7893 Grissom Rd
San Antonio, TX 78251
[email protected]
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic February 4, 2018
Mass & Total collection for Offerings
January 28, 2018
confession $23,223.64 Candles & f l owers
Thank you for
schedule your generosity! Sanctuary and
Weekdays: 8:15 am Mass Attendance Adoration Candle
12:05 p.m. Saturday Week of Feb 4 - Feb 10
Followed by 5 pm……….....426 In Thanksgiving for Ash Wednesday Schedule
Exposition of The Sunday Isabella Rose Trevino Holy Mass times
Blessed Sacrament 6:30am
8:30 am……….494 In Memory of 8:15am
Saturday vigil: 5pm 10:30 am……..796 Felix Tavarez Santana 12:05pm
Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30 12:30 pm……..690
from friends & family 5pm Church (English) &
am, 12:30 pm, 2pm 2 pm…………..390 Hall (Spanish)
7 pm…………..355 In Memory of
Total………..3,151 Felix Tavarez Santana
(Spanish) & 7pm *these numbers include from friends & family 7pm Church (English) &
Hall (Spanish)
Confessions children & faith formation Altar Flowers
Tuesday 6pm - 7pm students In Thanksgiving for Distribution of Ashes &
Saturday: 3 pm - 4:30 pm someone very special Prayer service times
**Subject to change on *Count is taken manually 10am
holidays or Feast days from Isabella Rose Trevino 11am
by ushers 3pm
Adoration of the Blessed
Monday thru Friday from 9
a.m. to 8 p.m. unless
otherwise noted.
Wawreheo Parish office phone & hours Vision of Prince of Peace: Second Collections for
(210) 681-8330 Every parishioner February
Fax (210) 681-2286 experience God´s love by February 3rd & 4th
Monday - Friday: 8:30 am to means of the liturgy and Prince of Peace
5 pm (closed 12-12:30 pm)
sacraments, ministry Building Maintenance Fund
& 6pm to 8:30 pm participation, prayer,
and parish family life in February 10th & 11th
Faith Formation office such a way that he/she Church in Central & Eastern
phone & hours:
(210) 681-5063 cannot but become joyful Europe (usccb.org)
and a missionary of Jesus
Monday-Thursday February 14h (Ash Wed.)
8:30 am - 5pm Christ and his Gospel. Prince of Peace
Sunday: 7:30 am - 2pm Building Maintenance Fund
Prince of Peace Catholic To sponsor a Sanctuary and www.facebook.com/ February 17th & 18th
Church is a community Adoration Candle PrinceOfPeaceCatholic Prince of Peace
united in faith, bringing (requested offering of $10 Follow us, Tweet us, St. Vincent de Paul
Christ’s love to the world. for one week) or altar
Subscribe to our channel, February 24th & 25th
flowers (requested donation and “Like” us today!
of $50 for one week) please Catholic Missions (usccb.org)
come by the parish office Instagram: SAPrinceOfPeace **SUBJECT TO CHANGE
during working hours to Snapchat: SAPrinceOfPeace
make arrangements.
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org
Horarios de misa para el Colecta para Sociedad de San Vicente de Horario
miércoles de ceniza
14 de febrero veladoras y flores Paúl 210-462-9388 de misas
6.30 am [email protected]
8.15 am Veladoras del sagrario y y confesiones
12.05 pm Adoración La despensa de comida de San
Lunes a Viernes
5.00 pm Iglesia (Inglés) y Semana del 4 de febrero Vicente de Paúl está abierta los 8.15 am, 12.05 pm
Salón Parroquial (español) al 10 de febrero miércoles y viernes de 9:15 a.m. La exposición del
7.00 pm Iglesia (Inglés) y Santísimo será despues
Salón Parroquial (español) En acción de gracias a 11:00 a.m. para proveer (y
Isabella Rose Trevinode de cada misa
Distribución para aceptar donaciones)
de cenizas y horarios de En memoria de: alimentos y asistencia Sábado: 5pm (Inglés)
Felix Tavarez Santana Domingo: 8.30 am, 10.30
servicio de oración financiera a familias necesitadas
10.00 am de parte de familia & amigos am, 12.30 pm, & 7pm
11.00 am dentro de los limites de príncipe (Inglés)
3.00 pm En memoria de de paz. Para obtener más
Felix Tavarez Santanade Domingo: 2pm (Español)
información, llame al 210-462-
de parte de familia & amigos
9388 y deje un mensaje de voz o
envíe un correo electrónico a
[email protected]. Un
voluntario le devolverá su
llamada ó responderá a su
correo electrónico tan pronto
como sea posible. Se requiere
una identificación con su foto y
una prueba de domicilio actual.
Flores del Altar Confesiones
En acción de gracias por
Horario de oficina
alguien muy especial de parroquial Martes: 6 pm - 7 pm
Sábado: 3 pm - 4.30 pm
de parte de Lunes a Viernes:
Isabella Rose Trevino 8.30 am a 5 pm (cerrado * * sujeto a cambios en
12-12:30 pm) & 6 pm a días festivos o dias de
8.30 pm obligación
(210) 681-8330
Misión: La Iglesia Príncipe Adoración del Santísimo es en Horario de atención
de Paz es una comunidad, la capilla de lunes a viernes de 9
departamento de educación
unida en la fe y a.m. a 8 p.m. a menos que se
comprometida a transmitir católica año calendario de
el amor de Cristo al mundo. indique lo contrario
Agosto a Mayo
Lunes a Jueves:
8.30 am a 5 pm
Para adquirir una Visión: Domingo: 7.30 am a 2 pm
Que cada uno de los
veladora de adoración feligreses experimenten el Teléfono (210) 681-5063
del sagrario (la donación amor de Dios a través de la
es de $10 por una liturgia, de los sacramentos,
Twitter: @SAPrinceOfPeace semana) o para las flores del voluntariado, a través de
del altar (la donación es
Quiénesla participación de la
YouTube: PrinceOf Peace de $50 por una semana),
por favor páse a la oficina comunidad en un ministerio,
Catholic Church-SA parroquial durante somosde tal manera que cada
Síganos en Twitter, horario de oficina para persona pueda convertirse en
suscríbase a nuestro hacer su donación. una persona de gozo y un
canal, y denos un “Like” misionero de Jesucristo y su
en Facebook evangelio.
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic February 4, 2018
Weekly calendaorf events Reflections Readings
Sun 4 "Let us go on to the & Feast Days
nearby villages
8am - 1:30pm……..Faith Formation Classes……..Hall/Clsrms Feb. 4th to Feb. 11th
that I may preach
Mon 5 there also. Sunday
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7;
5:30am - 7:00am….TMIY……..……...…………..……...Hall For this purpose 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23;
9am - 2:30pm……..MDO…………..………….....Hall/Clsrms have I come." Mk 1:29-39
10am - 12pm……...Spanish Charismatic……..………...Port 2 Mk 1: 38
10am - 12pm……...Spanish Bible Study………………..Port 3 Monday
1pm - 3pm………...Arts & Crafts……………………...House We all have a purpose too. 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13;
7pm……………….Divine Mercy…………………….Rm 104 Some of us already know
6:30pm……………KofC Officer’s Meeting.…………Rm 105 our purpose, or vocation. Mk 6:53-56
7pm - 8:30pm…….Eucharistic Praise & Adoration.…..Church Some of us to be married, St. Agatha
some to be single, and some
Tues 6 Tuesday
to the priesthood or 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30;
8:30am - 2:30pm….KDO...…...……………..........Hall/Clsrms consecrated life. Are you
9:15am……………The Way of the Cross…….………Church living your purpose? Are Mk 7:1-13
9am - 1:30pm…….AMSIF.……………….……….…....Port 1 you allowing God’s grace St. Paul Miki &
7pm……………….LifeTeen………….………..…...……Hall to help you in your call?
7pm……………….Rosary Guild……..………..Rm 101 - 102 Companions
7pm……………….Sunday Liturgy Study Group…….Rm 105 How can we be a better
6:30pm……………Guadalupanos Mtg…………...…..Rm 105 preacher of the Word in Wednesday
6:30pm……………KofC Officer’s Meeting.…………...Port 3 1 Kgs 10:1-10;
6pm - 7pm………..Confessions……...……...…..Confessional our everyday life?
Mk 7:14-23
Wed 7 Be the reflection of Jesus
in what you say & do. Thursday
8:30am - 2:30pm….MDO………………………...Hall/Clsrms Read Sacred Scripture, 1 Kgs 11:4-13;
9:15am - 11am……St. Vincent de Paul…….……..……House
9am - 10am……….Pro-Life Rosary Prayer Group...….Church pray and reflect; and allow Mk 7:24-30
7pm……………….RCIA Session...…………..….Hall/Clsrms God to help you spread
His word. Friday
Thurs 8 1 Kg 11:29-32; 12:19;
8:30am - 2:30pm.…KDO….…...……...................Hall/Clsrms Mk 7:31-37
6:30pm……………Welcoming Committee……...…...Rm 104
7pm……………….EDGE….…….….………………..…..Hall Saturday
7pm……………….Young Adults…..……………...…...Port 1 1 Kgs 12:26-32;
Fri 9 13:33-34;
Mk 8:1-10
9:15am - 11am……St. Vincent de Paul………………...House St. Scholastica
7pm……………….Epic Bible Study……………………..Hall
Sat 10 Lv 13:1-2, 44-46;
Cor 10:31—11:1;
7:30am………...….Men’s Prayer Group………...Rm 101-102
Mk 1:40-45
6:30pm……………...Valentine’s Family Dance..........................Hall
3pm - 4:45pm……..Confession………....Chapel/Confessional
Sun 11
8am - 1:30pm……..Faith Formation Classes……..Hall/Clsrms
WANT TO BE BETTER PREPARED FOR MASS NEXT SUNDAY? Are you a Young Adult 18-30, or know anyone who is? Do you have
Then join the Sunday Liturgy Study Group that meets every questions about life and faith? Do you desire a deeper relationship
Tuesday at 7 p.m. to “break-open” the readings of the coming with Jesus? The Young Adult Ministry invites you to join us
Sunday and so get a better understanding of God’s message to be Thursday’s at 7pm in the portables to grow in our faith with us as we
proclaimed at Mass, and, expanded upon by the Homilist. Meeting journey together.
starts by praying the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament so as to
set a spiritual mood of the meeting.
CONTACT: Deacon Pino Sanabria; 210-684-6205
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time
EDGE Retreat: Young men of the parish, if Sun. Feb. 4
Salvation you feel called to the 8:30 am
religious life, we would like
March 10th – 11th to invite you to the annual †Olivia Adame
Slumber Falls, New Braunfels Andrew Dinner on
10:30 am
For more information, contact Royd Arenas Wednesday, February 28th at †Joe Saldivar
210-218-8799 [email protected] 6:30pm. The dinner will be
held at Assumption 12:30 pm
Give the gift of a lasting footprint at our Seminary (St. John’s †José Luis Treviño
Prince of Peace parish by purchasing a Hall). Come share a meal
with priests and religious 2:00 pm
brick for our Garden of Grace. men. This an opportunity to Antolina Reyes
fellowship, ask questions and Birthday Blessings
receive guidance as you
discern this calling. To 7:00pm
register or to receive more †People of the Parish
information, contact Beckie
Raymond at ministrycoordi- Mon. Feb. 5
nator@princeofpeacecatholic 8:15 am
.org or 210-735-0553.
People of the Parish
12:05 pm
Agustin Reyes
Birthday Blessings
Tues. Feb. 6
8:15 am
Kevin Gonzalez
12:05 pm
Familia Rojas-Garcia
Wed. Feb. 7
8:15 am
†Robert Ortiz, Sr.
12:05 pm
Eric Anderson 0’Rourke
Birthday Blessings
Thurs. Feb 8
8:15 am
In Thanksgiving
Andrea Tercero
12:05 pm
†Oralia Garcia-Bustos
Fri. Feb 9
8:15 am
Sandra Lopez-Cantu
12:05 pm
†For all soldiers deceased
Sat. Feb 10
5:00 pm
†Sonia Palacio Fernandez
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic February 4, 2018
First Reading Gospel this point in Mark’s Gospel, sick. In the Sacrament of the
Job 7:1-4,6-7 we begin to see a distinct Anointing of the Sick, the
Job laments his sufferings reading role for the inner circle of Church prays for spiritual
and his life. Jesus’ disciples—they act as and physical healing, for-
mediately began to serve Je- intermediaries between Jesus giveness of sins, and comfort
Second Reading sus and his disciples. Jesus and the people. Jesus reports for those who are suffering
1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23 also cured many others who to his disciples that they from illness.
Paul explains the conditions were brought to him, healing need to leave Capernaum to
under which he preaches the their illnesses and driving out preach in other places. In today’s Gospel we also
gospel and the reasons why demons. As we will see notice the importance
he will not accept financial throughout Mark’s Gospel, Today’s Gospel completes a of prayer in Jesus’ daily life.
help from the Corinthians. Jesus did not permit the de- picture of Jesus’ ministry: Jesus rose early in the morn-
mons to speak because they preaching, curing the sick, ing, removed himself from
Gospel Reading knew his identity and would driving out demons, and the crowds, and went to a
Mark 1:29-39 have revealed it to those who then moving on to continue deserted place to pray.
Jesus cures Simon’s mother- were present. this work in another place. When the disciples found
in-law and many others as Mark's Gospel tells us that him, he told them that it was
well. On the morning after this Jesus did this throughout time to move on. We believe
busy day, Jesus retreated in Galilee. that in his prayers Jesus
Background on the Gospel prayer, but was pursued by found guidance and direction
Reading Simon and others who Jesus’ compassion and heal- from God. We also bring our
brought news that many peo- ing of the sick is a sign of decision-making to God in
Today we continue to read ple were looking for him. At the Kingdom of God. The prayer, asking for his guid-
from Mark’s Gospel, learn- Church continues to extend ance and direction in our
ing more about the ministry Christ’s healing presence to lives.www.loyapress.com
of Jesus. Jesus cured Simon’s others in its ministry to the
mother-in-law, and she im-
¿Quién no se ha sentido con- muchedumbre, en busca de Elevacntudgeerllaio La misión no sabe de límites
cernido en algún momento de ni fronteras, como tampoco
su vida por la sabia reflexión una solución a sus males. Esta es la misión que com- las tiene la humanidad su-
que nos deja en la primera parte Jesús con sus discípu- friente abriendo sus manos
lectura el fragmento del libro Jesús sí que se acercaba a los: para eso ha venido(Mc
de Job? La corta y penosa todos ellos. Les mostraba el 1,38). Para mostrar el mis- tendidas.
vida del hombre sobre la tier- rostro indulgente y bon- mo camino adoptado por
ra, al igual que la del esclavo dadoso de la salvación de Dios en su manera de aco- Oración y servicio, en unidad
que suspira por la sombra o Dios, el Yahvé, nuestra justi- ger y abrazar incondicional- indisoluble, configuran las
la del jornalero que espera su mente la debilidad humana. dos caras del evangelizador.
salario, transcurre “en meses cia anunciado por los pro- Un camino que comienza Mientras sus discípulos
de desengaño y en noches de fetas (Jr 23,6), el Dios ami- por los más cercanos del duermen, Jesús busca la in-
sufrimiento”. La palabra de go de los pobres que sana los espacio íntimo y familiar de timidad con Dios en la sole-
Job presta de este modo su corazones quebrantados y ven- la casa de Simón y de An- dad de la alborada. El poste-
drés, que les llevará a con- rior tono quejoso de los
voz a todos los enfermos y ende- da sus heridas celebrado por tinuación a la discípulos: todos te bus-
el salmista en el salmo re- muchedumbre que se ar-
moniados de que habla el sponsorial. ¿No estaban en remolina en torno a su can, denota su incomprensión
boca de todos sus gestos de puerta y que les abrirá fi- (lo mismo que les ocurrió a
evangelio. Nos muestra el atención, de solicitud y de nalmente el horizonte de sus padres cuando, todavía
rostro malherido y sufriente servicio, su benéfica benev- los pueblos vecinos para un niño, le encontraron en-
de tantas personas postradas, olencia? Pablo, apóstol de hacer extensiva la Palabra tre los doctores del templo).
agobiadas, afligidas, dep- Jesucristo, nos muestra en de Dios por toda la Galilea. La estrategia de Jesús es
rimidas, ninguneadas, la segunda lectura idéntica clara y contundente: les invi-
desheredadas…, ese largo actitud evan- ta a seguirle por los caminos
etcétera que desfila a diario gélica haciéndose débil con los de toda Galilea proclamando
ante los ojos de todos y a las la Buena Nueva. No hará
que tan poca atención sole- débiles para de esta manera falta ningún otro aprendizaje
mos prestar. Rostros desfig- llegar a todos: me he hecho a la hora de ir disipando sus
urados por el dolor y la an-
gustia, perdidos entre el todo a todos para salvar a dudas.
anonimato de la
toda costa a algunos. La pri- De www.dominicos.org
mera generación de cris-
tianos encontró en él un
auténtico referente de sus
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic February 4, 2018
CONGRATULATIONS to KofC If you hear the calling to serve Is Your Marriage
Council 7983 student the Parish, please consider Struggling? There is
becoming a Minister of Holy Hope. There IS HELP.
athletes who participated in Communion!
the area shoot off on RETROUVAILLE is a highly
We will be having a training successful program to help
January 25. They will be session for new members of couples heal and renew their
representing Council 7983 this ministry on February 20,
and Prince of Peace at The 2018, at 6:30 pm in the church. marriages.
Regional Free Throw will be
held at St Peter and Joseph’s For further information or to The next course in San Anto-
sign up for the training, please nio begins on FEBRUARY 9,
on February 10.
contact Carlos Hernandez 2018.
at 210-378-2226.
For more information, or to
register, go to: HelpOurMar-
riage.org or call 210-848-
BATTLE OF THE Viva Prince of Peace ACTS Fiesta Medals Knights Corner
DIAMOND Catholic Church Get your Prince of Peace Lent is almost upon us and
2018 Tricentennial Fiesta
Prince of Peace Co-Ed Charity & Viva Fiesta 2018! Medals!! Prince of Peace that means time for the
Softball Tournament, March ACTS will be selling these Knights of Columbus Fish
24th. 8 Single team elimination We have about 8 to 10 other unique medals after all Fry. We will begin holding
ministries who will also be Masses on Feb. 10-11. These our fish frys on Friday 2/16
ASA Rules Slow pitch selling medals in the coming collectible medals will be on
We will have 8 captains to be weeks, so keep an eye out! sale for $10 each or 2 med- and run Friday during
placed on a team. All aged 18+ als for $18. Proceeds from lent. We will begin serving
'But how can I display all my this sale will benefit our
are welcome to play! Prince of Peace medals at all Men’s and Women’s ACTS between 6:00pm and
Come enjoy an all day event the Fiesta events this year?' retreats. We will accept 6:30pm. Watch the bulletin
with our parish family. $12/ you may be thinking...GOOD cash, checks payable to for more information. We
NEWS!! The Arts & Crafts ladies Prince of Peace Catholic
person tourney are selling Fiesta medal sashes! Church, or credit cards. You hope to see you there for
STARTS @ 8AM Most are $15. You can email will be able to add them to some great food, fun, and
CONTACT CYO ATHLETIC [email protected] or call Alicia your collection immediately;
for we have the medals on fellowship.
DIRECTOR DAVID TRISTAN at 210-681-5886 hand. Thank you for sup-
porting our ACTS Communi- Also, the Knights will be as-
210-519-7323. WE WILL AL- ty. sisting in directing traffic on
the church property after the
evening masses on Ash
TER SUNDAY MORNING Wednesday, February
14th. Be on the lookout for
MASSES. THERE IS A LIMIT us as we direct the parking in
the side field and in the back
OF 96 TOTAL PARTICI- by the CYO fields and please
be patient as we do our best
PAINTS SO SECURE YOUR to get you in and out of the
parking lots safely. God
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org
Join us for a night of
Praise, Worship and
Eucharistic Adoration
February 5, 2017
7pm - 8:30 pm
Acompañenos en una
noche de alabanza y
Fecha: Lunes 5 de febrero
Lugar: Iglesia Prince of
Hora: 7-8:30 pm
Everyone is invited!
Todas son invitados!
Si escucha el llamado para sirvir Llevar al Señor a los Rosario en Favor de la Vida Estudio Biblico en Español
a su parroquia, por favor consid- Sr. Rodolfo Nuñez
confinados en casa Ismael M. Díaz 210-391-0855 210-520-0684
ere ser ministro de
communión. Si escucha el llamado para Se extiende a los miembros de Invitación para las personas que
servir en la parroquia la Parroquia una cordial deseén participar ó formar parte
Tendremos una session de considere unirse al
entrenamiento el dia 20 de invitación para que nos de un grupo pequeño que ya
febrero en la iglesia a las 6:30 ministerio de ministros de la existe actualmente. En este
Santa Comunión a los acompañen a rezar el rosario en grupo temenos estudio biblico
pm. confinados en casa. español, en favor de la vida. Se en español los lunes a las 10 a.
Para más información favor de m. –11:30 a.m. en el salon 105.
Aquellos que ya no pueden lleva acabo cada miércoles a las Te esperamos para que amplies
llamar a Carlos Hernandez salir de sus casas necesitan a
210-378-2226. 9:00 de la mañana en la Iglesia tus conocimientos o nos
Jesús a través de la después de la Santa Misa. Los compartas los tuyos.
Eucaristía. Si usted siente
este llamado, comuníquese esperamos. February 4, 2018
con el Diácono Pino al
210-684-620 o
[email protected].
Like & follow us on Facebook.com/PrinceOfPeaceCatholic
WEDDINGS: Sparecpraarmateinotns psraecpraamraecnitóanl pastoral staff
At least 6
months before
Rev. Rodolfo Caballero
the desired date to begin making BODAS: Se requiere al [email protected]
arrangements. Attendance to an Archdiocese
of San Antonio approved preparatory menos 6 meses antes de la Parochial Vicar
program is required. Contact fecha deseada para comenzar
Deacon Robert Correa 210-218-8686 a hacer los arreglos. Rev. Praveen Lakkisetti
[email protected] También se pide la [email protected]
asistencia de un programa
BAPTISMS (ages 6 & under): An preparatorio aprobado por
la Arquidiócesis de San Robert Correa, Pino Sanabria
appointment to go over the necessary Antonio. Diácono Robert Tim McCarthy, Richard Juarez, Rev. Dcn.
paperwork for the required classes is needed. Duncan Amek, Eddie Limas (retired)
Baptisms can be scheduled only after Correa 210-218-8686
completion of classes, and submission of all Parish Administrator
[email protected]
Gloria Cortinaz ext. 14
needed documents to the parish office. BAUTIZOS (niños [email protected]
Godparents must be living in accordance
menores de 6 años): Se Bookkeeper
with the Catholic Faith. Contact
Deacon Tim McCarthy 861-2638 or necesita una cita para dar Jesse Garcia ext. 12
[email protected] información acerca de los [email protected]
documentos necesarios y las
Liturgical Ministry Coordinator
clases requeridas. Los & Ministry Coordinator
PASTORAL COUNCIL FINANCE padres y padrinos deben Beckie Raymond ext. 28
Jesse Tovar, Chair Ministrycoordinator
210-316-1218 COMMITTEE asistir a clases de @princeofpeacecatholic.org
Mark Villarreal, Chair preparación para el
[email protected] bautismo. Bautizos han de Adult Faith Formation
Elvira Arrieta, Co Chair 210-364-5030 ser programados solamente
[email protected] después de la terminación de Barbara Forde ext. 22
210-387-2625 [email protected]
[email protected] Vivian Garza-Steele, las clases y presentación de
Co-Chair Middle/High School Faith Formation
Becky Cortez Coordinator & Youth Group Leader
210-273-9550 210-844-3413
[email protected] Frank Ramos ext. 26
Therese Blankenship [email protected] todos los documentos [email protected]
Rachel Tellez
210-859-0848 210-708-0065 necesarios a la oficina Elementary Faith Formation (K-5)
[email protected] [email protected] parroquial. Los padrinos
Jaime Fernandez deben vivir de acuerdo a la Rosemary Hernandez ext. 18
Patti Brandt [email protected]
210-621-7320 210-535-9716 fe católica. Diácono Tim
[email protected] Mother’s Day Out Program &
Moji Adeeko [email protected] McCarthy 210-861-2638 Kid's Day Out Program Director
[email protected] Cruz Muñoz [email protected] Karolyn Mata ext. 19
Sujan Maddela [email protected]
210-844-6001 210-288-3495
[email protected] Director of Communications
[email protected]
Kandice Rosario ext. 15
Victor Gomez [email protected]
210-383-7714 Parish Secretary
[email protected] Claudia Escamilla ext. 29
[email protected]
Ray Martinez
Administrative Assistant
Mike Siguwa
Duncan Amek ext 10
210-647-5788 [email protected]
Bulletin announcements must be emailed to Bookkeeper Assistant
[email protected]
Marybel Peters ext.17
by 3 pm on Monday. Messages may not run [email protected]
concurrent due to space. Faith Formation Admin. Assistant
Desiree Arenas ext. 27
[email protected]
Faith Formation Admin. Assistant
Ana Karen Ramirez ext. 23
[email protected]
Jose Ruiz, Carlos Music, Sean Magee
[email protected]
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time www.PrinceofPeaceCatholic.org