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Management Information Systems - Managing the Digital Firm 16th Edition 2020

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Published by Pusat Sumber Al-Fairuz KVSP2, 2021-08-03 23:52:31

Management Information Systems - Managing the Digital Firm 16th Edition 2020

Management Information Systems - Managing the Digital Firm 16th Edition 2020

Keywords: Management Information Systems - Managing the Digital Firm 16th Edition 2020

I-11 Indexes Novell Netware, 170
N-tier client/server architecture, 169
mobile computing, 10, 144, 167–168, 174, 177, 196, 198, 290, 438, 481
mobile device management (MDM), 196, 326 O
mobile devices, 3, 4, 7–8, 196, 404–405
mobile digital, 7, 8, 109, 178, 180, 190, 195, 206, 279, 323–326 Object, 509
mobile e-commerce, 8, 376–377, 404–405 object-oriented development, 507, 509–511, 518–519
mobile employees, 255, 482 object-oriented programming language, 191
mobile search, 274, 276, 290, 291 offline media, 407
mobile web app, 519 offshore outsourcing, 516–517
mobile website, 23, 519 oil and gas industry, 362, 487–488
MobileIron, 207–208 OLAP. See online analytical processing
modems, 259, 266 on-demand computing, 188
MOOCs. See massive open online courses on-demand economy, 388, 405
Moore’s Law, 171–173 online advertising, 138, 276, 285, 290, 305, 378, 391, 394
moral dimensions, 125–126, 131 online analytical processing (OLAP), 232, 357, 468
MOST, 7–8 online marketing, 276, 285, 377, 379, 415
MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging online retail stores, 387
MSN, 386–387 online transaction processing, 323
MSSPs. See managed security service providers OnQ system, 99
Multicore processor, 190 Open Handset Alliance, 178
multidimensional data model, 233 open source software, 179, 190, 228
multinational company, 589 operating costs, 75, 96, 189, 231, 348, 593
multinational strategy, 573 operating systems, 16, 178, 196–197
multitiered client/server architecture, 169, 267 operational CRM, 357
multitouch interface, 178 operational intelligence, 474
MyFitnessPal, 102 operational management, 19, 46, 462–463, 538
MyPoints, 392 opt-in model, 137
MySQL, 177, 179, 218, 225 opt-out model, 137
Oracle Cloud platform, 514–515, 529
N Oracle Database, 218, 222, 225, 229
order fulfillment, 43–44, 463, 577, 587
NAI. See Network Advertising Initiative order processing, 8, 192, 312–313, 340, 537, 541
nanotechnology, 173 organization (definition), 81–84
nanotubes, 173 Organizational and management capital, 26
NAPs. See network access points organizational capital, 26, 423
NAT. See Network Address Translation organizational change, 30, 494
National Information Infrastructure Protection Act, 305 organizational impact analysis, 551
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 184 organizational learning, 360, 423, 543
native advertising, 396 ORION, 23
native app, 519, 521 Output, 17
natural language, 234, 262, 419–420, 421, 423–424, 427, 436 output controls, 312
Natural language processing (NLP), 419–420, 428, 436 outsourcing, 193–195, 511–514
near field communication (NFC), 282, 284
negative social costs, 144 P
net marketplaces, 106, 402–403
net neutrality, 264 PaaS. See platform as a service
Netflix, 7–8, 141, 143, 186, 265–266, 303, 384, 391, 415, 430, package tracking system, 20, 22, 47, 109
packet filtering, 318–319
446, 518 packet switching, 256–257, 268, 376 Pandora, 141, 391
Network, 21 PANs. See personal area networks
network access points (NAPs), 264 paradigm shift, 495–496, 498, 501
Network Address Translation (NAT), 318 parallel strategy, 506
Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), 137 parameterized reports, 470, 476
network economics, 94, 107 particularism, 571
network interface controller (NIC), 299 partner relationship management (PRM), 353
network interface layer, 258 partner relationship, 353
network operating system (NOS), 254–255 passwords, 295, 317
network-based strategies, 105, 107 patch management, 307
networked systems, 454, 574–575 patch, 307–310, 316, 324, 333, 437
Networking and telecommunications technology, 21 patents, 138–139
NetZero, 262 patient records, 310
neural networks, 424, 425, 426, 428, 430, 432–436 Patriot Act, 144
NIC. See network interface controller Pattern detection program, 432
NIST. See National Institute of Standards and Technology pattern recognition, 147, 432–433, 436
netbooks, 180 pay-per-click, 305
Nonobvious relationship awareness (NORA), 128 pay-per-use model, 186
Non-relational database management systems, 225 pay-per-view, 191
normalization, 223 payroll processing, 46–47, 194
normative goals, 89 PCs. See personal computers
NOS. See network operating system
NoSQL, 225

Indexes I-12

peer-to-peer, 226, 260 project management, 534–540
performance indicators, 50 project portfolio management software, 553
personal area networks (PANs), 280, 478 project structure, 544
personal computers (PCs), 169 property rights, 125, 131, 138, 140
personal identification number (PIN), 318 protocol, 256, 258
personalization, 379, 381, 384–385 prototyping, 511–514, 517–520
personnel system, 314 public cloud, 171, 186–187, 310, 324–325
PERT charts, 548, 551 public key encryption, 321
pharming, 304 public key infrastructure (PKI), 320–321, 322
phased approach strategy, 506 pull-based model, 351
phishing, 146, 295–296, 301, 304 push-based model, 351
physical transmission media, 261 Python, 191–192
physical view, 217
pilot study strategy, 506 Q
PIN. See personal identification number
Pinterest, 98, 275, 378, 397, 408 quantum computing, 180, 183
pipeline-management software, 488 query language, 221, 514
piracy, 141, 384
pivot table, 470, 472, 477 R
Pixar wiki, 278
planning systems, 104, 349, 577, 583 R&D. See research and development
platform (business model), 108–109 RAD. See rapid application development
platform as a service (PaaS), 185, 188 radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, 52, 282–283
Platforms, 109 RAM. See main memory
podcasting, 378, 387 ransomware, 300, 302, 306
point-of-sale terminals, 96 rapid application development (RAD), 517–518
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), 271 rationalization of procedures, 495–496
political issues, 123–126, 130, 140 real-time bidding platforms (RTB), 395
portal, 50, 52 record, 213
Porter’s competitive forces model, 94–95, 100–101 recording industry, 141
portfolio analysis, 540–541 records management, 308, 311
post-implementation audit, 506 redundancy, 215, 217–218
postindustrial organizations, 91 reengineering work, 147
PPTP. See Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol referential integrity, 224
precision agriculture, 461–464 referral fees, 387, 392
Predictive analytics, 472 Refining Dashboard, 50
predictive search, 275 regional distribution, 477–578
Predix, 430, 487–489 regional systems, 575
presence map, 406–407 registration system, 507–508
price discrimination, 381, 382, 384 regulations, 15, 27, 86, 121, 133, 237, 389, 571, 586–587
price transparency, 381 relational DBMS, 216, 218, 228
PriceGrabber, 275 rent-versus-buy, 195
pricing methods, 265 repetitive stress injury (RSI), 149–150
primary activities, 103 request for proposal (RFP), 515
primary key, 218–219 research and development (R&D), 106, 565
print publishers, 142 Responsibility, 129
Privacy Act, 132 responsive web design, 520
privacy, 132–138 Retail Link system, 14
private cloud, 186–187, 325 return on investment (ROI), 543
private exchange, 402 revenue models, 382, 385, 390–391
private industrial networks, 352, 402 revenues, 89–90
PRM. See partner relationship management RFID. See radio frequency identification
process specifications, 509 RFP. See request for proposal
Processing, 17 Richness, 380
processing controls, 312 ride-sharing service, 389
product differentiation, 80, 95, 100 Risk assessment, 313
product number, 233, 238 Risk aversion principle, 130
Production, 506 Robotics, 437
Production or service workers, 19, 506 robots, 148–149, 437, 454
production reports, 470, 475–476 ROI. See return on investment
professional work, 56, 241 routers, 179, 255, 266
profiling, 127, 157 routines, 84
program-data dependence, 214–215 RSI. See repetitive stress injury
programmatic ad buying, 395 RSS, 277
programmatic advertising, 398 RTB. See real-time bidding platforms
programmers, 66–67 Ruby, 191
programming, 61, 504 runaway projects, 535–536
Project, 536
Project Management Institute, 546 S

SaaS. See software as a service
safe harbor, 134

I-13 Indexes social shopping, 397
society, 27, 90, 124, 129, 144–147, 390
safety stock, 348 sociotechnical design, 551–553
sales data, 48, 96, 228, 283, 341, 439 sociotechnical systems, 28–30, 111
sales force automation (SFA), 354 Sociotechnical view, 29
sales revenue model, 391 Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA), 141
Salesforce Chatter, 61, 64 software as a service (SaaS), 142, 185, 194, 278, 378, 388, 514–515, 68–69, 87, 111, 171, 185, 187, 195, 354, 359, 367, Software localization, 583
Software package, 194
388, 448 software-defined networking (SDN), 255
SAP ERP, 230, 343, 495, 533, 535, 565, 586–587 software-defined storage (SDS), 183
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 15, 310 space shifting, 12
satellite Internet connections, 262 spam, 146, 159, 291, 296, 303, 305, 320, 436
scalability, 187, 196–197, 415 spear phishing, 304
SCM. See supply chain management spoofing, 302, 304
scope, 57, 90, 259–260, 335, 360, 406, 479, 534, 537 Spotify, 80, 121, 141, 246, 303, 384
scoring models, 473, 541–542 spyware, 136, 138, 146, 299–302, 320
SDN. See software-defined networking SQL commands, 222
SDS. See software-defined storage SQL injection attacks, 302
Search costs, 380 SQL. See Structured Query Language
search engine marketing, 276–277, 285–286, 288, 393, 407 SSID. See service set identifiers
Search engine marketing, 276 SSIIA. See oftware and Information Industry Association
search engine optimization (SEO), 276, 285, 288 SSL. See Secure Sockets Layer
search engines, 87, 245, 272–277, 288, 305, 386, 396, 424, 426, 436, 518 standard operating procedures, 84, 86, 496
Second Life, 61 stateful inspection, 318–319
Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP), 321 storage, 179, 424, 584
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 319, 320 strategic business objective, 13–16
Security policy, 314 strategic systems analysis, 110
Security, 297 strategic transitions, 110–111
self-regulation, 133, 137 streaming, 265, 270, 374–375, 387
sellers, 117, 386, 388, 402–403 structure chart, 509
semantic search, 274, 278 Structured, 507
semi-structured decisions, 463, 476, 484 structured decisions, 462–463, 476
senior management, 18–19 structured knowledge, 439, 440
sensitivity analysis, 477 structured methodologies, 507–511
sensor-generated data, 487 Structured Query Language (SQL), 221
sentiment analysis, 234, 436, 481 subscription revenue model, 391
SEO. See search engine optimization substitute products and services, 95, 110
sequences, 233, 248, 258 Supervised learning, 431
server computers, 169, 179, 320 supply and demand, 104–105, 574
Server, 169 supply chain execution systems, 350
Service level agreement (SLA), 195 supply chain management (SCM), 54, 103, 344–352, 361
service platform, 167 Supply chain planning systems, 349
service set identifiers (SSIDs), 299 Supply Chain Solutions, 23, 351
service workers, 18–19, 148 Supply chain, 346
service-oriented architecture (SOA), 190, 192 support activities, 101–103
service-oriented computing, 518 switches, 124, 254–255
SFA. See sales force automation switching costs, 95, 99–100, 361, 382, 384
shopping bots, 275, 438 symmetric key encryption, 321
S-HTTP. See Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol synergies, 94, 105
Shutterstock, 10, 41, 79, 121, 227, 373, 470 system design, 494, 502, 512, 561
Silverlight, 191 system integration services, 180
SimpleDB, 225 system portfolio, 540
simulation, 142, 247, 426, 438, 444, 475, 478 system quality, 123–124, 143, 326
six sigma, 496 system testing, 505
Skype, 61, 265, 268, 482, 554, 592 Systems analysis, 502
slippery slope rule, 130 systems analysts, 66–67, 511, 514, 520, 538
smart cards, 317 systems control, 312–313
smart products, 101–103 Systems design, 503
Smartphones, 279 Systems development, 502
Snapchat, 393, 414, 591 systems integration, 497, 547, 581
Sniffer, 302 systems life cycle, 511–512, 514
sniffer programs, 299, 317
SOA. See service-oriented architecture T
social business, 56–66, 74–76, 421–426, 440–441
social CRM, 362, 591 T lines, 262
social e-commerce, 396–398 Tableau, 470
social engineering, 307, 317 tablet computers, 6–7, 178, 180, 190, 298, 378, 386
social graph, 397 tacit knowledge, 422, 439, 442
social media, 406–408 tag suggest, 275
social networking, 275, 278, 291, 374–375, 440, 554, 583
social search, 275, 398

Indexes I-14

tagging, 440 uniform resource locator (URL), 272
tangible benefits, 542–543 unit testing, 505, 507
tap-and-go services, 284 United Kingdom, 263, 339, 415
taxi service, 389, 455 Unix, 175–179, 190, 581
taxonomy, 440 unstructured decisions, 462
TCO. See total cost of ownership Unsupervised learning, 431
TCP/IP reference model for, 258 upstream, 347–349
TCP/IP. See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet URL. See uniform resource locator
user content generation, 381
Protocolteams user errors, 313
technical approach, 28 User interface, 536, 550
technical complexity, 547 user-designer communications gap, 545
technical solutions, 29, 138, 545, 551 utilitarian principle, 130
Technology standards, 175 UTM. See unified threat management
telecommunications, 177, 253–255
telephone networks, 174, 253–254, 268 V
telephone systems, 143
telepresence, 61, 62–63, 466 value chain model, 94, 101, 103–104, 387
Telnet, 267 value web, 104–106, 110
test plan, 505 Veriato Investigator, 270
Testing, 505 VEVO, 373
text mining, 234, 436 video streaming, 375, 387
Third World, 570 videoconferencing, 62–63, 74, 269, 440, 443, 583
threats, 298–299 virtual company, 107–108
3-D printing, 445 virtual meeting systems, 61
3G networks, 279 virtual private network (VPN), 271, 320
time shifting, 12 virtual reality (VR), 445
time/space matrix, 65–66 virtual worlds, 61, 446
time-based competition, 144 virtualization, 178, 180, 183, 189
TLS. See Transport Layer Security viruses, 299–302, 320
token, 317–318 visitor tracking, 394
total cost of ownership (TCO), 198, 542 visual search, 275, 278
total quality management (TQM), 496 visual web, 275
touch point, 353, 357–358, 407 VMware, 183
Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 voice over IP (VoIP), 268–269
TPS. See transaction processing systems voice recognition software, 131, 147
TQM. See total quality management VPN. See virtual private network
trackbacks, 277 VR. See virtual reality
tracking files, 136
tractors, 101, 148 W
trade secrets, 140, 298–299
Trademarks, 140 walkthrough, 327
traditional markets, 380, 382–383 WANs. See wide area networks
transaction brokers, 388 war driving, 299
transaction cost theory, 89 Warehouse Management System (WMS), 350, 414
Transaction costs, 380 wearable computing devices, 180
transaction fee revenue model, 392 web beacons, 136–137
transaction processing systems (TPS), 46–48 web browsers, 190–192, 196, 267, 277, 309–310, 406
transborder data flow, 571 web bugs, 136–138
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 170, web design, 520
web hosting service, 179
256, 258 web mining, 234–235
transmission media, 261 web search tools, 387
transnational strategy, 574, 576, 578 web server, 136, 169
transnational systems, 575, 578–580 web services, 170, 185, 186
Transnational, 574 WebFOCUS, 514
Transport Layer Security (TLS), 320 weblining, 158
transport layer, 258, 320 website (definition), 271
Trojan horse, 299, 301, 320 WEP. See Wired Equivalent Privacy
Tumblr, 7–8, 305, 388, 397 what-if analysis, 476
tunneling, 271 wide area networks (WANs), 260
tuples, 218–219 Wi-Fi networks, 8, 255, 281, 282, 299
Twitter, 74–75, 182, 277–278, 396–399, 466, 470, 591–592 wikis, 8, 44, 61, 277
two-factor authentication, 318 WiMax, 279, 282, 378
two-tiered client/server architecture, 169 Windows 10, 170, 178
Windows operating system, 169–170, 175, 178, 299
U Wintel PC, 169, 175
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 320
Ubimax, 181 wireless modems, 259
ubiquity, 379–380 wireless sensor networks (WSNs), 282, 284–285
unified communications, 269 Wisdom, 422
unified threat management (UTM), 320

I-15 Indexes Y

wisdom of crowds, 57, 59, 398 Yahoo! Messenger, 267
WMS. See Warehouse Management System Yammer, 41–43, 61, 64, 75–76, 554
WordPress, 277 YouTube, 362
World Intellectual Property Organization Treaty, 141
World Wide Web, 22, 87, 93, 176, 192, 235, Z

264, 267 zero defects, 143, 307
worms, 299–301, 320 zero-day vulnerabilities, 307
WSNs. See wireless sensor networks Zeus Trojan, 302
zombie PCs, 303
X Zoom, 61, 520

XML, 192. See also extensible markup language

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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-519179-8
ISBN-10: 0-13-519179-3


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