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This book is about a Beauty Guru, named James Charles, and a bad day that he had.

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Published by Kadence Sharp, 2019-05-08 11:55:41

James Charles' Disgustingly, Horrible Day

This book is about a Beauty Guru, named James Charles, and a bad day that he had.

This Book is Dedicated to James Charles, the one who inspired me to 
come out of my comfort zone once in ta while. 

James Charles’ Disgustingly, Horrible Day  

By: Kadence Sharp 



James Charles is a 19-year-old, multi-millionaire, 
beauty guru, beauty vlogger, and makeup producer, but 
he has not posted a video for 3 weeks because he has 
been very sick… his fans were very worried, But today, he 
was feeling okay-enough to record a video. He did a base 
of makeup (such as foundation, concealer, highlighter, 
contour, pretty much everything except for eyes, kind of 
more of a natural look), went to Starbucks, got a pink 
drink, and filled up his car with gas.  

Then he headed on his way to work at his studio to 
pre-record some more Youtube videos because he had 
used up all of his other ones. His deadline for making his 
new Youtube video is today at 12:00 pm. James had to 
make sure he got there on time or else he would get laid 
back from Youtube for 3 weeks. 






James was going on his regular way to work, when 
a road construction worker said, “You’re going to have 
to go on a different route, so take a left and take a 
right”. So James did that, and he ended up where he 
needed to be, but then “SSSCCCCHHRREEEEEEEEECCHH”. 




His car broke down going around the mountain of 
the Hollywood Sign. So he pushed his car off the road, 
and realized it was 11:55, and also realized that The 
Hollywood Sign was a 15 minute drive away from his 
studio. So, he sprinted there, then it started to pour, 
“Pitter, Patter, Splish, Splash” He sprinted even farther, 
and faster.  




When he got to his studio in the Youtube 
Headquarters, (everybody got a studio, not just him), 
but it was 15 minutes past the time he had to put in 
his new video, which means he is getting laid off of 
Youtube for 3 weeks. 



He got into the Headquarters and took the elevator to 
the 12th floor. Where the boss’s room was located. He 
buzzed in on the buzzer, and the secretary said: “Your 
appointment will be in 5 minutes because the boss 
was working with Shane Dawson at the moment”. So 
James went to the waiting room. He checked his 
Snapchat, and did like 10 stories. Then the 5 minutes 
was up, James was sister-shaking.  








The boss had a very stern look on his face. he told 
James to sit in the chair in front of the big desk . The 
boss said to him “James, why were you late to work? 
Now your video is not up, and your subscribers are 

So James explained everything to the boss: how 
his car broke down, and how his regular road that he 
goes on was under construction. The boss understood. 
So the boss said that he had two more hours to record, 
edit and publish his new Youtube video. James thanked 
him, and got to work.  


James Charles  


(Approximate subscriber count) 




He called up Jeffree Star to be in his new video. 
Jeffree accepted, and James drove over to the iconic 
Jeffree Star Cosmetics Warehouse. Jeffree already 
had a video in mind. So James went with it. Jeffree 
and James blew up makeup that they hated, 
sister-scorched them, and sister-smashed them with a 
sister-sledge-hammer and then they crushed their 
brand new palettes, Jeffree’s Blood Sugar, and James’ 
“James Charles x Morphe Unleash Your Inner Artist” 
Palette. Then he edited his video, published it, and got 
everything done in less than 2 hours. When he got 
back to his house, he had so much to do. He was not so 
glad he had been sick for the past 3 weeks. 





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