Like & follow us on April 1, 2018
Mass & Parish office phone & hours Total collection for Offerings
(210) 681-8330 March 25th, 2018
Fax (210) 681-2286 $25,725.24 Candles & f l owers
schedule Monday - Friday Thank you for
your generosity! Week of
Weekdays: 8:15 am 8:30am to 6pm April 1 - April 7
12:05 p.m. (closed 12-12:30pm) Mass Attendance
Followed by Saturday Flowers
& 6pm to 8:30 pm For peace, blessings &
Exposition of The (limited activity) 5 pm……….....472
Blessed Sacrament health of the
Faith Formation office Sunday
Saturday vigil: 5pm Brooks Family
(ASL interpreter) phone & hours: 8:30 am……….638
From Elizabeth Brooks
Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30
am, 12:30 pm, 2pm (210) 681-5063 10:30 am……..1,056 Sanctuary and
(Spanish) & 7pm 12:30 pm……..876
Monday-Thursday Adoration Candle
Confessions 8:30 am - 5pm 2 pm…………..480
Tuesday 6pm - 7pm 7 pm…………..485 For the health of Barbara
Saturday: 3 pm - 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am - 2pm Total………..4,007 Trevino
**Subject to change on *these numbers include May the Lord grant her peace of
holidays or Feast days
To show our Lenten sacrifices, children & faith formation mind, heart & body
we as a community will offer students
our Easter Second Collection to For all the sick
Catholic Relief Services’ Rice *Count is taken manually
For the restoration of
Bowl. by ushers good health & full
recovery of her heart
Wawreheo All from Rosy Barrera
Vision of Prince of Peace:
Every parishioner Second Collections for The St. Vincent de Paul
March & April
experience God´s love by Society Food Pantry is open
means of the liturgy and March 31st & April 1st
Catholic Relief Services on Wednesdays and Fridays
sacraments, ministry from 9:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
participation, prayer, Rice Bowl
and parish family life in to provide (and accept
such a way that he/she April 7th & 8th donations) food and financial
Maintenance Fund assistance to needy families
cannot but become joyful
April 14th & 15th within the Prince of Peace
and a missionary of Jesus Prince of Peace boundaries. For more
Prince of Peace Catholic Christ and his Gospel. St. Vincent de Paul information, call 210-462-
9388 and leave a voicemail
Church is a community April 21st & 22nd
Assumption Seminary or send an email to
united in faith, bringing To sponsor a Sanctuary and [email protected]. A
Christ’s love to the world. Adoration Candle April 28th & 29th volunteer will return your
Catholic Home Missions call or respond to your email
(requested offering of $10 for
Appeal as soon as possible. A
one week) or altar picture I.D. and proof of
Adoration of the Blessed flowers (requested donation of **SUBJECT TO CHANGE current address is required.
Sacrament is in the chapel $50 for one week) please come
Monday thru Friday from 9 by the parish office during
a.m. to 8:30 p.m. unless
working hours to make
otherwise noted.
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Para adquirir una Colecta para Sociedad de San Vicente de Horario
veladora de adoración
veladoras y flores Paúl 210-462-9388 de misas
del sagrario (la donación [email protected]
es de $10 por una y confesiones
La despensa de comida de San
semana) o para las flores Semana del 1 de abril al 7 Lunes a Viernes
del altar (la donación es de abril Vicente de Paúl está abierta los 8.15 am, 12.05 pm
de $50 por una semana), miércoles y viernes de 9:15 a.m.
por favor páse a la oficina Veladoras del sagrario y La exposición del
Adoración a 11:00 a.m. para proveer (y Santísimo será despues
parroquial durante
horarios de oficina para Por la salud de Barbara para aceptar donaciones) de cada misa
Trevino. alimentos y asistencia
hacer su donación.
Que el Señor le conceda paz de financiera a familias necesitadas
dentro de los limites de príncipe
de paz. Para obtener más
La bendición del Santísimo cuerpo y alma. información, llame al 210-462- Sábado: 5pm (Inglés)
Sacramento es a las 8:30 Domingo: 8.30 am, 10.30
p.m. En hacer esto, le da al Por todos los enfermos 9388 y deje un mensaje de voz o
envíe un correo electrónico a am, 12.30 pm, & 7pm
diácono o voluntario tiempo Para la restauración de (Inglés)
para ir a revisar la iglesia y una buena salud y [email protected]. Un
recuperación de sus voluntario le devolverá su Domingo: 2pm (Español)
problemas cardíacos
llamada ó responderá a su
todas las habitaciones del
correo electrónico tan pronto
como sea posible. Se requiere
De parte de Rosy Barrera una identificación con su foto y
edificio. Así podrán salir del Flores una prueba de domicilio actual. Confesiones
edificio con seguridad.
Por la paz, bendiciones y
Adoración del Santísimo es en salud de la familia Brooks Horario de la departamento Martes: 6 pm - 7 pm
la capilla de lunes a viernes de 9 de educación católica Sábado: 3 pm - 4.30 pm
a.m. a 8:30 p.m. a menos que se de parte de Elizabeth Brooks
durante Agosto a Mayo * * sujeto a cambios en
indique lo contrario Lunes a Jueves: días festivos o dias de
8.30 am a 5 pm
Teléfono (210) 681-5063
Horario de oficina parroquial
Follow us, Tweet us, Misión: La Iglesia Príncipe Visión: Lunes a Viernes:
Subscribe to our channel, de Paz es una comunidad, Que cada uno de los 8.30 am a 6 pm (cerrado 12-
and “Like” us today! feligreses experimenten el 12:30 pm) & 6 pm a 8.30 pm
unida en la fe y amor de Dios a través de la
Síganos en Twitter, comprometida a transmitir Telefono (210) 681-8330
suscríbase a nuestro el amor de Cristo al mundo.
canal, y denos un “Like” liturgia, de los sacramentos,
en Facebook Instagram: SAPrinceOfPeace
Snapchat: SAPrinceOfPeace del voluntariado, a través de Twitter: @SAPrinceOfPeace
PrinceOfPeaceCatholic la participación de la
Quiénescomunidad en un ministerio,
de tal manera que cada
persona pueda convertirse en
somosuna persona de gozo y un
misionero de Jesucristo y su
Like & follow us on April 1, 2018
Weekly calendaorf events Haven’t Readings
Sun 1 beenhere & Feast Days
NO FAITH FORMATION CLASSES—HAPPY EASTER… in a while? April 1st - April 8th
Mon 2 with us for a reason…. Acts 10:34a, 37-43
8:15am…………….Mass……..…....…………..……...Church Common questions and Col 3:1-4
9am - 2:30pm……..MDO………………..…..Classrooms/Hall misconceptions…... Jn 20:1-9
12:05pm…………...Mass……..…....…………..……...Church “I don’t know where to Easter Sunday of the
ALL PARISH OFFICES CLOSED do I start to Resurrection of the Lord
ALL MINISTRY MEETINGS CANCELLED your heart, He is always Monday
listening. (The Catechism Acts 2:14, 22-33
Tues 3 of the Catholic Church)
CCC 2559 says “humility is Mt 28:8-15
9:15am……………The Way of the Cross…….………Church the foundation of prayer,”
9am - 2:30pm……..KDO………………..…..Classrooms/Hall and “only when we humbly Tuesday
9am - 1:30pm…….AMSIF.……………….……….…....Port 1 acknowledge that we do Acts 2:36-41
7pm……………….Rosary Guild……..………....…....Rm 105 not know how to pray as Jn 20:11-18
7pm……………….Sunday Liturgy Study Group…….Rm 104 we aught, are we ready to
7pm……………….8:30am Choir Practice....................Church receive freely the gift of Wednesday
7pm……………….Music Theory Class (Spanish)…...Rm 202 prayer.” Acts 3:11-26
7pm……………….Guadalupanos…..………….Rm 101 - 102 “I have a spouse/other Lk 24:13-35
7pm……………….KofC Officers Meeting…………….Port 3 family member I want to
7pm……………….LifeTeen……………………………...Hall come home to the Church Thursday
6pm……………….Confessions………...Church/Confessional with me, but they don’t want Acts 3:11-26
to come. What do I do?” Lk 24:35-48
Wed 4 God promised to remove
the heart of stone from Friday
9am - 2:30pm……..MDO………………..…..Classrooms/Hall Ezekiel (36:26), and he Acts 4:1-12
9:15am - 11am……St. Vincent de Paul…….……Rock House did! He will do the same Jn 21:1-14
9am - 10am……….Pro-Life Rosary Prayer Group...….Church for your loved ones, if you
7pm……………….RCIA………………..…..Classrooms/Hall pray for them. Continue Saturday
to come worship, and your Acts 4:13-21
Thurs 5 witness will move others Mk 16:9-15
to do the same.
8:30am - 2:30pm.…KDO….…...……...................Hall/Clsrms “I can have a relationship Sunday
6:30pm……...…….Young Adults…..……………...…...Port 1 with God at home.” While Acts 4:32-35
7pm……………….EDGE….…….….………………..…..Hall this is part true, our soul
needs the nourishment of 1 Jn 5:1-6
Fri 6 the Eucharist to sustain Jn 20:19-31
us, which we just can not Divine Mercy Sunday
9:15am - 11am……St. Vincent de Paul………………...House get at home. We, as the
9am……..1st Friday Devotion/Sacred Heart of Jesus.........Hall Church, are one body of with a nametag, they will
7pm….……………Vocations Ministry.............……...Rm 105 Christ, and we need the be more than happy to
support our brothers and help you.
Sat 7 sisters. This is why Jesus “But I feel like I have done
instituted the Church. some unforgiveable
7:30am………...….Men’s Prayer Group………...Rm 101-102 “I forgot parts of the Mass, things...” No sin is
9am-12pm………...Baptism Class.................................Church and I’m nervous.” The word unforgiveable through
2pm-10pm………...Spring Festival....................................Hall of Jesus, and the Gospels Jesus, and the Sacrament
3pm - 4:45pm……..Confession………....Chapel/Confessional will never change. We of Reconciliation
have a great welcoming (confession). Jesus wants
Sun 8 ministry here to answer to forgive us, if we let
any questions. Look for him. Just as it says in
8am - 1:30pm……..Faith Formation Classes……..Hall/Clsrms any of our parishioners Luke (15:10) “..There will
DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY be rejoicing among the
angels of God over one
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
sinner who repents.” and personally introduce estás interesado, o has Minatsesntions
“Some things have happened ourselves. No sin is too estado alejado de la fe
in my life and I feel like God bad or ugly to stand Católica, te Sat. March 31
abandoned me.” God has between you and God’s recomendamos formar 8pm
always been by our side. mercy & forgiveness. parte de RCIA (Rito de
While we don’t always Iniciación Cristiana para †John & Josephine Gurrieri
know his plan or why, we Take some time to read Adultos)
can have faith that he the Bible, and the Cate- Por favor, recuerda que Sun. April 1
never left us, he carried us chism of the Catholic tienes a muchos a tu lado 8:30 am (Church)
through certain points in Church to learn more en este camino; El Señor Garcia Bustos Family
our life for reasons we will about our faith. If you are está siempre contigo.
find out one day. We have new, interested in, or have Tenemos muchos 8:30 am (Hall)
Our Lady as an example. been away for many years hermanos para apoyarte †Deceased members of
She watched her only son from our Catholic faith, en tu camino de la fe. Garcia Bustos Family
crucified on the cross, and we highly recommend Estaremos felices con tu
had to remove his body. joining RCIA. participación y con tu 10:30 am (Church)
She did not lose faith and aprendizaje del amor que †Ramiro R. Arriaga
loved God above all else. Please know you have Dios tiene para ti.
many who are with you in Muchos de nosotros 10:30 am (Hall)
Are you new to your journey. The Lord is hemos estado en tu lugar. Donaven Glenn
with you always. We have Siempre puedes contar
You can register as a new many ministries to support con nosotros. Háblanos al 12:30 pm
parishioner in our parish you in your walk of faith.. 210-681-8330. People of the Parish
office, or by going online to We would be happy for
you to participate and We have purchased a gift 2:00 pm learn more about God’s for You! †Tony Rangel
love for you. Some of us
Puede registrarse como too have been where you Consider it a “welcome 7:00 pm
nuevo feligrés en nuestra are. You can always call home” gift. †Rogere Watkins
oficina parroquial, o ingresar us at 210-681-8330.
en línea a We hope this resource will April 2
¡Bienvenido a casa! El help answer any questions 8:15 am Señor, y nosotros tus you may have about the †Noah Josef Meyer
hermanos te hemos faith, Mass, traditions, or
New to Catholicism, or extrañado, pero hemos 12:05 pm
Returning home to your estado orando por ti y Liturgy.
Catholic Faith? nunca te olvidamos. Enjoy a free subscription †Holy Souls in Purgatory
¿Es usted nuevo a la fe Sé parte de nuestra
Católica? ¿O está familia en la iglesia. Aquí to Tues. April 3
volviendo a la fe Católica encontrarás nuestro an incredible online 8:15 am
después de algún tiempo? horario de misas. Si tienes gateway to the best
Welcome home! The Lord alguna necesidad Catholic content, all in one Andersson-Rojas Family
has missed you, as have all espiritual en particular,
of us, but you have been por favor llámanos o pasa place! 12:05 pm
prayed for, and not por nuestra oficina FORMED provides amazing Andersson-Rojas Family
forgotten. parroquial para hablar
Please feel part of our con nosotros. Nos content 24/7 for you to Wed. April 4
Church family. Our Mass encantará presentarnos y grow in your faith. 8:15 am
times are listed here. If you conocerte en persona.
have a particular spiritual Ningún pecado es tan It’s FREE and EASY to †Felipe Garcia Bustos
need, please call or stop by grande o grave como para Register!
our office and let us know. interponerse entre tú y la 12:05 pm
We would love to meet you misericordia y el perdón -Visit with a Andersson-O’Rourke
de Dios. web browser
Has de tiempo para leer Thurs. April 5
la Biblia, y el catecismo -Click on Register (lower 8:15 am
de la Iglesia Católica para right of page)
conocer más sobre Gallagher Family
nuestra fe. Si eres nuevo, - Enter Parish Access Code:
6MXXDQ 12:05 pm
Rojas-Garcia Family
- Enter your email and
create a password (you Fri. April 6
need this to login later) 8:15 am
ENJOY! Rojas-Garcia Family
Like & follow us on 12:05 pm
†Mary-Lou Ibarra
April 1, 2018
Today we begin the Easter Gospel has been removed, perhaps The Gospel passage con-
Season, our 50-day medita- stolen. She does not consider cludes, however, that even
tion on the mystery of reading that Jesus has been raised having seen the empty tomb
Christ's Resurrection. Our from the dead. and the burial cloths, the
Gospel today tells us about women could not serve as disciples do not yet under-
the disciples' discovery of the legal witnesses. In the case of Simon Peter and the beloved stand about the Resurrec-
empty tomb. It concludes by John's Gospel, the only wom- disciple race to the tomb, tion. In the passage that fol-
telling us that they did not an attending the tomb is presumably to verify Mary's lows, Mary of Magdala
yet understand that Jesus Mary of Magdala. Unlike the report. The beloved disciple meets Jesus but mistakes
had risen from the dead. Synoptic accounts, John's arrives first but does not him for the gardener. In the
Thus, the details provided Gospel does not describe an enter the tomb until after weeks ahead, the Gospel
are not necessarily meant to appearance of angels at the Simon Peter. This detail readings from our liturgy
offer proof of the Resurrec- tomb. Instead, Mary is simp- paints a vivid picture, as will show us how the disci-
tion. The details invite us to ly said to have observed that does the detail provided ples came to believe in Jesus'
reflect upon a most amazing the stone that had sealed the about the burial cloths. Some Resurrection through his
gift, that is faith in Jesus and scholars believe that the appearances to them. Our
his Resurrection. tomb had been moved, and presence of the burial cloths Easter faith is based on their
she runs to alert Simon Peter in the tomb offers evidence witness to both the empty
Each of the four Gospels tells and the beloved disciple. Her to the listener that Jesus' tomb and their continuing
us that Jesus' empty tomb statement to them is telling. body had not been stolen (it relationship with Jesus—in
was first discovered by wom- She assumes that Jesus' body is understood that grave his appearances and in his
en. This is notable because in robbers would have taken
first-century Jewish society the burial cloths together gift of the Holy Spirit.
with the body).
María Magdalena, la amiga de llevó tiempo reconocer al Elevacntudgeerllaio Reconocerlo con el talante
Jesús, se llevó una amarga Señor resucitado. Jesús, a de “la gente sencilla” y no
sorpresa. Cuando de madru- menudo, les reprendió su del Resucitado. Pero, a la con el temple de ”los sabios y
gada, todavía estaba oscuro, incredulidad. postre, sin tocarle siquiera, entendidos” porque es a ella
fue al sepulcro de Jesús, vio sólo al verle, exclaman: a quien el Padre se da a
abierta la puerta del sepulcro, Esta es hoy la situación: “Señor mío y Dios mío”. conocer (Lc 10, 21-24). Los
que estaba vacío. De vuelta a Otros muchos, multitudes, – sencillos, los pequeños, son
Gentes convencidas de que hombres y mujeres- son feli-
casa, así se lo dijo a Pedro y a “Dios ha muerto” y nada les ces porque han creído en él quienes mejor nos hablan del
Juan: “Se han llevado del preocupa dónde esté su sin haberle visto. Resucitado.
sepulcro al Señor y no sa- sepulcro. ¿Qué hacer para reconocer al Fiarnos de quienes han visto
bemos dónde lo han puesto”. Otras que por el contrario, - al Resucitado y han comido y
Los tres corrieron hacia el al hilo de la reflexión de Resucitado y ser sus testigos? bebido con él sin desconfiar
sepulcro para verificar el Unamuno acerca del sepul- Escuchar, en clima de si- de ellos (Lc 24, 22-24) y
hecho. cro de Don Quijote, el Ca- lencio y de sencilla plegaria, menos aún de la comunidad
Efectivamente, el cuerpo del ballero de la Locura - tratan como María Magdalena, que como Tomás (Jn 20, 24-25).
Señor no estaba; era un sepul- con muchas y estudiadas el Señor nos llame por nues- Que al felicitar la Pascua en
cro vacío. ¿Lo habrán robado? razones la guardia y custodia tro propio nombre, identi- este domingo lo hagamos
¿Qué ha pasado? El mismo del sepulcro. Lo guardan – ficándonos como amigos (Jn con la convicción y persua-
Juan atestigua que “él vio y dice D. Miguel- para que el 20, 11-18). sión del testigo del Resucita-
creyó”, y aclara “todavía no caballero no resucite. Lo Escuchar –como hicimos do.
habían comprendido que, prefieren muerto. anoche en la Vigilia- los De
Muchos hombres y mujeres anuncios de los profetas que
según la escritura, Él debía nos hablan del Mesías que
resucitar de entre los muer- que, como los discípulos de vendrá, de su muerte y res-
tos”. Emaús (Lc 24, 13-35), se urrección. Esta fue la peda-
Muchas gentes sufren hoy la sienten frustrados y desi- gogía de Jesús con sus
aflicción de María porque no lusionados por la aparente discípulos.
estaba el Señor y por no sa- debilidad y ausencia de Dios,
ber dónde lo habían puesto pero finalmente, pasado el
para abrazarle de nuevo, rato, le reconocen en su co-
aunque estuviera muerto. Sólo razón y en la fracción del
el discípulo querido de Jesús pan.
“vio y creyó” que había resu- Algunos, en su débil confian-
citado. A los discípulos les za, necesitan, como Tomás,
meter sus dedos en las llagas
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
Some of our pre-k and
kinder elementary faith
formation students made a
Palm Sunday craft in
celebration of the
beginning of Holy Week!
Like & follow us on April 1, 2018
Join us for our
Faith Formation
April 16, 2018
Join us for a from 5-8 pm Pre-Order your
“Summer with Thank you for Ministers of Holy
your support! Communion Fiesta
There will be no Faith Medal
July 3rd - July 26th, Formation classes on April 1 for $10 or 2 for $18
2018 1, 2018. Classes will resume Contact: Arleen Smith
(Tues. & Thurs. only) on April 8, 2018. (210) 365-8201
We wish everyone a very Medals will be in by
From 9am to
2:30pm Happy Easter! April 1st
(Bring lunch. We provide a snack.) Altar Server Ministry Knight’s Corner
Where: Prince of Peace R.E. Classrooms and We are in need of Altar Servers Brother Knights, you are invit-
for the 8:30 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 ed along with your families and
Hall the rest of the prince of peace
For children 18 months to 8 years p.m. Masses. If you are a community to join us for adora-
Activities include Praise and Worship, Bible current Altar Server and are tion on April 9th at 7 p.m. Be
willing to rotate for one of there as we praise Jesus with
Stories, Crafts, Games & more! these Masses, or are interested prayer and song. Adoration is
Cost: Registration fee is $40/child in serving our Lord in this one of the best ways to grow
closer to our Lord. The
Tuition: $225 beautiful youth Knights are sponsoring this
For more information call: ministry, please contact Emily evening as a family event.
Please take time to invite other
(210) 681-5063 ext. 19 Rodriguez at friends and family. The charis-
(210)-380-1351 matic prayer group is excited to
Email: have us there.
[email protected]
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
First Friday Sacred Marriage and Family Life Institute Parish offices will be
Heart of Prince of Peace Catholic Church is offering the following services: closed on Monday,
Jesus • Catholic Counseling....--Monday & Weds. from 7:00pm- April 2, the day after
8:30pm (April 4, 9, 11, 18, 25, 30) Easter Sunday.
• Parenting Education April 23 -"Parenting Matters: A Ho- KDO/MDO will be in
The next listic Approach" - Monday from 7-8:30pm session on that day.
fellowship We will have Mass at
will be on Parents will learn about the developmental assets from birth to
April 6th, young adult age. They will also discuss prevention and interven- 8:15 am and12:05 pm.
beginning tion strategies in the areas of academic, behavior, social/emotional There is No
issues with their children. All will be delivered from a Catholic
with 8:15am Mass, parenting support perspective to include discussion points on spir- Adoration of the
followed by Sacred itual guidance and formation. Blessed Sacrament on
Heart of Jesus Prayer,
Rosary, and a brunch • Bereavement Support Group April 16 - Monday from 7- that day.
8:30pm There are no ministry
with a special
presentation. Any and For more information or to pre-register, please pick up a brochure meetings on that day.
after all Masses, from the parish office or call the Counseling office
all are welcome to at (210) 681-8330, press 9 (parish directory), then 20 (extension) or
share in Christ’s love email [email protected]
with us. This month’s
speaker will be our
very own, Father
Let us build a house of God in unity, discipleship, and generosity
Like & follow us on April 1, 2018
WEDDINGS: Sparecpraarmateinotns psraecpraamraecnitóanl pastoral staff
At least 6
months before
Rev. Rodolfo Caballero
the desired date to begin making BODAS: Se requiere al [email protected]
arrangements. Attendance to an Archdiocese
of San Antonio approved preparatory menos 6 meses antes de la Parochial Vicar
program is required. Contact fecha deseada para comenzar
Deacon Robert Correa 210-218-8686 a hacer los arreglos. Rev. Praveen Lakkisetti
[email protected] También se pide la [email protected]
asistencia de un programa
BAPTISMS (ages 6 & under): An preparatorio aprobado por
la Arquidiócesis de San Robert Correa, Pino Sanabria
appointment to go over the necessary Antonio. Diácono Robert Tim McCarthy, Richard Juarez, Rev. Dcn.
paperwork for the required classes is needed. Duncan Amek, Eddie Limas (retired)
Baptisms can be scheduled only after Correa 210-218-8686
completion of classes, and submission of all Parish Administrator
[email protected]
Gloria Cortinaz ext. 14
needed documents to the parish office. BAUTIZOS (niños [email protected]
Godparents must be living in accordance
menores de 6 años): Se Bookkeeper
with the Catholic Faith. Contact
Deacon Tim McCarthy 861-2638 or necesita una cita para Jesse Garcia ext. 12
[email protected] repasar los documentos [email protected]
necesarios para las clases
Liturgical Ministry Coordinator
requeridas. Los padres y & Ministry Coordinator
PASTORAL COUNCIL FINANCE padrinos deben asistir a Beckie Raymond ext. 28
Jesse Tovar, Chair Ministrycoordinator
210-316-1218 COMMITTEE clases de preparación para el
Mark Villarreal, Chair bautismo. Bautizos pueden
[email protected] ser programados solamente Adult Faith Formation
Elvira Arrieta, Co Chair 210-364-5030 después de la terminación de
[email protected] las clases y presentación de Barbara Forde ext. 22
210-387-2625 [email protected]
[email protected] Vivian Garza-Steele, todos los documentos
Co-Chair Middle/High School Faith Formation
Becky Cortez Coordinator & Youth Group Leader
210-273-9550 210-844-3413
[email protected] Frank Ramos ext. 26
Therese Blankenship [email protected] necesarios a la oficina [email protected]
Rachel Tellez
210-859-0848 210-708-0065 parroquial. Los padrinos Elementary Faith Formation (K-5)
[email protected] [email protected] deben vivir de acuerdo a la
Jaime Fernandez fe Católica. Diácono Tim Rosemary Hernandez ext. 18
Patti Brandt [email protected]
210-621-7320 210-535-9716 McCarthy 210-861-2638
[email protected] Mother’s Day Out Program &
Moji Adeeko [email protected] [email protected] Kid's Day Out Program Director
210-268-3957 Cruz Muñoz
[email protected] Karolyn Mata ext. 19
Sujan Maddela 210-288-3495 [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] Director of Communications
Victor Gomez Kandice Rosario ext. 15
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Claudia Escamilla ext. 29
Ray Martinez [email protected]
Mike Siguaw Administrative Assistant
210-647-5788 Duncan Amek ext 10
[email protected]
Bulletin announcements must be emailed to
[email protected] Bookkeeper Assistant
by 3 pm on Monday. Messages may not run Marybel Peters ext.17
[email protected]
concurrent due to space.
Faith Formation Admin. Assistant
Desiree Arenas ext. 27
[email protected]
Faith Formation Admin. Assistant
Ana Karen Ramirez ext. 23
[email protected]
Jose Ruiz, Carlos Music, Sean Magee
[email protected]
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord