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The Voice of HOPE for Hastings

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Published by r.keep, 2018-02-22 04:16:05

Grapevine 61

The Voice of HOPE for Hastings

Keywords: Christian church Loaf developing Hastings


reaches new

• Twinned Hastings is ‘signed up’
• Holy happenings in Hastings
• Time and space to think
• Golfers back Street Pastors


The editor writes … the Church of England alone, there are different
traditions, emphases and styles of worship. Each part
Pulling together has its own contribution to make to the whole.

I was once with Christians in a remote village in No one part should try to go it alone. We need each
Kenya and a woman said to me with feeling, ‘Once other, and we forget that to our cost. No part can afford
I was a Presbyterian, but now I am an Anglican!’ to become insular, inward-looking or self-righteous.
Rivalries and differences had somehow got imported
along with the Christian gospel, or at any rate had The sense of unity is strongest when the church is
soon sprung up as it had taken root. turned outwards; when Christians respond together
to show the love of God amid the needs all around us.
At the annual meeting of Churches Together in Hastings The church outside its walls is more important than the
and St Leonards eight years ago it was unanimously church when it’s inside its buildings, important though
decided to change the name to Church Together. When regular worship is. Having said that, the buildings
the proposal was first discussed, the two who spoke first themselves can be opened up, and are being, to serve
in strong support were a Roman Catholic priest and a the community.
Baptist minister.
Ahealthy sign is that there has never been so much
No doubt there were many points on which they Christian outreach in the town, demonstrated by
would have disagreed, quite deeply even. But what was the record number of stands at the annual unity service.
more important was that they were united in their love
of the Lord and their desire to see his kingdom come in Almost all of them were launched, and are run, by
changed men and women and throughout our town. The ordinary members from different parts of the church.
most basic belief on which we stand together is that They are the church in action. But they do need the
Jesus is Lord. backing of the ministers. The resources of many of
these ventures are stretched in terms of money and
So we come to see not ‘churches’ but one ‘body of volunteers.
Christ’ across our town, with different parts. This is
reflected in Grapevine. The church across Hastings and St Leonards is like
lights here and there, some quite large, some small;
John Lyttle, chairman of Church Together locally, some shining quite brightly, others only dimly. If only we
has pointed out that unity does not mean uniformity. could see a great blaze of light, right across the whole
Among the distinctive parts of the church, even within town, affecting every part of life.

May God in his sovereign power bring revival. But it
has to happen first within the church before it spreads

everywhere else. It begins with repentance.



Twinned Hastings ‘signed up’

Teachers from Hastings Sierra Leone on ‘It was a nice way for us to be able to y Those who gathered
an exchange visit here were among those mark the tenth anniversary of our formal
celebrating a new road sign marking twinning with Hastings Sierra Leone in at the new sign
Hastings’ twin towns. It is on the A259 on 2007. I am delighted that our African included the mayor,
the eastern approach to Hastings. visitors were able to be present.’ Cllr Judy Rogers, and
the leader of Hastings
The old sign had only recognised Hastings’ four Real meanIng Borough Council, Cllr
European twin towns. There is now a brand new Francis Mason is the co-ordinator in Peter Chowney.
sign, with Hastings Sierra Leone added. Sierra Leone of the teachers’ exchange Photo: Kevin Boorman
programme. He said, ‘We were honoured to
For some time the Hastings Sierra Leone be present. GRAPEVINE 3
Friendship Link had wanted this and is very
grateful to Hastings Borough for providing it. ‘It is very important to us. It shows that
the links are tangible, not just symbolic, and
Proper recognition really mean something.
Council leader Peter Chowney said, ‘It is only right
that all of our twin towns are properly recognised. ‘I will work hard to ensure that a similar
sign is erected in Hastings Sierra Leone.’ >


Here to share

Seven teachers from Hastings

Sierra Leone arrived here

on Hastings Day in the

latest exchange visit. ‘Partnerships
are proving
These visits between
linked schools in both

countries have been highly
taking place since 2010.

Project co-ordinator valuable’
Roger Mitchell said, ‘Our

partnerships are proving

highly valuable in helping

children here and in Sierra Leone to

understand more about the world they live in.

‘They gain insights into how cultures and

lifestyles interact through history, climate and


Developing ideas Academy, Guestling Bradshaw CE Primary, St
One outcome of this visit will be to improve Leonards CE Academy, St Mary Star of the Sea RC
the teaching of maths in schools in and around Primary, and West St Leonards Academy.
Hastings Sierra Leone, using strategies learnt and
observed here, Francis Mason, co-ordinator of the link in Sierra
Leone, accompanied the party and spent time
Letitia Huggins teaches at Jui Lower, near to visiting the other nine linked schools here.
Hastings town. She said, ‘I am really looking forward
to developing some of the ideas that were shared.’ He said, ‘I want to thank the people in Hastings
UK for their hospitality and desire to share with us
Working together in educating all our children. We greatly appreciate
The visiting teachers spent a week working the friendships that have grown up between us.’
alongside teachers from The Baird Primary
The exchange visits have been mainly funded by
British Council grants. This one however was jointly

His Place Art Café Hastings Healing Rooms
& Community Centre
Free, Confidential Prayer for healing in
Robertson Street, the Name of Jesus Christ
Hastings, TN34 1HL
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, Sat God said “I am the Lord who heals you”
Part of Healing Rooms England & Wales. Charity no: 1125094 Tel: 01424 423501

Supported by Sussex Community Foundation


Time out to enjoy the
local sights: visiting
teachers with those from
their linked schools and
Friendship Link members.

Mozna sketching a
member of the centre
staff, and below, with

her teacher x

funded by the schools themselves and the Hastings Sierra Richard Keep Pianos
Leone Friendship Link.
All piano services offered
As well as working hard in their linked schools here, the From small repairs to full overhauls
visiting teachers had an opportunity to experience life and have
some fun in Hastings and East Sussex. Tuning, regulation, restringing
Repolishing, covers and stools
They tried Morris dancing and crazy golf, and visited the Pianos sold (all with 2 year guarantee)
caves and Hastings castle.
01424 852131 [email protected] 0794 080 8761
More going
john hawkins design
The largest party of teachers to travel to
Hastings Sierra Leone will be going to their graphic design consultancy
partner schools there in February. book design and typography
magazine design
All five schools that applied for British Council
grants have been awarded funding to send two 07780 502417
teachers each. [email protected]
Teachers from four other local schools will also
be going, paying their own way.

The teachers will be joined by other members
of the Hastings Sierra Leone Friendship Link
involved in various community projects.


Holy happenings in Hastings

In the history of Christianity in Hastings The legendary Canon Griffiths, rector of St

there were occurrences in the 1950s and Leonard’s, was vice-chairman and Arthur C. Vint,

1980s which had a profound effect. a prominent local businessman, was secretary. He

The early years of the 1950s were drab handed over part of his offices in Havelock Road,

and austere.Victory in the war had been with a separate entrance, as the headquarters.

achieved at a heavy cost and recovery Invited to lead the mission was a former

was taking time. businessman, Eric Hutchings, who was based in

In November 1952, however, there Eastbourne and was starting out as a full-time

was an event here which was not only evangelist with his team.

a talking point throughout the

town, but attracted attention ‘God is Bold moves
far and wide. It deeply going to Choosing this leader was a bold move
changed many lives. in faith, as was the decision to hire the

invade usFor more than a year 43 churches White Rock Pavilion (now Theatre),
for two weeks. The manager doubted
in the whole area, across the whether it could possibly be filled over
such a time. But it was.
here!’denominations, had been preparing The Hastings Observer reported that
5,000 people had attended the first four meetings.
for a united mission. The vicar of Each night a long queue wound round the outside
Fairlight, Rev Cecil Redgrave, who chaired the of the theatre and by the end of the two weeks
organising committee, declared that this would attendances had totalled 13,150.
be the second invasion of Hastings: ‘God is going
to invade us here!’

The mission pervaded many parts of the town,

including schools, hospitals and workplaces. There

were open-air services and nights of prayer.

The musical members of the team even had the

opportunity to play and sing in the mornings in

the restaurant of the department store that is now


The male singer, John Grant, had been in the

cast of West End musicals before joining the team. Signs of revival
This was a thoroughly well organised mission
0800 520 0820 but it was more than that. As it unfolded it bore
the signs of revival: a strong, even overwhelming,
[email protected] sense of God’s presence and power through the
Holy Spirit.

This was marked by a deep sense of human
need, of conviction and repentance.

The final week was startling. During the late
Saturday afternoon the atmosphere was so
powerful in the street that there were reports of
people kneeling in prayer, though they had not
been to the meeting. Some were even confessing
wrongs to the police - who directed them to the
nearest church!

Several years later, when Eric Hutchings paid
a return visit to the town, he was met by two


police officers who were able to confirm these ‘We regard this as even more important than
extraordinary reports.
the meetings,’ Eric Hutchings was quoted as saying.
On the final night a reporter described looking
down from the balcony on ‘bent heads, tense faces, ‘Several ministers have been in touch to say that their
weeping women and strong men greatly moved’.
church life has been revolutionised by the revival that
Staying open
Follow-up was crucial. The mission headquarters has broken out among their young people.’
remained open for some time afterwards to keep
contact with the newly committed and to guide An investigation a year later, which covered
them into church life.
three-quarters of the enquirers, showed that 70%

were active in church life - and that 42% of them

were not church members at the time of their

commitment. Some had never before been in a

church in their lives. > 1 Christchurch Courtyard
London Road
St. Leonards on Sea
TN37 6GL

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rate flexible meeting space and training facilities

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On the pier

It’s a dark, chilly Saturday evening in The mission ran for 12 nights on the pier and

Hastings in the 1980s, and hundreds of the main speaker was a young evangelist named

young people are on the streets. They are Nick Cuthbert. It was an all-age mission, and the

heading for the ballroom on the pier. event for those in their teens and early twenties

Nothing unusual about that, for in that was on the middle Saturday.

decade some of the biggest music groups of Nigel Harvey recalls: ‘Some people thought

we were mad to book the pier, especially in
the time performed there. This was different the winter. Conditions however remained quite
favourable throughout, although we could often
On that Saturday night in November
hear the wind and waves and the pier creaked
1984 the pier ballroom was packed
a bit.
for a Christian mission event for
young people. ‘The effect ‘The day after the mission ended,
and we had finished packing up,
So big was the crowd that on the young
some had to be turned away, people was there was a violent storm and
disappointed. planks from the pier decking were
thrown in the air.’
Wide support

The local mission had wide Amazing nights

church support, ranging from Roman What happened throughout the two

x Christian events Catholic to Pentecostal, including weeks was remarkable. Nigel remembers

were a feature of Anglican, Baptist, Methodist and Salvation Army. ‘amazing nights and especially that Saturday
the old pier. A group
of local Christians It was co-ordinated by Youth for Christ, whose night’.
sees imaginative
possibilities for the full-time local director at the time was Nigel There was a visiting Youth for Christ band
restored pier.
Photo: Annette Hawkins Harvey, with Dr John Geater as chairman. The known as the Reps, whose leader was ordained.

mission was chaired by Rev Ivan Potts. ‘There were elements of a pop concert,’ recalls


Nigel, ‘a sense of fun and enjoyment yet it was so Personal issues
different. Throughout the mission scores of people were
being counselled, not only after making a first-time
‘As members of the band spoke about their commitment but with personal issues needing to
faith, and then Nick Cuthbert led up to an be dealt with. There were many healings.
evangelistic appeal, the effect on the young
people, most of them with no church connection, The large counselling team was drawn from 16
was electric.’ congregations. It was kept busy throughout the
Many went forward to make a personal
commitment in front of their mates. As at other It became clear that this ministry must continue
times throughout the mission, there was an afterwards, to help people seeking healing or to get
extraordinary release of power, which Christians their life straightened out. It continued for another
would recognise as the power of the Holy Spirit. 12 years at different venues.

Making a difference The spirit of the mission continued with monthly
Several local ministers had expressed concern lest gatherings of Christians across the town for worship
there should be emotional excesses or extremism. and fellowship and to hear national guest speakers.
They were called Let’s Celebrate, and later Alive to
Says Nigel, ‘Some people became filled with the God, and ran for more than ten years.
Holy Spirit. We couldn’t avoid that! It happened
beautifully and everything was in line with the ‘They filled a need and are sadly missed today’,
Bible. There were no adverse reactions from any says Dr John Geater.
church leaders when they saw the difference in
people.’ In that year the Loaf project raised enough
money to put in water supplies to three whole
‘We had a council of reference, wise advisers towns in Ethiopia. So the spiritual renewal was
from among the church leaders, with three reflected in a deeper commitment in the town to
Christian heads of local schools.’ serve the poor



Education reaches new heights!

What made two retired local What they do
headteachers and a serving deputy head
jump out of an aircraft at 12,000 feet The Christian schools workers, Lucy Skelton
with three others? and Peter Howarth, are invited into almost
all of the local schools.
They did it to raise funds to enable
the continuing support of schools by They organise clubs, setting up prayer and
Christian Schools-workers Hastings reflection spaces, support the curriculum in
(CSWH). education about the Christian faith and discuss
related social issues in a variety of ways.
Roger Mitchell We took off from Headcorn in Kent. For Over the last year they have worked with more
describes the 20 minutes the plane climbed laboriously than 4,000 children.
experience to the jump height through clear blue sky
until it would have been seen as just a Soft landing
It ended all too soon. After a number of gyrations,
dot by those left on the ground. floating around picking out landmarks, it was time
to adopt landing positions. We then slid gracefully
The team of Tom Collins and daughter Jo to land in the meadow grass below.

Campbell, Roger Mitchell, Martin Fletcher, Peter What an experience! The team want to thank
the amazing staff at Headcorn Tandem Jumps for
Howarth and Adrian Skelton then launched into their skill and reassuring instruction.

space. We highly recommend the experience for an
unparalleled adrenalin rush!
Lashed securely to our instructors we
Sponsorship has raised over £6,000. Donations
dropped earthwards reaching a speed of are always welcome: to CSWH, 242 St Helens Road,
Hastings TN34 2NE.
120mph. Gazing through tearing air, we were

astonished at the south-east of England

stretching out below and around us.

Opening parachutes
Seconds later reassuring jolts of opening
parachutes gave hope of eventual soft

There was now time to relax and look back at
Hastings and turn slowly to look north over the
Thames into Essex.

London lay clear to the north-west while the
Straits of Dover and the French coast were in
view to the south-east.

Back down to earth: the

skydiving team >


Easing the transition

Many primary school pupils look

forward to the move to secondary

schooling with eager anticipation, but

many are anxious about what awaits

them. The Christian schools workers

ease their transition.

Certainly the way secondary academies are

organised is in marked contrast with

the educational experience

children receive in the ‘They are
primary phase. asked back
year after
Out goes the class
teacher granting access to
the whole curriculum. In

comes the list of maybe a year’
dozen teachers with different

personalities and styles,

teaching a variety of subjects.

Out goes the secure class base. In comes

the moving to different rooms and specialist


Corridors and staircases have to be

negotiated in and against a flow of bodies at

lesson change.

Will I be with my friends? Will I be bullied?

Everyone will be bigger, older than me. Help!

Personal copies Busy hands involved in

a teaching game x

The day provided by the Christian schools

workers is based around the booklet produced

by Scripture Union called It’s Your Move.
Every pupil gets one to keep, often

church sponsored: an opportunity for church

involvement in the life of local children.

Practical advice
Its advice includes making friends, doing your
homework, dealing with bullying, finding your
way round and talking to staff.

Two stories are retold from the Bible about
Jesus and children, encouraging them to realise
that God could be their friend in all the changes
and chances of life.

So popular is the day that the Christian
schools workers are asked back year after year.
There was only one of the 18 local schools last
year in which the programme was not made
available to the whole of the year six cohort,
reaching something like a thousand children.


Pregnancy crisis and

Sheila Rosewell and Sue Clark head Whereas I had believed that abortion was a

Reflect, a service in Hastings offering solution in a crisis, as a Christian I realised that it

‘time and space to think’ to those isn’t part of God’s plan.

who are finding themselves with ‘We I wanted to be part of a service
an unexpected pregnancy which helped women and men make

or with problems after an need to be fully informed choices and offered
abortion. like families practical support.
which offer
Support is also available to those who I offered my services as a
have suffered miscarriage or stillbirth. help’ receptionist. Gradually I became
more involved and trained as an

I first met Sheila Rosewell in the advisor and counsellor.

Dr John 1990s when she was working with And what does Reflect do?
Geater the Pregnancy Crisis Centre. For those who have had an abortion we offer a
reports It had been set up to help those struggling structured recovery programme which is open
with what to do on finding themselves with to both women and men, Christian and non-
12 GRAPEVINE an unexpected pregnancy or suffering with the Christian.
traumatic aftermath of an abortion.
As a GP at that time I was delighted when the This involves working through a number of
centre was set up as I was seeing women with steps, usually during weekly appointments. It
deep psychological distress caused by abortion is also possible to go on a healing weekend in
without the opportunity of counsellors to look at different parts of the country.
I did once phone an abortion agency when One is coming up locally, February 23rd-25th at
Penhurst healing centre (01424 892088).

confronted with such a situation to ask if they had

any counsellors who would do this. I received the What results do you see?

answer ‘No. It would be counter-productive.’ Currently, most of our work is with women who

I met Sheila Rosewell at the Hastings Centre, have had abortions and men who have been

where Reflect is based, to ask her about her affected.

work. The feedback and testimonies we have received

at the end of a recovery journey speak of freedom

Sheila, what first drew you to abortion from guilt and shame, of believing that God has

care and counselling? forgiven them, of hope for the future.

Soon after becoming a Christian I read an item in One woman wrote that the journey brought

our church Sunday bulletin saying that the Crisis her to a place where she had never felt closer

Pregnancy Centre needed more volunteers. to God.

post-abortion support

Time and space to think, to be heard, to reflect We can arrange to see them at the Hastings
has, on some occasions, helped women realise they Centre or in other places as appropriate.
really don’t want to have an abortion.
How can people join you in this work?
What could the church do more? Please email or call us if you would like to
We need to be like families which offer help in know more about Reflect and how you can be
times of crisis, rather than condemnation or involved.
Grapevine is published by Loaf Design John Hawkins 07780
Our loving heavenly Father offers grace and Project (reg charity no 293855) 502417
forgiveness that we can share with others. Telling in association with Church
people about Reflect shows that God and his Together in Hastings and St Advertising and distribution
church care and want to help. Leonards to encourage action Richard Keep 852131
for the relief of poverty and
It also highlights the fact that women, and men distress in the local community Treasurer
too, do have problems after abortions, whether this and overseas. Christine Lane
comes out straight away or years later. who is pleased to receive
Grapevine team donations at: 151 Old Roar Road,
How do people contact you for help? St Leonards TN37 7HH
Contact Reflect by telephone or text on 07979 Loaf chairman Tel 754608
828698. We have an answerphone which is Dr John Geater MBE Printed by Berforts of Hastings
checked at least daily. Or email:
[email protected] Editor Rev Wallace Boulton Web

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Golfers back street friendly atmosphere through music and a short
pastors interview with one of the performers.

Seventeen players competed in a golf Second, to encourage Christian musicians
day for Hastings Street Pastors and, with who want to explore ministry through music and
sponsorship, raised £1,600. provide the opportunity for them to develop.

The event was held at Sedlescombe golf club and Says Eddie Rose: ‘The event has been regularly
there was keen competition for various prizes. filling the coffee shop with church members,
passers-by, music lovers and friends and family.
Overall winners were Simon Maynard and
his son Peter with 42 points. Three pairs tied as ‘We are always looking for new acts and people
runners-up with 35 points. to join our team. To get involved, or just to find
out more, email [email protected] or
Excellent fare was enjoyed at the come along to one of our events.;
presentation luncheon in the clubhouse and
there was enthusiastic agreement to repeat Sunday Night Live takes place at Caffè Nero in
the event on the corresponding Saturday this Hastings town centre from 5.00 to 7.00pm one
year, October 6th. Sunday a month.

Coffee shop music The next events are: January 21st, Dance Like
with a message Kings; February 18th, Echo; March 18th, Esther
Howgill; April 29th, The Remnant.
Sunday Night Live is an event held in
coffee shops all over the country. It was Helping Richard to
started in Hastings last year by Eddie and get packing
Marc Rose.
Year after year Richard Smart has been
The father and son duo approached Caffè Nero shipping Christian books to Uganda.
who were enthusiastic about hosting it. People continue to provide him with
There are two objectives. First, to create a Richard told Grapevine, ‘To ship the books I need
space in which people can hear about Jesus in a cardboard boxes and the pharmacy in Bohemia
Road regularly gives me boxes from recent
Retired bishop Lawrie deliveries.
Green wielding the
clippers as he goes ‘When I have called in, the staff have been so
supportive. I like the boxes because they are strong
into action. > and can hold plenty of books.

14 GRAPEVINE ‘I am now about to pack the latest boxes,
seal them and take them to an elderly friend in
Westfield who lets me have free use of her garage
for them until they can be shipped.’

A close shave at
St John’s

Rector of St John the Evangelist in
Pevensey Road, Rev David Hill, and
parishioner Anne Cooper recently had
their heads shaved. Retired bishop Lawrie
Green turned barber for the occasion.

The event was to raise funds for the Macmillan
Cancer Support charity and £1,200 was given in
sponsorship, boosted by the sale of delicious cakes
and cream teas.

Easy walks for the February 4th A stroll through the picturesque valley of Old Roar
whole family Ghyll to reach the waterfall. Meet at 2.00pm at the Cafe in the Park.

First Sunday Walks are continuing in 2018, taking March 4th A 3-4 mile walk through the Country Park and
in some of the most interesting countryside within surrounds. Meet at 2.00pm at Fairlight church
easy reach of Hastings.
April 1st Easter Day – no walk
The walks attract young and old (and even a few dogs). They May 6th The beauty of bluebells: exploring the woods in and
are organised by Loaf Project on behalf of Church Together in around Guestling. Meet at 2.30pm at Guestling church
Hastings and St Leonards.
June 3rd Rye nature reserve (bring binoculars), a choice of 3 and
The February walk is an annual favourite. 5 mile routes to take in coast and lakes and observe nature at close
quarters. Meet at 2.30pm at Rye harbour car park

Owned and run by the Towner family since 1875

2 - 4 Norman Road, St Leonards 436386

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