‘Your kingdom come, your will be done … in Hastings’ DISTFRIOBRUFTIROEEN
Equipping youth leaders in ‘twinned’ Hastings
RE by multi-media experience
Retired bishop helps build a better future for Rwanda
‘Your kingdom come, your
They were wet, they were muddy. But a hardy For example, looking from West Hill to the
band of members of different parts of the church harbour, there was prayer and blessing for the
across Hastings were undeterred. They were fishing community and the lifeboat crew … at the
spending the afternoon of new year’s day on a Jerwood, for the arts community … at Station Plaza
two-mile prayer walk around the town centre, on for transport workers and those who commute …
the East and West Hill and in the old town. then, turning towards the health centre, for those
in the health services and hospital … in front of
After sharing a meal in the church in Wellington South Coast College, for those in education … and
Square, they set off during a break in the weather, so it continued.
only for the rain to return.
Leaders involved
At 12 points on their circuit they stopped to Three local church leaders were among the walkers:
pray for the people involved in what they saw and Paul Parks (Anglican), Keith Abraham (Baptist) and
for God’s blessing in the year ahead. Chris Sears (His Place).
> Some of the walkers A fourth, Roman Catholic Father Tom
pause for a picture
on the East Hill, with
the old town in the
Photo by Ben Clayton
Cover picture:
The beach at Hastings,
a photo by Very
English Limited, from
their blog at:
r will be done … in Hastings’
Treherne, was called away urgently to a sick He found the spirit within the second group really
member. uplifting.
Two hospital chaplains also took part. ‘It proved a powerful experience,’ he said
Meanwhile a small group remained behind in afterwards.
Wellington Square. They were unable to do the
walk but wanted to be involved. One of the prayer points was outside the town
As the walkers reached each prayer point hall. Looking across the road Ben Clayton was
they texted to those back at ‘base’. They then struck by the reflection of a cross on a second-floor
took up the praying until the walkers reached window above the Odeon cinema.
the next stopping point.
‘The cross is on top of the town hall,’ said Ben. ‘I
Powerful experience had never realised it was there. To see it suddenly
Among the non-walking group was Dr in this way seemed very symbolic.’
John Geater, who had a broken toe. His
disappointment was soon transformed. It is hoped to have another prayer walk in the
summer. In the meantime the regular First Sunday
walks continue (see page 13)
Target hit but we now
The present Loaf project,Wheels of Pakistani food, as well as praise and information,
Mercy, reached its original £12,000 target hosted by St Helen’s.
in record time – but the project is being The main speaker was Bishop Richard Jackson,
extended because more money is now Bishop of Lewes, who had recently returned from a
needed. visit to Pakistan.
This was explained at a well ‘Some Wheels of Mercy is to provide a vehicle
attended Loaf Project evening of had been for disabled children in poorer areas
of Pakistan to receive education
and training at a special centre in
at a local Transport need
hospice’ The Centre for Profound Education is
now able to move to bigger premises.
This will allow doubling of the number able
to receive help, from 49 to a possible 100. But only
if there is the means to get more of them there.
Those attending expressed widespread approval
at continuing the project for a few more months so
that we could purchase a bigger minibus to meet
the increased need.
Closer understanding
Bishop Richard spoke of his enthusiasm for this
venture as he had personally worked in Pakistan in
development earlier in his life.
He had just spent part of a sabbatical there,
helping bring Christians and Muslims closer
together in understanding.
He did not underestimate the difficulties faced
by minority religious groups but spoke of ‘beacons
of hope’ in meetings between church and mosque
leaders at which he had been present.
His Place Art Café
& Community Centre
Robertson Street,
Hastings, TN34 1HL
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, Sat
10am–3pm Tel: 01424 423501
Supported by Sussex Community Foundation
need more!
Enthusiastic backing < Dr Shakil Mailk:
The meeting also heard from Dr Shakil Malik,
whose personal enthusiasm has played a large part working in partnership
in getting the Centre for Profound Education up
and running.
He said that it was one of a series of
programmes he and fellow members of the Sussex
Partnership Mental Health Trust had played a role
in starting.
Some were in partnership with locally-based
Prime (Partnerships in International Medical
Dedicated staff at a local hospice and others from some of the
John Hassell OBE, previously head of Glyne Gap poorest families.
School in Bexhill, highly praised the dedicated staff
of the centre in Islamabad. On the evening four people responded with
extreme generosity and each pledged to sponsor
He is a UK Government advisor on autism and a child for the next year at a cost of about £15 a
is providing ongoing education and training for the week!
staff of the centre.
Sponsorship though does not need to cover the
Generous sponsors full cost. For people who cannot afford such regular
Along with providing the larger minibus, there is a donations much smaller amounts would make a
great need to sponsor some of the children who tremendous difference and bring hope into what
attend. was previously a hopeless situation.
They include some who had been abandoned
Bishop Richard Jackson will be
returning to Hastings to speak at an
inter-church meeting hosted by Holy
Trinity Hastings on Tuesday March
21st at 7.30pm.
He will describe the problems faced
by Christian communities under
persecution in many parts of the
This is an important meeting for us all.
Book the date in your diary now.
Equipping youth leaders
Concern for a traumatised generation With the all-clear given a few months earlier, it
was exciting to be welcomed by Esther Tommy and
One of the 13 schools partnerships with Hastings in Sierra Leone her husband Edmond’s smiling faces.
is between Dudley Infant Academy and Edest infant school in Lui, a It was good to learn of God’s grace and
village adjacent to Hastings.
protection on their family during the crisis. But
The Edest school was set up by the initiative and drive of a husband it was heartbreaking to hear of the devastating
and wife team of Methodist ministers, Revs Esther and Edmund impact of the outbreak on so many communities
Tommy. They have played a prominent part in the Hastings Sierra across this beautiful country.
Leone Friendship Link. Practical challenges
They realised the vital importance of youth work in their churches. I was driven to Hastings and settled at the Twin
Other church leaders in the area shared their concern for a generation
traumatised by the rebel war and more recently the ebola scourge. Town Centre, where the training was to take place
The Loaf committee here put them in touch with Urban Saints, over the next week.
which runs training courses for youth leaders in this country and in Day one was filled with planning discussions
several countries in Africa. about the training with Esther, Edmond
It has developed training materials tailored to a range of ‘It was and the rest of the organising group.
national cultures. wonderful to Also on the agenda were the
Loaf provided a £2,000 grant to send a team from Urban be in Sierra practical challenges caused by my
Leone at lack of luggage. It included much,
Saints to deliver a week-long training course for church and but mercifully not all, of our training
youth leaders at the Hastings Twin Town Centre in Sierra Leone. last’
Final plans were made by Esther Tommy with the Urban Saints equipment. Fortunately I had put one
team when she was here at the end of May as a guest of Dudley Infant training manual into my hand luggage.
Academy. The 35 participants were drawn from a range
RAY KING describes the trip. of churches across the Hastings area. They were a
wonderful mix of denominations, ages, experience
It’s 27 degrees outside but feels much and roles.
hotter as I find myself in the middle of a This was a true picture of the body of Christ, all
queue-come-scrum of about a hundred different, with different parts to play, but all part of
passengers besieging the lost-luggage one body.
Everyone is wondering what’s happened Getting involved
to their luggage. Only about 15 pieces seem The Urban Saints training is designed to
to have made it through. Not quite what be interactive and encourages maximum
I had in mind when I walked across the participation.
tarmac into Freetown International Airport. Much fun was had as important principles of
children’s work were taught through discussions,
Welcome to Sierra Leone. games, drama, role play and even dance. The image
Despite the chaotic arrival, and the prospect of of one older male participant dancing as part of a
spending the next ten days in sub-Saharan West drama will live in my memory!
Africa with only the clothes I was wearing, it was Throughout the week this incredible group of
wonderful to be in Sierra Leone at last. children’s workers, youth workers and pastors
I was there with colleague Paul, to deliver part enthusiastically engaged with the training.
one of the Urban Saints foundational training in As the course drew to a close and certificates
children’s work. were handed out, it was encouraging to hear
It was a trip that had been planned two years how various aspects of the training had impacted
previously but sadly had been put on hold because different people. All were keen to put into practice
of the ravaging ebola outbreak. what had been learned.
in ‘twinned’ Hastings
< Edmund and
Esther Tommy in the
Twin Town Centre in
Hastings Sierra Leone
with Corrine Harris and
Alison Daly, who were
on an exchange visit
from Dudley Infant
Bringing hope 7/9 Wellington Square
All too soon, a tremendously encouraging trip came to an end. Hastings
Hopefully it won’t be too long before future training can be
delivered and, more importantly, before those trained will be E. Sussex TN34 1PD
training others, seeking to bring hope to the next generation in
Sierra Leone. Tel: (01424) 721700
Fax: (01424) 433755
My luggage? That arrived after five days, but not before a
forthright pastor had negotiated for a couple of sets of clothes e-mail: [email protected]
from the local market. His negotiating skills will also be an
abiding memory of this trip. Accounts preparation Taxation
y The youth leaders from Hastings Sierra Leone and the surrounding Business planning VAT
area on the training course Auditing Inheritance tax planning
Computer consultancy Independent financial
and training advice
Also serving clients from offices at:
Battle, Heathfield, & Hove
Roger Mitchell
RE by multi-mediareports
690 LOCAL CHILDREN Classes travelled
INVOLVED Christian Schoolsworkers Hastings (CSWH),
supported financially by Hastings Youth Trust,
‘This was a very good school trip. I liked hosted the event for the third time in recent
how you made it so much fun by using years.
the tablets and videos. The music was Classes of children from primary schools were
really good too and I learned a lot brought by coach to the exhibition, at St Peter
about who Jesus is.’ and St Paul church in Parkstone Road.
This was the comment There they were met by schools
of one boy who attended
‘It workers Lucy Skelton and Peter
the inter-active Life showed what
Exhibition, described as ‘a Christians Howarth and a team of local church
multi-media educational members.
experience’. believe about
They helped them to explore the
displays and to work interactively
Designed for children in years Jesus’ with programmed electronic tablets.
five and six in primary schools and
academies, it welcomed 690 local Forming opinions
schoolchildren over six days. Finally there were refreshments and a lively
It showed what Christians believe about Jesus quiz encouraging children to develop their own
of Nazareth: his origins, his life and teaching; opinions before boarding the coaches back to
Some of the the manner of his execution at the hands of the school.
volunteers with
schools workers Lucy Roman Empire, and the claim of his Resurrection. Among the comments from the children were:
Skelton and Peter
The content covered many aspects of the RE ‘I thought it was a great experience about the
Howarth x
curriculum. Lord’ … ‘I liked how the technology linked to the
RE bit.’ … ‘It was awesome!’ … ‘I loved this place, it’s
amazing. I especially liked the iPads and the music,
and the people were so nice’.
One girl, perhaps more thoughtful than others,
wrote: ‘It was a brilliant exhibition. However, my
thoughts have not changed, I don’t believe in God.’
So, the exhibition was about opening children’s
eyes to what Christians base their lives upon in an
active and fun way.
The question posed throughout was ‘This is
what Christians believe; what do you think?’
Well crafted Another educational resource created by Counties y Children engaged
Tom Collins, the local organiser of the visit, said: is the popular GSUS Live trailer, which has come to
‘It has been wonderful to see the way in which the town on three occasions. This is designed for in one of the activity
children have engaged so positively during the six secondary schools and academies. areas
days that the exhibition has been with us.
‘It has been a privilege to be able to offer such a
well-crafted resource to the schools and academies
of the town.’
The Life Exhibition is created by Counties, a
national organisation resourcing Christian ministry
throughout the UK.
And Jesus said,
“Come to me all who are
tired from carrying heavy
loads and I will give you rest”
A safe place………
to Let go and let God
to talk or pray with someone in confidence
to learn about the church’s healing ministry
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Set in its own spacious grounds near Battle in East Sussex, Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre provides quality
accommodation and appropriate healing ministry for anyone needing time away from the stresses and strains
of daily life. Throughout the year we offer a variety of residential and non-residential Retreats, training days
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For more details or to make a booking
t bookings 01424 830 033 t general enquires 01424 830204
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Retired bishop helps build a
This year Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame Also supported is the health centre and
will officially open a new 40-bed extension maternity unit built on Mount Cyangugu
to the Peace Guest House beside Lake Kivu (Grapevine 54).
in the remote south-west of Rwanda. The
driving force behind this project has been a Helping recovery
retired bishop, Ken Barham, living in Battle. Bishop Kenneth Barham OBE followed his father,
Bishop Lawrence Barham, in serving in Rwanda.
Peace Guest House is a favourite with tourists and He was consecrated in 1993 as assistant bishop
one of the attractions is the chance to see to Bishop Daniel.
the gorillas in the nearby mountains. ‘Fifty A year later Bishop Daniel fled
The revenue generated by the cyclists in the country during the genocide.
Bishop Ken was left running the
guest house is the main income for
the salaries of the bishop, his staff the Tour de new diocese at a time of total
and the 20 guest house staff. It Rwanda stayed disruption.
also supports the building of rural
He was officially enthroned as
churches, church schools and clinics. overnight’ Bishop of Cyangugu in 1996, in the
The only other income in the aftermath of the genocide.
diocese, even now, is a proportion of He helped in the process of
the collections from the parishes, where most reconciliation and helped rebuild the shattered
people make their living from their bits of land. country.
‘Sunday collections are often a bunch of He saw his role as bringing about
plantains or a chicken!’ said Bishop Ken. In the reconstruction that was sustainable and not
cathedral church in the town it is different, as more always requiring outside aid.
people have paid jobs. Now aged 80 and well into retirement,
Bishop Ken has continued to launch and pursue
Loaf project a succession of building projects in Rwanda,
The impressive new One of the church schools, a six-classroom primary, through the charity he set up, the Lawrence
annexe at the Peace
was built with the £30,000 raised in Hastings by the Barham Memorial Trust. Supporting him
Guest House x
Loaf millennium project in the year 2000. throughout has been wife Jill.
better future for Rwanda
Ambitious plan
Peace Guest House has been the biggest venture.
With its great tourist potential, it became an
important part of the process.
It proved so popular that Bishop Ken launched
the ambitious plan to build the large extension. At
Christmas he was able to announce that this 40-
room annexe was finished and fully paid for.
In 2017 it would begin generating income for
the diocese of Cyangugu. It had its first test when
50 of the 80 cyclists in the international Tour de
Rwanda stayed overnight there.
Sustainable programmes y Bishop Ken with his wife Jill
Bishop Ken and his fellow fund-raisers in the x One of the five rondavels at the Peace Guest House
Lawrence Barham Memorial Fund have persisted in
funding new sustainable programmes in Rwanda.
Ernest Rwamucyo, former High Commissioner of
Rwanda to the UK, comments that this conforms
to the vision and aspirations of many Rwandans.
‘Bishop Ken’s service,’ he says, ‘has touched,
inspired and changed many lives. His contribution
to the post-genocide reconstruction of Rwanda is
Bishop Ken writes on the situation in
Rwanda, 22 years after the genocide.
Reconciliation and forgiveness are
being preached and practised. Poverty
is being tackled head on, so by 2020
extreme poverty will have been
eliminated. More and more people have
access to clean water and sanitation,
medical care and education.
In the remotest part of Rwanda, the
diocese of Cyangugu is working hard.
The 700-seat cathedral I built when I
was made a bishop is now too small!
Bishop Nathan, with help from Bishop
Quigg Lawrence in Virginia USA, is
building a bigger one.
Ten new brick-built parish
churches are near completion and the
congregations are growing ... not just in
numbers but in spiritual depth.
Helping So needed are these meetings that
pressured health people come from a wide area, even
workers to cope driving from South London. An optional
meal is available if booked (£10).
Our doctors and nurses and other
health workers are working under great Meetings are free. Church leaders and
pressure with increasing demands people in church ministry groups are also
outstripping resources.Where can they welcome.
find help to cope?
The next meeting is at Ashburnham
That help is being offered by Place on Thursday February 9th at
Ashburnham Christian Trust and Prime, 7.30pm (meal if booked from 6.30).
a locally-based Christian charity
working in medical education in 35 “Integrity in healthcare: what does it
countries. really mean?” is an interactive session
based on a seminar by Dr John Geater
They invite all those in any branch of healthcare MBE, international director of Prime.
to meet three times a year to allow discussion
of their problems and how others have Graham Atfield, chaplain at Conquest
overcome them ... to hear of local initiatives to Hospital, and Dr Tom Fonseka will share
bring a Christian ‘whole person’ understanding a programme being followed by some
of health to this area ... to set up local support of the Christian staff to improve their
networks and to pray for each other. own resilience and raise the morale of
Details and bookings for supper at
Other meetings this year are on Thursday
June 8th and Thursday October 13th.
60 years of spreading This ministry began in 1899 with with just
the Word three Christian travelling salesmen deciding
to place copies of the Bible in hotel rooms in
The local branch of Gideons International Montana USA.
has celebrated its 60th anniversary.
Today Gideons are placing Scriptures in 200
Gideons are Christian business and countries around the world and the demand often
professional men well known for placing exceeds the supply.
and distributing copies of the Bible and
the New Testament. In 1956 a few business and professional men
and their wives were among the first to form a
Owned and run by the Towner family since 1875 branch in the UK. One of the founder members
was well-known estate agent Arthur Vint, who was
2 - 4 Norman Road, St Leonards 436386 a member at Christ Church Ore.
Audley House, 1 Albert Road, Bexhill 733700 Now, 60 years on, local Gideons are placing
Bibles in hotels, care homes, camping and caravan
19 Market Square, Battle 775515 sites and various waiting rooms. They distribute New Testaments to university
students and pupils in secondary schools/
academies, as well as to the emergency services
and youth organisations.
The Hastings and Rother branch would welcome a
few new members. For details contact Don Valentine
on 428832 or email [email protected]
Paul Parks speaking Walks are of 3-4 miles on country footpaths in
man to man some of the most interesting countryside within
easy reach of Hastings.
Local vicar Paul Parks is to be a main speaker at
the Impact men’s conference hosted by Sonrise, Why not join them? Walks start at 2.00pm in
the church at Bohemia, over the weekend of winter and at 2.30 after the clocks go forward. There
May 19th-20th. is no charge; just turn up.
Paul described some of his experiences in the previous
two issues of Grapevine. First Sunday Walks are organised by Loaf Project
on behalf of Church Together in Hastings and St
The theme of the event is The Word and Spirit. The Leonards.
other main speaker is Andy Elmes. He and his wife run
Family Church, a multi-congregation of church plants February 5th
around the south of England. He is a regular speaker on The annual walk through the woods of Alexandra
the TBN TV network. Park to the Old Roar waterfall – a perennial favourite.
For more information and booking details call 532560 or Meet at 2.00 at the Cafe in the Park
email [email protected]
March 5th
Walk for fitness, fun A refreshing walk through fields and woodland. Meet
and fellowship at 2.00 at Westfield parish church
First Sunday Walks are now well into their sixth April 2nd
year and continue to attract new people. A springtime ramble. Meet at 2.30 at Crowhurst
Anywhere between 15 and 50 people, young and old (and church.
a few dogs) take part.
All walks are child and dog friendly but there may x A group of
be stiles so pushchairs are not usually possible. All
walkers take part at their own risk – but the routes First Sunday
are checked carefully in advance. > walkers near
Shades turning Raising awareness
to allegory of Christian Aid
Shades Theatre Company is concentrating A supporters’ group has been formed by
this year on staging The Death of Everyone local church members to raise awareness
in the autumn. of Christian Aid’s campaigns and projects.
The play is an adaptation by Patrick Dorn of a Christine Edwards reports.
15th-century morality play. Like John Bunyan’s A successful meeting was held as part of the
The Pilgrim’s Progress, it uses allegory to examine national Speak Up Against Climate Change Week.
the question of Christian salvation and what an Michael Foster, High Sheriff of East Sussex, and
individual must do to attain it. David Henty and several councillors sent encouraging messages of
Adrian Rust will be directing the production. support.
Richard Keep Pianos The causes and consequences of climate
change were explored through films of floods and
drought affecting poor communities in Bangladesh,
Zimbabwe and Kenya and stimulating discussion
Mark Rodger spoke about Christian Aid’s current
campaign to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
In the offing is a meeting with our MP Amber
Rudd to discuss the Paris Climate Agreement and
the implementation of a low-carbon investment
plan to transform the economy.
Future plans include having a presence in Priory
Meadow during Christian Aid Week.
To hear more about these activities, or to join the
small steering groupo and contribute your ideas and
skill, contact [email protected]
All piano services offered Grapevine is published by Loaf Project (reg
From small repairs to full overhauls charity no 293855) in association with Church
Together in Hastings and St Leonards to
Tuning, regulation, restringing encourage action for the relief of poverty and
Repolishing, covers and stools distress in the local community and overseas.
Pianos sold (all with 2 year guarantee)
Grapevine team
01424 852131 [email protected] 0794 080 8761
Loaf chairman Dr John Geater MBE
john hawkins design
Editor Rev Wallace Boulton
graphic design consultancy
book design and typography Design John Hawkins 07780 502417
magazine design
Advertising and distribution
07780 502417 Richard Keep 852131
[email protected] Treasurer
Christine Lane, who is pleased to receive
14 GRAPEVINE donations at:
151 Old Roar Road,
St Leonards TN37 7HH
Printed by Berforts of Hastings
Your Bexhill Evangelical
Book Centre
The Manor House, Penhurst, Nr. Battle, Book Established since 1986.
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Contact the wardens for further details or to book.
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[email protected] Bexhill TN40 1DX
the 1 Christ Church Courtyard
agnet London Road St Leonards-on-Sea
TN37 6GL
the magnet is a conference centre and library offering first
rate flexible meeting space and training facilities.
Battle, East Sussex, TN33 9NF the magnet offers six
comfortable and well-appointed
Set in 220 acres of beautiful grounds
and gardens, Ashburnham Place meeting rooms, the smallest
is a Christian conference, retreat takes 8 the largest 120 people
and event centre.
Bookings include the use of
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• Be The Word Bookshop and WiFi access and tea and
• Prayer Centre coffee at no extra cost.
For more information, please go to The extensive theological library is available to all, by
or call appointment, for reference,
reading and study
01424 892244 For more details, to arrange a visit or make a
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