfighters and battle cruisers? Well, if you find that one, I'll help you start
a bidding war between the Rebels, the Empire, and the Hutts. Some say you can even find the legendary
home world of the ancient Infinite Empire.

Now, I’ve known a few foolhardy souls who’ve tried their luck at the Unknown Regions. You know how many
came back? Two, and that’s because they were lucky enough to survive a hyperspace mishap while trying
to penetrate the barrier. I don't know what happened to the rest. Maybe they died in the attempt, found
something carnivorous on the other side, or found something they liked better than being in civilized space.
For all I know, they might come walking through that door in the next five minutes, but I wouldnt bet on it.


Hutts and smugglers, they’re just a natural pair­ The Hutts made treaties with the Republic establish­
ing, aren’t they? Working for the Hutts is lucrative ing boundaries at the Coreward edge of the galaxy. As
but dangerous. The more you work for one Hutt, Hutt Space does not intersect with any of the great
the more entrenched you become in his business. hyperroutes, they created many within their own re­
That might mean more credits, and maybe ris­ gion. The Hutts also established secret routes into
ing up some sort of power structure, but a Hutt the Republic. They have never truly recovered from
will expect loyalty in return. Freelancing for other the loss of their one-time Republic trade route to Nal
Hutts and especially hated rivals are a good way Hutta and its moon Nar Shaddaa. A supernova and its
to find a big bounty on your head. If you are un­ effects made the route impassible.
comfortable with that notion, don’t work for them.
In the years before the Clone Wars, Hutt influence
Now, just about every kind of smuggling operation extended into traditional Republic and neutral ter­
can be had, if you can find the right Hutt. Spice, ritory. The Hutts took full advantage of Republic
weapons, contraband, stolen starships— anything corruption and conflicts between the Separatist
you like. If you’re a specialist, if you're really good, systems to gain economic and territorial ground,
and you stay bought, you'll find your reputation and especially in the Expansion Region, Mid, and Outer
pay rise quickly. Rim. Their Outer Rim expansion reached the sys­
tems along the Corellian Run, including Tatooine
Hutt Space is certainly their center of power. You’ll and Ryloth.
find their fingerprints on operations all over the
Outer Rim. However, their reach goes far beyond Hutt Space contracted greatly as the Empire ex­
their home sectors. With the right connections, erted renewed political and m ilitary power over the
they can influence most any corporation or govern­ traditionally Republic sectors. Nominally, the Hutts
ment across the galaxy. How much pressure they are Imperial subjects, with Hutt Space under Impe­
can exert varies greatly, of course, but if the Hutt in rial control and ruled from the Rimward Teth system.
question doesn't have a direct connection, I’m sure In reality, the Hutts largely govern their own affairs
he can find one quickly. and their worlds, and the Empire allows them to do
so. While there are occasional shows of force, or pro­
Jobs in Hutt Space are pretty easy to come by. tracted political battles, they are often merely po­
Keeping yourselves from drowning in intrigue is litical theater. As long as the Hutts continue to be
the real trick. I’ve got a few pointers for you. a source of lucrative tax income, and they do not
support the Rebel Alliance within their borders, the
One, stay away from jobs dealing with the Boonta Empire tolerates their semi-autonomous status.
area. You’re not likely to be offered any from the
Hutts, unless you’re a Hutt yourself, so that's not NOTABLE LOCATIONS
the issue. No, sometimes other interests will at­
tempt to hire smugglers to penetrate the area. If The following are areas of interest within Hutt Space,
you’re caught, you’re likely to end up in the slave at or before the rise of the Empire.
pits, if you live. If you succeed, and word gets out,
even escaping to the Unknown Regions won’t stop Boonta: Boonta is a region of closely located inhab­
their bounty hunters. ited systems in the center of Hutt Space, protected
by otherwise rarely seen Hutt warships. It is closed to
If you’re looking to avoid working directly for the most outsiders.
Hutts, go ahead and make a trip to Nar Shaddaa.
There are plenty of other galactic interests in Cyax: Cyax is a star system considered taboo and sa­
play there. Other good meeting places are Kwenn cred by the Hutts. They do not speak of it, and keep
Space Station and Sriluur. Lots of interstellar its location off of their official star charts.
traffic makes for a lot of intersecting interests.
Klatooine: Klatooine is the homeworld of the Klatoo-
inian species. It was conquered by the Hutts prior to
the establishment of the Republic.

Kleeva (Boonda’s Moon): Boonda’s Moon orbits
the gas giant Kleeva, and houses a droid factory that
serves as one of the Hutts’ best-recognized legiti­
mate businesses.

Kwenn Space Station: Kwenn is a large space sta­ Shag Pabol: This is a major Hutt Space hyperlane,
tion at the current Coreward edge of Hutt Space in connecting Nal Hutta and Ylesia to the Outer Rim
the slice, known for the Royal K Casino. It is visited by world of Teth, Rimward of Hutt Space.
travelers and Imperial military vessels alike, and is the
entry system to the Ootmian Pabol hyperlane. Sleheyron: Sleheyron is one of the most powerful
trade worlds in Hutt Space, deeply entrenched in Hutt
Nal Hutta: Once called Evocar, Nal Hutta became intrigue and politics, and able to exert extensive eco­
the Hutt's adopted home world at the expense of the nomic power.
native Evocii species. The Hutt Grand Council meets
here. See page 360 for more information. Sriluur: Sriluur is the homeworld of the Weequay, and
is currently under Imperial control. Regardless, the
N ar Shaddaa: Called the Smuggler’s Moon, Nal planet remains a favorite meeting place for smugglers
Hutta's city-moon is infamous for its lax laws and and others with business in the area.
impressive criminal connections. See page 360 for
more information. Toydaria: This is the homeworld of the Toydarians,
long time servants of the Hutts. Toydaria exports
Ootmian Pabol: Ootmian Pabol is a major Hutt foodstuffs and provides recreational activities and re­
Space hyperlane, connecting Nal Hutta to Kwenn and sorts for the Hutts.
into the Empire and Inner Rim via Ubrikkia.
Ylesia: Ylesia holds glitterstim spice mining and pro­
Pabol Hutta: Pabol Hutta is a major Hutt Space hy­ cessing operations, which uses slave labor.
perlane, connecting Nal Hutta, Varl, and Sleheyron
to the periphery region at the current northernmost Varl: Varl is the original Hutt homeworld. It remains
point of Hutt Space. sacred to them, though its surface was essentially de­
stroyed in an ancient civil war. It is well protected from


The Corporate Sector lies on the outer edge of the The new Corporate Sector was an instant success—
Outer Rim Territories. The northeastern end of the at least for the megacorporations who owned a stake
Hydian Way ends at the major industrial port world of in it. The CSA could use and exploit the resources
Bonadan, after passing through the heart of Corporate of tens of thousands of star systems, and soon con­
Sector space. The sector is bounded by Wild Space on trolled vast amounts of wealth. Under CSA guidance,
its western edge. Politically, it is the result of experi­ opportunities within the sector expanded greatly and
ments with total corporate control of a major region large numbers of workers moved into the region, hop­
of space. The sector is administered by the Corporate ing to share in the profits.
Sector Authority, controlled by companies participat­
ing in the conglomerate. Though the area administered However, they quickly learned the realities of living
has changed over its history, the CSA currently oversees under a corporate master. The CSA controls virtually
about 30,000 worlds divided into twenty-nine territo­ everything, including paychecks, the cost of goods
ries. The CSA controls everything about the sector, serv­ and services, and access to anything they need or
ing as government, security, and the sole employer. want. Even the small independent companies and
merchants allowed to operate feel the heavy hand
The Corporate Sector was home to human and oth­ of the CSA in their dealings. The corporate sponsors’
er colonies since before the formation of the Repub­ drive for profits controls everything else. Abuses of
lic. Though accessible at an early stage of Republic power, while more subdued than in earlier eras, have
exploration, the region’s remote location hampered returned nevertheless. Conditions are poor and often
development. The extension of the Hydian Way into hazardous, meeting the barest minimum needed to
the area improved trade and communications with keep operations running at minimal cost. One of the
the galaxy’s core, but it did not attract attention like worst crimes in the Corporate Sector is conspiring to
the inner regions. Most major galactic events, wars, form a union.
and invasions failed to reach much more than the out­
skirts of the modern Corporate Sector boundaries. NOTABLE LOCATIONS

The original experiments in corporate-controlled The following are areas of interest within the Corpo­
space failed in areas of what became the Expansion rate Sector, at or before the rise of the Empire.
Region (see page 339). When the corporations tried
again, years later, they negotiated a deal to take over Bonadan: Bonadan is a heavily populated industrial
several hundred systems, far out in the Outer Rim. world, central to Corporate Sector travel and distri­
While the Republic initially provided security and bution services. Environmental conditions are dismal,
safeguards for workers, it was not long until the cor­ with overwhelming pollution. Security is tight. Weap­
porations obtained practical control of the sector. ons are prohibited, and automated scanners con­
stantly enforce this policy.
Craci: Craci is the origin world of the popular Cracian
Over the years, the Corporate Sector developed at a Thumper, used as steeds by scouts and others. Agri­
moderate rate, but never truly met corporate expecta­ culture and industry across the five worlds powers its
tions. Member companies presented various solutions enormously active starports.
to this problem to the Senate, which usually included
expansion proposals. As economic and political con­ Davirien: Davirien is a research jungle world owned
ditions within the Republic worsened, most member by a single corporation, Chiewab Amalgamated Phar­
companies joined the Separatists when the Clone Wars maceuticals. Imperial training operations are allowed
erupted. Loyalist companies were pushed out. on Davirien, which is highly unusual within Corporate
Sector borders.
After the war, however, the loyalist companies grasped
the opportunity they had received for backing the vic­ Etti: Etti IV is a favored planet of the CSA’s wealthier
tors. During the rise of the Empire, the young industri­ executives, with resorts, estates and leisure attrac­
alist Baron Orman Tagge approached Emperor Palpa- tions. The native sentient species, the Etti, were relo­
tine with a proposal. If the Empire dissolved the traitor cated to Etti V, which is off limits to outsiders.
megacorporations and gave their assets to loyal corpo­
rate entities, as well as dramatically expanding the size Farana: Farana is the homeworld of the Ocsin,
of the Corporate Sector and giving it autonomy within its which are near-human merchants and explorers.
borders, the new CSA would provide the Empire with a Farana is also the name of a region of Wild Space
massive annual tithe of profits and materials. to the west of the Corporate Sector. Part of tra ­
ditional Farana Space now lies within the Corpo­
rate Sector, thanks to the annexation of the Ocsin

colony (see below). Farana and most of its nearby Tiran: Tiran is the capital world of Tirani Space, a
colony systems have never been part of the Re­ small area adjacent to the Corporate Sector. The Ti­
public or Empire. rani have rebuffed recent CSA offers of annexation,
leading to armed conflicts and outright invasion and
Kalla: Kalla is home of the University of Kalla, the seizure of some worlds by the CSA.
Corporate Sector's premier educational institution.
The Empire maintains an observation post and base GRINNER’S CORPORATE CONNECTIONS^
in system.
The Corporate Sector? The first thing you have
Lythos: Lythos is a heavily exploited system of four­ to realize with the Corporate Sector is that de­
teen worlds. It is a center of agriculture and mining. spite the stories, the Corporate Sector Author­
ity doesn’t actually own and operate every single
Maryo: Maryo is an oceanic world, well known in the
Corporate Sector for its wild and varied markets. It is business and operation. Just almost all of it.
a favorite destination for the extremely wealthy.
There are plenty of small-time independent oper­
Mytus: Mytus holds Stars’ End, a highly secure prison ators and lesser corporations doing business ev­
facility controlled by the CSA, for profit. Mytus is actu­ ery day out there. It’s just a lot harder for them.
ally located in Wild Space and kept separate from the They're often subject to seemingly random fees,
Corporate Sector for political reasons, as well as truth­ taxes, and whatever else the CSA can dream up
ful denials about its existence in Imoerial or CSA soace. to drain a few more credits out of them.

STARS' END The funny thing about the Corporate Sector is how
insulated it is from the galaxy. Sure, they get ga­
A formerly highly secret prison facility located lactic news and are subject to Imperial decrees,
but their local problems and CSA regulations
in the Mytus system of the Corporate Sector, make it feel like an entirely separate entity. Aside
Stars' End serves as a destination for hardened from whatever they can sell to the rest of the gal­
criminals, political prisoners, and anyone who axy, they are simply too caught up in their own
sufficiently angers the Corporate Sector Au­ affairs to worry too much about galactic issues.
thority. The prison is a massive tower holding
thousands of stasis booths—prisoners' cells, Now, the smuggling opportunities are similar
keeping them silent and frozen in time, a handy to other areas of the galaxy with restricted
way to prevent riots and escape attempts. In goods. However, your best bet here is to get
addition, Stars’ End possesses formidable de­ some reliable info on whatever gadget, food­
fenses ranging from turbolaser batteries to an stuff, drink, entertainment, or object can't be
on-station Marauder-class corvette. found at a decent price out there. Despite the
Espos’ best efforts, there's still a thriving black
One successful escape from Stars' End oc­ market for people looking to avoid the steep
curred in 2 BBY, when the smuggler Han Solo company prices on everything.
organized a rescue of his partner, the Wookiee
Chewbacca, as well as several more unjustly im­ There are also occasional opportunities to work
prisoned citizens. The escape nearly destroyed for the CSA directly. I would avoid those. They
the entire complex. Stars' End has since been won’t be fair, and you'll soon find you run up
repaired and rebuilt, although greatly lacking some kind of unexpected debt or penalty difficult
one of its greatest shields—secrecy. to pay off or avoid. It's a bit like working for the
underworld, in that resoect.
Ocsin: Ocsin is actually a colony of the Ocsin. The CSA
recently annexed the system into the Corporate Sector,
offering technological help in exchange for the rich Wild
Space navigational data Ocsin scouts have compiled.

Reltooine: Reltooine is the first Corporate Sector
system on the Hydian Way. It is mainly a tourist at­
traction, thanks to the gas giant’s spectacular rings
and moons.

Saclas: Saclas is a rough-and-tumble Ocsin colony. It
is a favorite meeting place for merchants and smug­
glers who want to avoid too much CSA contact.


not all galactic geographic areas are classified by is partially physical. The cluster is surrounded by a
planet, system, sector, or major region. Some natural feature called the Transitory Mists, which in­

titles are informal spacer slang for a hyperroute or terferes with hyperspace travel. Only a few stable

collection of stars. Others are holdovers from past in­ routes link the cluster to the outside galaxy, and they

terstellar empires or long-held cultural connections. are heavily guarded.

As the Republic expanded and encountered existing The Hapes Consortium is a matriarchal society domi­
interstellar political bodies, it often granted them Al­ nated by royalty, etiquette, constant political intrigue,
lied Region status. Most eventually joined or were and assassinations. Their continual internal maneuver­
otherwise incorporated into the Republic as sectors. ing and gamesmanship focuses their attention on their
However, a few Allied Regions remain, though most own affairs. The Republic was happy to leave the Con­
travelers would regard them as still part of Republic or sortium alone. It appears the Empire is following suit.
Imperial space. Some Allied Regions and other bodies

still retain significant political power. A very few are

HERGLIC SPACEfully autonomous, even under the Empire.

BOTHAN SPACE The Herglics established their own Empire well before
the rise of the Old Republic. The Herglics empire failed
Bothan Space is an Allied Region in the Mid Rim of long before they allied with the Republic. The Empire
over 150 inhabited systems of mainly Bothan colo­ seized control of Herglic industry, and now mercilessly
nies. It is ruled by the Bothan Council and Bothan rules the Herglics. Herglic Space is still considered an
clans. Bothan Space remains an Allied Region under Allied Region. It includes about forty systems, mainly
the Empire, but it is closely monitored and still subject near the Rimma Trade Route.
to Imperial decree.
As the home region of the fearsome Mandalorian war­
The Centrality is a small, remote, semi-autonomous riors, and their homeworld of Mandalore, the extents of
region nominally under Imperial control. The region Mandalorian Space have expanded and shrunk along
has little to offer the galaxy at large, and the Empire with their fortunes. At the height of the ancient Mandal­
recently installed a puppet government to oversee orian Wars, Mandalorian Space stretched from the edge
the region. The Hutts also have no interest in direct of the Inner Rim to the northeastern edge of the Outer
rule, but have heavily influenced the Centrality for Rim. While other systems and areas Coreward were also
thousands of years. They continue to do so, even conquered, they were occupied Republic worlds.
under the Empire.
Even in modern times, this vast area is among the
The Centrality is located at the far reaches of the least populated in the galaxy. By the time of the Clone
Outer Rim, beyond Hutt Space and adjoining Wild Wars and rise of the Empire, Mandalorian Space large­
Space at the edge of the galaxy. The Cand homeworld ly meant the Mandalore Sector. Thought nominally
is also nearby. The Cadma Conduit hyperroute con­ loyal to the Republic, factions within the Mandalorian
nects the main Centrality systems to the more main­ ranks fought for cultural and political dominance. By
line hyperlanes that eventually connect to the Perle- the time of the Empire, few publicly follow the old
mian Trade Route and Hutt Space. ways. Boba Fett is the best known representative of
this ancient warrior culture.
Merchants and travelers are typically interested in
Oseon for its asteroid-based casinos, and a small ring SHADOWPORTS
of nearby star systems. Among them is Rafa, home-
world of the ancient Sharu. Towards the far end of the Shadowports typically operate without regard to any
Centrality lies the hidden world of Tund, home of the type of government regulation. Many rely on hidden,
mysterious Sorcerers of Tund. remote, or mobile locations, while others buy off law
enforcement. Some ports are simply too big and busy
HAPES CLUSTER to be adequately policed, sustaining an ongoing mix
of legal and illegal activity, even in Imperial or other­
The Hapes Cluster is home to the isolationist Hapes wise regulated space. Shadowports may be found in
Consortium, an Allied Region of the Republic and the every region of the galaxy, though many are in the
Empire. Hapes’ division from the rest of the galaxy Outer Rim Territories.

Shadowport juggernauts Nar Shaddaa and Kwenn exploration and development for millennia. Almost every
Space Station are favorite destinations in Hutt Space. usable world has been mapped and explored from the
Tatooine, Terminus, Bespin, and Socorro are a few of Expansion to the Core Worlds. Beyond the Expansion
the better known ports in the Outer Rim. Even the Core Region, the volatility of Hutt Space and the vastness of
Worlds are not immune, with the once reliable Abrega- the Outer Rim means that there are still worlds to be dis­
do-rae sliding into the realm of shadowy dealings. In covered, developed, and exploited. Galactic exploration
truth, no one knows how many shadowports exist, as flowed along the Perlemian and the Corellian Run, and
most rely on some form of secrecy for their continued turned towards the inner reaches of the Slice. Aside from
operation. While the mega shadowports benefit from the Outer Rim and portions of the Expansion Region, a
their notoriety, there are far more, smaller ports known large network of hyperroutes ties the region together.
only to their local patrons, smugglers, and criminals.
While major shadowports host a vast array of illegal
activities and contraband, smaller ports tend to spe­ The Tion Cluster lies on the Perlemian Trade Route in
cialize in local needs. At a minimum, they are excellent the Outer Rim. It formed an early connection with the
meeting places for those who wish to avoid regulatory Republic that helped spur development of the Perle­
complications. Most rely on smuggling in some form, as mian much farther into the galaxy than any other early
enabler and purchaser. Some shadowports include star- hyperroute. Home to one of the most ancient Human
ship repair and upgrade services, useful for those requir­ societies, it was first colonized by sleeper ships from
ing clandestine repairs or illegal upgrades to their ships. Coruscant. Given the difficulties of hyperspace travel at
Though relatively safe from government agents, shadow- that time, the region became isolated and their origins
ports are highly dangerous. Owners and operators are al­ forgotten. They developed their own hyperdrive sys­
ways on guard, protecting the operation from agents and tem, based on a "lighthouse network’’ of beacons. The
rivals. Large criminal enterprises run many shadowports, society produced the legendary Xim the Despot, who
posing a danger to any who challenge their control, or eventually fell in battle with the Hutts. The Tionese also
simply disposing of anyone they feel is a threat. fought with Coruscant, with battles and skirmishes all
along the Perlemian Trade Route. The Hutts eventually
THE SLICE intervened, attacking the Tionese with such ferocity
that they sought protection from the Core Worlds.
The Slice is the vast, wedge-shaped region of the
galaxy between the Perlemian Trade Route and the Within the cluster lies the Tion Hegemony, a group of
Corellian Run. Like regions, the Slice is largely a geo­ twenty-seven systems remote and uninteresting enough
graphic designation and not a political division. No to avoid direct Imperial control. As such, it supports a va­
one controls the Slice. riety of illegal and semi-legal operations. It is a favorite, if
distant, home for smugglers and criminals.
The Slice extends from the Core Worlds all the way to
the edge of the galaxy, and was the heart of galactic


Astronavigation Data: Bespin sys­
tem, Anoat Sector, Outer Rim region

Orbital Metrics: 5,110 days per
year / 12 hours per day

Government: guild

Population: 6 million (Humans
68%, Ugnaughts 8%, Lutrillians
6%, other 18%)

Languages: Basic

Terrain: gas clouds

M ajor Cities: Cloud City (capital),
Tibannopolis (semi-abandoned), Ug-
naught Surface

Areas of Interest: Life Zone

Major Exports: Tourism, Tibanna gas, cloud cars

M ajor Imports: consumables, industrial goods

Trade Routes: Corellian Trade Spine, Corellian Run

Special Conditions: Type I atmosphere (breathable) tourism is one of Cloud City's major industries. Under
only in band of the Life Zone Calrissian's rule, Cloud City has risen in prosperity to
remain as Bespin’s undisputed capital.
Background: In a universe full of rarities, Bespin still
manages to stand apart. With no livable surface area, Although Cloud City is Bespin’s largest city, there are
gas giants are rarely worth colonizing, Bespin, how­ communities making credits mining Tibanna gas. The
ever, contains a resource so valuable it makes any ex­ largest, Tibannopolis has seen a reversal in mining for­
pense in colonization viable: Tibanna gas. Tibanna gas tunes in the last decades. Now, mostly abandoned, it
serves several purposes in galactic technology. One drifts aimlessly. One of the other floating communities
refined version is a potent hyperdrive coolant, while of note is the so-called “Ugnaught Surface,” a floating
another version can be used with weaponry. platform whose surface is landscaped to mimic the sur­
face of the Ugnaughts’ homeworld of Gentes.
Blaster packs are filled with compressed gases
which, when excited, emit a bolt of searing energy. CLOUD CITY
Of the half-dozen gases available on the market, spin-'
sealed Tibanna gas is one of the most powerful (and Designed by an Alderaanian architect, Cloud
expensive), as it quadruples energy output of a blaster City conceals its mining infrastructure with an
pack. Safest when used in heavy weapons, spin-sealed airy elegance that matches the surrounding at­
Tibanna gas still finds its way into personal weaponry. mosphere. For many, there is no more romantic
getaway than a week in the clouds. The top fifty
This fortune in Bespin’s clouds led to a host of re- levels of the city house resorts, spas, casinos,
pulsorlift cities inhabiting the “Life Zone,” a band of shopping centers, theaters, chapels—anything
breathable atmosphere 50 kilometers deep. The that pleases the heart and relaxes the mind. The
zone is also home to immense, beldons which graze city’s mid-section consists of the facilities for Be­
on clouds of phosphorescent algae, packs of velkers spin Motors, and also Port Town, where the locals
which prey on the beldons, and rawwk bats which work and live. At the bottom levels near the main
scavenge on anything that remains. repulsor shaft, a dedicated workforce of humans,
Ugnaughts. and Lutrillians fly out in trawlers to
Bespin’s capital, Cloud City, was constructed by the scoop Tibanna from the atmosphere, then return
entrepreneur Ecclessis Figg, who planned to conceal his to package the mined gas for export.
illegal mining operations of Tibanna for blaster weap­
ons with a veneer of legitimate business. To this end he
touted his city as a luxury resort and coolant mining
operation. Years later, under control of Baron Adminis­
trator Lando Calrissian, the “cover" has become reality;


Astronavigation Data: Corellian system, and has also made many Corellians such as Solo and
Corellian Sector, Core region Antilles household names.

Orbital Metrics: 329 days per year / 25 Some popular sociologists claim that Corellian bold­
hours per day ness stems from their origins as an orphan race of hu­
mans, since no archaeological trace of a pre-industrial,
Government: republic primitive culture has been found on the planet. That,
plus the fact that Corellia’s system sports five habitable
Population: 3 billion (Humans 60%, Drall planets (Corellia, Drall, Selonia, Talus, and Tr'alus), and
20%, Selonians 20%) an ancient, massive space station called Centerpoint,
lends an air of mystery and romance to Corellia.
Languages: Basic
With its history of starhoppers, spaceship engineers,
Terrain: forests, hills, plains and two-bit smugglers, one may expect that .the planet
Corellia is itself a junkyard of burnt-out engines and
M ajor Cities: Coronet (capital), non-recyclable conduit housing. This could not be fur­
Kor Vella, Tyrena ther from the truth. Corellia is a lush world of forests and
farmlands, ice-capped mountains and golden beaches.
Areas of Interest: Treasure Ship Row, Corona Its capital, Coronet, is a bustling, lively city, with all the
House, The Cold Beaches, Selonian tunnels amenities of any metropolis in the galaxy and the kinds
of bars and brothels you can find on Nar Shaddaa.
M ajor Exports: starships, alcohol, consumables Corellians love to mix their spiced ale with a good fist-
fight, then go home to sleep it off in a comfortable bed,
M ajor Imports: weaponry, raw materials, luxury so as to be ready for another round the next day.
Corellia's independence was at a nadir when the
Trade Routes: Corellian Trade Spine, Corellian Run Republic fell. Palpatine had no patience for Corellian
intransigence and swiftly turned the system's ruler,
Special Conditions: none the Diktat, into a puppet of an Imperial Moff. Unlike
Fondor, however, the Empire has not been able to
Background: When it comes to starships, buyers completely nationalize Corellia's shipyards and engi­
can rely on three rules: if you want quality, trust the neering corps.
starshipwrights of Fondor; if you want to impress, buy
Kuati; if you need speed, go Corellian. Thrust, accel­
eration, and hyperspace velocity are the major design
concerns of any Corellian shipbuilder, from the mom-
and-pop outfits who customize light freighters, to the
galactic renowned Corellian Engineering Corporation.

Speed is not just a feature of Corellian engines, it’s
also in every Corellian's genes. They are people who
are always on the move; whether it be jetting off to a
remote star system without warning or letting their wee
ones take joyrides on swoops, Corellians are renowned
throughout the galaxy as having "rocket fuel for blood.”
However, theirs is a restlessness without malice; a Corel­
lian's heart is his true engine, passion his accelerant.
This propensity to act before thinking has jump-started
the career of billions of Corellian smugglers and scouts,


The most prestigious of Corellia's national
prizes are "bloodstripes,” yellow or red piping
stitched down the trouser legs. Corellia’s govern­
ment and military award them for heroic displays
of bravery, done with the knowledge that such
action requires great sacrifice. For a people who
prefer to shoot first and ask questions later, mo­
ments of deliberation are valued highly.


Astronavigation Data: Fon
dor system, Tapani Sector,
Colonies region •

Orbital Metrics: 41 2 days
per y e a r /31 hours per day

Government: guild

Population: 5 billion (Humans
75%, Herglic 11 %, Mrlssi 7%,
Sullustan 3%, other 4%)

Languages: Basic

Terrain: industrial urban

Major Cities: Fondor City (capital)

Areas of Interest: orbital shipyards,
underground steam tunnels, cities

M ajor Exports: starships, technol­
ogy, droids

M ajor Imports: consumables, luxury
goods, mechanicals, droids

Trade Routes: Rimma Trade Route, secret hy­ too much indulgence can lead to termination, though
perspace route to Gandeal in Core often it does not go that far, since the guild keeps an
eye on its employees at all times.
Special Conditions: none
The guild relies on droids to keep its sentient work­
Background: Ranked third behind Corellia and Kuat force's size manageable. Self-service units accomplish
in starship construction, Fondor has staked its reputa­ the most menial tasks, while giant droid brains co­
tion not in mass production, but in quality. Many of ordinate production cycles, workers' schedules, and
the best-designed frigates and capital ships are built large-scale projects to achieve maximum efficiency.
in its shipyards, from the Super Star Destroyer Execu­ This dependence on mechanical labor has given birth
tor to Hutt yachts. The Fondor Starshipwrights Guild to Fondor’s second industry: droid design and manu­
guarantees this caliber of quality by exercising control facture. Fondor turns out some of the most capable
over every step that goes into starship construction,, labor droids in the galaxy.
from blueprint designs and mechanical implementa­
tion to planetary governance and even the micro- In the last few decades. Fondor's shipyards have
management of workers’ daily lives. been nationalized by the Empire. This, plus draconian
security measures during the construction of the Ex­
Millennia of starship construction have taken their ecutor, turned Fondor into an Imperial military enclave.
toll on Fondor. Navigating leftover debris or the star-
ship girders that ring the planet is a nightmare. Most MOON OF NALLASTIA
freighters dock at orbiting stations, with passengers
conveyed by shuttle through the safest corridors to Centuries ago, a group of Fondorians broke
the planet. Newcomers often gasp at the effect min­ away from the guild to protect the jungle
ing and industrialization has had on the surface. Virtu­ moon of Nallastia from exploitation. Sympa­
ally all of Fondor is covered with factories, exhaust thetic Mon Calamari and Ithorians in the Re­
stacks, administration complexes, and metal refiner­ public Senate rallied behind the Nallastian
ies. Its underground is no different, a hollowed-out movement to recognize its independence, much
hive of access tunnels and steam vents. to the guild’s ire. Now Fondor's moon revolves
around the planet like a tempting jewel, and is
The guild is quite aware that their hard-working whispered to be a shelter for the Rebel Alliance.
members need a release for stress, and consequently
has turned Fondor's capital into the perfect retreat for
well-intentioned debauchery. Just about every vice is
offered in some form or another, in compliance with
guild regulations, of course. Workers understand that


Astronavigation Data: Kessa system, Kessel Sector,
Outer Rim region

Orbital Metrics: 322 days per year / 26 hours per day

Government: military prison

Population: 700-1,000 (military and administrative),
prisoner number varies in the thousands

Languages: Basic

Terrain: alkali flats, mountains, caves

M ajor Cities: Kessendra (a small military town)

Areas of Interest: Imperial prison facilities, spice mines

Major Exports: glitterstim spice

Major Imports: consumables, technology also managed
to get below the
Trade Routes: Pabol Sleheyron, Kessel Trade Corridor surface told of hid­
eous multi-eyed monsters,
Special Conditions: Type III atmosphere (breath mask ghostly bogeys, and shells of humans
.required), radiation suit for prolonged surface excursions roaming the caves in a lifeless stupor.

Background: Twenty-five thousand years before the The Old Republic ended millennia of speculators'
brutal conquests of Emperor Palpatine, the planet dreams when they devised a semi-safe route past the
known as “Xo’s Eye" bore witness to battles between Maw using hyperspace beacons. The Senate created
Xim the Despot and the Hutt empire. Though the KesCorp, a public enterprise formed to supervise
name never stuck, the misshapen planet later known the mining and medical research of glitterstim. Only
as Kessel became known across the galaxy for the highly trusted and idealistic volunteers were sent to
treasure buried beneath its rocky surface: glitterstim Kessel on paltry government salaries so as to ward off
spice, which would soon become one of the most ne’er-do-wells. Initial pharmaceutical usage proved
sought-after stimulants in the galaxy. promising, and demand increased accordingly.

For countless years, freighter captains with delusions Nevertheless, as the Republic waned, less attention
of grandeur hazarded expeditions into this remote was paid to Kessel. Criminal elements gradually took
pocket of space. However, the route to Kessel was the reins of KesCorp and “glitteryll,” a cut of cheap
treacherous, plagued by nebulas, asteroids, and a clus­ Rylothian ryll with Kesselian spice, became the drug
ter of black holes of immense size: the Maw. Few ever of choice among the rich and powerful.
returned from these runs, and the ones who did and

GLITTERSTIM SPICE When the Empire rose to power, social workers
breathed a sigh of relief when the Empire militarized
More potent than Rytholian ryll, glitterstim Kessel, believing the numbers of "glit-biters" would di­
is also much more addictive and, thank­ minish. At first, that looked to be the case. The Imperials
fully, scarce. Its strands can be identified by garrisoned Kessel’s moon and transformed the plane­
the scintillation they give off even in the dark. toid into a maximum security prison for political rebels,
The stimulant manipulates the user’s mind pirates, Black Sun vigos, and criminal psychopaths.
by increasing his sensitivity to normal stimu­
li. Whether the spice actually grants the user That sense of relief has now soured. Although the
telepathic powers is hotly debated, although Empire controls the trade of glitterstim, they have
most users certainly believe it does. The spice boosted mining efforts by utilizing prisoners as a dis­
certainly gives users the ability to “ read" peo­ posable labor force. Now, more spice is mined than
ple, perhaps through mental powers, or per­ ever, even as the market remains tightly controlled.
haps through heightened perception. However, This situation makes glitterstim smuggling highly
prolonged use of glitterstim can turn even the profitable, giving rise to the infamous ‘‘Kessel Run,” a
most well-adjusted person into a lifelong ad­ smuggling route from Kessel that runs perilously close
dict who will do anything for another “bite.” to the Maw before reaching civilized space.


Astronavigation Data:
Y'Toub system, Hutt.Space,
Mid Rim region •

Orbital Metrics: 41 3 days per
year / 87 hours per day

Government: clans

Population: 7 billion (Hutts
43%, Humans 28%, Vippits
15%, Evocii and other I 4%)

Languages: Huttese

Terrain: forests, swamps

M ajor Cities: Bilbousa (capital),
Qedriga, Jiguuna

Areas of Interest: Hutt palaces. Nar
Shaddaa (moon)

M ajor Exports: tourism, contraband

M ajor Imports: consumables, luxury
goods, technology

Trade Routes: Pabol Hutta, Ootmian Pabol, Shag Pabol

Special Conditions: breath masks for .the sensitive

Background: In Huttese, Nal Hutta means "glorious Although nominally under Imperial control, Nal
jewel," though few visitors other than Hutts would Hutta remains almost entirely independent. The Hutt
ever agree. Tepid swamps cover the surface, mak­ philosophies encourage avoiding conflict when one can
ing for sumptuous conditions for the moisture-loving prevail through other means. They are perfectly happy
Hutts. That most species cannot stomach the environ­ to allow the Empire to claim dominance, knowing that
ment is no concern; the Hutts know they are in charge their stranglehold on regional economics is real power.
when others suffer in their presence.

Nal Hutta was not always a bog. When the Hutts' THE SMUGGLERS'MOON
homeworld of Varl fell to plague and cataclysm fifteen •
millennia ago. they had their slaves hunt the stars Nar Shaddaa, the largest moon of Nal Hutta.
for a planet that would fit their needs. The one they once resembled the planet it orbited, with
found possessed an indigenous people who called boundless jungles and the bluest oceans. Those
themselves the Evocii, and their world Evocar. The features disappeared within centuries of the
Hutts possessed formidable military power, and with­ Hutts’ appearance in the Y’Toub system. Over the
in a few years, the Hutts had transformed the world centuries, Nar Shaddaa became a city from pole-
into a paradise for their species. to-pole. so overbuilt with spires and spacedocks
that residents refer to it as "Little Coruscant." No
Currently, rivalries between Hutt clans have divided matter how close it is to the system’s sun, Nar
up Nal Hutta, with the choicest and foulest swamps Shaddaa seems to be in a state of perpetual
controlled by the most powerful clan at the time. Pos­ gloom, smogged over from engine exhaust and
session of these locales frequently changes, since no refueling depots. It has become the perfect place
Hutt is ever satisfied with the status quo. This leaves for Hutts to conduct their shady deals.
Nal Hutta a festering bed of intrigue, with constant
political scheming punctuated by bouts of small-scale Smugglers come to Nar Shaddaa in droves,
conflict between indentured warriors. Straying from looking for employment, gainful or otherwise.
or somehow cheating the strict rules of the combat Every Hutt has a scheme, and their up-front
can lead to banishment by the Council of Elders, com­ pay, meager though it may seem, can be
pelling combatants to find new ways to conceal old tempting to those down on their luck.
tricks in their quest for victory.


Astronavigation Data: Bright Jewel system, The planetary governors and representatives are
Bright Jewel Sector, Mid Rim region notorious for taking bribes and legislating favors. Do­
nate enough and one can get away with anything.
Orbital Metrics: 394 local days in a year / Courts respect the rights and privileges of bounty
26 standard hours in a day hunters, as they see them as a free-market approach
to law enforcement. This is not to say the streets of
Government: republic with elected governor Worlport or Savroia are deathtraps. Cities and casinos
contract private security firms for police duty, consid­
Population: 4 billion (varied species) ering the safety of the millions of tourists who come
each year on gambling holidays their main priority.
Languages: Basic
Beyond the betting strips are stretches of junk­
Terrain: mesas, plains, mountains, islands yards, factories, and strip mines. Farther out along
the continental shores linger small fishing, religious,
Major Cities: Worlport (capital), Freelonn, Savroia and agricultural communities, which prefer not to be
bothered by outlanders and try to remain isolated.
Areas of Interest: Ten. Mile Plateau, Lady
Fate Casino A thousand other star systems offer many of the
same temptations, though few of them are blessed
Major Exports: entertainment, tourism, manu­ with Ord Mantell’s location. Situated at the end of the
factured goods. Entralla Route, Ord Mantell serves as the turn onto
the Celanon Spur. Only the fastest navicomputers can
M ajor Imports: consumables, raw materials make the course correction without leaving hyper-
space, making Ord Mantell an obvious stop over.
Trade Routes: Celanon Spur, Entralla Route (con­
nects to Muunilin'st) The Empire permits Ord Mantell its veneer of inde­
pendence, relying on blackmailing the planetary gov­
Special Conditions: none ernor rather than outright subjugation. Mantellians,
however, are seeing more and more Imperial storm-
Background: Ord Mantell is a spacer’s paradise. Scoun­ troopers in their cities. Imperials fear that Ord Man­
drels and smugglers are welcomed with open arms. tell may become a hideaway for pockets of the Rebel­
Such a concoction of vice and criminality would seem to lion, and they keep an eye on the planet with fleet
make the world ungovernable, and indeed Ord Mantell maneuvers and a gradual build-up of ground forces.
borders on the brink of lawlessness, but that’s been the
case since the planet's colonization by Corellians.

Originally an Ordnance/Regional Depot for the Old
Republic, which gave it the prefix “Ord," the world could
never shake loose its Corellian bad habits. Now Mantel-
lians—a collective term for the world’s various inhabit­
ants—pride themselves on their “relaxed attitude.” Over
the millennia, this open society has attracted all manner
of individuals, from tax-evaders and traders to loners
and ne’er-do-wells. Open-air markets sell almost any­
thing, and in seedy cantinas transport can be secured
for illicit cargo. Nothing is truly illegal on Ord Mantell,
and the only tax that is levied is one to vote. For if any­
thing rules Ord Mantell, it's the mighty credit.


The Lady Fate Casino on Worlport’s main drag
has lured billions of off-worlders through its
doors and relieved untold credits from their pock­
ets. Real gamblers, however, would not be seen
spinning Lady Fate’s jubilee wheels. The friendli­
est casinos for the gamblers are located in the
side streets and alleys. The Chance Cube in Free­
lonn, Lucky Detooa’s in Savroia, or Throw Me a
Bone on Worlport’s Century Lane have some of
the highest payouts along the Celanon Spur.


Astronavigation Data: Ryloth sys­
tem, Gaulus Sector, Outer Rim region

Orbital Metrics: 305 days per
year / 30 hours per day

Government: feudalism

Population: 1.5 billion (Twi'leks
76%, other 24%)

Languages: Twi'lek), Lekku (non­
verbal head-tail communication),
Basic, Huttese

M ajor Terrain: caves, deserts,
mountains, plains

M ajor Cities: Lessu (capital),
Kala’uun, Roancu

Areas of Interest: ryll spice mines. Float­
ing Rock Cardens

M ajor Exports: slaves, ryll spice

M ajor Imports: consumables, luxury goods, medi­

cines, technology the capital city of

Trade Routes: Corellian Run, Death Wind Corridor Lessu. Those Twi’leks who choose to live elsewhere find

(for spice runs) shelter either below-the surface or shielded behind moun­

Special Conditions: none tain rock, in cavernous cities like Kala’uun-and Roancu.

Background: For millennia, the Twi'leks of Ryloth have As Ryloth’s economy is primarily based on exports
managed to navigate the gray areas of galactic law and there is little indigenous industry, and almost all tech­
structure their economy around two commodities for nology is imported. However, the Twi’leks are not tech­
which there is always a demand; slavery and spice. nophobes; they prefer to maintain their position in the
Experts at negotiation, Twi'leks clan lords skirt anti­ galactic community through bargaining and trade.

slavery legislation by indenturing lower caste Twi’leks As anti-alien prejudice grows in the galaxy, the

through "free:wilj" contracts, slavery in all but name.. Twi’leks, given their similarities to humans, manage to

While such habits skirt galactic law. many otherwise dilute its impact on Ryloth by ingratiating themselves

law-abiding cultures are only too happy to turn a blind with Imperial officials. One executive of Sienar Fleet

eye to this practice in order to obtain Twi’lek slaves. Systems found himself visiting Ryloth so frequently he

Spice saved the Twi’leks from becoming a permanent built corporate offices in Kala’uun’s caves.

underclass to other species. Thousands of years ago,

vast deposits of ryll spice were discovered on Ryloth.

Mined from blooms below the surface, ryll could be RYLL SPICE

used as the active agent in both medicines and narcot­

ics. Suddenly, Ryloth had another resource valuable to Though weaker than glitterstim, ryll can still be
the galaxy. The clans exploited the spice themselves • a dangerous and addictive substance, causing
rather than outsourcing the labor. As a result, Twi'lek hallucinations and memory loss. Both the Repub­
slaves became a much rarer commodity, and fetched lic and the Empire placed restrictions on its use,
higher prices without depleting Ryloth’s population. licensing it only to pharmaceutical companies

Visitors to the planet find it a world of harsh condi­ for the production of painkillers and anesthetics.
tions. Much of the terrain is rocky and barren, blighted The Twi'lek clans claim they mine ryll for legally
by Ryloth’s sun. Tremendous heat storms roll across approved entities, but that does not explain the
the surface without warning, allowing only the hardi­ millions of shipments that go missing every year.
est of creatures, like the armored lylek, to survive. The clans keep the pharmaceutical companies
The weather is more temperate around the equator, happy by either offering cut-rate prices or add­
where most Twi'lek settlements are located, including ing “a little extra" to the orders.


Astronavigation Data: Tatoo system, Arkanis the Tusken
Sector, Outer Rim region Raiders of the
Jundland Wastes attack settlements when the numbers
Orbital Metrics: 304 local days in a year / 23 are to their advantage, and otherwise roam the most
standard hours in a day inhospitable regions atop hardy banthas.

Government: local councils under nominal Tatooine’s arid terrain alternates between tractless
Imperial governor dune seas, jagged rock wastes, and sharp-toothed moun­
tains. These mountains are the hunting ground of some
Population: 200,000 (Humans 70%, Jawas of Tatooine's most dangerous predators, the gigantic
5%, Tusken Raiders 5%, others 20%, popula­ krayt dragons. These terrifying creatures are feared and
tions are rough estimates only) hunted in equal measure, as the pearls in their gizzard
are very valuable. The dunes also host vicious predators
Languages: Basic, Jawa, Tusken, Huttese such as the sessile Sarlaac that consumes its prey and
digests them over thousands of years.
M ajor Terrain: desert
It is easy to land on Tatooine, but .once stuck, it
M ajor Cities:. Bestine (capital), Anchorhead, Fort takes a heroic feat to get off. Villains of all stripes
Tusken,- Mos Espa, Mos Eisley come to this desert believing they can hide from their
enemies. Thus, bounty hunters are never at a loss for
Areas of Interest: Jundland Wastes, Beggar’s Can­ jobs, and many have made their name here, such as
yon, Jabba's Palace Jodo Kast and Puggles Trodd.

Major Exports: minerals, illegal goods Sheer distance from the Core has not lessened Ta­
tooine's role in galactic history. Situated on the Triellus
Major Imports.: consumables, technology, chemi­ Trade Route near Geonosis, Tatooine’s proximity to the
cals, water Corellian Run poses it as a lucrative side jump for hardy
traders. While the planet has never been the center of
Trade Routes: Triellus Trade Route events, it always seems to maintain a certain disrepu­
table prominence in the affairs of the Outer Rim.
Special Conditions: none
During its reign, the Empire has installed a number
Background: "Miserable," “speck.’’ “dust ball"—those of governors to watch over the lawless world, and
are a few of the terms used to describe the'desert world of most do just that—watch. The Hutts are the true mas­
Tatooine. Though it appears barren, it is far from lifeless. ters of Tatooine. with Jabba as their head. The vast
Scattered about its desolate surface are settlements of number of miscreants in the population makes Tatoo­
some of the galaxy's most obstinate individuals. Intracta­ ine a treasure trove of rumors and secrets.
ble moisture farmers perversely sweat gallons to squeeze
water from the air and sand. Giant sandcrawters travel­
ing across the dune seas house communities of diminu­
tive Jawas. Wrapped head-to-toe in desert coverings,


The city is a warren of pourstone houses and
dusty streets, hemmed in by walls that trap the
heat. The stench of dewback. ronto, and bantha
can be overpowering, so denizens sometimes
strap on a breath mask when leaving their homes.
Otu Del’s Custom Pods and Swoops caters to the
racers wanting to thread "the Needle" in Beg­
gar's Canyon, and many a deal can be found at
Geordi Hans’s Spaceport Speeders southeast of
Docking Bay 94, especially on T-l 6 skyhoppers.
Jabba owns a townhouse in the center of the city,
mostly to seme as a tribute center and residence
for favored guests of the Hutt. When looking for
information or a fast ship, step into Chalmun's
Cantina. There one can always find a selection of
the galaxy’s most interesting species.


"The re g io n a l g o ve rn o rs n o w h a ve d ire c t c o n tro l o ve r
th e ir te rrito rie s . F e a r w ill k e e p th e .lo c a l's y s te m s in lin e ."

• -Grand Moff Tarkin

This chaptei\overs what the galaxy is like for the Player Despite these overwhelming odds, the very vast­
Characters in the time of Emperor Palpatine. Alderaan ness of the Empire's holdings make it quite possible
is gone, and so is its instrument of destruction, the Death for the crafty and the lucky to make their way and
Star. The Rebel Alliance is now a credible threat to the garner a few credits here and there. It isthe wise, how­
promised order of the Empire, yet Palpatine's will remains ever, who learn all they can about which factions are
dominant throughout most of the civilized systems. Moffs responsible for what, as well as how the law works
and governors implement his policies, while the many wherever they go.
intelligence and military assets he commands—often
through the direction of his apprentice, Darth Vader—en­ The wise, as might be expected, tend to live the longest.
force his edicts and expand his power.


The dominant influence on the galaxy, the Galactic and strictly enforced policies of efficiency, the system
Empire shapes the daily lives of every being on every works for the most part.
planet, and all of the places between. Such control is
accomplished through an elaborate network of military However, there are plenty of holes of which to take
might and bureaucratic sophistry, incorporating both es­ advantage, which is how anyone choosing to live out­
tablished organizations and new factions. Through fear side of the law enjoys what little freedom there is.

TIERS OF ORDER Moff’s jurisdiction have little choice but to accede to any
demands he makes, and they are often left dealing with
The Empire’s structure is pyramidal in nature, with Em­ the aftermath of any policy action he undertakes.
peror Palpatine firmly ensconced at the pinnacle. Sur­
rounded by hand-picked advisors and servants cho­ Some of the more stout-hearted Moffs and other
sen from the elite of all services, he projects his plans leaders have attempted to point out that the debacle
directly through this pyramid of control. He does so of the Death Star, as well as the loss of the very cre­
using a wholly re-purposed HoloNet (as per the "Tar- ator of the Doctrine that led to the Grand Moff con­
kin Doctrine,” put forth by the late commander of the cept, serve as evidence that perhaps the Grand Moffs
Death Star) and through direct dispatches he delivers are given too much independence and resources. The
through Darth Vader and other trusted servants. Emperor does not agree, and continues to provide
both in abundance to his chosen enforcers.


The Grand Moffs exist under the Emperor in position The traditional sectors—collections of systems united
and status, and are individuals of political and mili­ by proximity, economy, and tradition—fall under the
tary might that are most invested in the New Order. command of the Imperial Moffs. Reporting to one of
They are granted extraordinary power and wealth in Palpatine’s advisors, a Moff has command of at least
exchange for controlling the most difficult regions of a Sector Group in terms of military resources, and he
the galaxy. These realms of control are called priority is responsible for all security and related issues.
sectors, and they may or may not conform to long-es­
tablished sector structures. Planets and systems from Moffs are also responsible for the general produc­
any number of connected areas may be reapportioned tivity of their sectors, which is why most will focus
to a priority sector, primarily for the purpose of enforc­ the majority of their attention on the wealthiest and
ing a much greater policy of control and pacification. most resource-rich of the planets within their control.
Moffs commonly take on the direct governorship of
Grand Moffs are the supreme political and military the most important (or most comfortable) of the plan­
leaders over their sectors, given total autonomy to act ets within their sector, often dispatching top military
as they see fit, and provided tremendous technological personnel to see to actual issues and investigations.
and resource support to accomplish their goals. The em­
peror personally appoints each Grand Moff
and they report only to Although the vast majority of planets and systems
him. The Moffs and within the Empire are allowed to continue running
governors who fall their affairs in mostly the same fashion as they did
under a Grand under the Republic. The implementation of gover­
nors ensures that Imperial policy drives all decisions
and political activity. These governors are Imperial
agents, appointed by either Palpatine or his advi­
sors; their rule usually extends to all of the planets
within a single star system.

Nominally, each governor is in direct command of
all Imperial military forces garrisoned on and around
his planets. In reality, his leadership tends to be more
a matter of advice and direction; the Imperial Navy, in
particular, will generally ignore a governor in favor of its
own objectives, unless that governor enjoys the support
of the Moff who commands the sector.

Unless a planet's policies and culture run contrary
to Imperial doctrine, a governor will tend to maintain
an observe-and-advise posture with traditional leader­
ship. In the case where such leadership is in conflict
with the Emperor’s wishes, however, anything from di­
plomacy to coercion might be employed to bring the
government more in line. In extreme cases, the gover­
nor will simply take over and rule directly, in the name
of the Empire.


The Commission for the Preservation of the New Meanwhile, CompForce Assault soldiers (of which
Order, or COMPNOR, was built on the founda­ only around twelve percent even get past basic train­
tion of a similar such political entity that existed ing) are simply insanely brave and mostly inept shock
within the Republic. However, this organization troops, fed into extremely difficult combat situations
is decidedly committed to both the person in order to preserve more valuable military assets.
and the policies of Emperor Palpatine, and it However, as more and more of these exceedingly
has become his personal machine of political loyal Assault troops gain experience through survival,
power throughout the galaxy. they become highly valuable soldiers that serve the
Select Committee and the Emperor above all others.
At first, COMPNOR seemed little more than
a social organization of primarily younger IMPERIAL SECURITY BUREAU
and highly devoted followers of the Emperor.
Through the manipulations of wise advisors Direct rivals to Imperial Intelligence, the Imperial Se­
like Crueya Vandron and Sate Pestage, Palpa­ curity Bureau (ISB) is the Emperor’s personal “secret
tine was quickly able to transform COMPNOR police" force. ISB command reports directly to the Se­
into a powerful force, one he could utilize in lect Committee and, through it, to the Emperor. Natu­
many effective ways. By filling the ranks with ide­ rally, this makes the ISB the most feared and hated
ological enthusiasts and pandering to their hopes organization in the entire galaxy.
and fears, the Emperor crafted a body politic truly
vast in size and scope. By enveloping key political, mili­ The ISB is tasked with gathering intelligence on all po­
tary, and economic leaders into the elitist Select Com­ tential threats and influences on Imperial doctrine, and
mittee, he gathered the most powerful and influential the organization is also granted full autonomy to seek
people in the galaxy directly into his service. out and deal with such threats in any way necessary. This
makes the ISB one of the most likely foes of any group of
For every battle the Imperial Military has won, outlaws that operates in contradiction with Imperial law.
COMPNOR has won countless others through dip­
lomatic, bureaucratic, and economic manipulation. The ISB is vast in scope and well funded. While its
There is not a Moff or military officer who doesn’t operatives may not be of quite the same caliber as
have to consider COMPNOR with every decision he those of Imperial Intelligence, they are genuinely com­
makes or plan he puts into action. mitted and enjoy a wealth of resources and backup as
they need it. The largest branch within the organiza­
The complexity of the organization is tremen­ tion is Surveillance, comprising thirty-five percent of
dous, but a few key factions within COMPNOR de­ its personnel. Other branches include Investigations,
mand some attention for anyone negotiating his way Internal Affairs, Re-Education, and Enforcement.
through Imperial space.


Comprised of the idealistic youth driven to serve
Emperor Palpatine’s grand vision, CompForce is the
military arm of COMPNOR. It provides both frontline
Assault troops for direct combat against the Rebel
Alliance and other enemies, and Observation volun­
teers who seek to learn the intricacies of the Imperial
Military before formally pursuing an officer’s career or
some other key role in COMPNOR.

In truth, Observ personnel mostly serve to en­
sure absolute loyalty among the career officers of
the Army and the Navy. While many are am bitious
to a fault, most are truly sincere in th eir efforts
to encourage u tte r loyalty and service to the New
Order. Not surprisingly, the interference of an O b­
serv operative has led to more than one shortened
m ilitary career, often followed by an otherwise
highly trained and capable m ilitary man seeking
his fortunes in the Outer Rim.

Possibly the most disturbing fact for anyone who Despite this division of labor and resources (a
might find himself the subject of ISB ire is the cad­ conflict that Imperial Intelligence comes out on
re of storm troopers that serve the Bureau directly. the short end of repeatedly), the agency does a
As a general rule, they are even more fanatically rather excellent job at serving the Empire in all
loyal and more critical in their thinking, making of its real needs. While the ISB focuses prim arily
them some of the most dangerous individuals to on political and internal threats, Imperial Intelli­
wear the white armor. gence is more concerned with m ilitary and related
external threats. Even so, the crossover between
THE COALITION FOR PROGRESS the two agencies creates difficulties time and time
again, which ultim ately serves those in opposition
While most of the elements of this culturally redefin­ to the Empire.
ing arm of COMPNOR have little relevance to those
living and working in the fringes of galactic society, The structure of Imperial Intelligence is complex
there are two key groups with which anyone operating and detailed, probably an artifact of combining
outside of the law will need to concern himself. One is four different organizations and integrating all of
the Justice division, which has direct control over the th eir previous specialties into one whole. If any
Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations (100), and fringe group should come under the scrutiny of
the other is the Commerce division. this organization, they are probably in for some
truly serious trouble. They will most likely find
Criminals most often find themselves up against the themselves under the scrutiny of a system cell—
IOCI. These law-enforcement specialists work with all the nearly independent smaller units of agents
other elements of Imperial structure, including Imperial stationed all over the galaxy.
Intelligence and the military, as well as other COMP-
NOR-administered factions. The IOCI also supervises If the system cell determines the group to be a pos­
the Sector Rangers—independent and long-respected sible asset, the Bureau of Operations (simply known
providers of law and order in the farthest sectors of the as the Bureau in the ranks) may send one or more
galaxy. As a general rule, IOCI agents don’t tend to be Infiltration agents to find out more about what the
too zealous about Imperial doctrine, though this in no group is doing. If the cell isn’t so impressed, its com­
way makes them lenient about enforcing the law. mander may either decide to simply deal with the
group at his level, or request Assassination branch
Prior to the Battle of Yavin, the Commerce division agents to deal with them.
primarily concerned itself with expanding economic
development, especially in the less-developed sectors. Should the group somehow prove to be resistant
This led to achievements such as the formation of the to such methods, the Ubiqtorate may decide to call
highly profitable Corporate Sector Authority. However, upon its most elite branch of special agents, Adjust­
following the destruction of the Death Star, Commerce’s ments. These agents are the most efficient and ca­
focus shifted toward corporate espionage and related pable troubleshooters the Empire can possibly call
activities. Commerce agents can now be found infiltrat­ upon; if a group of fringers warrants their attention,
ing many companies and financial operations, seeking the story has taken a truly dramatic turn.
to turn the flow of credits and technology away from
the Rebellion. At the same time, these agents will gladly
shut down any enterprising group that seeks to avoid
giving the Empire its due.


Formed in the waning days of the Old Repub­
lic, Imperial Intelligence enjoys the estab­
lished networks and assets of four older
agencies, all effectively combined un­
der the command and control of the
highly secretive Ubiqtorate. This
legacy serves the organization
well in terms of effectiveness
and institutional knowledge, yet
it also creates just enough suspi­
cion among Palpatine’s highest
advisors to necessitate the exis­
tence of the ISB.


The true might of the Empire is embodied in the tens In the days
of trillions of uniformed personnel serving in the Impe­ following the
rial Military. With the adoption of the Tarkin Doctrine, Battle of Yavin, an
which promotes the fear of overwhelming military already dramatically over­
might as the ultimate deterrent to any who would defy hauled Army found itself becoming
the Emperor’s will, the Empire pours countless credits more and more integrated with the Navy. This
and resources into the upkeep and improvement of creates a combined arms functionality that works surpris­
one of the greatest military forces ever assembled. ingly well for both organizations. Through tradition and ne­
cessity, the Navy enjoys the superior position overall, yet
THE NAVY the Imperial Army greatly benefits from the Navy’s much
improved logistics and combat support role.
The foundational backbone of the entire military struc­
ture is the Imperial Navy, commanding the systems Ultimately, this means that the military can rapidly
and sectors of the Empire with exceptional mobility enact ground operations nearly anywhere in the galaxy,
and massive firepower. Under the command of expe­ since all fleets now have significant Army assets as­
rienced and highly trained senior officers, each ship of signed to them. At the same time, these ground opera­
the Navy is part of a well-oiled machine that responds tions enjoy the immediate firepower and logistical sup­
to dictates from the Emperor, Imperial High Command, port of the Navy, ensuring a high degree of success and
Grand Moffs, and Moffs—in that order. Planetary gov­ the ability to sustain operations over a lengthy period.
ernors can do little more than politely request (or beg)
for Naval assistance at any time of crisis. The loss of the Death Star did little to decrease mo­
rale or give pause to the Army. If anything, the Army
Unless tasked with searching for a particular target is more ready than ever to prove that no weapon
that their commanders have deemed of significant im­ of mass destruction can take the place of a highly
portance or threat, the typical Naval officer will rarely trained and motivated ground force willing to take a
bother involving his ship and his crew with local dis­ planet in the name of the Emperor.
putes, itinerant traders that might be smugglers, or any­
thing else that the average individual living on the fringes STORMTROOPERS
is likely involved in. Only if important Imperial assets or
installations are somehow involved will an incident po­ A completely separate military branch, the Imperial
tentially call down the might of local Naval vessels. Stormtrooper Corps answers directly to the Emperor,
via Stormtrooper Command. Evolved from the original
THE ARMY Clone Troopers that served the Old Republic in its wan­
ing days, the Stormtrooper Corps is the ultimate shock
Growing even more rapidly than the Navy as the Emperor troop force. Faceless and clad in gleaming white armor,
rose to power, the Imperial Army went from a pathetic the arrival of a contingent of stormtroopers is often
organization of peacekeepers and facility guards to a enough to bring any conflict to an immediate halt.
mighty, multifaceted force capable of enacting Palpatine’s
will on countless worlds. Through careful planning and lo­ One of the most important advantages of stor­
gistical genius, the Emperor was able to rapidly expand mtroopers is their capacity to be deployed rapidly
the Army in terms of personnel, training, and resources, into any situation, usually for the purpose of bru-
all for the purpose of bringing his New Order to a hard tallv eliminating enemv elements and oacifvine the
and emphatic reality.

local population. With their exceptional training DEALING W ITH
and unquestioning loyalty, stormtroopers can be THE EMPIRE
deployed independent of other m ilitary forces for
an extended period of time, often sweeping through For Player Characters, keeping out of the way of the
resistant forces even as the Army and Navy scram­ Empire is likely one of their highest priorities. The very
ble to catch up to them. nature of most of their professions and activities puts
them at odds with the New Order. Even those who
In the decades since the Clone Wars, the Empire might have good cause to seek employment from Im­
has recruited many non-clones into the ranks of perial agents—such as Bounty Hunters—will likely want
the Stormtroopers. W hether this is because the to keep interactions to a minimum. The safest course
original clone facilities were dismantled or de­ of action where the Empire is concerned is generally to
stroyed, the older Clone Troopers are dying of old not be anywhere the Empire finds important, nor be
age and a ttritio n , or some combination of both, caught doing anything the Empire doesn’t like.
is unknown. However, training facilities on planets
such as Carida now induct human recruits into the Unfortunately, this isn’t always easy. While storm-
Storm trooper Corps. There they go through in­ troopers and uniformed soldiers can be seen coming
tense indoctrination and rigorous training to rec­ from kilometers away, other agents of the Empire are
reate the skill and fanatical loyalty bred into the not always so easy to spot. The bigger the potential
original Clone Troopers’ genes. reward of any job is, the more likely an Imperial spy of
some kind may be in the mix somewhere.
Some of the ways a fringer group might find itself
Although working hand-in-hand with the Imperial crossing paths with the Empire include:
Navy (even sporting uniforms that are hard for the
untrained eye to distinguish), Imperial Customs • A planetary governor, or even a Moff, might hire
is actually a separate agency with its own profile the group for a clandestine operation intended to
and agenda. Primarily responsible for monitoring increase his wealth or power.
im ports and exports through Imperial space, as
well as seeing to it th a t all taxes and tariffs are • One or more of the group might have enough of a
collected, the agency also interdicts suspected political past to be of interest to COMPNOR agents.
smugglers, pirates, and other criminals acting
against the laws th a t protect the Empire’s in te r­ • The group might come across a CompForce at­
stellar commerce revenue. tack against a generally helpless community, or
against allies that are ill-equipped to deal with
The agency has its own fleet, made up prim ar­ such a brutal attack.
ily of Imperial Customs corvettes. There are also
many space stations, such as the Golan III defense • Any number of the group might well be the target
platforms, located strategically throughout the of an ISB investigation, making them wanted for
galaxy to m onitor m ajor hyperspace lanes. Most arrest, or at least questioning.
Customs posts also enjoy strong support from
whatever Imperial Navy assets are local to them, • Perhaps someone in the group committed a
and there are usually stormtroopers immediately crime, one that the 100 has finally assigned de­
available for enforcement operations. tectives to. Worse, Sector Rangers might be as­
signed to track down the group.
Though the average spacer has call to generally
dislike the Customs agency, there are times when the • Legitimate or not, the group might be suspected
organization proves to be handy. Most search-and- of ties to the Rebellion, making it the target of
rescue operations for crippled and lost ships—more Imperial Intelligence efforts.
and more considered a waste of time and resources
by the Navy—are taken on by Imperial Customs. • With the wrong jump point at the wrong time, the
group may well stumble across one of the Imperial
On the other hand, the Commerce branch of Navy’s many secret operations against the Alliance.
COMPNOR has begun requisitioning Customs as­
sets and personnel in its never-ending effort to shut • Almost every facility under direct control of the Em­
down supplies and technological support for the pire is guarded by a contingent of stormtroopers.
Rebellion. These actions have drawn the agency
further into the Galactic Civil War, something many • Imperial Customs are going to be a constant
in the leadership of Customs find to be a poor use thorn for any smuggler, or anyone flying through
of their resources. Imperial space without the proper identification
signals, carrying things he doesn’t want the Em­
pire to know about.


A lthough the Empire’s propaganda machine would than willing to use tactics that may not qualify as par­
ticularly moral or above-board to obtain vital goals.
have the general populace believe the Rebellion is
nothing more than a ragtag bunch of pirates, malcon­ This is where enterprising fringers can benefit in
tents, and revolutionaries, the Alliance represents a their dealings with Alliance representatives. Their cof­
real threat to the New Order and hope for the galaxy. fers may not match the Empire’s, but there’s enough
resources at hand for the Alliance to see to the needs
The Alliance struggles in a truly titanic fight for sur­ of those who do good work for them. From transport
vival, but it does so with a keen eye for the future it of supplies and key personnel to acquiring key data
desires. Nonetheless, desperate times do indeed call or items from secure locations, there are opportuni­
for desperate measures, which can appeal to fringers ties for those who choose to work behind the scenes
seeking opportunities for credits and altruism. and in the shadows, breaking Imperial law.


The Alliance structure is split into two major organiza­ By necessity, the Alliance runs as a benevolent dictator­
tions, the Civil Government and the Military. Mon Moth- ship, placing ultimate power in the Chief of State’s hands
ma, the elected Chief of State and Commander in Chief, in order to operate in effective opposition to the Empire.
focuses most of her attention on civil issues and wisely Unlike Palpatine’s advisors, however, the Alliance’s Ad­
leaves military matters in more experienced hands. visory Council has a strong influence on Mon Mothma,
and she also has a Cabinet that works fairly efficiently to
While the recent successes of the military, especially administer the various functions of the Alliance govern­
the destruction of the Death Star, have elevated the Al­ ment. Some of these positions deal with current issues,
liance in the eyes of much of the galaxy, the political others prepare for the elusive day when the Alliance
and diplomatic maneuverings of the Civil Government may be able to operate as a real government.
secure the vital long-term support needed to keep the
Rebellion going. Without the successful negotiations Unlikely as it is that any fringer group would have di­
with the Mon Calamari, who then provided access to rect dealing with the highest echelons of the Alliance
their renowned ship-building capabilities, the Alliance Civil Government, it remains possible that a particularly
would have died at Yavin. effective group may find itself brought to the attention
of those that run things from the top. Most likely, the
While the Rebellion is founded on admirable ideals, group would first encounter representatives of the Min­
it must be pragmatic to survive. Though she is nowhere ister of War or the Minister of Supply, since they’re likely
near as ruthless as Palpatine, Mon Mothma is more to require a fringe group’s services.


Long before fringers find themselves talk­
ing to the likes of Mon Mothma, they’ll
get jobs from representatives of a
particular Allied Command. Though
larger military and related efforts
are run at the higher levels, day-
to-day administration, gover­
nance, and defense efforts are
managed by each of the Allied
Commands that are structured
under the Chief of State.

Right from the beginning,
Mon Mothma, Bail Organa,
and other founders of the

Alliance understood that
trying to homogenize all of

the unique and dynamic cultures of the galaxy was to sive Operations division performs the really dangerous
be one of Palpatine’s greatest failures, and a mistake work, however. Comprised of the toughest and deadliest
they had no desire to repeat. To that end, the structure commandos, assassins, and special forces types in the
of the Alliance allows for each Allied organization that Alliance, these operatives handle missions destined for
signs on to remain an autonomous body, functioning in high casualty rates, including rescue operations, facility
the manner traditional and comfortable for its people. destruction, and search-and-destroy missions.

The offices of the Chief of State and the Cabinet The Counter-Intelligence branch serves the primary
Ministers are mimicked by each Allied Command, yet role of protecting the Alliance from internal dangers,
these offices are filled by whatever analog makes the making its mission both vital and entirely unpopular.
most sense from that culture’s point of view. As such, They install Security division operatives in every single
the Secretary of Supply for a given Alliance member other branch and division in the Alliance, on constant
state may be a hereditary post, a full council, or a alert for suspicious activity and any sign of infiltration.
droid assigned to do the task. Whenever someone becomes suspected of destructive
activity, the Retrieval division performs a full investiga­
ALLIANCE INTELLIGENCE tion and, if necessary, interrogation.

Though directly under the command of the Alliance SECTOR COMMANDS
Military, Alliance Intelligence operates fairly indepen­
dently, and has a strong role in both military and civil Should a group of fringers find itself in the employ of
matters. Not a single effort of political or economic Alliance Intelligence, they’ve most likely had contact
importance is undertaken by the Alliance’s represen­ with a member of a Sector Command cell. The isolated
tatives without a thorough investigation and report by structure and strict contact protocols of these cells will
Intelligence to the Ministers and the Chief of State. make it next to impossible for non-Alliance personnel
to make contact with anyone higher up the network
The most likely path to working with the Rebellion is chain. However, truly effective work combined with a
through contact with Alliance Intelligence. This branch clear dislike of the Empire may result in someone from
most represents the willingness to do whatever it higher in the chain reaching out to the group.
takes to get the resources and information needed,
as well as to handle any direct threats to the survival Any first contact with an Alliance Intelligence cell will
of the Alliance. This means its methods can be subtle, be through a single entity, who simply hires the fring­
secretive, and underhanded, and this makes fringers ers for the kind of work they seem likely to be able to
an attractive source of talent for Intelligence agents in carry out. It is entirely possible that the Player Char­
need of help to get a job done. acters have no idea they are working for the Alliance
in any way, perhaps even over the course of multiple
THE UPPER LEVELS jobs. All the while, reports will be transmitted through
blind contact protocols up through the network, to be
The upper echelon of Alliance Intelligence is organized evaluated by area coordinators, then network leaders.
into three branches: Intentions, Operations, and Coun­
ter-Intelligence. The Chief of Intelligence—currently Gen­ Eventually, if the network leader is duly impressed
eral Airen Cracken—and his staff run the entire opera­ (or if the need is both great and desperate enough),
tion, and report directly to both the Chief of State and he may pass on a recommendation to bring the group
the Supreme Commanders of the rest of the military. further into the organization.

Intentions compiles data from untold sources and at­ ALLIANCE MILITARY
tempts to predict the actions of the Imperial Military
and other assets. They do this with their Cryptology, Though a fraction of the size of the Imperial war
Analysis, and Interrogation divisions. At the same time, machine, the military forces of the Alliance are lean
Intentions oversees the Equipment division, which de­ and highly effective in exactly the kind of hit-and-run
signs and implements the various high-tech pieces of warfare required for them to survive. Because of the
equipment used for surveillance and other covert needs. guerrilla warfare nature of their strategy, it is entirely
possible for Rebel military operations to employ local
Operations, the largest of the three, fields the specialists to help with a tricky operation.
teams and agents who perform direct actions against
the Empire. System Ops handles the majority of the Most fringers are likely to avoid any direct involve­
work—managing the networks of cells that see to the ment with military actions against the Empire; this,
intelligence needs on a key planet. For larger or more naturally, makes them fairly unpopular with the aver­
involved projects, the Coordinate division takes charge; age trooper serving in Alliance ranks. However, those
they bring the best and brightest together to manage in command who recognize the value of non-standard
long-term and delicate operations meant to bring down assets often find a use for a local crew that can be mo­
entire Imperial organizations. The ironically named Pas­ tivated by a few credits or other helpful resources.

ALLIANCE MILITARY COMMAND ance High Command, mostly due to the majority of
resources being hoarded for much bigger and grander
The overall structure of the Alliance Military, as initially operations. The very survival of such a force may well
organized by Bail Organa, is a highly flexible one that depend on the willingness of some smugglers to get
allows for integrated coordination with the various and food, medicines, and weapons through a blockade.
disparate forces available to Alliance High Command.
This necessary flexibility keeps the Rebellion alive and DEALING W ITH
functional, taking advantage of the many different re­ THE ALLIANCE
sources and capabilities that each ally brings into the
mix. Such a structure also makes it much easier to uti­ Getting involved with the Alliance won't necessar­
lize non-standard assets like a ily be easy, even if a group really wants to. Hiding is
group of fringers.
something the Rebels have become very good at,
and while they are actively recruiting and seeking
support, they are also doing everything they can
to avoid Imperial agents.

Someone in the group may already have ties
to the Alliance, which could help with initial

contact. The Alliance may keep a group pri­
marily interested in profit at arm’s length. A
mutually beneficial financial relationship
is not out of the question, but truly
mercenary minds won't be consid­
ered particularly reliable by anyone
of importance with the Alliance.

Some of the ways fringers
might find themselves involved
with the Alliance include:

•A member of an Alliance Intelli­
gence cell th a t’s been compromised
may need immediate help, either get­
ting off-planet or getting his last report to
his area coordinator or network leader, and
the fringers are the only ones he can call on.

Along with the already-discussed Intelligence Com­ • The Alliance Military command wants to get
mand, there are six others: Fleet, Ordnance and Supply, some desperately needed supplies to a Sector
Starfighter, Support Services, Spec Forces, and Sector. force that’s holding a key position, a job at which
The likelihood of fringers dealing with any of these com­ smugglers excel.
mands directly is fairly low at first, yet there may come
a day when they’ve made some choices that bring them • Alliance Intelligence needs to get a group of Pas­
more fully into the bigger picture of the Rebellion. sive Operations commandos into Hutt space for
a special mission, and they need someone who
SECTOR COMMANDS knows the way of things there. Of course, help­
ing the Rebellion cause some kind of trouble for
If fringers find themselves caught up in Rebel activ­ the Hutts could seriously come back to haunt a
ity, it is most likely at the sector level. These are the fringer group.
forces fighting the war locally, defending their homes
and trying to overthrow Imperial rule over their plan­ • One of the fringers’ best friends or relatives
ets and their people. joined up with the Rebellion, and word reaches
the group that his unit has been captured and is
Unfortunately, the very fact that most such forces being transported to Imperial space for interroga­
really need whatever help they can get may result in tion and public execution.
a group of fringers getting in way over their heads.
Sector forces get very little direct support from Alli­


N e ll over three thousand years ago, a confederation to own many businesses and corporations, and even
w o f gang lords and criminal masterminds united on a few planets here and there. If there is a way to earn
Coruscant to claim vast territories and resources within credits, Black Sun has someone doing it for them.
the planet-wide city in the wake of the Great Galactic
War. Tenacious, well-led, and adaptable, Black Sun be­ ORGANIZATION
came a galaxy-spanning organization that far exceed­
ed the Old Republic’s capacity to combat. For all of its many holdings and byzantine intercon­
nections throughout the galaxy, the central leader­
As the Galactic Civil War rages on, those who know ship of Black Sun is fairly straightforward. The known
of Black Sun’s extensive reach and control suggest the galaxy is divided up into nine “territories,” over which
organization is at least as powerful as the Alliance, and there are nine Vigos. The term is an old Tionese word
possibly a real threat to Imperial power as well. Few can meaning "nephew," which is meant to further ce­
say for certain, however, just how massive Black Sun is, ment the idea that a great and powerful family runs
or how far its reach really extends. The leadership goes the whole organization. This projects both a unified
to great pains to ensure that Black Sun’s involvement in front and creates a sense of familial obligation among
any enterprise is well hidden from the galaxy at large. many who serve. The currently known Vigos are a Ro-
Often, a criminal venture can appear to be a wholly in­ dian, Clezo; Durga the Hutt; the Fluman known simply
dependent operation, with even the ostensible leader as Green; Kreet’ah, a Kian’thar; Lonay, a Twi'lek; Perit,
having no idea he’s embroiled with the Black Sun. a Mon Calamari; Sprax, a Nalroni; Vekker, a Quarren;
and Wumdi, the Etti Vigo over the Corporate Sector.
Smuggling, slavery, racketeering, kidnapping, extor­
tion, spice, illegal weapons, and all other manner of Above all of the Vigos is the Underlord, a veritable
illegal activity lie within Black Sun’s purview. At the emperor in his own right. Black Sun’s current Under-
same time, the organization has grown so powerful as

lord is Prince Xizor, a member of the Falleen race with Green spends a great deal of his time and energy
a mysterious past. Though he has hundreds of ser­ trying to organize resources and support to become
vants and warriors to call upon at a moment’s notice— the next Underlord. His revenues are far lower than
and can organize an army of many thousands within they should be, yet his value as a spymaster with tru­
hours—Xizor’s most prominent associate is the stun­ ly extensive networks remains high enough to keep
ning Guri, a blond-haired, blue-eyed picture of human him in his position for now. Racketeering, extortion,
beauty and cool efficiency. Those who are high enough and blackmail in the Core Worlds are his main stocks
in the organization to know realize she is Xizor’s trusted in trade. He is trying to expand his spice smuggling
lieutenant, major-domo, and bodyguard. Those not as efforts, yet has been directly forbidden to export to
knowledgeable tend to assume she is the one who runs Coruscant; another has been granted exclusive rights
Black Sun. A very few suspect there is something amiss to that highly lucrative market.
with Guri, and that she is not as human as she appears.
Kreet’ah, who inherited his position from his mother,
Each of the Vigos oversees a rather vast network of is a loyal and long-serving lieutenant of Xizor. His main
his own, with numerous sub-lieutenants managing each focus as a Vigo is corporate espionage. This includes
of the many disparate operations. In order to protect stealing valuable secrets and technology, massive rev­
the greater organization, people beneath the Vigos only enue slicing, and using his extensive spy network to re­
tend to know a few others that are actually part of Black route transports, manipulate markets, and extort funds
Sun; there are, in fact, countless thousands employed from countless corrupt corporate officers. His most
by Black Sun who have no idea who their real employer valuable service to Xizor is his ability to predict and
is. Smaller gangs and groups with their own names and convey market trends and corporate maneuverings.
identities operate with apparent independence, with
only their leadership connected to the higher levels. Anyone working in the Outer Rim has a chance of
running afoul of Lonay's operations. The Twi'lek focuses
Much of the funding for outward activities comes from his efforts on several sectors in that part of the galaxy,
Prince Xizor himself, primarily through his lucrative and building allies not only among the Black Sun, but with
legitimate corporation, Xizor Transport Systems. Through other criminal groups and even corporations. His highly
this vast transportation company and its many thou­ flexible organization focuses on the typical Outer Rim
sands of freighters and other craft, there isn’t a place endeavors of slave trading, spice smuggling, gun-run­
Black Sun cannot reach or cargo that cannot be moved. ning, and countless vice crimes. The rise of the Rebel­
The machinery of resource flow is greased liberally with lion has caused a great deal of trouble for Lonay’s slave
substantial bribes and payoffs to all of the right officials. trading operations. Ironically, he’s made up some of the
losses by smuggling weapons and supplies to desper­
ACTIVITIES ate Alliance Sector forces even as the Alliance works to
systematically shut down his other operations.
Black Sun’s activities are many and varied, and each Vigo
tends to focus on his or her own portfolio of interests. Ex-slave and master sheer Perit has, perhaps, the
most secure position of any of the Vigos, though that
Clezo is conservative and business-minded. He prefers hasn’t prevented him from reportedly surrounding
to maintain a highly diverse portfolio of activities, seek­ himself with nigh-impenetrable electronic security
ing to control all criminal activity within a few systems and a small force of assassin droids. Prince Xizor de­
rather than corner a particular market or criminal under­ livered the Mon Calamari from slavery and directly
taking. His holdings are known to include several bounty employed him to help manage the Prince’s holdings
hunting groups and guilds, including the highly Imperial- when still a Vigo himself. A master of technological
connected House Tresario guild. Careful planning and and computerized crime, Perit is able to manipulate
maintaining the revenue flow are his trademarks, and entire markets via slicing, and his veritable army of
though he constantly seeks new opportunities, he never technologists is one of the greatest assets in the en­
does so at the expense of his current operations. tire Black Sun organization. Once Xizor became Un­
derlord, he handed over his Vigo position to Perit,
Durga is as scheming and crafty as any other Hutt, who became both a trusted friend and powerful ally.
and his primary concerns seem to revolve around ma­
nipulating other Vigos while appearing the loyal and Another likely potential employer for fringers,
subservient lieutenant to Xizor. His endeavors include Sprax is Black Sun’s master of shipping and transport.
exploiting all of the transport and smuggling in and His holdings and activities may have the widest pos­
around Nar Shaddaa, and keeping a firm grasp on sible range of galactic area of any Vigo, running from
the Klatooinian Trade Guild’s operations. Durga has a the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim Territories. He has
healthy interest in gun-running and slavery, and serves multiple syndicates of pirates, smugglers, shipjackers,
as Black Sun’s connection to Hutt affairs while also black market traders, slavers, and the like all work­
serving the Hutts through this connection to Black ing for him; most of them have no idea they are tied
Sun. Of course, ultimately, Durga serves himself. to Black Sun. He also manages corporate assets re­
lated to shipping, and he’s created such a serpentine

network of connections and conflicting interests as to goals, but there is strong evidence that he is interested
make it impossible to know what he's really up to at in playing the Alliance and the Empire against each
any given moment. Interestingly, Sprax does a great other. Some rumors indicate a powerful enmity with
deal of trade in ships, weapons, and supplies to the none other than the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader.
Rebellion, apparently with Xizor’s blessing.
The most stable and least ambitious of all the Vigos
is Vekker, who came to power by simply being patient Getting involved with Black Sun is a dangerous propo­
and loyal. His criminal empire is, for the most part, not sition. The organization tends to get its hooks deep
particularly criminal; he oversees a rather vast empire into everyone who becomes a part of it, with virtually
of casinos and entertainment businesses. There are no options to get back out again. Nonetheless, the
the usual vice-related criminal activities that go along vast majority of illicit credits (and more than a few
with much of his territory’s interests, yet he mainly fo­ honest ones) are to be made working with Black Sun
cuses on keeping the paying customers happy by the in one way or another. A group with a particularly ne­
billions and, thus, keeping the steady revenue flow­ farious past may even already have ties to Black Sun,
ing. As his holdings serve well as legitimate fronts and or worse, Obligations.
laundering opportunities for the rest of Black Sun, this
keeps him in decent standing with his fellows. Here are a few of the many ways a group of fringers
might find themselves in the Black Sun's employ:
The unique entity that is the Corporate Sector is an
exceptional opportunity for Black Sun, and the Vigo • Smuggling and transport is a huge part of both
Wumdi handles exploiting that opportunity. A master the legitimate and illegal operations of Black Sun,
of the economics and politics of the Authority, Wumdi and one more light transport with a crew of mis­
knows best when to place his bets and when to cut- creants is just what the organization likes to hire.
and-run. With a powerful network of bribed officials,
spies, droids, and specialists, he is well situated to • There may come a tim e when the group's ship
make the most of every boon or crisis that affects the requires some highly expensive repairs; Perit's
Corporate Sector. His efforts cover the gamut, includ­ people in particular are always on the lookout
ing vice crimes, smuggling, corporate espionage, rev­ for a chance to make such a group indebted to
enue slicing, and more. Wumdi’s position is not as se­ the Black Sun.
cure as he would like to believe, though—his exorbitant
skimming of Black Sun profits has not gone unnoticed. • Sometimes it is best to bypass the usual bounty no­
tices and other practices in favor of a less-tradition­
At the top of it all, Prince Xizor has his own agenda al approach to capturing (or eliminating) a target. A
and activities. With Curi able to efficiently manage the group of fringers may be just what an enterprising
day-to-day operations, he is afforded the luxury of at­ Vigo is looking for in such situations; the trick will be
tending to personal projects. Little is known about his not getting eliminated after doing the job.


The Mandalorian clans have produced many attempted unsuccessfully to conquer the galaxy,
of the most dangerous bounty hunters, mer­ and even after their defeat, Mandalorian mercenar­
cenaries, and warriors in the known galaxy. The ies were a common and terrible sight in the galaxy's
Mandalorians are composed of various clans many wars of old.
that share a common culture across ties of gen­
der, family, and even species—by far, most Man­ However, after millennia of warfare, Mandalorian
dalorians have been human, but there are many culture shifted from militarism to peace. The cube
examples of non-human Mandalorians who have cities of the planet Mandalore no longer generate
carved out quite impressive reputations. the warrior culture of old. In fact, the planet served
as a focal point for the neutrality movement during
Mandalorians are known for their unmistakable the Clone Wars.
and formidable armor, particularly the helms with a
T-shaped visor. Originally, Mandalorians were unit­ However, some remain true to Mandalore’s
ed in a warrior culture bent on conquest, and this bloody past. Whether violent revolutionaries
focus drove them into conflict with the Republic on who want to overthrow Mandalore’s government,
many occasions. The Mandalorians had forged nu­ hard-bitten mercenaries willing to use their skills
merous ties with the Sith Empire, and the Jedi Or­ for credits, or skilled warriors trying to merge the
der had become a name that Mandalorians asso­ Mandalorian mercenary legacy with honor and a
ciated with distrust and aggression. Mandalorians warrior’s code, some still ensure the sight of Man­
dalorian battle armor is not forgotten in the galaxy.

• Perhaps a friend or loved one is deep in debt, • Success, at least in some endeavors, can have a
or is otherwise in serious trouble with a Black real price. Perhaps the group becomes so adept at
Sun agent or leader. His only hope is to turn to certain activities that Black Sun sends someone to
the fringers for help, which creates a messy and either recruit them or eliminate the competition.
sticky web for all concerned.
• As a means of getting out of legal trouble, the
• What might happen if a group of moderately fringers might be offered a chance to have their
capable fringers became pawns in a power-play records cleaned up. All they have to do is infil­
between two opposing Vigos? Worse, what hap­ trate a Black Sun operation and help bring it
pens if someone like Green tries to pit the group down. Prison might be the smarter course.
against Prince Xizor’s people?


To the rest of the galaxy, the Hutts represent both to serve their needs and their exorbitant whims. Though
a species and an organization of great power younger Hutts are capable of movement and physical
and influence. The familiar nature of everything the activity, the majority of the species sees corpulence and
Hutts do stems from their sense of collective su­ luxurious inactivity as the ultimate expression of power.
periority over all other species, and the immense
economic and strategic power of their clans, called Though the scope of Hutt power does not range as
kajidics. Though not all Hutts are involved in crim i­ far and wide as that of Black Sun, the latter organization
nal and underworld activities, so many are that it respects the absolute hold of the Hutts over the sectors
hardly matters to the galaxy at large. and systems they claim. This includes a large swath of
Outer Rim territories, referred to as Hutt Space.
Accumulated over their long lives and passed on
through elaborate inheritance protocols through their ka­ SOCIETY AND
jidics, wealth is the true power of the Hutts. With it, they ORGANIZATION
hire all of the professionals they need for every operation
they oversee, and they purchase all the slaves they require As stated, Hutt crime activities are a family affair, yet
the sight of more than one Hutt in any given space is
incredibly rare. Each Hutt in a kajidic will take up resi­
dence where he can directly oversee and manage a
criminal operation, surrounding himself with soldiers,
servants, and specialists to do all of the work neces­
sary. Most Hutts also surround themselves with opu­

lence, though individual tastes vary.

Those who work for a Hutt tend to make a good
living for themselves, though mistakes and disloy­
alty can result in a very short lifespan. Virtually

no non-Hutt, however, ever achieves a rank of
any distinction among the Hutts; such roles are
reserved only for Hutts who are part of the par­
ticular clan in question. Their collective ego and
' arrogance stems from surviving the destruction
of their homeworld, giving them a sense of god-
hood as per their own mythology.

Much of the overall strategy and coordinated
efforts of the Hutts originates on their new

homeworld, Nal Hutta. Though originally the
various kajidics competed fiercely with one
another with a kind of weeding-out phi­
losophy, Jabba Desilijic Tiure worked
hard to convince his people that
they were such a superior spe­
cies it behooved them to work

together against all of the "lesser races.” This gam­ DEALING W ITH THE HUTTS
bit worked quite well for him, leaving him a major
player in criminal enterprises on the Outer Rim. Any fringer attempting to find work in the Outer Rim
may ultimately have little choice but to work for a Hutt
Though known to be ruthless and degenerate at some point. The sluglike aliens are somewhat ubiqui­
among those who serve him (or oppose him), Jabba tous in most illegal activities. Starting out, most fringers
the Hutt has gained great success for himself and his may be doing jobs for a Hutt and not necessarily know
people through coordination and cooperation. He it. Unlike Black Sun, however, a Hutt won’t stay hidden
avoids costly conflicts with competing entities, prefer­ in the background for long; anyone who proves himself
ring a live-and-let-live philosophy. Thus far, this has useful and resourceful will probably be called before
worked to keep even Black Sun out of his business, the Hutt he’s been working for. The purpose of such a
although he’s had to make a few concessions and do meeting will be twofold: the Hutt will want to evaluate
a few favors to maintain that delicate balance. this new potential employee for himself, possibly with
an eye toward offering a more permanent position, and
ACTIVITIES he will want to impress the being called before him with
his power and wealth to establish dominance.
Virtually no criminal enterprise is beyond the Hutts’
purview, and while they also maintain some legitimate How a fringer handles such a meeting will be a testa­
businesses in the same fashion as Black Sun, there is ment either to his savvy or his bravery, depending on his
little effort to maintain any semblance of being up­ tactics. Many Hutts respond well to bravado and confi­
standing members of galactic society. Whether doing dence, if in varying amounts. If, however, the attitude is
honest business or expanding underworld opportuni­ laid on too thick, such an interview can become ugly in
ties, Hutts take an overt role in what they manage and a hurry. Subservience and respect are greatly appreci­
they see each enterprise as a power play. ated, but too much cravenness or toadying can result in
a Hutt’s dismissing of the capabilities of the interviewed
There are very few artisans, crafters, technicians, or entity. In either case, the Hutt fondness for exotic, car­
other creators of note or worth in Hutt society. The great­ nivorous beasts and elaborate death traps makes it
est of their people are business moguls, brokers, and worthwhile to ensure that the meeting goes well.
crime lords. They bring together the people and the re­
sources to fulfill a need within a given marketplace, and Fringers can find themselves dealing with Hutts in
then they squeeze every credit they can from the opera­ a few ways:
tion. Nothing is respected more among their kind, and
their usual ostentatious displays of decadence are meant • Even the lowest agents of a Hutt must sometimes
to reinforce their images as masters of wealth and power. be brought in for questions about an operation
gone wrong. Perhaps the fringers are asked to
Controlling product flow—and taking percentages track down and bring such a person in.
of every transaction in the process—is a major part
of the revenue model for Hutt activities. In addition, a • The fringers may have become particularly good
H utt’s criminal portfolio shows a great deal of effort to at something, and word has spread of their deeds.
smuggle whatever is desired to wherever he can sell The local Hutt wants to interview them, with an
it, especially illegal items and substances. The spice eye toward bringing them on board whether they
trade, especially where ryll is concerned, is one of the like it or not.
biggest and most widespread endeavors in which the
Hutts are involved. They also happily maintain a brisk • Keeping the locals happy can be good for busi­
slave trade; their disdain for other races makes it ness, as any Hutt running a city or a planet knows.
quite easy for them to see many species as little more Perhaps his best swoop racers are in need of some
than commodities with useful applications. fresh competition, or he needs some new fighters
for his favorite combat arena. Mildly competent
Hutts are also well known for making revenge a kind outsiders are a great choice for spicing things up.
of cultural pastime; no being can be allowed to wrong a
Hutt and get away with it. Hutts tend to view any such • This Rebellion might actually be good for busi­
action as diminishing to the entire species, and any Hutt ness, but no Hutt wants to get involved in actually
that allows himself to be wronged by a lowly human or taking sides. The fringers might be asked to make
other sentient is not worthy of his position. As such, contact through back channels, perhaps arrang­
Hutts will spend exorbitant amounts tracking down and ing for the Hutt’s operation to smuggle guns and
capturing anyone who deals dirty with them, or fails other resources to them.
them in some particular way. Mere murder is not suffi­
cient; elaborate torture or some form of extreme humili­
ation is required, so that all other beings in the galaxy
understand that they should never cross a Hutt.


The galaxy is vast, by most estimates containing at
least 180 billion star systems. Even with only a small
fraction of those systems being inhabited, there are
so many different organizations, groups, clans, tribes,
companies, and other factions as to be impossible to
fully catalog. The farther from the Core Worlds a group
of fringers travels, the more likely it will come across
entirely new entities and unheard of experiences.

What follows are a few of the more well-known or
notable factions that fringers might have cause to en­
counter. Such encounters might mean paying work, or
they might mean a desperate fight for survival. A lot
depends on the fringers’ collective skill and luck.


The Corporate Sector contains a mix of opportunities the sector in which all of the signatory companies do
and danger for any fringer. A vast region in the Out­ business. Anyone doing business in the Corporate Sec­
er Rim completely controlled by mega-corporations tor has to be very careful about the management of his
through the Corporate Sector Authority, the Corporate affairs; he must pay the right fees, fill out the right forms,
Sector is largely free from Imperial control (see page and be absolutely certain all of the minutia are covered.
352 for more information on the Corporate Sector Even then, he finds himself at a severe disadvantage if
and its formation). However, most fringers may find the he’s not one of the major shareholders in the CSA.
CSA as dangerous an adversary as the Empire if they
cross its myriad bureaucratic and corporate policies. The Corporate Sector's governance consists of an
Executive Directorship Board of 55 executives (or
The CSA is a byzantine and complex entity, run entire­ Direxs) and an Executive Officer (The ExO). Senior
ly as a standalone corporation that happens to oversee positions also included the President (Prex), several
different Vice Presidents (Viceprexes) overseeing
PLOOVO TW0-F0R-0NE the CSA’s various departments, and the Imperial
Advisor. The CSA relies on its Security Division to
A human crime lord based on the world of Etti enforce its rule, which they do using their feared
and hated Security Police. Though the “ Espos’’ are
IV, Ploovo Two-for-One controls a great deal essentially corporate security thugs, they are as
of criminal and underworld activities within the well armed and equipped as a full military. They
Corporate Sector. Ploovo began his career as possess the ships, vehicles, and weapons they need
a loan shark, and was well known for sending to conduct everything from standard law enforce­
around hired muscle to collect debts from his ment to full scale war. The rule of law varies at the
''customers." Currently, Ploovo's operations go far CSA’s whims. Since those within its borders have
beyond simple loan-sharking; the crime lord has
expanded into running mercenaries, protection
rackets, and smuggling across Corporate space—
at one point. Ploovo provided funds for repairs
to the Millennium Falcon. Generally, Ploovo is
considered a ''mid-level" crime lord by Imperial
Intelligence—he is too unwilling to get his own
hands dirty and lacks a greater sense of ambition
to be counted as a real threat. It is perhaps this
underestimation of Ploovo’s abilities that makes
him such an excellent facilitator for illegal activity.

"privileges" instead of “rights,” the law is essentially betraying and crippling the syndicate. Since it’s high­
whatever the Espos need it to be (as long as their ly likely that Xizor has similar plans, any relationship
corporate masters agree). between the two of them grows slowly at best. Like­
wise, Zann has no love for the Rebel Alliance and has
To maintain control of the Corporate Sector, the Es­ worked against it on occasion. However, Zann hates
pos possess a sizable Picket Fleet of capital ships and the Empire and sometimes attacks its interests and
starfighters. Many of their warships are older vessels pur­ installations out of spite.
chased at discount, such as Victory Star Destroyers and
Marauder Corvettes. However, they’re more than enough THE TENLOSS SYNDICATE
to see off smugglers, pirates, and other malcontents.

Many fringers see the Corporate Sector as a land of The Tenloss Syndicate stands firmly on the line between
opportunity and a chance to escape the oppression of criminal syndicate and legitimate corporate entity. The
the Galactic Empire. In this they are partially correct. The Syndicate’s conglomerate front of legitimate businesses,
CSA remains semi-autonomous from the Empire, and the Tenloss Corporation, is a collection of different com­
there are great opportunities to be had within its bor­ panies, specializing in everything from gambling to min­
ders. However the CSA enforces its own oppressive rule ing to ship production. Meanwhile, illegal shadow opera­
of law that guarantees constant profits and crushes any­ tions (often within its legitimate companies) produce illicit
one who interferes. In addition, the best opportunities weapons, armor, and even starships such as the Hornet
remain in the hands of the CSA’s shareholder companies Interceptor. The primary goal of the Tenloss Syndicate is
at the expense of the Sector’s average inhabitants. to maximize profits. Whether it does so from illegal opera­
tions or legitimate sales doesn’t matter, and the focus of
Ironically, this means that the best opportunities to the group leans either way as its fortunes dictate.
be found in the Corporate Sector are on the far side of
the law. Activities such as smuggling proscribed mate­ Though nowhere nearly as widespread as Black Sun
rials in or out of the region or aiding dissidents in their (with which it enjoys close ties) or the Zann Consortium
fight against the CSA can often pay far better than (Tenloss is primarily situated in the Bajic Sector), this
any honest work, even if they are more dangerous. Al­ syndicate enjoys a great deal of respect and good busi­
ternatively, many of the megacorps who make up the ness with most of the rest of the underworld commu­
CSA are willing to hire “deniable assets" to perform nity. Additionally, there are a number of other factions,
illegal tasks they’d rather publicly deny. businesses, and governments who also appreciate doing
business with Tenloss, especially those in need of ships
THE ZANN CONSORTIUM and military gear they cannot otherwise acquire.

Perhaps no criminal syndicate more effectively repre­ As a general rule, the series of councils that oper­
sents the power of an individual’s drive and charisma ate the different levels of the Tenloss Syndicate stay
than the Zann Consortium. Like a warrior-king, Tyber focused on professional and economic goals; they
Zann rules his criminal empire with effective strategy are not prone to acts of passion or whim. They write
and ruthless commitment to success. He understands off minor losses rather than expend unnecessary
the basics of sentient nature, believing that every­ resources on profitless revenge. On the other hand,
where that society of any kind exists, there are souls should anyone become a serious threat to operations,
to corrupt and credits to be made. the Syndicate can bring impressive force to bear
against its enemies.
A one-time protege of Jabba the Hutt, Zann betrayed
him and ended up in the Kessel spice mines for his trou­ THE BOUNTY
ble. However, Zann escaped and leveraged his success HUNTERS GUILD
into the construction of a powerful criminal empire. Be­
tween rapid expansions into all kinds of criminal areas Though there are countless smaller groups, guild
and raiding Imperial caches of riches and materials, the houses, and other organizations for bounty hunters
Zann Consortium is growing into a power in the galaxy. and assassins throughout the galaxy, the vast major­
Zann shapes his Consortium to have a more militaristic ity of real business is done through the rather massive
bent than many criminal organizations, and although it Bounty Hunters Guild. The Guild is, in fact, made up of
is nowhere near as powerful as a proper military such as a number of houses and syndicates, all dedicated to a
the Imperial Army or Navy, it is still formidable. particular kind of business or a specific philosophy as
dictated by the founders and leadership.
The Zann Consortium is widespread and powerful
enough to warrant Black Sun’s attention. Prince Xizor The various houses, in brief, are as follows:
has made overtures towards the idea of cooperation
between the two groups. Zann has responded in • House Benelex, specializing in kidnapping retriev­
kind, although he likely sees this as an opportunity als, is highly tied to the Empire and the Drearian
to lull Black Sun into a false sense of security before Defense Conglomerate.

THE GENOHARADAN The Syndicate can field companies and even bat­
talions of warriors, most of which are on retainer
Originally founded by the ancient dictator Xim to Imperial Governor Jaris Affric. Due to this, the
the Despot as a form of secret police, the greater Guild is keeping an eye on this group.
GenoHaradan existed to eliminate any threat to
Xim's reign. Often, this meant removing powerful • The Ragnar Syndicate breaks nearly all of the
rivals and enemies, but even the best efforts of accepted rules of the Bounty Hunters Guild. It
the GenoHaradan could not stop the fall of Xim’s allows members to take on extensive freelance
empire at the hands of the Hutts and their allies. contracts and engages in mercenary activities like
Many scholars believe that the GenoHaradan counter-terrorism, assassination, and sabotage.
died with their founder at the Third Battle of Von-
tor, but in truth the group endured and went into • Skine Bounty Hunter College isn't a college at
hiding. Over the millennia since the fall of Xim the all, though savvy leaders will send their people
Despot, the GenoHaradan evolved into a secre­ to Skine for training when possible. Made up of
tive guild of elite bounty hunters dedicated to a network of the very best in a huge variety of
manipulating events in the galaxy through assas­ fields, Skine specializes in catching those who
sination. The group slowly reshaped itself from a seem impossible to catch, and finding those
tool of the wealthy and ambitious into a more dis­ who seem impossible to find Interestingly, Skine
criminating sect, recognizing that their self-inter­ tends to avoid taking Imperial contracts, prefer­
est revolved around order and stability. Therefore, ring to work with corporations and individuals.
the GenoHaradan acted to protect and support
the Galactic Republic, using the Republic's growth • The Slaver Syndicate, reviled by most of its fellow
to enrich the lives of the GenoHaradan's mem­ houses and groups, collects bounties on anyone
bers. Many believe that the GenoHaradan may who can be readily sold into slavery. Inexperi­
enced and inefficient hunters make up the bulk
still exist during the era of the Galactic Empire. of the Slaver Syndicate’s ranks, and they take
on the volume of low-paying bounties that other
• House Neuvalis, a very young guild house by any groups disdain. Murderers and brutal thugs, they
standard, has extraordinary financial resources are considered at best a necessary evil.
and works exclusively with only Imperial or corpo­
rate interests. Neuvalis only takes the high-credit If a bounty hunter does not have a history with one
bounties and guarantees their fulfillment within a of these houses, he probably worked with a much
year, or they return double the original fee. smaller group, or perhaps even on his own.

• House Paramexor only takes on contracts for hunt­ PIRATES
ing murderers. Small and full of elite hunters, Para­
mexor is also known for never taking targets alive. Piracy is a dangerous and lucrative venture in these
dark and turbulent times. While some act as priva­
• House Renliss, founded by a pair of sisters with re­ teers, carrying authorization from either the Empire
puted ties to Imperial Intelligence, only employs fe­ or the Alliance to strike at vessels belonging to the
male "huntresses'’ and only takes bounties against other side, many more choose to prey on whatever
male acquisitions. Though considered either a nov­ ships come their way. Pirates remain one of the great­
elty or aberration by many in the business, the guild est threats to independent freighters and transports.
gets considerable business from the Empire, and
the huntresses are all motivated and loyal. The typical pirate operation relies on two groups.
The assault group handles the ship-to-ship assault,
• House Salaktori enjoys a reputation for only hir­ often employing ion weaponry to knock out the pow­
ing the very best and for taking care of its own. er systems of the target vessel. Then the marauders
The most prestigious and respected of the hous­ connect to the target vessel, board it, and collect all
es, Salaktori is the leading guild in the galaxy. the loot that can be carried away. Larger pirate op­
erations even go so far as to capture entire vessels.
• House Tresario, founded by retired Imperial Navy Crew are often pressed into service or killed, while
officers, specializes in dealing with pirates. Their passengers may be ransomed off or sold into slavery.
continued success with their endeavors against Such groups often build up into full scale criminal syn­
the pirate community has gained them greater fa­ dicates, or else sign on with such organizations if they
vor and more lucrative contracts from the Empire. want someone else to help manage the bigger picture.

• The Mantis Syndicate is more of a mercenary army There are myriad pirate bands scattered across
than an actual bounty hunting guild, though the the galaxy. Some are groups limited to a single locale
group does take on bounties against large groups such as the Riders of the Maelstrom, who operate ex­
like swoop gangs and aggressive criminal guilds. clusively around the Maelstrom Nebula, and the Lok
Revenants, who hail from the Outer Rim world of Lok.

Other groups, such as the Chorran Shipjackers, oper­ business with anyone in the future. Working with such
ate over larger areas. criminals also carries the risk of running afoul of a band
of cutthroats and losing one’s ship or even one’s life.
Getting involved with pirates might be a quick way to Becoming privateers may be a better alternative, but
make some real money, but such activity can also ruin that means taking a side in a very bloody, difficult war.
a fringer’s reputation if he ever wants to do legitimate


There may be more laws, orders, and regulations than authority over all government and military matters, as
there are planets in the galaxy. Certainly it would be well as justifying and legalizing the extermination of the
impossible to know every ordinance for every situation. Jedi. It would be days and even weeks before the full
Nonetheless, it’s a good idea to have at least a pass­ extent of what had transpired would start to dawn on
ing familiarity with the main laws and requirements that the suddenly irrelevant Senators.
govern whatever work a fringer might pursue. At the very
least, it’s a good idea to know what laws are being bro­ It actually took almost two decades for the Senate to
ken, and what the likely punishment will be. go from a largely ignored advisory body to non-existent.
During that time, various factions struggled to regain
IMPERIAL LAW some form of control or influence in the Imperial gov­
ernment, mostly to no avail. The Imperial Charter, while
Ostensibly, the entire purpose of dissolving the Sen­ based on the previous Galactic Constitution of the Re­
ate and instituting an Empire in place of the Old Re­ public, firmly placed supreme executive power in Palpa-
public was to wipe away corruption and chaos in favor tine’s hands, making him the head of state, the head of
of justice and security. With absolute authority in the government, commander-in-chief of all military forces,
form of the Emperor, and enforced by Darth Vader and the final authority on all economic matters. The
and the might of the Imperial military, the vast major­ only act of substance the Senate could manage involved
ity of civilized space in the galaxy actually does making amendments to the Imperial Charter—however,
enjoy a certain security and peace.
the process for doing this was so chaotic and
What the average citizen doesn’t enjoy is per­ byzantine that it may as well not existed.
sonal freedom. Anything that hinders the Em­
pire’s goals is illegal, and that includes speaking
out or organizing against Imperial policies. A
citizen of the Empire is free enough to travel
where he wishes, eat what he likes, do what
he enjoys, and the like, so long as he enjoys
places, food, and activities that aren’t pro­
scribed by Imperial law.

In addition, to benefit from the safety and
security of the Galactic Empire, the average
citizen must be human. Many non-humans
are treated as second-class citizens under
Imperial law. The policy of Humanocentrism
is embedded in the New Order philosophy
of Human High Culture, and there is nothing
subtle or understated about it.


Supreme Chancellor Palpatine initiated the
New Order and all that came with it when
he gave his "Declaration of a New Order”
speech in front of the Galactic Senate in 19
BBY. Palpatine became the Emperor to thun­
derous applause, giving himself suoreme

In 0 BBY, with the Declaration of Rebellion, Em­ the people who serve the Emperor directly, report­
peror Palpatine finally dissolved the Imperial Sen­ ing to no one else. In addition, the post is a highly
ate. In its place, a pyramidal structure of Moffs and protected one, served anonymously. Only the Em­
governors took the reigns of adm inistrative leader­ peror may overturn an edict from the Procurator,
ship, while the Emperor and his cadre of advisors which is an unlikely occurrence.
and bureaucrats handed out edicts and orders as
they chose. With that, the last remnants of the Re­ THE IMPERIAL OFFICE OF

Those who wish to understand Imperial law should The IOCI reports to the Justice group of COMPNOR
know a few basic principles that Palpatine outlined in and serves as the Empire’s central law enforcement
his declaration. agency. It investigates and combats criminal activi­
ties affecting Imperial concerns, mostly including
• The Jedi are elitists with dangerous powers and a multi-system criminal syndicates and similar organi­
desire to dominate all sentient beings. They must be zations. The IOCI also targets particularly nefarious
exterminated and never allowed to flourish again. individuals who have committed crimes on multiple
planets or in Imperial space.
• Security and stability are of primary importance
in the wake of the Separatist crisis and the terrible By necessity, with its jurisdiction spanning the
corruption at the heart of the once-great Republic. known galaxy, the IOCI frequently works in tandem
with other agencies and factions. This includes Impe­
• Safety and peace for all citizens requires a new rial Intelligence, the Imperial M ilitary branches, and
constitution, a ruling body that serves the ma­ local agencies. The IOCI also works with the ISB and
jority, and a sovereign, enlightened ruler who re­ other COMPNOR agencies when called to do so.
mains in power for life. However, the ISB is far more concerned with political
matters and threats, while the IOCI focuses on mat­
• All beings should be ruled by one law, with ters of criminal law and its enforcement.
one language.
Two types of elite operatives serve the IOCI, in ad­
• A strong military is needed to protect the rights dition to its regular officers and investigators. First are
and security of all citizens. the Sector Rangers, a body of talented and effective
law enforcement officers that has existed for centu­
• All enemies of the Empire will be crushed and ries through different governments. Traditionally apo­
eliminated for the greater good. litical, the Sector Rangers often provide the only real
source of law and order in the more distant regions of
The essence of what the Imperial Charter promises is space. They tend to operate in pairs or small teams,
“Safety, security, justice, and peace." The cost of those commandeering resources and local police or militia
qualities is a totalitarian regime with absolute power. as needed. In the current Imperial era, the Sector
Rangers still serve and remain mainly independent,
CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN THE EMPIRE though COMPNOR keeps a close watch on them.

With the utter disaster that was the legal code of the Old Special Enforcement Officers (SEOs) are elite
Republic, many feel the Justice group of COMPNOR’s agents recruited prim arily from the Sector Rangers
Coalition for Progress actually lives up to its name and and given broad a uthority and resources to deal
its function. Palpatine’s call for “one law” drives each with the most dangerous criminals. Often working
member’s efforts, with the result being that most Core undercover and in highly dangerous circumstanc­
Worlds and connected sectors now experience a legal es, SEOs overlook any number of m inor offenses
system uniformity not seen in many centuries. in the pursuit of a greater threat. This cavalier at­
titude and willingness to work with almost anyone
Recently, there has apparently been a move to to catch the perpetrators of truly heinous crimes
incorporate the philosophy of “ Imperial Infallibil­ makes the Sector Rangers and SEOs popular with
ity ” into the Empire’s legal code. The m ajority of the citizens at large, yet does little to endear them
the Justice group’s m em bership—who a tte m p t to to the ISB and other COMPNOR loyalists.
build a just code of law—resist introducing this
tenet into the legal foundation. Unfortunately, Sector Rangers and SEOs have a great deal of lati­
the ISB has taken up the cause and is apparently tude when pursuing justice. This includes the ability to
working to oust these resistant members in favor recruit civilians with special abilities to help with their
of more pliable legal minds. investigation. A competent team of fringers may find
themselves unexpectedly and temporarily deputized
THE PROCURATOR OF JUSTICE by a Sector Ranger or SEO who has need of their spe­
cialized skill set.
The Procurator exists at the top of the Imperial
criminal justice system and is responsible for pros­
ecuting cases involving highly placed political
criminals and even entire planets. This is one of

DOING BUSINESS IN THE EMPIRE assigns transponder codes for ships, and a ship’s cap­
tain must maintain his BoSS datapad at all times. This
Most individuals who want to operate in the Empire datapad contains the latest information on his ship, his
must follow Imperial law, or at least understand it (if crew, his travel data and location, and his current certi­
they plan to break it). For example, owning and oper­ fications—all of which the BoSS has on record. The Bu­
ating starships in the Empire is regulated, and a ship reau regularly transmits the relevant and current data
owner needs to have his vessel registered. out to spaceports, Imperial administrative offices, and
enforcement agencies. In particular, the BoSS coordi­
IM PERIAL REVENUE CODES nates directly with the Imperial Space Ministry.

Despite propaganda that touts the New Order’s commit­ The Bureau handles its own structure and person­
ment to protecting all citizens from the criminal excesses nel; most positions are actually hereditary in nature,
of scoundrels and thieves, the Imperial Revenue Codes or else the current holder cultivates and trains his
are the real purpose behind the extensive regulation of replacement. As such, it’s both a civil service and a
transport and interstellar trade. The Empire requires a kind of clan. The vital nature of the Bureau's service,
vast treasury to operate, and trade represents the most and the assurance that no other entity could possibly
lucrative and controllable sources of tax revenue. manage the data it has, makes its neutrality a de facto
reality that everyone, even the Emperor, accepts.
There are taxes for taking on salable goods, and tax­
es for delivering them to a destination. There are taxes THE IM PERIAL SPACE M IN ISTR Y
for carrying those goods along Imperial-monitored hy­
perspace lanes, as well as for crossing sectors. In fact, if Despite the role and importance of the BoSS, the Em­
a freighter captain doesn’t figure out how to generate peror’s New Order demands a certain level of involve­
enough revenue over and above all of the tariffs and ment and control over starships and travel, and that’s
fees, he’ll be bankrupt within a couple of months of where the Imperial Space Ministry comes in. The trav­
flying. Even worse, the Imperial Revenue Codes places el and astrogation data collected by BoSS goes into
the burden of proof on the individual citizen. If a cus­ constantly updated bulletins transmitted by the Min­
toms agent or other Imperial representative calls for istry. These bulletins also include information about
proof of tax payments being up to date and a citizen the latest rules and regulations, as well as information
cannot provide adequate documentation, he is in seri­ for spacers and other interested citizens about op­
ous trouble. Penalties can include confiscation of the portunities to work with the Empire. The Ministry also
goods being carried, impounding of the ship, and even monitors BoSS data and other factions to spot trends
being banished to a labor camp for years. in piracy, smuggling, or other spaceborn crime.

There is very little wonder that, as dangerous as it The Ministry also updates and publishes the Spac­
is, smuggling is a popular alternative for the ship cap­ er’s Information Manual, which among other things
tains brave enough to dare it. details the Imperial Penal References. More commonly
called the "ImpPeRe” by the average spacer, the Im­
THE BUREAU OF SHIPS A ND SERVICES (BOSS) perial Penal References break down into five classes.
Though galactic law, the Imperial Revenue Codes, and
Possibly the most independently powerful civil agen­ countless other sources may make the ordinances gov­
cy in the Empire, the Bureau of Ships and Services erning galactic travel almost dizzying to contemplate,
may be over 18,000 years old. Every major space­ most spacers still know the broad five categories:
port has a branch office, and virtually no one who flies
anywhere within galactic space dares operate outside • Class Five: Minor infractions, these often result in
the Bureau’s authority. Even the Empire does not dare either small fines or a tiny bribe to look the other
to interfere with BoSS in any significant way, instead way. These include transgressions against local im-
choosing to require its own related offices to coordi­ port/export laws or failing to have the proper emer­
nate with the Bureau as necessary. gency equipment. Fines can go as high as 1,000
credits, though most are much smaller (or can be
This unprecedented power comes from the im­ lowered by paying part of the difference directly to
mense data, collected over hundreds of millennia, the official in question). Evidence of Alliance con­
detailing all of the astrogation information of the nections can elevate this transgression into impris­
known galaxy. The BoSS maintains records of all of onment quickly. Class Fives are also called "Quints.”
the hyperlanes, stellar phenomena, and anything else
related to going from one point to another in the gal­ • Class Four: The next category up involves infrac­
axy, and every other agency needing this information tions such as transporting common spice, low-level
relies on the Bureau to get it. tax evasion, long-expired licenses, or carrying low-
grade contraband materials without permits. The
Additionally, the BoSS maintains records for every fines for these infractions can go as high as 5,000
ship and every captain, including registrations, certi­ credits. A spacer needs a “Quad” or two on his
fications, ship statistics, transponder codes, weapons record before the typical Corellian even considers
and shields, and last upgrades or overhauls. The BoSS

him a real smuggler. Note that spice runners may ates. More remote sectors usually have a smaller, less
find themselves in much deeper trouble if inter­ constant Imperial presence. In addition, the kinds of
dicted by Imperial Navy enforcers. officers and officials found in the far sectors are less
ambitious and capable than their fellows in the Core.
• Class Three: Mandatory impounding of the ship A savvy traveler in such a sector may find it fairly easy
and confiscation of all goods typically goes with to avoid Imperial officials, and to bribe his way out of
this grade of transgression. This includes bribery of the few such meetings he might have.
an Imperial official or non-permitted transport of
high-end contraband, regulated technology, and Few sectors have specific laws that apply only to the
upper-level narcotics. While it’s possible to stay planets and space they encompass, and if they do,
out of prison, the costs and fines are likely to run such laws tend to focus on elements that are unique
as high as 10,000 credits. Worse, getting a "Trip" to that sector. For example, traditions and customs
off of a permanent record requires either a very may absolutely forbid slavery on the key planets of the
skilled slicer or a risky bribe to the right official. sector, and the Empire has taken no steps to alter this
stance. As such, even though slavery is legal in many
• Class Two: Anyone caught transporting truly re­ Imperial sectors, local officials may still investigate and
stricted technology, especially armaments and prosecute anyone involved directly in the slave trade.
supplies of war, faces a “Deuce” if caught. This
is doubly true if the ship actually mounts illegal Stellar or cosmic phenomena may be another
armaments as well. The captain and crew face im­ source of sector-wide laws. For example, there may
mediate arrest and a confiscated starship. They be an asteroid belt containing rich deposits of high
face at least a 10,000 credit fine, along with 5-30 valuable resources. As the main source of the sector’s
years in prison. Lesser connections to either pi­ wealth, there are bound to be specific laws regard­
racy or the Rebellion may also result in a Class ing travel to and within the belt, as well as conduct­
Two infraction, with possibly even harsher results. ing any kind of business or operation therein. Due to
the impact the field has on local travel, there may be
• Class One: Truly capital offenses, such as overt pi­ regulations intended to improve safety; ignoring these
racy, firing on other spacers or Imperial assets, or regulations could carry a heavy fine, if for no other
possession of the highest order of restricted tech­ reason than local mining operations are at great risk if
nology fall under the “Ace” class of criminal offense. anyone comes crashing through their facilities.
Any substantiated connection to the Alliance or
other conspiracy against the Empire is also a Class SECTOR LAW EXAMPLE-THE CSA
One offense. If they are lucky, Class One offenders
get a few decades to life in a penal colony or the The Corporate Sector Authority is a prime example of
Kessel spice mines. More likely, they face execution. a sector with its own specific laws and ordinances. The
specific nature of the CSA eliminates Imperial oversight
SECTOR, ZONE, AND and law in favor of its own regulations and legal system.
Anyone entering the Corporate Sector legally receives
History, cultural influence, stellar phenomena—all of information on CSA laws. These are similar to the Imp-
these factors and more can result in unique laws and PeRe, yet modified to the Authority’s mercantile nature.
regulations for a given sector or planet. In that igno­ It is important to note that in a capitalistic society like
rance of a law is seldom a viable defense when break­ the CSA, these laws can be circumvented by the right
ing it, wise spacers and fringers will do the research amount of money. For example, purchasing a CSA Waiv­
before entering a new sector for the first time. er for a hefty sum can allow a captain to carry normally
illegal armaments or other systems on his ship.
• Class D: These minor infractions include contribut­
Any traveler landing on a planet for the first time should ing to disorderly conduct during a work shift, being
concern himself with two key legal issues. The first is to late for a work shift, unsafe or inappropriate behav­
what extent Imperial law is enforced in the sector. The ior while on the clock, and acting with disrespect
second, naturally, is whether there are any unique local toward CSA officials or policies. Even these minor
ordinances with harsh penalties attached. infractions allow for imprisonment in a labor camp
for one month to one year. Violators can also suffer
In the first instance, some conjecture can be made demotion and lose up to three months’ salary.
based on the proximity to the Core Worlds and the
strategic or economic importance of the sector or • Class C: Infractions at this class include vandalism
planet in question. Imperial law enforcement may of Authority property, possession of illegal weap­
be dominant and oppressive in a Core sector, with ons, chronic lateness or dereliction of duty (in
extensive Navy patrols and countless Customs frig­ other words, being a bad employee), and acts of
slander or libel against CSA officials or programs.

A violator faces fines equal to up to six months’ • Discrepancies from the ship’s manifest accrue a
salary, demotion, and possibly imprisonment in a
labor colony from three months to five years. fine equal to 20% of the missing value.

• Class B: These are lesser infractions, yet still se­ • Departures from the starport must be applied for
rious. Infractions of this class include embezzle­ with the ESC, at which time it assigns a specific
departure schedule and path.
ment of less than 10,000 credits, conspiracy
• Ships are forbidden to use weapons planetside
against the Authority, credit fraud, misuse of CSA or within the system, with serious fines (or ship
copyrights and registered symbols, and trans­ impoundment) and imprisonment as the penalty.
porting illegal weapons and high level contraband
within the sector. Consequences include five to • All sentient beings pay a five credit visitation fee;
twenty years assignment to a labor colony and there are no fees for droids.
fines equivalent to one to three years' salary.
• Contraband cargo is defined as weapons and
• Class A: These are the worst infractions, resulting armor, non-indigenous animal species, spice
in either permanent exile from the sector or (more and non-medical narcotics, and regulated ores.
likely) life assignment to a labor colony. Execution Permits may be purchased on arrival for certain
is not out of the question. Such infractions include types of recreational spice, exotic fauna, and
industrial sabotage, embezzlement greater than regulated ore. These permits cost ten credits, but
10,000 credits, willful destruction of CSA property, if the individual plans to trade these substances,
terrorism and piracy, conspiring to form a union, they must also pay a tariff equal to 5% of the
and violation of Authority ship weapons laws. substances’ total value.

PLANETARY LAW EXAMPLE-ELROOD • The official language of Elrood is Basic.

Located in the Outer Rim, Elrood is nonetheless a • Ranged weapons are restricted on the planet, as
highly civilized and developed planet, and capital of are melee weapons exceeding 10 cm in length. To
the Elrood Sector. Elrood is also the manufacturing carry any restricted weapon requires a 50 credit
and primary trade center for the sector, ensuring its permit and the weapon must be prominently dis­
importance and wealth. Despite these factors, the en­ played at all times. Permits are not available for
tire sector is patrolled by only two Imperial Star De­ military weapons such as blaster carbines or rifles,
stroyers and a small fleet of other ships. light repeating blasters, and two-handed melee
weapons. Personal armor is strictly prohibited.

While abiding by most Imperial laws, Elrood’s star- • All droids are required to be fitted with restrain­
ports fall under the administration of the Elrood Starport ing bolts. Elrood does recognize and except man­
Command (ESC). This means spaceport security forces umitted droids from this law, so long as they can
focus on local laws and regulations. Ships with less than provide documentation.
Class 1 or Class 2 infractions posted on their records
stand a good chance of avoiding any issues when land­ • Civilized and reasonable behavior is expected at
ing at an Elrood starport. It also helps that the ESC isn’t all times, and violators face stiff fines and either
directly tied to Imperial databases, though it does re­ expulsion from the planet or imprisonment for
ceive regular updates from the Imperial Space Ministry. violations. Violence, smuggling, theft, and selling
contraband all result in very serious law enforce­
However, Elrood authorities enforce Imperial stan­ ment measures on the behalf of Elrood police and
dards for starships rather vigorously, mostly in the security forces.
interest of protecting their atmosphere, space ways,
and general travel within the sector. Problems with a OUTSIDE THE LAW
ship’s performance are likely to guarantee notifica­
tions and even fines from the ESC to force the way­ If smugglers, spacers, or other citizens wish to deal
ward captain to abide by regulations. in questionable merchandise or purchase restricted
items, they are not likely to be able to do so legally.
Elrood has a number of regulations, fees, customs, However, there are organizations beyond the law that
and laws that all travelers should become familiar with fringers can use to traffic in merchandise. The most
as soon as possible. The following is a good example of prominent of these is the black market.
what those visiting Elrood and many other civilized plan­
ets in the Outer Rim can expect:

• Basic landing fees are calculated at ten credits
per ten meters of the ship’s length. Decontamina­
tion fees are included. Berthing is 10% of this fee
per day at most locations. Customs takes a fee of

1 % value of all cargo delivered or taken aboard.

THE BLACK MARKET larities everywhere in the galaxy, as is being a smooth
talker when conducting negotiations. Mercantile sense
It is important to realize the black market is not a single, is also very useful; black market dealings may be illegal,
homogenous entity. Rather, it refers to myriad different but they are still commercial transactions. Finally, having
networks and dealers scattered across countless civilized someone threatening and dangerous to provide backup
worlds. Black markets are vague and loosely connected and discourage betrayal is also useful, since black mar­
networks that secretly deal in regulated or illegal goods kets are not bound by conventional laws.
and services, like an invisible spiderweb covering civilized
society. One of the most difficult things a spacer can at­ Black market work doesn’t always mean buying,
tempt is landing on a new world and making contact with transporting, and selling morally questionable nar­
someone involved in the local black market. Cautious cotics, weapons, or technology. There are places in
inquiries, clandestine meetings, and careful negotiations the galaxy in desperate need of food, medicines, and
are all necessary. One wrong move or ill-spoken word basic supplies. The people there cannot afford to pay
can result in a firefight, a back alley beating, or arrest. the fees and taxes imposed by the Empire, or else
the Empire has cut them off from basic supplies as
Once an individual makes multiple reliable contacts, a means of punishment. Thus, black market opera­
dealing in the black market becomes much easier. This tives may find themselves in the conundrum of being
applies whether someone is trying to sell or obtain items legally wrong, but morally right.
or services on the black market, no matter what those
items or services may be. If a contact cannot provide a THE REBELLION
service or buy or sell an item, they may know someone
amongst their own list of contacts who can (possibly for With the entire might of the Empire turned toward its
a small referral fee). This may repeat multiple times un­ destruction, the Rebel Alliance’s survival is miraculous.
til the person locates the right contact. Success in the There is no worse crime in the Empire’s eyes than be­
black market depends on two things: how many people ing part of the Rebellion, and this means it’s cut off
someone knows, and who those people are. from many legal avenues of supply. Thus, the organiza­
tion that arguably has the greatest need for goods and
Since black market networks are usually dealing in illicit services in the galaxy has a very hard time filling that
or restricted items, any negotiations are always overshad­ need, and often turns to illegal avenues of supply.
owed by the threat of discovery by the authorities. This is
another reason why having more contacts in a black mar­ This can provide a valuable opportunity for smug­
ket is useful. Contacts may be caught by the authorities, glers and other independent freighter captains. Small
or forced into hiding. Always remember that black market transport ships, able to transport goods, materials,
networks are never stable, and more contacts means re­ weapons, medicines, and important personnel any­
dundancies that can survive that instability. where required, are essential to the Alliance. What a
tramp freighter lacks in bulk cargo capacity, it more
Certain skills and talents are vital to successfully navi­ than makes up for in flexibility and stealth. Smugglers
gating a black market, no tend to know the best routes to use when they want
matter where it is. to avoid Imperial Customs or Naval interdiction, and
Having someone fringers tend to make a life out of breaking the law.
with good street
instincts is vital, However, many see the risks as outweighing the
as most crimi­ opportunities. Dealing with the Alliance is the worst
nal operations offense in the Empire’s eyes, and likely earns the of­
tend to share fender a quick death or a life sentence in Kessel’s
some simi­ spice mines. What’s more, the Alliance doesn’t always
have much money to offer. Limited funds may be
supplemented by appeals to a smuggler’s goodwill or
offers of barter.

This isn’t always a bad thing; what the Rebellion lacks
in funding, it more than makes up for in talent and im­
provised resources. A savvy fringer willing to work with
what’s available might be able to arrange for a complete

overhaul of his ship’s engines, military-grade hardware,
or illegal weapons. Perhaps a Rebel slicer can access
some sector records and remove a few blemishes
on a person’s registration, or Alliance raids can
obtain supplies they’ll trade to fringers.


• “Bounty hunters. We don't need their scum."

-A d m ira l P iett

The galaxy is an almost incomprehensibly vast place, M IN IO N S
with more variety than any one being can hope to
experience and appreciate during a lifetime. There Minions are the most common NPCs encountered
are thousands upon thousands of inhabitable worlds, in the Star Wars universe. These are nameless in­
filled with hundreds of thousands of intelligent spe­ dividuals who provide muscle to flesh out encoun­
cies of every imaginable shape and size. If there is any ters. Their only real threat is in numbers, and a
portion of the galaxy that is free from conflict, how­ minion is not expected to stand toe-to-toe with a
ever, no one has yet discovered it. Player Character.

No m atter what manner of being takes to the .Minions are typically not real threats when encoun­
stars in search of adventure, profit, or escape, there tered alone. Unfortunately, they are almost never en­
are always obstacles to be overcome and, in a great countered alone, but instead tend to operate in small
many cases, those obstacles take the form of ene­ groups to increase their effectiveness. Minions will
mies who seek to bar the adventurer’s path for one rarely be more than a minor obstacle to most par­
reason or another. ties of characters, a delaying tactic that can stand
in the way of achieving a goal that a more powerful'
There are three different levels of opponents that enemy wishes to see prevented. Minions also have
characters will readily encounter in the galaxy, with lower wound thresholds.than other NPCs, making it
different levels of threat posed to the average group very likely they’ll drop in one or two hits.
of scoundrels .and rogues. Although some variation is
to be expected, the broad categories include minions, CMs can use minions as adversaries either as individu­
rivals, and nemeses. als or in groups. However, unless the minion has relevant
characteristics of three or higher, individual minions are

more likely to fail than succeed on all but the simplest RIVALS
combat checks. CMs should only do this if they wish to
pit their characters against an easy combat challenge. Rivals are more dangerous than minions but still infe­
The more typical way to use minions involves deploying rior to most Player Characters. Rivals are very similar
them in groups, as described later in this section. to Player Characters in many respects, being general­
ly more innately gifted and well trained than minions.
MINION RULES They possess skills and operate individually rather
than in groups. They are generally less skilled than
Minions have several unique rules that reflect their the PCs, however, seldom possessing more than two
status as disposable adversaries. ranks in any one skill.

• Unless otherwise specified, minions do not suf­ RIVALS RULES
fer strain. Anything that inflicts strain on a minion
inflicts wounds instead. They also cannot voluntarily Rivals follow most of the same rules as Player Charac­
suffer strain. This means that when a minion is taken ters do, except as noted here.
out of combat due to exceeding his wound thresh­
old, it is up to the GM whether he was incapacitated • Rivals suffer Critical Injuries normally. Howev­
or killed, depending on the circumstances. er, when a rival exceeds his wound threshold, he
can be killed outright (instead of incapacitated) at
• Minions do not possess ranks in skills. One the CM’s discretion.
thing that makes minions significantly weaker than
Player Characters is their lack of ranks in skills. They • Rivals cannot suffer strain. When a rival would
can compensate for this by operating as a group. A suffer strain, he suffers an equivalent number of
minion’s profile lists several skills in which they can wounds instead. He can, however, use abilities or
gain ranks when acting in a group. invoke effects that would cause him to suffer strain;
this simply causes him to suffer wounds instead.
• Minions can fight as a group. As noted previ­ Remember, because he does not suffer strain, he
ously, the GM does not have to deploy minions cannot recover it either. Like minions, if a rival is in­
in groups. However, deploying them in a group capacitated, the GM can decree if he was killed or
has several advantages. It simplifies combats and rendered unconscious based on the circumstances.
makes minions more dangerous while allowing GMs
to include large numbers of adversaries. Minions CMs can decide to track strain on certain rivals,
are only deployed in groups of the same type. The even though this is not the norm. This does cre­
minion group has a single wound threshold, shared ate extra bookkeeping for the CM but also allows
by all members of the group. This wound thresh­ some additional granularity for rivals that might
old is equal to the sum of the wound threshold of prove im portant to the plot. In essence, this allows
every member of the group. (For example, a group the GM to create Nemesis class characters with
of 3 stormtroopers—each with a wound threshold weaker than average statistics.
of 5—has a wound threshold of 15.) Each time any
member of the group suffers wounds, the wounds NEMESES
are applied to the group’s wound threshold. Indi­
vidual members of the group are defeated one at a The nemesis is the opposite of the Player Character.
time, each time the total wounds suffered exceeds They are identical to them in virtually every respect
that group member’s share of the wound threshold. and may in fact be more powerful; this is necessary
For example, when the stormtrooper group passes to ensure that they are able to pose a threat to an
5 wounds, one stormtrooper is defeated. When entire party. Nemeses frequently possess a number
characters attack a group, they attack the group as of talents, high characteristics, and skills, and their
a whole, not an individual. Likewise, minions make equipment can often rival that of even the most well
one attack per group, not per individual. Working as supplied parties. Nemeses suffer strain and wounds
a group allows minions to use skills. A minion group normally and do not have any special rules govern­
gains one skill rank for each member of the group ing their operations.
beyond the first, if that skill is on the minion’s list.
So, a group of four stormtroopers would count as
having three ranks (for the three troopers after the
first) in any checks the group is called on to make.

• Minions are killed by Critical Injuries. If a minion
suffers a Critical Injury, it is immediately incapaci­
tated. If a group of minions suffers a Critical Injury, it
suffers one minion’s worth of wounds (so that one of
the minions in the group is incapacitated).


The following is a list of adversaries the CM can use ing its power and influence like a blunt instrument and
in his adventures. These adversaries are divided daring the forces of law and order to oppose it.
into several groups, depending on their affiliations
and motives. Each adversary's profile is also broken AQUALISH THUG [MINION]
down into several discrete sections.
Slightly more intelligent and more likely to use ad­
• Name: The adversary’s name or type, plus vanced technology than the Camorrean enforcers that
whether it is a minion, rival, or nemesis. are popular with many crime lords, Aqualish are no less
physically powerful than their porcine counterparts
• Description: A section describing the adversary. and equally prone to violence as a means of resolving
even the mildest dispute. Although not all members of
• Characteristics: The rating of the adversary’s six the Aqualish people are crude and thuggish, enough of
basic characteristics. them are that the sight of them acting as enforcers and
henchmen for all manner of unpleasant figures is hard­
• Skills: Skills (if any) possessed by the adversary. ly surprising to any well traveled citizen of the galaxy’s
If the adversary is a minion, these skills only ap­ seedy underbelly.
ply in a group.

• Talents: Talents (if any) possessed by the adversary.

• Soak/Defense and Thresholds: These are the Skills (groups only): Brawl, Coercion, Melee,
adversary’s soak, his defense (listed in both me­ Ranged (Light).
lee and ranged values), and his wound and strain Talents: None.
thresholds. Only nemeses have listed strain Abilities: None.
thresholds. If a CM wishes to give a rival a strain Equipment: Blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage
threshold, it should have the same value as the
listed wound threshold. 6; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), brass

• Abilities: These are special abilities that are not knuckles (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range: En­
skills or talents. gaged; Disorient 3).

• Equipment: This is the adversary’s equipment. The ARMS DEALER [RIVAL]
entry only lists important equipment such as weap­
ons, armor, and vital pieces of gear. Items such as Some say that conflict is the lifeblood of the galaxy and
clothing, comlinks, spare change, glow-rods, and so there are always those who will find a means of profiting
forth are not listed but are still present if it makes from any endeavor, no matter how unpleasant. Arms
sense (and at the GM’s discretion). Any bonuses from dealers have access to large amounts of weaponry and
equipment are already added to the profile. are willing to sell them to anyone, for a price. The means
by which these individuals come by their stock varies
It is important to note that adversaries do not al­ wildly; some are former mercenaries, while others haunt
ways follow the same rules that player characters do. battlefields like scavengers looking for cast-aside weap­
These profiles are generated for simplicity and ease ons instead of a meal, and still others have extensive
of use, so non-essential information can be omitted. networks of contacts within existing military organiza­
For example, the Barabel enforcer has a soak higher tions. Regardless, these individuals are often in the mar­
than his Brawn, even though he does not wear armor. ket for smugglers or others who have ships of their own
This is due to the Barabels’ notoriously thick hide— to transport goods to and from customers. Due to the
however this is not indicated by a unique rule. The sheer volume of firepower they have available to bring to
higher soak value is sufficient. bear if the situation requires it, it is an extremely bad
idea to cross an arms dealer.

The galaxy is a vast and luminous place, but for ev­
ery light there lurks a shadow. The mere existence of
civilization and galactic government gives rise to those
who eschew its values and laws, and instead seek to
profit from activities that are prohibited by those who
sit in power. On some planets, the criminal under­
world is cautious, moving silently and congregating
only in the most secret of places. On other worlds,
however, it operates brazenly and in the open, wield­

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