Artist of the Month
My name is Sophon Pholsaeng or you can call me Nong Singto. I will turn 13 years old soon in
August. When I was very young like even before going to kindergarten, I was a very active kid who
loved to scribble on the walls at home. I didn't why but it's hard for me to sleep at night. When I went to
school, my teacher noticed my abnormality so she told my parents to take me to the hospital. The
doctor said my brain developed slower than others and I needed to train my brain. I was diagnosed with
ADHD and have been taking medication since then.
My grandfather and grandmother have
taken care of me since I was a baby. I am
currently studying in Grade 8 at an inclusive
school. It's hard for me to focus and I couldn't
stay still most of the time. I’m also very moody
and couldn't control myself. Therefore, I needed
help from our special education teacher at
school. In the class, my teacher would let me
learn by myself by using a computer program
called Paint to train my brain to focus .
I have a great passion for the arts. I like to draw pictures of things that I see such as landscapes,
cartoons, dioramas, etc. In my spare time, I usually practice drawing with a computer program called ‘Paint’. My
class teacher discovered my talent in drawing and she encouraged me to cultivate the skill. I also like to make
my own toys, such as paper-made gliders. I would cut a cardboard box to make my own toy. I used my phone
to google for ideas and things that I was interested and would like to know more. When I’m at home, I draw,
write and fold papers to improve my skills.
I dream to be an artist in the future. I want to paint beautiful pictures and sell them to support my
family and become famous. Nowadays I try to join art competitions as many as possible to gain more
experiences. Even though I’m still lacking in many ways, I will try to improve myself. I hope to get more support
from my family and everyone who values my talents so this can be a career for me in the future. Thank you.
My name is Boonrawd Areewong. I’m now 29 years old and I graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and Mass
Communication, Thammasat University. I was born prematurely so I was extremely weak as a newborn. I was also
diagnosed with liver cancer so I needed to be treated with chemotherapy for about a year before I was discharged from
the hospital. Unfortunately, the treatment left me a side effect of dystonia symptoms (Dystonia is a movement disorder
that causes the muscles to contract involuntarily. This can cause repetitive or twisting movements). My muscles got
spasms so I couldn’t walk properly. I was thriving in life for well-being. Being determined and hard working are my best
As I mentioned earlier, I have been suffered In a result, my pronunciation was clearer and easier to
from muscle contraction. It took more time and understand. Until here you may see that I put so much
effort for me to do a normal thing like walking, efforts thriving to be better. I believe by working hard we can
writing or talking. I practiced walking a lot to walk achieve anything in life. I think disabled people can't just
like others. At first, I couldn’t write at all but I tried depend on the government welfare or support from the
so hard to practice until I could write. My public as we all know that there are not enough resources to
handwriting was not beautiful but yes, I finally provide to each one of us. We must thrive for a better and
could write too. I remembered also that talking happier life by ourselves too.
was always a problem for me since I was young.
It’s challenging for me to speak because of muscle One thing I really want to do in the future is to open a
contraction almost my entire body. My Khon school. I really love this genre of performance. it always
pronunciation was not clear so it’s hard to make makes me happy to watch. This is why I studied Khon in high
people understand what I was saying. I practiced school for six years. I fell in love with it more and more when
my pronunciation by learning the dubbing of Khon the time passed. I'll open one right away when I can. Even
(Khon is a dance drama genre from Thailand). though it would be even more difficult considering the
While studying in the university, I had an government restrictions and economy situation from the
opportunity to be an MC at my faculty's event. pandemic, where there's a will, there's a way. I'm determined
Being an MC made me started to train my to do it and I believe I can make it happened.
speaking skill more so it was improved.
My name is Thanyarat Athijarudet, my nicknameLucky. I’m 30 years old with hearing impairment. I wore hearing aids
since I was 3 years old and I wore them on both ears. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science(Sustainable
Development Technology) and got a master degree in Public Health. I’m now working as a government official in a
public agency in Nonthaburi.
I’m a very determined person. I always try my By the way, it costs more for people with hearing
best to reach my goal. That’s my strength. My key to impairment to take a standard test like this since we have to
success is to keep trying and do not give up. Even get a doctor certificate to wear the hearing aids. This is
though there are obstacles, they can be solved another problem that we are trying to make a change but
somehow through problem analysis and solution. We still cannot achieve/find a solution. For now, I can only
can analyze the root cause, factors, influences and practice more often to improve my listening skill so I can get
what makes things delay to find a solution to a better score.
successfully complete the task/reach our goal.
The government job exams are very competitive in
I used to apply for jobs with my TOEIC score general but for a disabled person to serve as a government
of 550. It’s quite a disadvantage for me when I took official, it’s even more difficult because we also have to
the test since my hearing aids were very old. I used compete among ourselves with different types of disabilities.
them for 9 years already at that time. Well, I believe To pass the exam, I worked really hard to prepare myself
that I could do better on the listening part if I had each time. I searched the position requirements and
the newer ones. Anyway, my luck is not so bad organization details and practiced for the presentation. Being
because my office is giving me a new pair. Therefore, a hearing impaired person is not a problem for
I will be able to use them when taking the test in the communication with others. If I don’t understand, I will clarify
future. I’ll work harder to improve my English skill. or ask people to say it louder. Disability need not be an
obstacle to success.
The cause of disability Educational background
I was hit by a truck while I was heading back home Bachelor's degree, Faculty of Science and
after school at the age of 9, my spine was broken Technology Computer Science Thammasat
from the accident. I’m paralyzed from the waist University
down. I cannot walk.
What are your strengths ? And Position
how do you develop/improve
your strength? Currently work as a computer scientist at
Thammasat University
My strength is self-improvement. I love learning and I’m Acting Head of Academic Administration and
self motivated. I was 9 years old when I got in the car Research Currently resides at Pathum Thani Province
accident and couldn’t walk. At that time, I was studying
in the 4th grade and because of the accident, I had to Awards
leave the school for a year. It was a bit difficult for me
to return since it was not an inclusive school where the 2 gold medals from the 2015 Global IT Challenge
education system/school facility is designed to for Youth with Disabilities.
encourage the students with disabilities to be part of
the larger group. My mom needed to discuss with the 1 Bronze Medal from the 9th National Handicapped
school about my education so I could continue studying Skills Competition in Document Printing Branch
there. Microsoft Word
At that time, I could only wait in the library on the
ground floor when the class was upstairs. My teacher What do you most want to do but
would separately give me one-on-one class after that. haven't done yet? What obstacles
While waiting for my class, I usually read books in the prevented you from doing it? And
library. This makes me fond of reading and developing what do you think must be done in
my interest in science and technology, and later has a order for you to do that?
great impact on improving my computer skill. My family
was very supportive so I used to get special computer I want to do the most is to travel to a country that
classes back then. This helped me alot to pursue my has never been. I like to travel a lot. I went to many
education in computer science at the university. After places in Thailand. I travel to the North, South, East and
graduating, I never stopped developing myself because West. It’s great to explore new scenery. For me, going
I know technology keeps advancing all the time. abroad is quite challenging especially, during the Covid-
I always try to learn, keep myself updated and apply 19 pandemic. It was impossible to travel at that time.
my knowledge to my work at the university. The Even during normal situations, it is not easy for me to
success is showing in many areas thanks to my passion travel abroad because it’s costly and I need help from
to continually learn and improve my strength. others to move around. Well, what I can do now is to
save up the money and keep my health in check and
plan for my trip after the pandemic is over.
Akarawin Nunthawat
Hello, my name is Mr. Akarawin Nunthawat, my nickname is Win. I'm a person with
intellectual disability. I'm now 16 years old, studying grade 8 at an inclusive school.
I studied at this school since grade 2.. I joined my friends only in Thai, English and Social Studies class. There’re
classes that I couldn't join such as history and computers. My favorite subject was Thai and English class. I usually
help my family with household chores such as washing the dishes, sweeping and mopping the floor. My father opens
a store and I also help him by calling out loud to attract customers and setting up our stall. In my spare time, I like to
play Facebook, IG, Twitter, and games. I also like to watch news and talk about it.
I sometimes pretend to be a news anchor and Nowadays the gaming industry is growing so fast
talk about the news. I used to participate in a and has been widely welcomed by Thais. Many
young news anchor contest in Srisaket and I won people looked at this as a new opportunity to make
the first prize. I watch TV all the time to keep money. So I think I would like to be a gamer. It’s a
myself updated with the latest news and I used career that allows me to be in front of the computer
to recite to improve my speaking skill. My father and share my stories through gaming. It requires
and my teachers are very supportive and always someone who has public speaking skills that can
give me the opportunity to show my talents. I grab people's attention and I think I’m good at it. My
would like to thank everyone for giving me this other dream is to be a cosplayer so I can dress up
opportunity to share about my talent to everyone in my favorite cartoon characters.
and giving me the reward.
I think cosplaying can be a career and people can
make money from it. I want to earn money like
everyone else so I can help support my family. This is
something that I like and I’m good at. I want to
improve my speaking skill for my future.
Hello, my name is Orawan Premprik nickname Aom.
visually handicapped blurry vision. 23 years old. 12
Graduated with a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of
Social Administration at Thammasat University. Currently
living in Pathum Thani Province. my hobby read a
romantic novel and nature travel. There are 4 members
in the family, my father, mother, brother and me.
my strength. interpersonal relationship building The human being is a social animal, there
must be interaction between people. It is very important in life, whether it is in the matter of
work, such as smiling, greeting, wailing, etc., even if it's just a small point. But I think it's the
first thing that people make an impression of me when I first meet them. Especially starting
something new, such as starting a new job, I will meet many people. There are many
differences in terms of age or age range, including work experience. Therefore, greetings,
smiling, and wailing are small points that I see as my strengths.
being a good listener It is also important. that I heard others say or play a story It is to
hear and exchange experiences. I think that one person tells a story. Which the narrator must
trust me to tell the story is something that I consider very valuable. and made the narrator
feel at ease The listener himself also gained experience from the narrator. is learning from each
Intention, there has to be a commitment to do it successfully. I think we don't have to be
smart. But we must have the will to do one thing. And most importantly, I just changed my
mind. Or believing that we can do it, I will be proud to succeed. which I am the one who is not
good at but bring the willingness to understand including changing the meaning that we can
not discouraged by obstacles So I can be successful in my own way.
The thing that I want to do the most that I haven't done is saving money or having
savings. Obstacles to overspending Lack of discipline in saving Prefers to shop online,
regardless of the cost. If you want something, you can buy it, for example, buying clothes
even though you already have enough to wear every day. But still will buy more. because it is
cheap The thing that will cause savings is to restrain yourself. Divide the salary every month
into an amount. And most importantly, there must be discipline. Do it regularly to get used to
it. in order to have money saved for future use However, in this economic era where many
things are more expensive, including groceries, but the monthly salary is still the same, saving
money is very important in planning for the future.
like English very much
Hello, my name is Pattarapong.
Sampachanyanon. I was born with a
cleft lip and palate. I had surgery to
repair them when I was 2 years old. This
led to my speech sound errors, making
me unable to speak clearly. I was also
diagnosed with autism when I was three.
My parents noticed that I didn’t respond
to my name but showed some reactions
when they played music. I learned to
walk and speak slower than other
babies. Now, I’m 15 years old and
studying grade 10 at Nongbua School
which provides inclusive education for all
students with love and care. Being able
to study with my friends in every class
helped me to learn and improve my
social skills.
I like English very much. I’m interested in reading,
listening and writing in english. I am also fond of
computer technology. Due to my interest in computers,
Grandma bought me a second-hand desktop computer.
In my free time, I use my computer to search things in
google or YouTube. Since I was in primary school, when
I wanted to know about something, I would search on
google using English so I could learn things like ASEAN,
national flags, national anthem of many countries,
musical instruments and k pop. Moreover, sometimes I
would edit videos, download pictures, record videos or
sounds. For example, I would download my favorite
cartoon character picture, Pony, add a video clip to it
and save to my computer so I can watch it later.
Together with my fondness for using computers,
I also like smartphones. I usually record fun activities in
Tiktok. Thanks to my English and computer skills and
support from my homeroom teacher, I got the
opportunity to show my talents in the class.
In the future, I want to be a programmer but I still
need to learn a lot more about the computer system. I
need more support from my families and others so I
can develop my skill for the future career.
Pannupa Wongsa
My name is Pannupa Wongsa. My nickname is Kratae. I’m
37 years old with blurry vision. My home town is in
Sisaket. I went to high school in Sisaket and got a bachelor
in Humanities and Social Sciences, majoring in Thai
Language, Mahasarakham University. I also got a Diploma
in Teaching Profession. I’m now working as a teacher at
Nakhon Ratchasima School for the Blind in Nakhon
Ratchasima Province.
I’m good at writing poems so I like to compose about
my personal interests and share through social media
sometimes. This became my strength. I felt happy
when people read/look forward to my works or when
someone asked me to write a poem for them on
special occasions. It encourages me to read more,
listen more and talk more with other writers to
enhance my composing skills. Participating in writing
activities or teaching writing techniques to other
people are also some good ways to gain more
Beside composing poems, I’m quite good at public speaking. This is why I usually MC for the school events
and I’m grateful for the opportunity. I dream of being a good speaker who gets lots of love from the public. My idol
speaker is Dr. Jatupone Chompoonich. I have been following his works since I was young and wish to be like him one
day. Anyway, I know it’s not easy to engage large audiences. It requires lots of experiences, techniques and a great
sense of humor to do so. It would take time to reach my dream, step by step I will get closer until I reach it.
Maybe I will never be like my idol, Dr.Jaupone in my life but I will cherish every opportunity I get. Even
though it’s a small one, it might move me closer to my dream. I believe that people reward others who are eager to
put in the effort to achieve success in their life.
Phimphan Sompranon
Hello, my name is Phimphan Sompranon. I am a
17 years old student with ADHD and LD, two
conditions that I got to known when I was around
8 or 9; which it didn’t bother me that much when
I first learned about them.
I got my treatment at Rama Hospital in Bangkok, along with the help and support
from my friends and family. There are some ups and downs, but I could see myself
making progress over the years.
I learned about myself a lot based off my I am no longer myself when I’m at school, yet
conditions,inwhich my interests are
overpowering everything that I did. My that’s their motto for all the students. There are a
strengths are creation and dedication, to
where my mind is filled with determination lot of obstacles for me to work on, and I find
without looking through my weaknesses.
myself walked blindly through those and went to
It is often vague on what my true strength
are, because it changed from time to time; doing what I love. It’s a never-ending cycle of
while my weaknesses stay the same. From time
to time, I managed to crack its code until I’ve being bored of the stuff that I need to do and
found a real flaw in my system. Despite my
overwhelming amount of self-doubt and being burned out of the stuff that I love, and the
multitasking, I am good with finding solutions of
my own. I learned how to put my weakness treatment that my current teachers had given to
into a good use, and reshaping its form in
order to create my strength. Although, some me made my conditions even worse than before. I
flaws could be found when fixing my strength.
knew I have to get used to their system,
I ’d like to have fun with my work until I’ve
finally achieved it, yet I do not have times to they’re making it harder for me to do so. If I
do so. I’ve been struggle with school and can find the right school subject that I could
mental health, and I have to graduate first and eventually get out of where I was, it would be
take care of my well-being before I could do easier for me to take care of myself and my work.
so. It has drained me so much with time and My mental health is more fragile than others, and
energy, and I no longer enjoy my hobbyI My many have overlooked that fact. I’d like to go back
mental health dropped when I attended class, to work without going through mental breakdown,
and it require much more motivation than it for I require peace and right programs forsomeone
used to. with a mental illness. Being under pressure all the
time does nothing but sink me deep, and going
back to where I can have options that are suitable
to me could help me achieve my dream.