For Ages 2+
• Parents Night Out
• Easter Eggstravanza
For School-Aged Kids • Inclusion Services
For Adults
• FOCUS Program (runs
Monday through Thursday
from 9:00am-3:00pm (18+)
• Dances (15+)
• Pizza, Bowling and other
Social Ou ngs (19+)
• Dinner and Games, Dinner
and Movies (15+)
• Inclusion Services
Adapted Sports
• Peoria Wildcats Wheelchair
Special Olympics (8+) • Aqua cs
• Track & Field
Providing access to recreation activities for people with disabilities of all ages.
Join ACCESS Steam!
Are you interested in running in the 2017 Steamboat Classic on June 17, 2017? Are you looking for a training program that’s inclusive of people with disabili es?
ACCESS Steam is an ini a ve that started in 2010 and is designed
to provide an opportunity for individuals with disabili es to experience the Steamboat Classic event.
Illinois Valley Striders has partnered with the Heart of Illinois Special Recrea on Associa on to ensure that its training programs and its event are accessible and inclusive for individuals with physical, cogni ve, developmental, and/or other disabili es and their families. The beauty of this program is that it is designed not only for the individual, but also for their families! Par cipants are paired with mentors to get t in a safe, secure environment and prepare for the 4 Mile Run/Walk or the 2 Mile Fun Run/Walk.
ACCESS Steam will begin training at the beginning of April. For more informa on or to sign up, please contact HISRA at 691-1929.
HISRA believes everyone should have access to recrea on! HISRA provides a variety of recrea on opportuni es within our own programming as well as inclusion services throughout the Peoria Park District. If you or your loved one has a disability and is interested in learning more about accessing anything seen here in the Playbook, please contact HISRA at 691-1929. A member of our professional sta will meet with the par cipant and family to help you nd the best recrea on op ons for you. We work with Peoria Park District sta to supplement sta training, provide consulta on services and program modi ca on and adapta on when appropriate and feasible. HISRA provides all inclusion services at no cost to residents of the Peoria Park District.
As a coopera ve network of four area park districts, HISRA has proudly provided quality recrea on programs and inclusion services for more than 25 years. Trained sta members facilitate and supervise all HISRA programs and ac vi es. Training includes disability awareness, program adapta on, leadership, rst aid, and much, much more.
Heart of Illinois
Special Recreation
A coopera ve extension of the Chillicothe, Morton, Peoria, and Washington Park Districts
8727 N. Pioneer Road, Peoria, IL 61615 Phone: 691-1929 • www.hisra.org
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 99 Register for Classes on Page 122
The original ELITE program was created in 2006 as an 11-week business boot camp for high school sophomores and juniors in three of the four Peoria high schools.
The weekly 1-2 hours in school classes were taught by teams of trained business professionals and community leaders who possessed the moral authority to advise kids on what would and would not work when they were looking to land and keep
a job. Although we presented them with so skills to obtain entry level jobs, that was only the carrot; the real mo ve was to help build character in young people and help mold them into produc ve ci zens and future leaders.
The young people who nish the course and become “ELITE Cer ed” will get the opportunity to apply for meaningful part- me jobs during the ELITE Job Fair. In the past ten years the ELITE Youth Program has provided a vehicle for more than a thousand young people to get jobs. These provide them with spending money, a healthy occupa on of me, and helped them build self-con dence with interviewing techniques and resume wri ng skills for their next job.
What is ELITE?
Ask any of the hundreds of kids that have gone through the ELITE High School Program and they will tell you, “ELITE is maximum e ort.” The ELITE High School Program is a 20-week intensive training program for Peoria area high school students, where they will get cer ed in communica on skills (verbal and non-verbal), resume wri ng, interviewing techniques, proper dress, and posi ve a tude in the workplace as well as in school and at home.
A er the tremendous success of the ELITE
High School Program, law-enforcement and community leaders sought out ELITE to see if the principles we use in the schools would work at community events that were being disrupted by unruly mob behavior.
One of the biggest obstacles would be nding a large enough volunteer base to man those large events. ELITE founder, Carl Cannon, had a light bulb moment. What if he could use ELITE’s concept with men and women, who have “been there and done that” - people that would have the street credibility to deal with this type of behavior.
In the fall of 2011, ELITE entered into a pilot program with the U.S. Department of Jus ce. The original youth training program was adapted
for the work release popula on and o ered to those individuals who were eligible and interested in par cipa ng in what is now the ELITE RE-ENTRY Program. To date more than 90 individuals have graduated from the program. It is a win-win for both the community and the men and women, who are ready to make a fresh start.
The next ELITE RE-ENTRY class will begin July 2017. There is limited sea ng; call 282-1510 to secure your slot.
All Community Outreach presenta ons are age appropriate, with messages for schools as well as community and civic organiza ons. To date, the message of HOPE through the Youth Outreach Department has been delivered na onwide to more than 500,000 people. To nd out more informa on on fees, and to schedule a program for your school, contact an ELITE sta person at 282-1510 or by email at [email protected].
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 100 Register for Classes on Page 122
Workforce Innovation
and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
ELITE is working in conjunc on with Moonlight Coali on to help young people ages 16-24 who are low income and/or school drop-outs, homeless, pregnant or paren ng, who require addi onal assistance to complete an educa on program. Moonlight Coali on is preparing them to earn their GED, while ELITE is conduc ng an accelerated 6-week ELITE program with an emphasis on elimina ng employment barriers.
Call for details on 2017 WIOA classes. For more details on Moonlight Coali on, see page 81.
Gangfree Training
ELITE Compliance O cers are now cer ed to train evidenced-based best prac ces in gang preven on from grades two through high school. This training is an extension of the ELITE Don’t Start Ini a ve.
The vision of GangFree is to prevent young people from joining gangs, with its mission being to eliminate the base of gang membership by having a genera on of young people say “no” to gangs and “yes” to posi ve lifestyles.
Na onwide there are an es mated 31,000 gangs, with a membership of over 850,000. In Peoria there are more than 20 iden ed gangs with more than 500 iden ed gang members.
ELITE is pro-ac vely working to decrease and eventually eliminate gang recruitment of our young people. We encourage other agencies and youth programs to call the ELITE o ce at 282-1510 to schedule your training and to inquire about our fee structure.
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
HRYC Grow Our Own Scholarship Program
Hope Renewed Youth Conference (HRYC) and ELITE Youth Outreach formed a partnership in summer of 2014. While ELITE prepares young people through in-school training, HRYC is an annual 3-day fun- lled educa onal event for youth ages 11-18 that takes place in the month of June in Peoria, IL.
Beginning in 2017, HRYC focus will change from mentoring young people; to providing scholarship support for those young people who commit to returning to Peoria and working in Peoria Public Schools or for the Peoria Police Department for a minimum of 3 years.
The goal is to stop losing the talent once they graduate from college of our young inner-city people of color, as well as to increase the diversity of both the Peoria Public Schools and Peoria Police Department.
For more informa on contact Sherry Cannon at [email protected].
The businesses you see listed here form our “Ring of Hope” and support the Character Ma ers por on of our COP program. Billboards with each business name/logo and a character value are displayed around the RiverPlex Arena. The revenue from these businesses directly funds our Community Outreach Program. Call 282-1510 for details.
Peoria Flag and Decora ng
Keystone Steel & Wire Co.
101 Register for Classes on Page 122
Your generosity can make a difference!
The Peoria Park District Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization
that supports the work of the Peoria Park District, with an emphasis on both the Moonlight Coalition for Adult Learning and the ELITE Youth Outreach programs. The Foundation focuses on enhancing and providing public educational, adult learning, and youth outreach programs and opportunities to the Peoria community, especially those taking place on Peoria Park District property or in connection with Peoria Park District leisure and recreation opportunities.
Your tax-deductible donation can help adults earn their GED, students learn respect and the benefits of hard work, or our youngest citizens learn through play. Donate today!
All donations may be made to: Peoria Park District Foundation 1125 West Lake Avenue Peoria, IL 61614
Have questions on how you can make a difference? Please call Emily at 681-2803.
Open daily dawn to dusk, except during bicycle safety educa on class
(for closures, visit peoriaparks.org/bicycle-safety-town)
This one of a kind learning track, complete with tra c and road signs, provides a great place for younger riders to learn the rules of the road or a safe arena for older, more experienced riders to have fun. The facility has a picnic shelter, a covered bleacher area, family restroom, as well as a paved path which links to the Rock Island Greenway. All bicyclists (toddlers, children, and adults) MUST wear properly ed helmets. Scooters, skateboards, roller skates/roller blades, and motorized equipment are prohibited from the track. Bicycle Safety Town is also available for private shelter rentals at $25/hour.
The Book Court at the Noble Center is your place to nd gently used books and other items at a great price! Open Monday-Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm.
Materials accepted for dona on include: Gently used adult/ children’s paperbacks and hardbacks, audio books, CDs and DVDs, games, and puzzles.Please do not drop o casse es, records, VHS tapes, encyclopedia sets (non-collec ble), or large quan es of magazines. If you are not sure, please call ahead at 681-2681 or email [email protected]. Dona ons are accepted at the Noble Center in the green receptacle or at the loading dock M-F from 7:00am-3:00pm.
The Peoria Park District o ers
gi cards that may be purchased
for use at our Golf Courses,
Aqua c Centers, Peoria PlayHouse
Children’s Museum, Recrea on
Centers, RiverPlex Recrea on &
Wellness Center, Peoria Zoo, Luthy
Botanical Garden, Owens Center, camps, and classes.
The card may be programmed in any amount, i.e., a Golf Pass, a RiverPlex membership, a season of camp, or whatever programs, events, or ac vi es you desire. Gi cards may
be re-loaded for future added convenience. Gi cards are available at most Peoria Park District loca ons. Ask about purchasing one today!
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 102
Register for Classes on Page 122
“The Music Man”
Circa ’21 Dinner Theatre, Rock Island, IL
W 5/10 10:00am-5:45pm Fee: $98 #74667
“Neil Diamond Tribute Show” Annual Girls’ Trip!
Schaumburg, IL
Sa 12/2 Fee: $148
6:00am-9:00pm #74657
Leave the planning and driving to us! Vagabond Tours o ers wonderful day and extended trips all over the region. Call 681-2863 for a detailed catalog
or to be added to our mailing list.
“Escape to Margaritaville”
Oriental Theatre, Chicago, IL
Sa 11/25 7:00am-9:30pm Fee: $178 #78959
“Miracle on 34th Street”
Fireside Dinner Theatre, Ft. Atkinson, WI
Th 5/25 Fee: $112
Cadillac Palace Theatre, Chicago, IL
W 6/28 7:00am-9:30pm Fee: $168 #74671
“Back to the 50s”
Fireside Dinner Theatre, Ft. Atkinson, WI
Sa 7/1 6:00am-9:00pm Fee: $144 #77632
“Snapshot, a Musical Scrapbook”
Circa ’21 Dinner Theatre, Rock Island, IL
W 7/12 10:00am-5:45pm Fee: $98 #74666
Chicago Jazz Festival
Chicago, IL
Su 9/3 8:00am-11:00pm Fee: $64 #78636
“Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”
Circa ’21 Dinner Theatre, Rock Island, IL
W 9/13 10:00am-5:45pm Fee: $98 #74668
“Elvis Lives”
Fireside Dinner Theatre, Ft. Atkinson, WI
Sa 10/7 6:00am-9:00pm Fee: $144 #77630
7:00am-8:30pm #77904
“Escape to Margaritaville”
Oriental Theatre, Chicago, IL
Sa 12/2 Fee: $168
7:00am-9:30pm #78960
“Beautiful, The Carole King Story”
Cadillac Palace Theatre, Chicago, IL
Sa 12/9 Fee: $182
7:00am-9:30pm #77927
“Beautiful, The Carole King Story”
Cadillac Palace Theatre, Chicago, IL
Sa 12/30 Fee: $186
7:00am-9:30pm #77928
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
Register for Classes on Page 122
Springfield Resale Shopping
Chicago White Sox vs Chicago Cubs
Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL
Tu 7/25 7:00am-9:30pm Fee: $136 #78008
Arlington International Racecourse
Arlington Heights, IL
Th 7/27 8:00am-9:00pm Fee: $58/$120 #77953
Tuscola Outlet Mall
Tuscola, IL
Sa 7/29 8:00am-5:30pm Fee: $30 #77958
Chicago Bears Training Camp
Bourbonnais, IL
F 8/4 6:30am-8:00pm Fee: $58 #77999
Washington Nationals vs Chicago Cubs
Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL
Sa 8/5 7:00am-9:30pm Fee: $136 #78009
Stitches Expo Midwest
Schaumburg, IL
Sa 8/5 7:00am-8:30pm Fee: $72 #78951
“Mother Road Memories” Route 66
Joliet, IL
Tu 8/8 7:30am-7:00pm Fee: $124 #78638
“Field of Dreams Ghost Comedy Show”
Dyersville, IA
Su 8/13 6:30am-9:00pm Fee: $94 #77950
Illinois State Fair Senior Day
Springfield, IL
M 8/14 8:30am-5:30pm Fee: $34 #78928
Josephine’s Gift Shop & Lunch
Godfrey, IL
W 6/7 Fee: $60
8:00am-6:30pm #77949
Central West End Home &Garden Tour
St. Louis, MO
Su 6/11 Fee: $82
7:00am-8:00pm #77994
Springfield, IL
Tu 5/16 Fee: $28
7:00am-6:15pm #78002
Chicago Architecture Cruise
Chicago, IL
W 6/14 7:00am-9:00pm Fee: $94 #78635
Galena Visit in June
Galena, IL
Sa 6/17 7:00am-9:00pm Fee: $56 #77926
Grafton Ziplining
Grafton, IL
Th 6/22 7:30am-7:00pm Fee: $125 #77991
Choice of Museum Drop-Offs
Chicago, IL
Sa 6/24 Fee: $58
6:30am-9:30pm #77918
Historic Pullman Garden Tea & Tour
Chicago, IL
Sa 6/24 Fee: $100
7:00am-7:30pm #77975
Pittsburgh Pirates vs Chicago Cubs
Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL
Sa 7/8 12:00pm-1:00am Fee: $134 #78006
St. Louis Art Museum, Zoo, or Shopping Hummingbird Haven
St. Louis, MO
Sa 7/15 Fee: $58
6:45am-9:30pm #77972
Smithfield, IL
W 8/23 8:30am-5:30pm Fee: $30 #78930
Arlington International Racecourse
Arlington Heights, IL
Th 9/21 8:00am-9:00pm Fee: $58/$120 #77954
St. Louis Cardinals vs Chicago Cubs
Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL
F 7/21 7:00am-9:00pm Fee: $136 #78007
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
104 Register for Classes on Page 122
Washington, DC and Mt. Vernon, VA
Washington, DC and Mt. Vernon, VA
Th-W 5/18-5/24 8:00am-8:00pm Fee: $759 dbl* #74627
Virginia Beach, Colonial Williamsburg & Historic Norfolk, VA
Virginia Beach, Norfolk, VA
Su-M 5/28-6/3 8:00am-6:00pm Fee: $889 dbl* #77908
The Real Housewives of Indiana Amish Country
Door County and Washington Island
Su-W 8/27-8/30 Fee: $598 dbl*
6:30am-8:00pm #78000
Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills
South Dakota
Su-Sa 8/27-9/2 Fee: $759 dbl*
8:00am-8:00pm #74632
Legendary Blue Danube Cruise
Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Germany & Czech Republic
Shipshewana, IN
Tu-F 6/13-6/16 Fee: $599 dbl*
W-Sa 9/6-9/16 Fee: $3,899 dbl*
8:00am-8:00pm #74683
6:30am-7:00pm #77906
Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard
Sa-Su 6/17-6/25 8:00am-8:00pm Fee: $895 dbl* #74629
Trans-Canada Rail Adventure
M-Sa 6/26-7/8 5:00am-7:00pm Fee: $4,999 dbl* #74647
Colorado’s High-Mountain Railroads
Th-Sa 7/13-7/22 7:00am-7:00pm Fee: $2,099 dbl* #74636
Pigeon Forge and Smoky Mountains
Show Trip
Su-Sa 7/16-7/22 Fee: $659 dbl*
8:00am-6:00pm #74631
Mackinac Island and Frankenmuth
Hot Air Balloons and Amana Colonies
Sa-W 9/9-9/13 Fee: $1,126 dbl*
7:00am-8:00pm #77633
Amana Colonies, IA
W-Th 8/2-8/3 Fee: $218 dbl*
7:00am-6:00pm #77973
A Week in New York City
Pacific Coast Journey featuring Oregon’s Coast and San Francisco
Pacific Coast
Sa-Su 8/12-8/20 7:00am-8:00pm Fee: $2,889 dbl* #74681
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
New York City, NY
Tu-M 9/12-9/18 Fee: $2,699 dbl*
6:00am-8:00pm #78637
*CALL FOR SINGLE AND TRIPLE RATES 105 Register for Classes on Page 122
New York City: The Big Apple
Irish Splendor - Eight Days
W-W 11/1-11/8 8:00am-6:00pm Fee: $2,499 dbl* #74687
Hawaiian Islands, Four Islands
W-Th 11/1-11/16 8:00am-8:00pm Fee: $3,348 dbl* #74688
New Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana
New York City, NY
Th-W 9/14-9/20 Fee: $799 dbl*
8:00am-6:00pm #74633
Branson in September
Branson, MO
Th-Su 9/21-9/24 Fee: $588 dbl*
8:00am-6:00pm #78639
Discover Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria
Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria
Th-Sa 9/21-9/30 11:00am-8:00pm Fee: $3,799 dbl* #74684
Noah’s Ark Encounter & Creation Museum
Su-Sa 11/5-11/11 Fee: $699 dbl*
8:00am-6:00pm #74624
Ohio and Kentucky
M-F 9/25-9/29 Fee: $599 dbl*
8:00am-6:00pm #77945
W-F 11/15-11/17 Fee: $398 dbl*
7:00am-6:00pm #77996
Lancaster, Philadelphia & Gettysburg
Biltmore Estate and Asheville,
North Carolina
North Carolina
Su-F 11/26-12/1 8:00am-6:00pm
Su-Sa 10/1-10/7 Fee: $779 dbl*
8:00am-6:00pm #77948
Fee: $575 dbl*
French Lick Resort and West Baden
Fall Foliage in Maine
Sa-Su 10/7-10/15 Fee: $979 dbl*
Costa Rica
Costa Rica
W-W 10/11-10/18 Fee: $2,679 dbl*
8:00am-6:00pm #74634
8:00am-8:00pm #74682
Classic Italy by Rail
M-W 10/16-10/25 8:00am-6:00pm Fee: $4,299 dbl* #74685
Highlight of Spain
Sa-Tu 10/21-10/31 8:00am-6:00pm Fee: $3,999 dbl* #74686
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
*CALL FOR SINGLE AND TRIPLE RATES 106 Register for Classes on Page 122
For Kids Who LOVE Animals
Paws to Read
Read your favorite stories to an adoring dog friend!
Children will be partnered with therapy dogs to read just for fun!
6/3 • Barnes & Noble Bookstore • 1 pm
6/13 • Morton Library • 3 pm
6/17 • Fondulac Library • 1 pm
6/24 • Peoria Public Library, McClure • 10 am 7/8 • Dunlap Library • 11 am
7/11 • Sunnyland Library • 6:30 pm
Animals Aloud Story Time
Tuesday: June 20 at 2 pm
Join in the fun at the Peoria Humane Society’s story time! Animal stories, coloring pages, snacks, crafts and fun learning about animal friends are all part of our story time.
Animal Welfare Camp
for High Schoolers
June 26-30 • 9 am-12 pm • $40
Lessons in animal protection, guest speakers, eld trips and spending time caring for shelter animals.
Kids & Cri ers Camps June 12-16: 5th & 6th grade June 19-23: 7th & 8th grade 9:00 am-12:00 pm • $40 Lessons in responsible pet care, spending time caring for shelter animals, guest speakers, eld trips and other activities to help shelter animals.
Education Center • 2600 NE Perry Avenue Call 672-2447 to register • www.peoriahs.org
Peoria: (309) 690-3368Washington: (309) 694-3368www.justkidzdentistry.com
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 107 Register for Classes on Page 122
16 33
46 11
24 23
48 22
27 42
17 14
22. 23. 24. 25.
Detweiller Golf Course: 8412 N. Galena Rd, 692-7518 Kellogg Golf Course: 7716 Radnor Rd., 691-0293 Learning Center, Golf: 7815 N. Radnor Rd, 690-7162 Madison Golf Course: 2735 W. Dr. ML. King Jr. Dr.,
Newman Golf Course: 2021 W. Nebraska, 674-1663
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
8. 9.
10. 11. 12.
13. 14.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Bicycle Safety Town: 6518 N. Sheridan, 682-6684 Bradley Park: 1500 N. Park Road
Central Park Pool: 415 W. Richmond, 686-3370 Corn Stock Theatre: in Bradley Park (#2), 676-2196 Detweiller Park: 8327 N. Galena Rd.
Detweiller Marina: foot of Caroline St., 673-6523 Forest Park Nature Center: 5809 Forest Park Dr., 686-3360
Franciscan Rec Complex & Park: 908 Sterling Ave., 677-6705
Galena Marina: 8414 N. Galena Rd.
Glen Oak Park: 2218 N. Prospect Rd.
Glen Oak Amphitheatre: in Glen Oak Park (#9), 681-2851
Gwynn, John/Park & Aqua cs: 807 W. Second, 676-2891
Heart of Illinois Special Rec: 8727 N. Pioneer Rd., 691-1929
Lakeview Park: Intersec on of Lake & University Lakeview Family Aqua c Center: in Lakeview
Park (#12), 686-3377
Lakeview Recrea on Center: in Lakeview Park (#12) Logan Rec Center: in Logan Park (#37), 676-8179 Luthy Botanical Garden: in Glen Oak Park (#9), 686-3362
Mossville Soccer Complex: Old Galena Rd.
Noble Center: in Lakeview Park (#12)
Northmoor Observatory: at Donovan Park (#33) Northtrail Park: 1621 W. Meadowview Dr.
Owens Center: in Lakeview Park (#12), 686-3369 Peoria Players Theatre: in Lakeview Park (#12), 688-4473
Peoria Zoo: in Glen Oak Park (#9), 686-3365
Proctor Recrea on Center: 309 S. DuSable,
Registra on O ces: in Lakeview park (#12), 688-3667 RiverPlex: 600 N.E. Water St., 282-1700
Robinson Park: 2825 Mossville Rd.
Rolling River Playground: adjacent to RiverPlex Sommer Park: 6329 Koerner Rd., Edwards, 691-8423 Trewyn Park: 2219 S. Idaho, 637-3211
Wokanda, Camp: 620 Boy Scout Rd., Chillicothe, 579-2157
2 3 43
7 415 25 35 44
27. Becker Park: 3400 W. Woodhill Lane
28. Bielfeldt Park: 5906 N. Galena Rd.
29. Charter Oak Park: 5802 Orange Prairie Rd.
30. Chartwell Park: 2828 Willow Lake Rd.
31. Columbia Park: 300 McClure
32. Creighton Woods Park: o of Creighton Ter. 33. Donovan Park: 5805 N. Knoxville, 691-8361 34. Endres Park: 5100 Willard Rd.
35. Giant Oak Park: 426 W. High St.
36. Iris Park: Intersec on of Allen & Northmoor 37. Logan Park: 1414 S. Livingston, 676-8179
38. Manning Park: o of Queen Court Rd.
39. Markwoodland Park: 6001 N. Frostwood Pkwy 40. Mar n Luther King Jr. Park: 825 W. McBean 41. Morton Square Park: 901 N.E. Monroe
42. Schmoeger Park: 3400 N. Western
43. Woodru Park: foot of Grant St.
44. Cons tu on Garden: located along RiverFront 45. Grandview Drive
46. North End – PPD Rock Island Greenway
47. Fes val Park at the RiverFront
48. RiverFront Trail / Bike Path
37 20
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 108
Register for Classes on Page 122
10 4716 40 48 18
Walking &/or Biking Trails Public Restrooms Shelter
Picnic Table(s) Playground Food/Concessions Retail Shop
Birthday Par es Pets Welcome Dog Park Garden(s) FootGolf
Disc Golf
Tennis Courts Pickleball Basketball Court Baseball Field Soccer Field Camping Swimming Splash Pad
Sand Volleyball Volleyball Fishing
Canoe Launch Sled Hill Skateboard Area Ice Ska ng Cricket Pitch Amphitheater
Public stewards of nearly 9,000 acres of park and greenspace and another 185 buildings, the Park District’s mission is
“To enrich life in our community through stewardship of the environment and the provision of quality recreational and leisure opportunities.” To learn more, please visit peoriaparks.org.
Facility Name Becker Park
Loca on 3401 W. Woodhill
Phone Number all (309)
Bicycle Safety Town Bielfeldt Park
Bradley Park
Camp Wokanda Charter Oak Park Chartwell Park Columbia Park Creighton Woods Park Detweiller Golf Course Detweiller Marina Detweiller Park Donovan Park
6518 North Sheridan Road 5906 N. Galena Road, Peo. Hts. 1317 N. Park Road
620 E. Boy Scout Rd. Chillicothe 5802 N. Orange Prairie Rd. 2828 Willow Lake Rd
300 McClure
Creighton Terrace
8412 N. Galena Road
#2 Caroline Street
8327 North Galena Road (Route 29) 5805 N. Knoxville Ave.
5100 North Willard Road
5809 N. Forest Park Drive, Peo. Hts. 908 Sterling Avenue, West Peoria 200 NE Water Street Hamilton/Madison Ave.
426 W. High Street
2218 North Prospect Road 7815 N. Radnor Road
3210 Grand View Drive
809 W. John H. Gwynn Ave. 809 W. John H. Gwynn Ave. 7716 N. Radnor Road
7999 W. Southport Road
*** ***
** ***
Endres Park
Forest Park Nature Center Franciscan Recrea on Complex Gateway Building
Gen. Shalikashvili Park
Giant Oak Park
Glen Oak Park
Golf Learning Center
Grand View Drive
Gwynn Family Aqua c Center John H. Gwynn Jr. Park
Kellogg Golf Course
Kinsey Park
682-6684 * 682-6684 * 682-6684 * * 682-6684 * * 579-2157 * 682-6684 * 682-6684 * 682-6684 * 682-6684 692-7518 * 673-6523 * 682-6684 * * 682-6684 * * 682-6684 686-3360 * * 677-6705 * 494-6713 682-6684 682-6684 682-6684 * * 690-7612 * 682-6684 * * 676-2891 682-6684 * * 691-0293 * 682-6684 *
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Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 109 Register for Classes on Page 122
Walking &/or Biking Trails Public Restrooms Shelter Picnic Table(s) Playground Food/Concessions Retail Shop Rentals Birthday Par es Pets Welcome? Dog Park Garden(s) FootGolf Disc Golf Tennis Courts Pickleball Basketball Court Baseball Field Soccer Field Camping Swimming Splash Pad/Spray Element Sand Volleyball Volleyball Fishing Canoe Launch Sled Hill Skateboard Area Ice Ska ng
Cricket Pitch Amphitheater
Lakeview Recrea on Center Lakeview Park
Logan Recrea on Center/Park Luthy Botanical Garden Madison Golf Course Manning Park Markwoodlands Park
1013 W. Lake Avenue 1917 W. Lake Avenue 1414 S. Livingston
2520 N. Prospect Rd. 2735 W. Dr. MLK Jr. Drive 1300 W. Queens Court Road 6001 N. Frostwood Parkway 825 W. McBean
681-2867 682-1200 676-8179 686-3362 673-7161 682-6684 682-6684 682-6684 682-6684
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Mar n Luther King Jr. Park Morton Square Park Mossville Soccer Complex Newman Golf Course Noble Center
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Northtrail Park
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Owens Recrea on Center
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Peoria PlayHouse
Peoria RiverFront
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Peoria Zoo
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Proctor Recrea on Center
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RiverPlex Recrea on & Wellness Center
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Robinson Park
Rocky Glen Park
Schmoeger Park
Sommer Park (Rental Only) Sommer Park North (Public) Stadium Park
400 West Mossville Road Kickapoo Creek Road
3400 North Western Avenue 6329 N. Koerner Rd, Edwards 6600 N. Basket Oak Dr., Edwards 500 E. Lake Avenue
682-6684 682-6684 682-6684 691-8423 682-6684 682-6684 418-7051 682-6684 682-6684
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Tawny Oaks Field Sta on Trewyn Park
Vicary Bo oms
715 W. Singing Woods Rd, Edelstein 2219 South Idaho
Kickapoo Creed Road
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Facility Name
Loca on
Phone Number all (309)
901 NE Monroe
12026 N. Old Galena Rd, Chillicothe 2021 W. Nebraska Avenue 1125 W. Lake Avenue
1621 W. Meadowview Dr, Dunlap 1019 W. Lake Avenue
2218 N. Prospect
200 NE Water
2320 N. Prospect
309 South DuSable
600 NE Water Street
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674-1663 682-1200 682-6684 686-3368 323-6900 689-3019 686-3365 673-9183 282-1700
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Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 110 Register for Classes on Page 122
There are many opportunities to volunteer with the Peoria Park District! Find more information on the events listed below in their Playbook sections, or contact the PPD Volunteer department at 681-2827 or [email protected]. Sign up online at peoriaparks.org under the Join Our Team Section.
Adult Maker Night • 5/6
Peoria PlayHouse • 6:30-10:00pm
Zoo ni • 5/11
Peoria Zoo • 4:00-9:30pm
Clyde West Fishing Derby • 5/20 Glen Oak Lagoon • 8:00am-3:00pm
Barnyard Bash • 6/11
Peoria PlayHouse • 11:30am-5:00pm
Juneteenth • 6/18
Proctor Recrea on Center • 3:30-6:00pm
Fireworks Spectacular • 7/3 Glen Oak Park • 3:00-11:00pm
Camp Wokanda 80th Anniversary • 7/15-7/16 Camp Wokanda • Times TBA
Fiesta en el Rio • 7/29
Peoria RiverFront • 2:00-10:30pm
National Night Out • 8/1
Proctor Recreation Center • 5:00-8:00pm
Soul Fest • 8/4-8/5
Peoria RiverFront • 3:00-10:00pm
India Fest • 8/5
Peoria RiverFront • 3:00-10:00pm
Adult Maker Night • 8/19 Peoria PlayHouse • 6:30-10:00pm
Erin Feis • 8/25-8/27
Peoria RiverFront • Times TBA
PNC Worldwide Day of Play • 9/9 Glen Oak Park • 10:00am-3:00pm
Peoria Oktoberfest • 9/15-9/17 Peoria RiverFront • Times TBA
Peoria Art Guild Fine Arts Fair • 9/23-9/24 Peoria RiverFront • Times TBA
Zoo La La • 9/23
Peoria Zoo • 4:30-11:00pm
Be Anything • 9/24
Peoria PlayHouse • Times TBA
Tot Time • Wednesdays, 5/3-8/16 Peoria PlayHouse • 10:00am
Girls are Powerful • 6/22
Proctor Recreation Center • 5:30-8:00pm
Rock Climbing Adventure • 7/20 Proctor Center/RiverPlex • 5:00-8:30pm
Remote Controlled Car Skills Course • 7/14 Logan Recreation Center • 6:00-8:00pm
Kids Workshops • 6/24, 7/22, 8/19 Peoria PlayHouse • 1:30-4:00pm
Zoofest • 5/27
Peoria Zoo • 10:30-2:00pm
Luke, I am your Father’s Day • 6/11 Peoria Zoo • 10:30-2:00pm
Superhero Weekend • 7/22-7/23 Peoria Zoo • 10:30-2:00pm
Back to School Day • 8/12 Peoria Zoo • 10:30-2:00pm
Multicultural Day • 8/20 Peoria Zoo • 10:30-2:00pm
Celebrate Peoria • 5/21, 7/9, 8/13 Peoria PlayHouse • 11:30am- 5:00pm
Family Workshops • 6/3, 7/8, 8/5 Peoria PlayHouse • 2:00-4:00pm
Makey Makey Member Night • 8/17 Peoria PlayHouse • 3:30-7:00pm
Family Flicks • 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31
Glen Oak Amphitheatre • 7:30-10:00pm
Civil War Spring Drill • 5/6-5/7 Sommer Park • 9:00am-4:00pm
WWII Comes Alive • 6/3-6/4 Sommer Park • 9:00am-4:00pm
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
111 Register for Classes on Page 122
Zoo Run Run • 8/26 Peoria Zoo • 7:00am
47th Annual Turkey Trot • 11/19 Detweiller Park • 12:30-2:30pm
Summer Pain ng Class • 5/30, 8/26 Camp Wokanda • 12:00-3:00pm
CCT’s Annual Drama Festival • 5/6 Noble Center • 10:00am-4:00pm
Camp Wokanda’s “The Tempest” • 6/9-6/11 Camp Wokanda • Times TBA
CCT’s “The Lion King” • 7/6-79 Peoria Players’ Theater • Times TBA
Camp re Stories • 5/20 Camp Wokanda • 6:30-9:00pm
Nature Nuts • 6/7, 7/5, 8/10 Camp Wokanda • 5:30-9:00pm
Night Paddle & Campfire Dinner • 5/27, 6/24, 8/5 Camp Wokanda • 9:30-11:00pm
Spring Planting • 5/16
Camp Wokanda • 9:00am and 1:00pm
Hummingbird & Bee Pollinator Festival • 8/12 Sommer Park • 9:00am
Springdale Savanna Workday • 5/3, 5/17, 5/20, 6/3, 6/7, 7/28
Springdale Cemetery • 9:00am-12:00pm or 1:00-4:00pm
Garlic Mustard Pull • 5/6, 5/13, 5/17, 5/20
Camp Wokanda, Forest Park Nature Center, Tawny Oaks 9:00-10:30am or 10:00am-1:00pm
Rocky Glen Hill Prairie Workday • 5/21, 6/18, 7/16, 8/13
Rocky Glen • 9:00-12:00pm
Pollinator Garden Workday • 7/25, 8/29 Forest Park Nature Center • 10:00-11:30am
Oak Woods Workday • 8/5, 9/30 Tawny Oaks • 9:00-11:30am
Singing Woods Prairie • 9/7, 10/19 Tawny Oaks • 9:00am - 11:30am
Robinson Park Hill Prairie Workday • 9/14 Mossville Road South Parking Lot • 9:00-11:30am
Forest Park Hill Prairie • 9/21
Forest Park Nature Center • 9:00am - 11:30am
Detweiller Park • 9/28
Detweiller Park • 9:00am - 11:30am
Donovan Park •10/5
Donovan Park • 9:00am - 11:30am
Camp Wokanda Hill Prairie • 10/12 Camp Wokanda • 9:00am - 11:30am
Tawny Oaks Prairie • 10/26 Tawny Oaks • 9:00am - 11:30am
Illinois River Sweep • 9/16
Forest Park Nature Center • 9:00am - 12:00pm
Vegetation Monitoring Workshop • 5/25 Tawny Oaks • 10:00am - 12:00pm
Invasive Species Workshop • 6/1 Tawny Oaks • 10:00am - 12:00pm
Butterfly Monitoring Workshop • 6/15 Tawny Oaks • 10:00am - 12:00pm
Prescribed Fire Training Workshop • 6/15 Tawny Oaks • 10:00am - 3:00pm
Prairie Seed Collection Workshop • 9/30, 10/28 Tawny Oaks • 1:00-3:00pm
Weedy Wednesdays • 6/7-9/27 Luthy Botanical Garden • 5:30-7:00pm
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 112
Register for Classes on Page 122
Youth Baseball, Basketball and Soccer coaches are needed this winter and spring. See the SPORTS & FITNESS Sec on for descrip ons. Call 681-2867.
Environmental Facilities
Peoria Wilds Restora on - Volunteers remove woody brush, collect and sow seed, monitor vegeta on and more.
Forest Park Nature Center - Volunteers (ages 16+) needed for trail maintenance. Hike the trails, keep them clean and stay on the lookout for regula on viola ons.
W.H. Sommer Park - Volunteer opportuni es in Woodland Stewardship, Rental Hos ng, Gardening, and Woodworking/ Carpenter. For ages 14+.
Camp Wokanda - Ready to get your hands dirty for a good cause? The trails around Camp Wokanda would greatly appreciate your me and energy with mulching, pruning, mowing, grounds maintenance, development and more! Camp Wokanda is also looking for volunteers to instruct or assist with a variety of new outdoor educa onal programs, such as nature hikes, orienteering and backpacking, and much more.
Heart of Illinois Special Recreation
Call 691-1929 if you are interested in being an ongoing volunteer or volunteering for special events.
Moonlight Coalition
Help students earn their GED! Call Hedy at 673-9183. Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
Peoria Zoo
Adult Opportuni es (ages 18+) include:
• Interpreters: An exci ng opportunity for those who love
animals! Volunteers are sta oned at exhibits and talk to the public about animals, answering any ques ons they may have.
• Assistant Zookeeper: Shi s from 10:000am-1:00pm.
A great opportunity to work with animal environments. Volunteers assist in the cleaning of animal displays, windows, oors and other items as necessary.
• Animal Handlers: Love working with animals? Then
this is the perfect opportunity! Volunteers learn how to handle and present selected educa on animals to use in programs and during talks at the Zoo.
Luthy Botanical Garden
Come volunteer at the Garden and learn new skills, meet great people, help beau fy the grounds and have fun at the same me. Volunteers are needed year-round and gardening experience is not necessary. We also have opportuni es with educa on, special event planning and grant wri ng. Call the Volunteer Coordinator, at 681-2827 for more informa on.
Golf Courses
Golf Course Volunteers at Madison, Newman and Kellogg Golf Courses. 25 Volunteers (ages 21+) needed at each course. Volunteers may enjoy incen ves such as waived fees, free course plans and more. Du es include:
• Tracking pace of play and monitoring rule compliance
• Addressing necessary course needs
• Maintaining full water coolers around the course • Preparing Golf Carts between players
• Assis ng in the pro shops and handling customer
113 Register for Classes on Page 122
Proctor and Logan Rec Centers
Help with our a er-school programs! Call Proctor at 673-9183 or Logan at 676-8179.
Logan Recreation Center
Logan Center is looking for people that could help others nd a job by helping them develop a resume, search for jobs and prac ce interviews on Tuesdays from 1-2 pm each week.
Book Court
Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum
To apply for all PlayHouse volunteer opportuni es, visit peoriaplayhouse.org/get-involved. Call 323-6893 for more informa on.
Volunteer at the PlayHouse to help kids become explorers and creators of the world! Scheduling is exible! Volunteers (ages 14 and up) can support the PlayHouse and engage with our visitors in the following ways:
• Real Tools:
Assist and instruct safe tool use techniques in the
Real Tools exhibit as kids use hammers, saws, drills,
and other tools to create and build. Volunteers in this posi on should be comfortable with basic carpentry tools and interested in working with children in a hands- on capacity.
• Field Trips:
Volunteers assist Educa on Department sta in welcoming classes to the museum and leading an interac ve, hands-on ac vity. Field trips are booked during regular open hours on weekdays and range in length from 2 to 3 hours.
• Special Events and Programs:
The PlayHouse hosts a variety of kid and family workshops, as well as special programs and events!
Volunteer Open House!
The mission of the PlayHouse is to help children become explorers and creators of the world. Join us Tuesday, May 23 from 5:00-6:30pm to explore our exhibits and learn about volunteer opportuni es at the PlayHouse to help us achieve our mission! FREE, but advanced registra on is required by Friday, May 19. For ages 18+
1415 W. Forrest Hill • Peoria
Thank you to Nena for sponsoring
100 Bluebird Nesting Boxes in select
Peoria Park District Parks!
Volunteers are needed to interact with the public, make change, and love books. Volunteers may sit and read/ work at a desk when no one is there. Can’t volunteer on a regular basis? Subs tutes are needed Monday through Friday from 8:30 am-12:30 pm and 12:30-4:30 pm. Volunteers ages 18+ are needed to sort, price, stack and box books from 9 am-1 pm on weekdays.
Proud to Support the Peoria Park District
Federally Insured by NCUA
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 114
Register for Classes on Page 122
Camp Wokanda: 579-2157
Camp Wokanda o ers rentals for family or group camping, weddings, day camps, and social gatherings. The camp, complete with dining hall, cabins, program buildings and tent camping sites, o ers rental op ons seven days a week. Did you know you can rent THE WHOLE CAMP FOR ONE GREAT PRICE?! Call the Camp for pricing.
Gateway Building: 494-6713
The Gateway Building has
become Peoria’s premiere
facility, located directly on
the RiverFront. It houses
two rooms speci cally
designed for a variety of
uses. The Grand Ballroom
holds a maximum of 290
guests banquet style, or 440
guests theater style. The
full-length walkout balcony o ers an array of views along the beau ful Illinois River. The second oor seats up to 90 guests banquet style, or 140 guests theater style. Call 494-6713 or email [email protected] to set up an appointment.
Lakeview Recreation Center:
681-2867 or 681-2866
Lakeview Recrea on Center features several opportuni es for your group’s next event
including a gymnasium with two basketball courts (wood oor) and three carpeted mul -purpose rooms varying in size. Fees will vary depending on space, event type and length.
Luthy Botanical Garden: 686-3362
You can select one of six areas for your event: the Conservatory (an indoor venue that can accommodate up to 75 people), Woodland Garden, Crab Apple Cove, Wildlife Garden, The Learning Circle or The Rose Garden
(all located outside). Some areas are able to accommodate up to 300 people. Evening weddings are available during our annual oral shows. Dates vary year-to-year, so please con rm. Call for details or stop by the Garden Shop for more informa on.
Trewyn Park: 682-6684
The Pavilion in Trewyn Park is indoor rental: ADA accessible hall on second oor, holds 100; includes air condi oning, kitchen, long tables and folding chairs. Handicapped spaces in parking lot. Doors leading into hall from ramped access are 28 inches wide. Restrooms are ADA accessible. No alcoholic beverages permi ed. Arrival/departure me must be preset.
• Under 50 people: $40/hour, 50 people or more: $75/ hour (includes security)
• $150 deposit
• Not available to rent on
Camping Rentals:
Dining Hall (capacity: 250)
Over 4,000 sq. . facility for large groups. Tables, chairs, benches, restrooms, kitchen and Iroquois cabin are included in rental. Available: Spring, Summer & Fall $800/weekday (8:00am - 12:00pm), $1400/weekend (Friday 8:00am-Sunday 12:00 pm).
Ridge cabins - 20 capacity - $135 per weekend Valley cabins - 12 capacity - $95 per weekend Small tent sites - 20 capacity - $20 per night Large tent sites - 50 capacity - $40 per night
O.A. Lodge (capacity: 75)
A quaint older building with high wood walls and ceilings and two wood stoves. Kitchen use, restrooms, tables and chairs are included in the basic rental. Sleeps 18 in upper room. Available: Year-round $220/24 hrs. The O.A. Lodge is also available for special events such as weddings, retreats, and more. The charge for these occasions is $350/24 hrs.
Forest Park Nature Center: 686-336O
Our beau ful “A” frame building adds rus c charm to events at an a ordable price. With sea ng for up to 80 people plus audio-visual equipment, rentals start at $50/hour with a minimum of three hours.
Franciscan Recreation Complex: 677-67O5
Clubs, groups and families can
rent out any part or all of FRC for mee ngs, showers, weddings or other special events. Fees will vary depending on a endance and
the length of the event. Our large carpeted room features an a ached kitchen and 8-foot tables with chairs.
Logan Center:
Logan Center features lighted basketball courts, a soccer eld, two picnic pavilions, playground equipment, indoor lounge with cable TV, VCR and DVD, computer availability and a mul -purpose indoor recrea on area. Rental Fee: $35/hour to rent the en re facility.
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
115 Register for Classes on Page 122
Noble Center: 688-3667
The Noble Center Auditorium is available for wedding recep ons, anniversary par es, conferences and more. The facility can seat 300 theatre style or 250 banquet style.
Glen Oak Amphitheatre: 681-2854
With a full sound system, two- er stage, park bench sea ng for over 500 and lawn sea ng for many more, we can help make your event stand out. We even have
a concession stand to help feed all those hungry visitors! Call for addi onal details!
Peoria Zoo: 681-3519
At the Zambezi River Lodge you see a panoramic scene of Africa!. The Lodge is surrounded by a smaller, open-air pavilion and courtyard. The Lodge provides a complementary recep on site for many outdoor weddings held at Luthy Botanical Garden next door. This space is
ideal for weddings, recep ons, corporate ou ngs, class reunions and fundraisers. One of the most unique loca ons for a wedding and recep on in Central Illinois.
The Lodge can accommodate up to 200 guests. By combining the areas available, we have hosted events for up to 1200 guests. Call (309) 681-3519 or email [email protected] to arrange your tour today. Now also booking for wedding showers!
Proctor Center: 673-9183
Proctor Center has an auditorium, two gyms, a full kitchen and a stage with plenty of tables and chairs. Prices range from $20-$50 an hour with half hour free set up me. Deposit must be made 1 week in advance.
RiverPlex: 282-17OO
Book your next event at the RiverPlex! We have several di erent areas to choose from:
CLASSROOMS: The RiverPlex o ers three expandable classrooms
with sea ng for up to 120 people, providing a nice escape from the o ce for o -site mee ngs or programs. Tables, chairs and kitchen access are available. Rates range from $25-$75/ hour.
THE ARENA: With 18,000
square feet, the arena includes three basketball courts with par ons, bleachers with sea ng
for up to 300, accessible restrooms and locker rooms, as well as two separate entrances. Hourly rates depend on group size and range from $60/hour per court to $165/hour for the full Arena.
Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum:
Rent the Peoria PlayHouse Children’s Museum! A full museum rental is for a minimum of 3 hours, including set-up and clean-up. $300/hour with a 25% deposit due at me of booking.
Need a family friendly venue as
a se ng for a fundraiser for your non-pro t or school organiza on? The PlayHouse o ers special rates for full museum rentals for
these groups.
We o er reasonable room rental rates for baby showers, o ce mee ngs, and more! Call for more informa on.
Please note, room rentals do not include admission to the museum’s exhibits.
Sommer Park: 691-8423
Sommer Park is the ideal se ng for your group’s ou ng, whether it’s a wedding, company picnic or family reunion. Enjoy a rural, peaceful atmosphere within the city with open space to have a re to cook your own hotdogs and s’mores. Groups may obtain permission to
supply their own beer and wine. Hourly rates from $25-$50. Call to learn about our Prairie Shelter, Woodland Shelter, Porch or Fire Circle.
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 116
Register for Classes on Page 122
Shelter reserva ons must be made in person at the Noble Center (1125 W. Lake Ave., Peoria IL, 61614). Payment is due in full at the me of the reserva on. Valid driver’s license or state ID required.
Dates may be reserved by phone by contac ng the Noble Center at 682-1200. This will reserve the desired date for two business days. If, a er the two business days, payment has not been made in full and a valid ID has not been provided, the date will be opened back up to the public.
2., 3.
1. Detweiller Park Moose Shelter
Non-ADA accessible shelter: seats 150, has 5 grills, electricity and water. Located at south end of park. Non-ADA accessible restrooms located approximately 168 feet across grass from shelter. Two designated parking spaces in front of shelter. Access to the shelter is across approximately 85 feet of grass. Playground close by.
2. Detweiller Park Pine Shelter and
3. Dogwood Shelter
ADA accessible, iden cal shelters that are adjacent to each other: each seat 50, have 2 grills, electricity and water. Located in middle of park. ADA accessible restrooms located approximately 375 feet across asphalt parking lot. Two designated parking spaces in front. Playground close by.
4. Glen Oak Park Shelter
ADA accessible shelter; seats 96: has 6 grills, electricity (lights up in evening) and water. Located across from Glen Oak Pavilion. ADA accessible restrooms located by using accessible sidewalk. Parking available on street/no designated parking spaces by shelter. Access provided by asphalt walkway. Playground and ball diamond close by. Extra tables can be moved for $5/table ($25 minimum). Guests may move tables as long as they are returned to original posi ons.
5. Bradley Park Shelter
ADA accessible shelter: seats 150, has 3 grills, electricity and water. ADA accessible restrooms located 100 feet across asphalt parking lot. Two designated parking spaces in front of asphalt walk that leads to shelter. Playground, tennis courts and sand volleyball courts are close by and may be reserved for a fee by calling 688-3667.
6. Robinson Park Shelter
ADA accessible shelter: seats 75, has 3 grills, electricity (lights up in evening) and water. Located in rear of park. ADA accessible restrooms. One handicapped parking space by the shelter. Gate may be opened to allow for closer access to the shelter. Swing set and large grassy area in front. Robinson Park is located on Mossville Road in a secluded wooded area complete with hiking trail.
7. Grand View Drive Shelter
Non-ADA accessible shelter: seats 150, has
2 grills, electricity (lights up in evening) and water. Gate may be opened for closer access. Non-ADA accessible restrooms located across parking lot. There are two handicapped parking spaces in front of the shelter. Swing set and slide next door.
8. Sommer Park Shelter
Enjoy a rural, peaceful atmosphere near the city for that special company picnic, reunion, or party with open space to enjoy your day. Alcohol allowed by proper insurance and food can be self-catered with hourly rates from $25-$50.
Unless otherwise noted, rental fees are as follows: Mon-Fri - $50 Sat, Sun & Holidays - $75
Please note that ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES are NOT ALLOWED in our parks.
Ques ons? Call 682-1200
OTHER PARKS have shelters available on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis:
Becker Park, Bielfeldt Park, Endres Park, Charter Oak Park, Franciscan Park, John Gwynn Jr. Park, Markwoodlands Park, MLK Jr. Park, Northtrail Park, Schmoeger Park, Sommer Park North, and Stadium Park.
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 117 Register for Classes on Page 122
Almost every Peoria Park District facility o ers birthday party packages. Children (and adults!) can swim, canoe, play, paint, roller skate, encounter animals, dance, and more! Check out the speci c packages on pages 91-93 and call a facility for more informa on.
• The PlayHouse Party
Member price $125 • Non-member price: $150
Our basic party includes everything you need for a great
party! The PlayHouse Party includes admission for 15 people,
a decorated, reserved classroom for 90 minutes, a Party Pal to help coordinate, paper products, cupcake stand and beverage dispenser to use, digital PlayHouse-themed invitations, AND you and your guests can play all day!
• The Deluxe Party
Member price $200 • Non-member price: $225
Our Deluxe Party includes admission for 25 people, a decorated, reserved classroom for 90 minutes, a Party Pal to help coordinate, paper products, cupcake stand and beverage dispenser to use, digital PlayHouse-themed invitations, a t-shirt and gift for the birthday child, an activity directed by the Party Pal, AND you and your guests can still play all day!
• The After-Hours Party
Member price $325 • Non-member price: $350
For a really special experience, have your party after regular hours, and give your guests special access to our exhibits! After-Hours PlayHouse Parties last two hours and start after we close to the public. After-Hours Parties include two hours of playtime for up to 35 people, a decorated classroom space for your celebration, paper products, cupcake stand and beverage dispenser to use, a Party Pal to help set up your room and greet guests, a t-shirt and gift for the birthday child, an activity directed by the Party Pal, and digital PlayHouse-themed invitations!
* Please note, while the museum closes to the public at 4 pm
on Fridays and Saturdays and 5pm on Sundays the PlayHouse does not promise exclusive use of the museum. There may be concurrent programs or events with After-Hours Birthday Parties.
For all PlayHouse Birthday Party Packages:
• A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your date and time.
• Groups must have a 5:1 child to adult ratio.
• Parties must be booked at least 10 days in advance.
• Space permitting, additional guests are welcome at a
discounted rate of $6 per person for ages 1+, 0-1 year olds free. Maximum number of guests for the PlayHouse Party and the Deluxe Party cannot exceed 30. Maximum number of guests for the After-Hours Party cannot exceed 40. Additional space may be rented based on availability
• Days and times for parties vary. Please call for more information. Fees and options are subject to change.
Add to any PlayHouse Birthday Party package:
• Let Them Eat Cake: 20 cupcakes and lemonade to make your party extra sweet! Price: $35
• Workshop: Your choice of a 30 minute hands-on workshop for 15 guests to add to your experience. Price: $40
Birthday party reserva ons are held on a Friday or Saturday evening public skate session upon availability. Package includes admission, skate rental, cake, ice cream, candies, paper plates, napkins, and plas c ware. Drinks, cups, and table coverings are not provided. For ages 3+. For 12 people.
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
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Friday 7:00-8:45pm Saturday 6:30-8:30pm
Fee R/NR: $95/$100
$4.75 for each person over 12 limit
Fee R/NR: $95/$100
$4.75 for each person over 12 limit
Canoe with your friends at Camp Wokanda for your birthday! Cost is $10 per canoe. Life jackets and paddles are provided.
Nature Center Birthday par es are 11⁄2 hours in length, including a 45 minute hike/program with a naturalist and 45 minutes indoors or at the picnic area (depending on weather). Parents must provide their own refreshments. The birthday child receives a
$2 gi cer cate from the Trailhead Nature Store and each child receives a small prize. Fee: $60 for up to 20 people.
A $30 non-refundable deposit is required to book a date.
AT SOMMER PARK: 691-8423
Throw a two-hour party in the great outdoors for your child or yourself! Our Country Birthday Parties include a half-hour hayrack ride (accommodates 20-25 people), use of picnic area and a camp re with roas ng s cks. Our Ga Ga Ball Party includes use of the Ga Ga Ball pit, picnic area and a camp re with roas ng s cks. Fee: $85
Weddings: A beau ful chapel-like schoolhouse to seat 70 people or a wedding recep on for a larger group at the Prairie Shelter will make your day special and a ordable at Sommer Park. Alcohol allowed with proper insurance and self-catering permi ed. $450 for chapel, $800 for recep on.
Photography: Looking to take senior portraits, engagement, wedding, or family photos in a unique se ng? The Pioneer Homestead contains an 1850 style building and trees and na ve grasses suited for that ideal pose. Register by calling 691-8423. $30.00 per hour.
Team Building Course: The team building course is a series of 12 ini a ves strategically laid out in a wooded se ng consis ng of obstacles and challenges to strengthen any group. This program promotes communica on, coopera on and enjoyment. Ages 13+, minimum of 12 people.
These parties are available on Fridays from 5-7:30 pm and 6-8:30 pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from 12-2:30 pm, 1-3:30 pm, 2-4:30 pm, 3-5:30 pm, and 4-6:30 pm.
The Basic Party includes:
• 75 minutes in the pool
• 1 hour in the party room
• Cake, ice cream and punch
• White table coverings
• Plates, napkins, cups and utensils for up to 18 or 30 guests, depending on the number of guests in a endance.
Basic Party for 18 Guests
RiverPlex Member Price: $155 Non-Member Price: $175
Basic Party for 30 Guests
RiverPlex Member Price: $175 Non-Member Price: $195
The Ultimate Party includes:
Everything in the Basic Party PLUS:
• 3 clusters of balloons, including one themed mylar balloon
• Themed birthday wall hangings
• Themed plates, cups, napkins and utensils • Colored table coverings
Over 50 Themes to choose from!
Ultimate Party for 18 Guests
RiverPlex Member Price: $230 Non-Member Price: $250
Ultimate Party for 30 Guests
RiverPlex Member Price: $250 Non-Member Price: $270
The Deluxe Party includes:
Everything in the Basic Party PLUS: • 1 cluster of balloons
• Birthday wall hangings
• Colored table coverings
Deluxe Party for 18 Guests
RiverPlex Member Price: $190 Non-Member Price: $210
Deluxe Party for 30 Guests
RiverPlex Member Price: $210 Non-Member Price: $230
No party bookings will be made less than 10 days before the date of the party. Deposit is due at the me of booking. All children, adults and chaperones are included in the guest total.
Enjoy both the Climbing Wall on your birthday! This three- hour party package includes two hours to use the climbing wall, with the last hour in the party room. These parties are only available on Saturdays and Sundays from 3:30-6:30 pm. Please note, the party room has a capacity of 30 people. Price: $220, with a $50 non-refundable deposit. Mobile Gaming Units can be added for an additional $50 for your party.
• Cake, ice cream and punch
• Plates, cups, napkins and utensils
• White table coverings
COMPLEX: 677-67O5
• OPEN GYM PARTY: This private two- hour party includes 11⁄2 hours of open gym me for basketball, soccer, scooters, hula hoops, tumbling and more! During the last 1⁄2 hour, you’ll have a private room for cake and ice cream. FRC provides a 1⁄4 sheet cake with your choice of decora on and 1⁄2 gallon of ice cream. The party includes cake, ice cream, plates, napkins, candles, drinks and forks.
Fee: $120 for up to 20 children; add $1 for each addi onal child. Add an extra 1⁄2 hour of play me or cake me for $25. Or, just rent the space for $95 and provide your own cake and accessories.
AT LAKEVIEW REC CENTER: 681-2867 or 681-2866
Open Gym Party: Come have your party at Lakeview Recrea on Center, located at 1013 W. Lake Avenue in Lakeview Park!
Package includes 1.5 hours of free me in the gymnasium where kids can play basketball, soccer, football, oor hockey and volleyball. The last 1⁄2 hour you will celebrate in a private room with cake and ice cream. Package includes 1⁄4 sheet personalized cake, ice cream, plates, napkins, forks, drinks and table covering.
Fee: $125 for up to 20 guests ($2 for each addi onal guest). Or, just rent the space for $95 and provide your own cake and accessories.
Add a Fun on the Run bouncer to any Franciscan Recreation Complex or Lakeview Recreation Center birthday package for an additional $125! Please specify this option when making your reservation.
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 119 Register for Classes on Page 122
AT PEORIA ZOO: 681-3513
• Peoria Zoo Party Pack - Cost: $50 (Add t-shirt $8)
Make a birthday even more special by spending it at Peoria Zoo. Peoria Zoo Party Pack includes admission for the birthday person, birthday bu on, unique animal art bag, stu ed animal, a coupon for a soda at our Zambezi River Lodge, and an animal encounter during your Peoria Zoo visit! Must be booked and a non-refundable deposit made at least one week in advance.
• Deluxe Package - Cost: $225*
Includes either our Treetop Classroom or Tropics Classroom. Each deluxe party includes your room choice for 2 hours, invita ons,
1⁄2 sheet cake, punch, plates, cups, napkins, a visit from our animal ambassadors, a tour of the Zoo, a t-shirt for the birthday child, and a party coordinator to facilitate the party.
*Price includes admission for up to 15 people. Everyone in a endance over the age of 2 is included in your nal count. Addi onal adults and children are admi ed at $9.50 per person. Treetop room holds 20-25 people; Tropics holds up to 40.
$50 deposit is required at me of booking party; the remainder of
the balance must be paid 1 week before that party.
• OPEN GYM PARTY: Let kids be kids! Use our facility to run, jump, shoot hoops, tumble on mats, use tricycles and scooters, and much more. A er
the fun, gather in our party room for refreshments provided by you. Free half hour me before the event to decorate the party room. Rental is $30/hour for par es of up to 25 people and $50/hour for par es of 26 or more.
• ROCK & ROLL: Invite up to 50
of your best friends and celebrate on roller skates to the latest music. Parents
must provide refreshments. Rental is $30/hour for par es of up to 25 people and $50/hour for par es of 26 or more (skate rental is included).
• ZUMBA BIRTHDAY: If you’re looking for a fun, entertaining, and energizing way to celebrate your special day, then a ZUMBA birthday party is just what you need! Zumbatomic par es are perfect for kids ages 5-15. Kids will have a blast celebra ng by playing interac ve dance games and learning di erent interna onal dances, including: Cumbia, Salsa, Merengue, Reggaeton, Belly Dance and Soca. Children’s birthday package includes: 45 minutes of Zumbatomic, birthday cer cate, personalized rou nes to popular songs, and Zumba rubber bracelets.
Treat your friends and family to a round of FootGolf at Detweiller Golf Course! FootGolf is played with a soccer ball on the golf course. Bring your own soccer ball or rent one at Detweiller Golf Course. Green fees are $5 for children and $9 for adults (9-holes).
This air-condi oned space is perfect for baby showers, birthday par es and family reunions! Rental Fee: $35/hour to rent the en re facility.
Facili es are open early June through mid-August.
Lakeview and Gwynn Family Aqua c Centers are available to rent for your next swim party, family reunion, or gathering of friends. Registra on is required; a non-refundable deposit of $50 to hold your date and me and balance due the day of your event. Rentals are $275 per hour for 175 people.
Birthday Parties:
Basic Package - $125: During public swim, includes cake, ice cream, soda, table service, 1⁄2 hour table me, and swim admission for up to 15 children. $3.50 for each addi onal swimmer.
Deluxe Package - $145: During public swim, includes cake, ice cream, soda, table service, 1⁄2 hour table me, appearance by Gus and Goldie and swim admission for up to 15 children. $3.50 for each addi onal swimmer.
• Zooper Package - Cost: $200*
Each Zooper party includes our Tropics Classroom for 1.5 hours, invita ons, 1⁄2 sheet cake, punch, plates, cups, napkins, a visit from our animal ambassadors, a t-shirt for the birthday child, and a
party coordinator to facilitate the party. DOES NOT INCLUDE ZOO ADMISSION.
*Price is for up to 25 guests, any addi onal guests will be $2/person. Tropics room holds aup to 40 comfortably. $50 deposit is required at me of booking party, the remainder of the balance must be paid 1 week before that party.
Zoo Birthday Add-ons available:
• •
Gi bags - $3.95/person. Ideal for ages 4-9.
Food available at lodge April-September (call for details).
Not able to visit the Zoo? Have the Zoo come to you! Birds, snakes, tarantulas and more can be invited to your next birthday party, scout mee ng, or celebra on! Prices start at $110 within Peoria City Limits and are adjusted for distance and number of par cipants. This 30- 45 minute program includes up close animal encounters based on a variety of topics!
Kids Birthday Paint Party: Ages 6-13 can paint a masterpiece at their next birthday party! Each par cipant will be led through the process by instructor Kris n Gentry of pain ng a work of art to be adored for years to come. By reserva on only on Saturdays and Sundays. Fee: $15/person (4 minimum, 15 maximum)
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
120 Register for Classes on Page 122
Registrations are processed in the order they are received starting APRIL 24, 2017.
Set up an online household account and password (see next page), then register online star ng APRIL 24 at midnight.
APRIL 24-Season
Complete the registra on form and return it star ng APRIL 24. You can also review course informa on and print out addi onal registra on forms online: www.peoriaparks.org
3. FAX: (309) 686-3384
Register beginning APRIL 24 when using a credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express) payment only. When registering by fax, it is understood that the faxed document received (including the waiver and release of claims) shall have the same legal e ect as the original form.
4. IN PERSON at the
Noble Center
Register in person at the Noble Center, located at 1125 W. Lake Ave.
EXTENDED REGISTRATION HOURS: Monday, April 24-Friday, June 2 8:00am-5:30pm
Closed Monday, May 29
5. DROP BOX at the
Noble Center
There is an a er-hours drop box located outside the front entrance of the Noble Center, located at 1125 W. Lake Ave.
The Park District must receive a wri en request to drop or transfer at least two business days in advance of the rst program mee ng. No refunds will be issued a er that me. A $5 service charge is made for each session dropped or transferred.
PLEASE NOTE: Peoria Park District Day Camp policies are di erent from those stated on this page. Please call 688-3667 for camp registra on and refund details.
SORRY, phone-in registration
is not available.
Americans With Disabili es
In keeping with the Americans with Disabili es Act, recrea on programs o ered by the
PPD are available in the most integrated se ng possible to facilitate par cipa on.
We will make reasonable accommoda on to individuals with disabili es who meet essen al eligibility requirements for the desired program.
Registra on Regula ons
• Programs have minimums and maximums, and are lled on a rst come, rst served basis. The Peoria Park District (PPD) reserves the right to add, omit or change any or
all of the program provisions (including adver sed fees and charges) outlined in this brochure when deemed in the best interest of par cipants. Changes may also be made due to circumstances that are beyond our control.
• The PPD reserves the right to modify, postpone, or combine programs, or change instructors. If the PPD cancels a program, you will receive a full refund.
• Before buying supplies, check before the start date to make sure class will run.
Registra on Excep ons
For programs at Peoria PlayHouse, Owens Center, Peoria Zoo, Proctor Center, Luthy Botanical Garden, Logan Center and Day Camps, refer to registra on informa on on that facility’s page.
The PPD realizes that there are people
in the community who may su er from economic setbacks which could prevent their par cipa on in programs. The PPD has a limited amount of scholarship funds available. Applica ons are available at the Noble Center. They are awarded only to PPD residents and on the basis of nancial need. Scholarship applica ons must be brought in person to the Noble Center (1125 W. Lake Ave). Call 688-3667 with ques ons.
Other Fee/Payment Informa on
• Residents 65 and over receive 10% o regular fees. Senior/50 Rock programs and golf lessons are excluded from this discount.
• No pro-rated class fees.
• In the event that a check is not honored due to insu cient funds or an account closure, the drawer shall be liable for the amount of the check plus $25 (per check) for costs incurred by the PPD. If PPD commences a collec on ac on in the court, the drawer shall be liable for all costs and expenses incurred by the
PPD in connec on with the collec on and any other damages permi ed under Illinois law.
• When you provide a check as payment, you authorize the PPD to use informa on from
the check to make a one- me electronic fund transfer from your account. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment and you will not receive your check back from your nancial ins tu on. If you register in person, you will receive your check back.
Equal Opportunity
The PPD will not exclude anyone from or
deny anyone the bene ts of par cipa on, or subject anyone to discrimina on based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orienta on, na onal origin, ci zenship status, age, marital status, disability, military status or unfavorable discharge from the military, protected
veteran status, ancestry or on the basis of any characteris c protected by law.
Customers With Hearing Impairments
The Peoria Park District recommends the use of 711 Illinois Relay for our customers with hearing impairments. To complete a TTY call using 711 Illinois Relay, dial 7-1-1 or 800-526-0844. When the Communica ons Assistant answers, type the telephone number you wish to call. When the person answers, proceed as you would with a regular TTY call. For more details on 711 Illinois Relay, please visit www.illinoisrelay711.com, and follow
the link which reads “How 711 Illinois Relay Works.”
NR = M=
Resident fee paid by those who live within PPD boundaries Non-resident fee
Member fee paid by those who are members of a facility
QUESTIONS? Call 688-3667 Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 121 Register for Classes on Page 122
An online account IS NOT NECESSARY to register for classes.
See page 121 for mul ple other ways (fax, mail in, walk in and drop box) to register.
However, the Peoria Park District does o er online registra on to those who have previously set up online accounts and obtained PIN numbers.
Set up your account NOW in order to register online beginning Monday, April 24!
BEFORE you may register online for the rst me, the Park District will need to MAIL YOU AN ONLINE HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNT NUMBER AND PIN a er you provide some informa on. Here’s how it works:
Send an email to
registra [email protected]
with the following informa on:
• Full names, birth dates, and genders of ALL household members
• Home Address (not a PO Box)
• City, State, Zip
• Email address you check regularly
• Home Phone
• Cell Phone
Because residents receive discounted rates, you may need to provide proof of residency. NOTE: If you’ve never par cipated in a Park District program, you will NEED to come in with a current u lity OR tax bill to establish residency.
within 5 business days and you’ll be ready to register online, 24/7!
QUESTIONS? Call 688-3667
Browser Security Information
Do you use the Peoria Park District website?
Please Take Note of Our Updated Internet Browser Requirements
One of the essen al ways to stay safe online is to make sure your web browser is up-to-date. Up- to-date web browsers help combat iden ty the , viruses, spyware, adware, and other possible security problems while you surf the web.
In the coming months, the Peoria Park District will enhance the security of web services we provide. In order to con nue using our web services a er the upgrade, it will be important that you are running
a modern web browser that supports the secure technology.
Many browsers update automa cally, but if you’re using an older browser, would you please take a moment to update it?
Not sure how to update? A free service, provided by Qualys, can evaluate your web browser and help you update it.
Go to h ps://browsercheck.qualys.com/ to check your browser today. Please note, Qualys is not a liated with the Peoria Park District.
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook
122 Register for Classes on Page 122
Registering for Owens Center, Peoria Zoo, Peoria PlayHouse, Proctor Center, Logan Center, or Luthy Botanical Garden programs? Please see their individual programs for how to register.
2. Registra on Informa on. Please ll out completely and a ach an addi onal sheet if necessary.
1. Parent/Guardian Informa on OR Par cipant Informa on for ages 18+
First and Last Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Birthdate: _______________
Street Address, City, ZIP:_________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: _________________________ Work Phone: ________________________ Cell Phone: ________________ Email:______________________________________________________________________
Class Code
Program Name
Par cipant’s First & Last Name
Grade & School
I would like to donate $______ to the Scholarship Program to enable disadvantaged youth to par cipate in programming.
*NOTE: R = Resident (of Park District) Fee • NR = Nonresident Fee • M = Member Fee (where applicable)
3. Let us know of any special needs.
We welcome individuals with disabili es. Please describe any accommoda ons needed for successful inclusion in the program(s). _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
5. Please read and sign the waiver.
4. Coaching Informa on
PARENTS: Can you serve as a volunteer coach? If YES, which sport? (circle) Soccer • Basketball
Head or assistant coach? (Circle one)
Your name and phone #: __________________________________________________ We will consider team requests for carpooling purposes. Detail your request on a separate sheet of paper.
Please read this form carefully and be aware in registering yourself, your child or ward for par cipa on in this program you will be waiving and releasing all claims for injuries you or your minor child/ward might sustain arising out of this program. As a par cipant in the program or the parent/guardian of a par cipant in the program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, including death, damages or loss which I or my minor child/ward may sustain as a result of par cipa ng in any and all ac vi es connected with or associated with such program. I agree to waive and relinquish all claims I or my minor child/ ward may have as a result of par cipa ng in the program against the Park District and its o cers, agents, servants and employees. I do hereby fully release and discharge the Park District and its o cers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damage or loss which I or my minor child/ward may have or which may accrue to me or my minor child/ward on account of my par cipa on in the program. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the Park District and its o cers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resul ng from injuries, including death, damages and losses sustained by me or my minor child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the ac vi es of the program. In case of accident or sickness, I consent to emergency medical care provided by ambulance or hospital personnel. I hereby consent to the use of my photograph, or that of my minor/child, in Park District brochures, social media, adver sements, etc. I have read and fully understand the above Program Details and Waiver and Release of All Claims as well as the “Registra on Regula ons” as listed on the opposing page.
____________________________________________ _____________________________________ ___________
Signature of Par cipant or Parent/Guardian Printed Name Date
Check* Cash
Credit Card Number: _________-_________-_________-_______ 3 or 4 Digit Code on Back of Card: ________________
By Mail: By Fax:
Peoria Park District Registra on 1125 W. Lake Avenue
Peoria, IL 61614
686-3384 (Credit cards only)
Expira on Date: Authorized Signature: Printed Name on Card:
•PLEASE NOTE: When you provide a check as payment, you authorize the PPD to use informa on from the check to make a one- me electronic fund transfer from your account. Funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment and you will not receive your check back from your nancial ins tu on.
Peoria Park District Summer Playbook 123 Register for Classes on Page 122
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Peoria Park District 1125 W. Lake Avenue Peoria, IL 61614
www.peoriaparks.org facebook.com/peoriaparkdistrict
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