• The present of the Present
• The day the church was born • Local events shake Easter apathy
• God’s different gifts at • Vulnerable Hastings women
The day the church was born
different times
• God’s different gifts at
different times
The present of the Present
At Christmas time last year Dr Meanwhile John reports: I am having some
John Geater received the news of the best time of my whole life. Many in
that the pancreatic cancer which Hastings are among those in the UK praying for
had been operated upon in 2014 me. I have been astonished by the number of
had recurred with secondaries in people in many other countries who have sent
both lungs. messages of affirmation and joined this prayer.
This was deemed untreatable and I am immensely grateful to all those many
he was told that he had only a few people, and recognise this as the love of the
months to live. Christian family near and far.
Just two days before receiving this
news he had been moved to Sense of peace
write a poem that came So far I am in good health with no symptoms,
to him ‘out of the blue’ ‘Many and an incredible sense of peace and well-
about how each day being – what the Bible would call shalom.
was God’s gift to be things seem In addition to this I am finding that many
used to the full. to be coming things that I have been working for in my
It seems God was to fruition’ life seem to be coming to fruition.
preparing John for May you all enjoy ‘The present of the
what was to come. We Present’... Scenes from the Good
are printing this poem in Dr John Geater MBE, who was a local GP, is Friday enactment in
the Old Town
the hope that it will encourage others. international director of Prime (International Photos: Alan Roberts
Not just those facing difficulties but Partnerships in Medical Education) and has led Photographic
all of us to use each day to the full as the local inter-church Loaf Project throughout
Jesus taught us to do. its 40 years. Local events shake Easter apathy
Dr John’s poem Many of today’s younger generation Moving spectacle
have little or no idea of what For more than 20 years the Old
The Present is a present Christmas and Easter are really about. Town Parish Players have re- ‘It was a
God’s gift to us Today Or who is the reason for them. One enacted each Good Friday powerful and
to be used to shape our Future published survey showed that fewer the events leading up to the
in ways we can’t yet say than half (45%) of young adults crucifixion of Jesus Christ. emotional
associate Easter with Jesus. More It has been described as a very spectacle’
Today we have remembrance associate it with chocolate Easter eggs. moving and emotional spectacle
of our many Yesterdays Two Easter events in Hastings however which sheds light on the importance
some of which we’ve learned from touched the hearts of hundreds of people. Christians attach to the Cross.
some just a passing phase The events could not have been more Kevin Boorman, who played the part of a
different in form but each focused on Jesus Roman soldier, has missed being part of the
The Present’s filled with memories and making him known. event only once over the years.
Those of joy and those of sorrow The first, on Good Friday, was the annual ‘We go ahead come rain or shine,’ he told
Dr John Geater: using each day to the full Let’s build on them and learn from them procession of witness in the Old Town and the Grapevine, ‘but this year was the wettest I
Photo: John Hawkins to build a good Tomorrow powerful re-enactment of the crucifixion of can recall. I felt particularly for James Robus,
Jesus Christ. who played the part of Jesus again. He was
For there only is the Present The second event, the following day, was soaked and so cold but managed it very well.
the Past just tales to tell the Hastings Easter Festival, a contemporary ‘It was an emotional and powerful
but the Future will be greatly blessed music event created ‘to celebrate the death spectacle. However well acted though, it
Cover picture: Summerfields Woods, designated if we use God’s Present well and resurrection of Jesus Christ and its eternal could only give a glimpse of all that Jesus
a site of natural conservation importance
Photo: Mark Boulton hope and significance’. went though.’ >
The present of the Present
At Christmas time last year Dr Meanwhile John reports: I am having some
John Geater received the news of the best time of my whole life. Many in
that the pancreatic cancer which Hastings are among those in the UK praying for
had been operated upon in 2014 me. I have been astonished by the number of
had recurred with secondaries in people in many other countries who have sent
both lungs. messages of affirmation and joined this prayer.
This was deemed untreatable and I am immensely grateful to all those many
he was told that he had only a few people, and recognise this as the love of the
months to live. Christian family near and far.
Just two days before receiving this
news he had been moved to Sense of peace
write a poem that came So far I am in good health with no symptoms,
to him ‘out of the blue’ ‘Many and an incredible sense of peace and well-
about how each day being – what the Bible would call shalom.
was God’s gift to be things seem In addition to this I am finding that many
used to the full. to be coming things that I have been working for in my
It seems God was to fruition’ life seem to be coming to fruition.
preparing John for May you all enjoy ‘The present of the
what was to come. We Present’... Scenes from the Good
are printing this poem in Dr John Geater MBE, who was a local GP, is Friday enactment in
the Old Town
the hope that it will encourage others. international director of Prime (International Photos: Alan Roberts
Not just those facing difficulties but Partnerships in Medical Education) and has led Photographic
all of us to use each day to the full as the local inter-church Loaf Project throughout
Jesus taught us to do. its 40 years. Local events shake Easter apathy
Dr John’s poem Many of today’s younger generation Moving spectacle
have little or no idea of what For more than 20 years the Old
The Present is a present Christmas and Easter are really about. Town Parish Players have re- ‘It was a
God’s gift to us Today Or who is the reason for them. One enacted each Good Friday powerful and
to be used to shape our Future published survey showed that fewer the events leading up to the
in ways we can’t yet say than half (45%) of young adults crucifixion of Jesus Christ. emotional
associate Easter with Jesus. More It has been described as a very spectacle’
Today we have remembrance associate it with chocolate Easter eggs. moving and emotional spectacle
of our many Yesterdays Two Easter events in Hastings however which sheds light on the importance
some of which we’ve learned from touched the hearts of hundreds of people. Christians attach to the Cross.
some just a passing phase The events could not have been more Kevin Boorman, who played the part of a
different in form but each focused on Jesus Roman soldier, has missed being part of the
The Present’s filled with memories and making him known. event only once over the years.
Those of joy and those of sorrow The first, on Good Friday, was the annual ‘We go ahead come rain or shine,’ he told
Dr John Geater: using each day to the full Let’s build on them and learn from them procession of witness in the Old Town and the Grapevine, ‘but this year was the wettest I
Photo: John Hawkins to build a good Tomorrow powerful re-enactment of the crucifixion of can recall. I felt particularly for James Robus,
Jesus Christ. who played the part of Jesus again. He was
For there only is the Present The second event, the following day, was soaked and so cold but managed it very well.
the Past just tales to tell the Hastings Easter Festival, a contemporary ‘It was an emotional and powerful
but the Future will be greatly blessed music event created ‘to celebrate the death spectacle. However well acted though, it
Cover picture: Summerfields Woods, designated if we use God’s Present well and resurrection of Jesus Christ and its eternal could only give a glimpse of all that Jesus
a site of natural conservation importance
Photo: Mark Boulton hope and significance’. went though.’ >
Local events shake Easter apathy Easter Clockwise from right: Guvna B; the
party spirit in the impromptu conga;
the Pestalozzi choir performing;
message praise the Lord! Photos: Lizzie May
in today’s especially when their leader began dancing with
the crowd.
music Children’s Village who sang two beautiful
They were followed by the choir of Pestalozzi
One of the three trustees said, ‘The aim was
The Hastings Easter Festival is a to bring the community together to celebrate
musical and art event to celebrate the wonder of the death and resurrection of
Easter and to share its meaning and Jesus, and the eternal hope that the message
significance. It was held this year at of Easter brings … opening the door for us
The Stade throughout the afternoon to know a personal relationship with God …
and evening of Easter Saturday. complete forgiveness and freedom for all who
It was created by three trustees with different receive him.’
church connections – Steve Waller, Eddie A free exhibition of art inspired by faith ran in
Rose and Mike Scarlett – but they drew in the Stade hall during the festival and on Easter
about 20 others as volunteers to cover every Monday. Some artists who sold their work gave
Church involvement aspect of organising the event. the money to a charity of their choice.
There was Anglican and Roman Catholic church Funding from Hastings Youth Trust and
co-operation in the production. The action local church gifts enabled it be a free event.
began from St Clement’s and went on to St Top of the bill was gospel rap artist and
Mary Star-of-the-Sea. There the incident was composer Guvna B. He won Best Gospel Act
re-enacted of Roman soldiers throwing dice for seven times in three different annual awards
Jesus’s robe. between 2009 and 2016.
Continuing on to All Saints, the climax came His was the first UK rap album to top
with the ‘crucifixion’ at the church entrance. the Christian & Gospel awards. His book
When the body was taken down it was placed Unpopular Culture is published by SPCK.
on a stretcher and carried inside. Christian reggae artist Ram 1 from
The spectators were very moved and some Nottingham had recently had his first album
were in tears. Time was allowed at the end of out, 1 Way, 1 Truth, 1 Life. Two rappers
the re-enactment for personal meditation and from London, Interpaul and Feed’em, gave
prayer. a joint set.
For many years the event was produced and
directed by Nicky Harris, but when she died Leader danced
Heather Leach took over and credit must go to The event was opened by Echo (Extending
her and all the other volunteers who took part Christ’s Heart to Others), an energetic soul
this year. band who gained an enthusiastic response,
His Place Art Café Hastings Healing Rooms Richard Keep Pianos
& Community Centre john hawkins design
Free, Confidential Prayer for healing in
Robertson Street, the Name of Jesus Christ graphic design consultancy
Hastings, TN34 1HL book design and typography
All piano services offered magazine design
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, Sat From small repairs to full overhauls
10am–3pm Tuning, regulation, restringing 07780 502417
God said “I am the Lord who heals you” Repolishing, covers and stools [email protected] Tel: 01424 423501 Pianos sold (all with 2 year guarantee)
Supported by Sussex Community Foundation Part of Healing Rooms England & Wales. Charity no: 1125094 01424 852131 [email protected] 0794 080 8761
Local events shake Easter apathy Easter Clockwise from right: Guvna B; the
party spirit in the impromptu conga;
the Pestalozzi choir performing;
message praise the Lord! Photos: Lizzie May
in today’s especially when their leader began dancing with
the crowd.
music Children’s Village who sang two beautiful
They were followed by the choir of Pestalozzi
One of the three trustees said, ‘The aim was
The Hastings Easter Festival is a to bring the community together to celebrate
musical and art event to celebrate the wonder of the death and resurrection of
Easter and to share its meaning and Jesus, and the eternal hope that the message
significance. It was held this year at of Easter brings … opening the door for us
The Stade throughout the afternoon to know a personal relationship with God …
and evening of Easter Saturday. complete forgiveness and freedom for all who
It was created by three trustees with different receive him.’
church connections – Steve Waller, Eddie A free exhibition of art inspired by faith ran in
Rose and Mike Scarlett – but they drew in the Stade hall during the festival and on Easter
about 20 others as volunteers to cover every Monday. Some artists who sold their work gave
Church involvement aspect of organising the event. the money to a charity of their choice.
There was Anglican and Roman Catholic church Funding from Hastings Youth Trust and
co-operation in the production. The action local church gifts enabled it be a free event.
began from St Clement’s and went on to St Top of the bill was gospel rap artist and
Mary Star-of-the-Sea. There the incident was composer Guvna B. He won Best Gospel Act
re-enacted of Roman soldiers throwing dice for seven times in three different annual awards
Jesus’s robe. between 2009 and 2016.
Continuing on to All Saints, the climax came His was the first UK rap album to top
with the ‘crucifixion’ at the church entrance. the Christian & Gospel awards. His book
When the body was taken down it was placed Unpopular Culture is published by SPCK.
on a stretcher and carried inside. Christian reggae artist Ram 1 from
The spectators were very moved and some Nottingham had recently had his first album
were in tears. Time was allowed at the end of out, 1 Way, 1 Truth, 1 Life. Two rappers
the re-enactment for personal meditation and from London, Interpaul and Feed’em, gave
prayer. a joint set.
For many years the event was produced and
directed by Nicky Harris, but when she died Leader danced
Heather Leach took over and credit must go to The event was opened by Echo (Extending
her and all the other volunteers who took part Christ’s Heart to Others), an energetic soul
this year. band who gained an enthusiastic response,
His Place Art Café Hastings Healing Rooms Richard Keep Pianos
& Community Centre john hawkins design
Free, Confidential Prayer for healing in
Robertson Street, the Name of Jesus Christ graphic design consultancy
Hastings, TN34 1HL book design and typography
All piano services offered magazine design
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, Sat From small repairs to full overhauls
10am–3pm Tuning, regulation, restringing 07780 502417
God said “I am the Lord who heals you” Repolishing, covers and stools [email protected] Tel: 01424 423501 Pianos sold (all with 2 year guarantee)
Supported by Sussex Community Foundation Part of Healing Rooms England & Wales. Charity no: 1125094 01424 852131 [email protected] 0794 080 8761
Vulnerable Hastings women… the word on the street LIZZIE MAY REPORTS
Many of the women from our richly Rebuilding lives Sarah Larkin: ‘we
diverse local community will become One Woman’s Story Refuge supports almost 5,000 clients every day decided to do
vulnerable at some time during their Refuge client Isobel was supported – women, children and, increasingly, men. It Photo: Tom Smith
lives. And the number of ‘vulnerable by a one of their outreach workers helps them to escape and recover from violence
women’ is increasing, right here on and shares her personal story. and abuse, so that they can rebuild their lives.
our doorstep. The National Domestic Helpline, run jointly
(All names have been changed to
What does being ‘vulnerable’ really mean? preserve identities) with Women’s Aid, offers a 24/7 confidential
Basically, women who are facing, often in When I met my ex-husband, I had my service on 0808 2000 247 (https://www.refuge.
silence, all kinds of violence, abuse, hardship own business, my own flat, supportive
or controlling behaviour, putting them at friends and family. I was confident and
great risk. self-assured and independent. Domestic Making a difference
One in four women in this country The weekly Safehaven Women’s drop-
‘We’ve will be affected at some point, violence was not something I ever thought in at Holy Trinity Hastings (HTH) is an
laughed according to Refuge, a leading would happen to me. example of the church community in
He was controlling from the beginning.
together, cried national charity. Women can be left I was constantly walking on eggshells. Hastings working and making a real
extremely scared and isolated, with
together’ very low self-esteem. I was undermined and humiliated. But Sarah Larkin, its co-ordinator, talked to
whenever I tried to leave, he would reel
The good news is that there is a me back in, telling me that he would Grapevine about it.
wealth of support services and advice at change and that he wanted us to be a It started with a small group of women
hand to help them. family. When I first visited Hastings, a number of from HTH who were keen to help. We reached
Refuge offers specialist vital support One day a normal conversation women were hanging around the church steps. out to women on the streets and opened our
to women, and increasingly men too, suddenly turned into a frenzied attack. He We decided to do something about it and doors. >
The team of recognising that domestic violence takes punched me to the ground, kicked me in Safehaven Women was born.
volunteers ready to and ruins lives. It kills two women a week in
greet the visiting the back, and then threw me across the
women when they England and Wales. room – all in front of our two children. 1 Christchurch Courtyard
London Road
arrive for Safehaven Modern technology has also given St. Leonards on Sea
in Hastings at 12.30 perpetrators ever-growing ways to control, I called the police, and eventually they put TN37 6GL
on a Thursday me in touch with Refuge.
Photo: Kuniko Kamioka isolate, humiliate and dominate women.
One of Refuge’s outreach workers, The magnet is a conference centre which offers first
Anna, began supporting me. We talked rate flexible meeting space and training facilities
about everything I had been through and
she helped me to understand that Ben’s The magnet offers six
behaviour was a deliberate pattern of Battle, East Sussex, TN33 9NF comfortable and well appointed
control. It was not my fault. meeting rooms, the smallest
I can honestly say that nobody in my Set in 220 acres of beautiful grounds takes 8 the largest 120
life has done more for me than Anna. and gardens, Ashburnham Place There is also a small kitchen
Together, we made a plan to keep me and is a Christian conference, retreat
the children safe. and event centre. Bookings include the use of
She held my hand, sometimes literally, flipcharts, whiteboards,
through divorce proceedings and child • The Orangery Tea Room digital projector, WiFi
access, tea & coffee
contact battles. She gave me the language • Be The Word Bookshop (supply own milk) at no
I needed to describe what I had been extra cost
through. It’s like she gave me a secure • Prayer Centre
base, from which I could begin to rebuild For more information, please go to
my life.
Now things are so much better. It isn’t or call
easy to break away from a violent partner; For more details, to arrange a visit or make a booking please
I don’t think I could have done it without 01424 892244 visit our website, or call us on 01424 431489 (answerphone)
Refuge’s support. Refuge saved my life.” Email: [email protected]
Vulnerable Hastings women… the word on the street LIZZIE MAY REPORTS
Many of the women from our richly Rebuilding lives Sarah Larkin: ‘we
diverse local community will become One Woman’s Story Refuge supports almost 5,000 clients every day decided to do
vulnerable at some time during their Refuge client Isobel was supported – women, children and, increasingly, men. It Photo: Tom Smith
lives. And the number of ‘vulnerable by a one of their outreach workers helps them to escape and recover from violence
women’ is increasing, right here on and shares her personal story. and abuse, so that they can rebuild their lives.
our doorstep. The National Domestic Helpline, run jointly
(All names have been changed to
What does being ‘vulnerable’ really mean? preserve identities) with Women’s Aid, offers a 24/7 confidential
Basically, women who are facing, often in When I met my ex-husband, I had my service on 0808 2000 247 (https://www.refuge.
silence, all kinds of violence, abuse, hardship own business, my own flat, supportive
or controlling behaviour, putting them at friends and family. I was confident and
great risk. self-assured and independent. Domestic Making a difference
One in four women in this country The weekly Safehaven Women’s drop-
‘We’ve will be affected at some point, violence was not something I ever thought in at Holy Trinity Hastings (HTH) is an
laughed according to Refuge, a leading would happen to me. example of the church community in
He was controlling from the beginning.
together, cried national charity. Women can be left I was constantly walking on eggshells. Hastings working and making a real
extremely scared and isolated, with
together’ very low self-esteem. I was undermined and humiliated. But Sarah Larkin, its co-ordinator, talked to
whenever I tried to leave, he would reel
The good news is that there is a me back in, telling me that he would Grapevine about it.
wealth of support services and advice at change and that he wanted us to be a It started with a small group of women
hand to help them. family. When I first visited Hastings, a number of from HTH who were keen to help. We reached
Refuge offers specialist vital support One day a normal conversation women were hanging around the church steps. out to women on the streets and opened our
to women, and increasingly men too, suddenly turned into a frenzied attack. He We decided to do something about it and doors. >
The team of recognising that domestic violence takes punched me to the ground, kicked me in Safehaven Women was born.
volunteers ready to and ruins lives. It kills two women a week in
greet the visiting the back, and then threw me across the
women when they England and Wales. room – all in front of our two children. 1 Christchurch Courtyard
London Road
arrive for Safehaven Modern technology has also given St. Leonards on Sea
in Hastings at 12.30 perpetrators ever-growing ways to control, I called the police, and eventually they put TN37 6GL
on a Thursday me in touch with Refuge.
Photo: Kuniko Kamioka isolate, humiliate and dominate women.
One of Refuge’s outreach workers, The magnet is a conference centre which offers first
Anna, began supporting me. We talked rate flexible meeting space and training facilities
about everything I had been through and
she helped me to understand that Ben’s The magnet offers six
behaviour was a deliberate pattern of Battle, East Sussex, TN33 9NF comfortable and well appointed
control. It was not my fault. meeting rooms, the smallest
I can honestly say that nobody in my Set in 220 acres of beautiful grounds takes 8 the largest 120
life has done more for me than Anna. and gardens, Ashburnham Place There is also a small kitchen
Together, we made a plan to keep me and is a Christian conference, retreat
the children safe. and event centre. Bookings include the use of
She held my hand, sometimes literally, flipcharts, whiteboards,
through divorce proceedings and child • The Orangery Tea Room digital projector, WiFi
access, tea & coffee
contact battles. She gave me the language • Be The Word Bookshop (supply own milk) at no
I needed to describe what I had been extra cost
through. It’s like she gave me a secure • Prayer Centre
base, from which I could begin to rebuild For more information, please go to
my life.
Now things are so much better. It isn’t or call
easy to break away from a violent partner; For more details, to arrange a visit or make a booking please
I don’t think I could have done it without 01424 892244 visit our website, or call us on 01424 431489 (answerphone)
Refuge’s support. Refuge saved my life.” Email: [email protected]
Vulnerable Hastings women… the word on the street
At a crafting table To get involved or for more information, email:
Photo: Kuniko Kamioka Local contacts
[email protected] or visit http:// Hastings Council offers direct advice and support for homelessness:
safehaven-women For anyone needing help or wanting to report domestic abuse:
As the taboos are disappearing, more
vulnerable men are coming forward for help. domestic violence
Safehaven Men has just been launched at HTH. The Samaritans
For details email [email protected] (0845 790 90 90)
Hastings Voluntary Action (HVA):
Government consulting (01424 444010)
On March 8th the Government launched a
consultation on domestic violence, with a view api_views_fulltext=ADVICE+WOMEN
to introducing new laws and stronger powers to The Safe in Sussex partnership
protect survivors.
Our MP, Amber Rudd, was delighted that Inspire services supporting vulnerable women involved in the criminal
justice system
action was being taken She said, ‘We want to (01424 423344 or mobile 074632 64108)
hear from everyone who has been affected by [email protected]
domestic abuse to understand how, together, we The Foundations Projects for women whose children have been
can put an end to it once and for all. removed from their care - (01424 725050 or mobile: 07919 298460)
‘While there is still much more to be done, I am [email protected]
confident this tough new approach will change Sussex mental health line
the way we think about domestic violence and 0300 3040 100 (limited service)
These women face homelessness, loneliness, laughed together, we’ve cried together. help to remove it from our communities.’
depression, domestic abuse, drug and alcohol We pray for all our women each week
misuse, and mental health problems. Many are and it’s so rewarding when God makes small
very fearful and cut off from their families. changes that help transform their lives. CRAFTROOM
We’ve developed close links with key people We prayed for someone we hadn’t seen
in the Sussex Police, the Mental Health Unit and for ages and she walked through the door a Communications & Writing Services
other agencies. The Women’s Institute has been few minutes later! I feel God is looking out for
“Able copywriter and organiser - hardworking
great too – donating clothes and homeware for these incredible women. and supportive” Surrey County Council
our women moving into a flat. “Under pressure, numerous mailers, e-shots
and e-collateral” BT Business
Every Thursday, during school term time, we What they say … “Complex, appropriate content, award-winning
open from 12.30-2.30pm. Safehaven Women annual report” King’s College Hospital
offers a cosy, comfortable space where they can These are some comments from the
hang out, while enjoying a chat with friends Safehaven Women.
over a cup of tea and coffee, and they get a ‘I don’t think I’ve smiled so much in
nutritious lunch too. any one day.’
There’s a nail bar where they get pampered
and often share their stories with us, all in ‘I love Safehaven… it’s so relaxing.
complete confidence. They get the chance to I just love it! I want to come every In today’s busy world of communications, it’s all about clarity, creativity
get creative at our craft-making table. To meet week.’ and visibility if you want to make a big impact on your target audiences…
their more basic needs, we have a boutique- ‘I love that it’s for women only.’ A reliable, experienced Christian marketer, I’ll plan, craft, proofread and deliver 0800 520 0820
style clothing bank and personal hygiene your personal and business messages, using the right tools, to cost you less.
e-mails e-newsletters web content press releases articles
products. These are little basics we all take ‘I feel like I can be myself, no-one case studies • • • • [email protected]
for granted that can give someone back their judges me.’ magazines leaflets CVs & letters key documents
dignity. ‘I felt safe when I walked in the Contact Lizzie May for a confidential chat about your project:
Working with these women is amazing. You door.’ CraftRoom Communications, The Gatehouse,
realise how fortunate you are to have a safe 7 Scholars Mews, Croft Road, Hastings TN34 3PQ
home and a roof over your head and a warm ‘It feels so peaceful here.’ Tel: 07826 730159 [email protected]
bed at night. It can get very emotional – we’ve
Vulnerable Hastings women… the word on the street
At a crafting table To get involved or for more information, email:
Photo: Kuniko Kamioka Local contacts
[email protected] or visit http:// Hastings Council offers direct advice and support for homelessness:
safehaven-women For anyone needing help or wanting to report domestic abuse:
As the taboos are disappearing, more
vulnerable men are coming forward for help. domestic violence
Safehaven Men has just been launched at HTH. The Samaritans
For details email [email protected] (0845 790 90 90)
Hastings Voluntary Action (HVA):
Government consulting (01424 444010)
On March 8th the Government launched a
consultation on domestic violence, with a view api_views_fulltext=ADVICE+WOMEN
to introducing new laws and stronger powers to The Safe in Sussex partnership
protect survivors.
Our MP, Amber Rudd, was delighted that Inspire services supporting vulnerable women involved in the criminal
justice system
action was being taken She said, ‘We want to (01424 423344 or mobile 074632 64108)
hear from everyone who has been affected by [email protected]
domestic abuse to understand how, together, we The Foundations Projects for women whose children have been
can put an end to it once and for all. removed from their care - (01424 725050 or mobile: 07919 298460)
‘While there is still much more to be done, I am [email protected]
confident this tough new approach will change Sussex mental health line
the way we think about domestic violence and 0300 3040 100 (limited service)
These women face homelessness, loneliness, laughed together, we’ve cried together. help to remove it from our communities.’
depression, domestic abuse, drug and alcohol We pray for all our women each week
misuse, and mental health problems. Many are and it’s so rewarding when God makes small
very fearful and cut off from their families. changes that help transform their lives. CRAFTROOM
We’ve developed close links with key people We prayed for someone we hadn’t seen
in the Sussex Police, the Mental Health Unit and for ages and she walked through the door a Communications & Writing Services
other agencies. The Women’s Institute has been few minutes later! I feel God is looking out for
“Able copywriter and organiser - hardworking
great too – donating clothes and homeware for these incredible women. and supportive” Surrey County Council
our women moving into a flat. “Under pressure, numerous mailers, e-shots
and e-collateral” BT Business
Every Thursday, during school term time, we What they say … “Complex, appropriate content, award-winning
open from 12.30-2.30pm. Safehaven Women annual report” King’s College Hospital
offers a cosy, comfortable space where they can These are some comments from the
hang out, while enjoying a chat with friends Safehaven Women.
over a cup of tea and coffee, and they get a ‘I don’t think I’ve smiled so much in
nutritious lunch too. any one day.’
There’s a nail bar where they get pampered
and often share their stories with us, all in ‘I love Safehaven… it’s so relaxing.
complete confidence. They get the chance to I just love it! I want to come every In today’s busy world of communications, it’s all about clarity, creativity
get creative at our craft-making table. To meet week.’ and visibility if you want to make a big impact on your target audiences…
their more basic needs, we have a boutique- ‘I love that it’s for women only.’ A reliable, experienced Christian marketer, I’ll plan, craft, proofread and deliver 0800 520 0820
style clothing bank and personal hygiene your personal and business messages, using the right tools, to cost you less.
e-mails e-newsletters web content press releases articles
products. These are little basics we all take ‘I feel like I can be myself, no-one case studies • • • • [email protected]
for granted that can give someone back their judges me.’ magazines leaflets CVs & letters key documents
dignity. ‘I felt safe when I walked in the Contact Lizzie May for a confidential chat about your project:
Working with these women is amazing. You door.’ CraftRoom Communications, The Gatehouse,
realise how fortunate you are to have a safe 7 Scholars Mews, Croft Road, Hastings TN34 3PQ
home and a roof over your head and a warm ‘It feels so peaceful here.’ Tel: 07826 730159 [email protected]
bed at night. It can get very emotional – we’ve
The day the church was born NEW SERIES … THROUGH THE CHRISTIAN YEAR
The disciples of Jesus, with one instruction to go back to the city and wait. Then Peter stands up, raises his voice and influence. The wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit is still
exception, had deserted him. His When the Lord says ‘Wait,’ it can be one addresses the people. Yes, the same Simon Peter ours today. He empowers Christians to carry on Christ’s
crucifixion left them ashamed, defeated of the hardest things to do. These days, more who had promised his Lord that he would follow work in the world.
and fearful. His presence with them than ever, nobody wants to wait for anything. him everywhere. And then, under threat, had The Holy Spirit touches people’s hearts. He convicts
again, in his risen form, completely It has to be instant. But the disciples were sworn he had never known him. them of their need, He reveals Jesus and makes him
transformed the situation. obedient. They returned to Jerusalem from the How bitterly he had regretted that denial, real to people.
He restored them as his friends. He trusted Mount of Olives, a day’s walk. and how graciously the risen Lord had restored The Holy Spirit constantly brings new life to the
them. He led them to the point where they him. Now, filled with the Holy Spirit, he is church. Otherwise it is just going through the motions.
were no longer dependent on his physical Increased number addressing this great festival crowd.
presence. Then, 40 days on from that glorious The disciples by now were joined ‘by the They have never heard anything Spiritual unity
Easter Day, he was parted from their sight. He women and Mary the mother of Jesus and his like it. ‘They have We need to ‘keep the unity of the spirit in
returned to his heavenly Father, in glory. brothers’. Indeed the number altogether now He tells them of the Lord never heard the bond of peace’ as the Lord’s work can
They were left on earth. What did they was 120. Jesus Christ, his miracles and be spoilt by gossip and division. Where
do? Well, they could have simply gone back For nine days they were patient and signs, and how he was put to anything there is unity the Holy Spirit can work. But
to their everyday working lives with amazing obedient. They waited, prayed, reflected, and death on the Cross. He goes like it’ he can be ‘grieved’ and can be ‘quenched’.
memories. prepared for what lay ahead. on: ‘God raised him from the There is nothing we need more today
Or, full of enthusiasm they could have Then came the Jewish festival of Pentecost, dead because it was impossible for than a spiritual awakening, the reviving
plunged straight into the mission their Lord had a holiday of thanksgiving and celebration for death to keep its hold upon him.’ power of the Holy Spirit, to inspire the church
committed to them - but making their own the harvest. Thousands of people poured into He concludes a powerful and challenging and to transform every part of national life.
plans, full of their own ideas, acting in their the city. address: ‘God made this Jesus, whom you It has happened at times in history. Are we prepared
own strength. It wouldn’t have worked. It was when they were all gathered there crucified, both Lord and Christ.’ for it to happen again?
The Holy Spirit can that the moment of God’s timing came for How do they react? They are ‘cut to the Wallace Boulton
turn a congregation Special gift those waiting believers. heart’. Those who accepted the message
into a church family,
sharing the love We can be thankful that they didn’t take either We read, ‘Suddenly a sound like the were baptised and 3,000 were added to their Bexhill Evangelical
of Christ, growing course. Instead they remembered his promise blowing of a mighty wind came from heaven number that day. The church was born!
together in faith, Your
caring for and shortly before his parting from them. He would and filled the whole house ... All were filled local Book Centre
encouraging one send them a gift his Father had promised. with the Spirit. There were what seemed to be Personal terms
another and reaching What was this gift they would receive? It tongues of fire that separated and filled the Jesus always referred to the Holy Spirit in Christian
out to those in need. Book Established since 1986.
Photo: Ben Clayton was to be God’s Holy Spirit. They obeyed the whole house...’ personal terms, never as an ‘it’ or a vague
Shop Wide selection of cards
available and good
selection of new and
secondhand books.
• Christian Books Orders taken if we don’t
• Cards have what you want.
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• Bibles (no cards). Local
deliveries undertaken.
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books Tuesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday
Also Mondays and Wednesdays
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Unit 4, The Mall,
Ann Mouland, 01424 722083 Western Road,
[email protected] Bexhill TN40 1DX
The day the church was born NEW SERIES … THROUGH THE CHRISTIAN YEAR
The disciples of Jesus, with one instruction to go back to the city and wait. Then Peter stands up, raises his voice and influence. The wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit is still
exception, had deserted him. His When the Lord says ‘Wait,’ it can be one addresses the people. Yes, the same Simon Peter ours today. He empowers Christians to carry on Christ’s
crucifixion left them ashamed, defeated of the hardest things to do. These days, more who had promised his Lord that he would follow work in the world.
and fearful. His presence with them than ever, nobody wants to wait for anything. him everywhere. And then, under threat, had The Holy Spirit touches people’s hearts. He convicts
again, in his risen form, completely It has to be instant. But the disciples were sworn he had never known him. them of their need, He reveals Jesus and makes him
transformed the situation. obedient. They returned to Jerusalem from the How bitterly he had regretted that denial, real to people.
He restored them as his friends. He trusted Mount of Olives, a day’s walk. and how graciously the risen Lord had restored The Holy Spirit constantly brings new life to the
them. He led them to the point where they him. Now, filled with the Holy Spirit, he is church. Otherwise it is just going through the motions.
were no longer dependent on his physical Increased number addressing this great festival crowd.
presence. Then, 40 days on from that glorious The disciples by now were joined ‘by the They have never heard anything Spiritual unity
Easter Day, he was parted from their sight. He women and Mary the mother of Jesus and his like it. ‘They have We need to ‘keep the unity of the spirit in
returned to his heavenly Father, in glory. brothers’. Indeed the number altogether now He tells them of the Lord never heard the bond of peace’ as the Lord’s work can
They were left on earth. What did they was 120. Jesus Christ, his miracles and be spoilt by gossip and division. Where
do? Well, they could have simply gone back For nine days they were patient and signs, and how he was put to anything there is unity the Holy Spirit can work. But
to their everyday working lives with amazing obedient. They waited, prayed, reflected, and death on the Cross. He goes like it’ he can be ‘grieved’ and can be ‘quenched’.
memories. prepared for what lay ahead. on: ‘God raised him from the There is nothing we need more today
Or, full of enthusiasm they could have Then came the Jewish festival of Pentecost, dead because it was impossible for than a spiritual awakening, the reviving
plunged straight into the mission their Lord had a holiday of thanksgiving and celebration for death to keep its hold upon him.’ power of the Holy Spirit, to inspire the church
committed to them - but making their own the harvest. Thousands of people poured into He concludes a powerful and challenging and to transform every part of national life.
plans, full of their own ideas, acting in their the city. address: ‘God made this Jesus, whom you It has happened at times in history. Are we prepared
own strength. It wouldn’t have worked. It was when they were all gathered there crucified, both Lord and Christ.’ for it to happen again?
The Holy Spirit can that the moment of God’s timing came for How do they react? They are ‘cut to the Wallace Boulton
turn a congregation Special gift those waiting believers. heart’. Those who accepted the message
into a church family,
sharing the love We can be thankful that they didn’t take either We read, ‘Suddenly a sound like the were baptised and 3,000 were added to their Bexhill Evangelical
of Christ, growing course. Instead they remembered his promise blowing of a mighty wind came from heaven number that day. The church was born!
together in faith, Your
caring for and shortly before his parting from them. He would and filled the whole house ... All were filled local Book Centre
encouraging one send them a gift his Father had promised. with the Spirit. There were what seemed to be Personal terms
another and reaching What was this gift they would receive? It tongues of fire that separated and filled the Jesus always referred to the Holy Spirit in Christian
out to those in need. Book Established since 1986.
Photo: Ben Clayton was to be God’s Holy Spirit. They obeyed the whole house...’ personal terms, never as an ‘it’ or a vague
Shop Wide selection of cards
available and good
selection of new and
secondhand books.
• Christian Books Orders taken if we don’t
• Cards have what you want.
• Small Gifts Cash or cheques
• Bibles (no cards). Local
deliveries undertaken.
• Stationery Discounts for bulk
• Children’s Books orders. We look forward
• Bible Notes to serving you.
• Second hand Opening hours: 10am to 3.45pm
books Tuesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday
Also Mondays and Wednesdays
11am to 2pm
Unit 4, The Mall,
Ann Mouland, 01424 722083 Western Road,
[email protected] Bexhill TN40 1DX
God’s different gifts at different times THE DIFFERENCE IN MY LIFE… LOCAL PEOPLE’S FAITH IN ACTION
through the then Rector, Symon Beesley, and his Beyond boundaries Enjoying work
strong teaching. He drew many to a personal We have been aware that the Lord calls us to I have enjoyed every job I have ever done. I’m
commitment to Christ, including myself. go beyond our church boundaries. He stretches still in paid employment one day each fortnight
It was a church filled with people many of us. One of the outcomes has been the Hastings in a florist shop in Bexhill, dealing not only
whom had served abroad – something that Sierra Leone Friendship Link. with happy occasions but also those who are
seemed so far from my destiny. From the start I developed a love affair with bereaved.
Our faith was really stirred up and we Hastings in Sierra Leone (Grapevine 60). I love the Our grandchildren are either at boarding
were soon very strongly drawn into church people and working with the community there. school or taking a gap year and we are
life, particularly to the children’s and young Richard and I have visited many times redundant now in that area. The Lord
people’s work. and are making it ‘home’ for more of however has encouraged our love
the year in the future by building a ‘We are for Sierra Leone. We are also
Going wrong house in the village. building a able to work with those less
Sadly that was when things started to go I now realise how much I had fortunate in our town and with
wrong between us and we parted. I was learned from those who had house in Sierra Hastings Borough Council in
devastated and it was a couple of years before I returned from working abroad to Leone’ various ways.
could find my feet again. St Leonard’s all those years ago. I have been deeply affected
My faith, however, was not knocked and I by the sad parts of my life, but I
was aware of God’s presence in all the sadness. Another shock believe that life is amazing and that
I don’t condone marriage breakups, but when I had suffered a major blow when my marriage we can totally trust in the Lord to lead us
they do occur I believe it’s better if communication broke up and I was to suffer another big shock through the darkness and rejoice with us in
can still be maintained as in our case. when our elder son, Richard, was diagnosed the good times.
with leukaemia at the age of 24. Up to then Interview by Wallace Boulton.
Christine was able to With her infectious enthusiasm Finding support he had been very healthy and played hockey at
hold fast in faith CHRISTINE BOULTON-LANE continues county level.
Photo: Ben Clayton Symon and Dorothy Beesley were a wonderful
to make a lively contribution to local example and were very supportive. It took two years to find a donor of
church life and to Loaf Project, as As church secretary I would go to the unmatched bone marrow. During that time he
well as to the Hastings Sierra Leone rectory in Quarry Hill in the mornings to do the had radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Friendship Link. She has however secretarial work and join them for their lunch. After a vast amount of prayer and practical
known times of shock and sadness as I was surrounded by amazing people who help from the church family he pulled through The Manor House, Penhurst, Nr. Battle,
well as encouragement. remain close friends today. and, after the transplant, went back to work. East Sussex TN33 9QP
tel: 0845 458 0602
I was born in Dulwich, brought up in I then went to work full-time for Christopher In 1995 the leukaemia returned. Before email: [email protected]
neighbouring Beckenham with my older Langdon, a local solicitor and friend. At he could undergo stem-cell treatment he web
brother, and went to a Catholic Convent around this time I met Richard, who went on sadly contracted an infection from a platelet
boarding school. to become a partner in the practice. Our first donation. He died six months later aged 29. Open to all who wish to seek God’s peace.
My teenage years were full of live music meeting, however, was on the badminton court This Christian retreat centre offers a welcoming family
and musicians, some of whom went on to – rather than Hastings County Court. God’s timing home environment in a setting that is remarkable,
be famous including David Bowie and Peter Richard was educated at a Quaker school The Lord does do miracles and answer prayer, peaceful and beautiful. The house can sleep up to 12
guests and cater for day groups of up to 25.
Frampton. near York Minster. He began coming to St but not always in the way we want. My son
I became a secretary in a publishers, part Leonard’s parish church.His faith really became was taken; this was God’s timing. He knows
of the William Collins group. It was a good ‘switched on’ and he was confirmed. better than we do and we should not be
company to work for and I enjoyed it. It was at We were married in 1986 so this year we demanding. Not all are healed.
work that I met my first husband. celebrated our 32nd anniversary. It’s hard to We never have all the answers. God gives
We bought a flat in St Leonards. believe. them in small parts. I was able to hold fast in
I am the treasurer of the Loaf project and faith knowing I was in his hands.
An excellent venue for individual or small group
Church connection have been involved in Loaf since it started. The Lord gives us different gifts at different residential retreats, individual quiet days, group away
Our first church connection here was through It has been an exciting adventure working times. I have now been led into working with days etc. We also have a programme of led retreats
our younger son Paul attending St Leonard’s with our chairman, Dr John Geater whose the chaplaincy team at the Conquest Hospital and workshops available.
Church of England primary school. enthusiasm and vision has rubbed off on me by enabling a group of mainly young Christian Contact the wardens for further details or to book.
We were attracted to the parish church and the others on the team. doctors to meet in our home.
God’s different gifts at different times THE DIFFERENCE IN MY LIFE… LOCAL PEOPLE’S FAITH IN ACTION
through the then Rector, Symon Beesley, and his Beyond boundaries Enjoying work
strong teaching. He drew many to a personal We have been aware that the Lord calls us to I have enjoyed every job I have ever done. I’m
commitment to Christ, including myself. go beyond our church boundaries. He stretches still in paid employment one day each fortnight
It was a church filled with people many of us. One of the outcomes has been the Hastings in a florist shop in Bexhill, dealing not only
whom had served abroad – something that Sierra Leone Friendship Link. with happy occasions but also those who are
seemed so far from my destiny. From the start I developed a love affair with bereaved.
Our faith was really stirred up and we Hastings in Sierra Leone (Grapevine 60). I love the Our grandchildren are either at boarding
were soon very strongly drawn into church people and working with the community there. school or taking a gap year and we are
life, particularly to the children’s and young Richard and I have visited many times redundant now in that area. The Lord
people’s work. and are making it ‘home’ for more of however has encouraged our love
the year in the future by building a ‘We are for Sierra Leone. We are also
Going wrong house in the village. building a able to work with those less
Sadly that was when things started to go I now realise how much I had fortunate in our town and with
wrong between us and we parted. I was learned from those who had house in Sierra Hastings Borough Council in
devastated and it was a couple of years before I returned from working abroad to Leone’ various ways.
could find my feet again. St Leonard’s all those years ago. I have been deeply affected
My faith, however, was not knocked and I by the sad parts of my life, but I
was aware of God’s presence in all the sadness. Another shock believe that life is amazing and that
I don’t condone marriage breakups, but when I had suffered a major blow when my marriage we can totally trust in the Lord to lead us
they do occur I believe it’s better if communication broke up and I was to suffer another big shock through the darkness and rejoice with us in
can still be maintained as in our case. when our elder son, Richard, was diagnosed the good times.
with leukaemia at the age of 24. Up to then Interview by Wallace Boulton.
Christine was able to With her infectious enthusiasm Finding support he had been very healthy and played hockey at
hold fast in faith CHRISTINE BOULTON-LANE continues county level.
Photo: Ben Clayton Symon and Dorothy Beesley were a wonderful
to make a lively contribution to local example and were very supportive. It took two years to find a donor of
church life and to Loaf Project, as As church secretary I would go to the unmatched bone marrow. During that time he
well as to the Hastings Sierra Leone rectory in Quarry Hill in the mornings to do the had radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Friendship Link. She has however secretarial work and join them for their lunch. After a vast amount of prayer and practical
known times of shock and sadness as I was surrounded by amazing people who help from the church family he pulled through The Manor House, Penhurst, Nr. Battle,
well as encouragement. remain close friends today. and, after the transplant, went back to work. East Sussex TN33 9QP
tel: 0845 458 0602
I was born in Dulwich, brought up in I then went to work full-time for Christopher In 1995 the leukaemia returned. Before email: [email protected]
neighbouring Beckenham with my older Langdon, a local solicitor and friend. At he could undergo stem-cell treatment he web
brother, and went to a Catholic Convent around this time I met Richard, who went on sadly contracted an infection from a platelet
boarding school. to become a partner in the practice. Our first donation. He died six months later aged 29. Open to all who wish to seek God’s peace.
My teenage years were full of live music meeting, however, was on the badminton court This Christian retreat centre offers a welcoming family
and musicians, some of whom went on to – rather than Hastings County Court. God’s timing home environment in a setting that is remarkable,
be famous including David Bowie and Peter Richard was educated at a Quaker school The Lord does do miracles and answer prayer, peaceful and beautiful. The house can sleep up to 12
guests and cater for day groups of up to 25.
Frampton. near York Minster. He began coming to St but not always in the way we want. My son
I became a secretary in a publishers, part Leonard’s parish church.His faith really became was taken; this was God’s timing. He knows
of the William Collins group. It was a good ‘switched on’ and he was confirmed. better than we do and we should not be
company to work for and I enjoyed it. It was at We were married in 1986 so this year we demanding. Not all are healed.
work that I met my first husband. celebrated our 32nd anniversary. It’s hard to We never have all the answers. God gives
We bought a flat in St Leonards. believe. them in small parts. I was able to hold fast in
I am the treasurer of the Loaf project and faith knowing I was in his hands.
An excellent venue for individual or small group
Church connection have been involved in Loaf since it started. The Lord gives us different gifts at different residential retreats, individual quiet days, group away
Our first church connection here was through It has been an exciting adventure working times. I have now been led into working with days etc. We also have a programme of led retreats
our younger son Paul attending St Leonard’s with our chairman, Dr John Geater whose the chaplaincy team at the Conquest Hospital and workshops available.
Church of England primary school. enthusiasm and vision has rubbed off on me by enabling a group of mainly young Christian Contact the wardens for further details or to book.
We were attracted to the parish church and the others on the team. doctors to meet in our home.
The crafting table Photo: Paul Donaldson
It was held in the garden of Church Together Maker’s Den meets on Thursdays in term
chairman John Lyttle. Lunching together in time from 4.00pm to 5.00pm.
groups they enjoyed a time of fellowship and Club leader Elle Risbridger told us more.
networking. Each week we have several art-based projects,
The organising team hopes that these games and opportunities for the children to
lunches will continue and will encourage more share their masterpieces.
working together, as well as a shared vision of We’ve enjoyed working with them doing
a spiritual awakening and the kingdom of God team challenges such as action painting to
spreading across the town. music while blindfolded, for a special sensory
experience. Plus having a supersized mural of
Inside Maker’s Den Hastings which we captured from above using
our photographic drone.
Grapevine is carrying out a survey of Parents relax
church-based activities for children. From speaking to parents, some take the
A striking example is Maker’s Den, opportunity to pop into the shops, while others
Enjoying the sun: Local church leaders an after-school club at Holy Trinity
some of the tables take the chance to relax over a coffee and First Sunday Walks
at the lunch relax over lunch Hastings for children of primary- socialise with their friends. Some really enjoy
Photo: John Lyttle school age. getting involved and seeing their children These walks, organised by Meet at 2.30 at the car park
Local clergy, ministers and leaders of It is designed for them to explore their growing in confidence. Loaf Project and Church on the B2089, 1.45 miles after
church initiatives enjoyed an informal creativity and learn new skills, while having My faith impacts the way that I run the Together continue to bring turning left at the Broad Oak
Grapevine/Church Together open-air fun, making friends and being encouraged to group and the way that we all value and groups of peope together crossroads
lunch on a sunny spring day. develop their passions. interact with the children. We have wanted to enjoy the countryside
it to be a space where the children feel safe, around us. All are August 5th Combe Valley
Grapevine is published by Design John Hawkins valued and encouraged as individuals. welcome. Just turn up! nature reserve. Meet at 2.30
Loaf Project (reg charity 07780 502417 at the TA Centre, Cinque Ports
no 293855) in association Advertising and This topic will be continued, with more June 3rd Explore Rye nature Way, St. Leonards,
with Church Together in distribution examples from our survey.
Hastings and St Leonards Richard Keep 852131 reserve (bring binoculars); a
to encourage action for the choice of 3 or 5 mile routes September 2nd Around
relief of poverty and distress Treasurer Christian outreach to take in coast and lakes and Icklesham. Meet at 2.30 at the
in the local community and Christine Lane, who is pleased to observe nature at close Queen’s Head at Icklesham
overseas. to receive donations at: continues to grow
151 Old Roar Road, quarters. Meet at 2.30 at Rye
Grapevine team St Leonards TN37 7HH The record was again broken this year harbour car park October 7th Sea views from
Loaf chairman Tel 754608 for the number of displays of Christian the Country Park. Meet at 2.30
Dr John Geater MBE Printed by initiatives at the annual Unity Service July 1st Explore Brede High at the information centre in the
Editor Rev Wallace Boulton Berforts of Hastings organised by Church Together in Woods, streams and lakeside. Country Park car park.
Arts/community Lizzie May Web Hastings and St Leonards.
Cookery is one of the opportunities Photo: Paul Donaldson
There were 31 stands round the Osgood, a president of Churches Together in
sides of the Hastings Centre and England. He said that Christian unity did not
spilling over into the adjoining room mean conforming to any one pattern. There
where refreshments were served. were different expressions and that was to be
Most of the ventures were started, and are run, welcomed.
Owned and run by the Towner family since 1875 by members of different congregations, among The community was diverse and the church
them Street Pastors, Hope Kitchen, Night must be culturally relevant.
2 - 4 Norman Road, St Leonards 436386 Church and Christians Against Poverty Those attending had been invited to bring
The service was led by John Lyttle, chairman spare garden tools and many did. These were
Audley House, 1 Albert Road, Bexhill 733700
of Church Together. The large gathering placed in a van parked by Tools with a Mission.
43 High Street, Battle 775515
included the mayor and deputy mayor and This Christian charity collects unwanted tools, several other councillors. refurbishes them and packs them into trade kits for
The guest speaker was Rev Dr Hugh distribution in the poorest parts of the world.
The crafting table Photo: Paul Donaldson
It was held in the garden of Church Together Maker’s Den meets on Thursdays in term
chairman John Lyttle. Lunching together in time from 4.00pm to 5.00pm.
groups they enjoyed a time of fellowship and Club leader Elle Risbridger told us more.
networking. Each week we have several art-based projects,
The organising team hopes that these games and opportunities for the children to
lunches will continue and will encourage more share their masterpieces.
working together, as well as a shared vision of We’ve enjoyed working with them doing
a spiritual awakening and the kingdom of God team challenges such as action painting to
spreading across the town. music while blindfolded, for a special sensory
experience. Plus having a supersized mural of
Inside Maker’s Den Hastings which we captured from above using
our photographic drone.
Grapevine is carrying out a survey of Parents relax
church-based activities for children. From speaking to parents, some take the
A striking example is Maker’s Den, opportunity to pop into the shops, while others
Enjoying the sun: Local church leaders an after-school club at Holy Trinity
some of the tables take the chance to relax over a coffee and First Sunday Walks
at the lunch relax over lunch Hastings for children of primary- socialise with their friends. Some really enjoy
Photo: John Lyttle school age. getting involved and seeing their children These walks, organised by Meet at 2.30 at the car park
Local clergy, ministers and leaders of It is designed for them to explore their growing in confidence. Loaf Project and Church on the B2089, 1.45 miles after
church initiatives enjoyed an informal creativity and learn new skills, while having My faith impacts the way that I run the Together continue to bring turning left at the Broad Oak
Grapevine/Church Together open-air fun, making friends and being encouraged to group and the way that we all value and groups of peope together crossroads
lunch on a sunny spring day. develop their passions. interact with the children. We have wanted to enjoy the countryside
it to be a space where the children feel safe, around us. All are August 5th Combe Valley
Grapevine is published by Design John Hawkins valued and encouraged as individuals. welcome. Just turn up! nature reserve. Meet at 2.30
Loaf Project (reg charity 07780 502417 at the TA Centre, Cinque Ports
no 293855) in association Advertising and This topic will be continued, with more June 3rd Explore Rye nature Way, St. Leonards,
with Church Together in distribution examples from our survey.
Hastings and St Leonards Richard Keep 852131 reserve (bring binoculars); a
to encourage action for the choice of 3 or 5 mile routes September 2nd Around
relief of poverty and distress Treasurer Christian outreach to take in coast and lakes and Icklesham. Meet at 2.30 at the
in the local community and Christine Lane, who is pleased to observe nature at close Queen’s Head at Icklesham
overseas. to receive donations at: continues to grow
151 Old Roar Road, quarters. Meet at 2.30 at Rye
Grapevine team St Leonards TN37 7HH The record was again broken this year harbour car park October 7th Sea views from
Loaf chairman Tel 754608 for the number of displays of Christian the Country Park. Meet at 2.30
Dr John Geater MBE Printed by initiatives at the annual Unity Service July 1st Explore Brede High at the information centre in the
Editor Rev Wallace Boulton Berforts of Hastings organised by Church Together in Woods, streams and lakeside. Country Park car park.
Arts/community Lizzie May Web Hastings and St Leonards.
Cookery is one of the opportunities Photo: Paul Donaldson
There were 31 stands round the Osgood, a president of Churches Together in
sides of the Hastings Centre and England. He said that Christian unity did not
spilling over into the adjoining room mean conforming to any one pattern. There
where refreshments were served. were different expressions and that was to be
Most of the ventures were started, and are run, welcomed.
Owned and run by the Towner family since 1875 by members of different congregations, among The community was diverse and the church
them Street Pastors, Hope Kitchen, Night must be culturally relevant.
2 - 4 Norman Road, St Leonards 436386 Church and Christians Against Poverty Those attending had been invited to bring
The service was led by John Lyttle, chairman spare garden tools and many did. These were
Audley House, 1 Albert Road, Bexhill 733700
of Church Together. The large gathering placed in a van parked by Tools with a Mission.
43 High Street, Battle 775515
included the mayor and deputy mayor and This Christian charity collects unwanted tools, several other councillors. refurbishes them and packs them into trade kits for
The guest speaker was Rev Dr Hugh distribution in the poorest parts of the world.
7/9 Wellington Square
E. Sussex TN34 1PD
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