Photo by Rohit Tandon on Unsplash
7893 Grissom Rd
San Antonio, TX 78251
[email protected]
“I am the vine, you are the
branches. Whoever remains
in me and I in him will bear
much fruit, because without
me you can do nothing.
Anyone who does not
remain in me will be
thrown out like a branch
and wither”
Jn 15:5-6
“Yo soy la vid, ustedes los April 29, 2018
sarmientos; el que
permanece en mí y yo en él,
ése da fruto abundante,
porque sin mí nada pueden
hacer. Al que no permanece
en mí se le echa fuera”
Jn 15:5-6
Like & follow us on
Mass & Parish office phone & Total collection for Offerings
hours April 22nd, 2018
confession $21,119.03 Candles & f l owers
(210) 681-8330 Thank you for
schedule Fax (210) 681-2286 your generosity! Week of
April 29 - May 5
Weekdays: 8:15 am Monday - Friday Mass Attendance
12:05 p.m. 8:30am to 6pm Saturday Flowers
Followed by (closed 12-12:30pm) In Thanksgiving for
5 pm……….....385
Exposition of The & 6pm to 8:30 pm Sunday Janet Garza
Blessed Sacrament (limited activity)
8:30 am……….481 Sanctuary and
Saturday vigil: 5pm Faith Formation office 10:30 am……..724 Adoration Candle
(ASL interpreter) phone & hours: 12:30 pm……..579
Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30 (210) 681-5063 2 pm…………..349 In loving memory of
am, 12:30 pm, 2pm 7 pm…………..399 David Saldaña
(Spanish) & 7pm Monday-Friday Total………..2,917
9:00 am - 5:00 pm From the his loving Family
Tuesday 6pm - 7pm Second Collections for *these numbers include In the month of May we will
Saturday: 3 pm - 4:30 pm April & May conduct a parish census
**Subject to change on children & faith formation
holidays or Feast days April 28th & 29th students during the weekend Masses
Catholic Home Missions to update our parish
Adoration of the Blessed *Count is taken manually database and better
Sacrament is in the chapel Appeal
Monday thru Friday from 9 by ushers communication with you,
May 5th & 6th and foster unity & family!
a.m. to 8:30 p.m. unless Prince of Peace Building Be on the lookout for more
otherwise noted.
Fund information.
May 12th & 13th Follow us, Tweet us,
Subscribe to our channel,
Catholic Charities **Reminder**
Due to the recording of and “Like” us today!
May 21st & 22nd
Prince of Peace Discovering our Faith
St. Vincent de Paul on Tuesday, May 8th, Prince of Peace Catholic
**SUBJECT TO CHANGE confession will be
MOVED from 5:30pm & Church is a community
united in faith, bringing
Vision of Prince of Peace: will end promptly at Christ’s love to the world.
Every parishioner 6:30pm
experience God´s love by Earlier that day, the
means of the liturgy and Blessed Sacrament will
be reposed from 12pm- To sponsor a Sanctuary and
sacraments, ministry Adoration Candle
2:30pm, and will end at
participation, prayer, (requested offering of $10 for
6:30pm. We apologize one week) or altar
for the inconvenience.
flowers (requested donation
of $50 for one week) please
come by the parish office
during working hours to
and parish family life in
Fifth Sunday of Easter such a way that he/she
cannot but become joyful
and a missionary of Jesus
Para adquirir una Colecta para Sociedad de San Vicente de Horario
veladora de adoración
del sagrario (la donación veladoras y flores Paúl 210-462-9388 de misas
[email protected]
es de $10 por una Semana del 29 de abril al y confesiones
semana) o para las flores 5 de mayo La despensa de comida de San
del altar (la donación es Lunes a Viernes
de $50 por una semana), Veladoras del sagrario y Vicente de Paúl está abierta los 8.15 am, 12.05 pm
por favor páse a la oficina Adoración miércoles y viernes de 9:15 a.m. La exposición del
Santísimo será despues
parroquial durante En memoria de a 11:00 a.m. para proveer (y
horarios de oficina para David Saldaña de cada misa
para aceptar donaciones)
hacer su donación. de parte de la familia alimentos y asistencia Sábado: 5pm (Inglés)
Domingo: 8.30 am, 10.30
La bendición del Santísimo Flores financiera a familias necesitadas
Sacramento es a las 8:30 De gracias de Janet Garza am, 12.30 pm, & 7pm
p.m. En hacer esto, le da al dentro de los limites de príncipe (Inglés)
En el mes de mayo se hará de paz. Para obtener más
diácono o voluntario tiempo un censo parroquial en Domingo: 2pm (Español)
para ir a revisar la iglesia y información, llame al 210-462-
todas las habitaciones del
edificio. Así podrán salir del 9388 y deje un mensaje de voz o
envíe un correo electrónico a
[email protected]. Un
voluntario le devolverá su
llamada ó responderá a su
correo electrónico tan pronto
como sea posible. Se requiere
una identificación con su foto y
una prueba de domicilio actual.
edificio con seguridad. todas las misas del fin de Confesiones
semana para actualizar la
base de datos de nuestra Horario de la departamento Martes: 6 pm - 7 pm
parroquia y mejorar de educación católica Sábado: 3 pm - 4.30 pm
nuestra comunicación con durante Agosto a Mayo * * sujeto a cambios en
ustedes y para promover Lunes a Jueves: días festivos o dias de
8.30 am a 5 pm
la unidad y la familia. obligación
Esten pendientes para más Domingo: 7.30 am a 2 pm
información. Teléfono (210) 681-5063
Adoración del Santísimo es en
la capilla de lunes a viernes de 9
a.m. a 8:30 p.m. a menos que se
Síganos en Twitter, Misión: La Iglesia Príncipe Visión: Horario de oficina parroquial
suscríbase a nuestro de Paz es una comunidad, Que cada uno de los Lunes a Viernes:
canal, y denos un “Like” feligreses experimenten el
en Facebook unida en la fe y amor de Dios a través de la 8.30 am a 6 pm (cerrado 12-
comprometida a transmitir 12:30 pm) & 6 pm a 8.30 pm el amor de Cristo al mundo. liturgia, de los sacramentos,
PrinceOfPeaceCatholic del voluntariado, a través de Telefono (210) 681-8330
Instagram: SAPrinceOfPeace la participación de la Qsuoiémneos s
Snapchat: SAPrinceOfPeace comunidad en un ministerio,
Twitter: @SAPrinceOfPeace
de tal manera que cada
persona pueda convertirse en
una persona de gozo y un
misionero de Jesucristo y su
Like & follow us on April 29, 2018
Weekly calendaorf events faithformation Readings
Sun 29 Our Lifeteen/Edge Fiesta & Feast Days
Medals (right) are available
8am - 1:30pm…….Faith Formation Classes……...Hall/Clsrms for purchase for $10! Con- April 29th - May 6th
tact Amy Ramos at 210-639-
Mon 30 2316, or the Faith Formation Sunday
office at 210-681-5063 Acts 9:26-31
5:30am - 7:00am….TMIY……..…………………..……...Hall 1 Jn 3:18-24
9am - 2:30pm……..MDO………………..…..Classrooms/Hall
9am………...……..Bible Study on The Mass…………..Port 1 Jn 15:1-8
10am - 12pm……...Grupo de la Oración de la Divina Misericordia…Port 2 Fifth Sunday of Easter
10am - 12pm……...Spanish Bible Study………………..Port 3
1pm - 3pm………...Arts & Crafts……………..…Rock House Monday
6:45pm……………Charismatic Prayer Group.……Port 1 & 2 Acts 14:5-18
7pm……….Ministers of Holy Communion Meeting….…Hall Jn 14:21-26
7pm……………….Divine Mercy Prayer Group.…….Rm 104 Pope St. Pius V
Tues 1 Tuesday
Acts 14:19-28
9:15am……………The Way of the Cross…….………Church Jn 14:27-31a
9am - 2:30pm……..KDO………………..…..Classrooms/Hall St. Joseph the Worker
9am - 1:30pm…….AMSIF.……………….……….…....Port 1
7pm……………….Rosary Guild……..…………...….Rm 105 Wednesday
7pm……………….Sunday Liturgy Study Group…….Rm 104 Acts 15:1-6
7pm……………….Music Theory Class (Spanish)…...Rm 202 Jn 15:1-8
7pm……………….LifeTeen……………………………...Hall St. Athanasius
7pm……………….Guadalupanos Mtg……..…...Rm 101-102
7pm………….…....KofC Officers Meeting…………….Port 3 Thursday
6pm……………….Confessions………...Church/Confessional 1 Cor 15:1-8
Jn 14:6-14
Wed 2 Sts. Philip and James,
9am - 2:30pm……..MDO………………..…..Classrooms/Hall Apostles
9:15am - 11am……St. Vincent de Paul…….……Rock House
9am - 10am……….Pro-Life Rosary Prayer Group...….Church Friday
6pm……………….Choir Practice (10:30am/12:30pm)..…Port 3 Acts 15:22-31
6pm……………….Choir Practice (Español)…………...Port 4 Jn 15:12-17
Thurs 3 Acts 16:1-10
Jn 15:18-21
8:30am - 2:30pm.…KDO….…....……...................Hall/Clsrms
7pm……………….EDGE….…….….………………..…..Hall Sunday
7pm……………….Surviving Divorce………………..Rm 207 Acts 10:25-26,
34-35, 44-48
Fri 4
1 Jn 4:7-10
9am…1st Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.....Hall Jn 15:9-17
9:15am - 11am……St. Vincent de Paul………………...House Sixth Sunday of Easter
Sat 5 Purchase your Elementary
Faith Formation Fiesta
7am - 9am…….Men’s Morning Prayer Group…..Rm 101-102 Medals (above)! $12 each
9am - 12pm……….Baptism Class………………….....Church
10am - 2pm……….Bunco………………………………..Hall or 2 for $20. To purchase,
3pm - 4:45pm……..Confession………....Chapel/Confessional message or call Desiree
Arenas at (210) 218-8430,
Sun 6
or Rosemary Hernandez at
8am - 1:30pm……..Faith Formation Classes……...Hall/Clsrm (210) 274-6570 , or the
7am - 2pm………...Guadalupanos Taco Sale…………….Hall
Faith Formation office at
Fifth Sunday of Easter 210-681-5063
RCIA Are you ready to join us on our Minatsesntions
The Rite of Christian Initia- Sat. April 28
tion of Adults (RCIA), is a Crew Leader?! 5pm
process through which non-
baptized men and women en- Volunteers are needed. If interested, please see Ms. †Marta A. Hernandez
ter the Catholic Church. It Rosemary for a volunteer form. Spaces are limited.
consists of several stages Sun. April 29
marked by study, exploration VBS Date: June 11th-15th 8:30 am
and faith-sharing with litur-
gical rites at Mass. Seekers the Sacraments of Baptism, and complete a registration. Auguillio Mohammed
and inquirers are non- Confirmation and Eucha- If you have any questions,
baptized adults who desire to rist or Confirmation and call the Faith Formation 10:30 am
be fully initiated into the Ro- Eucharist, please stop by Office at 210-681-5063 x 22 People of the parish
man Catholic Church and/or the Faith Formation office and ask for Barbara Forde.
baptized adult Christians who 12:30 pm
desire full communion in the In Thanksgiving for
Roman Catholic Church. Rojas Garcia family
RCIA is also for children sev-
en years or older who are not 2:00 pm
baptized and are prepared for Maria Rojas Garcia
full initiation into the Roman
Catholic Church. 7:00 pm
We are coming to the close of Anderson Rojas Family
our current RCIA sessions Mon. April 30
8:15 am
and have started accepting
In Thanksgiving for
registrations for the next Rojas Garcia family
year. If you, or someone you 12:05 pm
know still needs to receive Mary Allen
Like & follow us on Tues. May 1
8:15 am
†Mary Flores
12:05 pm
†children who passed away
from natural causes
Wed. May 2
8:15 am
†Michael Ward
12:05 pm
†children who passed away
from natural causes
Thurs. May 3
8:15 am
†children who passed away
from natural causes
12:05 pm
†Holy Souls in Purgatory
Fri. May 4
8:15 am
†Holy Souls in Purgatory
12:05 pm
†Holy Souls in Purgatory
April 29, 2018
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Volunteers needed!
If the Lord is calling you to help our effort of our Like a Mustard Seed Capital Campaign as vol-
unteer, and in this form, take part of our mission in this important chapter of our history as a par-
ish community, contact Miguel Torres at [email protected]. As a volunteer you
will receive information of the goals and structure of the campaign, and training on how to solicit
a gift for the campaign from our fellow parishioners.
Who are the volunteers for this campaign?
A successful campaign needs volunteers to reach out to parishioners and seek their support for
the Like a Mustard Seed capital campaign. These volunteers are all members of Prince of Peace.
They all received an orientation of the goals of the campaign and training on how to personally
request parishioners for a campaign gift. They are here to answer questions about the campaign
and will be contacting as many parishioners as possible.
If you receive a call, please take the call or return the message. Please do not avoid talking to
them—it makes their job more difficult and puts them in a position where they must keep calling
to reach you. If you are asked to meet, please give our volunteers 15 minutes of your time. They
want to briefly explain the campaign goals, answer your questions and receive a decision about
your participation. Their work directly benefits our parish. Be sure to thank them!
¡Se Buscan Voluntarios!
Si siente un llamado del Señor para apoyar nuestro esfuerzo como voluntario de nuestra campaña
de capital Como un Grano de Mostaza, y así tomar parte activa de nuestra misión en este impor-
tante capítulo de la historia de nuestra comunidad parroquial, por favor póngase en contacto con
Miguel Torres al [email protected]. Como voluntario se recibirá una introducción
de las metas de nuestra campaña y entrenamiento de como solicitar un donativo de nuestros pa-
¿Quiénes son los voluntarios de esta campaña?
Una campaña exitosa requiere voluntarios para contactar a los parroquianos en busca de su apoyo
para la campaña de capital Como un Grano de Mostaza. Todos estos voluntarios son miembros de
Príncipe de Paz y han recibido una orientación sobre las metas de la campaña. También fueron en-
trenados para acercarse a los feligreses y facilitar la petición de donativos. Estarán disponibles pa-
ra aclarar dudas y se pondrán en contacto con el mayor número de miembros de la parroquia co-
mo les sea posible.
Si usted recibe una llamada, por favor tómela o repórtese más tarde. Se agradece que no deje de
hablar con ellos, pues esto hace más difícil su labor, pues de otro modo, los obligaría a seguir lla-
mando hasta recibir una respuesta. Si le piden un encuentro personal, por favor deles 15 minutos
de su tiempo. Ellos desean explicar las metas de la campaña, contestar a sus preguntas y ayudarle
a tramitar la decisión final acerca de su aportación. Ellos están donando su tiempo en beneficio de
nuestra parroquia. No olvide agradecerles su servicio.
Like & follow us on April 29, 2018
Quick summary of pope’s new document on holiness
Gaudete et exsultate: On the Call to Holiness in Today's World Used with permission. Can also be found on
GAUDETE ET ourselves to be caught up in the devil and to pro-
EXSULTATE superficial information, in-
ON THE CALL TO stant communication and claim the Gospel.
HOLINESS IN TODAY’S virtual reality, we can waste
WORLD (4/9/18) precious time and become This battle is sweet,
CONTINUED FROM LAST indifferent to the suffering
flesh of our brothers and for it allows us to
WEEK sisters.
CHAPTER FOUR: Signs of 109. The powerful witness rejoice each time the
Holiness in Today’s World of the saints is revealed in Lord triumphs in our
110. I will not pause to ex- their lives, shaped by the
plain the means of sanctifica- lives.
tion already known to us: the 122. JOY COMBAT AND 112. PERSEVERANCE,
various methods of prayer, AND A PATIENCE & MEEKNESS
the inestimable sacraments of SENSE OF VIGILANCE
the Eucharist and Reconcilia- 159. We are not
tion, the offering of personal Beatitudes and the criterion dealing merely with a battle tion, envy and vice. When we
sacrifices, different forms of of the final judgement. I rec- let down our guard, he takes
devotion, spiritual direction, ommend rereading these
and many others as well. great biblical texts frequent- advantage of it to destroy
Here I will speak only of cer- ly, referring back to them, our lives, our families and
tain aspects of the call to holi- praying with them, trying to
ness that I hope will prove embody them. They will our communities.
especially meaningful.
111. They are five great ex- Alert and trustful
pressions of love for God and
neighbour that I consider of 162. Our path towards holi-
particular importance in the ness is a constant battle.
light of certain dangers and
Those who do not realize
limitations present in today’s
culture. There we see a sense this will be prey to failure or
of anxiety, sometimes violent,
that distracts and debilitates; mediocrity. For this spiritual
combat, we can count on the
powerful weapons that the
Lord has given us: faith-filled
prayer, meditation on the
against the world and a word of God, the celebration
worldly mentality that of Mass, Eucharistic adora-
would deceive us and leave tion, sacramental Reconcilia-
us dull and mediocre, lack- tion, works of charity, com-
ing in enthusiasm and joy. munity life, missionary out-
Nor can this battle be re-
Spiritual corruption
duced to the struggle
164. “Let us not fall asleep”.
against our human weak-
nesses and proclivities. It is Those who think they com-
mit no grievous sins against
also a constant struggle
against the devil. Jesus him- God’s law can fall into a state
self celebrates our victories. of dull lethargy.TO BE
More than a myth
161. Hence, we should not
think of the devil as a myth,
140. IN COMMUNITY a representation, a symbol, a
figure of speech
benefit us; they will make us or an idea. This
genuinely happy.
negativity and sullenness; the 129. BOLDNESS AND mistake would
self-content bred by consum- PASSION
erism; individualism; and all CHAPTER FIVE: Spiritual lead us to let
those forms of ersatz spiritu- Combat, vigilance and
ality – having nothing to do discernment down our guard,
with God – that dominate the 158. The Christian life is a
current religious market- constant battle. We need to grow careless
place. strength and courage to
108. Hedonism and consum- withstand the temptations of and end up more
erism can prove our downfall.
Similarly, when we allow vulnerable. The
devil does not
need to possess
us. He poisons us
with the venom 147. IN CONSTANT
of hatred, desola- PRAYER
Fifth Sunday of Easter
CYO has a Fiesta Medal!! Purchasing one of our Bunco! Ministers of Holy
$10 each.. Contact Brian KDO/MDO fiesta medals Communion Fiesta
Wiggins 210-744-1587 helps the kids get new The Ladies Auxiliary is
graduation robes. $10 or 2 hosting a Bunco on Medals are IN!
for $18. Available in either 1 for $10 or 2 for $18
the KDO/MDO office, or Saturday, May 05th from Contact: Arleen Smith
10am-2pm in the parish
the front parish office. (210) 365-8201
Purchase tickets for
$10.00 from the
Ladies Auxiliary.
JESÚS (primer
La próxima
reunion será el 4
de mayo, comenzando con la
misa de 8:15am. Después
habrá la oración del Sagrado
Corazón de Jesús, el Rosario,
y un almuerzo con una
presentación especial. Todos
son bienvenidos a compartir
el amor de Cristo con no-
Knight’s Corner There are many people Join us for a
“Summer with
Council 7983 and the St. Vin- living within the
cent de Paul Society would like boundaries of Prince of
to express our deepest grati- July 3rd - July 26th,
Peace Catholic Church 2018
tude for the generous donation
who feel alone. Do you (Tues. & Thurs. only)
of 2,558 pounds of food items have a couple of hours a
that were collected during our From 9am to
week to pray with 2:30pm
’40 cans for Lent’ Cam- someone? Take
Communion to people (Bring lunch. We provide a snack.)
paign. As you know our Socie- who can’t make it to Where: Prince of Peace R.E. Classrooms and
ty of St. Vincent de Paul serves Mass? Visit the sick?
Please join us for an Hall
many needy families with food For children 18 months to 8 years
informational meeting on Activities include Praise and Worship, Bible
items; these donations were Monday, April 30th in the
truly a blessing. We continue Parish Hall from 6:30pm Stories, Crafts, Games & more!
to 8pm. Come and hear Cost: Registration fee is $40/child
to pray for all that you do in first-hand from those who
our community. Tuition: $225
minister in this way. For more information call:
Council 7983 and the Prince of There are so many
rewards and blessings (210) 681-5063 ext. 19
Peace CYO would like to ex- God wants you to
press our deepest gratitude for experience in doing His Email:
work of mercy and love.
the generous donation of 123 [email protected]
jars of peanut butter that were
collected during our Peanut
Butter ‘drive’ earlier this
month. This was a great show
of love and support and will
provide St. Vincent de Paul
with the funds that can be used
to further serve the many needy
families with food items and
financial assistance. These do-
nations were truly a blessing.
Like & follow us on April 29, 2018
WEDDINGS: Sparecpraarmateinotns psraecpraamraecnitóanl pastoral staff
At least 6
months before
Rev. Rodolfo Caballero
the desired date to begin making BODAS: Se requiere al [email protected]
arrangements. Attendance to an Archdiocese
of San Antonio approved preparatory menos 6 meses antes de la Parochial Vicar
program is required. Contact fecha deseada para comenzar
Deacon Robert Correa 210-218-8686 a hacer los arreglos. Rev. Praveen Lakkisetti
[email protected] También se pide la [email protected]
asistencia de un programa
BAPTISMS (ages 6 & under): An preparatorio aprobado por
la Arquidiócesis de San Robert Correa, Pino Sanabria
appointment to go over the necessary Antonio. Diácono Robert Tim McCarthy, Richard Juarez,
paperwork for the required classes is needed. Eddie Limas (retired)
Baptisms can be scheduled only after Correa 210-218-8686
completion of classes, and submission of all Parish Administrator
[email protected]
Gloria Cortinaz ext. 14
needed documents to the parish office. BAUTIZOS (niños [email protected]
Godparents must be living in accordance
menores de 6 años): Se Bookkeeper
with the Catholic Faith. Contact
Deacon Tim McCarthy 861-2638 or necesita una cita para Jesse Garcia ext. 12
[email protected] repasar los documentos [email protected]
necesarios para las clases
Liturgical Ministry Coordinator
requeridas. Los padres y & Ministry Coordinator
PASTORAL COUNCIL FINANCE padrinos deben asistir a Beckie Raymond ext. 28
Jesse Tovar, Chair Ministrycoordinator
210-316-1218 COMMITTEE clases de preparación para el
Mark Villarreal, Chair bautismo. Bautizos pueden
[email protected] ser programados solamente Adult Faith Formation
Elvira Arrieta, Co Chair 210-364-5030 después de la terminación de
[email protected] las clases y presentación de Barbara Forde ext. 22
210-387-2625 [email protected]
[email protected] Vivian Garza-Steele, todos los documentos
Co-Chair Middle/High School Faith Formation
Becky Cortez Coordinator & Youth Group Leader
210-273-9550 210-844-3413
[email protected] Frank Ramos ext. 26
Therese Blankenship [email protected] necesarios a la oficina [email protected]
Rachel Tellez
210-859-0848 210-708-0065 parroquial. Los padrinos Elementary Faith Formation (K-5)
[email protected] [email protected] deben vivir de acuerdo a la
Jaime Fernandez fe Católica. Diácono Tim Rosemary Hernandez ext. 18
Moji Adeeko [email protected]
210-268-3957 210-535-9716 McCarthy 210-861-2638
[email protected] Mother’s Day Out Program &
Sujan Maddela [email protected] [email protected] Kid's Day Out Program Director
210-638-8408 Cruz Muñoz
[email protected] Karolyn Mata ext. 19
Mike Siguaw 210-288-3495 [email protected]
Lauren Magee [email protected] Director of Communications
Victor Gomez Kandice Rosario ext. 15
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Claudia Escamilla ext. 29
Ray Martinez [email protected]
[email protected] Bookkeeper Assistant
Marybel Peters ext.17
[email protected]
Faith Formation Admin. Assistant
Desiree Arenas ext. 27
[email protected]
Faith Formation Admin. Assistant
Ana Karen Ramirez ext. 23
[email protected]
Jose Ruiz, Carlos Music, Sean Magee
[email protected]
Bulletin announcements must be emailed to
[email protected]
by 3 pm on Monday. Messages may not run
concurrent due to space.
Fifth Sunday of Easter