15th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year C Sunday 10 July 2022
YOUR NEIGHBOUR Wisdom - Wisdom is the first and highest gift
of the Holy Spirit because it is the perfection of
June Holdip the theological virtue of faith. Through wisdom,
we come to value properly those things which
Today’s Gospel about the Good Samaritan has been heard and read many times. Has it changed the we believe through faith. The truths of Christian
way you have been showing love to your neighbour? This Reading begins with a lawyer attempting to belief are more important than the things of this
trick Jesus by respectfully referring to him as “Master” and asking, “what must I do to inherit eternal world, and wisdom helps us to order our rela-
life?” Like ‘a true Trini’ Jesus answers the question with a question ‘What is written in the law?’ ‘What tionship to the created world properly, loving
do you read there?’ He, not Jesus, was caught when he responded by quoting (Deuteronomy 6:5) about Creation for the sake of God, rather than for its
wholeheartedly loving God and neighbour as self. Never try to trick Jesus. This greatest commandment own sake.
was one of the most important prayers in Judaism during Jesus’ time. Jesus’ simple response, “Do this
and you will live” is still applicable to us today. Not satisfied and wanting ‘to justify himself’, he posed Applying Wisdom to the World - Such
another question, ‘And who is my neighbour?’ Given the distinctions in the society then as it still is detachment, however, is not the same as the
today, he thought that this other ‘trick’ question was seemingly appropriate. However, Jesus quickly renunciation of the world far from it. Rather, as
responded with the parable of the Good Samaritan that is found only in Luke’s Gospel. Catholics believe, wisdom allows us to love the
This beautiful parable highlights how a man was treated by brigands and thereafter ignored by a priest world properly, as the creation of God,
and scorned by a Levite, another religious person who assists in the Temple. However, he later received rather than for its own sake. The material world,
compassion from and was looked after by one of Israelite’s most hated neighbour, a Samaritan traveler. though fallen as a result of the sin of Adam and
Jesus asked the lawyer to identify which of the three proved to be a neighbour. The lawyer couldn’t dare Eve, is still worthy of our love; we simply need
to say the word Samaritan but instead it made him think and he wisely responded, ‘the one who took to see it in the proper light, and wisdom allows
pity on him.’ Jesus then kindly and firmly advised ‘go and do the same yourself.’ us to do so.
This parable and discourse demonstrated Jesus demolishing all boundary expectations. Jesus escaped
the lawyer’s trap and did not specifically select anyone. He illustrated that a neighbour is a person who Wisdom in Scripture - Psalm 111:10 states a
extends compassion toward another despite social definitions such as class, religion, gender, or ethnicity. life lived in wisdom is the ultimate praise given
The emphasis here is not who deserves to be loved and cared for as I do with myself, but that we become to God:“The fear of the LORD is the beginning
people who treat everyone with compassion, and with wisdom, extend oneself like the Samaritan to of wisdom; all those who practice it have a
respond and care for the needs of another whether in the home or community. Like the lawyer, we know good understanding. His praise endures
what is right. What is hindering you? forever!” According to James 3:17, wisdom is
We are reminded that obtaining eternal life begins now and the way to salvation is open to everyone. not an end but an enduring expression in our
This includes extending love to our neighbours, although it can be challenging sometimes. We must hearts and minds, a way of living joyfully:
offer it generously without counting the cost. Jesus keeps on insistently repeating to each of us; “Go and “The wisdom from above is first pure, then
do the same yourself.” Everyone, even those whom you may dislike, is your neighbour. In the First Read- peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy
ing, Moses says God’s commandments and laws are written in the Book as well as in our heart and soul. and good fruits, impartial and sincere.”
Everyone, regardless of age or status has the potential to fulfil them. Out of love for us, they were given Finally, the highest wisdom is found in the
for our benefit not for Himself. Cross of Christ, which is:“Folly to those who
The Good Samaritan represents Jesus Christ who, in love, came to our rescue and healed our wounds by are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is
dying on the cross. The cost of this act of love was His life. He expects us to help those who are wounded the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18).
physically, spiritually, or otherwise and are in need even though it may cost us time, effort, and expense.
This Gospel emphasizes that there is no love of God without love of neighbour and there are many
opportunities in the church, parish and communities to share God’s love.
Prayer: Give us the grace to recognise and respond positively to the many opportunities you give us
through the ordinary things of life to extend love and care to our neighbour, and progress in our journey
of eternal life. Amen.
Sunday 10 July 2022 Year C Community Page 2
Hospitality is not only Greet, Meet, and Seat
Members of our Parish’s Hospitality Ministry attended a training session facilitated by Fr. Urban Hudlin on July
2. The Theme was the session was “The Spirituality of Hospitality.” Participant Justina Nkemakolam shares some
major takeaways from this training and it is our hope that this will inspire others to heed the call to become more
involved in Parish life and join the Hospitality Ministry.
When one thinks of hospitality several things may come to mind. For example, the Hotel Industry, receiving good
customer service at a restaurant, or simply meeting and greeting people.
Even dealing with different personalities may make trying to be hospitable to others difficult at times. Despite this
challenge, we must remember hospitality is a calling /command by God to do His will and it is attached to holi-
ness. You cannot claim to be holy when you are not hospitable.
The facilitator went on to explain hospitality is embedded in the bible (1 Kings 17:1). The disciples often ques-
tioned to whom should we extend hospitality? Like the disciples, we must realise that hospitality cannot be prac-
tised on your own terms but rather we must always make an effort to make others comfortable. Hospitality in-
volves making space for others who may be viewed as different from you. Lest we forget, how we make someone
feel is something they will never forget.
Hospitality is truly a moment of grace. We do not get to choose who God will bring into your life and ask you
to show hospitality to nor when we may encounter them. Being hospitable will always require something of you
that you must give gracefully such as your time, patience, energy or mental health. Therefore, as members of this
ministry, you are called to develop strategies or learn techniques that help manage people, to show them love, and
foster the type of environment that will make everyone happy and comfortable.
In addition to making others feel welcomed, the Hospitality Ministry also requires preparing others to enter into
the presence of God. Hospitality is a sacred deed. In doing so, you as a member of the Hospitality Ministry are
performing a sacred duty. With this in mind, while serving in this ministry, practice calling people by their names
and acknowledging their presence in the sacred place and creating a welcoming environment.
Sunday 10 July 2022 Year C Community Page 3
Our very own Parish Priest Fr Gregory McLawrence celebrated 19 years in the priesthood on July 5.
Members of our SALLTO community shared good wishes and blessings on this happy occasion.
Happy Anniversary to you, Fr Gregory!
• Congratulations Fr Gregory, may God bless you always, give you good health and fill you with His grace
to accomplish all that you desire to do. Thank you for all that you have done for us and continue to do.
• Congratulations Fr. Gregory on your 19th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination.
Thank you for your service at Holy Trinity Parish.
May God abundantly bless you.
• Happy Anniversary Father, may the Almighty give you a renewed Spirit and great strength to continue
labouring in the vineyard. God’s richest blessings upon you always.
• I pray God continues to Bless you with EVERYTHING you need to continue His work and your journey
to Eternal Life with Him. Amen
• Thank you for EVERYTHING you do for US at Holy
Trinity Parish Fr Gregory.
I Love you!
I am grateful
• Congratulations and thank you for your dedicated
• Happy Anniversary Father. May God bless, guide and
protect you as you serve and shepherd our parish.
Thank you for all that you do. Continue to shine in
Jesus’s Name.
Sunday 10 July 2022 Year C In the Spirit Page 4
Hospitality Furthermore, all present were “To discern our personal vocation, we have
introduced to the tag line, “Hospitality to realize that it is a calling from a friend,
In Hospitality is all of us is All of Us.” Indeed, the morning was who is Jesus. When we give something
well spent, and we look forward to to our friends, we give them the best we
L ast Saturday, the Holy Trinity part two (2) of the training process in have. It will not necessarily be what is
hospitality as well as the other areas most expensive or hard to obtain, but what
Parish commenced the first of its identified by parishioners through the we know will make them happy,” the Pope
training programmes coming out of the synod conversations. The Synod wrote in “Christus Vivit” (“Christ Lives”).
synod conversation. The first group to journey continues.
undertake such an initiative was the A Christian’s first vocation is a call to
Hospitality Ministry. Submitted by friendship with Jesus, he said. And closely
Damian Legerton related to that is the call to serve others.
The theme of this workshop was, “Your own personal vocation does not
“The Spirituality of Hospitality.” The consist only in the work you do, though
presenter was the dynamic Fr. Urban that is an expression of it,” the pope said.
Hudlin who reiterated that the ministry “Your vocation is something more: It is a
of hospitality is a sacred deed and that path guiding your many efforts and actions
ministers of hospitality help prepare toward service to others.”
the congregation to receive Christ at
every Mass /Service. God’s personalized gift of a vocation “will
bring you more joy and excitement than
anything else in this world. Not because
that gift will be rare or extraordinary, but
because it will perfectly fit you,” Pope
Francis wrote. “It will be a perfect fit for
your entire life.”
The day was spent interacting with A PERFECT FIT: HOW TO Discovering one’s vocation, even in the
each other and working together in DISCOVER ONE’S deepest prayer, is not like finding the exact
small groups, in order to build lasting VOCATION road map for one’s life with all the stops
relationships among ministers in the and starts and obstacles and detours clearly
parish. Additionally, Fr. Hudlin shared Within the universal Christian vocation of marked, he said. Instead, it is more like
many techniques that can be used to serving God and serving others, God hand- being invited on an adventure.
make parishioners feel much more crafts a specific calling for each person, a
welcome and how ministers are to vocation that fits his or her personality and https/ocatholic.com
approach their ministry. abilities, Pope Francis said.
Good Stewardship Springs Into Action
Today’s Gospel passage, from Luke, those who might be in need. He has a bandages his wounds. He puts the man
hospitable way of looking at the world on his own animal and brings him to an
we read the wellknown parable of the around him and so he is able to “see” inn where he can heal. He ensures the
Good Samaritan. Here, Jesus teaches in a way that the others did not, and innkeeper would continue to look after
us in rich detail what stewardship in he was “moved with compassion at him, and he commits to returning to the
action looks like. In fact, this parable the sight” of the man. man on his way back.
could just as accurately be called the
parable of the Good Steward. Next, we see the Good Samaritan spring That is how we live out God’s
into action to serve this man, setting commandments. That is true hospi-
The first thing we note about the Good aside his own schedule and plans to tality and service. That is how a good
Samaritan is that he is aware of the meet his needs. He does not just give the steward springs into action when he
needs of those around him and responds man a few dollars or offer quick words of comes upon a neighbour in need. And
generously. While the priest and Levi encouragement from across the road. He Jesus says to each of us personally, just
brush right past the man on the side of goes right up to the man. He cleans and as He did in today’s Gospel, “Go and do
the road, the Samaritan is watching for likewise.”
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