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Published by ciscoice, 2022-02-26 15:48:49

SALLTO Newsletter 27th February 2022

SALLTO Newsletter 27th February 2022

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C Sunday 27 February 2022

Yank the plank before that have the potential to hurt others FEAST OF CHAIR OF ST PETER
you check the speck! and ourselves. Self-deceit is an CONT’D
inherent part of man’s emotional and
Indira Newton spiritual make up. We have a hard Why is the Feast of the Chair of St.
time seeing ourselves because we Peter Celebrated?
“How can you say to your brother, are experts at hiding reality from
“Brother let me take out the splinter ourselves and others. We fool One of the main reasons for celebrating
in your eye,” when you cannot see ourselves, though, when we think we the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter is to
the plank in your eye. Hypocrite! can hide our true nature from God. celebrate the unity of the Christian Church.
Take the plank out of your own eye
first…” We are responsible for ALL our Another important reason is that the
sins, even in our blind spot. Psalm Chair symbolizes the authority of Saint Peter
In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us 19:12-13 says: “But who can detect and his dedication towards building a strong
that we need to fix ourselves first his own failings? Wash away my foundation for the Church.
before we can attempt to find faults hidden faults. And from pride
in others. We must not be quick to preserve your servant, never let it be Saint Peter is revered in the Christian
judge another person without my master. So, I shall be above community across the globe and is an
looking at what is inside you. Fault reproach, free from grave sins." important figure when it comes to the history of
finding distorts our perception and the Vatican. He is considered as the first Pope
inaccurately sees ourselves as Clearly the Psalmist is indicating and the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter marks
superior and our attention is that we must plea for God’s help for the longstanding Papacy in Rome since the
distracted from our own faults. Very the line, “Wash away my hidden 1st century.
often, as humans, when our faults faults.” Our blind spots cause us to
are pointed out, we are quick to misjudge our sinfulness and thus we PRAYER FOR THE FEAST OF THE
defend our actions and would often need the Holy Spirit's help. With the CHAIR OF SAINT PETER
make excuses for our faults. St Paul Holy Spirit in our lives, we can see O God, Who by delivering to Thy
in 1 Timothy 4:16 cautioned, “Be our own shortcomings. We need to
conscientious about what you do constantly pray and discern our blessed Apostle Peter the keys of the
and what you teach; persevere in faults. kingdom of Heaven, didst confer upon him the
this...” pontifical power of binding and of losing, grant
“Be merciful as your father is
How can we fix ourselves? merciful.” Mercy can only come that, by the help of his intercession, we may
We need to journey into when we taste God’s mercy. be delivered from the bonds of our sins. Who
ourselves and engage in self- Accepting that we are sinners and lives and reignest with Thee, One God, world
reflection to find our faults and work confessing our sins, we receive
on them. It is only when we judge God’s mercy. It is only then we can without end. Amen.
our sins can we help others. Jesus help others correct their
tells us that in fact we must judge shortcomings for our heart is full of
ourselves down to our heart level goodness and our words flow with
because a good heart can produce love.
good fruit.
Judging oneself is easier said
than done, for humans have blind
spots. Our blind spots can be
defined as areas in our lives that we
cannot see; they are character defects

Sunday 27 February 2022 Year C Community Page 2

Synod Team Visits Lopinot

Vanessa Yearwood

On Sunday the 20th of February, we made our way along the
winding roads to Lopinot village, nestled in the slopes of the Northern
mountain range. We all noted that we hadn’t visited the village for quite
a while.

It seemed like a never-ending drive, but we finally reached our
destination. Standing majestically off the Main Road was La Veronica
R.C. Church. A beauty to behold with its unusual baptismal font in the
centre of the Church.

Parishioners turned out in their numbers and gave us a warm

welcome, so it was easy to feel at home in this culturally rich community.

Father Mc Lawrence’s homily was quite impactful. “Love your enemies,

do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for

those who mistreat you … “. Three terms he used remained with me.

Radical - Jesus’ message was radical. Counter cultural - our culture

encourages us to “do them back” rather than to “turn the other cheek”.

Checklist - we should use Jesus’ message as a checklist for our invite you to continue to pray for us, as we begin the

behaviour. Father’s homily called for a paradigm shift in our way of Synod Conversations in our parish. All are invited to

thinking. participate in the Conversations, so that journeying

Once again, we were privileged to receive special prayers together, we can all make an input to make our parish

for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We thank God for giving us better.

this opportunity to serve on the Synod Coordinating Team and

Sunday 27 February 2022 Year C In The Spirit Page 3

This Lent, make room for Respecting life
modern hospitality. and the vocation of marriage

Lent may be a time of sacrifice, but it’s also a Source: Catholic
time for welcoming others.
Let Christian husbands and wives be mindful of
Modern hospitality can seem daunting. Despite their vocation to the Christian life, a vocation
which, deriving from their Baptism, has been
so many people in this world and our instant confirmed anew and made more explicit by the
Sacrament of Matrimony. For by this
connection through technology, we seem to live to share what we have, whether food, Sacrament, they are strengthened and, one
might almost say, consecrated to the faithful
in a time of unprecedented isolation. resources, or an open mind. fulfillment of their duties. Thus, will they realise
to the full their calling and bear witness to
Hospitality is not about fancy parties and God prompts us to reach out to others Christ before the world. For the Lord has
entrusted to them the task of making visible to
overindulgence. It is about making room at our in unexpected ways. We are given men and women the holiness and joy of the law
which united inseparably their love for one
table. It goes well beyond food, focusing more on opportunities every day to reach out to another and the cooperation they give to God’s
love, God who is the Author of human life.
welcoming and listening to those around us. Lent others, even if it is just to provide a (Humanae Vitae, 25)

is a great time for families to practice hospitality listening ear. We should not ignore these Marriage is not simply something we do to fulfill
our desire to be with another and not be alone;
and learn more about the virtue of welcoming invitations. Jesus calls us to offer it is, in the Christian understanding, a state to
which God calls a person, in order to serve him
others. hospitality to others. Jesus wants us to and our fellow human beings through serving
our spouse. It is as much a vocation as is the
love our neighbours so much that He gave calling to the priesthood, or another person’s
calling to the consecrated life. In fact, the word
Jesus gave us many great examples of us a commandment to do so. We can “consecrated” is used with respect to married
showing hospitality to others. He was constantly honour this commandment by welcoming people. They are “set aside” for one another
and for God.
making room for those on the margins. Jesus others and offering our genuine
When someone responds to a vocation, a
sought out people like the woman at the well and hospitality. calling from God, she or he does so not in half
measures, not allowing self-interest to guide
the tax collector, welcoming them without his or her decisions. One gives oneself
completely to God, and in the case of marriage,
judgment. He showed compassion to every kind Lent may be a time of sacrifice and a husband gives himself to God through his
wife, and a wife through her husband.
of person and got to know them despite their intention, but it is also a time to show up
Let us pray in a special way for all married
differences. He took time to speak and listen to and let God know that we want a couples and those preparing to receive this
Sacrament and pray in thanksgiving for them,
them individually, delighting in those relationship with Him. By practicing the as they continue to live out their vocations and
be a great source of life and a witness of God’s
relationships. Hospitality is having a willingness Gospel virtue of hospitality. love for the world.

Adapted by M. Samad from Stewardship Reflections by Catholic Stewardship Consultants


Today’s readings exhort us Christian What comes forth from our mouths, or

disciples to form ourselves — mind and heart — keyboard, or phone, reflects what is in our

in imitation of Christ so we can better reflect His minds and hearts.

goodness in our daily lives. Our ability to communicate with each

The first reading from Sirach offers timeless other is itself a gift which we must steward

counsel: “the fruit of a tree shows the care it has well.

had: so too does one’s speech disclose the bent In the same Gospel passage, Jesus
of one’s mind. Praise no one before he speaks.” reminds us, “No disciple is superior to the
Jesus uses the very same analogy in today’s teacher; but when fully trained, every
Gospel reading from Luke: “A good tree does not disciple will be like his teacher.” The more
bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear good time we spend with Jesus, our teacher,
fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit.” through regular prayer and a strong

Everything we have is a gift from God to be sacramental life, the more we will become

used for His honour and glory. This includes the like Him. Then all that we do and say (and

gift of speech and, even more broadly, all forms tweet and post) will bring others closer to
of modern-day communication — email, text, Him. This is the life’s work of the Christian
steward. It is privileged work indeed.
Twitter, Facebook, and the rest.

Sunday 27 February 2022 Year C Weekly Notices Page 4

Sunday 27 February 2022 Year C Weekly Notices Page 5

Ash Wednesday
Date: Wednesday March 2 2022
Time: 7:00 pm
All Communities

Lenten Season
Stations of the Cross
Time: 6:00 pm
All Communities


Please note there will be no
evening Mass Sunday 27th

Please be guided accordingly and

advise others.
Thank you for your consideration.



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