“Sir, give me this water, so that I may not be
thirsty or have to keep coming here to draw water.”
Jn 4: 13-14
7893 Grissom Rd
San Antonio, TX 78251
[email protected]
"Señor, dame de esa agua para que no vuelva a March 4, 2018
tener sed ni tenga que venir hasta aquí a sacarla".
Jn 4: 13-14
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic
Mass & Parish office phone & hours Total collection for Offerings
(210) 681-8330 February, 25th, 2018
confession Candles & f l owers
Fax (210) 681-2286 $24,648.25
schedule Monday - Friday Thank you for Altar Flowers
your generosity! March 4 – March 10
Weekdays: 8:15 am 8:30am to 6pm
12:05 p.m. (closed 12-12:30pm) Mass Attendance Altar Flowers
Followed by Saturday For the health of
& 6pm to 8:30 pm Rebecca Alvarez
Exposition of The (limited activity) 5 pm……….....526
Blessed Sacrament Sunday From Maria Solis
Faith Formation office
Saturday vigil: 5pm phone & hours: 8:30 am……….490 Sanctuary Candles
(210) 681-5063 10:30 am……..853 In loving memory of
Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30 12:30 pm……..581 Paulino & Guadalupe Soto
am, 12:30 pm, 2pm Monday-Thursday 2 pm…………..404
(Spanish) & 7pm 8:30 am - 5pm 7 pm…………..379 From Mary Lou Garcia
Total………..3,233 & Family
Confessions Sunday: 7:30 am - 2pm
Tuesday 6pm - 7pm
Saturday: 3 pm - 4:30 pm SAVE THE DATE *these numbers include
**Subject to change on children & faith formation
holidays or Feast days April 7, 2018 students
Prince of Peace
Spring Festival *Count is taken manually
by ushers
Welcome!more info to come!
Wawreheo Vision of Prince of Peace: Second Collections for Benediction of the
Every parishioner March Blessed Sacrament is at
Prince of Peace Catholic 8:30pm. This gives the
Church is a community experience God´s love by March 3rd & 4th deacon or volunteer who
united in faith, bringing means of the liturgy and Prince of Peace
Christ’s love to the world. Maintenance Fund locks up the entire
sacraments, ministry church building time to
participation, prayer, March 10th & 11th check all the rooms and
and parish family life in Catholic Relief Services safely exit the building.
such a way that he/she
cannot but become joyful (usccb.org) To sponsor a Sanctuary and
and a missionary of Jesus Adoration Candle
Christ and his Gospel. March 17th & 18th
Prince of Peace (requested offering of $10
www.facebook.com/ for one week) or altar
PrinceOfPeaceCatholic St. Vincent de Paul
flowers (requested donation
Adoration of the Blessed Follow us, Tweet us, March 24th & 25tth of $50 for one week) please
Sacrament is in the chapel Subscribe to our channel, Prince of Peace come by the parish office
Monday thru Friday from 9 and “Like” us today! during working hours to
El Salvador Scholarship
a.m. to 8:30 p.m. unless Instagram: SAPrinceOfPeace Fund make arrangements.
otherwise noted. Snapchat: SAPrinceOfPeace
March 30th Good Friday
Holy Land (usccb.org)
March 31st & April 1st
Catholic Relief Services
Rice Bowl
Third Sunday of Lent www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org
Para adquirir una Colecta para Sociedad de San Vicente de Horario
veladora de adoración
veladoras y flores Paúl 210-462-9388 de misas
del sagrario (la donación [email protected]
es de $10 por una Flores del Altar La despensa de comida de San y confesiones
Semana del 4 de marzo al
semana) o para las flores Vicente de Paúl está abierta los Lunes a Viernes
del altar (la donación es 10 de marzo miércoles y viernes de 9:15 a.m. 8.15 am, 12.05 pm
de $50 por una semana),
por favor páse a la oficina Por la salud de a 11:00 a.m. para proveer (y La exposición del
Rebecca Alvarez para aceptar donaciones) Santísimo será despues
parroquial durante de parte de Maria Solis alimentos y asistencia
horarios de oficina para de cada misa
financiera a familias necesitadas
hacer su donación. dentro de los limites de príncipe
de paz. Para obtener más
información, llame al 210-462-
Flores del Altar 9388 y deje un mensaje de voz o Sábado: 5pm (Inglés)
envíe un correo electrónico a Domingo: 8.30 am, 10.30
En memoria de
Paulino & Guadalupe Soto [email protected]. Un am, 12.30 pm, & 7pm
voluntario le devolverá su
de parte de Mary Lou Garcia (Inglés)
llamada ó responderá a su
& familia
Twitter: @SAPrinceOfPeace correo electrónico tan pronto
YouTube: PrinceOf Peace como sea posible. Se requiere Domingo: 2pm (Español)
una identificación con su foto y
Catholic Church-SA una prueba de domicilio actual.
Síganos en Twitter, Horario de la departamento Horario de oficina parroquial Confesiones
suscríbase a nuestro de educación católica
Martes: 6 pm - 7 pm
canal, y denos un “Like” durante Agosto a Mayo Sábado: 3 pm - 4.30 pm
en Facebook Lunes a Jueves:
8.30 am a 5 pm * * sujeto a cambios en
Domingo: 7.30 am a 2 pm Lunes a Viernes: días festivos o dias de
Teléfono (210) 681-5063 8.30 am a 6 pm (cerrado 12- obligación
12:30 pm) & 6 pm a 8.30 pm
Visión: La bendición del Santísimo ¡Aparte la fecha!
Que cada uno de los Sacramento es a las 8:30
feligreses experimenten el p.m. En hacer esto, le da al 7 de abril de 2018
amor de Dios a través de la Festival de Primavera
diácono o voluntario tiempo
liturgia, de los sacramentos, para ir a revisar la iglesia y de Príncipe de Paz
del voluntariado, a través de todas las habitaciones del
edificio. Así podrán salir del 2.00 pm – 10.00 pm
la participación de la ¡Mas información
comunidad en un ministerio, edificio con seguridad. por venir!
de tal manera que cada Misión: La Iglesia Príncipe Adoración del Santísimo es en Quiénes
de Paz es una comunidad, la capilla de lunes a viernes de 9
persona pueda convertirse en
una persona de gozo y un unida en la fe y a.m. a 8:30 p.m. a menos que se
misionero de Jesucristo y su comprometida a transmitir
evangelio. el amor de Cristo al mundo. indique lo contrario somos
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic March 4, 2018
Weekly calendaorf events Making the most of Lent . Readings
Don’t waste this rich op-
Sun 4 portunity in the Church & Feast Days
year to work on your own
8am - 1:30pm……..Faith Formation Classes……..Hall/Clsrms interior conversion and March 4th to March 11th
9am………………..Sign up for Blood Drive…………...Foyer spiritual growth
By Michael R. Heinlein Sunday
Mon 5 OSV Newsweekly Ex 20:1-17
www.osv.com 1 Cor 1:22-25
5:30am - 7:00am….TMIY……..……...…………..……...Hall Jn 2:13-25
9am - 2:30pm……..MDO…………..………….....Hall/Clsrms CONTINUED FROM LAST
10am - 12pm……...Spanish Charismatic Prayer Grp…...Port 2 Monday
10am - 12pm……...Spanish Bible Study………………..Port 4 WEEK 2 Kgs 5:1-15b
1pm - 3pm………...Arts & Crafts……………..…Rock House
6:30pm…………….Liturgical Committee Mtg………Rm 207 Fasting is not obligated on Lk 4:24-30
6:45pm……………Charismatic Prayer Grp.………..Port 1&2 solemnities, the highest
7pm……………….Divine Mercy…………………….Rm 104 degree of celebration in the Tuesday
7pm……………….1st Eucharist Parent Mtg………….Church Church’s calendar. From Dn 3:25, 34-43
time to time universally Mt 18:21-35
Tues 6 celebrated solemnities may
fall on a Friday of Lent, Wednesday
8:30am - 2:30pm….KDO...…...……………..........Hall/Clsrms such as those of St. Joseph Dn 4:1,5-9
9:15am……………The Way of the Cross…….………Church (March 19) or the Annunci- Mt 5:17-19
9am - 1:30pm…….AMSIF.……………….……….…....Port 1 ation (March 25) and there- Sts. Perpetua & Felicity
7pm……………….LifeTeen………….………..…...……Hall fore the obligation of fast-
7pm……………….Rosary Guild……..……………....Rm 105 ing is relieved. There are Thursday
7pm……………….Sunday Liturgy Study Group…….Rm 104 also times when local so- Jer 7:23-28
7pm……………….Guadalupanos Meeting….......Rm 101-102 lemnities are also affected Lk 11:14-23
7pm……………….KofC Meeting……………………...Port 3 in the same way, for in- St. John of God
7pm……………….8:30am Choir Practice…….……...Church stance in places when the
7pm……………….Music Theory Class (Spanish)…...Rm 202 feast of a diocese or parish’s Friday
6pm……………….Confessions………...Church/Confessional principal patron falls on a Hos 14:2-10
Friday of Lent (since those Mk 12:28-34
Wed 7 are celebrated as a solemni- St. Frances of Rome
9am - 2:30pm……..MDO…………..………….....Hall/Clsrms ty in those places). Saturday
9:15am - 11am……St. Vincent de Paul…….……Rock House Hos 6:1-6
9am - 10am……….Pro-Life Rosary Prayer Group...….Church Scrutinies Lk 18:9-14
7pm……………….RCIA Session...…………..……….Church
While Lent marks an im- Sunday
Thurs 8 portant time for the elect 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23
preparing to celebrate the
8:30am - 2:30pm.…KDO….…...……...................Hall/Clsrms sacraments of initiation at Eph 2:4-10
7pm……………….EDGE….…….….………………..…..Hall Easter, the final three Sun- Jn 3:14-21
6:30……………….Altar Server Training……………..Church days of Lent present a peri- Daylight Saving / Spring
6:30……………….Welcoming Committee…………..Rm 104 od of intense prayer and Forward
7pm……………….Young Adults…..……………...…...Port 1 preparation for them. On
the third, fourth and fifth only in Jesus Christ. The
Fri 9 Sundays of Lent, the Rite of Gospels for the pertinent
Christian Initiation of Sundays are used in relation
9:15am - 11am……St. Vincent de Paul………………...House Adults instructs that there to these rites from Year A
8:15am……………Epic Study Group……………………Hall be celebrated various rites in the Lectionary. These
6pm……………….KofC Fish Fry………………………..Hall pertaining to this period of Gospel readings are meant
7pm……………….Stations of the Cross……………...Church “purification and enlighten- to stir up in the elect a de-
ment” for the elect — these sire to unite themselves
Sat 10 rites are called the more fully with “Christ the
“scrutinies.” For pastoral Redeemer, who is the living
7:30am………...….Men’s Prayer Group………...Rm 101-102 reasons, however, they may water (Gospel of the Samar-
9am-12pm………...Baptism Class…………………….Church be celebrated at another itan woman in the first
After Mass...……...ACTS Fiesta Medal Sale…………...Foyer
3pm - 4:45pm……..Confession………....Chapel/Confessional time.
Sun 11 The scrutinies are intended
to promote a longing for
8am - 1:30pm……..Faith Formation Classes……..Hall/Clsrms the redemption and salva-
9am………….....South Texas Blood Drive……….Parking Lot tion that is available to us
After Masses……...ACTS Fiesta Medal Sale…………...Foyer
Third Sunday of Lent
faith Minatsesntions
formation Sat. March 3
5:00 pm
Attention Faith
Formation Parents! †Mike Ward
EDGE Retreat: There will be classes on Sun. March 4
Salvation Sunday March 11th 8:30 am
March 10th – 11th There will be NO classes †James Blee Jr.
Slumber Falls, New Braunfels on Sunday March 18th.
10:30 am
For more information, contact Royd Arenas We hope everyone will Anderson O’Rourke Famiy
210-218-8799 [email protected]
have a safe and Happy 12:30 pm
Spring Break! †Johnny D. Rodriguez
scrutiny), the light of the Whether present or not at First Communion 2:00 pm
world (Gospel of the man these liturgies, all are called PARENT Meeting People of the Parish
born blind in the second to unite ourselves with the Topic: Eucharist
scrutiny), the Resurrection elect in a spirit of prayer as Monday March 5th at 7:00 pm
and the life (Gospel of Laza- they prepare to be incorpo- 7:00 pm in the Church Owen Gallagher
rus in the third scruti- rated into the Body of Christ
ny)” (No. 143). at the Easter Vigil. This is a mandatory meet- March 5
ing and does include parents 8:15 am
Since the elect are preparing Laetare Sunday of children attending RCIA †Military Souls in
for baptism, there are three Purgatory
rites of exorcism that take The entrance antiphon for on Wednesdays.
place during the scrutinies. the fourth Sunday of Lent Children do not attend this 12:05 pm
These seek to free the elect reflects on Isaiah 66:10-11: meeting. Any questions or
“from the effects of sin and “Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all concerns, please contact †Souls in Purgatory
from the influence of the dev- who love her. Be joyful, all
il” (No. 144). “The scrutinies who were in mourning; exalt Rosemary in the Faith Tues. March 6
are meant to uncover, then and be satisfied at her con- Formation office 8:15 am
heal all that is weak, defec- soling breast.” The first at 681-5063.
tive or sinful in the hearts of word in the Latin text of the Rojas Garcia Family
the elect; to bring out, then antiphon, “Laetare,” means adorn the altar during Lent,
strengthen all that is upright, “rejoice” and gives this Sun- the General Instruction of 12:05 pm
strong and good” (No. 141). day its name. the Roman Missal provides †Deceased members of the
the opportunity to put a
Related to the first and third On Laetare Sunday, amid the brief stay on this practice on Anderson Family
scrutinies, the elect are pre- Lenten practices of fasting the Fourth Sunday of Lent.
sented with the Creed, which and penance, the Church Wed. March 7
they are expected to commit draws our attention to the Laetare Sunday gives us all 8:15 am
to memory and recite aloud hope and joy of the resurrec- the chance to renew our be-
publicly prior to their bap- tion that will be celebrated lief in and prepare to cele- †Deceased members of the
tism, and the Lord’s Prayer. at Easter. The priest may brate the Resurrection, the Gallagher Family
put on rose-colored vest- central reality of Christian
These rites are more than ments this day — as is often Faith. Think of ways you 12:05 pm
likely, although not required the case, although optional can make your joy in this †Deceased members of the
to be, celebrated at a parish — as a vivid visual reminder reality known. Jesus Christ
liturgy on the previously of this day’s joyous meaning. is risen from the dead — a Garcia-Bustos Family
mentioned Sundays of Lent. reality that should always
While flowers may not fill our hearts with joy, even Thurs. March 8
in the midst of our Lenten 8:15 am
†Annie Hernandez
NEXT WEEK….. 12:05 pm
†Iral Joseph Chavis
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic
Fri. Feb 23
8:15 am
†Jo-Michele Sierra
12:05 pm
†Joe Alton Jacobs
March 4, 2018
In today’s Gospel we read Gospel and its narrative reflects the his narrative.
about how Jesus overturned growing divide between the After clearing the Temple of
the tables of the merchants reading Jewish community and the the merchants and the mon-
and the moneychangers in early Christian community. eychangers, John’s Gospel
places this event much earlier
the Temple at Jerusalem. In in Jesus’ public ministry than Thus, greater emphasis on tells us that the people asked
order to understand the rele- do the Synoptic Gospels. In the distinction between for a sign of Jesus’ authority
vance of Jesus’ action, we John’s Gospel this event oc- Christianity and Judaism is to do such an audacious act.
must learn more about the curs at the very beginning of found in John’s Gospel. In response, Jesus predicted
activities that were going on Jesus’ ministry, after his first Reflecting upon the destruc- his death and Resurrection.
in the temple area. Worship miracle at the wedding feast tion of the Temple of Jerusa- Throughout John’s Gospel,
at the Temple in Jerusalem at Cana. lem (A.D. 70), John recalls the language of signs is dis-
included animal sacrifice, We must read the Gospel of Jesus’ cleansing of the Tem- tinctive. Jesus’ miracles are
and merchants sold animals John carefully, especially in ple and uses that story to called signs, and the people
to worshipers. Moneychang- its presentation of Jesus’ rela- interpret this later event. look to these signs for proof
ers exchanged Roman coins, John explains to his audi- of his authority. Here we
which bore the image of the tionship to Judaism. The ence, an early Christian learn that the sign par excel-
Roman emperor, for the Gospel of John tends to re- community, that temple lence will be Jesus’ passion,
temple coins that were need- flect greater tension and ani- worship would no longer be death, and Resurrection.
mosity between Jesus and the
ed to pay the temple tax. Jewish authorities than the necessary because it was sur- During Lent we reflect upon
Jesus’ action at the Temple Synoptic Gospels. The Gos- passed in the passion, death, the meaning of this sign for
in Jerusalem is recorded in pel of John was the last of the and Resurrection of Jesus. us and for our world. We
all four Gospels and is often four Gospels to be written, With greater frequency than might take this opportunity
understood to be among the the other Evangelists, John to consider the quality of our
events that led to Jesus’ ar- intersperses post- prayer and worship. In our
rest and Crucifixion. The Resurrection reflections of prayers we seek to deepen
Gospel of John, however, this Christian community in our relationship with the
Llegamos en nuestro camino díos” (como grupo diferen- Elevacntudgeerllaio puro en lo exterior a más pu-
cuaresmal hacia la Pascua a ciado de los discípulos) y ro en lo interior. Así, a la ex-
un momento que supone un Jesús. planada exterior, el Atrio de
punto de inflexión en la vida Para entender lo que se nos los Gentiles, estaba permitida
de Jesús, un momento que narra debemos tener en la entrada a cualquiera. En la
precipitó los acontecimientos. cuenta cómo funcionaba el primera estancia del Templo,
Este episodio que hoy con- Templo de Jerusalén en el Atrio de las Mujeres, podía
templamos -comúnmente
llamado “la expulsión de los tiempos de Jesús. El Templo cumplir una serie de requisi- entrar cualquier israelita,
mercaderes del Templo”- es, estaba gestionado por la po- tos, como por ejemplo no varón o mujer. A la siguiente
según señalan los histori- derosa minoría saducea: con- tener defecto físico. También estancia, el Atrio de los Isra-
adores, el principal desen- servadora en lo religioso se requería entrar con dinero elitas, sólo podían acceder los
cadenante de su apresamiento (sólo admite como Escritu- en el Templo para hacer las judíos varones mayores de
y condena a muerte. ras la Torá o el Pentateuco y limosnas correspondientes, y edad sin enfermedad o defecto
Los cuatro evangelios nos no cree en la resurrección de no podía hacerse con físico. En la siguiente estan-
narran este hecho y para los los muertos), tenía mayoría moneda pagana, considerada cia, el Atrio de los Sacerdotes,
cuatro supone un momento en el Sanedrín y colaboraba impura, sino con la moneda sólo podían estar los sacer-
crucial en el que Jesús manifi- con el poder imperial roma- acuñada por las autoridades dotes encargados de realizar
esta fehaciente la oposición de no, lo que le reportaba nota- del Templo. Esta es la razón los sacrificios. Y en el núcleo
bles privilegios. El funciona- por la cual existían puestos más interior del Templo se
su mensaje con el de las au-
toridades religiosas del Tem- miento del Templo giraba en de venta de palomas para el encontraba el Sancta Sancto-
plo, los saduceos. Los sinópti- torno al culto dado a Dios, sacrificio ritual y cambistas rum, el lugar más sagrado,
cos colocan el acontecimiento especialmente a través de los de moneda, no dentro del delimitado por un velo, en el
cronológicamente, al final del sacrificios de animales que Templo, sino en la gran ex- que sólo podía entrar el Sumo
relato, antes del inicio de la tenían lugar en su interior. planada donde se encontraba Sacerdote una vez al año para
Pasión. Juan, en cambio, lo La ley judía prescribía con el Templo, el patio o Atrio pedir perdón por los pecados
sitúa al principio con una detalle la realización de estos de los Gentiles. del pueblo.
clara intención teológica: todo sacrificios como acción de Por otra parte, la estructura De www.dominicos.org
su evangelio queda de este gracias, expiación, petición o del Templo estaba perfec-
modo enmarcado en la con- adoración a Dios. Los ani- tamente jerarquizada con-
frontación entre “los ju- males sacrificados debían ser forme a unos pretendidos
los determinados por la ley y rangos de pureza: de menos
Third Sunday of Lent www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic March 4, 2018
Knights Corner “Once singing is twice Register by going to the LENT page of our
The Knight of Columbus and website...
South Texas Blood and Tis- praying,” says St Au-
sue Center (STBTC) will be www.princeofpeacecatholic.org
having a blood drive at gustine. In our efforts to
Prince of Peace on Sunday
March 11th. The STBTC participate in the Holy Eu-
and the Knights will be tak- charist, the sacred liturgi-
ing sign ups after Mass on cal music is very essential.
March 3rd and morning Our choir directors are
Masses on March 4th. The doing their best in sharing
Blood drive will be held the their gift of music at each
first weekend of spring break of the weekend Masses.
as the STBTC has a higher However, we are looking
need at this time. Please forward to many people
consider donating and help joining each of the choir
save up to 3 lives with your for the weekend Masses. If
one generous act. you are interested to join
Lent is here and that means any of the choirs, please
the Knights Fish Fry is as feel free to talk to our choir
well! Our fish frys will be directors, and they will be
held on Fridays during more than happy to help
lent. We will begin serving you.
between 6:00pm and 6:30pm,
so watch the bulletin for WANT TO BE BETTER
more information. We hope PREPARED FOR MASS NEXT SUNDAY?
to see you there for some Then join the Sunday Liturgy Study Group that meets every
great food, fun, and fellow- Tuesday at 7 p.m. to “break-open” the readings of the coming
ship. Sunday and so get a better understanding of God’s message to be
Running throughout Lent, proclaimed at Mass, and, expanded upon by the Homilist. Meeting
the Knights will be sponsor- starts by praying the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament so as to
ing 40 Cans for Lent to bene-
fit our St. Vincent de Paul set a spiritual mood of the meeting.
ministry here at Prince of CONTACT: Deacon Pino Sanabria; 210-684-6205
Peace. The 40 Cans for Lent
program is based on a sim- BATTLE OF THE Lets “TACO” ‘bout a Fundraiser!
ple, straightforward one-can- DIAMOND
per-day donation which is March 4, 2018 in the Hall
inspired by Christ’s 40 days Prince of Peace Co-Ed Charity Join the Guadalupanos for fellowship, a bake
of fasting in the desert. We Softball Tournament, March
ask for any donations that 24th. 8 Single team elimination sale, taco sale after all Masses
you can provide as Lent is a There will also be a capirotada contest after
time for almsgiving as we ASA Rules Slow pitch
prepare for Easter Sun- We will have 8 captains to be 8:30am Mass!
day. Bins will be placed near placed on a team. All aged 18+ Proceeds go towards our new
the office and outside the
hall. We appreciate any as- are welcome to play! Msgr. Patrick Cronin Parish Life Center
sistance you are able to pro- Come enjoy an all day event
vide to this worthwhile with our parish family. $12/ www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org
cause. God Bless.
person tourney
Third Sunday of Lent STARTS @ 8AM
210-519-7323. THERE IS A
Rosario en Favor de la Vida Llevar al Señor a los Recibiendo la Receiving Holy
Ismael M. Díaz 210-391-0855 confinados en casa Sagrada Eucaristía Eucharist at Mass
Se extiende a los miembros de Si escucha el llamado para en la misa When we fully participate in
la Parroquia una cordial servir en la parroquia Mass and are able to receive
considere unirse al Cuando participamos ple- our Lord in the Eucharist
invitación para que nos namente en la misa y pode- (meaning we are in a state of
ministerio de ministros de la mos recibir a nuestro Señor grace) we know and truly
acompañen a rezar el rosario en Santa Comunión a los en la Eucaristía (es decir, believe we are receiving the
español, en favor de la vida. Se confinados en casa. estamos en un estado de true body of Christ. This is
gracia), sabemos y realmen- not a “symbol” or a metaphor
lleva acabo cada miércoles a las Aquellos que ya no pueden te creemos que estamos for our Lord, but his true
salir de sus casas necesitan a recibiendo el verdadero body received after the priest
9:00 de la mañana en la Iglesia cuerpo de Cristo. Esto no consecrates the host and
después de la Santa Misa. Los Jesús a través de la es un "símbolo" o una me- wine. Because we have such
Eucaristía. Si usted siente táfora de nuestro Señor, reverence for our Lord Jesus
esperamos. este llamado, comuníquese sino su verdadero cuerpo Christ, we must show the
recibido después de que el same reverence for the Holy
con el Diácono Pino al sacerdote consagra la hos-
210-684-620 o tia y el vino. Debido a que Eucharist. When receiving
tenemos tanta reverencia the Eucharist at Mass, it is
[email protected]. por nuestro Señor Jesucris- highly encouraged to receive
to, debemos mostrar la mis- directly on the tongue. If
ACTS Fiesta Medals Estudio Biblico en Español ma reverencia por la Sagra- receiving in the hand, the
Get you medals in time to Sr. Rodolfo Nuñez da Eucaristía. Al recibir la correct way is to place your
wear them to our Prince of 210-520-0684 Eucaristía en la misa, se left palm, on your right palm,
Peace Fiesta on April 7. recomienda encarecidamen- when the priest or minister of
Prince of Peace ACTS mem- Invitación para las personas que te recibirla directamente en Holy Communion says “The
bers will be selling these deseén participar ó formar parte la lengua. Si recibe en la Body of Christ” the only re-
unique medals on March 10 mano, la forma correcta es sponse is “AMEN!” When
and 11 before and after all de un grupo pequeño que ya colocar su palma izquierda, the Eucharist is placed in
masses. These collectible existe actualmente. En este en su palma derecha, cuan- your left palm, you pick it up
medals will be on sale for grupo temenos estudio biblico do el sacerdote o el minis- with your right hand, step to
$10 each or 2 medals for en español los lunes a las 10 a. tro de la Sagrada Comu- the side of the MOHC or
$18. Proceeds from this sale m. –11:30 a.m. en el salon 105. nión dice "El Cuerpo de priest, consume, and then
will benefit our Men’s and Te esperamos para que amplies Cristo" la única respuesta prayerfully walk back to your
Women’s ACTS retreats. We es "¡AMÉN!" Cuando se pew to continue pray-
will accept cash, checks pay- tus conocimientos o nos coloca la Eucaristía en la ing. You may not walk back
able to Prince of Peace Cath- compartas los tuyos. palma de su mano izquier- to your pew with the Eucha-
olic Church, or credit cards. da, la levanta con la mano rist still in your hand.
You will be able to add them We have about 8 to 10 other derecha, pasa al lado del
to your collection immedi- ministries who will also be ministro de la Sagrada Co-
ately; for we have the med- selling medals in the coming munión o sacerdote, consu-
als on hand. Thank you for weeks, so keep an eye out! me y luego, devotamente,
supporting our ACTS Com- camina hacia su banco para
munity. 'But how can I display all my continuar orando. No pue-
Prince of Peace medals at all de caminar de regreso a su
Viva Prince of Peace the Fiesta events this year?' banco con la Eucaristía to-
Catholic Church you may be thinking...GOOD davía en su mano.
NEWS!! The Arts & Crafts ladies
& Viva Fiesta 2018! are selling Fiesta medal sashes!
Most are $15. You can email
[email protected] or call Alicia
at 210-681-5886
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic March 4, 2018
WEDDINGS: Sparecpraarmateinotns psraecpraamraecnitóanl pastoral staff
At least 6
months before
Rev. Rodolfo Caballero
the desired date to begin making BODAS: Se requiere al [email protected]
arrangements. Attendance to an Archdiocese
of San Antonio approved preparatory menos 6 meses antes de la Parochial Vicar
program is required. Contact fecha deseada para comenzar
Deacon Robert Correa 210-218-8686 a hacer los arreglos. Rev. Praveen Lakkisetti
[email protected] También se pide la [email protected]
asistencia de un programa
BAPTISMS (ages 6 & under): An preparatorio aprobado por
la Arquidiócesis de San Robert Correa, Pino Sanabria
appointment to go over the necessary Antonio. Diácono Robert Tim McCarthy, Richard Juarez, Rev. Dcn.
paperwork for the required classes is needed. Duncan Amek, Eddie Limas (retired)
Baptisms can be scheduled only after Correa 210-218-8686
completion of classes, and submission of all Parish Administrator
[email protected]
Gloria Cortinaz ext. 14
needed documents to the parish office. BAUTIZOS (niños [email protected]
Godparents must be living in accordance
menores de 6 años): Se Bookkeeper
with the Catholic Faith. Contact
Deacon Tim McCarthy 861-2638 or necesita una cita para Jesse Garcia ext. 12
[email protected] repasar los documentos [email protected]
necesarios para las clases
Liturgical Ministry Coordinator
requeridas. Los padres y & Ministry Coordinator
PASTORAL COUNCIL FINANCE padrinos deben asistir a Beckie Raymond ext. 28
Jesse Tovar, Chair Ministrycoordinator
210-316-1218 COMMITTEE clases de preparación para el @princeofpeacecatholic.org
Mark Villarreal, Chair bautismo. Bautizos pueden
[email protected] ser programados solamente Adult Faith Formation
Elvira Arrieta, Co Chair 210-364-5030 después de la terminación de
[email protected] las clases y presentación de Barbara Forde ext. 22
210-387-2625 [email protected]
[email protected] Vivian Garza-Steele, todos los documentos
Co-Chair Middle/High School Faith Formation
Becky Cortez Coordinator & Youth Group Leader
210-273-9550 210-844-3413
[email protected] Frank Ramos ext. 26
Therese Blankenship [email protected] necesarios a la oficina [email protected]
Rachel Tellez
210-859-0848 210-708-0065 parroquial. Los padrinos Elementary Faith Formation (K-5)
[email protected] [email protected] deben vivir de acuerdo a la
Jaime Fernandez fe Católica. Diácono Tim Rosemary Hernandez ext. 18
Patti Brandt [email protected]
210-621-7320 210-535-9716 McCarthy 210-861-2638
[email protected] Mother’s Day Out Program &
Moji Adeeko [email protected] [email protected] Kid's Day Out Program Director
210-268-3957 Cruz Muñoz
[email protected] Karolyn Mata ext. 19
Sujan Maddela 210-288-3495 [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] Director of Communications
Victor Gomez Kandice Rosario ext. 15
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Claudia Escamilla ext. 29
Ray Martinez [email protected]
Mike Siguaw Administrative Assistant
210-647-5788 Duncan Amek ext 10
[email protected]
Bulletin announcements must be emailed to
[email protected] Bookkeeper Assistant
by 3 pm on Monday. Messages may not run Marybel Peters ext.17
[email protected]
concurrent due to space.
Faith Formation Admin. Assistant
Desiree Arenas ext. 27
[email protected]
Faith Formation Admin. Assistant
Ana Karen Ramirez ext. 23
[email protected]
Jose Ruiz, Carlos Music, Sean Magee
[email protected]
Third Sunday of Lent www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org