7893 Grissom Rd
San Antonio, TX 78251
[email protected]
"¿Y quién es, Señor, para "Who is he, sir, that I may
que yo crea en él?" Jesús believe in him?"
le dijo: "Ya lo has visto; Jesus said to him,
el que está hablando "You have seen him,
contigo, ése es". Él dijo: the one speaking with you
"Creo, Señor". Y is he."
postrándose, lo adoró. He said, "I do believe,
Jn 9:36-38 Lord," and he worshiped
RCIA Escrutinio 2 Jn 9:36-38
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic RCIA Scrutiny 2
March 11, 2018
Mass & Parish office phone & hours Total collection for Offerings
(210) 681-8330 March 4th, 2018
Fax (210) 681-2286 $29,898.11 Candles & f l owers
schedule Monday - Friday Thank you for
your generosity! Altar Flowers
Weekdays: 8:15 am 8:30am to 6pm March 11 – March 17
12:05 p.m. (closed 12-12:30pm) Mass Attendance
Followed by Saturday In loving memory of
& 6pm to 8:30 pm Joaquin Rodriguez
Exposition of The (limited activity) 5 pm……….....430
Blessed Sacrament Sunday from Rosalia Polanco
Faith Formation office
Saturday vigil: 5pm
(ASL interpreter) phone & hours: 8:30 am……….558 To sponsor a Sanctuary and
(210) 681-5063 10:30 am……..865 Adoration Candle
Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30
am, 12:30 pm, 2pm Monday-Thursday 12:30 pm……..670 (requested offering of $10
(Spanish) & 7pm
8:30 am - 5pm 2 pm…………..340 for one week) or altar
Tuesday 6pm - 7pm Sunday: 7:30 am - 2pm 7 pm…………..400 flowers (requested donation
Saturday: 3 pm - 4:30 pm
Total………..3,263 of $50 for one week) please
**Subject to change on come by the parish office
holidays or Feast days *these numbers include
during working hours to
children & faith formation make arrangements.
Welcome!*Count is taken manually
by ushers
Wawreheo Second Collections for
Vision of Prince of Peace: March Second collecti9on
Prince of Peace Catholic Every parishioner amounts for February
Church is a community March 10th & 11th
united in faith, bringing experience God´s love by Catholic Relief Services Maintenance Fund
Christ’s love to the world. means of the liturgy and $16,833.90
Adoration of the Blessed sacraments, ministry Prince of Peace
Sacrament is in the chapel participation, prayer, March 17th & 18th St. Vincent de Paul
Monday thru Friday from 9 and parish family life in Prince of Peace
such a way that he/she $7,029.41
a.m. to 8:30 p.m. unless cannot but become joyful St. Vincent de Paul
otherwise noted. and a missionary of Jesus Church in Central &
Christ and his Gospel. March 24th & 25tth Eastern Europe
Prince of Peace $1,625.40
Benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament is at El Salvador Scholarship Catholic Missions among
8:30pm. This gives the Fund Black & Native
deacon or volunteer who Americans
March 30th Good Friday $3,117.14
locks up the entire Holy Land (usccb.org)
church building time to
check all the rooms and March 31st & April 1st
safely exit the building. Catholic Relief Services
Rice Bowl
Fourth Sunday of Lent / Laetare Sunday www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org
Para adquirir una Colecta para Sociedad de San Vicente de Horario
veladora de adoración
del sagrario (la donación veladoras y flores Paúl 210-462-9388 de misas
[email protected]
es de $10 por una Flores del Altar y confesiones
semana) o para las flores Semana del 11 de marzo al La despensa de comida de San
del altar (la donación es Lunes a Viernes
de $50 por una semana), 17 de marzo Vicente de Paúl está abierta los 8.15 am, 12.05 pm
por favor páse a la oficina En memoria de miércoles y viernes de 9:15 a.m. La exposición del
Joaquin Rodriguez Santísimo será despues
parroquial durante a 11:00 a.m. para proveer (y
horarios de oficina para de parte de Rosalia Polanco de cada misa
para aceptar donaciones)
hacer su donación. Horario de la departamento alimentos y asistencia Sábado: 5pm (Inglés)
de educación católica Domingo: 8.30 am, 10.30
La bendición del Santísimo financiera a familias necesitadas
Sacramento es a las 8:30 durante Agosto a Mayo am, 12.30 pm, & 7pm
p.m. En hacer esto, le da al Lunes a Jueves: dentro de los limites de príncipe (Inglés)
8.30 am a 5 pm de paz. Para obtener más
diácono o voluntario tiempo Domingo: 2pm (Español)
para ir a revisar la iglesia y Domingo: 7.30 am a 2 pm información, llame al 210-462-
todas las habitaciones del Teléfono (210) 681-5063
edificio. Así podrán salir del 9388 y deje un mensaje de voz o
envíe un correo electrónico a
edificio con seguridad.
[email protected]. Un
voluntario le devolverá su
llamada ó responderá a su
correo electrónico tan pronto
como sea posible. Se requiere
una identificación con su foto y
una prueba de domicilio actual.
Martes: 6 pm - 7 pm
Sábado: 3 pm - 4.30 pm
Adoración del Santísimo es en * * sujeto a cambios en
la capilla de lunes a viernes de 9 días festivos o dias de
a.m. a 8:30 p.m. a menos que se
indique lo contrario
Horario de oficina parroquial
Follow us, Tweet us, Misión: La Iglesia Príncipe Lunes a Viernes:
Subscribe to our channel, de Paz es una comunidad,
and “Like” us today! 8.30 am a 6 pm (cerrado 12-
unida en la fe y
Síganos en Twitter, comprometida a transmitir Visión: 12:30 pm) & 6 pm a 8.30 pm
suscríbase a nuestro el amor de Cristo al mundo. Que cada uno de los Telefono (210) 681-8330
canal, y denos un “Like”
en Facebook Instagram: SAPrinceOfPeace feligreses experimenten el
Snapchat: SAPrinceOfPeace
www.facebook.com/ Twitter: @SAPrinceOfPeace amor de Dios a través de la
liturgia, de los sacramentos,
Quiénesdel voluntariado, a través de
la participación de la
comunidad en un ministerio,
somosde tal manera que cada
persona pueda convertirse en
una persona de gozo y un
misionero de Jesucristo y su
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic March 11, 2018
Weekly calendaorf events Making the most of Lent . Readings
Don’t waste this rich op-
Sun 11 portunity in the Church & Feast Days
year to work on your own
8am - 1:30pm……..Faith Formation Classes……..Hall/Clsrms interior conversion and March 11th to 18th
9am………….....South Texas Blood Drive……….Parking Lot spiritual growth
After Masses……...ACTS Fiesta Medal Sale…………...Foyer By Michael R. Heinlein Sunday
OSV Newsweekly 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23
Mon 12 www.osv.com
Eph 2:4-10
5:30am - 7:00am….TMIY……..……...…………..……...Hall CONTINUED FROM LAST Jn 3:14-21
10am - 12pm……...Spanish Charismatic Prayer Grp…...Port 2 Daylight Saving / Spring
10am - 12pm……...Spanish Bible Study………………..Port 3 WEEK Forward
1pm - 3pm………...Arts & Crafts……………..…Rock House
6:45pm……………Charismatic Prayer Grp.………..Port 1&2 Stations of the Cross Monday
6:30pm…………....KofC General Assembly…….…….…Hall Is 65:17-21
6:30pm……………Ladies Auxiliary General Mtg..….Rm 105 During Lent, there is, per- Jn 4:43-54
7pm……………….Counseling Support Group……....Rm 207 haps, no devotion more
7pm……………….Divine Mercy Prayer Group.…….Rm 104 popular than the Stations of Tuesday
7pm……Eucharistic Adoration Praise & Worship……Church the Cross. This devotion Ez 47:1-9, 12
finds its roots with the
Tues 13 Franciscans who helped Jn 5:1-16
rebuild the sites of the Holy
9:15am……………The Way of the Cross…….………Church Land following destruction Wednesday
9am - 1:30pm…….AMSIF.……………….……….…....Port 1 during the medieval cru- Is 49:8-15
7pm……………….Rosary Guild……..…...…....Rm 101 - 102 sades. Originally appealing Jn 5:17-30
7pm……………….Sunday Liturgy Study Group…….Rm 104 to pilgrims in Jerusalem
7pm……………….8:30am/10:30am Choir Practice.....Church who journeyed along Thursday
7pm……………….Music Theory Class (Spanish)…...Rm 202 Christ’s way to Calvary, the Ex 32:7-14
7pm……………….El Salvador Ministry……………..Rm 205 enduring relevance of the Jn 5:31-47
6pm……………….Confessions………...Church/Confessional Stations of the Cross in the
Christian life caused the Friday
Wed 14 devotion to spread. Today, Wis 2:1a, 12-22
it’s a rare parish church or Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
9:15am - 11am……St. Vincent de Paul…….……Rock House complex that does not con-
9am - 10am……….Pro-Life Rosary Prayer Group...….Church tain the Stations of the Saturday
Cross. As we meditate on Jer 11:18-20
Thurs 15 Christ’s passion and death, Jn 7:40-53
we are given the opportuni- St. Patrick
7pm……………….Young Adults…..……………...…...Port 1 ty to join our sufferings to
Christ. Christ’s passion is Sunday
Fri 16 the model of what true love Jer 31:31-34
is all about. The Stations of
9:15am - 11am……St. Vincent de Paul………………...House the Cross provide the op- Heb 5:7-9
6pm……………….KofC Fish Fry………………………..Hall portunity to meditate on Jn 12:20-33
7pm……………….Stations of the Cross……………...Church the self-sacrificial founda-
tion of love that Christ re- for consideration, or you
Sat 17 may make up your own.
veals to us. One plan to make your Lent
7:30am………...….Men’s Prayer Group………...Rm 101-102 more spiritually engaging
8:30am…………....Women’s Bible Study……….…...Rm 104 A spiritual plan and profitable might be our
8:30am - 3pm…….Women’s Lenten Retreat…………….Hall L-E-N-T Plan.
3pm - 4:45pm……..Confession………....Chapel/Confessional Each of us should take ad- Lectionary — We must be
vantage of the spiritual op- grounded in the Word of
Sun 18 portunities presented by God.
the season of Lent. There is You cannot expect to grow
NO Faith Formation Classes / SPRING BREAK ample opportunity for spir- in your relationship with
itual growth, if only we God without letting him
Attention New Parishioners! commit to making it hap- speak to you. If you do not
Please join the Prince of Peace Welcoming Committee as we
host our Welcome Session. Our event is on Saturday,
March 24, 2018 at 6:00 pm in the Parish Hall after the 5:00 In order to be effective in
Lenten observances, it
pm Mass. We look forward to an evening of fellowship, might be advantageous to
reflection and a complimentary dinner. Please RSVP to have a plan. There are
Carlos Music, Ministry Ambassador at (210) 680-2111. many suggestions put forth
Fourth Sunday of Lent / Laetare Sunday www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org
Making the most of Lent faith Minatsesntions
Don’t waste this rich opportunity in the Church year Sat. March 10
to work on your own interior conversion and spiritual 5:00 pm
growth †Robert Wayne Arias
formationmake it a habit to prepare for the presence of the Blessed Sun. March 11
Sunday Mass by looking at Sacrament. 8:30 am
the readings ahead of time, Say “No” to yourself — Attention Faith
Lent is a great time to start. Focus on God and others. Formation Parents! †Robert Wayne Arias
10:30 am
The readings from Mass are The central theme put be- There will be classes on
collected in a book called the fore us in Lent draws us to- Sunday March 11th †Joe Pedroza
Lectionary. ward a focus on Christ’s pas- 12:30 pm
sion and death. Through There will be NO classes
Take a few minutes each day that prism we find the foun- on Sunday March 18th. In thanksgiving for the
to take a look at the readings Sacrament of Matrimony for
for the Sunday ahead and Fernando & Veronica Avila
meditate on them in prayer. dation for our Lenten obser- We hope everyone will
What is the Lord telling vances. Through them we 2:00 pm
seek to love God and others have a safe and Happy †Manuela Barrera
you? What can we learn from above ourselves — to follow Spring Break! 7:00 pm
the Lord to be the people he Christ’s model of self- People of the Parish
made us to be? Or, perhaps
you can find different ways to sacrificial love that stirs our fulness and its consequences March 12
enhance such an experience if hearts to abandon ourselves and our desire to recommit 8:15 am
you pray with the Sunday in imitation of his illumina- to the Gospel each day. We †Eulogio & Victoria Garcia
tion of love’s greatest action. need to make time to exam-
readings already. Lent is a great opportunity ine our consciences and re- 12:05 pm
for us to say “no” to a variety flect on our thoughts, words
Extra time in prayer — of things. That’s the funda- and deeds. When we sin we †Deceased members of the
Build your relationship with mental point of prayer, fast- should not just be upset with Guadalupanos
God. ing and almsgiving. We say the consequences, although
You cannot grow in your “no” to ourselves and “yes” that is an important aspect Tues. March 13
relationship with God unless to love of God and others. of the heart that desires con- 8:15 am
you make the time to speak Lent is a good time to iden- version and repentance. We
with him and give him praise. tify opportunities for us to should also be filled with a †Naomi Leyva Mansur
Each of us can find more time sense of sorrow because our 12:05 pm
to spend with the Lord in increase our service to our sins themselves reject the
conversation and adoration. love that God freely gives Birthday blessings for
Consider what you can add neighbor by offering more of us. Lent can be an oppor- Agnes McNeely
to your daily or weekly pray- tunity for us to acknowledge Wed. March 14
er life during Lent. Perhaps our time, talent and treasure to our sins before God and re- 8:15 am
attend Mass an additional ceive his reconciliation —
day or even each weekday of their benefit. which always will make us †Antonio Jesus Rangel
Lent. Perhaps make it a point more aware of how our sin 12:05 pm
to attend devotional or for- Turn away from sin — Re- affects our relations with
mational opportunities in commit to the Gospel. God and neighbor and fill us †Norma Lofton
your parish like a Bible study “Repent, and believe in the with a resolve to avoid it
or the Stations of the Cross. Gospel” is one of the two again because we experience Thurs. March 15
Or commit to individual formulas the Church pro- 8:15 am
prayer time at home, on the vides for the minister to re- again God’s love we rejected
way to or from work or in cite when distributing ashes †Martha Hernandez
on Ash Wednesday. Taking by our sin. 12:05 pm
this as something of a motto
for Lent can lead us into a †Erma Derouen
deeper awareness of our sin-
Fri. March 16
El Salvador Mission Trip 8:15 am
Some of our El Salvador Mission Ministry members will be †Antonio Galura
visiting our sister community of Agua Blanca, El Salvador
on July 4 through 11, 2018. We are very pleased that 12:05 pm
Fr. Praveen will be joining us. In addition to spending time Health of Eric Andersson
with the people of Agua Blanca, we will also visit the
cathedral and martyr sites to better understand the reality March 11, 2018
of the history of El Salvador. If you would like to join Father Praveen and us, please contact
Glenn Darilek [email protected] or 210-400-4073 for more information.
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic
The Fourth Sunday of Lent Gospel the Lord during their so- the Evangelist are in conti-
is also called Laetare Sunday. journ in the desert, God sent nuity with the words of the
Laetare is a Latin word that reading venomous serpents to punish prologue to John’s Gospel.
means “rejoice.” Traditional- them for their complaints. In these reflections, John
ly, Sundays are named after greeted Nicodemus with the The Israelites repented and elaborates on a number of
the first word of the liturgy’s observation that one must be asked Moses to pray for themes that are found in his
opening antiphon. On this born from above to see the them. The Lord heard Mo- Gospel: light and darkness,
Sunday, the antiphon is taken Kingdom of God. The dia- ses’ prayer and instructed belief and unbelief, good and
from the book of the prophet logue between Jesus and Nic- him to make a bronze ser- evil, salvation and condem-
Isaiah (Isaiah 66:10-11). odemus that followed was pent and mount it on a pole. nation.
Even as we observe our Len- about the meaning of this All who had been bitten by a In John’s reflection, we find
ten sacrifices, we rejoice in phrase. Nicodemus misunder- serpent and then looked up- an observation about human
anticipation of the joy that stood Jesus at every point, on the bronze serpent were sinfulness. Jesus is the light
will be ours at Easter. but there was no animosity in cured. By recalling this sto- that has come into the
the questions he posed to Je- ry, Jesus alludes to the salva- world, but people preferred
Today’s Gospel reading is tion that would be accom- the darkness. We wish to
taken from John’s Gospel. It sus. plished through his death keep our sins hidden, even
consists of two parts. The from God. Jesus has come
first part is the final sentence In the part of the conversa- and Resurrection. into the world to reveal our
of Jesus’ reply to Nicodemus, tion with Nicodemus in to- sins so that they may be for-
the Pharisee who approached day’s Gospel, Jesus referred The second part of today’s given. This is the Good
Jesus at night. Nicodemus to an incident reported in the Gospel is a theological re- News; it is the reason for our
acknowledged Jesus as some- Old Testament. When the flection on Jesus’ words to rejoicing in this season of
one who had come from God Israelites grumbled against Nicodemus. The Gospel of Lent and throughout our
and seemed to want to be a John is known for this kind lives. www.loyapress.com
follower of Jesus. Jesus of reflection offered within
the narrative. The words of “Once singing is twice
En este tiempo de cuaresma praying,” says St Au-
que estamos viviendo, Jesús camino de cuaresma y de gustine. In our efforts to
nos sigue invitando a ser in- conversión, nosotros
strumentos de su amor en también podemos fijarnos en participate in the Holy Eu-
medio de nuestro mundo. Nos charist, the sacred liturgical
está invitando a ser instru- lecturalas personas y acontecimien- music is very essential. Our
mentos de vida para todos. Y choir directors are doing
esto porque la vida, la vida en deltos que nos hablan del amor their best in sharing their
plenitud, es no sólo para un gift of music at each of the
futuro junto a Dios sino que que Dios nos tiene y de su weekend Masses. However,
comienza en el aquí y en el we are looking forward to
ahora. No podemos hablar del Evangeliodeseo de vida para todos. many people joining each of
amor de Dios y de la vida en Nos podemos fijar en the choir for the weekend
él y olvidarnos de las situ- aquellas personas que se quiere, ayunaremos o nos Masses. If you are interested
aciones de muerte que hay en desgastan en la entrega a los abstendremos de todo to join any of the choirs,
nuestro mundo, de las per- demás; en aquellas personas aquello que nos aparta de Él please feel free to talk to our
sonas que sufren, de los refu- que denuncian las injusticias y de los demás, de todo choir directors, and they
giados o inmigrantes que no o las situaciones de muerte aquello que daña al otro. Y will be more than happy to
son acogidos, de todos los que que se dan en nuestro mun- la limosna, porque ella nos help you.
sufren violencia, de los que do; en aquellas personas que habla de la solidaridad y del
pasan hambre, de la injusta ofrecen caminos de vida a los compromiso por un mundo
distribución de la riqueza, que están faltos de ella. ¡Y más justo. Una vida donde el
de… Jesús nos llama a config- estas personas existen! Son amor de Dios y su justicia se
urarnos con él y a vivir desde los profetas de nuestro tiem- hagan presente.
una entrega que da vida. Dios po. De www.dominicos.org
nos ha amado y estamos
llamados a llevar ese amor a Pero no olvidemos que, el
los hombres y mujeres de
nuestro tiempo practicando mismo tiempo de cuaresma,
las buenas obras que él mismo
realizó. nos deja también unas prác-
Para ayudarnos en este
ticas que nos pueden ayudar.
La oración, porque con la
práctica asidua de la misma,
podemos poner nuestra
mirada y nuestro pensam-
iento en Dios y así vivir
desde la vida y el amor que
Él es. El ayuno, porque si de
verdad hacemos lo que Dios
Fourth Sunday of Lent / Laetare Sunday www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic March 11, 2018
“For I was hungry and you
gave me food, I was thirsty
and you gave me drink, a
stranger and you welcomed
me, naked and you clothed me,
ill and you cared for me, in
prison and you visited me.”
Matthew 25:35-36
Knights Corner Receiving Holy left palm, on your right There are many people
palm, when the priest or who feel alone, imprisoned
The Knight of Columbus and Eucharist at Mass minister of Holy Commun-
South Texas Blood and Tis- ion says “The Body of or abandoned. Is God
sue Center (STBTC) will be When we fully participate in Christ” the only response calling you to help some-
having a blood drive at Mass and are able to receive is “AMEN!” When the Eu- one, just by being you, by
our Lord in the Eucharist charist is placed in your
Prince of Peace on Sunday (meaning we are in a state of left palm, you pick it up listening and offering
grace) we know and truly with your right hand, step support during difficult
March 11th, the first week- believe we are receiving the to the side of the MOHC moments in one’s life?
true body of Christ. This is or priest, consume, and Interested in learning more
end of spring break as the not a “symbol” or a metaphor about the Stephen Minis-
STBTC has a higher need at for our Lord, but his true then prayerfully walk back try? Call Beckie Raymond
this time. Please consider body received after the priest to your pew to continue at 210-681-8330 ext. 28 or
donating and help save up to consecrates the host and praying. You may not email ministrycoordina-
3 lives with your one gener- wine. Because we have such walk back to your pew tor@princeofpeacecatholic.
ous act. reverence for our Lord Jesus with the Eucharist still in
Lent is here and that means Christ, we must show the your hand. org
the Knights Fish Fry is as same reverence for the Holy
well! Our fish frys will be Eucharist. When receiving The Arts and Crafts Group
held on Fridays during the Eucharist at Mass, it is presented St. Vincent de Paul
lent. We will begin serving highly encouraged to receive
between 6:00pm and 6:30pm, directly on the tongue. If with a check for $1500.00
so watch the bulletin for receiving in the hand, the from the monies made at
more information. We hope correct way is to place your their Christmas Bazaar.
to see you there for some From left to right are Rosie
great food, fun, and fellow- Urias, Maria Trevino of St.
ship. Vincent de Paul and Alicia
Running throughout Lent, Torres, President of the Arts
the Knights will be sponsor-
ing 40 Cans for Lent to bene- and Crafts Group.
fit our St. Vincent de Paul
ministry here at Prince of This lent season, bring
Peace. The 40 Cans for Lent someone who has been away
program is based on a sim- from Church to Mass each
ple, straightforward one-can- Sunday. Bring people closer
per-day donation which is to our Father and his mercy
inspired by Christ’s 40 days by reaching out to those who
of fasting in the desert. We
ask for any donations that may need Him the most.
you can provide as Lent is a
time for almsgiving as we
prepare for Easter Sun-
day. Bins will be placed near
the office and outside the
hall. We appreciate any as-
sistance you are able to pro-
vide to this worthwhile
cause. God Bless.
Fourth Sunday of Lent / Laetare Sunday www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org
Holy Week Schedule Recibiendo la da Eucaristía. Al recibir la
Eucaristía en la misa, se reco-
March 25, 2018: PALM SUNDAY Sagrada Eucaristía
OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD mienda encarecidamente reci-
en la misa birla directamente en la len-
(Saturday Vigil, March 24) gua. Si recibe en la mano, la
5 pm - Mass (with the procession from the courtyard) Cuando participamos ple- forma correcta es colocar su
namente en la misa y pode- palma izquierda, en su palma
8:30 am (with the procession from the courtyard) mos recibir a nuestro Señor derecha, cuando el sacerdote
10:30 am (with the procession from the courtyard) en la Eucaristía (es decir, o el ministro de la Sagrada
12:30 pm (with the procession from the courtyard) estamos en un estado de Comunión dice "El Cuerpo de
2:00 pm (Spanish) (with the procession from the courtyard) gracia), sabemos y realmen- Cristo" la única respuesta es
te creemos que estamos "¡AMÉN!" Cuando se coloca
7:00 pm (no procession) recibiendo el verdadero la Eucaristía en la palma de
cuerpo de Cristo. Esto no su mano izquierda, la levanta
March 27, 2018: NO CONFESSIONS es un "símbolo" o una me- con la mano derecha, pasa al
táfora de nuestro Señor, lado del ministro de la Sagra-
March 29, 2018: THURSDAY OF THE LORD’S SUPPER sino su verdadero cuerpo
(HOLY THURSDAY) recibido después de que el da Comunión o sacerdote,
7 pm Mass sacerdote consagra la hos- consume y luego, devotamen-
9 pm - 10 am on Friday tia y el vino. Debido a que te, camina hacia su banco pa-
tenemos tanta reverencia ra continuar orando. No pue-
the Eucharistic Adoration at the Altar of Repose por nuestro Señor Jesucris- de caminar de regreso a su
(open to the parish community) to, debemos mostrar la mis- banco con la Eucaristía toda-
ma reverencia por la Sagra- vía en su mano.
10 pm – 11 pm Eucharistic Adoration Praise & Worship
Join us for a night of
March 30, 2018: FRIDAY OF THE PASSION Praise, Worship and
OF THE LORD (GOOD FRIDAY) Eucharistic Adoration
2 pm The Stations of the Cross
3 pm The Lord’s Passion Monday
7 pm Passion Play March 12, 2018
7pm - 8:30 pm
March 31, 2018: THE EASTER VIGIL
8 pm The Solemn beginning of the Vigil (Bilingual)
April 01, 2018: EASTER SUNDAY
8:30 am Mass (Church & Hall)
10:30 am Mass (Church & Hall)
12:30 pm Mass in Church
2 pm Mass (Spanish)
7 pm Mass
Acompañenos en una
noche de alabanza y
Lunes 12 de marzo 2018
Iglesia Prince of Peace
7 - 8:30 pm
Congratulations to our Guadalupano capirotada contest Everyone is invited!
winners!!! 1st Place Carol Clark; 2nd place, Rita Carillo, 3rd Todas son invitados!
place, Liz Ochoa. Judged by Father Rodolfo, and Rebecca
Raymond. Thanks to everyone who supported the event.
Your support helps our parish get closer to our goal of build-
ing the Msgr. Pat Cronin Family Life Center
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic March 11, 2018
WEDDINGS: Sparecpraarmateinotns psraecpraamraecnitóanl pastoral staff
At least 6
months before
Rev. Rodolfo Caballero
the desired date to begin making BODAS: Se requiere al [email protected]
arrangements. Attendance to an Archdiocese
of San Antonio approved preparatory menos 6 meses antes de la Parochial Vicar
program is required. Contact fecha deseada para comenzar
Deacon Robert Correa 210-218-8686 a hacer los arreglos. Rev. Praveen Lakkisetti
[email protected] También se pide la [email protected]
asistencia de un programa
BAPTISMS (ages 6 & under): An preparatorio aprobado por
la Arquidiócesis de San Robert Correa, Pino Sanabria
appointment to go over the necessary Antonio. Diácono Robert Tim McCarthy, Richard Juarez, Rev. Dcn.
paperwork for the required classes is needed. Duncan Amek, Eddie Limas (retired)
Baptisms can be scheduled only after Correa 210-218-8686
completion of classes, and submission of all Parish Administrator
[email protected]
Gloria Cortinaz ext. 14
needed documents to the parish office. BAUTIZOS (niños [email protected]
Godparents must be living in accordance
menores de 6 años): Se Bookkeeper
with the Catholic Faith. Contact
Deacon Tim McCarthy 861-2638 or necesita una cita para Jesse Garcia ext. 12
[email protected] repasar los documentos [email protected]
necesarios para las clases
Liturgical Ministry Coordinator
requeridas. Los padres y & Ministry Coordinator
PASTORAL COUNCIL FINANCE padrinos deben asistir a Beckie Raymond ext. 28
Jesse Tovar, Chair Ministrycoordinator
210-316-1218 COMMITTEE clases de preparación para el @princeofpeacecatholic.org
Mark Villarreal, Chair bautismo. Bautizos pueden
[email protected] ser programados solamente Adult Faith Formation
Elvira Arrieta, Co Chair 210-364-5030 después de la terminación de
[email protected] las clases y presentación de Barbara Forde ext. 22
210-387-2625 [email protected]
[email protected] Vivian Garza-Steele, todos los documentos
Co-Chair Middle/High School Faith Formation
Becky Cortez Coordinator & Youth Group Leader
210-273-9550 210-844-3413
[email protected] Frank Ramos ext. 26
Therese Blankenship [email protected] necesarios a la oficina [email protected]
Rachel Tellez
210-859-0848 210-708-0065 parroquial. Los padrinos Elementary Faith Formation (K-5)
[email protected] [email protected] deben vivir de acuerdo a la
Jaime Fernandez fe Católica. Diácono Tim Rosemary Hernandez ext. 18
Patti Brandt [email protected]
210-621-7320 210-535-9716 McCarthy 210-861-2638
[email protected] Mother’s Day Out Program &
Moji Adeeko [email protected] [email protected] Kid's Day Out Program Director
210-268-3957 Cruz Muñoz
[email protected] Karolyn Mata ext. 19
Sujan Maddela 210-288-3495 [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] Director of Communications
Victor Gomez Kandice Rosario ext. 15
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Claudia Escamilla ext. 29
Ray Martinez [email protected]
Mike Siguaw Administrative Assistant
210-647-5788 Duncan Amek ext 10
[email protected]
Bulletin announcements must be emailed to
[email protected] Bookkeeper Assistant
by 3 pm on Monday. Messages may not run Marybel Peters ext.17
[email protected]
concurrent due to space.
Faith Formation Admin. Assistant
Desiree Arenas ext. 27
[email protected]
Faith Formation Admin. Assistant
Ana Karen Ramirez ext. 23
[email protected]
Jose Ruiz, Carlos Music, Sean Magee
[email protected]
Fourth Sunday of Lent / Laetare Sunday www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org