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Published by dmarks_jetsfan, 2019-05-01 17:37:24

ACP PAPER 032119

ACP PAPER 032119




• Get Yo Ass to Class----remind students that they are paying to be here
and they signed up for it ahead of time. Remind them that despite
what they may have seen on FOX NEWS or heard from Rush
Limbaugh, GOVERNMENT is not some invisible entity floating in outer
space. GOVERNMENT is use and me and flesh and blood people, as
imperfect as it is. POLITICS is an important struggle to decide who
gets what, when, and how.


• The chapter we will discuss deals with Civil Rights. I will look at some
of the historical issues that have always faced people of color in the
United States. As a BRIDGE in, I will show a video featuring comedian
Dave Chappelle and personality Wayne Brady. I will ask for feedback
on the details of that video.



• Trace the legal developments and social movements that expanded
civil rights.

• Describe how different groups have fought for and won protection of
their civil rights.

• Contrast arguments for and against affirmative action.


• I will discuss recent trends with regards to the criminal justice system.
I will ask if students know anything about the criminalization issues
with special emphasis on African American males. I will ask if they
think African Americans commit more crimes than whites because it
is based on African American “cultural values,” or are whites and
people or color treated differently by the criminal justice system.


• We will go over the basic chapter PowerPoint presentation. I will give
three early twentieth century examples of how African Americans
started to fight against racial discrimination in the Jim Crow era. I will
use examples set by Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Dubois, and
Marcus Garvey. I will give examples of how their philosophies and
strategies carried on into the future.



• Two minute paper questions:

• What was the most important thing you learned during this class

• What important question remains unanswered?


• Students will come away from the class with the knowledge that
many of the things African Americans struggle with today are not
new, and that people have come before them who have tried to
tackle those issues. The opening video will leave a question as to can
perception change anything? Students may come away with a
conclusion that African Americans still have miles to go as far as
making progress, and the overall society still has miles to go as well,
but it is still possible to get there.

• Trying to Teach Older Professors New Tricks: Bells and Whistles New Millennium citizenship? I got some interesting responses and it set the class up perfectly to
Style talk about the continuing problems African Americans and people of color face
in modern America. I showed them projected pictures of a map of ancient
• By: David Marks West African kingdoms, and some of the African American leaders who
• attempted to fight the Jim Crow society of the early twentieth century.

• In conclusion, this proud Baby Boomer and product of the 1960s will never rush
• So what have I learned from this five week course? I personally learned how head long into everything new. Nevertheless, I will attempt to use newer
basically(*1) inadequate I am when it comes to dealing with new technology for techniques to make sure that I do not lose the modern student. I can go along
the first time. In a professional sense, I basically learned that if an instructor with the concept of getting into the modern age, but if getting into the modern
these days does not attempt to acquire new technology skills and tries to avoid age means sort of dumbing things down for millennials or trying to possibly
them, that instructor would soon be put out to pasture. shield them from the harsh realities of the real world, in that case, I am not on
board with that at all. Millennials have to meet the real world at least halfway.
• I do not believe their educational experience whether in brick and mortar or in
cyberspace should attempt to shelter them from reality in any way.
• New technology seems to be anathema to older people. My dad used to joke
that my mom did not even know how to take a picture with a regular old •
camera, so you know when VCRs came around there was no way she could
program them and didn’t want to. To my grandmother TV must have seemed • Similarly, to be fair, I do not believe that older instructors should always hide
like an instrument of someone from a place of spiritual darkness.(*2) But to behind the premise that new technology is all too superfluous and not always
younger people who have been used to needing a new mobile phone at least necessary. We have to go at least halfway as well.
every six months, new technology is not so scary to them.

• Regarding further professional development, I cannot speak for everyone’s
• For that reason, instructors of today must attempt to try to verse themselves in possible needs; I can only speak for myself. For me, if I am to continue to grow,
the newer technological methods of idea delivery. These five classes has driven I personally feel that I would benefit more from a one-on-one personal
that point home more than anything else I have personally experienced. Just mentorship and training. Throughout my life, I have always tended to learn at
listening to the diversity of my fellow students and their experiences is very my own pace and sort of live at my own pace. It would be just perfectly great if
mind opening to me, although I feel that I am not on the technologically I met someone who understood my needs and “where I am coming from,” and
functional level that many of my classmates are at.(*3) if that someone was willing to take the time to show me that they personally
• cared about my development and success.

• I cannot say that I have actively begun to incorporate some of the things the
class has studied this spring. However, the greatest thing is the fact that I am • That would be the greatest thing since August 15, 1965, or October 16,
aware of the importance. Some of the classes have introduced me to new 1969!(*4)

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